50--Articles For Sale HEAVY duty range, $55. RA 35-5409. [47--Automobiies For Sale |48--Automobiles Wanted S50--Articles for Sale |'56 FOUR - door Buick hardtop, hydro- | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want matic, radid, two tome, low mileage. | 14 THE OSHA \ TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1760 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 47--Automobiles For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale 1859 5 Oxford 3600 miles, new 56 tutone, fordor, radio, heater, tires, private $1675. Terms. Ajax white wal a snow Sale. RA 5 '80 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, iat grey, 7000 miles, A-1 condition, aqui for sale. 109 Bruce ry RA 24125 after 5 p.m. NICE clean 34 Pontiac. Phone RA 8 0735. 59 BUICK Le Sabre, two-door metal lic blue, power steering, power brakes, radio. Sacrifice, $2400. Apply 483 Floyd Avenue after 6. BEFORE you Phone COlMax 3-2026. {ears for wresking. Highest prices paid. 5-181. bay any car, Paging wi {prices on Ie 50--Articles for Sale Heusen a opposite ey ve {King Street, one full year warranty. '59 AUSTIN Cambridge ASS in new con- dition, private. Phone WH 2-6410 Ajax WH [54 VOLKSWAGEN, new motor. Must Before be seen to be appreciated. p.m. apply 38 Colborne West. WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices, Oshawa Hard- ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. Apply 554 Veterans Ave- nue, end of Wilson Road South. WOooD FLAGSTONES for patios, sidewalk and drywalls. -- | FOR all in good condition, Phone MO 38-4444. SALE -- &plece walnut storms, Ideal for home or cottage. Apply 74 Cromvell Avenue. RA 3-7190. SKLAR , | $50.50 Smooth lop mattress for only 3c with the purchase of any bedroom in good dusky Jose. color, priced to sell, $75. Phone RA 5-9507. ri suite over $149. Our 5th 3|Special? Barons' Home Furnishings 424 Simcoe Street South. 's6 DODGE suburban, good me- chanically. Best offer. Telephone MO 8-2500 or MO 8-2681 57 BUICK Special, two door, hardtop. $1550 or best offer. Telephone RA 5-5972. a METEOR, excel sell reasonable for 8-4311 or apply 308 t condition, will ash. Telephone RA Drew Street. $i CHEVROLET mechanically A-L RA 3-7043. TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 AT YOUR FIAT DEALERS DON ROBINSON ESSO SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS. RA 3.9531 -- OSHAWA tion. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK: Two-door Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. Dial RA 3-3461 € USED CAR MID SUMMER SALE BE READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS AHEAD WITH A RECONDITIONED SAFE BUY '58 54 VOLKSWAGEN 2-door, one owner, / ERCURY 2-door Hardtop, USED CAR red and white, radio, padded dash, automatic. A real sharp like new $2295 . $1195 57 \OLDSMOBILE 4-door, black, automatic, radio, Rower steering, power brakes, for only $1695 54 PLYNOUM hardtop, clean, body and engine good ition, yadio, heater, good A MO 8-2586 Ss i '54 PONTIAC excellent condition, all extras. Apply 234 Bruce Street. ONE outboard motor, new, 2 hp, $95; two Findlay gas stoves, new, from $135; one Coleman, forced air furnace, new, $185; Coleman camping equip- ment for sale, cheap. Whitehall 2-3491. QUANTITY of 338 hardwood flooring, like new, reasonable. RA 3-4416. room suite buffet, 3 varnish- ed wooden interior doors and one lady's spring coat, size 16. Phone MO 8-2180. KEEP basement dry with a de- hum from Parkway TV, seven- day Bes | home trial. 918 Simede Street North, 3-3043. ONE, Roa Coca 3 Cola cooler, in first class 117 Court Street. CONTENTS of also modern chesterfield suite, limed oak tables, carpet, rubber underp: boy's sport coat and slacks. Telephone RA 3-3889. ONE GE presi electric stove, ad, | rallio, dresser, end tables, drapes, can. ner, arden tools, lawn mower, lady's al BOATS, forced to clear, 8, 10 14 and 15 ft. $39 and up. Save half, Barons i 5 Simcoe Street South. R ardtop 101 PETE boat, like new, Cadillac South, LLOYD light carriage, blue and white, $25. RA 3-7105. fully oH WAR! SE clearance of odds and ends, some slightly marked: two-piece deluxe style chesterfield suite, foam '55 ST AKER Ch able, private deal. Apply 381 Colborne Street East. upholstering, reg. $269, slashed for quick sale, $148. Three-piece bedroom suite, i Mr. and Mrs. Dresser 55 BSA. 650 CC motorcycle $350. RA 57233 '58 FORD convertible, radio, new top; also go-cart. Make offer. Will accept trade. MO 8-5670. '5% DODGE Viscount hardtop, automat. ic, radio, and white walls, Apply 374 Verdun Road, RA 5.8353. with tilt mirror, four-drawer chest, bookcase bed, reg. $219, big saving, close out, $119; Space Saver attractive durable covering, reg. $69, axed to $46; arborite topped desks, close out, $19; End of line coffee tables and end tables, $5. C attractive rubberized boucle|MA ELECTRIC incubator, used approx- 3-5058, Bowmanville. LLOYD baby carriage, $20, good tion and push type lawn mower, 464 Nipigon Street. condi. $5. imately five times, good as new. Phone ed with Turzor sa wand moter, good condi- tion 3-7041. embod range, good condition, reason- able. Phone RA 5-3228. 14-FT. TEAL CRAFT boat, fully equipp- trailer, also used outboard motors. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon Avenue at Verdun Road. RA 5-9251. BABY carriage with mattress in very Phone RA 3-3710 or RA 1960 GALE outboard motors, nine models, 3 to 60 h.p. at bargain prices from $119.95 up. Cy Preece Garage, Outboard Sales, Service and Repairs. Sladen Avenue and Verdun Road. RA 8-6980. JOHNSTON outboard motor, hp 1950, complete with controls a J $50. Phone RA 35-1068. BICYCLE, boy's size, CCM, good con- dition, "$15. Phone RA 5-1068. cash and earry, $5. Wilson Furniture, | 20 Church Street, 'S56. FORD custom line, {privately owned, practically new tires. |318 Mary Street West, MO 8-4204. |'55 MERCURY four door nine passen- ger station wagon, good condition, pri: vate, will consider trade. RA 5-6853. '59 PONTIAC station wagon, four door, automatic, power steering, fully equip- ped. Excellent condition. RA 3-3034. 59 OLDSMOBILE four door . sedan, fully power equipped, real buy at $2995. Phone RA 3-2932. 'sé METEOR Niagara, ag Sudan, good AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stipes Prompt service. Free pro WA $35, electric adding | machine, snap; new Smith Corona cash register $125; also check writer. RA | __° 3-444. now for early delivery. Chair and on rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent "|1¢ LAKECRAFT boat with centre deck and remote controls. Also .303 and 30.06 high power rifles. 313 Olive Avenue. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, planos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113L USED 17" TV sets, for your cottage. Trio television. 171 Bond Street East. in perfect running tires, $500 cash. Phone RA Ay 57 PONTIAC sedan, radio, automatic, back-ups, windshield washers, perfect condition. Must see to appreciate. Rea- sonable for cash, Call RA 5-5639. FIBREGLASS your wooden boat for carefree boating or we will do the job |for you. We carry a complete line of | materials, plus easy to follow instrue- tions, Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Street South, Whitby, . down. Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-3271, 4M lise South. A STAFFEUR reducing couch, prac- tically new. Self-timer included. Phone RA 5-3831. LLOYD baby Sartiage, oo condi- tion, $20. Phone RA 8-8924. MOFFAT range . 407, | 40; 0; rangette, $10; 9 x 9 carpel, $10; 75 watt trans. mitter receiver, $26; "50 Pontiac big 6, radio and white wall tires, sunvisor, seat covers, requires some attention, $100; 5° vepetian bi $10. 14%' MAHOGANY Nipissing boat, ho» model, well equipped. Must sell.' od SE, strip boat and trailer, reasonable. Apply 24 Brock Street East after 5 p.m. '59 SCOOTER for sale, $300 cash. Apply Annis Street. LADY'S all weather coat, shortie coat, summer dresses, blouses, etc., all good condition, size 16-18; also electric fan, RA 3-4057, 5 CHEVROLET Bel Rir four-door sedan, automatic, radio, tutone, white walls, immaculate condition ete. 3-9216. 195¢ FORD four-door Customline, conditioned motor, radio, 314 Brock Street North, Whitby. '5 FAIRLANE, automatic, radio, rear speaker, back-up lights, washers, Top condition. 84 Burk Street, Oshawa. '59 PONTIAC Paresienne 4-door hard top, July equipped, V8, $3650. Call RA 8-8592. OWN y I Get started BIG bedding sale save! Factory clearance of spring-filled Buy now and RA | mattresses. discontinued tickings, pric- ed for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental -|beds, some mismatched, some with head boards, clearout prices, from $24.00; Bunk beds, eight pieces, com- plete, sale price $58; roll-away cots, air foam mattresses, Special $19.95. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ONF tourist tent, used only one week- end, 8 by 8. Phone after 5, OL 54591. 15% FT. mahogany plywood Nipissing bost, like new, with a 35 Evinrude Lark our now. Take ie of one of the fine | E today in The Oshawa Times Classified Bec. Call > 8-5924. B. F. H Stores -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 85-4543, 15 BOAT, 1959," 35 HP Evinrude motor. RA 5-7917. FIVE iy complete outfits, new, 1 35 hp Merc. electric motors, 15 molded plywood boats and trailer, A plete $1099.00 each. One only to a at tomer. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. Twe table lamps and 1 Trilite $59.85 value, for only Ec with the purchase of any chesterfield over $149. Our 5th auaiversary Special! Barons' Home 424 Simcoe Street South. pr Waverly Street, RA "80316, Niliack Vacuum Service, all makes, '55 HALF-TON International pick-up. In good shape, mew tires and battery. Telephone RA 3-4790 afternoons. RA 5-8010 after 5. SPECIAL 21° cabin cruiser, 100 H.P. Buchanan motor and trailer. Excellent condition. Apply George rin Orono 34R12. 4 part; brushes, guaran- feed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. : |away DAVENO chair, bookcase, large sliding door, cabinet table and -four chairs, washing machine, reasonable. good con- in | dition. RA 5-6987 after 4 p.m. MUST GO! Rangette, $12; One 24" heavy duty stove, $39.95; Ome seven- plece chrome set, $69; Ome 17" TV, $69; One three-piece chesterfield, $39; One two-piece chesterfield, $24.95; roll- cots, spring-filled mattresses, $14.95; three-quarter beds and springs, $9.95; One five-piece kitchen set, $29.95; One mantel radio, $15.95; Two combin- ations $39.95 and $55.00; washing ma- chines, $31.95; chests of drawers, $10.95; dressing table, $13.95; chrome step stool, $6.95; combination ~ plane sel, $16.95; oa $4.95; new linoleum, eap; chrome bird cage, $6.95; small| frig $59; coffee tables, new, $10 and| $12; fishing equipment, cheap. Neigh-| borhood es Room, 102 William Street East. BOAT motor trailer, MO 8-4182. DINING room suite, bedroom suite, GE washer, household articles and electric appliances. Phone OL 5-4829. fully equipped. THREE . piece m suite com- Blonde Swedish actress Mai Britt and Sammy Davis, Jr., reported to be making wedding SAMMY'S IN LOVE AGAIN plans, faced newsmen at Lon- don airport yesterday on her | arrival from New York. The bespeciacled Negro entertain- i er, working at a London club; was at the airport to welcome Miss Britt, --(AP Wirephoto) Brooklin BROOKLIN -- A huge crowd attended the 49th Annual Brook- lin Spring Frair held at the Com- Entries in the Draws Crowd Fair Innis; 2nd, Mary Lou Robinson; 3rd, Jane Deremo. Parcel wrapped suitably for! Rare Plant Blossoms 'In Britain munity Parl: women's section came up to ex- pectaitons wi th larger numbers of exhibits seen in the Baking Sec- -- (tion, .| Below are listed results of judg- ing in the Ladies and Children's Classes, held in the Community | Arena. . {CLASS 20 -- Group Organiza- tions. "Hobby Corner". bedroo: plete. Cheap for quick sale. RA 5-4258. DINING room suite, blonde finish,; and chair, kitchen suite, electric range, odd pieces. Phone RA 3-4363. ee INGLIS automatic wa with suds miser, $125, E also Ajax, WH 2-0533. RA 8-8700. EIGHT-plece dining room suite, reason- FELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re.|able. RA 5-1365. igerators, 's, washers, pianos, by carriage, $5. good eons. stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- EE Rl Big B mower, $20, tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131.|4g4 Nipigon Street. T prices paid for used furnl-|FEH ROOM suite, kitchen chrome set, ture, also sel and exchange. Contact|eiectric stove, and defrostomatic re- 19 Prince |¢rigerator. RA 8-0241 or apply 1328 Scu- gOog after 5. TENTS, leeping bags and camping equipment, best selection, easy terms. Dominion Tire Store. 48 Bond West. SINGER treadle, Immaculate condi- tion, used only a few months. Would pass for new. Must sell this week. Make offer. RA 5-2591. TRAILER, box and two I baby Daby shower 1st, Barbara arnes; 2nd, Linda Rutherford; LONDON (AP)--A group of 3rd, Mary Lou Robinson. | Britons who have) been hover- Doll dressed in paper (doll, 9! ing over a lady's-slipper for the to 10 inches high) -- 1st, Barbara| last two weeks announced Mon- McPhaden; 2nd, Ann Potts; 3rd, day that their vigil has been Bonnie Snowden. crowned with success. Five drop cookies 1st, M.| The little plant, a species of Langmaid; 2nd, Barbara Barnes.| orchid and the rarest wild One-half pound plain maple flower in the United Kingdom, Pair pillow (cases, colored cross|¢ream candy 1st, Barbara Barnes, has blossomed. stitch -- 1. Slhirley Women's In-|Barnes. { The protective posse was stitute; 2. Suiishine Group WA,|CLASS 26--open to boys and formed by eight members of Brooklin; 3. Brooklin Women's|girls, 11-19 years, | the Merseyside Naturalists' As- Institute. Collection of six snapshots, in| sociation, which has its head- 57 -- By HAL COOPER 58 PONTIAC, 6, four door deluxe, $208. Apply 172 Hibbert Street. 55 MATCHLESS 500 CC Competition model, complete with lighting system and extras. 314 Brock Street North, Whitby. 48--Automobiles Wanted WANTED °53-56 Ford product, in Hin condition, Private. Caan for best deal Phone RA 3 6 p.m. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trode up ETEOR Niagara 300 Adour, bgt green, stom radio for only ; $1595 57 {INCOLN Premiere convertible, white, fully power equipped, like new. See and drive this one . ve $3695 '56 FORD 2-door, ght blue. ..s::0v.ss+ $1150 '56 MONARCH Fordor, light blue, only $1050 '56 PLYMOUTH Station A Wagon, light blue, sk $795 PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallom. BL lors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss. and Dahan Street. RA 3-7624. BABYLAND bargains! New style 1060 baby carriages, converts to car bed. Lowest prices in town, $27. Large, full panel ig pA price, clear out, ua Playpens, 38.05, $7.88, pi ers $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. ONE Gurney, 30-inch electric stove, good jon. Phone RA 5-5577. ONE kitchen set, oversize table, five chairs, grey arborite. One 18" hand lawn mower and basket. T 35-5502. new. Call Store pray Phone RA 81131 '55 FORD 4-door, fight green, only or down. Liens paid off. '55 METEOR 4-door, ig blue, custom radio, a real beauty $895 '54 MERCURY Sedan, black, power brakes, power $695 DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. $ RA 3-942] steering, automatic, radio, only '54 FORD 2-door, light green, going cheap $550 '53 CHEV. Bel-Aire 2-door, radio $595 *55 CONSUL Sedan, medium green ...... $595 '53 PONTIAC Sedan, blue, only . crnsses. $54 '53 OLDSMOBILE 88 Sedan, power | brakes, automatic '53 METEOR Sedan, grey, see this one, only $493 Bramley Nir Sales Ltd: 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-4675 HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 finance. Doug Amey, Sales, RA 35-6501 -'7, JOHNSON 18 HP outboard, guaranteed perfect condition, used two seasons, will Ontario Motor SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality ot the best prices, fully guaronteed. Dounble hung windows only $18. Call now, AWNINGS (canvas). Estimates without obligation. Write Wm. Cressman, RR 3, Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry, YU 5-7572. TENTS, sleeping bags and camping equipment best selection, easy terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. UNPAINTED furnitureat sav- USED tires, most all sizes $3 ry up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-454 TYPEWRITER 10-kex adding ig. Smith-Corona cashier, new, $150, or best offer. RA 35-9228 ELECTRIC cream separator, in good diti leber. Stevenson ings, big bonus offer, bookcases only 99 cents with the purchase of any piece of unfinished furniture. Chest of draw- ers $17 desks $14, bookcases $5.99, van- ity dressers $26: record cabinet, $18; Fred Road North of Airport. ONE heavy duty McClary range, four burner, table top, excellent condition. Phone RA 5-9749, BED and arm chair, char- room-divider, $22; b $15. Wilson Furniiure, 20 Church Street, Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 NUW-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed distributor fer Filter treuse, suitable home or cottage; four chrome chairs and table. Reasonable. Excellent condition. RA 5-5445 after 5. Queen Vacuum. RA 8-4011. CLEAN CARS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID LIENS PAID OFF TRADE UP OR DOWN Wilbak Motors 137 KING W. RA 5-0732 Boat, Motor and Trailer Excellent for fomily. 17° cedar strip, beautiful hand- rubbed mahogany finish. 23 PRIVATE sale of household furniture Apply 299 Division Street after 4 p.m. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Guaranteed. Flat, gloss, 8|C TWO piece chesterfield suite, practical ly mew; 24" television set; matching coffee and step tables, lam case, kitchen table and chairs; chair. 597 Grierson Street. CBS C television, blond finish high- Oshawa a Church Street. RA 3-7624. h.p. and accessroies, good os new. 61 SANDRA ST. WEST ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 47 --Automobiles For Sale 47 --Automobiles For Sale OK ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO A ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO 3 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ) ONTARIO ONTARIO ) ONTARIO ONTARIO 1} ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ) ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO ) ONTARIO 1 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ) ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ) ONTARIO ONTARIO 1 ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO. ONTARIO MOT OR SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES SALES MOTOR * § MOTOR MOTOR § MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR § MOTOR &§ MOTOR MOTOR OK SALES LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITE D LIMIT E D LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED TAMITED '55 '55 '54 '54 '54 53 '53 '53 'S1 '51 '50 54 56 '52 JUNE BUICK two door CHEVROLET Convertible CHEVROLET Sedan SALE! $595 $1375 $645 PONTIAC Sedan, automatic $495 BUICK $595 CHEVROLET Special 2 door $495 OLDSMOBILE Sedan BUICK Sedan BUICK Sedan CHEVROLET CHEVROLET STUDEBAKER $495 $275 Sedan FORD two door . . METEOR Come in today and see the car of your choice | Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140 BOND ST. W., RA 5-6507 OSHAWA RA 5-6508 OK ONTARIO } ONTARIO 3 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO A ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO 1 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO A ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO 1! ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO MOTOR ONTARIO MOTOR § ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO 2 ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED 5 LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED S LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED 1 IMITED LIM LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED 5 LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED 5 LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED ONTARIO A ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO 1} ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO } ONTARIO ONTARIO A ONTARIO 1} ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO 1} ONTARIO 1 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO 1} ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO |ONTARIO 1} ONTARIO THREE - piece chesterfield, in good condition, wine a en. Telephone RA 3-2177 or apply Gifford Street. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. Alex Vajda RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial All aluminum products -- Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call -- Aluma Seal Co. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME SALE SALE SALE Ktchen Chairs, $5; Tables, sizes and colorg at your re- quirement; Coffee Tables, $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95; Telephone Benches, $11.95; { Chrome Rocking Chairs, $15; } | Reclining Chairs, = 3-piece ! Sectional Va-Sofa, curved cen- tre; Rugs: 4 x 6, $14; 6 x 9, $24; 9 x 12, $55; Kit- chen Chairs A T.., HONEST MIKE'S at Unbelievable Prices 184 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH recovered, $3. Or Call RA 8-6053 between 7 - 9 p.m. FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and groceries. Savings of up to 30%. Lef us prove to you as we have to thousands .of others how we can save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadian man- ufactured freezers, guaran- teed by Good-Housek ing. with doors, looks like new, one year warranty on picture tube, $149. Terms $2.50 per week. Meagher's, 8 King Street West. ONE pair lady's white roller skates, fae 7, long life wheels. Phone RA book. | Group, Baby's knit 'set (jacket, bonnet, bootees) -- 1. Faithful Workers Group, Broolklin; 2. ° Shirley Women's Institute; 3. Brooklin Women's Instiiute. Quilt, piece, or pieced applique -- 1. SunsHine j3roup, Brooklin; 2. Faithful Workers Group, Brook- lin; 3. Shirley 'Women's Institute. Crochet doily, approx. 10" to 15" -- 1. Sunshine Group, Brook- lin; 2. Shirley Women's Institute; 8. Brooklin Woinen's Institute. Sec. 4: Placi> mats, linen or cotton 1. 17aithful Workers Brooklin; 2. Shirley Women's Instiftute; 3. Brooklin Women's Institute. Homemade |ampshade, dis- played on lamp -- 1. Sunshine Group, Brooklin; 2. Faithful Workers Grou'p, Brooklin; 3. Brooklin Women's Institute. Pair homemady: house slippers tar oy & Barter *50 AUSTIN Cambridge ASS in new con- dition, private; or will swap for small delivery truck er station wagon. 2-6410 Ajax. USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Ottawa Press Office Closed OTTAWA (CP)--The external affairs department has closed its press office. The office was lumped Monday with the political co-ordination section of the department, which will handle the mechanical pro- cess of putting out press re- leases. An external affairs department source said that the chief of the political co . ordination section, Arthur Blanchette, will not be authorized to answer reporters' enquiries. ee The department maintains in- formation officers in Washington and London, and a large informa. tion section here but it is primar- ily concerned with disseminating information abroad. The source said that henceforth |2 reporters' questions will be| answered by the offices of Ex-| ternal Affairs Minister Green| Samples Of Bodies Sent For Analysis CRYSTAL BEACH (CP)-- Samples from the bodies of a man and woman found in an abandoned restaurant at this re- be sent to laboratories in Tor- | DeLorenzo, 44, of Buffalo and Mrs. Elizabeth * Paulas, 32, of Toronto, died of asphyxiation, but a. gas heater in the restaurant was still burning when a repair- man found the pair. Rideau River 1, Fri hip Group, Brooklin; 2. Shirley Women's Institute; 3. Palthiy Workers Group, Brook- in. Seven cup cakes, decorated 1. Sunshine Grown, Brooklin; Women's Institute, Brooklin; Shirley Women's 1institute. House plant in bloom . Brooklin Women's Institute; 2. Friendship Group, Brooklin; 3. Faithful Workers Giroup, Brook- lin, Display -- 1. Swoshine Group, Brooklin; 2. Faitlaful Workers Group, Brooklin; 3. Shirley Women's Institute. 2. 3. 1 Needle Work: Cotton quilt, pieced -- 1. Mrs. Murray Coates; 2. Mirs. 8. Moore; 3. Mrs. G. Brown. Pair pillow cases, colored em-| broidery -- R. V. Young. Pair pillow cases, 'lace trim -- 1. Mrs. John Mediad; a ws. Murray Coates; 3. Brown, One pair men's .fine socks, fancy -- 1. Mrs. Mus ay Coates; | 2. Mrs. John Medland ; 3. Mrs, s.| Moore. Child's pullover -- 1, Mrs. Mur-| ray Coates; 2. Katherine Fore-| man; 3. Mrs. G. Brotvn. Child's cardigan 1. Mrs. | G. Brown; 2. Katherine Fore | man; 3. Mrs. S. Moore, Lady's summer dress *(wash-| able) -- 1. Mrs. F. Pilkey; 2. and Prime Minister Diefenbaker. | sort near Lake Erie Sunday will| Mrs. Carl Kydd; 8. Mrs. S. | Moore. Child's sun dress -s 1, Mrs. | Carl Kydd; 2. Mrs. G. Brown; 3. |Mrs F Pilkey Child's cotfon pyjamis Carl Kydd; 2. °- Mrs. . Murray Coates; 3. Mrs. S. Moore. Bridge cloth 1. Mrs. G. Brown; 2. Mrs. 8. Moorey; 3. Mrs. Murray Coates. Braided rug 1. Mirs. 8. Moore; 2. Mrs. B. Miner; 3. Mrs. Murray Coates, Fancy cushion -- 1, irs. Carl Kydd; 2. Mrs. G. Browng 3. Mrs. Mary Maxim special --- 1. M. 2. Mrs. Murray Coates; 3. Katherine For¢:man. Tablecloth done in crewss-stitch -- 1 Mrs. S Moore; - 2 Mrs. M. Coates; 3. Mrs. G. Brown. 1 | Murray Coates. onto. Police first believed Pompilo| | Langmaid; {CLASS 22 | Work done during past three |years by anyone 70 years and {over: 1. Mrs. Margaret Jones; 2. Mrs, Joel Aldred; Mrs. A. :Mitch- ell, Whitby. Body Identified OTTAWA (CP) Petralia, a 24-year-old Italian immigrant, was identified today the Rideau River at Hog's Back Park here Sunday. Sebastiano | CLASS 24 Hobby for men: Useful article, made all or partially of wood -- 1. Charles Hamer; 2. Bruce as the man who was drowned in| Miner. cLass 25--Junior Section, 11-19: ages Government. inspected meats, Well known branded pro- ducts, all part of our plan to eat better for less.. Phone RA 5-3709. No obligation Freezers $189 up. Compare before vou buy. f WINNIPEG (CP -- The Assin- iboine Park Zoo now has a rare |deer from the Chicago Zoological | Society, called "Sputnik" because |of its tendency to rum around in |eircles. Pre-hemmed and embroidered new towels -- 1st, M. Langgnaid; 2nd, Barbara Barnes. Decorated place mat, payprer-- 1st, Sandra Cook; 2nd, NoiTine Carnochan; 3rd, Linda Garrow Party favor -- ist, Albert Mec- Mrs. Murray Coates; 2. Mrs. 8, Moore; 3. Mrs. (for lady winning most points in|until he arrived prepared to give black and white -- 1st, Mary Lou| Robinson; 2nd, Roberta May - Lockyer. | Small article, hobby work, in| {wood -- 1st, Alexandra Alves. CLASS 27--BAKING Magic baking powder (special)| for best frosted single layer white cake -- 1st, Mrs. Carl Kydd; 2nd, Mrs. John 'Medland. Apple pie 1st, Mrs: John Medland; 2nd, Rose Phillips; 3rd, Mrs. Carl Kydd. White layer cake -- 1st, Rose Phillips; 2nd, Mrs. Carl Kydd; | 3rd, Mrs. Lorne Parrott. Two layer chocolate cake -- 1st, Mrs. S. Moore; 2nd, Rose Phillips; 3rd, Mrs, Lorne Parrott. | Banana layer cake -- 1st, Mrs. | Carl Kydd; 2nd, Mrs, Lorne Parrott; 3rd, Mrs. F. M. Holli- day. Raisin pie -- 1st, Mrs. F. M. Holliday; 2nd, Mrs. S. Moore; 3rd, Mrs. John Medland. Five cloverleaf rolls 1st) Mrs. F. M. Holliday; 2nd, Mrs, Ed Powell; 8rd, Mrs. S. Moore. Loaf of bread -- 1st, Mrs. Rose Phillips; 2nd, Mrs. S. Moore; 3rd, Mrs. John Medland. Chiffon cake, frosted: 1st, Mrs. G. Brown; 2nd, Mrs. Carl Kydd; 3rd, Mrs. John Medland. Lemon pie -- 1st, Rose Phillips; 2nd, Mrs. F. M. Holliday; 3rd, Mrs. G. Brown. Collection of baking, ing of seven date squares, seven butter tarts, seven drop cookies-- 1st, Mrs. S. Carl Kydd; 3rd, Rose Phillips. One pint Chili Sauce--I1st, Mrs. | Lorne Parrott; 2nd, Mrs, Carl| Kydd; 3rd, Mrs. John Medland. Simpson - Sears Ltd: Special-- {Classes 21-27: Mrs. jSostes Murray, consist-| Moore; 2nd, Mrs. | quarters in Liverpool. They kept watch over the plant every day from dawn to | dusk to foil the kind of people | who go around dcspoiling the | countryside of wild flowers. | The lady's - slipper orchid, | known to professionals as cy pripedium calceolus, thrives in the Alps but has been almost exterminated in Britain by the | onrush of civilization. including | wild-flower pickers. Claphani, 'Tutin and War burg's Flora of the British Isles, a bible of wild plant en- thusiasts, says the lady's-slip- per is extremely rare or even extinct in these parts. The Merseyside people said a patch in a Yorkshire dale was discovered in 1930. There were then 14 plants. Now only four remain This month's blossom is only | the fifth in 30 years. The last previous blooming | was in 1958 when the lone blos- | som was seized, said the asso- ciation, "by a Yorkshire boatn« ist before its protectors had a chance to study and photo- graph it, Ambulance Man Attends Daughter CALGARY (CP) -- An ambul- ance attendant arrived at the scene of an accident here Mon- day to find his eight - year - old | daughter killed. Otto Coutts did not know that is daughter Carol was involved | first-aid treatment. The girl had Ibeen struck by a gravel truck. 'WMS Auxiliary 'Holds Meeting | COLUMBUS -- The Afternoon | Auxiliary of the WMS held its me meeting in the Lower Hall of the Church on Wednesday af- |ternoon. The meeting opened with| | quiet music played on the piano by Mrs. T. Scott. Mrs. Ray Scott, | president, Welcomed those pres- |ent. | Mrs J Whiteoak presided for |the worship period, reading a poem and meditation and leading lin prayer. She was assisted by scriptur: e. business. Mrs. Flett, supply secretary, gave a report on the | bale which was recently packed to be sent in to Toronto. A report on stewardship was given by Mrs + N. Scott. For the program part of the meeting the committee opened with a few thoughts on Temper- ance. Mrs. Whiteoak gave a read- ing, Miss Heddon a poem and Miss B Smith read an essay on the subject. Mrs. Whiteoak also read a report written in an Eng- lish paper on racial discrimina- tion in Africa and read parts of lhe study book based on Africa. CLOSE MEETING The meeting closed with the benediction. Last Wednesday evening . the members of the Evening Group of Mrs Ray Scott presided for the| T, present and turned the meet- ing over to the committee' in charge. The worship service was econ- ducted by Mrs Lance Beath, as- | sisted by Mrs Vernon Powell who { scripture and Mrs, Grant | Webber whosled in prayer. A {lovely duet was sung by Mrs Murray Mountjoy and Miss Jean- ine Werry of Kedron, accompan- ied by Mrs August Geisberger at |the piano. They sang. "O Brother Miss I. Heddon who read the Man' |osHAWA SPEAKER Mrs Beath then introduced the |speaker, Mr Donald Sugden of |Oshawa, a representative of the Canadian Mental Health Associa- tion. Mr, Sugden gave a very in- teresting and informative talk on mental health and showed a film entitled "Where Industry and Tension Meet". He was thanked by Mrs Webber. The Kedron la- dies then favofed with another "Bless This House" and they were thanked by Mrs. Beath. The meeting was turned over to the president, Mrs Frank Smith, who spoke a few words and invited those present to join with the members for a cup of tea. Dur- ing the lunch, Mrs. Donald Wylie who is leaving the community to live in Port Perry, was present- ed with a cup and saucer by Mrs. Walter Lucyk on behalf of the group. the WMS held their June meet- ing in the Lower Hall of the Church, As it was a special meet- ing all the ladies of the commun- ity had been invited and quite a number turned out to hear the speaker Mrs Donald Wylie, first vice- CATTLE EXPERT HUNTINGDON, Que. (CP)- Jamie Wallace, 14, was the youngest buyer at the National ' Ayrshire Cattle Sale. He bought a heifer for $390 at the auction, president, welcomed all those / bringing his herd to seven, Jamie also and sells beagle dogs.