§5--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale ~~ 45--Real Estate For Sdle 43--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1960 13 with qoBILE home, 40 ft. by 10 #t., on lot garage, oak and file floors, like new om, Jot : 5 approximi % acre,'5 miles he $500 down. RA 8-0512/port Perry on 7A ay. Good well, 5 re rT Cons Write, be Nison, EIGHT acres, five-room brick 'house, den land, $5500 cash. . modern. conveniences, Port Perry Post Office or phone Black- Oronoistock 11 R 3, { SR. $10,000 full price, Hdy six-room brick cludes taxes. |home in North end, taxes $157 yearly, iii gad gg Reed meloil heat, low down paymegt. Joseph brick "tor Bosco Realtor. RA 35-9870. d, storms and awnings, paved e $84 a month. wnitehall 26355. NHA 6 per cent resale, five - room ing and furnished t "drive, NHA resale with 5% per cent bs + laundry ee ony, | mortgage. Priced below market value|LOT 45 x 176 sewer and water, close brick ik Aaaiuam 3 storm it frigerator, facilities, central. No children, apply 253 Athol Street for quick sale. Joseph Bosco, g Jo Joutn GM aid bus service, $1950. RA partially landscaped, 18 months old./trees and East. A 33070. k RA 8.1973. 44c--Rooms For Remt |AVAILABLE now ~-- three -- | rooms, second floor, $70. Two Aurvisied | rooms, third floor. available y 14 Shkrances | 960. Heat, lights, central. RA 3-9180. - yoom furnished partment, private bath and § i } if { i 5! ji i ii i is 0 |S z 5 | 2 gl 1 } i | 2 i ii Ii i i | i [ i is 10 rooms with four apart. ' mi Three stoves, two refrigerators, $21,000 or best offer, well built bunga- for couple two rooms close to low with d garage. Shided, BA $ MBL. ame iunisepee-- and shopping centre. $7000 down. Tele-|throughout, two bathrooms. _electric|c! FURNISHED bedroom, suitabbie for two qoor Only asking $1900 One|phone RA 3-2479. heating, nice quiet district. Terms can girls or gentlemen very central, |, ,nth possession. Call Mc- | BEAUTIFUL S5-room ranch bungalow, be ranged call Dovard MeCabe, RA - le reat. RA 8.5526. | Cabe at RA 56544 or RA 3-4164. 2 bedrooms, and S0W1 ob BA 4164 . J. Bola FURNISHED bedroom. h Charles Street. | me large rooms, brick Mpply 75|A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Realtors. natural stone, attached garage. 484 {SEVEN - room house for sale, Phone Lowell. SINGLE room for gentleman, central DON HOWE 38 Nassau Street. Invites You To-- Blit 8 rooms, THREE $12,900 FULL price, new NHA bunga-|HOUSE , heat, light and s, 3 bed 1 ents. re Nena i i h 5 * i ; | PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED TT FREE ESTIMATES McCabe, 3-4164. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., : WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 | NORTH-WEST AREA Beoutiful 5 room brick bun- galow on Rosmere Avenue. Centre hall plan with 3 large bedrooms, kitchen with eating area, 4 piece ceramic tile bath, _ finished recreation room with{bar. Decorated-- Lot 54' 132 completely landscoped. Reasonable down payment, balance on 6% open mortgage. For an ap- pointment to see, call to-day. 1 YEAR OLD N. H. A. RESALE $13,500 full price -- for this 5 room brick and stone bungalow. Completely equip- ped with aluminum storms ond screens -- situated in @ lovely residential area. Down payment no problem. See it, make an offer. OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY ji EEE i : H RA 58769. RA 50167 after 1 p.m. PRIVATE sale -- $10,500 immaculate - HA JM Mage ~My FOR SALE Drew Street or RA 34152 after 5 p.m. + Oshawa ONE large bed ith RA 5.7732 * 67 KING ST. E: SOUTHMEAD Lovely six room bungalow on © quiet street. Large kitchen with nice eating area, dining room, living room, 3 bed- rooms with lots of cupboards. Nicely landscoped, alumin- um storms and screens. $12,- ~800.00 is the asking price. Carries for $83.00 per month, principal, interest and toxes. Call Loreen Kellett for more information. RA 3-3770. Large ottractive split level home situated in excellent residential district. This spac- ious home has many attrac- tive extras. Must be seen to be appreciated. To inspect Call Mrs. Brown at RA 5- 3867 or RA 5-7732. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 FOUR BEDROOMS Modern 4 bedroom bunga- low. Large kitchen and living room. Two bathrooms, beau- tifully decorated. Full base- ment. Oil heating. Large lot. Beoutifully landscaped. This home is a pleasure to see. Call Bill Rotcliffe at RA 5-6544, Hl fe area, payment and payments can be arranged. RA 3-2663. BEAUTIFUL six room, 1% storey, basement apartment, with private en. trance, almost central, in good area, fully modern inside. Many extras. RA 3-3889. Income bungalow with twe ground floor, self-contained apartments, centrally located, only $11,500 with low down payment. Gerald Barrow, Broker, RA 5-3852. PRIVATE 1% storey home and garage, 4 bedroom, new oil furnace, aluminum storms and screens. Paved driveway, close to pub- lic and separate schools and shopping. and Whitby, taxes $120. Finished rec, near Pedliur's, suitable room with bar, newly painted inside] and out, landscaped, double parking soul for girls or couple. RA 5-074, ROOM to share, large furnished room. h|RA 50575. Beau Valley TONIGHT FIVE large rooms, brick bungalow on a big fully landscaped lot, very close to Ritson school. Apply 213 Banting Avenue, NEW six-room bungalow, Heights, aluminum windows (and screens, paved driveway. Near school. RA 8-5206. LARGE building lots at Courtice, close to public and high schools. Bus serv. ice. RA 8.5579. Approved FIVE NHA approved lots, 50 by 100,| prepaid services and registered. Ready | $2,700 down and ore mere. to build on. Ful! price $3175 each, 10 per cent down, balance on 6 per cent goge at 62%. i RA 8-5409 mortgage for one year. RA 5.9478 -- BEAUTIFUL three - bedroom solid COTTAGE LOTS brick home, large living room and kit chen, finished recreation room. Home, On beautiful Chandos Lake, completely decorated, drapes included, | north Peterborough. One mile all aluminum screens and storms, | paved drive, tower TV antenna, private] from highway, easy terms, choice of cottage plans, sale. This house a steal at $16,000, easy terms and information. Call Ajax, Wh| large selection of lots ond (24010. | extras cottages for sale on many EXCHANGE six room, four year old $2,579 other lakes in the Kawartha district, Phone or write Frank ranch bungalow in Oakville for similar house 'n Oshaws - Whitby area. RA JAMES O'MALLEY Patterson, Rishor Barnes Die- CONTRACTOR trich Realtors, P.O. Box 126, 5-1179 RA 3-7 Peterborough, Ontario. 3-7122 EXCELLENT building lot, between | Ea OLIVE HOWE Oshawa and Whitby, 78 x 200, very if LIST WITH US! REAL ESTATE view, $1700. Apply 255 Athol Street. WANT TO BUY? CALL US! 130 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY, ONTARIO SIX - room house, three years old, $1000 downm, full price $12,200. | specialize in businesses. REDUCED PRICE ,-- 6-room brick bungalow. Broadloomed living room and dining room, storms and screens, decorated, 3-0183 after 4. ROSSLAND MANOR landscaped. Call Mildred Bilida, MO 8-2167 or MO 8-5853. OSHAWA -- Ranch bungalow with garage. Featuring sunken Choice residentiol lots, com- pletely serviced, some wooded, living room, automatic washer, beautifully landscaped lot. Call Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. prestige location, For informa- tion, Mr. Jones BROOKLIN, $11,990.00 -- 5-room brick bungalow. 22' living room, exhaust fan. Carries $82.00, principal, interest, taxes. RA 8-6246 Close to school. | BRAEMOR GARDENS SACRIFICE «Only $10,000.00, $2,000 down. S-room house fF with modern furniture in clean home, 40' | cooking facilities if desired. One minute to Shopping Centre. 36 Fernhill Blvd. o RA 57295. water, $55 monthly. Apply East. ' GARAGE corner of Brock and Simcoe North, RA 53221 between 8 a.m. and 6 pm. | 85--Real Estate for Sale SIX . room house, 89 Nassau Street, h wtuths Wikud rdo AP room GOOD th house, 1% acres $50 monthly, no furnace. RA 35-8421 THR; . after 3 p.m. s apartment, private bath and entrance. land, creek, stable, hydre), telephone, SIX - room ranch-style bur clase |APPly 292 Huron Street. ______|very reasonable. FR 420191 or Alex to bus, shopping and south GM. Im- EIGHT - room house for rent at 400 Kemnedy RR 6, Lindsay, Ont. mediate possession. Apply 1248 Wecker Bloor Street East. Apply at 76 Harris| BARGAIN, Port Perry, eight room Drive Avenue. ___|brick home, 2% acres of high land, all ATTRACTIVE unfurnished basement! THREE - room, contained apart. |conveniences and garain, only $7000 AVE i. unfurnished bl Laois z id near Shop. with half cash down or triide for small- abstainers, near South GM. RA 5-1356. ping Centre and bus. RA 5-6106. 1213 Sun Valley Court. MERE STX - room furnished house, very Se 44a--Rooms For Rent tral, short or long term perivd. | oo | Teal for three or four willing to TWO belirooms and Kitchen, for two or | share. Phone RA 5.9595. three gentlemen, close to Shopping| FOUR" i Sparta oval als |Centre. 63 Grenfell Street. RA 5-8721. | . - room apartment, ¥% Rosamund -- | stainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, | TWGQ jes. | Bedrooms 4 private Some vi | . RA 81723 | for two Ss men. er- | -- " ow Shiranee Vacam, Bow | ences required. Ten minutes from down- of business. Reatoiiable rent, Er e--gyroeeeerter ry ---- | town, North end. Apply Box 714, Osb-| parking | THREE - room apartnient, being newly | 5a Timek | decorated, private entrance. RA 5-4918. RA 5-0081 RA 5.9544 | Ea TT -- - SR --- -- $400 DOWN | MODERN SUITES (€e8inadation, References. ADB 19 BALCONIES FREE Silo Tous Le Crick Serra arge Bric ungalow ONLY TWO LEFT Pierson Storni Windows Decor ted THREE unfurnished rooms, adults, pri- One bedroom $90 Huge Kitchen | Harmony DRIVE EAST ON ROSSLAND RD. CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS room NHA veneer, featuring redwood kitchen, ceramic tile bath- room with vanity, storms, iron railing on porch. Many Price $13,890, down #25 DOWN to reliable person. 53 Ford hardtop, "51 Chev. 51 Ford, all go. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's. er house in Oshawa. W, NicAuley Real-| for, 26 Prince St. RA 3-1572; MO 8-5 STORE FOR RENT CENTRAL LOCATION, suit able for beauty pattor, record shop, variety, or any type brick Five 54 PONTIAC sedan, tutone, with radio, A-1 condition. Must sell to close estate. RA 5-5672, $395 1953 Mercury Tudor, metallic green, push-button radio. Call RA 58136 between 57 p.m. : i he good boat, #45. Apply 239 Cordova 'SS FORD sedan, motor and body in excellent condition, custom radio, six good tires. Phone COlfax 3-2159. |vate bath, abstainers, reasonable, cen. tral. RA 5-1607. | [sivGLE room for gentleman, central. | |38 Nassau Street. | | THREE clean unfurnished rooms, third | floor, heavy duty wiring, adults, cen-| tral, $45 monthly. Apply Agnes | Street. TWO furnished rooms, refrigerator, | stove, sink, $10 weekly. RA 85327. | FURNISHED double room, light house- | keeping, sink, refrigerator, suitable for| | girl. 475 King Street East, or RA 59683. !TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, |kitchen with sink, cupboards, refriger- |ator, range, suit two girls or couple __ | without children. Apply 23 Prew Street off King East, Five minutes walk to four corners. FURNISHED room, suit gentleman or lady, board ¥# required. Apply 300 La Salle Avenue or telephone RA 5-2013 ROOMS by the week, tiled shower, and bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel. TWO furnished bedrooms, also kitchen for light housekeeping. RA 3-5683 or 261 Celina Street. TWO furnished rooms for two gentle men, close to Shopping Centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Street, ONE room and kitchen, private front and back entrance. Apply 37 Park Rd. South, | ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail-| able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 83-8671 | STUDEBAKER, good motor, sacri fice, $100 cash. RA 54142. BODYMAN'S chance '54 Pontiac big §, hydramatie, cation radio yowes | Y , side swipe on right side, $195 or offer MO. 8-4500. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 SITSON RD. HAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 One Two bedroom $100 A building you would be proud to live in, paved park- ing, fully equipped, laundry room, building has just been \. Painted inside and out. Close \ : to shoppin u should see tONuby-dppreciate The extras in this apartment. Phone MO 8-4547, Whitby. REAL MODERN APARTMENT will suit business couple, liv- ing room ond bed , walle to-woll carpeting, curtains, drapes, etc., supplied. Ultra- modern kitchen, wall oven, table-top stove. South end of city (only drawback), private entrance, air conditioned. RA 5-3556 43 Only 3 Yaars Old | W.T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-831 homes, For re- We farms, sults, call: ----! JOHN DE WITH LLOYD REALTY Realtor--Insurance NEWCASTLE 3341 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN OSHAWA F. HUNTER CALL YOUR MOVER RA 5-2974 A PRESTIGE AREA BOWMANYiLLE A PRESTIGE HOME : And a down pciyment to fit MA 3-3950 anyone's pocket book, five bedrooms, consort, family DON HOWE sized living roorn and diwing TWO ATTRACTIVE room. 2 bathroa ms. priced to sell. Owner has purchased HOMES, REASONABLY 'PRICED @ new home. For more in- formation, calf immediately RA 8-5123 1 storey and a half in hg cellent condition, includes NORTH-WEST rooms and bath completely THREE QUAL ITY HOMES | stormed and screened, rec Five and six nsom bungalow room, patio, garage, paved with carport, Recreation drive. Close to ofl facilities. room, fireplace: storms end screens, TV toyver, fully land- scoped. Must be sold, two owners transferred, one has purchased nev' home. Down payment of anly $1,500.00 down and manthly payments to suit. Call right away for gppointment aot RA 8.5123. BUNGALOW WITH INCOME $11,000.00 full price for this well eonstny-ted home with basement cgsartment. Down payment as low ds $1,500. with good tarms for balance. For more 'infor-ation call RA 8.5123. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM rH OPEN EWENINGS ANC SATURDAYS HARRY MILLEN REAL. ESTATE Registered lots available in this prestige location. N.H.A. approved. For information RA 5-7272 URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE Lots For Sale Fully Serviced N.H.A. Approved Jones Sub-Division (King East at Athabasca St.) See Our Furnished Model Home | U. JONES, Realtor | Modelaire Homes | BY FRED R. JONES RA 5-6412 RA 3-3383 | $500 DOWN $500 Smart 5-room bungalow, beautifully decorated, large modern kitchen, lovely pic- ture window in living room. Recreation room with tiled floor and sound-proof ceil- ing. Asking only $12,500, Call now for Bill Ratcliffe ot RA 5-6544, \ NEW NEW NEW New bungalows, feat the newest in location, designs, M.A. mortgages, stone brick facing, interior features odern BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA ~ (ust East of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN' HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. WEST SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES « 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3-9421 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW (Stevensons Rd. N. end Annapolis) with carport, decorated, storms and screens. Located on 66' x 136' lot, 1 block to school. Call Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. 2-bedroom Clapboard Bungalow -- Storms and screens, asphalt driveway. Coll Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853, HILLCREST DRIVE -- 5Va-room Bungalow. with attached gar- age, landscaped, storms and screens. Call Rita Snow, MO 8-2430 'or MO 8-5853. MANCHESTER, $9,000.00 -- 1% acres, insul brick house, close to school. Call Tom Anderson, Myrtle Station, YU 5-7780. MYRTLE -- On No, 12 Highway. 1V2-storey clapboard house, on large lot 195 x 195. Full price $10,000.00. $1,000.00 down. Call Tom Anderson, Myrtle Station, YU 5-7780. Member of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board OVER A QUARTER CENTURY. OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REG. AKER BILL McFEETERS Pres. Vice-Pres. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN STEPHEN 7-room brick, 2V4-storey home with garage, located 10 min- | utes walk to downtown. A large 4-bedroom home in first-class | condition. Large modern kitchen, fomily-size dining room, oil heated, reasonable taxes. The price is right and the terms are MACKO Te | excellent. Call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8-8423, 187 KING ST. E | \UH.A. RESALE--GRANDVIEW GARDENS RA 8-466] 6-roam brick home with attached garage. Built end designed 167 Simcoe St. 'S. for modern living. Completely landscaped. Immediate possession. Member of Oshawa arid Call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840, RA 5-6544 District Real Estaje Board LOOKING FOR A 2 STOREY HOME? APPLE HILL HURON STREET If you are, then we have the buy of the year for you. We have a home for you that is impossible to replace for the price being $14,100 FULL PRICE 5 room modern brick bunge- ' low $11,500. $2,500 New, 3-bedroom brick bunga- asked. Owner going into business forces this sale. 1,600 sq. ft. down -- te . lows, 6% N.H.A. mortgages. Sosy terms 1 immaculate bungalow sit- uated with beautiful view of city and lake. Interesting living area, plus 3 bedrooms and bath. Both homes fully landscaped. For information, call, Mrs. Brown RA 5.3867 or RA 5.7732. DON HOWE | REALTOR -- INSURANCE 67 KING ST. E. 'RA 5-7732 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE WHITBY CLASSIFIED latest in housing. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board MORTGAGES S.D. HYMAN REALTOR RA 8-6286 "SACRIFICE SALE" (Whitby) Spacious five - room brick bungalow available for the . first time. This home is complete in every detail and ~ SALES & SERVICE 'must' be sold. Extras in- 408 KING W. OSHAWA clude professionally covered RA 3-7132 2 |IITOP MOTORS every room, high quality RA 8.6891 aluminum storm windows and SUMMER EXPERT rofoliling for gardens and WANTED by July 1, 3 or 4 large lawns. Don't call unless you want the|room apartment, centrally located in best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614. Jillthy. handy to school. Phone MO FOR SALE -- 1 iil male Springer Spaniel, age 5 years. Trained on duck. Chocolate and white, good with children. Has had needles, Must gell by week-end. MO 8-5170. FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, ground floor, with garage; suitable for couple. Phone MO 8-5149, FOR RENT -- One, and two-bedroom apartments on Mary Street Fast, $85, Walnut 590 anc $100 Adults p Mo ¥olnut, | 8:33! yd FOR RENT -- Furnished light house. SOD, 20c sqdare yard, Delivered to|keeping room, home privileges, cen- Port Perry, kin, Whitby, Ottawa, tral. Phone MO 8-5176. , | Ajax, P -- vA districts. Phone BY July 1, 3 or 4 large room apart ment, centrally located in Whitby, handy to school. Phone MO 38-8347. ROOM and board for gentleman at 90] Walnut Street. FOR RENT -- 2, 3 and 4 roomed ap ments, close to schools, reasonable rent. Phone MO 82828 after 6 p.m. THREE - bedroom unfurnished apart. ment, centrally loca Whitby. Ap- ply 272 Riston Road ith. RA 5-1841. FOR RENT -- Fully furnished apart. ment, ideal for newly married couple, new triplex, in nice location. Phone MO 83-5379. ROOM and board for gentleman at 901 Hill, and MO 8-3015 Whitby. EMPLOYMENT WANTED -- Lady wishes position as housekeeper, pert time. Phone MO 8-2466. MODFRN six-room bungalow for sale or rent, $120 monthly, near high school. Appl, Bowmanville, MA 3-2512. SOD, 20c a square yard delivered to Porl Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering, West Hill and surrounding districts. Phone MO 8-3015, Whitby. SODDING and Free estimates. Call WH 25134, Ajax, after 4.30. LIVE poultry also Highe: market prices Parker, MO 8-3644 collect. NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft., or less, parking lot facilities. Call I~ FOR RENT -- Small cottage. Apply 840 Dundas Street East, Whitby. 7 FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com- post, odorless and weedless for flow- ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone MO 8-4514 LOST ~-- Trixie, brown toy te family heart broken. Please call wanted. |8-4056 paid. Jake HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W McAuley Realtor MO 8-3231, Oshawa RA 3-2512. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanital screens, Three entrances, front, side and rear, oll equipped with aluminum storm doors. Fully landscaped front and rear. The TV .an- tenna comes with an AM and FM head for shortwave re- ception. This home hos @ rrier, MO | of luxurious living in a quiet suburban atmosphere yet with all city conveniences. Close to public and high school, For further Whitby Professional Building, , MO 8 way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 11 ONTARIO ST, RA 8-1679 BROOKSIDE ACRES FOUR BEDROOMS Beautifully finished home having four bedrooms, full dining room, broadloomed living rogm 13 x 21 ft, ultra 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 FURNISHED single room in private home. Telephone MO 8-4864 before 7 p.m, ea TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, share bathroom. Also one furnished room for gentleman. Teleph: MO 8-4487 between 5 and 7. PRIVATE SALE 3-bedroom brick bungalow. 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry- ers, contact Mid ie ture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby. MO 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. WRECKING "50 Chevrolet, good motor, all parts for sale, reasonable. Phone MOhawk 8-4500. FOR SALE -- 6-room bungalow, Com. pletely finished and landscaped. Would accept building lot for down payment Well located on mature treed lot in Whitby. Many extras including garden, Early pos- session. Apply owner, MO 8-4117 ofter 5 118 Hopkins Street. Phone MO 8-2261. rapher required by H. H. Son Lim! e a or MO 8-2917. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES Let us do your shopping for you, 'the modern way with the HOME ECONOMICS FOOD AND FREEZE PLAN. Approximate cost far family of three os little as $13.80 per week, including food and freezer. For Information CALL BAILEY MO 8-5381 No Obligation Approved by Good Housekeeping ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Reserve your holiday equip- ment now, outboard motors, boots, car tops, canoes, boat trailers, cabin trailers, tents, all camping equipment. We also rent Lown and garden equipment, power tools, cement mixes, etc. , WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3226 HELP WANTED -- Bookkeeper stenog- Med. Five-day week, all bene- fits. Apply at 601 Brock Street North, [PRIVATE room, good food. Near SL. John the Evangelist Church. Phone MO 8-4928, Whitb; WANTED -- Furnished room, with housekeeping privileges, for two young men, abstainers. South section of town. MO 8-4470. FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Stors 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523} SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND ! CLIMBING ROSE 'TRIUMPH' bright blooms, all summer through late fall. Regular $1.50, SPECIAL 75¢ 10% OFF On all Evergreens Shrubs Shade Trees PICKERING NURSERIES on Highway No. 2 1 ritile west of Dunbarton. Phone TEmple 9-2111 modern kitchen. with built-in stove arid oven, two bathe rooms, partitioned basement, attached! garage, patio. Te inspect call now. RCQOSMERE ST. $3,500 DOWN One year old, three-bedroom' brick lgingalow with attached qdrage: located in ao good area, fully decorated ond landscaped. Kitchen is mod- ern with dining area ample for lange family, 4-pc. cer- omic tiled bath, and living room 17 x 13. Basement is partitigned end painted, Patio, storms ond screens, T.V. aerial, handy to schools and. transportation. Owner transferred out West, must sell immediately. CHRISTE ST. DUPLEX $1,750 down buys this nine- room duplex at the corner of Rosshand Rd. W. and Chris- tie S&. Two kitchens, two full baths, separate entrances, garoyye, circular drive. Ex celleswt district, close to schaals, ete. Showing good inccmie INCOME HOME Brocky St. E., very close to downtown, schools and shop." ping. Ten rooms, 'two bathe rooms, two kitchens, separ- ate entrances. Only $3,500 down. Asking price $12,900, After Hours Call Charles Smith RA 8-8254 Win se Bradley .. RA 3-2006 Grate Vancourte RA 3.2834 Harry Millen RA 3-2524 Check these features, large L- shaped living room. Bed- rooms all oversized. Modem kitchen with exhaust fan. Completely decorated through- out. Finished rec-room in basement. Aluminum storms and screens. Fully serviced lots. Sodded front and back. To see these and others in this area. Call Ted Cunning- hom at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358, OWNER SAYS SELL Large ranch style brick bun- galow, 5%2 rooms, large modern kitchen, partly fin- ished rec-room, patio and landscaped. Aluminum storms ond screens and paved drive. Must be seen. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-65449 or RA 5-8342, ONLY ONE LEFT Yes, still 6% NHA mort goge. Brick bungalow in top location, complete with storms and screens, plus many extras. Call now ond ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, 7%2 ROOMS - GARAGE In good location, brick eon- struction, all gleaming hard- wood and tile floors, close to shops, schools, and bus. Full asking price only $12,900. Priced to sell, better call for ' inspection, Ask for Bill Swar- brick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342. $2,000 DOWN Now is the time to buy. 6- room brick bungalow with asphalt drive and garage. This home is very nicely dec- orated. All large rooms, property completley land- scaped, front and back. Terms con be arranged to your eon- venience. For appointment call Howard McCabe ot RA 5.6544 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. CENTRAL PARK NORTH 6 room storey-and-half brick, 2 bathrooms, recreation room, 2-car garage -- $14,700-- terms. GUELPH STREET Spotless 5 room modern brick bungalow, recreation room, . garage -- many extras -- - $12,600. ON HALF ACRE LOT Owreer planned, owner built 5 room modern stone bunga- low, natural fireplace, at- tached garage. Several fruit and shade trees. Close to school $13,600, fair down 'payment. KENDALWOOD Lorge 6 room ranch-type bungalow on high ground with beautiful view of the city. Well landscaped half- acre grounds, SOMERVILLE STREET 6 room storey-and-half, oil heated < $10,700--$2,500 down, terms OXFORD STREET Split-level 7 room brick -- clean and complete -- sever- al extras $14,600, J KING STREET EAST 4 bedrooms, beautiful and sturdy 2-storey brick. Den, 2-car garage, paved drive- way, immediate possession. ATHOL EAST 8 room family home, well preserved, large lot -- $12,- 500, low down payment. EAST END 6 room ranch-type bungalow, attached garage -- $2930 down -- Immedidte posses- sion. ' . After six please call Jack Sheriff--RA 3-3775 Steve Macko--RA 8-4661 details, call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, PRESTIGE AREA 8-room brick 2Va-storey home with 2-car garage, located on a quiet residential street off Simcoe St. North, This beautifully appointed home is in first-class condition throughout. include: 4 bedrooms, den with fireplace, shining oak floors, natural fireplace in living room, modern. 4-pe. bath plus extra stool in basement, hot water oil heating. landscaped with trees and shrubs. inos, RA 5-1726. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS QFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD, RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 Features Grounds are nicely Call Bill McFeeters, even- Pl 43 PARK RD. S. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. OSHAWA SPECIAL OFFER : $1,500 down for a spotlessly clean, well-decorated N.H.A. resale of 5-room, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, storm windows and doors, T.V. antenna, londscaped, inspection' without obligation by calling Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. g BURK ST. 6-room, 2-storey home, modern kitchen ond bathrcom, hard- wood and tile floors, new furnac $10,900 with terms. 5-4162 evenings. Call large lot with garage. Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or Asking RA TENNYSON AVE. Brick bungalow of 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 5% N.H.A. mortgage, storm windows and doors. Open for inspection and offer. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. ing $2,500 down. Ask 15 ROOMS Large home in good eondition, 3 bathrooms, large landscaped lot with fruit trees ond garden overlooking ravine with creek. Located near Oshawa City Limits. 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. Call Keith Peters, RA 36 ACRE FARM 6-room house, 3-piece bath, forced air with oil heating, attached garage, barn 60 x 65 ft. with running water, completely equip- ped for 200 hogs, approximately 1100 ft. road frontage. Ask- ing $23,500 with terms, 5-4162 evenings. Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761, or RA BOWMANVILLE Building lot 50 x 133 ft., very central, close to schools. price $2,500. List We have cottages and building lots: on Sturgeon Lake near Lin isay. Members of the Oshawa ard District Real Estate Board. beautiful Hollywood kitchen and the new stove and re- refrigerator are included in the purchase price. Owner moving to U.S.A. for health reasons and is open to any offer. Asking only $12,950 full price with a low down payment. The buy' of the year." See this one tonight. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286 at onge. CLEARANCE SALE *89 CHEV. Biscayne Four door Sedan" .... $1988 '89 FORD Custom Four-door --- V-8, automatic $2088 CONNAUGHT ST. Gracious living can be yours in this charming six and a half room two-storey home, The twenty-one foot living room has leaded windows at each end, as well as the din- ing room. There is a stool ond rec room in the base- ment, oil heating, carpeting on stairs, storms and screens throughout plus TV aerial, The garden is just lovely, has had excellent cars, is de- _lightfully different and in beautiful shape. Seeing is believing. Priced at $15, 400 with a reasonable down payment. Phone Harold Segal at RA 8-6286 for fur- ther particulars, $9,800 FULL PRICE For this five-room, two-storey home. Has new forced air oil furnace, low taxes of $89.81 per year. Price in- cludes. electric stove, port- able kitchen cupboards, port- able clothes closet and ches- terfield suite. This home has a nice sun porch and large rear garden. A little paint will work wonders. All this for only $1,300 down. To see this bargain call Henry Yurko at RA 8-6286. '59 VOLKSWAGEN -- Cus- tom model, red trim. . 08s '87 PONTIAC Deluxe Two- door -- Radio . $1288 '67 METEOR Sedan -- New tires, spotless .. $1288" '56 CHRYSLER -- Loaded. Special only ... $1288 '56 FORD Custom Four-door Radio. Only .... $988 '85 CHEV, Bel Air Sedan-- Radio. Only .... $988 '55 FORD Half-ton Truck-- Fully 'equipped: Only $788. '85 BUICK Special Four-door Automatic end radio. $988 '53 CHEV. Bel Air Hardtop $588 '49 G.M.C, Half-Ton -- New eondition $388 '81 FORD Convertible--Rac- One new 35 h.p. electric $800 DOWN Buccaneer motor. Only $588 for this five and a half room Tv used outboards, $88 b A. dle. Brick bunga- . PY ow with sliding closet doors HILLTOP MOTORS in the three bedrooms. Alumi- RA 8-6891 num storms, screens, doors b\'t-in recreation room facil- (Continued en Page 14) ities in the basement. Phone Glen MacKinnon at RA 8- 6286 and see this one to- night,