CALVARY BWF The regular meeting of the literature prepared. It was voted GROUPS, CLUBS Calvary Business Women's Kel- to make a donation to the Bible ag -Dickson Nuptial Rites ) lowship was held Monday even- Club Movement, and one to | A , also Solemnized By Bride' S Father AUXILIARIES ing, June 6, at the home of Mrs.|the Calvary Baptist Church Mis- o John Baxter, Royal street. sionary Fund, The Reverend Warren G. Dick- were Messrs. Arnold Gallinger, PMA CLUB - Mrs. Edward Drapak had Co-hostesses for the evening son officiated at the marriage of Edward Elliott, William Eyre The regular meeiing of the charge of the meeting and short/were Mrs. John Baxter and Miss his daughter, Norma Phyllis, to and Donald Feather. Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club devotional messages weve given! Lillian Stecle. John Gordon Yousg in Cenire A reception » followed in the Was held with the president; Mrs, Grant Lewis and Miss ; ; ihe "iid Xrbeow - hiki a The closing meeting will be Street United Church on Satur- banquet hall, Receiving, the G. V. Lee, presiding. 1 Toe tory DIeSUlIE. called py|Miabel Matheson. held on June 20 at 556 Monteith The bride Bible Club Movement, and ether is the bride's mother wore pale mauve \ and printed taifeta with matching Mrs Robert G. Collison ahd Mrs. W. G. Dickson d the hat and white accessories with a showed a very good attendance. bridegroom is the son of Mr. and corsage of white carnations. The The scripture lesson was read Mrs. Harry A. Young, all of Osh- bridegroom's mother was in by Mrs. Elwood Bradley. awa. azure blue lace and taffeta, white The secretary and treasurer's Mr.. Ronald accessories with a pink carna- reports were given and the cor- P E R S 0 N A 1. S ist, played the respondence read. Mrs. Mary and the bride was 4 to Cape Ann Donaldson was reporied to be riage by her uncle, vance Cod, Massachuseils, the bride on the sick list. : Hamilton guests at the Young- Sunday School hall. The Sunday|Needham. vore a mauve linen suit, white Further plans for the annua |Dickson wedding on Saturday School teachers and officers of} The bride wore a full-length, accessories and a corsage of picnic to be held on July 12 were were Mr. and Mrs. H. Large, the church entertained at the pouffant gown of silk organza mauve and white carnations made. § Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Elliott, Mr. home ofsMr. and Mrs. Robert ang Alencon lace. The fitted bod- Mr and Mrs. Young will re- Refreshments were served by land Mrs. Vance Needham, Mr. Kirk, French street, where a pre-ljce was styled "vith sheath furn to 've at 21 Athabasca Mrs. R. G. Collison and Mrs. El- |and Mrs. George Johnson, Sylvia sentation was made. The Young |sieeves and a portrait neckline street, Oshawa. Iwood Bradley. and - Doreite, Mr. and Mrs. People's Union of Grace United|embroidered with iridescent se Reiser, Miss Marjorie Reiser, Church in Hamilton arranged a quins. A bustle bow accented the HOME DAIRY Mr. Eugene Smith. Others from miscellaneous shower at the [11 'skirt and a crown of tear # lout of town were Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. George grop pearls held her fingertip OSHAWA AND AJAX R. W. Millar, Miss Nancy Millar, Johnsen, Burlington, The Young veil. She carried a cascade of THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Guelph; Mrs. Samuel Hillier, the People's Union of Centre Street American Beauty roses. 43¢ FRESH Misses Shirley and Barbara Hil-| United Church held a miscellan- The maid: of honds Was Mis RASPBERRY PIE 49+ lier, Buffalo; Miss Colleen Robb, eous shower at the home of Miss yoo Dickson, the bride's sis FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Miss Elizabeth Saunders, Os- Marjorie Lutlon, McMillan drive. ter. The other attendants were Shop at the bakery with the large variety. day afternoon daughter of the Reverend During the work period envel- avenue when a smorgasbord will opes were addressed for thejround up the seas activities. Shop WOOLWORTH'S - First for Better Value KEEP COOL AND BEAT THE HEAT WITH A FAN FROM WOOLWORTHS SEABREEZEFAN 6.95 SCREEN FAN 9:95 Childproof Fan" 14.95 CHILD PROOF SEABREEZE OSCILLATOR FAN 19.95 FAN... 16" x25" 21.99 WINDOW SCREEN yn 9" X 32 nr 98° ' ZINC PLATED SCREENS 10" x 3" 1.39 157 xR" 1:59 15" x 31" 1.69 SHOP IN COMFORT IN OUR MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED STORE IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdoy, June od, 1960 7 Kellington, wedding give Mr organ music tion corsage. n na: For their wedding goode; Mr. .and Mrs. Vincent Mrs. Edwin Michael entertained y, Robert Young, Mrs. Arnold Grainger, Peterborough; Mr. and with a shower at the home of Gallinger and: Miss Marjorie Luts Mrs. Evan Barfow, Mr. and Mrs. her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Mack- ton They Were Qestod alike in , Belleville; Mr. and ie, King street east. The girls on pale green organza over taffeta Mrs. William Logue, Foxboro; ithe staff of the City Hall made a bouffant style, with shoulder- Mr. and Mrs. James Logue, Point| presentation and the staff of the Sengitly oil tired : poariod Anne; Mrs. A. S. Kerr, Toronto; board of health entertained al a pong yeir bouquets were vel { Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, dinner and a presentation was) =o 4 white chrysanthemums Miss Marlene Taylor, Mr. Wayne made. Friends and neighbors di ys Taylor, Miss Gloria Taylor, Mr.made a presentation to the pros- Mr Robert Young was his and Mrs. Lawrence Tanner, Pais-|pective bridegroom, Mr. Gordon brother's best man, The ushers ley; Mrs. Garfield Taylor, Ches- p-- ley, Ontario; Mrs. Flora Smith, Pom; Miss Shirley Smith, Los Angeles, California; Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Linder, Miss Jane Lin- der, Detroit, Michigan. lo TENDER AND MOIST ---- ORANGE AND MRS. EARLE E. SANDFORD CHIFFON CAKE 'MR. Friends Honor Oshawa Pair Celebrating 25th Anniversary welcomed Young. Church this Saturday afternoon has been enteriained at a num ber of parties. Showers in her honor were given by her moth- er's bridge club, Mrs. W. J. Lang maid, Mrs. R. Ray McLaughlin, Mrs. C. L. Cousins and Mrs. S. J. Nobbin. Other shower host esses were Mrs. Peter Ellins and Mrs. Ronald MacCarl. The night Mrs. Ralph Burns, La Salle avenue, was in Washington, D.C., at the weekend to altend the graduation of her daughter, Miss Josephine Burns from the Wash- visitors ington Missionary College. Earle Sandford, Lynda Strang Masson street, received congratu- at the door fations and wishes from a Mis. Sandfuid"s hobby her wide citcle of friends on Saturday garden and she has been an ex- when they celebrated their silver eculive member of the Oshawa wedding anniversary Horticultural Society for many During the afternoon and even- Years ing they were at home to SNCTAT, NOTICES guests, among them the maid of honor, now Mrs. E. C. Bradbury and the man M Cecil Sandford guest was ENGAGEMENT the bridegroom's Mrs Mr qd Mr R vd Flovd E. D Sandiord an ys oyden oy ge. Hartman of Enterprise. Ontario, The coupie announce the engagement of their of gifts and jaughter, Louise Marie, to Mr. flora! arrangements Allan Grant Taylor, son of Mr greeungs included and Mrs. Talmage Taylor, En- from 2 niece Vrs field The wedding will take Sy garth le lace in Enterprise United Church Arlen Strang heey on Saturday. July 2. 1960, at Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Sanaford 30 p.m Hastie of Toronto Miss Dorothy Skingley The Reverend C. W. Cope offi- awa and she was united mar ; ciated. The wedding music was riage with Earle Edmund Sand The engagement is announc- layed by Mr. William Findlay ed of Mary Grace Farrell. daugh- play Mr R Doddington was ter of Mrs. Gordon Farrell, Osh- and Mr. Sos onelawa, and the late Mr. Farrell, to)' Soloist. Given in marriage by fa- = A reception was held at the ford by the late Canon D. M. Rose in St George's Memorial Church ?5 years ago. The have son. Robert home Mr. Donald Clare Lyons. son of Mr and Sandford are Mrs. Harry Lyons, Oshawa, and ther, the bride wore a period goohorough Golf club. To re- membe.'s Chriot Memorial the late Mr. Lyons. The wedding style gown of white faille fealur-| give the bride's mother wore a Church and Archdeacon H. D.|isto take place on Saturday, July ng re- -embroidered guipure lace. {sheath of sage green silk shan- Claverdon 'Mrs Cleverdon and 2. 1960, at 3.30 o'clock in Albert Long sleeves styled the bodice. qq yith a lace top and a white Street . United Church. The bell-shaped skirt embroider- |and sage green organdy flowered - ed with seed pearls fell into 81a. The bridegroom's mother [cathedral train. A seed pearlig gigiing was in blue French lace lerown held her fingertip veil pile | Ve taffeta with white accesso- Miss Anne Cleverdon were among the guests at the reception carried a cascade of white ti and Miss Norma Dickson, whose marriage to Mr. Gordon Young took place on Saturday was enter-, A bride-elect Miss Eleanor tained at a miscellaneous shower Parkhill whose marriage lo Mr given by the women of Cen- Michael Laskowski is to take staff of the Os:awa General Hos- tre Street United Church in the place at St. Andrew's Jnited | pital presented her with a cry- -- |stal vase. The Y-Variety Club committee of the YWCA had a social evening and presented the bride-elect with a casserole, Mi and Mrs. Michael Laskowski Sr., parents of the prospective Kenneth Kent, Arlene Hastie Married In Toronto Ceremony imam: i metic i NEW rr. ELECTRIC Torento, on Saturday, June 4,|Barrons (Montreal) and Miss Kenneth Reid Kent, son of Mr |Heather Hastie, cousin of the and Mrs. James Maclean Kent bride. All wore coral faille of Oshawa, took as his bride, dresses designed with portrait HAS MORE SPACE THAN EVER WITH ROOMY SWING OUT SHELVES Mr and Mrs is Specials are Also Available At-- BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North best An honored mother received a number At Fairlawn United Church, |Lou Glaubitz, Miss everal houquets and and their a telegram Ronald Pow former Donna | e Sylvia Hastie, daughter of necklines and full skirts. They Alexander Smith|wore matching bandeaux and carried cascades of white earna- tions Mr. Albert Gilbert man. Ushering were Mr. Wil liam Camnwith, Jr., Dr. Douglas {Mills and Mr. Barry Fox, all of Oshawa, former Osh- the of n was best ENGAGEMENT her Mr 0 Mrs. Leslie Guy, Mrs. W. G BOTTLE DRIVE ackson, Mrs. Charles Rose and, KAPUSKASING, Ont. (CP)--In| Mrs, James Kemp poured tea at/a bottle drive here to raise different intervals and the guests money for the Mountjoy tow: | car i 7 the wedding trip the bride Were served by Miss Kathleen flood relief fund, residents eol- Miss Sandra Hastie was maid- wore a beige silk sheath with Sandford. Mrs. Blanche Strang!lected 32.000 bottles and sold of-honor for her sister. The| white accessories. The newly and Mrs. E. C. Bradbury. Miss'them for $1,201. bridesmaids were Miss Mary] y | wedded pair will live in Toronto WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC OPEN SPECIAL CLEARANCE Woodbury's and tien Products COLEMAN JERGENS JERGENS 2 Burner COCONUT OIL SOAP CAMP STOVES Thursday till 6 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. Saturday till 6 p.m. RIEVY SHELVES OFFER EASY STORAGE, EASY SELECTION, EASY CLEANING SHAMPOO AT OSHAWA 1 3 : 95 Reg. 1.00 50 Value € DISCOUNT HOUSE COLOGNE, PERFUME, BATH SALTS, ONLY 'JERGENS LOTION--AIl at special prices Wedding and Anniversary Gift Suggestions WEDGEWOOD ENGLISH WYNECREST BY PROCTOR DINNERWARE IRONING BOARDS GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES with 22k gold trim. 20-piece set. Reg. Adjustable o all heights G.E. VAPOR CONTROL KET- 35.00. At Oshawa Discount House, Only 10.00 7.99 55, 20s oy . .Our Price ne * 14. 15 IONA MIXERS 117° Retail WYNECREST BY PROCTOR G.E. FRYPAN -- 18.50 AUTOMATIC 25.50. G.E. MIXETTE -- Retail 25.95. TOASTERS Our Price Extra Special 10.90 WYNECREST BY PROCTOR STEAM AND DRY IRONS 10.55 EXTRA SPECIAL Special WESTINGHOUSE CLOCK RADIOS Retail 34.95. At Oshava Discount House 271.50 only Our Price G.E. COFFEE Rétail 32.50. Our Price PERCOLATOR -- 22.90 Extre Special The latest General Electric 13 eu. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer really packs in the food and it takes up no more space than eonventional models. Wait until you see the wonderfully roomy Swing-Out shelves -- the sturdiest shelves you can get. A touch of a finger and they swing the food right out to you This up-to-the-minute Refrigerator- Freezer has so many exciting features: huge capacity Zero-Zone Freezer com- partment; refrigerator section that never needs defrosting; adjustable, removable door shelves; individual butter, ~ cream and cheese keepers; magnetic door closes sa fely and securely; convenient foot pedal door opener, and many many others. Con Lng Teg eB i G-E Dealer's to realize that it's for you. You have a choice of beautiful Mix-or-Match colours -- and you'll be se proud of the elegant appearance of the Straight-line design. NEW SHELVES GIVE SWING-OUT CONVENIENCE . . . The big swing-out shelves bring food right out to you -- so smoothly. Nothing ean hide away and be forgotten. They're strong -- each can hold as much as 135 !bs, and you can adjust them up or down with ease. When you want to Seas the interior of the Refrigerator, the shelves out of the way. it t be easier. and keep it safely for up to one year. lect consistency always. MADE IN CANADA co HUGE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER HOLDS A MONTH'S SUPPLY OF FOOD... The G-E Zero-Zone is not like ordinary freezer imsulated and refrigerated. You can quick eon a month' LA su] ply of fo Freezer remains constantly at the level The Suis mitior) ties as ideal for the long-term storage of -- ALL 6-2 APPLIMNOES AND TELEWSIOR CARRY A PROTORY WARRANTY MODELS ILLUSTRATED ONLY 499 OTHER MODELS From 199.00 * Manufacturer's suggested retail price compartments. I tis feparataly leading Cana i ons ---even ice-cream retains CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED MORE CANADIANS CHOOSE GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES THAN ANY OTHER MAKE -- SEE WHY AT THE FOLLOWING G-E DEALERS ... POWER HOUSE i" ELECTRIC DRILL ® 2.6 amp. rating ® bronze bearings oiled for life ® precision ground ball thrust bearing OSHAWA APPLIANCES OSHAWA 78 SIMCOE ST. RA 3-2815 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 ALBERT STREET 309 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY NT SALES MO 8-2081