A -------- 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1960 CANADIAN PITCHER IS TRADED Ted Bowsfield, pitcher who hails from Pentic- ton, B.C, has been traded by the Boston Red Sox to Cleve- land Indians, Bowsfield, shown | and two Nixon and Carroll Hardy. (CP Wirephoto) 1 G | Oshawa at Bathe; [= Kingside; Ci h { To Close Pirate AD [snide commun ar Ea left-handed | in an exhibition game with the Sox, had a record of one win losses before being traded to Cleveland for Russ ~ SPORTS | League Leaders | JOT. Bantam League Play TODAY'S GAMES PRO WRESTLING Exhibition -- Three bouts at Kinsmen Stadium, 8.45 p.m 'Watch Yankees By ED WILKS postponed their doubleheader, The Fankees, tying Detroit | gopTBALL Associated Press Staff Writer (with the Yankees. ard the Or for the longest streak of the sea-| "'c .. Ontario League -- Mer- son in the AL, scored three in | pants yg Markham at Markham first inning triggered by Tony ,ng rBooklin vs Al Hefferings, Alexandra Park. Both games at 8.15 p.m. Inter-County League -- Hoy vs Port Perry at Port Perry; Coles vs Foley's. Alexandra Park (West) and Crawford's vs Thomp- son, Albtanire Park (East), All games at 6.45 p.m. BASEBALL : y. Osh Legion Minor (Midget) Bob, -- Ajax vs Victor's Sports, Alex- Baltimore and Cleveland get ioles lost two to Kansas City. |going on a four-game argument| While the Birds and Indians lover the American League lead play four, including a twi-night|Kubek's leadoff home run. Skow- tonight, but the New York Yank- pair scheduled for Wednesday, ron homered in the third and ees, frolicking along at Kansas|the Yankees have three more then capped a tirce-run fourth City, could be the club that has left with Kansas City. by driving in two with his single. the last word. The Yankees made it seven The Moose classed it out with the The Orioles are a half-game straight over Kansas City, five|long fly in the sixth. {behind the Indians as they open|this season, behind right-hander| Turley had a perfect game un- the three-day series at Cleveland.|Bob Turley and slugging Moose til Whitey Herzog singled with |But the third place Yankees are Skowron Monday night. one out in the fifth, Harry Chiti |just one game shy of the top after! Turley, now 4-1 with his fourth then hit into a doubl A {winning their sixth in a row with straight victory, had a one-hitter|doubleplay also followed an 8-4 decision over the A's Mon- and had faced the minimum 21|Johnson's leadoff walk in the andra Park, 6.30 p.m. day night in the only AL game then until the A's broke through sixth. WEDNESDAY'S GAMES scheduled. 'for all their runs in the eighth, Then eame the eighth. Norm LAWN BOWLING Cleveland took over first place The Yankees had finished their|Siebern opened with a double; Bowmanville (Brading Trophy) by winning five in a row, then scoring against loser Ken John- and Chiti, Johnson and Ken Men's Doubles, - jslipPed to second by losing jhe son (2-4) and Bob Giggie by Hamline followed with one-out BASEBALL in Misor oan {Hrs wo ames SC ule 9 . " ' p \ - Jt ve oot in New York last then Skowron drove in four with singles. A walk forced in ome.) Oshawa Da ry VS Jury |weekend. The Indians climbed 8 home run, single and sacrifice run and Bill Tuttle singled for and Lovell, Alex. Park and Whit- § lback on top Sunday when rain'fly. the other two. Bp Ajax, Ajax. Both games at Pre er---------- erm---- -- .30 p.m. 4 Lakeshore Minor League -- Co- ' : bourg at Oshawa, Kinsmen Sta- WwW ¢ nN dium, 8.00 p.m, : | SOFTBALL | Oshawa Minor Assoc. -- (Ban- fam) -- Fernhill at Storie; North Woodview at 1 Giants East- three in a row. Logan doubled|Radio at Sunnyside; Nipigon at By ED WILKS | four-run| Rundle. All games at 6.30 p.m. Associated Press Staff Writer Bey gee home a pair in a tying, A ik I Pittsburgh's National League : : econd inning that chased Jack| Midget League -- Kingside at leading Pirates, getting their| Sanford, and then clinched it|Southmead; North Oshawa at Fernhill. Both games at 6.30 p.m. S " i yi bases-loaded triple in the lumps on the road, trudge into with a bases-load p! Beaches Major League---Eddie By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' SPORTS MENT J | The Pirates go into Candlestick | i 3 Park with a one-game lead and |San Francisco tonight for the| "third off losing reliever George ( e opener of a three-game series| |Maranda (0-1). . | Black 3 ¥3 Ochawa Tony's, Alex- with the second place Giants, || The Giants got all four in the| antua a Load e- who haven't been doing much first, three on Orlando Cepeda $ | Mount Zion vs Pickering, Pick- {better at home, | § NORTH BAY didn't make it! We refer of course to their application for an OHA Junior "A" franchise, which was 'turned down at St. Catharines, yesterday, at a meeting of the OHA Junior "A" Council--a group eonsisting of delegates of the various Junior "A" hockey elubs. The opinion voiced by the majority of the voting delegates amounted to simply this--they didn't think North Bay was sufficently organized yet, to produce a eontending team. By that, (oh, and this may make some- body annoyed--but who cares ?) we suggest that maybe $he clubs agreed that Barrie was as far north as they wished to travel in mid-winter--unless, mind you, North Bay was already established as being such a good draw- 'ng eard, that it would be financially profitable to have $hem in the league. Would you care to think about something, say for just 30 seconds--and then maybe guess why North Bay was left out in the cold ? Well-- # goes something like this--there are only six teams in the National Hockey League. Canadiens (Peterbore Jrs.); Toronto Maple Leafs (Marlboros, and St. Mike's); Detroit (Hamilton); Chicago (St. Catharines); Boston ¢Barrie) and N.Y. Rangers (Guelph). Now, we are not sven suggesting that this situation is anything more than a mere coincidence, On the other hand, isn't it in- teresting ? OSHAWA "IMPS", this city's entry in the power- ful Canadian Provincial Football Junior Conference league, is taking some definite steps to stimulate interest in the entire Southern Ontario district, while at the same time recruit the best material available. The an- nouncement that "Bill" Zock, veteran star linesman of Toronto Argos and Edmonton Eskimos, is to be the eoach of Oshawa's 1960 Junior football team, of course has aroused keen interest among the teen-age football fraternity of this district. Zock has had considerable ex- perience as a football coach in top-level company, since his retirement as an active player, three seasons ago. "Teddy" Morris, another recognized Toronto - Argo stalwart of the days when winning the Grey Cup was almost a habit with Argos, is another football great who takes a keen interest in the Oshawa Junior Club. In order to bolster their ranks for the coming season, and also arouse interest in neighbouring communities, the "Inups" plan "Football Clinics" in Whitby and Bow=- manville, on Thursday of this week. Coach Bill Zock and Teddy Morris will attend, along with directors of the Oshawa club, to explain the club's policies, the Junior Conference League, prospects and possibilities. Gordon McMahon, Whitby sports enthusiast and former Queen's grid star, together with Mr. Clouthier, of Whitby HS, have arranged a clinic for all boys of Whitby, Ajax and Pickering, to be held this Thursday afternoon, 4:30 o'clock, at Whitby Arena. Players of 18-years-of- age, up to and including 21, are invited to attend. Those who nave graduated from High School but are still not yet 22, are especially urged to attend. Thursday night, another similar clinic will be held in Bowmanville, at the Lions Centre, 8:00 p,m,, when Bowmanville, Hamp- ton, Newcastle, etc. will provide the audience. BRIGHT BITS: Hamilton Tiger-Cats have given assistant-coach Ralph Sazio a four-year contract, which would seem to suggest they are making sure they have somebody around, if Jim Trimble decides to pull up stakes. . . EDDIE BEVAN, for 14 years a star member of Big Four grid action, has been named an assistant eoach also. . . . BOB DAWSON, T-C quarterback in re- eent years, has hung up his suit but will act as coach of the Burlington Braves Junior team, new entry in the Junior Conference circuit. . MORE SPORT NEWS out of Hamilton this week reveals that Eddie Bush, former Guelph Biltmore Junior "A" hockey mentor, who has had a fine record with Biltmores, has been signed to coach Hamilton's Tiger-Cubs, in OHA Junior anks this coming winter. . . . BOSTON RED SOX have traded Ted Bowsfield, Canadian-born Okanogan Valley product, along with Marty Keough, to Cleveland Indians, for Russ Nixon and Carrol Hardy. Nixon used to be with Boston before. . OSHAWA Public School athletes, who in recent weeks have qualified for the right to rep- resent their school, by qualifying in their own school meets, will gather at Alexandra Park tomorrow after- noon for the annual Oshawa "Annual School Games' -- a monster track-and-field sports meet conducted on Olympic Games standards and supplying to all school children, parents, relatives and friends (the public is both invited and urged te attend) a day of colorful sports competition. We ean recommend it as an attrac- tion of eutstanding interest and entertainment. \ 5 & ¥ 4 and one home run. These hits drove in a considerable number of runs. SCUGOG CLEANERS --Burke, ag y A A ._|ss; Fegan, c; Price, 2b; Horton, as he pitched his seventh com- the little Puerto Rican in his| of; Suddard, If; Wills, rf; Siblock | homered for the other run in the|gring;, Scuzor Cleaners vs Will. fourth, hing ; : ls Eh X | p.m. Markham vs Port Perry, righthander Bob Friend (7-3) well | $ REY | " rested for a duel with the Giants' CONTRAST IN RECORDS we iE Pm. Sam Jones (8-4). | onl: lig to see rag lace, Oshawa Public Schools' Annual All the Giants have to do to i > t two month i n- Field Day at Alexandra Park take charge is sweep the set. | a amost two mons, el | 1.00 p.m ' That's what happened the last tally, were tied for the lead on" P.M. == ; . {May 29 with 25-14 records. Since| time the Bucs showed up at San v Francisco. Pittsburgh went in | then the Pirates Rave won seven . rancigeo. : ge of 13 with a + flop on the road. OC g g] orith 3 two-game lead that time. 1 The Giants have been 7-8 with u 0 uniors |LOSING AT HOME all 15 games at home. | . . - But that was a month ago. The| JOHNNY LOGAN Friend, who'll be working vio Whip Pickering {Giants haven't won any of their| four days rest, has managed no : {last four series at home. And ning lead and losing 12-5 to third-| better than a split in his last six| Scugog Cleaners trounced Pick- even if they break the slump by place Milwaukee. That gave the decisions. He's 0-1 against the| ering Merchants 13-3 in a South ltaking two of the three with Braves a split in the four-game|Giants this season. | Ontario County softball game at (Pittsburgh, they'll still trail the series and put them within 3% Jones, the righthander who has| Alcxandra Park las) Jight. p |Pirates by percentage points. (games of first place. been the Giants' stopper, has," flex Yoon op The Giants missed another| Johnny Logan drove in five had three days' rest since beat-| yo"; ino price doubled Burke chance to close in on the Bucs/runs for the Braves and Lew/ing Milwaukee 50 with a five-| 4 pavior over in the second Monday, blowing a 440 first-in-/ Burdette (6-2) who now has won hitter Friday night. : Price hit a home run in the third - _ i , Tr r 4 --_ ofthat drove Burke and g ». across the plate. Wills scored Favor Ortiz Beat {again in the seventh inning. Sud- ea 3] a er 1ge D il L : Toni h |dard doubled Price in during the | eig! and advanced Horton to | ullo Loi lonig t | third. Wills then hit a solid triple SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--New that drove Horton and Suddard I lY eda a ers Yorker Carlos Ortiz rates as the|home, {favorite at about 9-5 over Italian Bryant, Hansen and Dinniwell By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ray Shearer hit a two - run|Puilio Loi for Wednesday night's gof the three runs for Pickering. | The opportunity-conscious Tor. homer for the Cubans. Bob Smith |Junior welterweight title fight at| er ot Scugop allowed only onto Maple Leafs are at it again|won his sixth game in eight deci-{the Cow Palace. He wants the| PX "08 Wi ® FODIS0D ava Ha. in the International League, and sions for Toronto. |victory as -a stepping stone to ang P . ig lop Higher. |just daring anyone to challenge k lightweight tit ut. wi them for first place. HOMER DROPS JETS = weight ile bot... the 2 ne with ufo ho Leafs won their fourth straight| Bob Bowman's fifth homer, a espite Loi's impressive record ples |game Monday night with a 7-4/50lo shot with one man out in the ang his European welterweight |victory over Havana Sugar Binh, broke 2 I-1 tie and gave .,.noionship, most observers [Kings. 'The win kept them 3% uffalo its victory. Ken Lehhan h bea ay ' |games ahead of second - place VOD his eighth, doling out six hits have been more impressed with (Buffalo Bisons, who defeated Rochester |Plete game. Proving Tighter Now Tighter games with strong fifth and one in the sixth, Chees-| Park a 7-4 win over Storie Park. hitting resulted in Kiwanis Ban- man played well, hitting three' The seven runs were gathered tam softball action last night. Al/importiant doubles. {by Sunnyside Park in the first two |few games were rather one-sided | Bathe was held from scoring by |innings. Korbak (two), Nosal, in final scores, but generally the the alert fielding of Connaught. Black (two), Macko snd Suces Jeague appears fo be getting Mitchell netted both of Bathe's/were the scorers. more competitive, |runs, | Under the close pitching by NIPIGON WINS IN EXTRA 'WOODVIEW SWAMPS RUNDLE Black of Sunnyside, the Storie Nipigon Park edged Fernhill, Woodview walked away with a/team were able to get five hits. [106 by collecting four runs in|28-3 win over home team Rundle Storie scored one run in the the extra inning. {Park last night, Kitchen, McNa-|second inning and three in the | At 4he end of regulation play, mee and Pilkey were the high |the scort was 646. Visiting Nipi- Scorers with four runs each, RADIO EDGES EASTVIEW gon had two strong hitters in Strauchan, Leaming and Fields| Radio Park downed a game \Huehnergard and Parkinson |68ch put three runs across for|team from Eastview 13-10 last |Both players hit two-run homers, Woodview. Leaming held the night. Three runs in the third | Fernhill scored one run in the Would-be hitters on Rundle Park|inning, three in the fourth, five (first, two in the second and three 10 four hits. To the Sins aud two in ihe sixth in the fifth- inning. | Straugely cuough, es nly home Was the spread of the Radi run e re game oii Nine bums In the ifth aning as hit by Luke of Rundle in the| McDonald, . Stapley, Bennell, gave North Oshawa a 105 win | Dottom of the seventh inning. Cullen and Alesworth jot two over visiting Simcoe Hall, Every SOUTHMEAD OVER KINGSIDE runs each for Radio, Planer save ohor ceaf al one Tau, With the aid of a strong bat| Bruce was the lone man on and Johnstone, the piteher, got | SWung by Wright, Southmead| Eastview to score more than one Wo beat Kingside Park 9-2 last'run; he crossed the plate twice. . : : night. | KINGSIDE MIDGETS WIN aay, yu the Bower Titer) Wright hit two home runs for| Kingside Park Midgets, with or North Oshawa with two home visiting Southmead Park. His total|three home runs, defeated home runs. His homer in the fifth inning runs for the evening ended at team North Oshawa 13-3. Vas a gram Slater. Joiimie three. Peters of Southmead also! Balsen hit a two-run homer in i Sue Dme Na in the fifth. [gained three runs -- one by athe eighth inning and the next _ Johnstone held Simcoe Hall 10 home run in the fourth, patter, Noakes, drove out another seven hits. Kingside appeared well on home run. Barnoski belted a CONNAUGHT DOWNS BATHE their way to a high flying game three-run homer in the eighth in- : Connaught defeated Bathe 11-2 with their two runs scored in the nirg. in a game that saw the winners bottom of the first inning. Goring,| Buzminski of Kingside had exhibit strong hitting ability. |pitcher: for Southmead, held the seven strike outs and allowed Armstrong was the top scorer possible threat by allowing two five hits. Balsen, Adair, Taylor for Connaught with three runs. hits. land Barnoski each scored two Three runs were scored in the SUNNYSIDE SQUEAKS WIN runs for Kingside Park, first inning, two in the third,| Strong hitting in the early in| Hooper, Dell and Keys got the three in the fourth, two in the'nings gave visiting Sunnyside three runs for North Oshawa. . PY the game in the third inning. ; Hickey, pitciter for Kinloch's, Nne- un 1s (had 11 strikeouts to his credit and allowed just two hits. Siblock I U AW S f 1 o Stephenson's had five hits off ba ; im. n (@) t A KINLOCH'S: Burke, ss (in ourth) ; Hill, cf; Kuney, 3b; Ken- Two very close games were ers crossing the plate in the extra nan, 1b; Hickey, p ;Cooper, ec; played in the UAW softball, league] inning. Stacey got on via an error|E1liott, If; Mhrycanuk, rf; last night with Kinloch's, Blovery land Tait banged him in. Tait also Meraw, rf; Laing, 2b (in fourth); and Modern emerging as win-| scored on the same play via an| Wright, 2b. |error in left field. | STEPHENSON'S JEWEL. Smith, Howe (with a home run) |LERS: Campbell, 3b; O'Neil, 2b; K and Melnick got the three runs Kawecki, c; Siblock, pi Wallace, Modern Upholstering edged |for the losers. 1b; Comberford, cf; Hinze, ss; |Karn's Drugs 87 and thereby | Henning: ss; Prakken, If; Venoit, |won their fourth game in a row. BLOVERY CONSTRUCTION: |rf; Jacksitz, rf. Arnold. If; Tindall, ef; Judd, rf: | ners. MODERN OVER KARN'S { SPORT BRIEFS OUT OF OLYMPICS |" Both teams scored four runs in |one inning -- Modern in the fifth| Taylor, 3b; McLinton, c; Bere- and Karn's in the sixth, Brooks bin (in the seventh) 2b; Snow, |of Karn's Drugs hit what proved |2b: McGillis (in seventh) ss; to be the only home run of the | Milne, ss; Stacey, p; Tait, 1b. game in the fourth inning. | BLACKS: Sinclair, 3b; Smith, | Sutton scored for Modern in Pp: Melnick, c; Varga, ss; Howe,| QUANTIC ( --- [the first inning. Then Bryan sac-| 1b; Allems, cf; Beaton, | 5 SUANTICO, Va. AAP) = = |rificed Berwick in and Clark's Spooner, rf; Dickenson, If. |in the United States, split the single drove Mackness over the) , 5 |achilles tend lh plate. Hamilton ied Clarke | Ra ACH'S WN RASILY is |in a spill ry i ho over in the fourth inning. i id A nS track meet Frid i {in the top of the first inni bate et Friday and will def Berwick was thrown out at|" P st inning, sail- |; iio ice : home by a fielder's choice on a ad 10 Jn easy 4-1 win over Steph- | ond Ye i he Crapic. Salt [bid by Bryan in the fifth inning. ®'te0* "EWE ors Just wight, [on the Hirst tues of the Sv melee {In the meantime, Mackness and| Meraw and Hill of Kinloch's|. "pm." Wi undergo surgery. | 4 : were on base via walks. Kennan {McMullen, who had both singled) jo 104" Moraw in and Hill ad. |on, advanced to second and third. h With the bases loaded, Clark| vanced to third. Cooper then hit for two months. doubled in the two latter run.|® iwo-bagger that sent Hill WAS NL UMPIRE [ners. Another double put Bryan attves the Dia. SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) -- Vie and Clark across the plate. The 1! the rd Inning, Hickey tor (Vie) Delmore, 43, former scored another run for Kinloch's. [side Burke threatened in the sixth |" Marshall and Brooks scored|When he reached - third, but a {two runs each for Karn's Drugs. fielder's choice to first, with two Others getting runs were Mc- out. cancelled any rum. that Phee, Nash and Welsh. | might have been made. MODERN UPHOLSTERING:| The lone run for St | next batter flied out to retire the veteran of two decades in bases ball as player, manager and ar- biter, died Friday after a brief illness. Delmore umpired for sev-, h 's (eral in the. National 1 | : Columbus Jets 2-1. : | workouts here. | 1b; Wright, 3b; March, 3b; Tay- m; i 3 3 . f : [Red Wings blanked Richmond Bowman also drove in the pu 110 bouts Lol has lost only| Io P. V°| Tilk, rf a the siti Sutton, M; was off the long-hitting bat of League, but his contract for the Virginians 7-0. other 'Buffalo run with a double =~ and hasa't heen defeated bf. PICKERING MERCHANTS. -- Beek or ac dos he ap. | Campbell. He hit the only run of 1960 season was mot renewed. Leafs got nine hits--but none n the first inning. Dick Gray e asn en defeated | Boyd, 2b; Bryant, if: Hansen, P| aon ¥, ian, 8) Suk: oa - for extra. bases off losing| homered for Columbus. the past seven years. At 31, he and ss: Stewart, ¢: Simpson, of: | 18 3b: Maxwell, p (in the Reliever Don Williams lost in finally is getting a shot at a! Dinniwell, 1b; Whitney, 3b; Rim-| relief of Tom Cheney, world championship after being| Mer: 3b; Found, If; Robinson, rf Dick Ricketts gave Richmond | | high Ki li i and p. lorrors. They scored four in the only five hits, evening his record "8h ramcing ightweight eon --_ |sixth on three hits, a stolen base, at 4-4, Zack Monroe was the Yelues several Saves. SPOKANE, Wash. {two walks and an error. Bases-||ocer his sixth in nine decisions rtiz, 24, has lost only twe of \.ne Comets pitcher Bob Moorhead and re-! liever Bob Miller and were helped by seven walks. and two jeg | (AP)--Spo-| of the Western lloaded singles by Tim Thom 5 : 33 fights. He reversed th los 3 3 pi Sparky Anderson scored two Yay. Savion homered for the in rematches. fe was ss Howley. Licague en with) runs each in the big ioning. hi teams, Montreal Canadiens and | Riax B BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS fia =o "cio - er manager oy CBr sal B GS Saturday. Ajax Bantams EE amen wilh She ve |NHL clubs was worked out in | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Miami 2 32 39 17 ore utout National League Montreal 18 33 .353 19 |the NHL draft this week and pro- | : W L Pct. GBL Today's Games {duced 10 players for the 1960 edi-| Ajax whitewashed Jury and Pittsburgh 32 20 .615 Columbus at Buffalo tion of the Spokane club, he said. | Lovell 9-0 last night in Oshawa|San Fran 32 2 593 1 Richmond at chester Five will come from Detroit and] {Legion Minor Bantam action at Milwaukee 25 20 .556 3% Miami at Montreal 2 five from Montreal {Alexandra Park [Cincinnati 2% 271 491 6% (Havana at Toronid2 Among those assigned fo the | O'Shea got the first run for|st. Louis 25 27 431 71 National League Comets is Forbes Kennedy from Ajax in, the sécond inning. Cor-|Los Angeles 24 28 462 8 |Mmil 043 000 005--12 15 0 Detroif,.an NHL player in three bett, Claringbold, Peterson and Chicago 20 26 435 9 San Fran 400 100 000-- 5 § 2[of the last four seasons, and de-| Stewart scored during the third| Phila 19 33 .36513 Burdette (6-2) and Crandall; |fenceman Larry McNab, switched inning. Claringbold hit a home Today's Games i Sanford, M 0- Ship- ; : i | run in the fourth driving in Cor- (And Probable Pitchers) avanda (0-1) (3) Ship-/la the Comets. from Regina by| | Welsh, ss; Legree, 3b; Lyons, p.| seventh); Tamblyn, p; Philips, ss (in the sixth); Solomon, ss; Thompson, ss (in the seventh). KARN'S DRUGS: Marshall, 2b; | Degray, 1b; McPhee, cf; Hodg-| son, If; Brooks, c; Terwilleger,| rf: Nash (pinch hit in the sixth); | : MIDGETS, Kinsmen Stadium in Event of Rain Oshawa Arens TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, 8:45 P.M. BIG JUMBO 517 LBS BIG ED MILLER 3/0 LBS. 'Bouncin' Burke & Dandy Moore Irish Jackie & Tom Thumb ; One Other Exhibition (Pat Flanagan vs. Cliff Phiede Tickets--1.50--1.25--1.00 at the Casine R Pat Milosh, P: - BLOVERY EDGES BLACKS Blovery Contruction nipped Blacks 4-3 in a game that enter- ed an extra inning last night, Blovery, the home team scored two runs in the; bottom half of the eighth inning to win by the| one point margin as Blacks] scored one in the top. Snow scored one run for Blov- ery in the fifth inning when, after | reaching third base on an error, he was singled home by Milne. | McLinton doubled home Judd's| single during the seventh. Stacey and Tait wage the play-| af BEAVER { . ley (5) Loes (8) and ¢ bett. Pittsburgh (Friend 7-3) at 8an HR: SF.Cepeda (11) Sehuidt, Montreal, (5 | The closest Jury and Lovell {Francisco (Jones 84) (N) ). {got to scoring was in the first|Chicago (Hobbie 5-7) al Milwau- (Only game scheduled). {and second innings. Plank reach- kee (Buhl ¥2 (N) ; American League - ed third after getting on with a St. Louis (Jackson 8-5) at Cin- New York 301 301 000-- 8 9 0| cinnati (O'Toole 4-5) (N) KCy 000 000 040-- 4 6 0 |single. The next two batters| philadelphia (Roberts 2-7) at Los! -1 H by ] 0 N a i oi role rat : . urtey (4-1) : | grounded out. Fair hit a triple in Angeles (Drysdale 4-8) (N) Thy (2-4) Pre Be D {the second, but the next bat- American League . (7) Kutyna (3; and Chita. HR: TORES |ters went down in order. Cleveland x L Pel; GBL NY-Ribek (5) Skowros Nn. : a ' oi 4 y Claringbold of Ajax allowed Baltimore 31 23 574 % DY aL Shed). five hits and had 14 strikeouts. |New York 28 21 571 1 Chicago (N) 000 000-0 5 1 AJAX -- Marshall, e: Payer, Derrolt > 2 51 3 Chicago (A) 120 04x-- 7 12 0 <M iO Cor. Chicago 2 A 3 Called 6th inning, rai ' | I, Fn, I; Cramb, sy; Corll, 33 3 ff 3, | Caled uh imning, ran | 15" TUBE TYPE DOMINION ROYAL GUARD TIRES | oS Pking + Pi i Kansas City 22 31 415 9 |Thacker; Score, Garcia (6) and - ny son: 3b; O'Shea, 2b; Stewart, 1b; Boston 17 32 .34712 (Brown. I Huminaik, rf. Anat day's Games ~~ [Cincinnati O11 011 000-- 4 9 1| 6.70 x 15-4 ply 7.10 x 15-4 ply 1.60 x 15 4-ply JURY AND LOVELL -- Stroud, < ers Cleveland __ 000 000 05x-- § 9 2 3: Plank, ¢: Irwin. 1b ue Baltimore (Pappas 3-5 or Hoeft Osteen, McLish (8) and House; | Rayon Blackwall .. 13.45 15 95 Royon Blackwell 3; Plank, e; + 1b; Brady, |.) af Cleveland (Perry 6-2) (N)|Lee, Latman (6) and Foiles. || Rayon Whitewall .. 15.95 | Roven Blackwell .. . 19 Q (ef; Fair, p; Horchik, If: Mowat, New York (Coates 6-0) at Kansas International League Y is ; . 2b; Wilson, rf; Richardson, ss. [City (Kucks 1-0) (N) 000 000 000-- 0 5 1[f Nylon Blackwall 14.95 Rayon Whitewall 19 75 WITH TRADE y itewa . Rchd Washington (Ramos 3-7) at Chi- Rochester 301 000 12x-- 7 10 0] With trade WITH TRADE - Monday and probably will be idle National League umpire and a YESTERDAY'S Sage (Baumana = iN Detiolt Monroe, Flowers (8) and Gon- ston r 46) a etroit | der; R. Ricketts and Cannizzaro. | (Bunning 33) (N) (Columbus 010 000 000-1 8 | BOAT TRAILERS @® | { International League uffalo -- @ | TARS B 100 000 001-- 2 6-1 | br : id IL Pet. GBL| Cheney, Williams (9) and Tor- R Blackwall 4 PI N " Compl line of Trailers from PAY | Toronto % 12 45- nay; Lehman and Teed. ayon-Blackwa lon-Blackwall 4 PI to ow | By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS |Buffalo 34 18 654 3% [Havana 100 201 000-- 4 9 3 y y y 139.50 240.00 wl | Hiting__Jobnny Logan, Braves, Richmond 20 20500 11% [Toronto 20014 o0x--7 3 2] 7.50-14 ..... $21.80 | 7.50-14 ...... $24.30 AS : |drove in five runs, with a double Rochester ~~ 22 2% 468 13 | Moorhead. Miller (6) and Az- FREE SPARE WHEEL AND TIRE (Reg. 2 |and clinching three-run triple, in | Havana 23 27 460 13% cue; Smith and Thompson. HR: |] 8.00-14 "Ye tememe $24.90 8.00-14 ........ $27 70 | 20.55 value) supplied with every trailer, Y y comeback, 12-5 victory over the| Columbus 23 29 442 14% |Hav-Shearer. ny * Terms on oll trailers just 10% DOWN, jecmebe Colm J a] eit eeee I 8.50.14 $27.25 | 8.50-14 $30.20 | holence on pev-dey plan. Ask sbout . Pitchin; Bob Turley . | them, today! | g urley, Yan-| I WITH TRADE WITH TRADE 4 |kees, won fourth in a row with -- DOMINIO (HI) 1 |six-hit, seven - strikeout 8-4 de-| |cision over A's after allowing | N LLEGE | 14" TUBELESS WHITEWALL TENTS: -- 4 . Lom Id through seven pe " = (Est. 1900 es the Dominion Business Céllege Ltd) | Standard 9' x9'... .. 39.95 . ] a J NE . i i 4.00 DOWN -- 1.80 W ' | GWT MATRICULATION SCHOOL | Rayon-Whitewall 4 Ply Nylon-Whitewall 4 Ply Fn » I 5 " Easy | . abin Tourist 9' x n o> 'WEEK-END FIGHTS Day amer preparatory classes begin July 18 for adult | 7.50-14 30, Sh 1d $26.75 7.50-14 ae $29.70 6.00 DOWN -- 2.05 WEEKLY ' | I di ho h Jf " "By THE ABSOCITTED Pram | school and who with 10 vate our conrad races Trend 12 |} 8-00-14 +r $30.50 {8.00-14 ..... $33.80 PICTURE WINDOW TENT TERMS |: New York--Ronnie Cohen, 145, course in ten months (Sept. to June) he - x9¥x7Va .... . 73.95% En New Rochelle, N.Y., outpointed| « COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 8.50-14 $33.25 8.50-14 = $36.85 7.50 DOWN «= 2.30 WEEKLY oe Steve Ward, 142%, Hartford, WITH TRADE ' WITH TRADE Every tent complete and ready for camping, A iq {Conn.. 10 Bey, summer classes start July 18 for Typing, Shorthand er a Tokyo Sadao Yaoita, 114 ookkeening x 13 A N For further information telephone of wri w school office . : He. Vihointed At Wada Fu ] ns Ea Jirthae alrmetion tales . te the raat att Tasty 48 BOND ST. WEST (Church) OSHAWA RA 5-6511 gi A " " LL A i | | |