The Oshawa Times, 9 Jun 1960, p. 27

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 9, 1960 27 {45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estote For Sole COMMERCIAL PROPERTY KING STREET EAST 11 large rooms plus 2 apartments. Each opartment rents for $65.00 per month, 3 -- 4-pc. baths. 3---2-pc. washrooms and 1 -- 3-pc, bath. Very spacious, modern and well kept property. Lot size 70' x 166' -- good parking space available, For further details, coll Bill McFeeters, daytime, RA .3-2265 evenings RA 5-1726. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. 6 SIMCOE N. 12 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA, ONTARIO CUSTOM HOMES By S. GUJDA, BUILDER 45--Real Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |45---Real Estate for Sale TWO furnished bedroo kitchen (HOUSE 10 rooms four apart. (LOY 0s sale, 60 by is, pr price $4000. PRIVATE, owner-built, beautiful five. | For Rent for light -- 3-5683 or 261 iments. Three stoves, ino Close Phone RA | room, suburban yellow, brick funga. | THREE-room apartment, electrically| Colina Street. to downtown |5-7677, {low fi bath, two rooms furnished, cl equipped, bath, ay Jutist and garage, FURNISHED double room, light house Shane Jnopping so Sentre. $7000 down. Tele-| SEVEN room house four bedrooms, pes 1a : keeping, sink, suitable for girl, Phone close to school and Shopping Centre, Two- room furnished bisement apa "apart: R45.9683. BEAUTIFUL S-room ranch rent, T awa, of double highway, ment, available July I. gentleman Share, e rooms, brick and ps RL a oy ladies' wear or shoe wo Hauge: Slo 10 bet] x on Ee oll re Tus William toa Mary aura gous, Sitached garage. 484|fell Street. One helivy duty glestric or men's wear and shoe store. Apply THREE . oom atkroom nt, 5 avy Tele 5-0906. range, in good condition, 40" size. Box 707 Oshawa Times. wiring, cupboards "in ltchen, ™v ate THREE sites. ual room FURNISHED front room for gentleman, |tenna, $60 monthly, adul only. App! oor, avy wiring, central, reasonable. Call after 5 p.m. 27 Rowe Street. ia, w= , monthly. Apply at Th 'ngnes RA 8-5558. SIX - room brick x house, ¢: brick Jarage, iE or o ren THREE - room flat, private bath, also|hardwood floors, central, handy to store SIN room for rent, use ar Apply 235 Grayburn Ave., off and Motors, July 5 anor Street qui Sal, Clean, Ritson South or telephone RA 3-4364. yr E. Halt Tne quiet home. Telephone 150. AVAILABLE July 1 -- One or two bed- pr - = TWO partly TWO. Beach|rooms, couple preferred. Fa 8 to everything, pre Jom apatiment, Ssetad floor, Wodety road, near fake available immediately. Drew Street or RA 3-4152 after 5 p.m. t North, Phone RA 5-4452. hone THREE ROOM 5d bear do} stivat Nos THREE-, or four - room apartment, A 3-3398 John share, ciose to -- 'plant, lunch pack: SMALL, furnished apartment, private / j|vate bath, oem IN WHITBY -- two lovely high build- ed. RA 56727. entrance, and bath, fully equipped Meany rng: prvite Bath, sink and |r) RA 5-1607. A.J oho Ltd., Realtor, ing lots, with trees and hedges, on a BOOM and board for gentlemen, kitcher for Jags only, centrally lccat-| pay 3177 : TWO furnished rooms for two gentle- PRIVATE sale -- $10,500 immaculate paved street, with sewer and water. meals, close ed. RA men, close to Shopping Centre. Apply | Call at 1000 Byron South, Whitby. SMALL two room partly|63 Grenfell Street. GAIN, Port Pi ight FURNISHED two - room apartment, | ihe. suitable for for BAR! 8 or erry, eigl » qi s ONE room and kitchen, Private brick home, 2% acres of high land, all vii: Bl To Woot og A 0 Douselieeping. Ra and back Apply 27 Park Rd conveniences and garage, only $7000 South, with half cash down or trade for gall house in Oshawa. W, McAuley Real- ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail- id so able in private home. 82 Park Road tor, 26 Prince St. RA 3-2512; MO 8-5765. North, 5-7 p.m. RA 71. EXCELLENT building lot, between AVAILABLE now -- three furnished Oshawa and Whitby, 78 x 200, very nice [44--Houses, Apts., Flats "Nome, Apts., Flats |44a--Rooms For Rent ( For Rent (HREE - room apartment with private bath, partially furnished, $65 monthly, Telephone RA 5-6759. '|FLOOR space to rent close to Osh. PY 41---Room and Board ROOM and board for gentlemen, nice lJocaticn, close to downtown. Abstain- ers. Phone RA. 5-5565. BOAPDERS wanted, North Oshawa, pear Hospitai and Phone RA 38-3958. ROOM and board for tinuous hot water home privileges. Ritson Road South. ROOM and board for lady or gentle- man, willing to share all anytime after 5 p.m. 353 Verdun Road or phone "RA §5-7534, ONE, two - room apartment, t, also one single and double room, central and| quiet. Gentleman preferred. Apply 174|8 . Church St ROOM and ed in mie gi Sse [itchen, on heated full hy i taclied breezeway and garage. Large | abuscaped lot wit am. Many other rs. Four years old. Phone RA Hy Tan. LOT for sale, north end, Approvimate- ly 60° x 150°, city water, Telephone RA 5-440% THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial OLiver 5-3058. NHA re-sale, north-west section, Glen- forest Street, five - room brick ranch style. Must be sold at once. Cheap, three bedrooms, large lot. Phone Jack Appl#p, at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398, NEW six-room bungalow, Harmony, Heights, aluminum windows and screens, paved driveway. Near school. RA 8.5206 LARGE lot 220 frontage by 100 depth, sewers and water, suitable for duplex or triplex, with plenty of parking space room |in well built up residential section. RA 3-3807. MADISON AVE. $9,800 Lovely 5-room brick home, oak and tile floors, laundry tubs, oil nd| Cheap. Phone RA 5-4441, unfurnished rooms, third | DOUBLE house, corner Church and its, cen. |Silver Street, anville, 22 rooms, FIVE - room brick bungalow with commercial property. Apply Mr. F.|garage, oak and tile floors, like new Williams, MA 3- down. RA 80512 Six - room a after 5. landscaped, storms and screens, fire-| PRIVATE sale -- Family home, 2%- place. close to school and bus Stop. storey brick, garage, paved drive, six Apple Hill RA 88649. rooms, plus large room completely NEW NHA six - room brick bunga-|finished third floor. Close to schools low, just $500 down, Joeated | in Apple|and communications. $2500 down pay- Hill, many man; extras, inspect ment, Monthly $69. Will also ay rooms, adults, pri.|call eA pleby at Lig Siu or IA |smaller home. RA 5-5207. AvDloh: 4 oh Whitby, taxes $120, Finished rec. room with bar, newly Jaiated inside \|and out, landscaped, double nm. payment and payments RA 3-2663. cottage, one or 8-8125. area, can BEAUTIFUL six room, 1% storey, basement apartment, with private en- trance, almost central; in good area, fully modern inside, Many extras. RA boards: parking, near bus stop. Call RA | 54 OFFICE SPACE TWO room furnished apartment, quiet district, central location. Child care for working mother if desired. RA 8-6034. APARTMENT a! 174 "Colborne Street, four -ooms, $50 adults. Janitor apart. ment at 46 Fairbanks Street. Heat, 43--Wanted to Rent WANTED six-room bungalow by July| 1. Will pay up to $100. Telephone RA 8.5591. a WANTED « two - bedroo: partment, 700. Apply 255 Athol Street. wl yw 1000. ool condition, mear business section, inl rent. Phone RA 5-6160. Classified Ads moves them and sells them. Fast, low-cost! Sal any kind of real estate by dialipg RA 13-3492. GM WORKER wants house in country, three Will work weekends, holidays, during layoff, for reasonable rent. RA 8-2513. TWO family home, close to school and bus, reasonable rent. Call RA 53083 or RA 3- 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent T™WO room furnished apartment, modern, private parking, close to down- town, adults. July 1, $70. RA 8-0369. MODERN upper duplex, large living, ing and bedrooms, kitchen and bath tiled, mew 'frig. and stove, plenty cup- bours. All rooms newly painted and decorated, laundry TV, parking space, separate entrance, sundeck, lawn trees. For appointment phone RA 39114 or RA 3 THREE-room, unfurnished apartment, business couple, adults only, heavy wir- ing, heated, central. RA 5-2817 after 6.30 p.m. SIX room ranch style bungalow, close to bus, shopping and South GM, imme- diate possession. Apply 1248 Wecker Drive. THREE - room basement apartment and bath, private entrance, immediate possession. RA 8-1114 after 4 p.m. FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, sink in kitchen, private bath, parking, -- heat, water, eté., included, $65 monthly. RA 84723. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 1 ond 2 bedroom apart- ments, electrically equisped, best location. $85 and up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now evailable. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 FOR RENT In new office building, mod- erate rent, centrally located. TELEPHONE RA 5-5132 STARTING AT $85 MODERN SUITES BALCONIES A building you would be proud to live in, paved, park- ing, fully equipped, laundry room, building has just been painted inside and out. At- tractively landscaped, will de- corate to suit new tenant. Close to shopping, you should see to fully appreciate the ex- tras in this apartment. MO 8-4547, Whitby. TIRED OF HIGH RENTS OR ALL THE CHORES AROUND THE HOUSF IF SO INVESTIGATE CO-OP APARTMENTS DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $3,900 All carrying charges and run ning expenses as low as $73.80 monthly, «+ 25-year NHA mortgage. AT ONLY 5% Modern, centrally located in Whitby. Why pay rent, when you can own your own apart- ment for much less. Co-op living the carefree way of living. water, and electric supplied, $25, adults. L. Hancock, 1389 King East, RA 51708. rooms, second floor, $70. Two furnished rooms, third floor, available July 1, $60. Heat, lights, central, RA 3-9180. 3-3889. SEVEN room split-level in East end, BRAND new six room bungalow, lo- cated on Maple Street, Whitby. Tiled bathroom, kitchen, "hardwood floors. For further information, apply 129 Annes Street, Whitby. THREE - room, self - contained apart- ment, immediate possession, near Shop- ping Centre and bus. RA 5-6106. FOU room unfurnished apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only, SIX - room house, double garage. Oc- eupancy July 1. Ritson Road South. Close to school and shopping, $90 monthly. RA 5-0891. LARGE furnished front room to share. Telephone RA 5-0575 or call at 271 Sim- coe Street North. FIVE three decorated. Apply 730 Simcoe South, SELF - "= CONTAINED, two - 1 room, "sun. ny dry basement apartment, Kitchen, bathroom. Family with children wel. come or singles. RA 5-4170. THREE room apartment, bath, refrigerator, stove. A - room p vate | 'apartment, also room private apartment, newly Street June central, : FOUR - room apartment, separate en- trance, heavy duty wiring, vicinity King and Wilson, adults only. Phone RA 8-6279 evenings. RA 3-4992. THREE room: furnished basement apartment, private bath and entrance, central, available immediately. RA 3-3800 after 6 p.m TWO room furnished apartment, re- frigerator, laundry facilities, central. No children, apply 253 Athol Street East. FOUR - room apartment and vrivate bath, TV outlet, and heavy wiring, close o bus and school, di POSSeS- 3 room, attached garage, situated on pictur- esque treed lawn, with a *|cent NHA mortgage, Any reasonable heated, spotless Low down payment. GERALD BARROW Broker PRIVATE, $13,300, two-bedroom brick bungalow with many extras. 5% per down payment, RA 5-1638. view of the countryside Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. LARGE building lots at Courtjce, close to public and high schools. Bus serv- ice. RA 8-5579. Approved. RA 5-3852 $6000 FULL price, buys a near new five room home, all conveniences, in White: W. McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. OPPORTUNITY for handy man, Tot| > 50 x 135 four-room house, needs Joie repoiring, cheap for cash. Apply #43 Nipigon Street. OPEN jor offer -- four - room attached garags. three - piece bath, oil furnace, Y-acre of land, %-mile, vacant, posses- sion, Phone now Jack Appleby at RA 5-654 ar RA 3.3398 John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtors. LARGF city lot, 85' by 184', Wilson and Rossland Roads. A bargain at $2200. Jones Real Estate, RA 5-6412. sion. RA 5-5825. NINE 'rooms -- new house, two -sorey: two 30. Telephone RA 3-9182. THREE unfurnished rooms, WY See. orated, heavy wiring THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for couple, heat, light and water in- cluded. RA 5-1454. parking. 130 Tyler Crescent. RA 8- 5327, 77.50. FOUR room self - contained apartment, new stove and refrigerator, close to downtown. RA 5-4569. MODERN, four "room apartment, bath, decorated heated, tiled floors, heavy duty wiring. Immediate posses- sion, $55 monthly Apply Samuel Annis, 19 Division Street, Bow ONE lovely room for pri- Road South, near Kiug Street West, sell m1 rent. Call Jack Appleby at RA 3-3328, RA 5-6544. John A. J. Bolahood Limilea, Realtors. in vate home. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd. RA 3-7070. BED - sitting room with light house- keeping, close to hospital and down- town, suitable for lady. RA 5-5228. FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for twe girls or gentlemen, very central, rent, Phone RA 8-5526. FOUR - room' apartment, eT en- trance, with garage, $70 monthly. G. er, Realtor, RA 5-2993. ONE large furnished room and Kitchen, FURNISHED bedroom. Apply 75 Charles Street. ROOM 5) share, large furnished room. RA 5-0 suit couple. Also single for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, sink ir kitchen, private bath, parking, heat, water, otc. included, $65 monthly. Phore RA 8-723. FURNISHED room in bachelor apart: ment, all privileges. RA 5-0630. TWO - room furnished apartment, pri- vate entrance, parking space, central. Apply 43 Nassau Street. SUBLET two-bedroom apartment fo! r ne and July. Call RA 52161 or RA 7. s FIVE-room house 8 paved street, all TWO gi single rooms, breakfast if desired, reasonable. RA 3-2690. LOVELY furnished front room in quiet house five minutes from downtown, close to GM office, for gentlemen. Phone RA 8-8312, TWO clean rooms for light house- keep.r.g. Apply after 6 p.m. 165 Ritson Road South. ONE single room, double bed, gentleman, vicinity Ritson Schoel. RA 3-2439 DOUBLE room with single bed, gentle- fies preferred. Phone RA 8-3793 after 4 p.m. ONE large bed - sitting room, suit Road private July 1. Apply 296 Monash Street. ONE apartment, suitable for two ladies couple, refrigerator, stove, heat, is, water. Apply 128 Elgin Street THREE - room apartment with built: | in eupboards and sink, heavy wiring, private parking. Vacant July 1. Apply 162 Banting Avenue ONF-HALF duplex, six rooms, modern conveniences. Phone Newcastle 2376. NEWLY decorated basement apart- ment, separate entrance, 4-piece bath, heavy duty wiring. $60 monthly, avail- able June 15th. Call RA 8-5455. NEW three - bedroom bungalow, near , south near Pedlar's, for girls or 'or r couple. RA 5-0744. TWO furnished rooms, sink and refrig- erator in Ramen, oth central, suit couple, suitable [$B weekly. Phone RA 5-0230. {Two rooms and kitchen, light wiring, share bathroom. Also one furnished room for gentleman. Telephone MO 8:4487 between 5 and 7. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, cupboard, side entrafice, lights, heat included. Day care for child if desired. Phone RA 81255. ROOMS for rent -- sing] with or without board. Appl Athol Street East. 45--Real E For Sale and double ly at 260 This is a sound investment, that will stand the most ex- haustive investigation. FOR DETAILS WRITE: BOX 746 OSHAWA TIMES WHITBY CLASSIFIED PRIVATE room, food. Near St. John the Banga Ch Church. Phone MO 8-4928 Whitby. 50 bight ih Bag ig d] new licence running $100 or best offer, easy terms. Phone MO 8-2274 Whitby. FOR RENT -- Two rooms, FOR SALE -- Kitchen cabinet with stainless steel double sink and faucets, wood and coal stove. Phone MO 8-4491 Whitby. FOR SALE -- 1 pair of lined drap (4 widths), floral on grey ground, 84" long, four matching cushion covers, ground floor, with garage; suitable for evuple. Phone MO gor 49. r Phone MO 8-22 FOR SALE 1 reg Spaniel, age 5 years. Trained THREE - room apart. Sent for rent Hs Eo $40. Garage. Brock Street S. MO 8-4865 after 4 Dot 5-4471. FOR RENT -- One., and two-bedroom apartments on Mary Street East, $85, $90 anc $100. Adults preferred. MO 8-3591. BOD, 20c square yard. Delivered to Port Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering, West , and surrounding districts. Phone MO 8-3015, Whitby. on duck. Chocolate and white, good with children. Has had needles, Must sell by week-end. MO 8.5170. EXPERT rolotilling - for gardens and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614. FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com- post, odorless and weedless for flow- | ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone | MO 8-4514 WANTED -- Transportation to Toronto, by 7.45 a.m., King and Bath ROOM and board wanted for year-old boy, near King Street a Telephone MO 8-4340. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Lady wishes position as housekeeper, part time. Phone MO 8-2466. MODFRN six-room bungalow for sale or rent, $120 monthly, near high school. Appl: Bowmanville, MA 3-2512, SOD, 20c a square yard delivered to t] Pickering, st districts. Phone Mo #3015, Whitby, at] urst district. Returning by 5 p.m. Phone MO 83649. | LOST - Trixie, brown toy terrier, family heart broken. Please call MO 8-4056. THREE bedrooms unfurnished apart. ments, centrally located in Whitby, Ap- ply 272 Ritson South. RA 5-1841. HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good | down payments W McAuley Realtor MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. ROOM and board for 907 Walnut Street. Room and board for gentleman at 901 Walnut. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes | yy from only $279.95. For special prices| on ranges, fridges, washers and dry- ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The| Newest A Dealer in Whitby. Free ce" ssimates. Fh WH 2-5134, yi rT cold wave, $6.95 includes style cut, oll shampoo and set. MO 8-5124 for appointment. " LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. Higher market prices paid Jake , MO 8-3644 collect. MO 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. WRECKING '50 Chevrolet, good motor, all parts for sale, reasonable. Phone MOhawk 8-4500. WANTED -- Two-bedroom apartment | by the 1st of September or August 15. In Whitby vicinity. Adults, Apply Box 535 Ajax. pe office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft., or less, parking lot facilities, Call Pry on Building, MO 8 8-4003 Feb 12 FURNISHED single room in private home. Telephone MO 38-4864 before 7 p.m. LARGE three-room basement apart. ment $55 per month, heat, hydro in- cluded, sink and cupboards in kitchen, laure facilities. child welcome. MO level, red "male 'en Phone RA 8-3958. THREE - room apartment on second floor, with bath. Parking space. 364 Windsor Street or RA 8-2958. RB room bungalow, gas furnace, North Ajax, $70, Phone WHitehall 2-6975 or WHitehall 2-2936. THREE - room furnished apartment, newly decorated, pleasant home, good district, suitable for couple, reasonable rent, immediate possession RA 3.3882, THREE - room apartment, self con- tal ned, all conveniences, central, adults |preferred. Phone RA 3.2180 of apply 162 Ritson Road South. Attractive 3 - room apartment, street strictly private 3- plece bath, stove refrigerator supplied. Absiainen. Adult home, central, RA 5-5 WARM, infurs dry, unfurnished i dpartment, self-contained, reasonable, abstainers. Near South GM. RA 5-1356. 1213 Sun Valley Court. FWO - bedroom apartment suite, in new building on Rossland Road East, stove. and refrigerator $95 monthly; all Carl Olsen at RA 8-5107 or gs RA 5-3412 Ristow and Olsen |FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom apartments, laundry facilities, tele- vision antenna. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby, MO 8-4221. | THREE - room, 'heated, unfurnished | apa: tment, self-contained, TV aerial, ample parking, heavy wiring, kitchen |sink, bus stop in front; adults. 880 Sim- ---- |coe Street North. FOUR - room apartment, private bath, stainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, | private entrance. RA 8-1723 after 5 p.m. [MODE "RN four room apartment, re- |frigerator and stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet parking, $92.50 monthly, oni strict. t. RA 5-131 5-1310. ) bed - sitting room and day fully equipped, built-in cup- boards, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, b top Business couple. RA 3.4967. NEAR OCVI, three room apartment, |tile bath, private entrance. RA 5-9870. NEW three-bedroom bungalow, near | shopping centre, immediate posses- sion. Phone RA 8-3958. THREE - room apartment, heavy duty stove Apply 83 Ritson Road South. {TWO bedroom apartment on Simcoe Stre«t North, fully equipped. RA 5-6343 |botweer. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. MODERN three room apartment, ground floor, near North Simcoe School. RA 8-0445. MODERN three - room apartment, re- frigerator and stove. Apply 79 Centre treet, FOR SALE -- 6-room bungalow, Com. peel finished and Jandseaved Would FOR RENT -- 3 or 4 roomed unfurnish. ed apartment, ground floor, Phone MO 82466 Whitby. lot for down payment. 118 1 Hopkins Street, Phone MO 8-2261. i; STUDEBAKER Champion. Very FOR SALE -- 8-plece walnut dining room suite including buffet, 3 varnish- ed wooden interior doors and one lady's spring coat, size 16. Phone MO 8-2180. FOR SALE -- 3% HP Evinrude out- board Call ew motor and paint Lig Phone MO 8-2261. 118 Hopkins St. HEN MANURE, free from weeds, 2-ton truck load delivered in districts of Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Brook- lin. Phone MO 8-5644. i motor. MO 8-2865 after 6 p.m. SELL puppies or other pets? People who want ther check "Pets for Sale" in Classified every day Dial RA 3-3492 to start an ad that sells pets. ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Reserve your holiday equip- '56 FORD custom line, automatic, privately owned, practically new tires. 318 Mary Street West, MO 8-4294 FOR RENT -- Four-room apartment, private entrance, available June 15. Phone MOhawk 8-3853 after 5 p.m. FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL ment now, outboard motors, boats, car tops, canoes, boat trailers, cabin trailers, tents, all camping equipment. We also rent Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 Lawn and garden equi Dower tools, cement mixers, WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SAI ES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E, STEWARD REQUIRED For information ond inter view, apply in writing, in- cluding phone number, to: Canteen Chairman, CANADIAN LEGION MO 8-3226 TWO room apartment with bath, stove, refrigerator, water, hydro, heat in- cludea $50 monthly. RA 8.0964. THREE room modern, gelf - contain- ed apartment, private entrance, heavy duty wiring, TV antenna, heat, hydro and water included, reasonable rent. Apply 597 Grierson Street. THREE - room furnished basement apartment, THREE -room apartment, ynfuraished, private bath and entrance; TV rial and telephone. Apply 820 Sylvia Street. FIVE room, two bedroom brick bung- alow on Cadillac Ave. S., oil heated, venetian blinds, TV antenna, recreation room with piano, $95 a month. RA 8- 2113 after 5 p.m. MODERN three - room apartment, private entrance and bath, parking space available July 1. Apply 222 Creenwood Avenue. 44a--Rooms For Rent LARGF housekeeping room and "pan: try, built-in cupboards, private en- trance, sult working lady. 478 Park Road South. ROOMS by the week, tiled shower, and bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha otel. TWO-room (large) apartment, furnish. ed, stove and refrigerator, Private en- trance. Also single furnished room, central Apply 96 Centre Street, ONE bright spacious bed sitting room, with modern furn'ture, in clean home, one minute to shopping ce Men only. Apply 36 Fernhill Blvd, i A 5.7295. Byron St. South, Whitby SINGLE room for gentleman, central 38 Nassau Street. . GOOD three-bedroom house, 1% acres land, creek, stable, hydro, telephone, very reasonable. FR 4-2991 or Alex Kennedy RR 6, Lindsay, Ont. FOR RENT 3-BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Near school and nice area. Call John Wacko, Realtor, RA 5-6569. REAL MODERN APARTMENT will suit business couple, live ing room and bedroom, wall- to-wall carpeting, curtains, drapes, etc., supplied. Ultra- modern kitchen, well oven, table-top stove. South end of city (only drawback), private entrance, air conditioned. RA 5-3556 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST. DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street. Children welcome. 1 & 2-bedroom Apartments. Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc. Rents from $85 monthly PHONE RA 5.7272 RA 5-5787 PETER FEDDEMA REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres -- 4-reom brick house, small barn, 35,000 Christmas trees planted. Price $10,500, terms. 2 acres on Highway 2 -- nice shade trees. Price $2,000 -- down $500 . 50 acres with 1,320 ft. loke frontage, shade trees, sandy beach. A real buy at $7,000. 4Y2 acres with contained apartments, to sell. tion. 2 acres with 2-bedroom bun- galow. Bath, furnace, small barn, on good road. A real buy at $5,500. Terms. Lot 90 x 280, nice view. Priced at only $600. Lot 78 x 200, sar Whitby. Price only $2,0i 3-bedroom a modern, near school. only $10,500. Terms. 191 Scugog St., Bowmanville MA 3-3644 Salesman: 'G. Blyleven MA 3-5300 two self- Priced See us for informa- fully Price FIVE large rooms, brick bungalow on a big fully landscaped lot, very close to Ritson school. Apply 213 Banting Avenue. NEW duplex, five rooms and bath, up and down. Apple Hill, reasonably priced Low down payment. You must see this buy of the year. Phone Jack Appleby at RA 56544 or RA 13-3398. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtors. STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR 187 KING ST. EAST RA 8-4661 6% INTEREST ONE TO GO East end off King Street. Ate tractive 6-room modern bun- galow with attached garage. Hollywood kitchen, three bed- rooms, colored bathroom with built-in vanity. This well con- structed home is now com- pleted, ready for immediate occupancy. $2,930 down payment, CENTRAL LOCATION $11,500 for this S-room modern brick bungalow on Huron Street. One block away from school. Newly decorated, 'storms and screens. A real buy with $2,000 down payment. WEST END JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS Half acre picturesque lot an which is situated large 6- room modern bungalow with attached garage ond fire- place. Complete in every de- tail. Grand view overlooking Oshawa. Suburban. living with city conveniences. For further information, please call this office, NORTH EAST 6-room storey and half. Cen- trolly located, . well con- structed family home. Three large bedrooms, large mod- ern kitchen, living, dining room and 2 bathrooms. Fin- ished recreation room. First time offered for sale. Fine idential area just north of King 'Street, close to school, bus and downtown. Fair down payment needed. Make an early appointment to see this one. After six, please call Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 Steve Macko RA 8-4661 OVER A QUARTER CENTRY. OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REG. AKER, Pres. BILL MCcFEETERS, Vice-Pres. FAMILY HOME 1,600 SQ. FT. Just 6 years old, this beauti- ful 2-storey home. Located off Harmony Rd. N., on a large landscaped lot with plenty of shrubs and hedged. All rooms extra large, living ing room 13 x 20 vith fire- place. Lovely dining room with glass doors opening onto patio. Kitchen ond bedrooms all extra large. Truly a lovely home, price just reduced to $17, 900, for top value see this home. Call Henry Stin- suri, evenings RA 5-0243, EXECUTIVE HOME 7-room brick ranch style bun- galow, 2-car attached gar- age, . living room features stippled and moulded ceil- ings, built-in valance. Large Tenessee marble faced fire- place. Separate dining area with view to back yard. Large family or T.V. room. The kit- chen is 11 x 18' feaures Hoffman furniture, finished cupboards, Built-in oven and counter top stove. Copper + hood with exhaust fan and 3 good size bedrooms with plenty of closet space. 2 bathrooms, ceramic tiled, 1 S-pc. and 1 2-pc. Slidemas- ter windows, complete with storms and scréens. Price in- cludes light fixtures and dec- orating. Call Bijl McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726 to see this home. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board FIVE NHA approved lots, 50 by 100, prepaid services and registered. Ready to build on. Full price $3175 each, 10 per cent down, balance on 6 per cent mortgage for one year. RA 5-9478. A. WEINBERGER REALTOR 32 PARK RD. NORTH $8500 FULL PRICE ONLY $700 DOWN opposite South GM Plant -- Neat 5-room bungalow. $160 taxes -- $75 monthly. $8,00 FULL PRICE ONLY $1,000 DOWN Gibbons St. = 1Va-storey, 8-room, modern conveniences. For the big family on'lot 60 x 120, easy terms. $8,500 FULL PRICE $1,500 DOWN Burk St. -- 5-room brick bungalow. Immaculate, mod- ern conveniences, low month- ly payments. $8,500 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN Close to Fittings, all con- veniences. Garage, open for offer. LOOK! FULL PRICE $6400 V2 ACRE LOT. In Oshawa, buses and shop- ing. Two - bedroom, huge family sized kitchen, extras, large panelled living room with plenty of window space, open stone fireplace, garage, excellent condition, DON'T MISS THIS ONE RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. N.H.A. 6% $1,450 DOWN $70 MONTHLY ONE MORTGAGE Large six room, centre through hall bungalow, of solid brick construction, This is the last of our 6% homes, large open basement with recreation window, sodded front and back. All conveni- ences. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 4 year old MODERN RANCH BUNGALOW NINETEEN THOUSAND CASH TO MORTGAGE OF TEN THOUSAND Churchill Cres. Please Call-- RA 8-5145 Evenings RA 3-7244 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTH-WEST AREA $1,000 DOWN buys this five-room brick bun- galow only three years old. Large landscaped lot, alumi- num storms and screens, forced air oil furnace. Act Modern 3 Bedroom .Brick Homes CHECK THESE FEATURES: MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK 4-PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY NATURAL TRIM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS DIVIDED BASEMENT SODDED LAWN DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS hii STORMS AND SCREENS 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CHOICE OF COLOUR---BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVEN FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA 1050 SQUARE FEET 50 FOOT FRONTAGE DOWN PAYMENT $1545 FULL PRICE $13,835 If you look for large homes we have lots north west ares For more information call John Bolahood Real Estate at RA 5-6544 or Builder at RA 5-9839 THANK YOU FOLKS For thé wonderful reception given to our model homes in BRAEMOR GARDENS For all the people who were unable to visit us last weekend Treat your family and see the MODEL HOMES 10 AM. TO 9 PM. THIS WEEKEND ONLY BRAEMOR GARDENS Stevenson's Rd. N. and Annapolis Has Everything quickly! Call Jim Cruik- shanks at RA 8-5123, RA 5-7964 Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors RA 8-5123 -- RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 101 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE SS. RA 5-6544 $1,000 DOWN $1,000 Why pay rent? When you can own your own home for so little down. Spotless 4- room bungalow, newly decor- ated. Hardwood and tile flooring. Taxes only $130.00. Owner moving, must be sold. Call Howard McCabe at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164. Members District JOHN F. DE WITH Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 135 Acre farm with L-shaped bank barn, stream, 120 acres workable, garage ,etc.; 7 roomed home, water on pressure, heavy wired. Ask- ing $12,000. Terms. 33 Acre farm, 7 miles from Oshawa, all workable, barn, drive shed, hen house; roomed brick house, all mo- dern conveniences, extra S5- roomed 'bungalow, oil furn- ace, etc. Price and terms ar- ranged. 50 Acre farm at Tyrone on paved road, stream, L-shaped bdnkbarn, etc.; 9 roomed house with all modern con- veniences. Priced $13,500 with $5,000 down. 60 Acre farm naer Bethany with 80° x 45' metal + f barn, silo, etc.; 7 roomed home, running water. Priced $6,500 with terms arranged. 100 Acre farm near Mil- brook, 10 acres hardwood, springs, L-shaped bankbarn, drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed house with conveniences. Price $13,000. Terms. . 100 Acre farm near Bethany, 85 acres workahle, straem, 60' x 40' bankabrn,. large hen house; 9 roomed home, hydro throughout, Price $10,« 500 with terms arranged. 100 Acre farm near Ponty- pool, with 2200 christmas trees planted, bankbarn, drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed home, heavy wired. Price $9,200 with $3,000 down. 100 Acre farm, located 5 miles from Oshawa, 95 acres workable, stream which would make nice pond, bankbarn, water bowls, milk house, etc.; 7 roomed home, heavy wired. Price and terms arranged. ond Board Oshawa Estate of Real Realtor -- Insurance 10-ACRE lots, minutes from Oshawa, overlooking Lake Ontario. Clean, level on good road. $3,000 6-room brick bungalow with finished recreation room and a detached garage. Beauti- fully , landscoped and near school and transportation. Asking $13,900. COMMERCIAL property sit- uated on Simcoe St not tar from uptown section, Lo- cation ideal for many types of business. Call RA 5-6569. 50 x 120 building lot, all services, close to school and transportation. $2,200. STEVENSON RD. N. -- sit- uated on lot 66 x 179, semi- ranch bungalow, 6 rooms, and only 3 years old. Oil heat. Extra large. Asking $15,500. INCOME HOME--Albert St., near King, duplexed, with private entrances, meters, baths. Solid clean home. Very easy to rent. Price $12,000, COFFEE SHOP in the heart of the business district. Good, steady and clean. Top remuneration. Asking only $2,500 down, NHA HOMES built in north- west area close to public and separate sc' "'s. Low down easy terms. 95 Acre farm on highway near Lindsay, all workable, 100' x 30' bankbarn, water on tap, steel stanchions, machine shed, etc.; 9 roomed brick house, oil furnace, run- water. Asking $20,000. Terms. 90 Acre farm on No. 2 high- way, 76 acres workable, stream, 122' x 30' bankbarn, water bowls, implement shed, hen house, etc.: 10 roomed brick home with all modern conveniences. Prices and terms arranged. 110 Acre farm on No. highway, 2 100 acres workable, 80' x 38' bankbarn, machine shed, silo, etc.; 8 roomed brick house with all modern conveniences. Asking $30,- 000. Terms, 3 Bedroom home on Ritson road south, with tile floors, furnace, 3 piece bath, elec- tric water heater, etc. Price $7,700, with $2,000 down. 5-Op Listing DUNALD H YOUNTIOY MA 3-39 payment c Cal RA 5-6569. RA 5-6569 205 SIMCOE ST. S ATTENTION BUILDERS 90 lot subdivision with approved plan and all 'engineering completed. Zoned RIB and R2B--ser- vices to property--$90,000.00 with builders terms. APPLY -- LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial RA 8-4678 DON HOWE Realtor -- Insurance RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. (Opposite Hotel Genosha) Open Evenings BROOKSIDE ACRES Brand new, 4-bedroom, 2-storey, brick veneer, executive type home, with attached garage and sun deck. Built-in stove and oven, aluminum storm doors, broadloom in living room, and sodded lawns. 1600 square feet of gracious living which in- cludes separate dining room and 2 bathrooms. Contact Mr, Jay Goyne, RA 5-7732 or RA 5.5378. INCOME BUNGALOW North-end, 6-room brick, 5 years old. Self-contained 3-room apt., 4-pc: and 3-pc. baths. L-shaped living-dining room, large kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms. N.H.A. 572% mortgage, payments $86 including taxes. -Good down payment required. Location and appearance will sell this home. Call me at the office or RA 5-5378 evenings, Jay Goyne, EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME deal is this 4-bedroom brick home with attached garage, in @ choice district, only 1V5 years old. Large living room 14 x 21; also large modern kitchen, finished rec, room, French doors opening to patio, 2 bathrooms, one 4-piece. Many extras. Contact Rolande Tierney, RA 5-5207. $10,700 Situated in north end on street, close to school, shopping, bus and church. This 6-roomed brick storey and half has plenty of space. Kitchen, living room, dining room bedroom and bath down, 2 bedrooms up. Garage, sidewalk, paved road. Call Mrs. Brown, RA 5-2867. HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 BROCK ST. E. -- INCOME HOME Nine rooms -- Large six-room apartment for owner, with ad- ditional three-room self-contained apartment to provide income. Private entrances, two kitchens, two baths, newly installed fure nace, double garage. Easy walking distance to downtown. Only $3, 500 down for this money-maker. ATTACHED GARAGE & FIREPLACE $17,900 full price for this two-year-old completely finished home in Grandview Gardens. Situated on a well-landscaped hillside lot, it consists of six rooms plus attached garage, natural fire- place, cheery 'kitchen with built-in stove and oven, 4-pc. cera- mic tiled bath with vanity. Outside entrance from living room as well as basement, which by the way is perfectly laid out for rec-room. Split level entrance. Name your own down payment. Taxes $260. Kassinger built. ; A real bargain! $3,000 DOWN. -- HORTOP ST. Lovely red brick bungalow in spotless condition consisting of liv- ing room, kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bath, two bedrooms and full= sized dining room which could be used as co third bedroom. Storms, screens, paved drive, hedged-in lot nicelyy landscaped. Very handy to schools and transportation. UNEXCELLED VIEW Overlooks the City and Lake Ontario, -from Taunton Rd. East. Living room has thermopane windows on two sides, broadloom and a distinctive fireplace. Three bedrooms, plus a dem with fireplace, large modern kitchen with built-in dishwasher, Double garage with paved drive, nicely landscaped, nestled in the middle of 'a one-acre lot. Outside barbeque and patio for these warm, summer evenings. Call tonight. AFTE™ YOURS CALL-- Winse Bradley RA 3-2006 Charles Smith Grace VanCourte RA 3-2834 Harry Millen 8-8254 3-2524 RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 Member of Oshawo and Distrinct Real Estate Board. _ FRANK HUNTER RA 5-2974 (Continued on Page 28)

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