s~ Challenger group of Albert Street, Birthday greetings were sung| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 7, 1960 § CROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES ut ower' wae newt re Ne "o Mistors on TODGES AND SOCIETIES The meeting opened with the|the bus trip on Thursday were SIMCOE STREET WMS announced the bale had been sent. Plans were also made for the president. Tog Fred Colman, reuiided © meet at the church The regular meeting of the| The Fall Thankoffering service is Church School picnic to 'be held PTeSICINE. The levotiona pox at 8.1 p.m. ; -- WMS of Simcoe Street United to be held on October 23. at Geneva Park Saturday, June Was led by Mrs. Clayton Lee. Refreshments were served and PRINCE PHILIP CHAPT. IODE Shortt stated she was writing a : . Mrs. Gordon Scott read the scrip-|y social hour spent renewing At the monthly meeting of The|letter to the adopted Korean Church was held recently with| Mrs. Vernon Osborne and Mrs. 11 0 4 A 101 3 he lett 0 the president, Miss Millicent Percy Fletcher sang two duets, Tickets for the annual Straw- ture lesson. acquaintance with the honored Prince Philip Chapter, Imperial|child, Choo Ok Soon. Mrs. J. L. | Luke, presiding "Have Thine Own Way", and berry tea to be held later in June "Thoughts for the Day' were guest, Mrs, Hood. Order Daughters of the Empire, | Beaton, Canadianization and Im- | orgy Harper read the sec-| "Whispering Hope" accompanied were distributed to members. read by Mrs. Stewart Grabam,| . . the regent, Mrs. Alfred Austin, migration convener, gave her re- [retary's report and Mrs. Harold|at the piano by Mrs. John Min- It was with regret the resigna- Mrs. Alec Maracle. Mrs, M. Mc-| ROSSLAND GROUP welcomed Mr. and Mrs. M. Mcln- port on the Court held in Osh- Gay read the ireasurer's report. nis. Mrs. Percy Langmaid intro-| tions of Mrs. Chris Willoughby, Intyre Hood, a tor from Eng-| The monthly meeting of the|tyre Hood as guests. Mrs. Hood awa when 93 new Canadians re- Letters of thanks from sick mem. duced Mr. Russell Crossley BA, secretary and Mrs. D. Willough-land and a former member of Rossland Group of Northminster was a former member of the/ceived their Canadianzation bers were also read assistant minister at King Street by, Little Helpers' secretary, je group, read a poem entitled | Umted Church was held in the Chapter. « papers. It was a very fine even- An invitation to attend a Pres- Church, who spoke on the Home were accepted "old and New Friends." church par'ors. Mrs. Mervyn The minutes were read by the ing, the band adding much to the |byterial WMS tea at Ebenezer Mission work of the United Refreshments were served by| = °° = ye , |Cryderman p.esided and opened secretary, Mrs. C. G Luke and enjoyment of all. {Church on Monday. June 20, was|/Church of Canada. Having spent Mrs. C. B. Nickerson and Mrs. | The secretary's and treasurer's (ho meeting with a hymn and [the ' treasurers report was given Mrs, F. J..Peirce, Ways and |announced.. Also an invitation to two summers, one in Western Joseph LaRocque reports were read, Sick commit, over |by Mrs. Wesley Piatti. Mrs. F. N.|Means convener gave her report e501) 3 ; aniver ada 2 he p J tee convener reported that cards i McCallum, educational secretary,/on the Tag Day which was very attend the 50th wedding aniver-|Canada and the other in Northern RG ; Mrs. Edward Henderson, Mrs. { : cary of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ed- Ontario, his personal experi-| |, CHALLENGER GROUP been sent to sick and shut- James McGregor and Mrs. Rob. gave her report and read sev-| successful and thanked all mem- wards at Athol street east onlences were mos: interesting and| The regular meeting of thi ins. eral letters from the children at bers for their co-operation and 1 26 "he sing Se : Hue % cnglienglog, devotional period. She stated that sports equipment! Mr. Hood who has so kindly _lerc Grover a. took part in the|lye" qonted school at Calvin, Ont. help. |e Ja 4d phy gy a Wh Be i hi Ney | Mrs. Ralph Westcott sang a| had been sent to them. Also books sent a paper on World Affairs [pot luck luncheon. Mrs. A. Zeid- theme. "Commitment for Ser:| ; solo, "My Tark", accompanied had been sent to Frontier Col-|each month spoke on his life in man is to be the speaker and her vice. by her daughter, Miss Elinor|jege, London and both he and Mrs. subject will be The Scott Mission : rsa : : Westcott. an It was the wish of the members| Hood looked well and happy. in Toronto. PATRIARCHS MILITANT LA : {| Mrs. Harold Cornish introduced| that Mrs. McCallum be given au-| 'Mrs. F. N. McCallum very Mrs. Charles Dolley led in the, The Ladies Auxiliary of Pat- ; ; | Mrs. C. B. Theberge whose topic|thority to investigate what was kindly offered her cottage at devotions and Mrs. G. W. Skuce riarchs Militant, IOOF, held the d on 4 : was based on the life history of| needed for the new school for re-| Lake Simcoe for a June picnic was the soloist, accompanied by monthly meeting in IOOF Hall : "Toyohiki Kayawa". tarded children. It was algo| whieh Will be haid oi the Tefuiar Mrs. T. C, Worden. recently : 3 e flower convener's report|agreed to supply a picture of the meeting date. ; pe 2 Mrs. Carl Down the Presbyter Lady Victoria MaGee, presi- : 2h ower Toy io | Queen to the school. It was also| advised if there is any. change of 1 supply secretary was the deal, was presiding, Lady Doro-| 3 vas given y Mrs. arvey| {unanimously voted that a flag be date. ; » 5 guest speaker thy Holdsworth, vice-president,| : Thompson. Special get well wish-/purchased for the Girl Guide| The meeting closed with hich " : This year the Archer Memorial assisted. Sicl: list reports were| hn y © les were expressed for those sick|Camp. National Anthem Ze -- Hospital in Alberta will receive given by the vice-president. Lady : 2 a aod in the hospital : Mrs. J. E. B. Shortt, secretary tea was sary 3 2 ono 8 the supplies donated by the 43 Anne Coakwell read the minutes. si a : ; . of Services at Home and Abroad and Mrs Sood Sd ~B. 3 afternoon and evening auxiliaries Five new recruits were admitt- : ? 5 | Roll call showed 24 present |gave her report and stated that and Mrs, J. L. Beaton pouring of the WMS od to membership. Ladies Flor- 3 Refreshments were served by Mrs Frank Taylor, Mrs. W. J tea. ss Refreshments were served by ence Johnson Betty McColl, Viola : : % 4 5 {Mrs. M. Cryderman's group. Bone. Mrs. Wallace Butler Mrs. is the committee in charge, Mrs. C. Kecler, Nelda Thompson, Alice % : Next meet.nig will be held onW. B. White, Mrs L H Hewson, TOURIST LURE Dolley, Mrs R. E. Pardon andj, a. The social hour was] 1 ; = [June 21 in the form of a pot luck Mrs W .S. C. Larmer and Mrs. Aboul 700,000 tourists annually Mrs. G. W. Skuce very much enjoyed when Mrs i supper at Mis Harold Cornish' Gordon Attersley had staffed visit Venice, the Italian city of ; KING STREET WMS May Shea, Noble Grand and Sun- " cottage at Lake Scugog. Fairview Lodge in May. Mrs. canals and gondoliers. 9 at Mis. Wilired Harris opened. the shine Rebekah Lodge showed - a I EE EA ------ " -~ Re a * # I ntred arri pened € sli " Ay {i taken on her regular WMS meeting of King Higes Yl flan PORTRAIT OF MARILYN Street United Church with two L:dv Marie Elliot convened re. poems "Just for Today" and J Es poem y , fresiments assisted by her com- i 8 2 m'tiee Posing happily for her pic- | Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Roy, "Why Worry" followed by ture is Marilyn Ruth, daughter Sjllarsville. Quebec, and Mr. hymn and prayer. Mrs. Norman of Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Mc and Mrs. Weldon McKinley Vir: g, in the absence of Mrs Plans for entertainment include Kinley, Garrard road. Marilyn 5 Jack Tane, secretary, read the travel pictures of Bermuda at the ' was five years old on April 1. Broadland, Quebec minutes next meeting to be held June 29, i 3 She is the granddaughter of Photo by Ireland Members were reminded of the two weeks later than the usual Ht w HAS A i SANE ~ (WMS school for leaders to be time . i held at Ladies College at Whitby J i x y : Local Nursery School Branch August 15-21, also an invitation to HOLY TRINITY WA d attend Ebenezer WMS on June 20 The regular meeting of Holy Reports were given by the card Trinity WA was held recently convener, Mrs. Clarence Young. With Mrs. Robert Williams pre- Formed At Annual Conference Literature convener, Mrs. 'Joshua Siding. The meeting opened with : i h - Kinsey, and Mrs. Norman Wirs- prayers and the singing of 3 2 Fi V/ V4 Four hundred delegates of the nealth: children's play, fantasy ching, community friendship and hymn : : VIN a fF 8 s A o Nursery Education Association of and reality and the relationship; associate members convener. M| A full agenda of Susuless was Ontario attended the eighth an- children's art and children's Kinsey stressed the fact that all| presented. Plans and commit- nual conference at the Ontario/music should read more and make chil- tees were formed for a reception : : 2 Agricultural College in Guelph! Several groups of slides were dren take advantage of this for Bishop H Hunt Ioliowing, the 5 hia, a i Your neighbourhood Tone-Craft dealer will give recently shown on the subject of privilege Mrs. Wirsching gave a Confirmation Service on ues- H = eg " wou, alo} free, one of plastic ils with During the annual meeting. the school art and a very active reading and hoped everyone day June 7. and also the first "THE LITTLE BOSS" Ey BM . pakis 5 N 9 would try to do some visitation Communion breakfast to be held a quart purchase of Tone-Craft paint, or your Ontar North Shore Whitby, workshop, with the delegates : Ais 3 Pp Ad during the summer. Mrs Harris the following Sunday . x Bowmanville, Oshawa) branch participating, was given on pre- 2 Son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth | Whyte, Fort Stewart. Ontario choice of one of these plastic clothes was accepted into the member- school music Whyte, Bldor street east, iS | and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bar- baskets or one of these painting kits sp of the Nursery Education At the annual banquet Dr. Mar- R b t Whit | T k A Bri ] Kimberly Ken who was one a} with every réhase of the wonderful Association of Ontario garet McCready Principal of 0 er 1 e ey a es S riage vear old on May 20. Kim is the ker, McArthur's Mills, Ontario. ig po Tone-Craft products. Five out of the ten professional Macdonald Institute, greeted the grandscn of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Photo by Ireland MATES Were Seicgaus 8 this Jelgater on behalf of the Col- Jill Angell Of Niagara Falls oo Buc the supply is k : 2 Only one to and Mrs. Alec Scott, Whitby; A highlight of the conference PAR 2 customer! Miss Sally Parker, Miss Lillianjwas a tour of the new nursery Ip . Ang or-ible ora OR ; Steele and Mrs George A. school on the campus which is id Give Evi Angel) toy wr So pink rosshud ® Colourful Take advantage of this exciting offer Pearce, Oshawa. : to be used for practical work in Robert Adair Whiteley, Oshawa, 'Mrs, Anthony Kallaur was ma . ® Practical now. Visit your Tone-Craft dealer to- Subjects covered by the re- the new child study course at the were united in marriage in Christitron of honor and the other at- E ® Light weight day aid sons this ad gharce people were = menialicollege Memorial Church on Saturday tendants were Mrs. Gary Fergu- : o Made of tout : afternoon. The bride is the son, Mrs, Jack Angell, Miss Dia- oiyathyions for - # . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fras d Miss Joy Whit Sandra Ann Stewart, Morris Day i "areal Naas rie "tdi "ey vers Greco ike the bridegroom is the son of Mr. buttercup yellow pure silk or-| Tg Married Irv Zion United Ch {8,8 Sour A; Wucey ofjgauss, will seunp heckioes sud: YARDLEY AFTER ; a : § eeply hemm ull. skirts, an SHAVING ST 11 e urc Archdeacon H. D Cleverdon picture hats of yellow lace with H i ING LOTION has N nt performed the ceremony. The white accessories. They carried the cool, crisp tingle and organist, Mr. W. G. Rapley cascades of yellow pompom manly scent that improves ' ; Complete Painting Ki played the wedding music and chrysanthemums any shave! Soothes razor : i: slothing Frorything you'N need to do fhe Nb 'Zion United Church was the|carried cascades of tinted blue scene of a pretty wedding on Sat-| chrysanthemums. urday afternoon, June 4, when Receiving at the reception held : . a Ann Stewart became the in the Hampton community hall, |2Ccompanied the soloist, Mr. Mr Edward Whiteley was his burns, helps heal k bride of Morris William Day. the bride's mother wore a sheath| AleX Yonson. brother's best man and ushering i FE ee uohs §ordening--picnies . |The bride is the daughter of of silk organza over a beige| The bride was given in mar- were Messrs. Michael McGrath $1.25 and $2.00 . y . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stewart of floral silk print with matching |riage by her father. She wore an William Kellar, Jack Angell and ig ES 0, Hampton and the bridegroom is|accessories and a corsage of Empire gown of pure silk peau Malcolm Fraser eo the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Listra Hibbard roses. The bride-|de soie featuring a panel of A reception was held in the ME Day of Oshawa Knights groom's mother assisting was in|Alencon lace, extending around of Columbus Hall. Re-{ FOR MEN ... THE BOLD NEW LOOK OF PAINT & VARNISH 60. LTD. The Reverend F. E. Reid of- a floral silk print with white ac-|the hem in gentle scallops. Two ceiving, the bride's mother wore ficiated. Mrs. Charles Naylor play cessories and a corsage of white peauty bows accented the high- a pale blue lace sheath with ed the wedding sie and_ac- chrysanthemums waisted bodice, styled with a beige picture hat and accessor wwasd wad aperaied by W. A. Meangmun & Some Sorpanied Ihe soloist, Mr Ross The WA of Zion United Church|sabrina neckline, embroidered ies and a corsage of pink rose- VANCOUVER . NAMRTON hd TORONYS Metcalf, who sang "The ed catered for the reception {with seed pearls. A crown of buds. The bridegroom's mother PITTRIOROUSH . STAWA : LONDON Sing Prayer' and "The Lord's As the couple left for the wed- rhinestones and pearls held her/chose sage green pure silk TALGARY . EDMONTON er . wtiiage bv. Her ding trip the bride was wearing |waistlength veil of tulle and sheath-style with matching jack- y i a sheath and coat ensemble of|)ace and she carried a white Bi- et. champagne picture hat and father the bride wore a floor-|stone green silk linen with beige : length gown with a full skirt of|and green accessories and a cor Arcesenvies and a corsage of yel- shirred net with lace insertions sage of Lestr od roses. The : OW rosebucs 2 ge of Lestra Hibbard roses. The C " gver satin. The bodice was styled newly wedded pair will live in roup ommittee The honeymoon is being. spent ith a scalloped V-neckline of Oshawa in Kentucky and the southern lage and studded with iridescent! ft Were. or Cl S United States. As the c § § ut of town guests were pres . Sly 8 couple left, sequins. A crown of rhinesiones ent from Belleville, Hillier. Tren oses eason the bride was wearing a softly Supplies dnd pearls held her fingertip veil| on Hilton, Ameliasburg, Stirling . tailored sealskin suit in moon. | and she carried a cascade of pink/Springbrook, Marmora, Camp With Buitet Supper stone grey with grey and shell 28 King St'E RA 3-4621 Oshawa roses Petawawa, Bowmanville, Cour- pink accessories and a corsage of 19 BOND ST. WEST RA 3.4922 Miss Rose Anne Vandervoort of tice, Scarborough, Arnprior,| yvjembers of the 2nd Grou p pink carnations Stirling, Ontario. the maid-of- Hamilton, and RCAF Centralia.|committee of the Girl Guide A Mr. and Mrs. Whiteley will re honor, wore a street-length dress sociation met at Guide House re-"'n to reside in Oshawa of powder blue chantilly 'ace GREAT SCIENTIST cently for their closing meeting over taffeta styled with a bertha of the season. Following Grace ¢ollar and a full skirt. The head. Madame Marie Curie. co-dis said. by. Mrs. Gordon Barker. a . y Wm 5 " dress was a crown trimmed with coverer with her husband of ra-| puffer style + . Pb 'wa 4 s 4 i i 7 : ad s » po! luck supper was { I NN T NNT seed pearls covered with a short dium, succeeded him as physics | enjoyed NN | [ Hi ni! HH [ | veil. Miss Brenda Stewart, sister director. at tne Sorbonne in Pari Mrs. Frank B presided NX i | Hh Hi of tl brid and Mrs. Stanle rector a > Sorbo pr rs 'S an all resided ; for > JU J AVAN JU JU J | ny he bride, ana Mt an ey the business meeting. Mrs. Wi \ -- Lukow. cousin of the bride. were /in 1906, the first woman profes- the other attendants gowned iden- sor over appointed to that uni liam Arnold read the minutes and . a " y NGE OF tically to the maid-of-honor. All versity Mrs. Douglas Kirkland presented . , ? ii the treasurer's report PATTERNS... MODERN Mrs. Ball expressed her appre AND TRADITIONAL My ciation to all those who had con Find the pattern you've : tributed their time. material il | been looking for in glow- ; ; ; ributed their time, materials and| ing Congoleum colours : : 7 2 the use of cars for the recent { that freshen up any room! 7 i #4 % Pe yi bs ily! © Many uses--lsundry, storage, ha ir samtosstor wells itd inp Edging brush rummage sale and Mrs Gordon | Barker expressed appreciation to x " es a op ao § 3300 4 1 5M #4 FREES MY ; the group committee me mbers Ti yb ' : FY HE BY a E EASY INSTALLATION to the Guide and Brownie lead 9 4 " WET 3 14 FIERA -4 . ars and the executive for their| : A Congoleum floor Ishi 8 ers anc > | complicated job. Instruc- ions are easy to follow, co-operation during the past year| p and reported that the executive | and then you just roll it would remain in office, with] Zu Jor new, sparkling changes only in the telephone . committee. For the term 1960-61 J 3 GE officers and committees will be | Vv E . ' as follows: President, Mrs. Frank| LIES FLAT Ball; vice-president, Mrs. C. E.| i | No ripples, no curling with 2 Cornelius: secretary, Mr /il-| Congoleum! It "takes" to liam Arnold: treasurer a floor as if they were #% Douglas Kirkland: card conven-| 4 made for each OLIOr +» 4 % er, Mrs. Gordon Barker; tele | Which they are! ? phone committee chairman, Mi | Lloyd Jackson: telephone com-| yo SE 3 ne av JP 'g --~ mittee, Mrs. Ray DePratto. Mrs. | EASY CLEANING Douglas Haines, Mrs. W. R.| Congoleum"s surface of rs oc rnelius Nr poo neluey an Today Gold Seal Congoleum is a greater "buy" Ste) Mrs. Barker introduced Mrs than ever before. No other floor covering offers Dirt hapa With in William MacDonald, who gave vou this...a first quality floor covering for so the whisk of a damp mop. a demonstration on flower ar-| d I few dollars plus. a generous 3-year Guarantee taning. 'From a. nuniber of odd _-- pr | against wear. Sec your floor-covering dealer soon! containers and with cuttings of / If your Gold Seal Congoleus shows undue Lc lilacs, tulips, iris, lilies of the wear within three years, it will be replaced free $0 ECONOMICAL AS LITTLE AS valley and many other spring N oh of charge by another Congoleum floor covering. flowers, Mrs. MacDonald fashion um pe Congoleum ( anada Limited will fulfill this guar. A BR ed charming centrepieces antee at any time over a three-year period dating Note the price Om, Mrs. Gordon Barker. Mrs. Wil Hrcrimtok from time of purchase. 9 x 12' room! bd liam Arnold, Mrs. Roland Craw-| for the Gold Seal CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED ford, Mrs. F. M. Jamieson, Mrs of Satisfaction er mmm PLO R ients of these attractive floral ar rangements. Earlier Mrs Donald had demonstrated ho make a corsage. 'presenting CATHOLIC NUPTIALS i Frank Bai 7 i Irs. F M Jamieson thanked At St. Hedwig's Roman Ca of Mr. and Mrs. George Ihnat Mrs. MacDonald and a token of A tholic Church recently Mr. and | 3nd thé bridegroom is the 'son appreciation was presented to her ® Mrs. Eugene RoszKiweicz ex of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roszki. PY. Mrs. Roland Crawford gige vominl wows. Former. | Ll or Grave the first "meeting for the fa 156 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE RA 5.6559 ly Miss Mary Margaret Rose v season will be held on Wedne Thnat, the bride is the daughter | Photo by Ireland day, October a.