The Oshawa Times, 8 Jun 1960, p. 7

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In Collision In House Fire Journal Ends { "AJAX - Three persons were| | PICKERING (Stat) -- Picker-| . red ina rea endenlon on Concer t Held |i Turbulent Life |Highway 401, one half-mile east| sesst) in javing the home of LONPON. /n th of Ajax at 9 p.m. Tuesday, . ' : omas- oucelte, Jlizabet LO) (Reuters) --The tur. . ici Langille, 48, of Port] SCLINA -- The anniversary|dren, Oshawa, were visitors With street, from fire which started in(bulent history of a political _ |Perry and his son, David, 18, concert in the Community Hall|Mrs. Rae Paccoe and children. |the attic shortly after noon Tues. monthly magazine edited by Lord were treated at the Ajax and|Vas well-attended. The variety Wiha J. Kez ad Raney Hore day. ) {Altrincham, outspoken critic of | Pickering Hospital for minor in./PTO8 ; 8 Bb en the Water and smoke damage was royai pomp and other sa | juries ig osp plays by Hampton ladies, musi-|former attended the 50th anni-|considerable as fire RE a British yo has ended. re |" Miss Rhoda May Greenly, 22, cal pumbers by the Regg family|versary of Brougham Women s|part of the rafters of the old resi-| The last issue of the National | of 'Smithfield, Ont:, is in Oshawa|0f Greenwood, tap dancing by|Institute. a dence ; land English Review came out General Hospital with a broken|the Bryant children of Hampton| Mr and Mrs. Tom Baker spent| Doucette recently completed Tuesday giving economic rea. arm and face cuts. and selections by Kedron malela day last week with Mr. and decorating most of the 'rooms, sons for its Gemise after 77 years. | Police said the Langille car|Quartette. Mrs. Maurice Baker of George- Neighbors assisted in moving) The monthly used, as a plat was hit from the rear by a car| Next Sunday, June:12,-and con- town most of the furniture. form by Altrinch: ained inter | driven by Miss Greenly. The two, tinuing through the summer David and Murray Ormiston,| T g was estimated at| national prominence three years {cars left the highway and travel-|months combined church service Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Wal- $1500. |ago for an unprecedented attack {led 300 feet down an incline to- will be py 2 3% a ter Ormiston 2 family, Osit- | =o Te "|on the Queen's court. wards a cement culvert, They anne Tink an abel Hug-lawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom 1 S . i a {were completely wrecked. |gins took part in the band con-|Baker and family. Civi ervice 3 yeriuenans oy he Epersyasl 2 duo -|cert at BHS as well as Pat Davis Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires, Mr ry ney hil Ae and Pat Knox whose names were and Mrs. A Wottelf were guests A t t ' Ay prig 'Will Build mentioned last week. at the Burrows-Gray wedding in u oma 10n {Queers mack J gh that ! . : ot as Ty ; gis } g Mrs. Bruce Tink visited her King Sireet United Church.) yoponto (CP) -- A civil|the Queen's manner of speaking | mother, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, at{Oshawa, and the reception at the % Taki ata! r : " IN St Brooklin. Flying Dulchman Motel" Bow {jarvis tigen yissestod was 3 Pat 16 the neck ew ore Mr. and Mis. lan Montgom. Manville, Friday night. introduce et CR Hy ¥C 1ZED CHURCH AJAX (Staff) -- A building per- ery, Dale and Brian, Oshawa, " Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and|its maze of offices as a means| The young Conservative peer mit. has been issued to Commer-/Were Sunday tea guests of Mr. Francis attended Enfield anni-|to increase the productivity of aiso gained uotoriety for critie- A ~ ob ode RL LE 2d ' : leial Land Dev {and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and fam. VErsAry service and were guests human. labor jism of the Church of England 3 Hd ES ' cia sand developments Ltd. for {7 Hh 8 ? of Mrs. Harry Stinson and family.| - Rolf Eng of the attorney-gen-|and the Commonwealth. : the consruction of a general LV, and Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Mrs Mi and Mis A. Wotten andferal's department told the select! The Commonwealth he de- GOLDEN B FLOWERS AT RJAX mag Ton eh arm. R. Cook, Mr. Edwin Cook and|chi!dren attended Zion anniver- commitiee on administrative and|scribed as "unorganized hypo- Posing beside a bed of golden Hill (Anglican) Church, Dun- !| of the Girl Guide emblem and | given by communities, church- od down at Squires Beach last | gir! friend, Mis Reg Land and i Pin ud were lea Buests/executive problems of the gov-|crisy and a. "haphreand collees tulips are Brownie Bonnie barton by members of 2nd | the golden tulips commemorate | es and other organizations in winter children, Bowmanville, Gary| Or A RY 5 TS. LM or | eznment that an integrated gata ion of Joverelps states. % stand L Sea Ranger Carol Lum- Brownie Pack and 2nd Girl | the "Golden Jubilee" of Girl romoting the guide movement | Company vice-president H wil. Vaughan, London. visited at Mr.| ont y Millson and processing system would repre-| One of the more recent stands Janos, nea Nang Pi 8 8 pan) p . land "Mrs. Frank Westlake's, Jr, children * Toronto, visited Eber|sent a profitable investment. taker by the 35-year-old rebel > Millson on Sunday From the short-range point of/peer was thai the vote should be ley and Girl Guide Edna Ran- Guide Company of Dunbarton | Guides in Canada. This is but since its inceptiod. liamson told the council in his application that this building ysis COUSIN Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Broome view automation would pose nu-|given to teen-agers, and that they "4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 8, pa a "5 - 13 Injured Anniversary Loss $1500 Lively English J hy Q . pe > sa such plant- cour. The tulips were planted and SRS Chaleur Sea Rangers. | one of thousands of suc : ) 3 aul' 'he sha i » for gs in appreciation of the help --Photo by Barrie Pomeroy Rae. . ; last fall at St. Paul's on. the The bed is shaded In the Form | ings In apps ny HEA haidi Youd id She Fo Nene n the Mr and rs N. Fice and{and sons visited the Carson merous difficulties, he conceded, shou'd be allowed to run for Bl as 2 " {Ceveopment of a nan the |, Taunton, visited Mr. [families at Mt. Zion on Sunday, but in the long run the changeslelected office. He also proposed Ld shore as So ay Wp mowh of Duffin's Creek. i and "Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr Mr and Mre.- Harry Knox and| would be beneficial that women be admitted to the ar 5 us fi | Present plans were for a clear-| 1 : i _ sons visited M- and Mrs. Hilton: He recommended a year'sall-male House of Lords. (They BAY PERSONALS ew ac ine as Wey, Jere property Moonset, ing of the area for recreation 1 or PL anuing ley Tink Fbeneze:. (study by a research staff to de-|\were last year) aud thet we owner. of the dit S purposes. The building would bevel jees™ Mr. Yellowlees and! Mr. and Mrs, D. Flett attended[termine the best way to set up| A veview of the monthly's his. would naturally like to use theisited to provide for policing of (cy qo ™ the banquet and dance for Osh. an integrated data processing|tory in the final issue said it was FRENCHMAN'S BAY--A baby . shortest route. He said that he i functi i Oy get sh § ite. § |the entrance to the property. The awa Dairy employees at the air-lcentre on a functional basis. It|the "victi i erse tr goer oh Monday evening or OWS 1P would look into the matter of en-| building will be modern and well| Mr and Mvs. Frank Westlake ,or; : * *" would 'take another year to set affecting all VL vere ry Montgomery I forcing the speed limit, when Mr.| appointed. |Jr., and family attended Zion an--- einai yp. the: aWimation Brogram Jt at Fairport bnied Ie gifts Cooper declared that the Ontario! In reply to a question, Mr. Wil-|niversary services and were tea ne a self and train a suitable staff. |NO SELF-PITY She received ER alie are sced by James. chairman of the Finance Provincial Police told him they|liamson said there was no truth guests of M*. and Mrs. N. Fice STORIC SITE He suggested all present de-| The Review published its own for her twin i er ystesses JA resolution was passe , ro 5 a Mr, 7a . said that Dad no authority to enforce the in the rumer that a seaplane base] Mr and Mrs. F. Abernethy,] The Anglican Cathedral of St. partmental processing systems|obituary notice as follows: now twn weeks bo oe os aid Pickering Township Council on mimi oe iif i Povigr 30 mile limit on that road would be established. He was sat. Man.lla, visited Mr. and Mrs, John at Winnipeg is the fourth he scrapped before they "get out 'It dies swiftly and without were Mi : Sofie fe Daer Monday night to purchase = ans was fhotigh! that W/, ue |isfied with the zoning and would|Don Taylor. church on the same site, includ- of hand" and prevent any future | self-pity The means to keep it Mrs. Bernice Nore siven by eouniing Machine = $03 : gourss should be veld ior by Sue REGU PARKING: proceed with the development of | Mrs. Allan Stocks and David, ing a Protestant log mission trend towards functional datalalive. for several years at least, \ farew: > ? ouncitlor Cliffor Laycox re- ship, as y | RESTR! S | ; 4 3 7. Lege 4 ; | aliy the Frenchman's Bay Bowing yesieq that both he and Oifice|be of value to the organization RN accompanies rie by stages. ~~ Brooklin, Mrs. J. Leger and chil: house built in 1822. =~ 'processing on a large scale. [have been offered and declined, League for Mr. and he B¥ ne of Manager R. G. Turk had investi-| Reeve J. S. Scott announced|yy members of the Frenchman's Jones on Saturday at the NOW gated the machines they felt they|that eight applications had been|Hay Ratepayers' Association, told Mr. and Mrs. B Yom, a required, and found there were received for Township Engineer, council of the problems on Jones was sine BE were few in the country, or even in which would be studied by mem-|ctroets leading to the lake in his BI car ay Mrs. J| Europe, that would handle the bers of council. area, when visitors crowd the ond The Jones are moving to| many rates for the Pickering RESENTS TRAFFIC vicinity on Sundays and holidays. Ajax this week and will be miss- Township tax bills ry ¥ He said that cars park on both Mr. Leonard Cooper, of White- rr r Mr. Laycox said that it would : |sides of the streets, blocki / el by their many friends here 3 ie was spokesman for a dele- [Sid g 8, ng Deter Smith received severe be one year before the nationa vale: if = > > ha or Ce. | ariveways, and obstructing a pas- CA ® face and head lacerations in a/machine, which has every fea- ga 10 a oY hale vel [sage for Police and Fire Depart- ear accident last Saturday. He is|ture that is required, could be etn AB onde i had [ments should an accident occur. ehaws. spital. obta . He said that the one YUcKs 3 Pert of . n the Oshawa General Hosp obtained. H me om up the road and were a|Mr. Fertile said that there had B wiches for fast recovery machine in the country used for ] hild th 5th | been two drownings, at which 3 IMPORTED i monstrat urposes would be menace to children on e : " In are extended to him dertonsiuslion purposes wo Concession from Whitevale to both Police and Fire Depart The first sail boat race 100K | installed in the office so that the Moh . ments found it difficult to make | 7 place on Sunday. The winner of operator could become accustom- Markham Town Line. 4 |their way through parked cars. | U.S. NO. 1 his open class race was Keith ed to it. The company from Mr. oonen sald that He Jaq Mr. Fertile. asked Coimell to ; = Warner, who covered the 3'%- which the machine will be fur- Was almost impassable, a provide parking facilities for one T mile course in 42 minutes, seC- ished will bear all expense of hicles were being damaged, and side of the road only, and erect ond was Mike McInerney, #4 ihaving a field man in the office that from 30 to 2 hildren Nore signs to indicate the ruling. He : minutes and third was Tim a jong ag lis required to explain endangered by the high speed of said that Pickering Township) Lloyd, 46 minutes the mechanism of the machine, the vehicles. He said that trucks Police were in favor of this # ; / HH T" 3 +t Yacht Club held from the Giordino gravel pit were } ' The Fairpor : y g I Reeve Scott asked that a by- 2 meeting on Sunday at Moore's QUILL WORK offensive in that they do not ob- 4 Poin . EY. { \ Marina. Plans were made for a There will be no more quill serve "Stop" signs, do mot up- aw be prepared Testricting park- | Xs ae > trip across the lake to Alcott Ol pen work on tax bills," said Mr. hold the 30-mile speed limit, and ing to one side only Of the sev-( I 2, TLAYOURFUL J sy the July | weekend. They expect | aveox "no calculating work on the drivers are discourteous. He eral streets which lead od the hy PS i - about ten boats to take part In oper machines. This bookkeep- said that a car driver was ditch- lake, and recommended that it! §8 } : - the cruise 3 3 ing machine will handle every- ed by one of the trucks, whose passed at the next Council | tg G N NO. 1 The Fairport United Church iyi. driver did not even stop. He also| ™€eUn&, : RED SURIM Stow : sucens Sunday School picnic will be held SID. i Miss Violet Swan, a former] % WATERMELONS ¢ ICEBERG LARGE OREN Councillor Laycox said that the related that a car driving in a Pickering Tuwnship Councillor, LETTUCE CUCUMBERS > FLORIDA SWEET EATING ONTARIO ONTARIO GROWN at Orono on Saturday, June 11. hon" we" machine would funeral procession was damaged|® Ct ' Mrs. Eric Playford took a trip completely revise the office by the poor condition of the road, claimed that she had been as y +. AVG. WT. 18 18S. P t kend " axiatel vith w Buse J Henderson establishment and was unable to proceed, hav- sessed for a non-existent new | their| "If Frenchman's Bay is in- ing to be towed away. building, for which no building] EACH hea EACH spent the weekend with : . Co permit had been granted. She 8 ; 4 "in Sombra, Ont. habited next year as sched. Mr. Cooper said that he caleu-| 4 1] CALIFORNIA p daugister, dune, Toons to Bob. uled,"" said the councillor, "we lated that better than a truck a said that she had received an ad FINEST BEAUTY LUMS BSKT. ¢ ¢ ¢ Happy birthday w : ] . 3 i Gi ; |ditional assessment notice, and ; Brown who celebrated his will certainly need such a ma- minute used the road, which ore: | ihe tax Dill 24 hours later. 15th birthday on June 8 chine." ated a bad dust problem. - % the Assoss Mrs, Harvey Fertile is now A further resolution altered the Mr John C. Irwin, a member mer apAny-thas Ee vena home from the hospital. She Treasurer's Department, revising of the Whitevale delegation, ask-|tne Building Inspector of a new wishes to thank all her friends |the classifications of the em- oq if it would be possible to cre-| huilding,"- she said. "This is the for the flowers, cards a4 #3 ipioyces, ate a restricted area where chil- {cue to do the Gestapo work. whe received during COMPLETES COURSE dren were present, with regard! «Ii jg the same old racket in weeks t Hospital avY Fic | stay at Alax tarted| Douglas J. Plitz, of the Treas- to the heavy traffic. Reeve Scott (he assessment department," con- | im De of a a last |urer's Department, has complet- said the matter would be investi- iin eq Miss Swan, "I can prove NON.FOOD SPECIALS! = 4 GRADE nw CHICKENS HALF OR 43 ing the crown of the ed and passed the second yeas gated. that in six properties 20 acres opi gly oy Line. The examinations of the Municipal Jack Chapman, road superin- and over there is a discrepancy 22 PCE. PICNIC OVEN READY for Bar-B-Cue suas goad is being widened south from Clerk's and Treasurer's course at tendent, present at the meeting, of $20,000 alone." SET 99¢ : PLASTIC the Base Line to just north of |Queen's University, which fact said that in the road program| Reeve Scott told Miss Swan that SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC ©ld Orchard street. was brought to the attention of 900 feet of the road would be re- the matter would be investigated. ERE 4 ¢ ee {council on Monday night. built and prepared for paving and that there was possibly a COTTAGE ROLLS Ls. » An item of $200 was transter- Next year. He said that the trucks mistake TUMBLERS . Decoration red from the "consulting and pro-| had caused $25,000 worth of dam-| "If there are 'any mistakes, 3 TENDER ESSEX COLD fessional service' budget to age, and that there was not much they always come (to me!" de 6 5 OZ SI1Z¢ 29¢ BROILERS COOKED HAM vi OF 47: 1 olution -- the first having been treatment. He said the re-build- Clerk L. T. Johnston was di 10 OZ. SIZE Service Set found to be over-budgeted and ing would commence within the rected to find out what the added 6 49¢ 3CHNEDER ASSORTED oi. VAC PA UTICA Decoration service the second under - budgeted, ac-|next two weeks assessment represented and re- PICNIC BAG ¢ 4 fo 8 Ibs. 3 CcoLD CUT ROAST PORK ¢ "miscellaneous expenses' by res. use spending money on surface|clared Miss Swan. PLASTIC for the Kendal and Hillman Cem- cording to Councillor Edgar Reeve Scott said he believed 'port to Miss Swan. MEAT & CHICKEN, LUNCHEON LOAF, stertes at Utica will be held next! ™ SEE = 7 -- FOERGLASS MACARONI & CHEESE, PICKLE & PIMENTO Sunday, June 12 at 2.30 p.m in INSULATED $2.98 the Utica United Church. The! B hd es GC ide Att d INSU Se Lod Oe rowiil ' ul S en ICE CREA CHROME Church with music by the Utica BOLOGNA » I 29: ESSEX SLICED 1 1B. PKG. Blain Moore and Mrs. Reginald " of N Liskeard, Mr. : ? i Stevens ow : and KEDRON A banquet was! Molly: Johnston, Barbara Rose, ron Sunday School to be held on k- held in Kedron United Church on! Mary Jane O'Neil; Toy Maker -- June 2.30 p.m. when Rev. : ¥ Vi | SCOOP: dead | © i.e Big Banquet At Kedron A al VEAL GITETs = 63% and Mrs. Hugh Prizeman Blanche of Mar! " 2 3 and Miz. in and Mrs June 2, for the Brownies. and Joan Kolynko; Homemaker --- | Walter A. Logan, BA. BD, will v am G ae, ' 0 Dawa Mrs. | Guides of the 20th Company and Mary Kolynko, Joan Kolynko preach. MRS. LUKE'S y 1d rel row 4 ay "Christie | heir mothers. Seated at tables| The Guides and Brownies form- ~ TOMATOES*.222/39¢ to Ang: N. Rusnell of Brooklin beautifully decorated with flow- eq into their companies, and four HOLD MEETING # STR WBERRY and | ] : a oaksin | gv by Mrs. Ross Lee, the girls Brownies, Susan Patte, Susan Kedron Woman's Association 3 . REGATTA STANDARD %'s were recent guests of Mrs. Ellen ana their guests were 'welcomed Walker. Carol Wales and Betty! met on Wednesday evening at the oy WITH i PEACHES 20 Oz. 2 ' ney. v Gode. Harper by Mrs. Vincent Ward, the App Weales, flew up to the Guide home of Mie. Perey _ountjoy PECTIN ) : : TINS 39% Ir. and Mrs. George Harper precident of the Mothers' Asso- for the regular June meeting. De- : and family visited Mr. and Mrs. ciation. Company. The Brownies enter- votions were led by Mrs. Harold Poor . YORK 16 OZ. ICE BOX JAR tained their mothers with two George Gibson of Taunton on R I ald ot he 2 etal Sf 0 | Werry, assisted by Mrs. Harry ; ; # oo" NU ev. Ronald Love said (he songs, "Catch a Falling Star' Rose, The guest spealer. Mrs , i¥ ONE PINT PKG. OF ICE CASTLE PEA T BUTTER 39%¢ Sunday grace, and the toast to the Queen and 'Brother James' Air". -- Gi Wis i » Mra was proposed by Margate) Dai Mrs. J. C. Stephenson, Ross- oii dia Bi Roy , - t = ORCHARD KING CHOICE ASSTD. ere gues "oman he toast to the church was |. rip v " : Eis ] y ' : : * Gordon Walker of Whitby one given hy Mary Kolynko, and ras land District Commissioner, Naylor spoke on '"The Contribu - - - PEAS 15.02. TINS 4/49¢ ' " . brought greetings to the girls and | Shure evening last week, They also {oat to the mothers by Anne!the leit : tion of Women fo the Church, as, Lo A y _ANDE their mothers, and congratulated |through the Years. The timely 8i¢ WHOLE KERNEL FANCY 14 OZ TIN visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sin-| Bishop, and replied to by Mrs. R./ {hem ¥ Sat-1Q Rich i Ls 'them on a very good year of y " ; ol WITH THE PURCHASE OF PKOS. OF clair Roberton of Shirley. Sat-|S Bisson. So Sites wes Frat eons. | (SUUE BREERE 2 NIBLETS CORN 3/49¢ urday evening 4 = Mrs. Ward introduced the new Ka 4 , MAPLE LEAF 12¢ OFF DEAL - Miss Margaret Sutcliffe of To-|oyacutive for next year, Mrs. C.| AMUSING PARADE Jos verbally mressed 7 Mes LIoUID DETERGENT 2 029 ROBIN HOOD K 8 AYLMER FANCY 26 OL. TR ronts tas at home with her par-'posking, Mrs. R. Walker and| In their turn, 'the mothers en- 0 "5, 4 vice-president Ooh ¢ FAMILY gut APPLESAUCE 3/49¢ gs Mr ; fed Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe yo A Scott. She aniouced|lefiained With 28 amising par. awa Presbytery WA TEMPT 2st week with regret that the Brownie| a rom Su Following a business session DOG FOOD '5 02. TIN 6/39 LEE SLICED CHOICE Mrs. Jack Crosier, Mrs, Hilda jeaders, Mrs. G. Parfitt, Brown materials as a hot water boftle, |, co cl "NC pHa Mee M Bailey, and Mrs. Ross: Sandison Owl, Mrs. W. Milne, Tawny Owl|Yadishes, carrots, a bird cage, waiters Mrs, W. Woodward, and X oz ke 20 02. TIN ORCHARD KING CHOICE f Publi pr i fie ANGE, CHERRY OR BANANA) attender] the funeral of ublic! znd Willow Milne, Packy, are muffin tins and maple leaves. : AY REG, PRICE Schoo! Inspector, Mr. Knight, leaving this year, and gifts from | Mrs. Stanley Ogle acted as com- ig Mountjoy served refresh RITZ CRACKERS CRISP 21 last week the Mothers' Association and|meniator An invitation to meet in July Bill Brown, who has been a from the Brownies were present-| Following the banquet the girls a¢ the home of Mrs. Ross Lee Hi C DRINK 48 OZ. TINS patient at Oshawa General Hospi- ed to the retiring leaders. and their leaders drove down to as accepted > fol - tal, is home again Sunday visit-| | cs 5 i Parkwood for a tour of the| (pn Sunday. June 26. reception PUNCH, GRAPE OR 3 85 ors were his parents, Mr and GIVES REPORT grounds on. the invitation of Col.|or new members © will a eid ORANGE for ¢ Mrs W. Brown of Greenbank Mrs. Ray Scott, 'treasurer, pre- R. S. McLaughlin The girls were prior to the Sacrament of The Mrs. Roy Hart of Uxbridge sented a report of the finances [thrilled with the beauty of the |Lord's Supper. Rev. R. B. Werry I WED EE ---- visited Mrs Frank Kendall, one|and expenditures for the year gardens, and their gracious &el-|\will preach the sermon Fed ---- t 5 : WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF WITH YOUR PURCHASE hg : 4 Na Fring path Guide Captain Mrs. R. A. Patte{come by Col. McLaughlin, and| Kedron Couples Club met on i] 25 Nr aorine | 25 Corn Stick ' a FROZEN 2i1]1] FEA (1:33 JUNE CR MONTH : 9 =+ | Corn Sticks Tom Sutherland is ill enough|and Commissioner Stephenson they all considered the expedition saturday evening with June con y | presented the following be s to|the highlight of their year Ari A ben { #4 v i % tn he confined to the house Pp nted the following badges to veners, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Spen-| 4 Quick COLOUR BAG "Pinky" 8) Ot. 39¢ | | TIP TOP FROZEN | FIELDS O' CLOVER MILD d A REG. OR PINK ~ soz. | E ozo R | Bm Mr and Mrs. MacDonald of the members of the Guide Com-| Rev. R. H. Love, who is chair-|cer in charge. Mrs. Frank Han-| 3% BL, . Epsom visited Mr and Mrs. Ray (pany Child nurse -- Sharon|man of Information and Steward-|cock led in worship. Lorne Tre iJ = Ky ww. 35¢ JUNE 18,1960 STAMPS | VAUD TO SAT CHEES MacDonald for the weekend Scott Mary Kolynko, Barbara ship in Oshawa presbytery, con-| gunna presided for business > 0 iy - STAMPS JUNE 18,1960 OPEN THURS ! LEMONADE 10 'W Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers and | F000 oe GR iran Marys {nucted the regulae Sunday mos. Showing of pictures of the Arctic| --- --- & FRI to 9p oh | ¢ 1 EDGES 39%¢ RE hy ba . er -- arie|ing service, and preac on the taken NM ) o y pr * oie boye and Russell Harper of Bow ; I e|taken by Mr. Clarence Bell, and IYorx Frozen | FIELDS O' CLOVER 8 OZ. PKG. cl manville were at their home | Maidman; Cook -- Lo A ol aris tame, "Into all the world Showy by him, provided fine en- { | 75 WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 75 Ji ue Coad oF | : : st -- y - |togethe tainment. Ll i | NORTH PLAZA 2 18. POLY BAG, | here. __ligion and Life -- Mary Jane| The energetic Board of Stew-| Miss Dorothy Bishop, Ottawa | WARSAW (AP) Polish histor- Kolynko, Jean Ward, Molly John- hours on Saturday in a special Mrs. Harold A. Werry was a ne 3 ¢ Pinky" §reos. 29¢ i DUNDAS STREET | ORANGE RLS ax |GRUYERE Tio fuss # + ALD 10 SAT J | jans claim discovery of the home ston. Barbara Rose; Emergency clean-up session of church and' guest of Mr WG MeKa yeh STAMPS JUNE 12, STARPS JUNE 18,1980 si] | ME LTR | 12% O12 4 the 16th- Helper 3onnie: Dale: Maric grind i h - --- a. Ww prs LD) ' JUICE TIN 2/5%¢ | CHEESE 8 OZ XG wb of Nicolaus Copernicu Rr awa, on Tue enin vhen e¢ntury astronomer and math- Maidman, Home Nurse Bar- Practising ol anniversary Mr McKay and daughters ematician, in the university town bara Rose, Mav Kolynko, Joan music is taking much of the Sun-|Susan and Laurie, entertained at of Torun. It is being turned into Kolynko; Laundress -- Joan Ko-|day School hour, with the special | an evening party and linen show- & muse. |iynko, Joam Hill, Jean Ward, anniversary service for the Kedar for Miss Betty Hoskin, -- ' O'Neil; Minstrel -- Linda Scott; ards at Kedron, and a few mem-|was a weekend guest of Mr. a : Ee RE : ' | nd BIA SCIENTISTS SHRINE Hostess Marv Kolynko, Joan bers of the WA, spent several|Mrs. R. S. Bishop : PA Lia [{

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