The Oshawa Times, 8 Jun 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 8, 1960 | GOOD EVENING © By JACK GEARIN MOSPORT COULD BE BIG DEAL Ever hear of Mosport Ltd? It's a company composed of the hard core of On- tario sports car club members. They have organized themselves into a company to create and run a racing circuit which will be known as Mosport. The site of the track, already owned by the com- pany, is 50 miles east of Toronto, near Orono and north of Newcastle. Trade and industry are interested in co-operating with the venture but only if the clubs prove their in- terest by providing the track themselves. Mosport could be a big thing for Oshawa and dis- trict, especially if it became an international racing site on the scale of Indianapolis. Oshawa Motors Sports Club, 1050 Ravine road is a member . Alan Bunting, of Toronto, said the cost of the ideal track would be close to $123,000 but the company could get by with one costing $71,000. He is co-chairman and secretary of the board. Mosport represents 15 sports car clubs. Tf plans to raise the money for the track by the sales of three per- cent debentures in $100 units, which can be purchased for $20 down and $20 monthly. They will be non-voting and will be recoverable by the company at any time after three vears and before 15 years. A minmum of £50,000 in sales would be realized before any committed for construction of the track The company would launch a campaign to trade and industry interest to finance the construction 'of buildings, appointments and gencessions once the track was down. The entire project would cost approxi- mately $250,000 The track will be 2.4 miles long with a level start- finish straightaway of almost 1,000 feet. Its features will include grades, slow and fast bends, an 8/10 miles straight and a major, banked turn. An S bend will slow cars before they enter the start finish. straight. The track will be 28 feet wide, 32 feet on corners, asphalt paved with paved shoulders sloping gradually away from the track to minimize the danger of cars over- turning The present racing track at Harewood Acres is totally inadequate because of the fast growth of the sport in Ontario. With virtually no publicity( on a track which has little spectator appeal, and, because of its nature can attract only a second-class entry of cars), a gate of 10,000 wag on hand at Harewood on May 9, 1959 Mosport Ltd. was erganized by the British Empire Motor Club and the moter sport clubs in Ontario. After searching three years, the company bought more than 450 acres of picturesque parkland close to the junction of Highway 115 and 35, north of Bow- manville It is hoped te have bulldozers in to start the track by the end ef July. President R. A. Byatt the basic principles which guide the directors are control of the venture must remain vested in "sport" as a whole; (b) the property must for all forms of motor sport; (e¢) the present must be preserved; (d) the both competitors and spectators limited money 1s widen work on said (a) the remain available beauty of the location best possible facilities for must be provided LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Malcolm Smith, president of Local 222, UAW-CI0O, was re-elected vice-president of the Canadian-UAW Council (which represents the union's 65,000 members), last week-end in Port Elgin, Ont The Globe and Mail earried a feature story last Saturday Labor Minister Michael Starr under the heading. "Mike Starr Odd Man Out -- In a Cabinet Full of The phone af his Oshawa home never stops ringing on week-ends (says the article) and a close friend says she's never heard Mike say: "If it's for me, I'm not in." After Diefenbaker, Starr was the PC most in demand at the last election. He made 35 speeches in 14 days outside his own riding. In March, 1958, 'Starr spent enly four days in his own riding, he won it with the biggest majority in its history Oshawa Downtown Businessmen's Associatior cided to send at least two observers to City meetings in future to keep a close tab on what's trans- piring Council-wise Major D. B. Herr and 30 members of the Ontario Regiment went to the Raglan training area for the annual tank manoeuvres last Satur- day. Several tanks were moved from the Oshawa air- port to the training area. The major and his men are to be commended When 50 retarded were special guests at recent O visit was on Lawyers vet has de Council der childrer hawa Shrine Circus, their the arranged by 15 members of St. Gregory's Council of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights bought tickets for the kiddies and transported them to and from the big show. It was another fine example of inter fraternal co-operation between the Shriners and Knights. Proceeds of the ¢ Shrine char- ities as the Shrine Hospital in sectarian institution the rcus go te suck Montreal, which is a nor SOME NOTES ON MINOR HOCKEY T'his isn't the hockey writing in a Maga hockey set season, but Fra recent issue of "Arena. Pon ne had words of wisdom or -up some when he said, in part 'The big we the kid nockey teams around the province ir to prove something that has never been defined to me We cannot understand the A will pile 15 kids into four or five cars and driven 100 miles to have them play a 45-mu 'We often is: ti of ego. He vides his bear moan have practice ol order nature of a mature wonder how t atte 1s catered to on eve ice time, someone the exper en He the average indi with the si and s ppos ymeone will always me parents comr spoilt the operato are get 50 palace papa thet mu bu Watch On Birds' Battle For Life By JIM WHELLEY Canadian Press Correspondent FORT SMITH, NW.T, (CP) 'Kerloo, kerleeoo says Grus Americana as he pounds out his weird courtship dance in the Sass River marshes "More power to you," answers the conservation officer watching the whooping cranes through bi- noculars. Thirty-one of the 33 whoopers at large in North America have returned to their nesting grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park, 600 miles north of Edmonton | Here, in the wild area closed to all but the soft-stepping men of the Canadian Wildlife Service the progress of the giant birds in their battle against extinction s being watched. EARLY COUNT | The first of winged their way the nesting grounds 60 north west of here early in May follow ing a 2,500-mile flight from their winter home in the Aransas wild life refuge on the Gulf coast of Texas | All 33 of the {Aransas by May 11 but two w ater discovered a short di there Appa ently birds, they are expe migrate northward On May 29 the vas made in the marshes and three sighted in the nesting area were obviously nesting at time. The others had not vet he the back to whoopers miles birds had lefl ere ance from oung not ted first surv Sass Rix pairs the dent f Birdwatchers whooping crane in great size--it stands five high en the ground--and the con trast of its jet black wing tips and pure white plumage The call of kerloo, kerleeoo, au dible more than a mile, gives bird its name. In flight the jestic vhoopers cruise a miles an hour and average the ight b, t feet ma miles a dav on the atior n mate for life, mark with a courtship dance which is one of the bird world's great dramas In captivity they have lived nearly 40 vears Whooping from the | Whoope ng each hreeding cycle cranes ranged Arctic Mex Few early travellers encoun tered the bird and it now is gen helieved heen com the pleisto once to centra ico erally it has paratively rare since cene era Busty Actress Gets Welcom TORONTO CP A Va the list CNR Operations | Warmly Debated By DON HANRIGHT (the CPR's viewpoint in the Com- Canadian Press Staff Writer mons "is without any vestige of OTTAWA (CP) -- The CNR|truth and 1 ask that the honor- drew more brickbats than bou- able gentlemzn withdraw." uete Tuesday during a hectic ; Sh oh debate over the crown PARTIAL DEFEAT corporation's plans, policies and After pufting up a stubborn its eed for public funds. battle, Mr. Legier finally gave in At one stage Erhart -Regier|--!0 a point. Said he: (CCF -- Burnaby - Ctquitlam)| "I withdraw completely any charged that Prime Minister/imputauon oi impression that the Dicfenbaker nas been advancing honorabie gentlemen represent the interests of the rival CPR--a the CPR in the House of Com- suggestion (hai quickly brought mons Whal + maintain, though, is Mr. Diefenraker, formally that the effect of what they say dressed for Prince Philip's) ar-/is to advance the interests of the rival, into (he chamber to de- CPR ove: and above those of the mand withdrawal CNR Continuing to draw the ire of The debale erupted over a pro- the Conservative front bench, posai to loan the CNR $203,950, Mr. Regier quietly suggested that 000 as part of ils 1960 capital [Finance Minister Fleming had expenditure program of $309,950, burdened the 'CNR with addi- 000. The Commons eventually tional interest charges when, in gave first reading to the neces- financial difficulties himself, he savy legislator forced ihe railway to repay its Second reading was given a treasury advances and borrow on bill to 'oan the CNR up to $100,- the open market. 000,000 to construct new terminal facii'ties in Torento, a project ex- "PATHETIC NONSEN pected to be questioned closely "Utterly untrue," countered by MPs during committee study. Fleming. He described the member's statements as ets done ogee au FiOmeE Guard Minor Role |begen when the prime minister B was out of the chamber. The y DAVE McINTOSH {CCF member said Mr. Diefen Canadian Press Staff Writer |{baker, while in opposition, had acted as a spokesman for the OTTAWA (CP)--Only 20 to 25 per cent of the RCAF's total privately-owned CPR effort now is devoted to home | The prime minister--obviously [tippca as to the course of debate air defence, officials disclosed Tuesday |--strode into the ehamber, decked out in dark jacket and At least three-quarters of the air force's work now goes into strined pants. | Mr, Diefenbaker said any im- the RCAF air aivision in Europe, | Maritime ahh command, trans- timation that he had acted for the CPR at some time or other port command and search and rescue. The RCAF budget for is "false in- its entirety." Any suggestion that he had expressed this year is $767,929,000 Aircraft re equipment pro- Se s drove the whoopers OTTAWA (CP)--Niagara Gas. ny : from their original nesting Transmission Company, a sub- Srams Lave been snueunced or grounds in Illinois, Iowa, Minne-|gidiary of Consumers' Gas of defence comand. sota and eastern North Da-Toronte won government ap- The supersonic. OF-104 strike- kota during the 15th centuryiproval Tuesday for a revised .connaissance jet plane will go and their numbers gradually plan to export up to 16,710,000; service with A air divising willed from an estimated 1400 oie feet of gas daily to morth- in Europe. The anti-submarine A ern New York State ? ' The final summer nesting in| Trade Minister Churchill told Argus Jas Nn the United States was at Eagle the Commons that the govern-|.on....4 is getting tires. Dew Lake, lowa, in 1894. Survivors ment concurs with a National| joo Canadair's CL - 44 and later nested in the Prairie prov- Energy Board recommendation Cos nopolitan a nd YLickhead's fnces but the last known nesting that Niagara be given a licence Jere: les. The search and rescue there was at Muddy Lake infor 20 years. The eompany's|ce vice is being re-equipped With western Saskatchewan in 1922. |,uer ali gas exports would be a the Grumman Albatross : COVERS! ; "relatively small" 73% billion DISCOVERED IN 8% cubic feet, MINOR ROLE No other nesting grounds were| Buying its gas from Trans- The fact thal air defence mow known at the time, and it was canada Pipe Lines Limited, Ni- is only a comparatively minor assumed Grus Americana had agara would build an eight-mile role for the RCAF led Air Mar joined thé great auk 2 CAITIer| hineline and carry the gas across shal Hugh Campbell, chief of air Pigeon J} Swtinction, Thee & win the international bridge over the staff, to say in a speech at Tor served in the i Yours wa e in St. Lawrence River near Corn- onto May 20 1937 rva ge IN wali, "Air defence has been so mich pi % and conservationists rea lized the exquisite birds had COVER SMALL AREA Ib We picture; having Quen ve I RJT tome 204 were Distributing the gas on the and ccmmented upon sensation oe pi ha American side would be St. Law- ai1y in all news media. that The breeding ground had to be rence Gas Company, also a sub mary people look upon it as eur found in order to protect the spe- sidiary of Consumers' Gas. The total® defence policy and in 1945 the National distribution would cover only St "Phev. could: nol Audubon Society and U.S. Fish Lawrence County of the state, taken in their views." and Wildlife Service sel up a co- with service to such centres as What De or ew Eine operaiive whooping Crane project Potsdam, Canion and Madrid to de was in Nace air defence vhich was given full support by | Niagara's first bid for an ex the Bo Dy RY o the Canadian Wildlife Service port licence was turned down in he Si al h Der Spee hve Discovery of the nesting January by the energy board 15 thie perspective Be bis EE SA Nes Nr Cres faa vwatigiven, ta Samar umes : h 0 5% much (ess important in RCAF retuPning by helicopter from a!that the price tobe charged by sans than would be justified by forest fire in Wood Buffalo park the appiicant for the gas pro prea cits Sbont it a ai pe Sghial 2 posed. to. be sxporied was Just : "Asked about the question of a birds nd e juveni res 1 i { ? ) ad on Jive i 8 Peasonable n relation to the... interceptor to replace the 1955 nterest.' eo : : : i 10-year-cld CF-100 jet, he put it Stewart of the wild In re appearing before the jp." oo } Pp ife service flew the area energy board early in May, Ni "We had inc and saw the whoopers nesting on ggara submitted as part of its y it the Sz small st that ©. elements of (he h a a al rear: p a second appiication 'a new €on- fon in our empties info the Altle uffalo 4. 4 Ww % River tract with St. Law rence Gas ceptors : showing an anuual rate of return , 4 R Phe simmer ar Sie art an) for Niagara increased to 7% per nt cent' from seven spent 10 days in the area making studies of the habitat Since then, an all-out effort by the conservation agencies of Can United States has Lhe fight 'Export Of Gas 'To N.Y. Okayed cies A be more mis was and with RCAF voung In the sp ler and Ray over ided all four main air defence) sys plans: radar. inter surface - to - air missiles an automatic computer lhere are many things that we in the RCAF would like to have--things we think would help TOKEN PENALTY us immeasurably; but spiralling LONDON (CP For driving costs o. equipment restrict the NIONE Way on a nne-wa imber of things that we ean a man from the Soho area Our limited." was fined ene penny aida and the helped the w street bucget against INTERPRETING THE NEWS Japs Place Ike In Tough Spot ORRISON Staff Writer wether Pres to Ja he, possil noper x elimination FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING | SALES & SERVICE Fred's Refrigeration | RA 5.6335 014074 J [o) TONIGHT 3y HAROLD Cenadian Press had ecdmp controversial de to op LT pa ratified ament the treaty and allowed it some Lime appears that Herter's pied with fence 1'erate lor vy. But it € in his mina 19-22 oe wa of more rip June urgent matte | ORGANIST Johnny McMann NIGHTLY 9.12 HOTEL LANCASTER despre : % Tibetan Tells Of Red Terror You SAVE BIG every time you shop eat SPROULE'S because we offer you a STOREFUL ad of LOW PRICES and not just s handful 2 Hr of "'specials'"'. So come fill your entire shopping Pork Loin Sale list from our easy-to-shop displays of to RIB ROASTS quality foods. Then, checkup at the checkout, The LOWER COST of a cartful of your favorite 3-3% Ib. c 69° » 39 foods will convince you our storewide low prices mean more cash savings for you. . Tenderloin Roast 3-372 Ib. wn 49° Centre Cut Roast » 99° SWIFT'S Barbecue Franks The New Taste Treat w. 49° (© SPAGHETTI GRANULATED SUGAR DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 2 ,., APPLEFORD'S 15-0z. Tins 50-16. Beg a 100-4. Roll 16-01, Jams SANNA Quart Tin tr 4'4-01 TINS 7c OFF 64.01, JAVEX ome 38° SAVE 44c -- NEW WOODBURY SHAMPOO ™*™™ 79* SAVE 35¢c -- COLGATE -- LARGE SIZE, FREE WITH GIANT SIZE 1.33 VALUE DENTAL CREAM 98° 3c OFF--CHAMPION WHOLE FISH CAT FOOD 2. 29° 29: WAXED PAPER 29 TEA BAGS 100 7Q¢ Comet CLEANER 2... 31¢ SAUSAGE Salad Dressing 59 SWIFT'S hid SIMONIZ NON.SCUFF LIQUID WAX 1.00 SALAM IRISH STEW 2 "> 50¢ TULIP BRAND MARGARINE nw 19° SARAN WRAP 12" WIDTH ... 39° ORANGE CONCENTRATE 2 39° STORE HOURS SPROULE'S--King at Ritson . HURSDAY Open Till saturpAY 10 O'clock SPROULE'S--Simcoe at Mill Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights Sproule's - Simcoe at Colborne e Best Value for your Food Pollars ot SPROULE'S o AMPLE FREE PARKING ® DELIVERY AT A NOMINAL EHARGE FRESHIE FRUIT DRINKS DS FOR 29¢ AUNT MARY'S SLICED BREAD 24.01. 19 LUMP CHARCOAL or 45e FROZEN FOODS FISH and CHIPS 2.0L. BQc PKG. SUNKIST White or Pink LEMONADE 4 0 g5e TINS BJ/RDSEYE CUT GREEN BEANS 10.02. eye PKG. 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