J 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 8, 1960 + Warning Svstem os DR. ARMSTRONG TALKS AT CLINIC Memory Lapse After Party Danger Signal By JACK VAN DUSEN Canadian Press Staff Writer | TORONTO (CP)--Can re. the 'party last night or 4 blank spots? { hard and sang a song but can't] remember doing it. You might have had a memory blackout--one of the first signs| of alcoholism. Are you shake off 'that awful hangover? | the alcoholic responsible for his|ture and used properly it won't| get them into great difficulty." The government-sponsored so- reaction to alcohol. But most experts today agree member everything you did at it is a pyschiatric problem based|ciety with a budget this year of ac € on the emotional and personality $509,000 has a research centre, a makeup of the drinker, the can-|{13-bed in-patient treatment cen- Don't laugh if friends say you|dit'ons under which he lives, his/tre and emergency facilities in sttod on a table with glass in|family, jeb anc finances. "He is not able to cope with all the difficulties we all meet|other cities a "sampling of On- 80,000 alcoholics" The accessibility of alcohol also (treated and studied by such ex- has something to do with the rate|perts as Dr. John D. Armstrong, and turns to liquor." This may be another sign that DRINK IS SYMBOL you are om your way to joining Canada's 200,000 alcoholics. D HELP As the economy has expanded fam |from 1935 to today so too has| |the rate of alcoholism, from 72,- [000 alcoholics 25 years ago to| tan, |tario's taking a drink the|of alcohoiism. "Alcoholism goes|a pyschiatrist and medical direc- morning alter the party, to help/up in times of higher wages." ' [tor of the foundation. Informa-| |tion they gather is passed on to| agencies, my doers ot specs] JP JJ J J Teo Je X24 Je Ye ob | |other also three hospitals in Toronto. Here and at centres : & May Be Pierced i /4| By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer missile launchings. THULE Greenland (CP)--One| Another smaller base, at Clear, billion dollars is being spent on A1acka, will join the network a tnree-site detection system to pext year and a third will come {provide 15 minutes' warning of into operation later in Yorkshire, zn enemy missile attack on!gngland. Ne:th America. #| Is it worth it? U.S. military experts who escorted newspaper s men through the new ballistic 5 pif 1d i la quency production plants, intri- warning base here say It is. |,a40 computers fo analyze and Fifteen' minutes would give relay missile informatiqn and 'a strategic bombers enough {ime mile of steel - covered passage to get off the ground, ready to wavs connecting the various hit back at the enemy. huildings. It might also give civilians = obi ving To GB uch. INOT TE enoot af i Above all, it would make a po-| ew 4n¢ permane Union in a constant wateh for dar screens here is a fortress - like structure housing radio-fre- Behind the webbing of the ra-| might appear, the system may, Jul ner Constructed above ground, it is a sitting target for enemy bombs, though experts say such an attack would in ijt- self provide retaliatory forces with warning. But if BMEWS were knocked out, strategists wouldn't Know where missiles were going to land until they arrived at the point of impact. Top military men, conceding this, emphasize that the system must be backed up by satellite warning systems. BMEWS is organized to watch |the northern approaches to the |continent. What is the Soviets de- vised some way of sending a missile towards North America around the south pole? Or what if she moved in close with sub- {marines to launch an attack from off the coast? | How vulnerable is the system {to sabotage and jamming by en- emy radar? responsible for this project. DOUBLE ROUTES as _jam-proof as possible. As sabotage along the 6,000 - m communications route -- by sub-| marine cable, 'and lines or radio --to U.S. defence centres, there are double routes so that if one weigh on the minds of the men Srovding of revival they believe BMEWS will play : aa 'neéreasing role in front - line They say the system is made|miccile detecti : for better is devised. el spy planes and thesinte the faflure of the summit East-West tensions,| meeting Cofimunist _eensorship of mail in Hungary has sharply nereased, and telephone conver- "lsations are being tape-recorded of for reference, VIENNA (AP) -- The Hungar- ian exile newspaper Magyar Hir- | I oaECE CANADIAN WOOL - Quiput of wool in Canada ims 1959 totalled 8,287,000 pounds. is knocked out the other may still function. | ado published here reports that Finally there is the possibility of the Soviet Unjon Gevng ome way of changing the pal of TiS during flights. The| warning system estimates the) direction of flight and target by working out the trajectory as the missile passes through radar fans. >. If the path of a missile is changed after it passes this point, BMEWS {is unable to pre- dict where the missile will land. Al these are possibilities, Yet U.S. technicians have . faith in These are all questions which the warning system. With the : [tential enemy realize an attack]: TRAVEL | lwould bring retaliation. A ra- tional enemy would think twice before pulling the trigger. The first of three BMEWS-- i ; Bailistie Missile Early Warning Now is te 1 mpke i System--bases is located here on |} by. Air, Steamship, Bus, Rail, Hotels, Car Rentals, Theatre Tickets. the coast of Greenland 600 miles TRAVEL SERVICE north of the Arctic Circle, It will go into operation in the fall al- 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY though its four 165-foot-high ra- dar reflectors have already un- dengone successful trials. Constructed of 6,000 tons of steel the reflectors are designed to bounce powerful radio signals some 3,000 miles. out in space over the north pole area, fanning ithy ---- Oshawa -- Brooklin Whi MO 8-3304 Toronto EM 3-8958 A, JOEL MECREA whén they visit the entertainment wonderland of the . DRIVE-IN! A [dl . ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN ROMANTIC ROME! This is the story of the rich and hantigoe, COLOR BY DE LUXE CINEMAScOPE out to cover most of the Soviet! in the are Glin "Duck Doctor" |NEW COLOR CARTOON A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE FEATURE DAILY--1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:25 - 9:25 hospitals and| includes a general physi- social worker, pyschologist| e adyice of Robert R. Robin- 200,000. The ratio has almost|snd internist. = som, 38, education director of the doubled, from 1,100 per 100,000 in| Optaria Alcoholism Research 1935 to 2,010 today, Foundation is to try to ease off and seek medical help. that happy state?" He asks. the most liquor?" The foundation, treated 7,000 alcoholies since it! began opérations in 1950, says. symptoms of alcoholism are: Memory blackout, loss of con- trol, solitary drinking, hangovers and morning drinking, and long drinking bouts. BLACKOUTS COMMON ¥ou needn't become uncon- scious to have a memory black- out. It's an interval of amnesia lasting from one to several hours that leaves a sobered-up drinker without recollection of what hap- pened during some part of a drinking bout. Eighty-four per cent of a group! a "And then too perhaps |attilude towards liquor." | "Does it take more liquor now| Italy, said Mr. Robinson, where NEW DRUG than it did years ago to reach wines are taken at meals, has acute FEW IN TEENS Mr. Robinson said that while "no adequate studies have {made, we know that teen-agers|eek drink. However, it's only once intr ea a long time we see a teen-aged lcoholic." of being dead against lquor." of alcoholics studied by the foun.|¢i2! drinker himself, dation. doing research and treat. Son tells them '"'the use of alcohol veloped drug called "Temposil is a kind of fence| In Canada, sixth in the world|that & person puts around him- 1 : 5 unt of alcoholics, the drinking self, keeping out alcohol know-| the five most easily recognized or aicohglic beverages *is con|ing that he will be very sick if| sidered a symbol of adulthood." (he drinks it." [ | The latest drugs and tranquil: |izers are used to help the pa- but he is considered an patient tient, been | yp * stay tment |with specia |tients '"'to work in Toronto, Ottawa, iS 20 'accepted part of our cul-lagain." { fidon and Hamilton, suffered| "We don't believe in tapering nh |people off liquor. We cut them) J it's our off completely." The cutting - off process a high consumption rate but alhelped by a new foundation-de- #Say you had two invitations|low rate of alcoholism. to'parties. Did you pick the place| "But in an Italian family, when similar to, but without the ill ef-| where you like the people best/a youngster gets drunk he or-where you know you will get|iaughed at and scorned. Drink-|drug developed years ago in| ing in that fashion is considered|Sweden. which h as infantile." | a is|fecls of antabuse, a withdrawal ureak the isolation "And he is pretty mixed up be-|being an alcoholic." fore discovering alcohol, usually by parents who were either alco-| "We don't use that word. We! holies or took the other extreme|like to say rehabilitated. The al- ¢oholic would like to have some- Father of three sons and a so-|thing done for him so that he| Mr. Robin. | could drink again socially. We! don't feel that he can ever drink Is an alcoholic evér cured? REVUE eo EXTRA eo BUGS BUNNY IIL; 2 ge EL cy young hatel tycoon -- he sings too -- and the four | == gisters who would give anything to marry him! | MEM presors «8 CINEMASCOPE avo METROCOLOR DEANMARTIN eo LAST DAY o I "HOLIDAY FOR LOVERS" Plus "DRUM BEAT" Terrific in his first solo starring rolg Added Short "RHAPSODY _ IN STEEL" In Color v3 UNFORGIETTIA HECHT-HILL-UNCASTER PRESENT --e lH HI is temposil, | INTERTARIMENT = JOAN HUSTON TECHNICOLORS Zr nt vy UNTEDJEIARTISTS ---- during the two- he most fiendish | TODAY at the clinic and WHEN THE SCREEN SCREAMS YOU'LL SCREAM ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Added Fiéndish Thrills Await You ! weapon ever created to dominate the wilt Gia "sven! SESCTRONIC | BILTMORE $08.1) sob salié yas diet ANN MARIA ALBERGHETT - EVA BARTOK } DEWEY MARTIN - WALTER SLEZAK - PAUL HENREID ROD CAMERON. MARY MURPHY a, ¢ MANY RIVERS yi TOCROSS a TAYLOR - ELEANOR P a =~ ROBERT A Columbig Pictures FIRST : OSHAWA SHOWING CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON includes discussions! ind fellow of bl g Three per cent of these develop alcoholism, "a so-| cial disorder with medical and fatric aspécts." | 'We have no way of predicting | which of the social drinkers will WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo | gine: *TELEVISION LOG WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffals WROC-TV Channel S--Rochéster | WBEN-TV Channé) 4--Buffile make np the" three per dent," sdld the native of Galt, Ont. e i the United States is attempting to de- téfmine Fiche there is any dif. ference in the body chemistry of Former Nazi Leader Said Slain By Jews TEL AVIV (Reuters) -- An Isrzeli weekly journal reports that former Nazi' leader Martin Bormann was killed last April in Avgeiitina by a Jewish doctor who recognized him through his diSguise and gave him a series of lethal injections. The weekly, Haolam Hazeh, quotes Jewish sources in Buenos es as saying Bormann's body was buried under an assumed n#me, which could not be re- végled. o confirmation or denial of the story was available in. Tel Aviv HITLER'S AIDE The weekiy says Bormann, Adolf Hitler s aide, went to Ar- gentina 10 years ago and ob- tained .dentity papers under an assumed name, Bormann is said to have man- aged to smuggie a large fortune out of Germany and lived luxur- ously in a Buenos Aires suburb, unlike former Nazi Adolf Eich- magn who lived humbly in Ar- gentina until seized by Israeli volunteers. Eichmann now: is a#waiting trial in Israel, Acrording fo the Argentine! sources a German doctor in| Buenos Aires carried out plastic surgery on Brrmann to remove a tel-tale scar on his forehead. Bori#nn's identity was dis- covered when he went to a noted German doctor of Jewish origin for treatment of a heart condi- fion, Haolam Hazeh reports. Bor- mann told this doefor about the plastic operation as part of his case history The doctor proved to his satis- faction that his patient was Bor- mann and consulted & Jewish organization in Buenos Aires. Advised that nothing could be done except to carry out the death géntence imiposed by thé Nuern- berg war crimes tribunal, the doctor_gave Bormann a series of lethal 7 5:00 P.M, 11--Family Theatrd 5--Playhouse 4--Childhood Literature 3-The Big Rascals 5:15 P.M. &--Big Mac 5 .M. 7--My Friend Flicka 6] el Hound 2--Felix The Cat 6:00 P.M. 11.8---News 7--Early Show & Western 2-Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M. 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2News: Weather 6:45 P.M. S--Huntley-Brjnkley Report 11-6-4-2 -News 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid | $--Vikings 4--Cannonball | 2=Manhunt 7:15 P.M. 7--News; Weather 7:30 P.M 6--Leave It To Beaver | 7--Guy Lombardo | 5-2---Wagon Train 4--Drama Series 8:00 P.M. 11.6---RCMP | 7=Take A Good Look 8:30 P.M. |11-6--Live A Borrowed | Life 7--Ozzie and Harriet ° | 4--Drama | 5-2--Price Is Right | 9:00 P.M. {1583--A1 Hour of Stars 7--The Hawaiian Eye | 4=The Millionaire 2---Tate 10:00 P.M. 11-¢--First Person 7--Sea Hunt 5-2--This Is Your Life 4--Circle Theatre 10.30 P.M. 11-6--Exploration 7--Interpol Calling 6--Farm Program $--Man Hunt 2--Four Just Men 11:00 P.M. 11.7-6:5-4-2--News; Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6--Viewpoint 30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6sStage Seven | S-2--Jack Parr &--Theatre THURSDAY 8:00 AM, 7<Buffélo A.M. 52 Today 4--News Roundup Captain Kangaroo 8:30 AM. 7--Fun House 9:00 A.M. U-~Romper Room 5--Ding Dong Schoo! 11--Movie 7--Romper room 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Checkers 10:00 A.M. §-2--Dough Ra Mi &--Hed Rowe Show 10:30 A.M. 7--Morning Show 82-Play Your Hunél¥ 4-0n The Go 11:00 A.M, 11--Jane Gray Show 5-2--Price Is Right 4-I Love Lucy 11:30 A.M. 11--Bob McLean Show 5-2--Concentration 4--December Bride 12:00 NOON 11---Bugs Bunny and Friends 7--Restless Gun 5-2--Truth or Consequences 4--News; Weather 12:15 P.M. 6--Matinee 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 11--News 7--Ldve That Bob 5-2--1t Could Be You 4--Search For Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 7--About Faces S5--Movie 4--Meet The Millers 23-Mid-day matinee , 1:30 P.M. 7--Divorce Hearing 4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7--Day In Court 6--Chez Helene 4--For Better or Worse 2---Queéen For A Day 2-Loretta Young Theatre 3:00 P.M. 11-8--Playhouse 7--Béat The Clock 5-2---Df. Malone 4---Thé Milliosdire 11=Music For You 7--Who Do Vou Trust 6---Fighting Words 5-2--From These Roots Verdict 2 Your's 4:00 8 11--Popeve 7--Américan Bandstand 6--Millfonaire 4--Seridls 5--The Thi Maw 53---Comedy Theatre 4:30 P.M, 6---Just Mary 2--Adventure Theatre 5--Yanoy Derringer Edge of Night THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--This Living World S5--Playhotupe 4--Learn About Science 2---Thrée Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4-Big Mac Show 5:30 'P.M. 7--RocKy and Friends 6--Roy Rogers 2~Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M, 11-8--Metro News 7--Early Show 4_Drama Series 2---Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M. 6--Bob_ Cummings 6:30 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2--News; Weather 6:45 P.M, $=Huntley-Brinkley eport 6-4-2--News 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid 5--Leave It To Beaver 4--Topper Series 2--Shotgun Slade 7:15 P.M. T--News: Weather 7:30 8 7--Black Saddle 6--Provincial Affairs 5--The Detectives §--Panel Quiz 2--Law of the Plainsrian 7:45 P.M. 13--The Nation's Masterson 4--Betty Hutton Show 11-6--Talént Caravan 7-5--The Real McCoys 4--Ringo 2--Producers' Choles 9:00 P.M. 11-8--Closeup 7--Pat Boone 5-2--Bachelor Father Zane G Theatre 9: M. 11-6---Man From Blackhawk 7--Untouchables | 52-Ford Show 4--Ray Milland The Oshawa Times will be mailed to your cottage or re- sort at the regular carrier rate of 45. PER WEEK! 4--Variety Show 10:15 P.M. 11--Talking Sport 10:30 P.M. 11-1 Love Lucy 7--San Francisco Beat 6Toronto Today 3<Not For Hire ibstone Territory Sports '11:15 P.M . | 7--Playhouse 6-- Viewpoint J=8portsreel 11:39 P.M. 11-8--Late Show. e A Stranger... Wherever You May Be On Your A "Paradise"! - Have The Osha Times Mailed To You... A Wherever You Are! It will be just like getting a lettér from home when THE OSHAWA TIMES arrives every ddy, bringing you all the news, plus your favorite comics. 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