The Oshawa Times, 7 Jun 1960, p. 14

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14 THe OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 7, 1968 OFFICE HOURS sti] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [= 1--Accountants as 13--Gardening & Supplies |13--Gardening & Supplies 29--Summer Properties 32--Arficles Wanted * |37--Male Help Wanted fom cuamor owas Accuaias | CLASSIFIED AD RATES ANT Hod of fever work By emer NEW BUSINESS or Sale PANGS wiht ur sre sr (EUIABLE Wily ms Io ork ee services for small business. 184 Bond 2S words or less CHOICE LOAM ROTO - tilling done, reasonable rates. te tah Tos cone om oo] FOR SALE [iain 7) TELEPHONE LISTINGS [STURGEON LAKE Ieee wa ims ows ws br io Coins oi fi. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants] INSERTIONS .... 225 248 GARDENS, Ae, cultivated and , ment, RA 8-2383. and Auditors, K. 184] & CONSECUTIVE GRAVEL---SAND---FILL |disced. Telephone RA 35251. BEEHIVE ne RATSacen Toler. large io SRANIC for service station. Good Bond a West, Oshawa. RA 2231 INSERTIONS ... 3.75 4.12 Also Bock Filling LAWNS St, Also gardening, Cal RA HUNGRY ? i working Write Box 645 Osh. RONALD F. D, WILSON, CHARTERED It not paid within 7 days the Lots Levelled oat BARLOW PARK ESTATES WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Caliadiag awa Times. ACCOUNTANT, Oshawa, Ontario. RA. Charge rate will apply. TREES cut and trimmed, any work sive Sotlasy, also certain type '47. RA |FULLY experienced service station ab 321. Above rates apply only to original RA 5-21 56 dois With hain AW. F768 4StICASHH, Fish We DEvIveER MOTORS A 4 tendant, good salary for right man. an , Hamburgers new, modern i Write Box 745 Oshawa Times. MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIEHL, and|f orders for consecutive insertions. 9 ©o., Chartered Accountan Los Subsequent insertions ordered at @ LAWNS cut for the season. Free esti Milkshakes 428 KING WEST subdivision designed in 4 a ens Wanted TE role Se il RR So, TOP GRADE i HICKEN in_the ROUG ience on delicate Zleetronic instroe Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, gy later date constitute a new original mates, RA 3-77 Florida motif. The most un- QUIET couple with no chi Tike order. ENVOY FOOD SERVICE QUALITY USED CARS usual ond beautiful in. the "piace as rn mel, Experience ob | meter move Professional and Business listings 4 i Ts St $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily, 1 Household Repairs PHONE RA 5- 8978 BOUGHT AND SOLD Kawartha Lakes. Clean, safe, couple ur elderly lady. Write Box 750, fits, etc. Write Box 444 Oshawa Times, Street North, RR 8 wa iy Each additional fine. 31.00 _ pee PAINTING, inside and on. yma} ob sand beach. Large beautiful A = If. ests i jaige jos. Reasonable prices. RA RA 8-6175 shade trees. Canals 40-ft. - |CEMENT work, done by gentleman 38...Male or Female 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- Eoch initial letter, abbreviation, PAINTING and decorating needed. b P with own mixer. Telephone RA 5-7966. fled Public Accountants, 172 King || $ and e sign, figure, ent oe RA 5 1905 Finest materials used. Work _guarate TRY OUR wide with helierey dscke for re Help Wanted Street ast, Oshawa, ntario. word. ox charge Cc additional. jon easonable ri 8. 50 your at, lew nine-hole 5 i 5-6204, location, Division St., fenced in back !MULTILITH or Davidson press ope Si, FREE SURES ik poanilied a verte) ! ished. Phone Spun RA ALUMINUM BAR-B-QUED golf course, three minutes |yard. $10 weekly. Phone RA 33623. (tor. Apply G. Dowling, General Laird 2 " os " INT . " 'and (a. Accountants and Auditors, Li-|] publication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, stripping. plaster repairs, carpentey a CHICKEN walking distance. CARPENTER -- first class, evenings, |" 4d. 75 Richmond Street West. cenced Trusiee in Bankruptcy, 64 King|| Soturday 8-12, LANDSCAPING specialty! Phone RA 5-96 New, quality-built summer |weekends, 20 years' experience, power SUBDIVISION salesman or salesiady Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CAi || peGuULATIONS-- SERVICES CHESTERFIELD, a -. Si h Fish & Chips 35¢, Haomburg- homes open for your inspec- fools, any pe earpentsy, Stairs, cup-|wanwed for Blair Park, Whitby, Pisuse ¥. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. The Oshawa Times shall not be Weed ted, field nursrey [Uke mew. Why pay more? Our rates - for or interview. ers, J Doe Me sieves Jon, electric Wiring gonnected lor Bouty. Pickering, "WH 26143. RE . Allen Real Esta te. . responsible for errors in advertise- trea are re to ro, three rooms, 2--Barristers ments submitted otherwise than in sod, top soil, gravel, sond |Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery|19--Personal OD A 5.3887 L A with plumbing, kit en iwi ADAger, LABORATORY wi f : % JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, [| iting, nor for more thon one ll fill Complete service. Weed Ooi? Bom street Weak. Dill BA pauper olig. Vee DI We Deiver, chen with stainless steel sink, (desires change. Whithy, Atax 'or Ost TECHNICIAN " incorrect insertion of any adver 0 Le cir es vey to loan. Office a tisement, nor beyond the price control. Free estimates. ing at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, in arborite cabinet top, large aus disttiets. MO 3m or IMMEDIATELY 3 i A CLEAN home is a happy home. |Maple Grove Inn, . Open 87 . tok Aiki We 8 Residence, RA 5.3405. charged for a single insertion of ED KNOWLTON Free work d; dally except and 25--Pets and Livestock living-dining room finished in |3oroe girl would like to take eare the advertisement in which error A N DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister (| occurs, And also reserves the right RA 5-6047 30 Jublichy, Delile esfernisston; supplies (rubber £0 04d 8), (MINATURE poodles, champion sired,| 9enuine knotty pine. Your lof children and light household duties. 5.Day Week and Solicitor, 26% King Street East.|l to classify advertising according to pre Dawes Road. Toronto, ZE 9.9500 oO matied post paid in plain sealed enve-|beautiful puppies and grown stock.| Choice of exteriors -- log- |Good references. Phone MO 8-4182, Apply: Superintendent, Une Telephone: Business, RA 53301; Resi- || its own classification. . OX 41946 or phone Claremont 836R11,[loPes with price list. Six samples, 25|Cedarview Kennels, RA 5-5062. siding, pine lop siding -- all |TADY will mind child in own home| bridge General Hospital, Ux» dence, RA $5973. In the case of display advertise. : cents; 24 3150. Mil Order MAN Shepherd puppies, register-| finished in delightful paint [while mother works, large fenced in| bridge, Ontario. ING ots iid ven A Time wi i Sod OAM FO a ney, i 1 Bu or Rubber Cor Box 91, Champion blood line. ~WHitehall and stain colors. back yard. Near North GM. Dial RA ge. - Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso. onsible a J 3 7 : -8310. pri Sg Mackey, BA, Henry || that in which the actual error falled, SL jces, vacnumed, Free estl- pis : ah : Prices from $5750 to Fess, 41--Room & Board lock, 26% Ki Street East, RA 3.4697. |] occupies. The publishers endeavour . mates. -2997 S of beauty, six varieties of includin ] Residence: Qiak RA 34039. to reproduce all advertising matter Gravel, Sand and Fill |FAWWTING and papering. Rooms paper. | 20--Cartage fancy pigeons, $3 pair and up. Six varie- Joon cluding Ie, 36--Female Help Wanted ROOM with bourd, in new home, park: -- - TT ETRE Pe correctly but assumes no liability ed, $8 and up. RA 5-7297. STAKE truck for hire, Basements, gar. |ties of Bantams, $4 per trio and up. eve ot, terms at curren FULL Tinie cashier wanked for alior ing RA 8-0594. ony a. aD FID, $3. Barra it any inaccuracies in any form PIRTIRG at ani sti. |ages cleaned. Rubbish removed, etc. |Selting eggs from same $2 per setting rates of interest. Location 4 |] evening work, also part time |KOOM and ret good meals, hig | aE BLE TRY of odverfisement are _ containec R A 5 5279 ig Bg Ro %: Free Sma "moving, obs. Anything Hauied| 2nd ¥ oDantam chicks 3c each and miles west of Bobcageon On | cashier. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha ot Apply 180 Bruce Street after . ey A 8- Ah " . ti enelon Falls highway-- otel. iei- 5-233 BOWMAN. David Ls Barsisias, Soliel- FURNITURE repaired and _Te-uphols. PICKUP truck with hitch, will move RIS ------------ | large signs at entrance. Ow- |BOOKKEEPER- pis, experienced on 00M and board Jor gentlemen, close tor, 3% imeoe South tered. See our materials for re-covi PHEASAN full treet, | furniture, appliances, trailers, boats EAS S, eggs, ully f full set of records, salary North GM. RA 8-3643, dence, RA 8-02 ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles § icy to or local. grown, live or ol custom hatch-| ner on property every after- 3 Sn io ES Egin A rg 7. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solic| 8--Building Trades HARDSAND RA 37212 rates. RA 8.0818. ing 5 cents per egg. YUkon 85-7716. noon, and over week-ends. yer wel tor, etc 13% Simcoe Street North. LANDSCAPING YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim: |e immer rere | Port Perry. "Larocque's P vy WAITRESS, full or part time. APPlY LARGE room with board, single or for Office RA 53741; Residence RA 5.5542. |A-1 PAINTING, decorating by trades- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- anes Moving J AR Ped fully BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|15' cedar boat. Sickness forces sale.|Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel. two friends to share, near SGM and THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, Soli- Wolk. guaranteed, Free estimates. RA Power Rolling stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free estl-| cured. Call day or night. RA 5.4498, (training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. |Phone J. Stock, U2 |SALESGIRL, Apply Er RA 53590, citor and Notary Public, 26% King|gosce Fertilizing mates. RA 3-2997. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. L v wirne's Specialty Shop, 11 Simcoe FOR YOUNG woman, Simcoe South Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. -- Tractor Roto-Tilli CHESTERFIELDS and old shafts re. 1--Personel Services FOARDING, tHmming, hatwing, Gefion 30---Lost & Found South. iinhty, home privilees, laundry done THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli. | '* ASTERING and plaster repairs. Call Top Soil - Sod - I Sovareq like BOW. Set the Dost for lon ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321. WHITE, tan and black female Beagle, INTERESTING job for|----- i citor and Notary Public, 26% King| Yoni Salway a R / SPEN indi. five years old. Very timid. Was seen at|/woman who likes working with ma.|ROOM and board for gentlemen, nice bistit d thick iho - i CER Street East. Phone RA 8-1763 | PLASTERING repairs, alterations, out- Flagstone -.Patio Slabs Street North. Can RA $951 for W free Yiduually designed. Reg. Corsetler, Mrs. 96 Eormer's Col Fred's Drive-In Sunday night. RA 3.9253 hiker, bo: Experience oh: _elivelope, ns 2s a HOWE. aper xX or i y a Jo h erm timate. Sr side stucco, imitation stone front spe- RA 5. hi J 208 Park Road North. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald; Bar Call David RA 5.6430. 5-1721 LOST -- Lady's tan purse, between hchit, PG or PAT aflil, benefits. SOARDERS wanted, North Oshawa, rister., Solicitors and Notaries Public. | A 35-6430. HAVE pasture for twenty head ofp, yerine and Ajax, liberal reward. 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, cement FURNACE SALES cattle. Telephone OL 35-4773. Phone WHitehall 23723 evenings. Give all particulars about yourself in|n.n. Hospital ow General Motors. J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. {work Chimneys built and repaired, CH ND SERVICE HYPNOTHERAPY DEAD farm stock picked u iy. Wie 5 = first letter to » Box HA Ajax. phone RA 8, JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solicl. | additions, verandahs, remodelling of OICE LOAM A - The answer to your personal |Phone collect, Hampton, COltax 3.2731. Dk Pepe, Samoyed, Smiwers Cl RE ohirobractors ROOM and in nice home, close tor and Notary able 18% King Street 2 s _5-1953. oe FOR SALE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. problems. Don't suffer need- Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Children's pet. Phone Whitehall 3.3064 ORS A od ge Bo typing ability, to everything, parking, MO 8-2078. East. RA 32269. NHA and private CARPENTER work, framing, trim- i PASTURE for horses or cattle, plenty st. W: morigages a d Kitch binet t k 054 less anxiety and tension. | Colfax 3.2452, - 3 ROOM and board for gentlemen ft no. RYFADEEC is en (Sapinets, wasiom. Work GRAVEL--SAND--FILL RA 5-595 Lose weight. Stop smoking. ater, ax 31--Articles For Rent » Oshawa Times, en - | share, close to north plant, lunch pack- 8, BA, and Thomas|and repairs. Mortgages arranged. Also Bock Fill . : Gain confidence. Initia] Con- |WANTED -- immediately, good used ing, stating qualifications, -lod. RA 56727, . Associate Barristers and work guaranteed. RA 3-3579 ng Cleanit Service-- : h two - row corn planter with fertilizer T m ws, sump|dress and phone number. All 130 King Street East, Lots Levelled sultations Free. The Institute a will be answered. BOOM and board for gentlemen, single g Stree ALL plumbing and heating _ supplies. $7 labor plus parts 4 attachments, any make, Wil pay top|pumps, post fd digger, post drivers, - beds, good home cooked meals close 8.6246, Mortgage loans available. Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, RA 5-21 56 of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 On- [cash price. Phone OL 5-3019. barrels, well windless. Also for sale,| LADIES -- (pportunity to earn extra |to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritson MeCGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barris. Lid. plumbing, heating and engineer- 15--Instructions torio St, Oshawa, RA cement mixer, strawberry plants. RA money selling everyday necessities Road South ters, Solicitors. Clients' funds avail (ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. 8-0171 27 --Fuel Wood 8-1165 (full or Jak ime) R your friends and able for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe |PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, PRIVATE teacher, student : bck 20h Apply by writing to Raw-|ROOM or room and board, pleasant Street North. RA 5-3566. Charles C. Mc-| fixtures, new and used, changing from 16 years' experience, by interview only. DRY hardwood lumber ends, suitable leigh's, Dept, F-310-GA2, 4005 Riche-|/room i» private home, day work. Gitbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC.|septic tank to sewer a sepcialty. In- OSHAWA ACME Act now. RA 5-1054. ACADIAN for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for lieu, Montre: er only. RA 5-3808. re B Solici- [stallations at reasonable rates. Infor- large load, delivered. Also enquire LADY or Be teen-age girl to assist ACCOMMODATION for gentlem GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solic LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu- about cottage deliveries. RA 8-0818, , 7% Simcoe Street South.|mation and estimates free on any type cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- with domestic duties for two to three [room and board, or room, las 32278. Residence phones: [of plumbing. Dial RA 54241. J. Foley. A D hool obatic, character, Friday, LEANERS : hi "do- weeks, commencing on or-about June |dcne- if desired. 160 Park Road North, at rr -------- Bil . i o 28--Summer Resorts We believe that you can to June 20. Duties would involve [RA 3-951. J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 53368; Ter- 371 kinds of building and repairs, Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3-7253. it yourself" and .save lots of 15 une voive ence V. Kelly. PA, BCL. RA 85832 |iitchen cupboards, recreation rooms, LOAM -- GRAVEL DEPOT FOR RENT -- Tent tratier by week #3, ty A gaavs J care of infant children. Dial RA 8-6763. |ROOM and board for gentlemen, oom CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYN garages, concrete and block work. Free FILL STONE accommodates six\ people. Phone MA 3-| time A rooney: i oy STENOGRAPHER or secretary i Simos Hot water "ome pivilegen St . -- 3262. cannot afford to own seldom ed for law office. Must have shorthand, | Ritson Ro but not --------_-- dang MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicito: o-| estimates. RA 5-6937 LEARN TO DRIVE : tary Pub Bank of Commerce i COTTAGE for rent on Twin Lakes. by d, d ti ne | experience Simcoe Street Norts, RA 33468; T ; RA 3-3528 A the: Ochna Divine Schaal 817 KING EAST [CoTTaCE vor seul on wi ave ory Sed, nd selimis expels |Daroa sow 43--Wanted to Rent ioe tad Bath 0% lh D0 v aiid have. ov oh five, abstainers. Please phone RA| ove for you to rent, at @ |EXPERIENCED salesindy for ladies' | YOUNG couple with baby looking for gages arvanged. "| WELL DRILLING je Fully y romed instructors DRIVE - IN il room summer cottage, fully reasonable rate, every kind pri iB TB set conained, or on Spartmeit BUMPHREYS, Bovchya Sd nt CROSS TOWN Standard, Automatic cars by © OUT by 5 |wmished, suitable for one or two tami. of tool or equipment to do |Times. after 6.3 Payrisian, | Souter) ib J. Sup GERALD FULTON IN by 9, y lies, Whitby-on-the-Lake, $250, til Au-| practically everything! Eivan, ois: 3 Ki a St a East. | | SOD SUPPLY RA 8 0021 gust 31 Phone RA 8-1296 after 6 pm. DISTRIBUTORS FOR: RECEPTIONIST. Cimmned 3s Hove Sell ay Kind of - LAWNMOWER & ENGINE [COTTAGE for rent -- 18 miles HD SARNIA SAFWAY "= |real estate by dialing RA 3-3492. Phones: Offi Res, RA| Under contract we can guar- $-4604 or Whitby, MO 8 61s RA 55203. | antee water. A-1 rolled fertilized sod cut of Havelock on Twin Lake, hydro, g Money to loan Z 16--Insurance SALES & SERVICE bathing and fishing, Available after SCAFFOLDING SECRETARY $M WORKER a ve 11 euinirh, fresh daily, prompt delivery. cluded, 4--Dentists PHONE RA 5-4067 Special contractor rates. ALLSTATE Auto Tnmrance. Bove wp] Go-Cort Engines & Rotor Til- [uy 5: 308 ber erm To "i-| In OSHAWA and DISTRICT FOR DOCTOR'S, OFFICE [Wii work weekends, holidays; during fice hours 9 to 6. to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| ers, Used Engines Bought AKE waterfront cottage for WE RENT NEARLY ; Ru Open evenings, by apcoinment. 25%] HOME IMPROVEMENTS RA 5-8504 personal service at your home, ealll gng Sold. Authorized Clinton, [rent, near Bewdiey, July or August] EVERYTHING -- CALL cris shopping cenire, immediaie posses Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 ) ---- RA 57413. Ho three bedrooms, hydro. R. LeGresley, ne REMODELLING--ADDITIONS . Lauson Power Products, Pin rn sion. Phone RA 8-3958. 6--Optometrists REC ROOMS F i i 17--Money to Loan dor Service., 81 Central Park es. i WRITE BOX 547 : FAMILY ROOMS lowering and Tropical FIRST and second mortgage, sale Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. a a ee STAN S OSHAWA TIMES 3Houses, Ap, Flats , RO, . Pl : i : FR bint Toroats Tile, Hardwood Floors, Foliage Plants agreements purchased and sold. Hen- and bass. $30 - $40 weekly. RA 5-4328. } Dominion Bank er 74 Burk treet. Cupboards ' nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King PIANO and ORGAN TONE Maple Camp, housekeepink cot.| Sharpening & Rental Service STENO-CASHIER Sein arama ve Bie a Fim Phone RA 5-4587. Loons Arranged We still have @ good selection [Street East, RA 3.7232. SERVICE tages, Jacanctes, Box 2 or Phone 45| 227 King St. W. RA 3-3224 N Street North, Tully equipped. RA 5.6343 . i WE HAVE clients' nies available | obcaygeon, On . : otween Fy DoasED JAR #0 ie HUGH CROSBY of plant boxes, Evergreens, [0° ° AVE ® Pind second mone] Tuning. resi. construc. IRR Ooo RHE Cor'. King: ond Burke Sh, Gini opertunity for lights Les 208 Fo enses, 136 Stmcoe North (at Colborne), RA 5.3937 shade trees ond potted roses, [and also purchase of mortgages and| Tuning, repairing, ed rottage at Rockside beach, on Canal pleasant girl, with local loan rooms, second floor, ; Two furn 4 available 4 $60. Heat, lights, central. RA 3-9180, evenings by appointment. RA 34191 Agreements of Sale. Louis 8. Hyman,| tion of Player pianos, reed or |1 ve hare, good fishing, swimming. Should have short |rooms, third floor, ete. .C. 37 King Street East Oshawa RA -bui ic- G' company. ul ave Q ng Street Eas gans. Custom-built Clavic- [Call MO 83473 or M WEBBIN S li sui. vs short Ads moves 3-4943. ' x nds SORE Z=uSurvevors CLIFF BROWN | VAN BELLE GARDENS [sums Por the worlds acl and | MODERY te rep summer coe good working conditions: RE gi a jes available for first 1 lion y DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On eh intih mon smallest keyboard instrument. |a ; cond mortgages. Mortgages and > Dalrymple, Foxe's Point. By the week, HA A Call or come in today. central location, Adults. tario od Surverer, symmercial bie GRAVEL & SAND 2 Miles East of Oshawe Agrecments of sale purchased. Apply Sebastian oor Dutrvonde, Pose ty Wark: RDW. RE gentra Vea ¥ OAM M. F. Swartz, Barrister an otary RA 5- nue. Phone RA § 5-7147 after 6. Manager $5632. ciate llivsobiedh THREE-room apartment, separate es- PONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, 0% p : MA 3-5757 24 Ray Zu, Ottgvs; BR} ARDEN wwe] RENTAL SERVICE SUPERIOR FINANCE LTD, [THREES or sserimant. septrie a Yate Lang Surveyor, Somers) bios Yormpt Delivery Wi CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- 22--Radio Repairs iki fs to and a OF TOOLS 17 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa gins fiz adn i Ro ro, n couple or mi le aged of printing, 12 Bioos Street Fast RA pion RA 8-8951 BO MANVILLE gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale|TV, radio, car radio repairs. a 5.1763. . 4 PHONE RA 5.6541 tan 428 Jarvis Street. G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. makes. T 1 tarlo Land Surveyors, F En- (OPEN EVENINGS) Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur: |Eiliott Avenue. RA C0702 (Fred). SCAFFOLDING [37--mete Hel Wanted |THREE-room apartment, private en- goeering, 6 Duss Street West NODS 8 SOUTER doch. TELEVISION, radio, HIFI repairs POW - WOW P trance and bath, $55 monthly. Vacant une A y 3 Ta dos, Mar A PAINT -- WALLPAPER Flowering and Tropical [MONEY TO LOAN [Service Centres 81 King Sireet West] Come and enjoy the fun at And Other Construction ha rT og Servi ! reet West, - - 8--Building Trades PAINTING & DECORATING : op 0 RA 83210, Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Equipment. B-H Paint EXPERIENCED ned Ee RL ALL Types building repairs, roofing, CONTRACTORS Foliage Plants $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for Huntsville. All Summer LE R cation, $65 per month. 3-929 be savestrough chimneys, fireplaces, side- For free estimates call immediate loan on First and sports, delicious mea Is. UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SALES CLERK tween 6 and 9. walks, soups. RA $0304, Gordon Mav.| DAYS MO 8.5231 Roses (40. varieties), oll iad TV TOWERS Aa ines 104 |. 'SHAMPODER ~~ VAC | ror men's Wear section in - ig y vi i ------- EVENINGS RA 5-7426 Shrubs, (29 Varieties), improved property, residen- eel, Wrile direct AT RO Departmental Store, BUILDERS Huntsville 3 107 Byron St. S., Whitby tial and industrial, city, sub- 40-ft. self supporting tower. + To Restore original beouty to : Shade Trees (15 varieties urban and country, and sum- Hot dip galvanized, No paint. reson: your oy au and uly Box 649, Oshawa Times FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- plied and fixed, complete . + E i th Complete with new Skychief with four fitings. Lorge JO Sharpening Service Weigreen (23 igen ra a olante Corpora: | Sreancmel ante: Totdl | HOUSEKEEPING. CABINS on 289 KING ST. W First oan, Pine and al' tools. rk Farms 5 tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street price, installed and guaran- Loke Huron, Fumished $20 . . ATTENTION Orviime Mosier, 550 Wilson Rd 8. "| VAN BELLE GARDENS North, Oshawa. Phone: RA teed for 1 year, $59.95. couple weekly. Families $32 OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 i ne 5.3568. H up. Sandy beach, good swim- N ildi ily lo- RAB-1177 [RISEN MAF An, PEs] 3 Miles East of Oshawa Nm | TWiRNGY | En | a. a ------------------ TIOWETS, - 82WS,. tte. Call | Stan's, corner 253 Drew St. dancing, amusements close route, real estate salesmen. King 22d Burk BA 23 MA 3.5757 MONEY T0 by. Write: G. Hazelwood, New product. First time in Moderate rent Leases now FIRST class sharpening, mowers, saws, i RA 3-3553 n anada lien abt "W. WARD 5 Bowmanville RR.1, Boyfield, Ont. HARDWARE Soren, Ex tiew and al tools. Work guaranteed. B WELL DIGGING BY Mosier, 550 Wilson Road South. RA (OPEN EVENINGS) ' MACHINE © [oak LOAN Qasvet ou | LEN-DAVE LODGE | ooo = | FULLTIMEONLY | THE TIMES SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE |11--Business Opportuniti PROMPT DELIVERY Money for all types of mort EXTRAS BALA, MUSKOKA OF TOOLS FOR APPOINTMENT BUILDING WHITBY, ONTARIO STORE, suitable for plumber, Slecurt FOR YOUR oe hil stead Sore 0 ioe (Children Free) RA 5 0641 . e day se - MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 clan. etc. RA 3-9248 after 6.30 p ; " : A S EMENT -- - ai estate including vacant lands; All tubes checked Main lodge, sleeping cabins, 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. #8 PU wu K. enim COMPLETE short term mortgages for Alb ut tube cleaned safe sandy beach, home- SCAFFOLDING Contact T. L. WILSON PO. BOX 329 TERT aide goo : > ree | 22 5 Romp. "TT ders; first and second . Tuner cleaned, if cooked meals, dancing and i ARE YOU THE MAN? |SOD business. New sod cutter and GARDEN SUPPLIES mortgoges and agreements needed all water sports, hot and cold Ad Other Construction The opplicant selected will be Phone RA 3-3474 DODD & SOUTER equipment Owner must sell due to fll for sale purchased. Apply: . Complete set-up running water with showers. . Equipment. B-H Paint given the immediate opportun- bi h. Phone RA 35-8504 CALL M. Swartz, 262 King Street . 3 months guarantee For the time of your life -- H : PAINT -- WALLPAPER |GFFICES for rent, #35 month al Beit Coe Tele an iy UPHOLSTERY AND RUG | ov ct eaming betes then BUCKINGHAM PAINTING & DECORATING serv es, plus gre car space fo park- 3-4697. Write or Phone MP -- VA m SY : Ay BREET BEVERWYK [IE DO IT NOW | oioivi once | Somwoomvac | EESREGE | oie r Free Es im {12--Dressmaking SL J ortgages Beautify Your Home. BALA. ONTARIO To restore original beauty to involves city and rural selling. DAYS MO 8-5231 DPRFSSMAKING, alterations and re- GARDENS FIRST OR SECOND Improve Picture Quality " your furniture and rugs. If you are honest, ambitious, 1 ond 2 bedroom oparte EVENINGS RA 5.7426 pairs on all types of clothing. Mrs. E. PHONE BALA 397 and drive a car, come in and ments, electricall uipped, VE Fox, MO 8-427. HAVE A TOWER see Mr. Cougtrey, Genosha Beet tocol, $85 a Vip ' 107. Byron 1 St. S. Whitby Y3--Garden: & S li NO. 12 HIGHWAY MORTGAGES Call us for @ free estimate 282 KING ST. W. Hotel, Tuesday, June 7th i ae Nig Big id ardening upplies| OL 5.3570 BROOKLIN FAST CONFIDENTIAL from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. i 4 i WwW WARD ORLER Tow, , fresh om alled MO. 8-4735 WHITBY SERVICE - : J R | 0 PINE TREE OSHAWA -- RA 3-4873 Apt. 8. RA 88476 nature's health vital sun flower s, . . WELL DIGGING BY . [L3 1b. RA sue ° ANY hliided LODGE AND (32--artictes Ww MACHINE EP GARDEN NY NOT | TeEvEION rr No! WANTED OFFICE SPACE SPECILIZING IN 30" TILE ing done Free Froth MA 3.3938. $ ' 0 CABINS YOUNG OSHAWA MAN WHITBY ONTARIC, |oammmns ro mate. _MA_3303 SUPPLIES Repayable as low as $30.00 RA 8-678]. res he aakacpi ' SHAW MO B-2563--MO 8-3809 ready for ¢ planting and seeding. a month. Principal and Interest 171 BOND ST. EAST 50 housekeeping sottages AUTO WRECKING CO. TO START IN FOR RENT FHESTNL Phone RA 58985. ~~ Upto 5 t on Pigeon Lake. Excellent EN I owe or ry. Eh Fins! oie So" | Wom con or wack oho [THE ADVERTISING DEPT. P.O. BOX 329 sharpened. Free pick up and delivery muskie. Good boating ond crap iron and metals, et : Eu Eas armen Toor ware EVERGREEN OSHAWA RA 3-3993 imming. Boats, mot bough vray oi oF veo iil Bond Street We TURF SPECIAL ANYTIME EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE | Sd. Boo, se, | a ane Soturdey al THE TIMES in vow office bulking, ed Re eT plowed," or Rotofilled T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC. Contact Gord Brown-- ; "iste rant, centrally lototed, PRECAST Average $2.45. Telephone RA 3.953 eve:| GARDEN SPECIAL ALLIED 1h eH RA Fine ford rE RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. 1s to 17 cor aroun. Mus e rent, centrally locate: good speller, wi ig Omamental evergreens, roses, MILORGANITE NEW PICTURE TUBES R.R. 1 Peterborough, Ont. shrubs one nnials, at reason. | . ' hool r CONCRETE : jell cedars fr vedpes| SHEEP MANURE INVESTMENT | Enterprises | Phone OL 7-8541 CEDARDALE on en in TELEPHONE SEPTIC TANKS 2 . Highway, RI Narerien: BONEMEAL CO. 253 Drew St. SCRAP ie Dowsppar business. Re- SI DEVAL K SLABS [prot olin PEAT MOSS 51 KING ST. E. RA 5-2905 BBA ioilen TTR i iy py oy les ra Wl de RA 5-5132 A CALL GRANT | NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES |79--Personal SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT [MA diss on 27 FI) pAPERS_RAGS Di fs to Wn x IRA STEPS | SHRUBBERY ES Hi Ryice wi OR AN MOBILE home, 35' by 8, sleeps seven | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Vey . STARTING AT $85 JRBING FOR SOD | LAWN SEEDS E comfortably, completely furnished and CAMEL LECTROLYSI T.V. and RADIO es RA 5-3432 VELL TILE Finest qu ity GARDEN SEEDS Removal of ROLYSIS CALL RA 8-5786 heater, fot water heer," tii ke FREE PICK-UP MECHANIC MODERN SUITES BROOKLIN Reson pions tiny | we Seed Ed | ATS FOR BALCONIES PH ION I: MO 8-3 «| Phone Genosha Hotel on ELECTRONICS iy RA hE, en ; HEAVY TRUCKS ae TN a + a 16 CELINA oT these dates for appointment. - i full b ved # CONCRETE COMPLETE © [Gh tr Omens PET. 93 Women's Column | 29--Summer Properties WANTED SRE 0 \ICTC GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-2312 gers RA 58158 Ls [Heat permanents, F030, or Sale or Wanted |. scRAP IRON, POULTRY Top wages. Company bene- | painted inside and out. Ate PR DUC 1S op ' {Cold wave, $6.00. Page Hairdressing, FRENCHMAN'S Bay lakefront year AND FEATHER TICKS fits. Clean working condi- tractively landscaped, will de= . DRIVING to To 0 ar, 8 30 m jced, | Wh , 39 Pine Avenue, RA 5.536 round or sumer home, six-room insul y y i PATIO SLABS m. Would lke passenger. RA. 506003 bP I oh oe Te tions. Steady work. orate to suit new tenant. | - |after 7 p.m your own business! Get started '...0o LOTTE TOL Cs 9108 I. TURNER Close to shopping, you sheuld Sil K € | now. Take advantage of one of the fine preci >10 K SLABS " see to fully appreciate the ex- a CC M711 A ymin - \ ONTARIO Automobile Association rep- business opportunities advertised today FOR SALE -- lakefront cottage, five RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 f 4 OL )-33 | \ 8-176 GARDEN TOOLS resentative for Oshawn and district, Art in The Osnawa Times Ciassified Bec. rooms all conveniences. on Rige Lake, Phorte RA 5-3516 tras in this apartment. MO Cox, 13 Kigia Kast, RA 51497 en. Phone after & RA 85-0124 (collect) 8-4547, Whitbw

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