~/ 12 THE O.HAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1960 Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 1--Accountants " RONALD ¥. D. WILSON, Accountant, Oshawa, Ontario, " 33721. CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge ~ Chartered | RA| 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.2 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only fo original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute @ new original order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Eoch additional line 1.00 per month, Each Initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as @ § word. Box charge 15c additional. | All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 5 p.m. day previous. Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. 5 REGULATIONS-- The . Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- 225 248 €. DEWAR and o., Accountants Fg K. of C. Building, Bond West,' Oshawa. ~ 82221 MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, | ! | | | i. E. hits CA; RA 5-3527, North, Oshawa. Ajax WH Sireat Nori, OMiaWg, oA a= HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fod Publi Accountants, -172 King Oshawa, Ontario. RA YALE, FRIEDLANDER, R, HUNTER a Accountants and Auditors, Li- i. B mE tey, 64 King . Yale, CA; A hi -. Street East, Osha "CPA. « ¥. Friedlander, B. Thi 13--Gardening & Supplies 13--Gardening & Supplies | CEDAR trees for edges, guaranteed Plant- ANY kind of garden work by expert, | reasonable rates. RA 81524, | to live. Any size {ing done. Free estimate. MA 33935. GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled, made | ready for spring planting and seeding. ~~ COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced, landscaping, wood cut, trees removed. RA 8-1798 Phone RA 5-8985. rates NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS ROTO - tilling done, Call J. Mulligan, OLiver 3 LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel, sand fill. Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates. Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants Roses (40 varieties), Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Shade Trees (15 varieties Evergreens (25 varieties) ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more thon one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor beyond the price §i charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification In the case of display adyertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no lability if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are containec therein. 2--Barristers GREER and i Kelly, tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street Dia! RA 32278. Residence J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368: Ter- ence V. Kelly, P PA, BCL, RA 8-5832 RALPH JONES, BA, , and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East, RA 8-6246. * Mortgage loans available. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, barrister, | solicitor, Money to loan. e 14% | g Street East, Oshawa, RA" 8-8232. | v, Barristers, Solici- South ee | Do' BLAKE E DODDS, Barrister | and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. | Telephone: Business, RA §-5801; Resi- | dence, RA 8-5373 MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso- ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry| Block, 26% King tre Tasty RA 3-4697. "Bh "plumbing and heating 8--Building Trades "supplies. Stark, | Vine Ground. Covers, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 Miles East of Oshawe MA 3-5757 Bowmanville (OPEN EVENINGS) DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-1651 for information or interview. ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 CALL GRANT FOR SOD Finest quality. HOME ' IMPROVEMENTS No down payment, 36 months to pay. Also commercial work done. For that extra room ' .CALL MO 8-8611 Reasonable prices. PHONE MO 8-3015 GRAVEL Cement Gravel -- Driveway Gravel coarse or fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat.. | OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM -- GRAVEL FILL -- STONE RA 3-3528 noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 | | | |18A--Mortgages FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. RA 3-3993 51 XING ST. E BARLOW MOTORS 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD RA 8-6175 TRY OUR . BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Fish & Chips 35¢, Homburg- ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes. MODERN GRILL RA 5-3887 We Deliver. 25--Pets & Livestock : training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, mming, bathing, deflea- ing. Waubena Kennel 5 RA 5-6321. MINATURE poodles, champion sired, | beautiful puppies and grown 5062. {19--Perzonal CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | D Dt. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA |! Residence, dial RA Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R DAD: D, BA, Lid., plumbing, heating and RALD, BA. Barris. x7i%: ing. 235 Simcoe Street South. 88511. | THINK, now is the best time to call WMA Barrister, , Solict-| for experienced carpenters and paint-| : 3% RE i Te RA Resi | ers. Reasonable prices, work guaran- dence, RA 83-0264. teed. Free estimates. Call RA 3-4174. , barrister, solicl-| CARPENTER work, framing, trim- a De a North. ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work Office I RA 5-3741; Residence RA 35-5542. |and repairs. Mortgages arrange ee ---- teed. RA 3-3579, FHOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll-| vor buaranieed. RA I . citor and Notary Public, 26% King/ BUY LLDOZING and excavating. "Dial Street East Phone RA 8-1763. O 8-5612. Free estimates, Taylor| Brothers, 26 Hilicourt Drive, Whitby. | PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | fixtures, new and used, changing rom | septic tank to Sewer a sepcialty. In-| t ble rates. Infor- mation and ts free on any type of plumbing, Dial RA 5-4241. J, Foley. |A-1 PAINTING, ecorating by trades. n, interior or exterior, Roxatone NeCGIBBON and, BASTEDO, Pa guaranteed. Free estimates. RA citol - able for first mortgages. 20 Sim 18-2538 Street North. RA 5-3566. Charles C. Me. |Pr ASTERING and "plaster "repairs. Call | Gibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, . (Monte Salway, RA 5-8372. cone, TEE BREA CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND tary Public, Bank of Commerce, Rags LOAM 8 Simcoe Street North, Prompt Delivery Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K G. L M h. RA 8-8951 Drynan och. NHA mort- RESETS, Bei HOME IMPROVEMENTS B siers, Solicitors; i G. S. Boychyn, BA; W. A. No down payment, 36 months to pay. Biliran, LLB: 36% King Street East. Also commercial work done. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- rister., Solicitors and Notaries Public. 6 King Street East, RA 5-717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, wolicl- tor ana | ag Public 18% King Shreat East. 34 NHA and private an arranged. and_ Hillman, R. H Hum- 6--Optometrists LOAM Gravel, Sand and Fill RA 5-5279 EXTERIOR ai Maple Grove Inn, - |daily except We recovered, RIDE to Taronto wanted, "Telephone {like new. Why pay smore? Our rates| RA 8-2303. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery | SAVE money, us waiting, free park: ing at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop stationary. Open 8-7 ew Kennel AN Shephe P ed. Champion blood line, ville. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| stock. | ies, register. WHitehall PUBE EBM German | Shepherd pups, bladk aand silver, Not registered. Phone Mrs . Finney, MA 3.5058, Bowman- 29--Summer Properties For Sale 35--Employment Wanted 43--Wanted to Rent FRENCHMAN'S Bay lakefront year brick, all modern conveniences. Asking $9500, balance one mortgage, ox 8-2195, FOR SALE -- lakefront cottage, five roorus all conveniences, on Rice Lake. Phone after *. RA 50124. round or sumer home, six-room insul | THREE - bedroom house, by {we ae , prefer north of Street, Bo ge Ah Write Box 617, Oshawa Times. -- one reenter p.m. RA 58-0229, cedar boat. Sickness forces sale, Phone J. Stock, Blackstock 24-22. STURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES A new, modern registered subdivision designed in the Florida motif. The most un- usual and beautiful in the Kawartha Lakes. Clean, safe, sand beach. Large beautiful shade trees. Canals 40-ft. wide with sheltered docks for your boat, New nine-hole golf course, three minutes walking distance. New, quality-built summer homes open for your inspec- tion, electric wiring connected to hydro, three bedrooms, bathroom with plumbing, kit- chen with stainless steel sink, in arborite cabinet top, large living-dining room finished in genuine knotty pine. Your choice of exteriors -- log- siding, pine lap siding -- all finished in delightful paint and stein colors, Prices from $5,750 to $5,950, including large, level lot, terms at current | ys Free Work guaranteed. Telephone RA 5 9712. OLD CHIMNEYS repaired or torn down and rebuilt. New chimneys built. | Foundations plastered, patios laid. All guaranteed. RA 5-27. PAINTING, inside and out, small or large jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 5-452 INTERIOR, exterior decorating, wall stripping, plaster repairs, carpentry a Phone RA -5-9674. ~ CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery. Special contractor rates. RA 5-8504 CHOICE LC LOAM AND TOP SOIL FOR SALE GRAVEL - SAND - FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tflling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 Prunes: Office, RA 5-1177; Res, RA For that extra room 3.4804 o- Whitby, MO 8-761; RA 5-5203. . CALL MO 8-8611 Money to loan. I W. WARD 4--Dentists H%, @. 7, SOTUK. Office hours § 10 6.| WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE venin, b; appointment. 259 Open evenings FA 2223. SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 ©H. TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please] pay accounts at downtown Toronto Dominion Bank or 74 Burk treet. Phone RA 5-4587. ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), evenings by appointment, RA 3-419L 7--Surveyors @. T. HORTON and Associates, On- trio Land Surveyors, Professional En- 306 Dundas Street West, thy, MO 8-5091, Ajax 728, DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue East. RA 5.6881 a BONVVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On- tarp Land Surveyor, commercial blue-| Street Juin: 13 Pwr East. RA HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have o good selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses, etc VAN BELLE GARDENS 2 Miles East of Oshawe MA 3-5757 BOWMANVILLE (OPEN EVENINGS) Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 ZAii winds of buliding apd repair, | WELL DRILLING Kitchen cupboards, recreation mF GERALD FULTON garages, concrete and block work. Free estimates. RA 35-6037, Under contract we eon guor- | antee water. IPHONE RA 5-4067 fours. Free ' estimates. Call 'Georie Abramo#f, RA 3-4871 or RA 5-83 DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS plied and fixed, complete For free estimates call with four fittings. Large DAYS MO 8-5231 color range. 90c sq. ft. First class tradesman. Phone EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby 8--Building Trades ALL Types building repairs, roofing, eavestrough chimneys, fireplaces, side- walks, stoops. RA 8-0394, Gordon May. | BRICKLAYING, g, cement | work Chimneys built and repaired, | additions, verandahs, re-modelling al all kinds. RA 5-1 | anytime. RA8-1177, Aided DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby {10--Sharpening Service |LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar.. anteed, 13 St. Lawrence Avenue. For pick up and delivery RA 33266 or RA | FIRST "class sharpening, mowers, "saws, {and al. tools. Work guaranteed. B. [Moser 350 Wilson Road South. RA! 5018. LAWN mower and outboard motor re.| {pair and sharpening service. Rossland Cooper Smith Co. GARDEN SUPPLIES | SO-GREEN EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL MILORGANITE SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS 1 ROSE BUSHES SHRUBBERY LAWN SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS NO. 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS GARDEN TOOLS W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECILIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, |RA 3.7462. or RA 8-1734 |HAVE your lawn: mower "precision | | sharpened Free pick-up, Texaco Sta- | tion, 380 Simcoe Street South RA 80142. | | 11--Business Opportunities [OPPORTUNITY for someone wishing ito n a business. Nothing to add. {Suitable for most types of business. | Fy location, rent reasonable, fixtures and shelving, most modern. Can be held on terms. Write Box "Tia, Oshawa { Times. GROUND floor store, 918 sq. ft, for rent, 140 Simcoe Street South, Phone RA 8-083 6. , suitable for Zeb, clan, etc. RA 3-9248 after {12--Dressmaking |PRESSMAKING, alterations and re-| |pairs on all types of clothing. Mrs, E. |Fox, MO 83-4427 13--Garden "it | | ng & Supplies, |Orammentei-- TETeens, roses |shrubs. peonies, perennials, at reason able prices. Collected cedars for hedges #. 35¢. and up. Orchard Nurseries, (No. " Highway, | Brooklin. TOP GRADE SANDY LOAM RA 5.1905 two miles west GARDEN SUPPLIES GARDEN SUPPLIES " OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN PROMPT DELIVERY FOR YOUR COMPLETE CALL BEVERWYCK GARDENS NO. 12 HIGHWAY OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN MO 8-4735 WHITBY ~~ PROMPT DELIVERY | FOR YOUR COMPLETE CALL BEVERWYCK eee | Street North. Call RA 8.6451 for a free -} A CLEAN home is a happy home, Free consultation, work guaranteed, no publicity. Reliable exterminators, products and services for all needs. |464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or |OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. RA 3-2997 '| PAINTING and papering. Rooms paper. ed, $8 and up. RA 5.7297. 1 HYGIENIC mailed posi |lopes with pric cents; | Dept. Hamilton, Ont, ONTARIO Automob | resentative for Osha Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA "5 Sr LADY leaving returning in two weeks. Room for one or two women companions, Apply Box id in plain sealed enve- e list, 24 samples, A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., for Halifax, 33, Bowmanville, ELECTROLYSIS Removal! of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, June 14th and 15th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. pplies (rubber goods), Six samples, 25 $1.00. Mail Order Box 91, June 25, SHETLAND PONIES From selective stock. Reg- istered and grade Stall- ions, mares, fillies. OWEN McCROHAN RRT OSHAWA rates of interest. Location 4 miles west of Bobcageon on the Fenelon Falls highway-- large signs at entrance. Ow- ner on property every after- noon, and over week-ends. WANTED -- two - bedroom apartment, near business section, reasonable rent. Phone RA 56160. 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, sink in kitchen, private bath, parking, luded, $65 SHOEI, Phone RA 8-47. TWO - room furnished Sasempat aparts ment, Sed sitting room kitchen, |close to hospital and 5-2134. part time, Phone RA 54811. WOMAN for cleaning house, two days a week, also reliable woman for occa- sional baby » sitting, $55 MONTHLY, rents self - contained - three-room partment all conveniences, a. gentral. Apply 303 Hillside Avenue. RA ences. Call RA 3.9732 WOMAN required to work bar, Apply 101 Ritson Road CASHIER for Oshawa General Hospi tal, iid time. Phone Mr. Paul, 32211. 2 in lunch North. TWO - room furnished apariment, Te- laundry No children. 253 "Athol East. APARTMENT with stove and refriger- ator, private entrance. 43 Grandview Street South. RA 38-5888. N four - room mpartment, re. RELIABLE housekeeper family with two small children. Most tive. th Te Sw Yi Yim 81 WAITRESS wanted, aged 25-35, to work in snack bar, two evenings per week and weeke: woman frigerator and stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet, parking, $92.50 monthly. North district. RA 5-1310. TWO large - roomed apartment, sink, refrigerator, stove and cupboards. Child welcome. 61 Nassau Street or an | Phone RA 5-8660. preferred. RA 8 RA 8.6812 PART time and full time hel avply Elliott's Restaurant, need ed. Simcoe WANTED FLOOR space to rent close to Osh- awa, intersection of double highway, a growing community. Suitable for restaurant, ladies' wear or shoe store or men's wear and shoe store. Apply Box 707 Oshawa Times. sition, girl for light housework, live A cook for summer camp, July - August. Will accept lady with camp-age child. Apply in person, Little Pusitaros Ranch, #armony Road 10] . rr e-------------- SALESLADIES ~-- must be experienced better dresses, coates, and sulls. State AVAILABLE July 1 -- One or two bed- room apartment, second floor, modern stove, sink and refrigerator, Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 5-4452. FURNISHED two - room SPREE, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, cup- boards, parking, near bus stop. RA 5-320. qualifications. Write Box 709 Times, FULL or part tim ed, speak English, Campbell, Genosha Hotel. . Experienced clerk typist, good conditions. e dishwasher want Apply salary 30--Lost & Found | ment trim. Reward. OL 5-3281. 26--Farmer's Column calf, June, July, August and Septe ber, Also good work horse, broke, righ or double. RA 5-0815 or MArket 3.2895, Bow: manville. BAIL bunchers, and | Brooklin, OL 35-4701. GUERNSEY and Jersey cows, due to trailer wagons. | Apply Raglan Welding Shop. Phone |LosT dog - LOST %in Regent Theatre, last Wed- nesday, lady's glasses, silver with orna- FIVE . room private apartment, also three . room private apartment, newly decorated. Apply 730 Simcoe Street Mr, | South TWO room furnished apartment, modern, private parking, close to down- town, adults. July 1, $70. RA 8-0369. and working . Apply i H. Wilkins, os- pital, Bowmanville. E upper duplex, large living, diaing an kitchen and bath WAITRESS, full or part time. Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. Apply White name of Puff,vicinity Ajax and 401 through Thursday. RA 37625, YWCA, Th! {31--Articles For Rent Oshawa. | RENTALS PAINTING and decorating. Tree esti mates, work k_guaranteed. 37742. 20--Cartage two - cash price. Phone OL 5-3019 FURNITURE repaired and re re-uphols- tered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street RA 37212 STAKE truck for hire. ages cleaned. Rubbish removed, etc |Sma' Anything hauled locally. t WANTED -- immediately, good used row corn planter with fertilizer attachments, any make. Will pay top We believe that you can "do- it. yourself" and save lots of moving jobs. RA 8-8535. DEAD farm stock picked up promp tly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. time and money, but you cannot afford to own seldom used, and sometimes expen- CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe estimate, RESULTS for a song want to sell or buy, start singing 80 whether you etc, rates. GALT CARTAGE, furniture and ance moving, insured. Call' day or night. | PICKUP truck with hitch, will move furniture, appliances, trailers, boats of water, COlfax 3 PASTURE for Niorses or cattle, plenty -2452, sive items. Our aim is to have for you to rent, at a to cottages or local. RA 8-0818, Reasonable rates, RA 5-498, _|27--Fuel Wood appli- fully « |large reasonable rate, every kind of tool or equipment to do DRY hardwood lumber ends, for furnaces and wood stoves, load, delivered. Also through an Oshawa Times Classified Ad today. Makes mighty sweet music Dial RA 3.3492. 21--Personal Services about cottage deliveries. RA 38-0818. suitable $5 for enquire practically everything! DISTRIBUTORS FOR: SARNIA SAFWAY 28--Summer Resorts FURNACE SALES SPENCER foundation garments, vidnually designed. Reg. Corsetier, Mrs. John Hendershot, 208 Park Road North. . (ces at Lake Kushog. Safe, sandy beach. SCAFFOLDING FOR RENT .. Cottage, all convenien- AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co., Ltd. RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus parts 15--Instructions PRIVATE teacher, student ( LAWNMOWER &: ENGINE SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- jers. Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pine dor Service, 81 Central Park Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. 16 years' experience, by interview only. | Act now. RA 5.1054 LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu. cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, p: achios) acrobatic, character, LEARN TO DRIV Friday, Service Centre, aturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253, ba 8-3211 LR 1 |Eiiott_ Avenue. "RA 39793 (Fred). |22--Radio Repairs IVISION, radio, HI-Fi_ repairs. radio sales and service. Electronic 81 King Street West, car Thompson "radio 1 repairs. Electro: 'radio, 157 At the Oshawa Driving: School Licensed by the Police Commission| Fully trained instructors $tandard, Automatic cars | RA-8609] | {16--Insurance |ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up! | EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC. 18 MONTH GUARANTEE ON NEW PICTURE TUBES T.V. Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 05 to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA B5-7413. SWAPS are tops in Oshawa Times Classified. Read the regular swap offers every day. They're unusual, ex- citing and interesting. {17--Money to Loan | FIRST and second mortgage, sale | agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, RA 2-7232, WE HAVE clients' monies available for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages and Agreements of Sale. Louis 8 Hyman, | TV TOWERS 40-ft, self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint. Complete with new Skychief all-channel antenna. Total price, - installed and guaran- teed for 1 year, $59.95. TV Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 3-3553 Q.C. 37 King Street East Oshawa RA | 3-4943. | CLIENTS' monies available for first | and second mortgages. Mortgages and | agreements of sale purchased. Apply! M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary | Public, 2% King East, Oshawa. RA CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale | | Creighton, doc! MONEY TO LOAN | $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, Agree- ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen- tial and industrial, city, sub- urban and country, end sum- mer cottages. Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- tion Ltd, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5.3568. MONEY TO LOAN ey for, bil types of mort- es; for first and second mdrtgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; rt term mortgages for Fraser, Drynan and Mur. | | purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5786 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS OUR SERVICE CALL INGE LUDES ALL THOSE . EXTRAS « « Same day service + + All tubes checked + Picture tube cleaned 4 Tuner cleaned, if needed + » « Complete set-up . + 3 months guarantee DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home. Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER Call us for a free estimate T.R.10: TELEVISION RA 8-6781 171 BOND ST. EAST ilders; first and second (2 ortgages and agreements or sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz; 2614 King Street | SPECIAL! ! | Cold wave | 306 Pine 3--Women's Column "Heal permanents, $8.50, $6.00. Page Hairdressing, Avenue, RA 5-5363 East, Dave, Telephone RA 3-4697 USE THE 24---Market Basket FRESH strawberries. 40 Taunton Road South. RA 3.2847 GARDENS NO. 12 HIGHWAY MO 8-4735 WHITBY |25--Pens and Livestock OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS "4 | KITTENS for good homes | Ad MINIATURE "poodles brown, females, reasonable. 37366, Apply 45 elaide Avenue West, formerly Louisa. 9! black and 18-8031 Phone MO 8-3106 Whitby, in OSHAWA and DISTRICT WE RENT NEARLY and bass. $30 - $40 weekly. RA 5-4328. hydro, good fishing, 5-1763. HALIBURTON, Red Stone Lake, lake, trout fishing, sleeps 8, refrigerator, radio, gas range, heated, burton. {LONE | Maple Camp, tages, vacancie R 22, Bobcaygeon, Ont {ONE building, 12' x 20, land wired, asbestos , housekeepink cot- siding, cottage. 143 King East. accommodates six people, 3262. POW - WOW Come and enjoy the fun at Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Huntsville. All Summer sports, delicious mea ls. American Plan, $39-$58 weekly. Wrtie direct or call Huntsville 844J3. ATRO resort, HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on Lake Huron. Furnished $20 couple weekly. Families $32 up. Sandy beach, good swim- ming, ideal for children. Golf, amusements close ite: G. Hazelwood, Bayfield, Ont. by. R.R.1, TWO and three bedroom cottages, elec- tricity, excellent fishing, pike, pickerel ARDEN housekeeping cottages on Ken-| nebec Lake, two and three bedrooms, swimming. RA , ideal electric ofl $30 weekly. Phone 2302 Hali- Box 28 or Phone 45 fully insulated asphalt "All | shingles, suitable for small summer FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $25, Phone MA 3- EVERYTHING -- CALL STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Service 227 King St. W. RA 3-3224 Cor. King and Burke Sts. sential. GL, aged 14 or 15, wanted to help Junior with to . To Children 's pet. Phone Whitehall 2-3064. Ywch day amp during July, Monday SALESLADY wanted -- experience es- Apply Breslin's Ladies' Wear, tiled, et 'frig. and a plenty cup- bour"s. All rooms newly painted and decorated, laundry TV, parking space. separate entrance, sundeck, lawn and shade trees. For appointment phone \RA 39114 or RA 3-7202. "I MODERN three room apartment, private entrance and bath, parking space available July 1. Apply 222 Avenue. Ajax Plaza for TYPISTS required for general office work. Apply: Secretary- Treasurer, Northern Canado Supply Ltd. RA 3-2291 self- oo avy wiring, cupboards in kitchen, an. tenna, $60 monthly, adults only, iy 27 Rowe Bren THREE-, or apartme heavy virng, vale ug Tink -""" cupboards in kitchen, e¢hild welcome. RA 3-3177. SMALL two - room cottage, furnisheu, suitable for one or light RA 8-8125. THREE - room bathroom flat, partly two for SECRETARY FOR LARGE LAW OFFICE We need at least one com- petent stenographer at once, capable of working independ- TWO room furfiished apartment, quiet district, central location. Child care for working mother if desired. RA 8-6034. COMPLETELY furnished two - room apartment, radio, laundry facilities, television antenna, kitchen sink and cul s. Very clean. No drinkers he apply. 137 Elgin Street East. RA ently . when necessary. You must be fully competent in shorthand and typing. Legal experience is not essential if other qualifications are satis- factory. These are permanent positions with opportunities of advancement, APPLY BOX 613 THE OSHAWA TIMES TARE room basement apartment in apartment building. "ADDI 103 Wilson Road North, Apt. 3. Immediate posses ro voor: furnished basement apartment, private bath and entrance, central, available immediately. RA 3-9800 after 6 p.m. THREE d rooms, d heavy wiring, also two furnished WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE OF TOOLS SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction + Equipment. B-H Paint UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER -- VAC To Restore original beauty to your furniture and rugs. 1282 KING ST. W. OSHAWA---RA 3-4873 RECEPTIONIST- SECRETARY FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE Experienced, conscientious WHITBY DISTRICT WRITE BOX 547 OSHAWA TIMES A. and W. CAR HOSTESSES WANTED MARRIED OR SINGLE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER Full or part time. Apply in person Friday, June 17 at 7 p.m.' Good wages, chance for advancement for mlisble girls. 32--Articles Wanted Ep WANTED ~-- One lawn roller, lire size. Phone RA 3.4674. WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian silver dollars, also certain type '47. RA | 5-5227. LEN-DAVE LODGE BALA, MUSKOKA (Children Free) Main lege, sleeping cabins, safe sandy ® beach, home- cooked meals, dancing and all water sports, hot and cold running water with showers. For the time of your life -- Write or Phone LEN-DAVE LODGE PHONE BALA 397 BALA, ONTARIO |28A--Trailers MODERN five - room summer cottage, all conveniences, sandy beach, Lake Dalrymple, Foxe's Point. By the week, month or season. Apply 65 Harris Ave- nue. Phone RA 5.7147 after 6 HOLIDAY trailer for rent, 16', fully equipped, sleeps four. Make reservation, sw by calling RA 3-7692 weekends or TRAILER accessories and service. Everything for small and large trail ers. LP bottles and parts, hitches, level- ing jacks, portable toilets, mantles, lamps, etc. Miller, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax, WHitehall 2-3491. 29--Summer Properties For Sale KAWARTHA Lakes, summer and coun- try properties, Send for free picture listing folio. Bowes and Cocks Ltd., Realtors, Peterborough, RI 2-4234 FOR BALE -- furnished cottage, at Wilberforce, Haliburton county. Good hunting and fishing. Telephone RA COME to Steenberg Lake (Bass Lake), 26 miles north of Madoc on Highway No. 62 fof sandy lakeshore lots and cot tages, prefab prices. Terms. Ken Mat- thews, RA 5.7740 after 7 p.m. 100 FOOT lakefront cottage, near laa say, on Scugog, J3500. Days, RA 5-1273; PIANOS, upright or apartment size, Will pay eash. State make and price. Write Box 839, Oshawa Times, WANTED -- Used steamer trunk in good condition. Phone MO 8-4407. ! CASH FOR SCRAP ! ! WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, etc. Open All Day Saturday M. GREENBURG & SONS TD. RA 3.7333 -- i Bloor St. E. . SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wercking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 89 BLOOR E. 1327 SIMCOE NORTH rooms, frig, siove, sink, 130 Tyler Cres- cent. RA 8-5327 LARGE Pe ground floor, fur nished apartment, washroom, frig, stove, private entrance. Parking facil ities. Also single furnished room, Very central. Apply 96 Centre Street, MODERN, ' two-bedroom apartments, available July 1 and August 1, lease required. Montrave Apts. RA 3-4379, RA 5-0191. NEW two-bedroom stove, washer and dryer. Shopping Centre, Phone after 5 p.m. FURNISHED room in bachelor apart ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. SIX - room house, hardwood floors, ofl furnace, bathroom, near school, third house, East' Raglan. Phone Brooklin, OLiver 5-4755. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elee- trically equipped, best loca- tion. $100. Apply: 498 frig, to apartment, Close 37--Male Help Wanted AIT Accountant's office re- uires junior student with senior ma- Yrisujation, Britnell and Moore, RA HIGH SCHOOL boy to work on gas pups, part time. Phone RA 8-6812. WANTED -- licensed body Jas, full time job, no painting. To Line Motors, next to "The House 'nat Jack Built," King East. ASSISTANT manager for furniture store, Good salary. State qualifications and experience. Write Box 804 Oshawa Times, RELIABLE Whitby man to work part. time cutting sod and chauffeur's licence. RELIABLE Whitby man to work part- time cutting sod and chauffeurs 1 cence, MO 8-3015. 110 Palmerston Ave. EXPERIENCED bar man with refer- ence, Apply Queen's Hotel, Newcastle. Phone 2556, Newcastle. SUMMER employment, young man be- tween ages 20 and 25 (preferrably uni. versity student) with lifeguard qualifi- cations. Telephone RA 5-8024. 38--Male or Female Help Wanted PART-TIME desk clerk wanted, = . Apply three days each weekend a Hodgson, Genosha Hotel RA 5-2311 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY WANTED = strawberry pickers, ort. west of Bowmanville 'MA 3.2234. AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) 41--Room & Board ROOM and board, $13 Lunches packed Apply mds week. Rosehill per 137 and board in private home Telephone RA 3-7584. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METAL PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET evenings, RA 5.507 CLEAN gravel ac fifty foot J 35--Employment Wanted shore lot, all service: South shore Rice Take at Roseneath. Phone. MO 8.2515 uh Wtf TEN housekeeping units, lake, 'five acres, Hialttuirion county, 23 HANDYMAN janitor, landscaper, cook, or watchman, with experience and ref- 200d trout erence. Phone RA 58645 between 4 and to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritson 8 sing] and uel. Seman preferred. -- 174 urch ROOM and board, good meals, very central, Apply 180 Bruce Street after 5 p.m. ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to orth GM. RA 8-3643, East. ROOM or room and board, pleasant room in privafe home, day rk- er only. RA 5-3808. GARDEN Home for retired or convales- cent person. Phone MOhawk 8-5746. ROOM and board for gentlemen, nice locaticn, close to downtown. Abstain. P! RA 5-5565. room patie, alu also one le and double room, OO an pe Tr pemiee single beds, good home cooked meals, close Road South. boats, luded, excel. Phones RA 2 ard, § all furnishings inch lent fishing, hunting, in - up eliental, |location, Division St., $20,000, - terms. MO' 83838, 10 AY-CARE for children. Phone Excellent (RJOM and board for gentlemen fo fenced in back share, close to north plant, lunch pack- 3623, od. RA &8727. Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; RA 8-8676. APPROXIMATELY 2500 SQUARE FEET ON SECOND FLOOR IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA On a busy. corner, suitable for offices. At present en- tire floor is open -- no pare titions. - Will lease entire floor to reliable tenant or will divide. Apply BOX 719 OSHAWA TIMES WILSON RD. NORTH AT LANDSDOWNE One and two bedroom apart- ments for rent, $75 to $105. Large living room, dining area, beautiful kitchen, tiled bathrooms and good bed- rooms. Two bedroom aparts ments with balcony, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, TV outlet. Immediate passes sion. Call Frank Hazlett RU 3-1733, 3005 Bathurst Street Toronto. Evenings RU 7-9387. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474