LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and FIVE only complete outfits, new, 1959| BABYLAND bargains! New style 1960| BIG bedding sale -- Buy now and GENERATOR kit for "30 hp Johnson or! - T A hest prices paid, (ends, some slightly marked: two-piece|35 hp Merc. electric motors, 15 ft. [baby carriages, converts to car bed.|save! Factory clearance of spring-filled | Evinrude, $48. RA 5-5253 after 6 p.m I ING FIs fF Wrecking The y » deluxe style chesterfield suite, foam |molded plywood boats and trailer, com-|Lowest prices in town, $27. Large, full ticki PLA |r ---- mm --r ro -------- " | > attractive rubberized boucle |plete $1099.00 each. One only to a cus-|panel cribs % price, clear out, $19.88. for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental |CNF tourist tent, used only one wee i a Y fa ers THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 6, 1960 148--Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale S0--Articles for Sale N ov a Scoti a's SPOT CASH upholstering, reg. $269, slashed for|tomer. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48|Springfilled crib mattresses, $9.88; beds, some mismatched, some with end 8 by 8. Phony after 5, OL 5-4591. (Continued from Page 15) quick sale, $148, Three-plece bedroom Bond Street West, Playpens, $8.88, highchairs $7.88, stroll- head boards, clearout prices, from|NUW-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed | . . am PAID FOR suite, spacious Mr. and Mrs. Dresser | rr po oa pe Mar 20 Mer. | C18 $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church $24.00; Bunk beds, eight pieces, com- distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum. 47--Automobiles For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale with tilt mirror, four-drawer chest, | tS WOO FEUNE SOR ly RA | Street. plete, sale price $58; roll-away cots. RA 8-401. | Pp mistuc Good, clean cars. Trade up bookcase bed, reg. $219, big saving, |g sao ELECTRIC cream separator, in good air foam . Special $19.95. | sorae sleeping bags and camping - $200 DOWN '59 Ford automatic, four| WRECKING '46 Pontiac, all parts for i Li if id off close out, $119; Space Saver e i . Fred . Stevenson | Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. hibbi S i yp fy easy terms. By DON HOYT door radio, heater, directional lights. sale, RA 5-0713 after 5 p.m. or down. Liens paid off. durable covering, reg. $69, fed 30 DE oy ets, Jor you Sore Road North of Airport. EIGHT piece oak dining room suite, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West.| con gion Press Staff Writer Call KA 8-603. 54 PLYMOUTH hardtop, clean, body DODD MOTOR SALES [}i6: arborite topped desks, close out z . 5: | THREE - piece Ghesterfield suits, good 3% chairs, buffet and table, $50. 31 . a 000 miles, orig-{and engine in good condition, radio, - $19; End of line coffee tables CONTENTS of home, living room : § Rowe Street. RA 5-1365. HALT ( -- Leaders of 55 CHEV. deluxe, 33, gt No 8 es 314 PARK RD; S. end tables, $5. C ds | cuit it h Kitch: condi Call at 604 Byron Street . inal mileage. One ownu. Telephone Beater, $004 mileage, 2588 RA 3-9421 cash and carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, gue 700 og is ogg I itchen | South, Whitby. TRAILER, box and two lawnmowers, SEE HOME APPLIANCES |Nova Scotia's three political RA 83011 North Simcoe Motors, | - 20 Church Street, So bic HIGHEST prices paid for used furni. | 2180 ked baby new. Call HAWA LTD parties are optimistic about their 54 METEOR Niagara, special sedan, |'55 FORD, automatic, radio, white 23 Mary ir Aux. Whitenatl 33451. ture, also sell and Contact| RA _8-8700. oS { chances in Tuesday's provincial ib pesicct running sundition, #iys So waus, customline A Norn "'°**|50--Articles for Sale A (FT TRINER viir er ir ure Sore, 19, Frifce READY made Town shiairs 33, fables 90 SIMCOE SOUTH election. But none will guess the 4 % | . » . . Phone L ; also baby carriage; doll's crib. i Po ------ti ee ; -|LADY'S all weather coat, shortie coat, now for early delivery. Chair and table RA 5-8755. -- 5547 IDAIRE number of seats voters will give 3: VOLKSWAGEN = Diy wt in Cdl ly Apply 381 Colborne | summer dresses, blouses, etc., all in|rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. |eere----rprerren=--ar--n--r--go (YELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. (83347. FOR FRIG them Oshawa Blvd. North after 7 p.m. able, p 2 good condition, size 16-18; also electric y 4 |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, LAKEFIELD Hopi, 136", 60" wide, 25" SALES AND SERVICE ; 753 PONTIAC sedan, good motor. and | occ East fanfan. RA 3-4057. 4 FOR a dry basement, rent an Oasis humidifier from Parkway TV. 918 stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact|deep, with controls, wheels and tarp, : / "I believe that the government body, 51.000 miles. Call at 318 Nass FALLS ev) Tout = |dehumidifier. These . remarkable ma (Simcoe Street North. RA 33M3. _|i9 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-11 __|30 HP Johnson electric motor. 797 King] Domestic and Commercial ill be returned with an in » a a evision, walnu console, WIN Street after 5 p.m. 1960 with doors, new picture tube just in. daily from your basement. Meagher's dng Bg hig mable. 179 WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, | West after 7 p.m. i > RA 5.8332 creased majority," says Premier "58 VAUXHALL station wagon, tutone, stalled $139. Motorola 21-inch late |5 King Street West. yey ree, AA [solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard-|4' LAKECRAFT boat with centre deck Robert L. Stanfield. His govern radio. extras. Very good condition. EBAKE model $79; Motorola Console with new [35.000 good used bricks for sale, RA|\6 CEDAR strip runabout style crui- ware, § Church. RA 3.7624. and remote controls. Also .303 and 30.06 ment is seeking to become the $1475' RA 5-8185 after 6.00 picture tube $99: Terms, Meaghers' 5/5649 after 6 p.m. ser boat, ideal for overnight trips, PAINT, inierior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, N&D power rifles. 313 Olive Avenue. | in a King Street West. --_|sleeps two in bow, all equipped, com-|Ali colors. Guaranteed. Flat, gloss.|i57 FT. mabe second Progressive Conservative : - ¥ ; y | 3 3 » {15% FT. mahogany plywood Nipissing roby 57 OLDSMOBILE super 88, two-door 55 V-8 truck motors, one GMC, two bined with two Johnson Electric 25 HP Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 {nr dniinistration to be re-elected is hardtop, white and red, full power LARK TAPE recorders for sale or rent, see|porq Ph RA 8-6279;; evenings RA 472 Marion A RA 5.1555 | cn a ectric, 8|bost, like new, with a 35 Evinrude Lark adminis equipment, custom radio, white walls, : 3 the mew Phillips, four track recorder, |3 3992 one -6279;; evenings Tlors. 4 E Ma on Avenue 2 Church Street. RA 3.7624. {outboard. Call RA 8-5924. Nova Scotia since Confederation. 22,000 miles. Can finance. 455 Bloor Two-door Sedan Delivered the newest in tape recorders for sale > we? 0, SINGLES, ALBUMS, Henry Hicks, whose Liberal j West TW Ti PLYWOOD boat with fraller and | THREE rooms of Furniture only $299. Brora n moot and emer' bein FIBRE glass boat, Larson Falls Fiver ' Street East, RA 8-0708. 5 Fully Equipped at at Meaghers' 5 King Street West. 3 uchanan motor an SF and 40 HP Mercury, fully equipped, ALL SPEED arty was ousted from power in . 16 HP Firestone motor, good condition, |This includes chesterfield and chai ondition. Apply George A. ng, nditi 67 Heather Court. 5 *58 PONTIAC Laurentian. V8, auto- KITCHEN table and four chairs $10,|p,rice $400. Phone RA 8-0860. |chrome set, bedroom suite, mattress, Orono 34R12 {excellent condition. 1 eather J AT THE 1956 after an unbroken reign of matic, two-tone blue, radio, extras. rangette, clock on oven $15, good work- spring, step and coffee table, boudoir A RA 5-7202. 93 years. says he is confident the Excellent condition. Must be seen to " ing condition. RA 5-9727. ONE electric Coca Cola cooler, in first| "0 amps, pillows, ete. $25 down PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. AY , say : be appreciated. RA 3.4050. 5 DOUBLE beam serial, © mpaiis | 52. condition, $125. 117 Court Street. oiiverst "Guaranteed "Best Vaiuel"|Al colors. Guaranteed, fat, gloss, ROTARY POWER MOWERS LOWEST PRICES people will turn, to Liberalism. "39 PONTIAC metallic green, push but- old, must be sold at once $25. Apply |'39 SCOOTER fo; cash. Apply Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Oshawa Hardware and ctric, ow CCF Leader Michael MacDon- ton radio, back up lights, extras, A-1 SABYAN apartment 7, corner Road |222 Annis Street. Street South. (tan : $37.95 up IN TOWN ald, who heads the first slate of gyn WI uke mul bide MM) MOTOR SALES [ma Simcoe nom INGUIS wing achive, revsmaie Tuo Gla pe ura | Bei Ss UE or, ER Bt 7 he CCF "candidates big enough te 25m BOAT -- 18 ft. cedar tripped, 40 horse Call RA 5 060), ee a BF ohase of | ture Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South, MARINE STORAGE Call in and brouse around. [form the government if given the ' i v . jlute § as ime : L " DEW 100, harley 1s new, rad LIMITED pover "molor 'wilh Over" Neer owe piece chester mute, Prac | Ahivereny aoectr Bago Hort | CLOYDLITE saws smime sr| 8 SUPPLY LTD. roils Borman tll Lc gig BE he b tv y i 4 x Y a " miles, $2653 new, sell $1950, trade, fi- 334 RITSON RD. S. ' |tion, $1300, 460 King Street West. He Th ry, Lye? Swivel [Fumishings; 42 Simote Dirset South: ises alse washing. mucking, both in Bl, STEREO, Long Play Al- |a substsntial number of Sealy y A N de, : i ett heed esis Bi dhnindrs y h | ; a excellent co , A y. nance. Rev. Kartechner, RA 3-1035, 154 Dial RA 3-3461 GENERAL Electric 2linch Console, |lamps, bookcase, stack stools, three. acuum Service, akes, | 210° gion, Sone BROOKLIN, ONTARIO ums. after Tuesday. He was the only in i! iti Albert or 462 Cromwell. $75. Phone RA 9. | pleco drop leaf Kitchon set, high chair. party attachments, han ammunition and hunting sup- 5.3641 All the latest HITS, priced |CCF member in the last 43-seal - - 4525. 597 Grierson Street. teed rebuilt machines. Es § free.| lies, new and used, terms 10 per cent to save you money. 53 B.S.A. 650 CC motorcycle $250. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- gown. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond RA 57233 BUYING OR SELLING SEE BANJO and case, excellent condition, (USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up, |Vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. [Street West. RA 5-6511. : / TWO VIEWS ON CCF ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to TED CAMPIN $35. RA 85634. ___|B._F. Goodrich Stores, | 3 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- SELLING furniture? We'll buy it, Re. RECORDS Political observers and some 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For UNPAINTED furnitureat fabulous sav-'p § GOODRICH Stores res, bat. Plies, new and used, #wms 10 per cent frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, behind - the - scenes men in the a y ye home call ings, s offe: ke: y i i" |down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- : oo pr [INL dervive af your ons MOTORS mse, Bt pom oer, buoksgags ams, 3 eres, Kelvinator rerigeratos tle Sree West: RA 345i [tser°Ts Brince Street, Shone RA B-A131, Singles, Albums & RECORD BAR y. ° [Eeirervabre and Liboral parties BE : = Cperage row s re. f draw. | oo hi E |ITENTS, leeping ~ and camping | BOR Len lar pow shawa Times Building eel the may e decisive " " of | of unfinished furniture. Chest of draw- anata LC 2" | TENTS, leeping bags and camping | BOATS, ors and trailers, new and 1 V De I To ay i vas| 607 KING ST--OSHAWA [ers $17 desks S14, bookcases $5.9, van- (REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse apari- equipment, best selection, easy terms. used. Complete selection. We finance - All Speeds {factor in the balloting. But Pre Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on| (Just East of Wilson Road) ity degsers $26; Tecord cabiret, Sist{men:_ glee Call RA 34582. |Dominion Tire Store. 46 Bond West our own accounts. Terms to suit your ot the 51--Swap and Barter Imier Stanfield and Mr. Hicks King Strest, one QI year Wa Th |e a ore en ovard: (TWIN carriage in good condition: two GNE only 's8 Chevrolet, push bufton bUdgel See, Dominion Tire Store, ONE gas, one eleciric stove, two-nch|don't agree. The premier says he ----| RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574, |$15. Wilson Furniture, X ch Street. jorge cribs, natural finish. Telephone | yer adi lled" with aerial |Church and Bond. 3 -- = id custom radio insta wit aeris -- . ut gas pump, Sump pumps, pressure doesn't expec! the CCF to be a Ry THREE rooms of furniture, refriger-(KA £3056. |$69.50. Parkway Television. 918 Simcoe] FOOD AND FREEZER | ems. three-piece 'modern bath sets, Cy M Pi ki ys CCF TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 | ator and bedroom suite, chesterfield, (GN bedronm sulle, suitable for child|North. RA 3-3043. $70, pipe and fittings: lawn mowers; factor. Mr. Hicks say par AT YOUR FIAT | SPOT CASH table and chairs. 147 Windsor Street. or cottage, $50. Alsn toaster, fron and|scorr 22 HP outboard motor, with re. PLAN IN TOWN outboard motors, boats, office gas ticipation isnt' important. DEALERS PAID FOR RA 8-8848 5 | dinette suite. Call RA 5-3612. | mote controls, Cruise-a-day tank, and Complete lines of meats and The view of those conc ed size 13, pure white silk chiffon, ORL ER now, fresh shipment hulled bailamatic pump. Excellent condition groceries. Savings of up to Call in and browse around. H t Sti ks with CCF prospects is that the Good, clean cars. Trade up [worn once, like new. Quantity of 45 nature's health vital sun flower seeds Wh 2-2045. 30%. agger Y 1C. CCF may drain deciding votes | } | rr . 420, Let us prove to you See our selection . . INSON or down. Liens paid off. speed "Pop" records, half price. RA (51.55 1b. RA 3-30% _________|19%60 GALE outboard motors, nine] qc we h to thousands of ; ji : : 5-8710. TI T. 195 y r " e have to thousands © HI-FI, STEREO, LONG-PLAY . in marginal constituencies. Only ESSO DODD MOTOR SALES is" BOAT, 1659, 35 HP Evinrude motor. models; 3 2 60 hp. at bargain prices others how we con sove the NE To His Statement DD a ee hey SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS. | RAS "94 i ' Now is the time to |zENITH transistor radios, wide range OHPGAO) COR FENCES Bde Sepa s Dl er iany All the latest HITS. Priced MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Parties Who Jas i 1956 won by R 2! - : | ices; also batt f 11 makes Glide hs . : hn 4 A RA 3.9531 -- OSHAWA have a beautiful home [3 Hansistor radios. Meagher's, § King 59251. _ ufactured freezers, guaran- to save you money. White House press secretary| 'mhere are 34 CCF candidates. ~~ {4B--Automobiles Wanted | with oluminum doors [Met Yer [FI RIG mau S) lel by Sw usening CHERNEY'S [i mce.c, agers today ood bh mhe Cs and Liberals have fu wit chat Y_ bedroom ern specte . stal J sl is one independ- CASH | and windows, best SALE uite over $149. Our 5th Anniversary| \Well known branded pro- Preswlont Bisentiower offered wine and there is o pe: | Special! Barons' Home Furnishings Meh t. FOR YOUR CAR aD EN quality, lowest price in luminum Products of the be Rai ; uy Jun Mg gig RECORD BAR fect Sevie Fe a os: 400,000 VOTERS VAN HEUSEN BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- town. Quick service. Mi 8 fh carefree boating or Fe ol Seem Pa Tw Ne oa Dea Time: Bis) DELS Jnesting and "all ene Ha 8 10050) Devpie ae | PLETE BRAKE SERVICE Alex Vaida RA 3.9851 Dounble hung windows only materials, plus easy to follow instruc-| __before vou buy. ii chev had to do was * Ino burning issue the vote 1s likely MOTORS [A INE UP AND $18. Call, now. ous, Sporismuts Rover, M5 Byron) BOATING CO rushehev has sald Hagerty|t0 be much lighter than the 80 149 KING ST. WEST : 67 KING ST. W. Every job guaranteed. Lyme! Alimifum Co. SALE SALE SALE SPECIAL misrepresented the facts. IE a oS any : | RA 3-7822 SEE HOME APPLIANCES Cichen Chairs, $5; Tables, candidates in greatly - enlarged SABYAN MOTOR) FOOD PLAN Once a yeur clearonce of TV OSHAWA LTD. sizes and colors at your re- 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats. Toronto Soprano Rivance polls which were open . quirement; Coffee Tables, 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- . . - riday and Saturday. { CLEAN CARS THAT SAVES floor samples, limited quan- 90 SIMCOE SOUTH $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95: dian Explorer trailer, com- Wins Hi h Praise Standings in the last legislature SALES LTD | Government inspected Red tity, also radio and record Teleot Bench $11.95. letely equipped, $895, were PCs 24, Liberals 18 and ' | WANTED ond Blue Brand beef. Com- players, at prices to clear. . FOR FRIGIDAIRE cr pn Den. ins $15. pe y plywood boat, MELBOURNE, Australia (Reut-| CCF one. ? STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN plete line of nome brand SALES AND SERVICE RS hale 3 1 25 h.p. motor, trailer, ali |ers)--Toronto soprano Lois Mar- SALES and SERVICE | meats, fish, poultry, grocer- PARKWAY TV: Domestic and Commercial ira, Sr Pp | ' ior shall won the praise of Melbourne IN 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH | TOP PRICES PAID ies etc. Buy in bulk and Sectional ¥2-Sofa, curved cen- controls and equipment, ies 1 CREASE GUARD SISO, RD. SC ies etc. Buy in bulk and save. 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-5332 Ye Pugs 4 x6, 814: 6x $995 critics for her performance here| JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- with . ; Saturday night : ; hind RA 3-3043 9, $24; 9 x 12, $55; Kit. While they last -- Canadion , thr a A second bodyguard will shadow Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 LIENS PAID OFF 20th CENTURY FOODS All. aluriviny. prodidets w= hon. Chdits: Tecoveral 85, Explorer comp trailers, come The Melbourne Age critic says: Prime Minister Hendrik Ver TANT 7 and s : : 2 i "The highlight of the evening|woerd ull ANDY NAGY S TRADE UP OR DOWN FAIRBANKS MORSE Boat, Motor and Trailer Doors, windows, shower doors, AT... plete. a. came with Lois Marshall's ty N21 do lie sent DELUXE FREEZERS Excellent for family. 17* awnings, TV towers, paving ' ranged. deeply-moving rendition of the Johannesburg Sunday Times MERCEDES-BENZ : Guaranteed by cedar strip, beautiful hand- One contract, nothing down. HONEST MIKE S ng Air de Lia, by Debussy. She cap-|says. The paper adds that Ver- DKW Wi a Motors Good eu reenng rubbed mohogany finish. 25 | For free estimates call -- at Unbelievable Prices tured all the pathos of this ariawoerd will return to Pretoria SALES & SERVICE All Models Available h.p. and accessroies, good as | 184 SIMCOE' ST. SOUTH AJAX MARINE |with her rich and lovely voice, General Hospital Friday for a 408 KING W., OSHAWA 137 KING W. CALL NOW new. Aluma Seal Co. Or Call |assured sense of phrasing and | further operation on his ear. The NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX intel! t h . | RA 3-7132 RA 5-0732 RA 8-1128 61 SANDRA ST. WEST RA 5.9365 ANYTIME RA B-6053 between 7-9 pum. Ph. WH 2-4080 ljielacnt approses 1p Wie mre ceed Jeveral isk Ey legislature, Pp tion Wt wi) . . . of "OK" Used Cars and Trucks! pont Heetrg ene de eit $1375 § 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN § Smee | 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 2.000R SEDAN 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN § °° ®r " 0 -+rrr- $1395 | [PU et EERE aE § roc oe cr ........ $895 fim oon sunt vste $1695 Lge Dros speid wt $1775 1956 FORD 2-BOOR | Bo 1955 BUICK 195 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 2-di ial wi 1958 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP $995 bs ot i vii oieia $695 2-DOOR HARDTOP 1958 CHEVROLET SPECIAL 2 | Ivory and blue. nc $ RIE i DODGE is 1950 SIMGA ARONDE SEDAN 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN & ri over equipped... nso. 23195 5 Very clean ,.vesetoes $ New motor ... A remarkeble small car with many luxury y cic . 998999 695 1957 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR LE I EY e100 1957 METEOR SEDAN $ y 00 Seg BOY iT NOW "tor oy 1954 BUICK H ARDTOP Grey with red top .ceeveevnnnnes $1465 1956 BUICK HARDTOP Now only .evecereeciacencane $1445 Coupe vicivesisnasvaine $1195 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 2:door COUPE. eee veesens $795 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1955 CHEVROLET V8 Super sedan with automatic, power $1245 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR ? steering, power brakes and radio .. Complete with powerglide ....... $1595 Bel Air Sedan vee ceseses $1095 Deluxe Model ....vevenn $495 AGood Buy ot ,.covscinssesiay $895 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 1957 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN 1955 FORD 2-DOOR voksse rrr... $55 § 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR § 1959 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE ie lic es ranssseas $1495 $795 New motor job .......... S643 Fully equipped ..uvieeeennanss $3195 Special! "1995 BUIGK WARTDp . § - "557 BUNK 2000 coure 1954 FORD SEDAN Look! omplete wit naflow an ; 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-door, Radio, automatic ... $995 B Radio «vr rrierrreenrer. P1595 $390 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-door Hardtop. Silver Grey finish 2-door. Cannot be fold from $2195 Yh matching oe ond black ireriar $1795 rev. NOW RepUCeD 0°". $2 140 BOND ST. WEST OSHAWA RA SaSeny | BFS