Developers Urge Haste Subdivision Registry Re 8 ol utions meeting of BROUGHAM were passed at a fulfilled, and that all that mained under debate was a 1%- re- ed for work on sewers and the council on Monday night accept- acre internal park, which the de- projects. ing the resignations of two town- ship employees, E. G. Baker, tax collector, and Mrs. to donate insisted that veloper refused vice-president The| this| vested,' "With that * he said, kind of money contractors to commence other "we intend cer- Mildred park, a cul-de-sac surrounded by!tainip to get the lots registered." me Man penind the wneel. fie|estave, is avauabie al $15,500, and| | emphasized that people were go- the applicants believed that it ing to buy Go-Karts, and that if could be secured for $14,000 by |there were no authorized tracks, paying cash. {they would no doubt operate in| Mr, Ufnall said that a grant illegal places: He said that work would be available from the De-| would be supplied for township| partment of Agriculture for $3500 residents, in the supplying Councillor Clifford Laycox gravel, that the contractor would agreed that the Property now a resident, and. that there| neq phy the board was useiess iad be sploy tient for a num-ie a ceball. ber of people . Reeve Scott asked Mr. Kerr "Cenire field is cn why other municipalities had Sey and Jump i home piste, y S. i" ng turned down the sport, and Mr. e said. He said that a building only a hop, FAMILY REUNION STAYS ON BIKE MONTREAL (CP) -- Cosmo WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--Wat- Housttun, and his brother lan, 38, of Cara-| cas, Venezuela, were reunited with their family here for the first time in 22 years when busi-| ness trips brought them to Mont- real. Their mother and four sis- ters came here from Scotland. SPECIAL PANCAKES VANCOUVER (CP) -- Making] instead of | buttermilk cost the Coleniall pancakes with stout =) 42, of Buenos Aires, erloo township has introduced a permanent-type . bicycle licence, to last the | life of the machine. | TRAVEL Now is the time to make reser- vations for your Summer vaca- tion by Air, Steamship, Bus, Rail, Hotels, Cor Rentals, Theatre Tickets | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 6, EXTINCT ANIMAL The largest quagga, a small died 1960 17 once roamed in enormous herds in South African equine 'animal that| 1883. an Amsterdam 200 u HISTORICAL WEST IN BLAZING COLOR \ BIGGEST BATTLE OF THE EARLY WEST SITTING BULL lon the property was in good con- Kerr Fepiied hat Se aint St dition, and with one wall removed ship hed a track. and that the {could be used as a community 2 C |spokesman "had been needled" and lost his temper, besides Reeve Scott which. some of the go-kart acci- members that some discussion dents occurred in that municipal- {would have to be given to what ity. This resulted in a rejection policy is set up regarding park of » proposal this year. He said lands. and where the money is to Kerr said that he had con- yf he believed Etobicoke per- be raisd. mitted Go-Kart racing. Messs. Ufnal and Bttom ad- Mr. Scott said that if any| vocated urgency, lest such an change was made in the bylaw, |opportunty not again present it- it would be by some member of Self. council who wished to have it yomppR APPOINTED I repealed Until that was done the A mation was: passed that Wil bylaw would be enforced 3 liam Powers, of RR 1, Whitby, in Mr. Kerr told council that time ward 3, replace Mr. A. P Ander- was of some essence, and said son, of Pickering Beach, on the that he would keep in touch tol Recreation Committee. Jesn of any change. Councillor Laycox related that MORE LAND a regulation of the committee was Ufnal and George that a member who missed more of the Rouge Hill Com- than three meetings be replaced Park Board of Manage- and such was the case with Mr ment, asked for council's consid- Anderson eration for consent' to purchase a triangular parcel of land of 2.02 acres adjoining the property their orghnization, declaring their. present property was 8sufficient for organized BIRCHMOUNT and KINGSTON ROAD The land, owned by an MONDAY, JUNE 6 AT 8:15 P.M. JACKPOT GAME 2000.00 MUST GO 50.00 REGULAR GAMES 2 SNOWBALL GAMES 1100.00 EACH "WHEEL-OF-FORTUNE" GAME Spang, who walked out on May 3,|the back yards of properties, was dissatisfied with the administra-|not good planning. He said it was|GO-KART RACING : tion. Stormy protests were previ-/too small for baseball, would in-] Walter Kerr, of Karts of Can ously heard by Councillor Harvey fringe on all the lots, and would|ada Limited, appeared before Spang and interested ratepayers reduce the value of all the lots | council to ask that the prohibition with the result that the two em- around i |of racing of vehicles bylaw be ployees appeared before council The developer stated that about | changed to the regulating of rac- one week ago stating the rea-70 acres of park land had been |ing, particularly with regard to sons for their resignations and donated for both active and pas- Ko-Karts submitting terms of . reinstate-'sive recreational purposes, much Mr ment. more than the 5 per cent requir- templated a Go-Kart dealership said/ed. He said that the minister's in the township, and a track. requirements were satisfied, but Without a race track, he said n considerable we do not feel we can gain the House restaurant here its liquor licence for four days. The licence was suspended because the res- taurant advertised the "stout | pancakes." In Technicolor DALE ROBERTSON MARY MURPHY DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Whithy ---- Oshowe ---- Brooklin MO 8-3304 Toonts EM 3.8958 CinemiScoPE -eoshicoLon Released they United Arimts mms wot pae [F told the board RECITAL Councillor Ross Deakin that he believed Mrs. Spang re- sigried to give Mr. Baker a little|that there had bec pre. and that the terms debate between the developer best operation. He went on to of the collector's reinstatement and the planning board relate that no sport is more high- concerned the head of the tax Reeve J. S. Scott stated that|ly controlled than "Karting" say department, and did not concern some members of the Planning ing it had to be approved by the her. Mr. Deakin submitted a res- Board had been contacted, who| Go-Kart Club of Canada, and the olution that Mrs. Spang be invit- 48 reed that the final plan should Canadian Kart Association ed to submit an application for not be held up for the 1% Aree "The existence of the bylaw employment in the township and that at the Planning 0ATY has brought the operations to a office if she so desired, and the meeting on Friday night, it won complete halt," said the petition- motion unanimously carried. no doubt be agreed that the." "umphe association does not Clerk L. T. Johnston will advise board would forego the area IN|yiqh to build a $5000 track with Mrs. Spang of council's resolu- |dpine " the bylaw as it reads." He tion "The township could appeal the |faineq that the investors A bylaw | foc ision to the Municipal Board, business Toquested: sume office manager pi 82 alg me Jou 2 Due in. go ays in the bylaw that it for g the township ah Aoiinigrinn " rather than prohibit with Councillor Harvey iff ® Shankman requested a Mr Kerr contended that the opposing decision of council immediately, driving of Go-Karts was no more dangerous than driving any ober URGE HASTE a but was told that after the Fri- ATi Lawrence Shankman, vice-pres- day nig ht meeting, and after the vehicle, that it all depended on ident of the Consolidated Building final plan had been submitted to group who has begun work on a the township solicitor, a letter of 25 tisfaction would possibly be 2500 housing development at 58 Frenchman's Bay, and solicitor presented to the developer next for the company, W. Horgan, Monday night appeared before council on Mon Reeve Scott demanded assur day night, requesting an immedi ance that the lots would be reg- ate agreement about the settle- istered, stating that developers | ment of the 5 per cent land for had been known to abandon reg | public purposes donated by the istration developers to the township, so Mr. Shankman that the lots could 'be finally much money had been registered already, that vork had com- Mr the menced on the grounds cutting minister's that tenders had been call- CROSSWORD PUZZLE IS YOUR DANCING GOING TO SPOIL YOUR VACATION? HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Monday: June 6th 8 P.M. at the Central Collegiate y SIMCOE SOUTH Botton TICKETS 75¢ and 50c of DOOR munity main in the change regulate appointing R. G. Turk tax collector passed, Spang as was of that not sports Don't take chances with popularity-- Come to Arthur Murray's now --- be sure of your dancing THE Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Its ANNUAL RECITAL Filey, June 10th, 1960 7:30. P.M. Thnx BACK to your last vaca- tion . . . who had the best times? The good dancers, isn't that true? You can be in that special group of popular people if you'll come in to Arthur Murray's now and brush up on your dancing. Let one of his experts show you the short cut to popularity. Even if you're a beginner there's plenty of time to learn to dance before your vacation. That's because of Arthur Murray's amazing "Magic Step" method of teaching. You learn one key step and all dances are easy. So don't wait. ..come in now and enjoy the best vacation ever. Open 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Daily. that spent declared sted had that been roads, Shankman insi conditions Present . Employ Little child . Whole range Ata distance . Miss Clooney , Domineers . Scimitae, for one . Exami- nations . Performed . Color stightly ACROSS Rabbit's tail Clothing Famous band leader RE i O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute ADULTS 50¢ PERE BHEZ X X BE pen BOBEN RN BN CHILDREN 25¢ Studios Air-Conditioned y i {I pe ADULT 11%2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA RA 8.1681 A GIANT AMONG MEN IN A GIGANTIC SPECTACLE! EVE REE § "HERCULES" and "GOLIATH," as * DOOR PRIZES ® 2 ELECTRIC CHORD ORGANS Sponsored by Scarborough Lions Club ENTERTAINMENT ALL THAT IS UNCONQUERABLE IN MAN... ALL THAT I$ UNVANQUISHED IN WOMAN KIN GIANT THRILLS! Beautiful girl a living battle-ram! Scythe-wheeled chariots against ked heroism! The Olympic hero and the fiery girl he tamed! Hordes of brute invaders by land and sea! Sinful nights! Dervish dancers! Mighty athletes in savage combat! Underwater attack on enemy craft by fearless swimmers and MANY MORE THRILLS! 1. Evening party 2. Heal Police Probe Scuffle Death J NATURAL Gas COCHRANE (CP A pro s. ncial police inspector from Tor onto arrived here Sunday to head is YOUR an investigation into the death of| for Aurele Girard, 23, who died Fri- day night after a scuffle at his iy OSHAWA ITS A REAL i our', FOR ALL YOUR FAMILY o'¢ when they visit the entertainment Ww wonderland of the DRIVE-IN! =5 ST star 0 Directed by JONN HUSTON home. He was pronounced dead in the 'police cells here Leonard Neal came to this town, 75 miles northeast of Timmins, after Crown Attor ney Wilf Dupont asked for an 'outside" investigation of the death Cochrane is policed by vincial police Girard died hemorrhage Moore, who performed a post mortem. Mr. Dupont said the hemorrhage was not necessarily the result of a blow Girard married with chil dren, was taken from his home by two provincial Tony: Noordman and Bob Stevens. after they were called by Mrs. Ernest Ethier, who said Girard has threatened to kill her husband | = AUDI JOHN CHARLFS f MURPHY - SAXON - BICKFORD weer su "Sr ses" PLUS ADDED COLORED SHORT Avs RHAPSODY IN STEEL" 420:3 cotor Hi] Inspector ) . Don t dress-up © No baby-sitters * Free Playground BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN ° IN ROMANTIC ROME! "| + This is the story of the rich and handsome ! young hotel tycoon -- he sings too -- and the four | sisters who would give anything to marry him! 1 4 Produced wy MYLENE DEMONGEOT -l --- COLOR! the pro- f of Albert iolently said Dr D AZZLING four MEM resem wi CINEMASCOPE awo MEY2000( OR DEAN MARTIN 4 / | J : | TEN oy GOLDWYN- THOUSAND 74 H BEDROQMS 7. ° CO-STARRING ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETT! - EVA BARTOK DEWEY MARTIN - WALTER SLEZAK - PAUL HENREID PLUS ADDED FUN and ADVENTURE constables NOTHING DOWN : No Payment Until Sepfember!! First Time at the . . . PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Easy payments over 5 vears on monthly gas bills $14.60 Installs complete gas forced air furnace, In- cluding labour and ma- terials to connect with nearest existing base- ment ducts. monthly Installs a conversion burner. most furnaces. CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gas company does not employ door-to- r salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For on about dealers licensed by the Board to sell and Install natural or write the Sales ONE SHOW ONLY WEDNESDAY JUNE 8th AT 8:30 P.M. WES ONAN: S.J NE: EE COK-M (ADDED ATTRACTION] ATTRACTION NOTHING Pr THE EXCITEMENT OF ALAN LADD as the'InjunLover in DELMER DAVES' ys DRUM BEAT § q Warnes Consumers Bas Bony p RA 3-3468 CINE ep E ms ALL COLOR [Ey S $5.60 i" A memorable Musical event TAMBURITZANS Company of 30 Performers . Kentucky Adventure n COLOR ad CinemascoPE 7 ' "MANY RIVERS | T0 CROS = ~~ROBERT TAYLOR - ELEANOR PARKER ae VICTOR MeLAGLEN + RUSS TAMBLYN « JEFF RICHARDS - JAMES ARNESS .._ _ _ CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON World's Greatest Slavic Folk Musicians, Singers and Dancers in @ 2-hour Concert "FESTIVAL" NOW! SEATS ON SALE 10 em 6 pm to 2 p.m to 10 p.m. Prices $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Children Half Price MAIL ORDERS Welcome PHONE RI. 3.3561 SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE! |