14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 6, 1960 Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY te FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 T1--Accountants BOB CLANCY' Ontario Accounting | Services offer complete bookkeeping CLASSIFIED AD RATES 13--Gardening & Supplies CEDAR hedges for sale, 30c. delivered. Telephone RA 5-8353. 14--Household Repairs PAINTING and papering. Rooms paper- ed, $8 and up. RA 57297 25 words or less Cash Charge services for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397. Residence, RA 3-7605, H. E. DEWAR and Co. Accountants and Auditors, K. of C. Building, 184 Bond West, Oshawa. RA 8-222. RONALD F. D. WILSON, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, Oshawa, Ontario. RA. 3-3721. MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.2 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original 225 248 ANY kind of garden work by expert, PAINTING and decorating. Free esti reasonable rates. RA 8-1524. 37742. mates, work guaranteed. RA FURNITURE repaired and re -uphols- tered. See our materials for re-cover- NEW BUSINESS 30--Lost & Found LOST -- Lady's tan purse, between Pickering and Ajax, 36--Female Help Wanted WAITRESS, full or part time. liberal reward.|Mr. Ci Hotel. Apply (44--Houses, Apts., Flats Rent Phone WHitehall 2-3723 evenings. Er TELEPHONE LISTINGS LOST dog -- White Samoyed, answers wirne's South. d. Apply Specialty Shop, 11 Simcoe to name of Puff,vicinity Ajax and 401. Children's pet. Phone 2-3064. INT for | se TWO - bed Street North, fully botween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. FIVE - room bungalow, iamediath pos- t on Simcos equipped. RA 3-8349 ssion, all sonvenisness. - 8-8312, ROTO - tilling done, reasonable rates. Call J. Mulligan, OLiver 5-4659. GARDENS, plowed, culfivated and x disced. Telephone RA 5-5251. pubic SR y ; _ i OCH chimney cleaner. m- LAWNS cut, also gardening. Call RA pneys built and repaired, gas linings in- 86971, stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- TREES cut and trimmed, mates. RA 3-2097 done with chain saw. Free | old i . RA 57754. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. any work estimates. Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Jealton, Hon, J W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon- teith, B. Comm., CA; G. Ww. Riehl, CA, RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA; . order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily, covered like new. Get the best for less LAWNS cut for the season. Free esti-|at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe mates, RA 3-7742. Lightfoot, CA; RA 5-3527, 135 A Street North, Oshawa. Ajax WH 2-0890. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, fed Public Accountants, 172 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 5-350. Each additional! line $1.00 per month. Each Initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, count as @ word. Box charge 15c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times shall i be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And olso reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce oll advertising matter. correctly but assumes mo liability if any inaccuracies. in any form of advertisement are containec |} therein. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Ca., Accountants and Auditors, Li- ecenced Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Streei East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. 2--Barristers JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8-8232 Residence, RA 5-340. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi- dence, RA 8-5373, - a MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso- ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry | Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697. | Residence, dial RA 3-4029 | Jou A. G. MacDONALD, BA, Barris-| ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 8 8511. BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5-9592. Resi- | [ ENVOY FOOD SERVICE HUNGRY ? BARLOW Fish YE DELIVER ion MOTORS Milkshakes 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS CHICKEN in the RO PHONE RA 5-8978 BOUGHT AND SOLD CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5-0311. A CLEAN home is a happy home. Free consultation, work guaranteed, no publicity. Reliable exterminators, products and services for all needs. TOP GRADE Ex SANDY LOAM RA 51905 RA 8-6175 TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Fish & Chips 35¢, Hamburg- ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes. DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-1651 for information or interview. 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or {OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. 21 MODERN GRILL --Personal Services RA 5.3887 |15--Instructions 1 | PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, | 16 years' experience, by interview only, |Act now. RA 5- LILLIAN MAE lu. |cator, Dancing School Balet: tap, pre- |school acrobatic, character, Friday, [Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3-7253. | | | LEARN TO DRIVE] WHITE and SON | At the Oshawa Driving School | |Licensed by the Police Commission 1300 SIMCOE ST. NORTH LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nursrey sod, top soil, gravel, sand fill. Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates. ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 We Deliver. 27--Fuel Wood {DRY hardwood lumber ends, suitable {for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for |large load, delivered. Also enquire about cottage deliveries. RA 8-0818. 28--Summer Resorts GHT - room sur ACADIAN CLEANERS DEPOT 617 KING EAST DRIVE - IN IN by 9, OUT by 5 room summer cottage, fully furnished, suitable for one or two famk lies, Whitby-on-the-Lake, $250, gust 31. Phone RA 8-1296 aft COTTAGE for, rent -- 18 miles north of Havelock on Twin Lake, hydro, good bathing and fishing. Available after Standard, Automatic cars Fully trained instructors RA 3-7922 dence, RA 8-0264 | LAWNMOWER & ENGINE July 9, $35 per week, boat included, sleeps six. Phone RA 3-7519. {barrels, well windless. 31--Articles For Rent CEMENT mixers, wheelbarrows, sump pumps, post hole bins post drivers, Also. for sale, cement mixer, strawberry plants. RA RENTALS We believe that you can "do- it yourself" and save lots of time and money, but you cannot afford to own seldom used, and sometimes expen- job woman who likes working with ma- chinerr. envelope, paper box of helpful. Five Give all particulars about yourself in first letter to Manager, Box 579 Ajax. Experience 0 ey pac] machine day week, benefits. AVAILABLE now -- furnished rooms, second floor, $70. Toro furnished rooms, $60. Heat, rag vg central, third floor, available July 1, 3-9180. TWO a Apply 199 King Street private em furnished rooms, West. RECEPTIONIST- SECRETARY FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE Experienced, conscientious WHITBY DISTRICT tr: $80 350 Taonthiys water and heat central location, 8-6434. THREE-room apartment, ueparue on bathroo; ness couple or middle aged couple, ab- stainers, $60 mon - room apartment, ul Adults. Phone. RA ance, heavy duty wiring, m, sink and thly, 428 Jarvis Street. WRITE BOX 547 OSHAWA TIMES THREE-room trance and bath, $55 monthly, Vacant June 15. Apply 294 Burk Street. apartment, private em- sive items. Our aim is to have for you to rent, at a reasonable rate, every kind of tool or equipment to do practically everything! DISTRIBUTORS FOR: SARNIA SAFWAY SCAFFOLDING in OSHAWA and DISTRICT WE RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING -- CALL STAN'S Sharpening -& Rental Service 227 King St. W. RA 3-3224 Cor. King and Burke Sts. 37--Male Help Wanted TWO men needed at once, servicing Watkin's route, transportation furnish- REE - roomed apartment, Juitate TH for couple, vacant June 18. cation, "$65 per month. RA 39298 " tween 6 and 9. ed, average $2 pez hour, For appoint- ment, RA 8-2383 MECHANIC iE service station. Good TWO room furnished spartment, modern, private parking, close to dows town, adults, July 1, $70. RA 8-0369. working conditions. Write Box 645 Osh- awa Times. FULLY experienced service station at- tendant, good salary for right man. Write Box 745 WE require a man with some exper- ience on delicate electronic instru- ment. Experience on meter move. R. MODERN upper duplex, large Ii diaing and bedrooms, kitchen and bal tiled. boards. decorated, laundry, TV, separate entrance, obi lawn and shade trees. Ta , new 'frig. and stove, Plenty cup. All rooms a For appointment phone A 38114 or RA 3-7202 ments would be helpful. Group bene- fits, etc. Write Box 444 Oshawa Times. ARE YOU THE MAN? THREF - room, apartment, ample parking, sink, bus stop in front; adults. 880 Sim- coe Street North, heated, unfurnished self-contained, TV aerial heavy wiring, kitches The applicant selected will be given the immediate opportun- ity of earning better than average commissions and an ON or couple, lights, East. NE apartment, suitable for two ladies refrigerator, stove, water. Apply 138 Elgin Street | Ornamental evergreens, flow- RA 8-0091 RICE LAKE waterfront cottage for SALES & SERVICE THREE - room apartment with built tor, etc Simcoe Street Office RA THOMAS M citor and Notary Public, Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. NDLE, barrister, soli- | 26% King | PL GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- rister., 6 King Street East, 3 J. Murphy and James A. JOHN A. CAMERON, 'barrister, tor and Notary Public 18% King Street CARPENTER and private | ming East. RA 3.2269. NHA mortgages arranged FALPH JONES, BA, 8 Greer, Associate Barristers Solicitors, 130 King Street East, 16, Mortgage loans available. 31cCGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barr ters, Solicitors. Clients' funds able for first mortgages. 20 Edgar F. Bastedo, QC.| ly, Barristers, mcoe Street South Residence phones: ll RA 5-3368; Ter- BCL CRr IGHTON, FRASER, N MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Plag, § Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466 Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, Qc: G X Drynan G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort- gages arranged HUMPHREYS Boychyn "and Hillman Barr sters, Solicitors H Hon: phreys QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA: W Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street East. Phones: Office, RA 535-1177; es., RA 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; RA 5-5203 Money fo loan 4--Dentists a DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. Open evenings by appointment. 259 Gibbon. GREER an tors, etc, Dial J. Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 6--Optometrists CH. TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please pay accounts at downtown Toronto Dominion Bank or 74 Burk {treet Phone RA 5-4587 ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. 7--Surveyors DONEVAN A AND Dp FLEISCHMAN, C on- | tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue- | printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA §- Shane T. HORTON and Associates, On- Professional En- West, G. tario Land Surveyors, gineering, 306 Dundas Street Whitby MO 8-5091, Ajax 728. Solicitors and Notari s Public. Russell | work acDonald. | additions, solici-| all kinds. ., and | Thomas | Work guaranteed and | ALL RA [Phone RA _{Lta., | | Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici-| 8--Bu North EN a - -- rd | Residence RA 53542 |PUASTERING and plaster repairs, Call| 58372. y, RA STERING repairs, alterations, ¢ out- |si stucco, imitation stone front spe- fclalty. Call David RA 5-6430 | BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, oe Chimneys built and repaired, | verandahs, re-modelling of | RA 3. | framing, trim. | custom work | arranged. All 79 f {Monte dt i work, cabin Mortgag RA 3 heating supplies 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, plumbing, heating and engineer-| |ing. 255 Simcoe Street South | kitchen land repairs. plumbing and avail- | PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | Simcoe | fixtures, Street North. RA 5-3566. Charles C. Mc- septic changing from In- new and used, tank to sewer a sepcialty stallations at reasonable rates | mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J, Foley |ALL kinds of building and repairs, | kitchen cupboards, recreation rooms, RA 8-5832. | garages, concrete and block work. Free % and | estimates RA 5-6937 ering shrubs, fertilizers ond fencing, seeds ond insecti- cides. Garden equipment, LOAM Gravel, Sand and Fill RA 5-5279 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 WELL DRILLING | GERALD FULTON] Under contract we ean guar- antee water PHONE RA 5-4067 HOME IMPROVEMENTS i REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 CLIFF BROWN | GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 8--Building Trades siding, HOME owners, shingling, in- sulation Harper, MO 8-4558 A-1 PAINTING, decorating by trades-| roxatone. | RA | man, interior or exterior, Work guaranteed. Free estimates. 8-2558 ALL Types eavestrough walks, stoops BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- plied ond fixed, complete with four fittings Large color 'range 90c sq. ft First ¢ tradesman. Phone anytime RA 8- 1177 Ww. WARD WELL DIGGING* BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W P.O. BOX 329 building repairs, roofing, chimneys, firepla 28, RA 8-0394, Gordon es, toss ass DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECILIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563----MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W P.O. BOX 329 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 eavestroughing, painting, Phil DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby {1 0--Sharpening Service | | FIRST class sharpening, mowers, saws, | |and all tools. Work guaranteed B | Mosier, 550 Wilson Rd 8 |BY OSHAWA's "largest, f |sharpening and rental service. | mowers, saws, etc Call Stan's, {King and Burk. RA 3-3224 | LAWN mower and outboard - motor re- |pair and sharpening service. Rossland full-time | Lawn- | corner | _ | Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, | |RA 3-7462 | FIRST class sharpening, mowers, saws, land" al. tools. Work guaranteed. B.| osier, 550 Wilson Road South. RA| 5016, | 11--Business Opportunities | |STORE, suitable for ier Sloe | cian. ete. RA' 3-928 after 6.30 p.m | BASEMENT -- 2000 sq. ft. laccessible from Main Street |Simcoe Street North SOD business. New sod cutter and| equipment Owner must sell due to ill- health. Phone RA 5-8504 | |OFFICES for rent, $35 a month, all| services, plus one car space for park- | |ing. Apply 50 Simcoe Street North. | | central, | Apply 50| 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations pairs on all types of clothing bid MO 38-4427. and re-| Mrs. E. | |13--Gardening & Supplies |Gar ENS roto-tilled. Free di {reasonable rates. RA 8-1388 |CEDAR trees for "hedge 8, to live. Any size delivered Pla {ing done Free estimate, MA 3. 3035, GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled, made {ready for spring planting and seeding. | | Phone RA 5 5-8985 {POWER lawn "mowers repaired and | | sharpened. Free pick up and delivery. | | can Ed's Automatic Car Wash on| | Bond Street West | SMALL gardens plowed, or Roto-tilled. {Average $2.85. Telephone RA 3-9533 eve- Encanto | |Omamental ever Ereens, "roses, |shrubs, peonies, perennials, at reason. | |sble prices. Collected cedars for hedges 3, 35¢c. and up. Orchard Nurseries, | No Highway; two miles west of] Brooklin | CALL GRANT FOR SOD OSHAWA ACME | HAULAGE LTD. LOAM --- GRAVEL FILL -- STONE RA 3-3528 Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants Roses (40 varieties), Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Shade Trees (15 varieties Evergreens (25 varieties) Vine Ground Covers, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 Miles East of Oshawa MA 3-5757 Bowmanville (OPEN EVENINGS) PROMPT DELIVERY * FOR YOUR COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES | CALL BEVERWYCK GARDENS NO. 12 HIGHWAY OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN MO 8-4735 WHITBY GARDEN SUPPLIES SO-GREEN EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL MILORGANITE SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS 1 ROSE BUSHES SHRUBBERY LAWN-= SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS : Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS GARDEN TOOLS CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL--SAND--FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 NO. Finest quality Reasonable prices PHONE MO 8- 3015 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE fisced, tre Garden ploughed landscaped d cut RA 8-1798 es [14--Household Repairs | INTERIOR. exterior decorating, wall stripping, plaster repairs, carpentry a faesianys Phone RA 5-9674. FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd RA 5-5954 Cleanit Service-- $7 labor plus ports | | | |16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. to 20 per cent, six months to pay. personal service at your home, RA 5-7413 lers. Used Engines and Sold. Authorized Clint Lauson Power Products, dor Service., Save up For | call | Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- Bought on, Pin- 81 Central Park Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. | | 17--Money to Loan | FIRST and second mortgage, sale! agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| Street East, RA 3- | | WE HAVE clients' monies available |for loans on first and second mortgages | |and also purchase of mortgages and| Agreements of Sale. Louis S. Hyman, |Q.C. 37 King Street East Oshawa RA| S494, -- | Sebastian Hohmann-- CLIENTS' monies available for first| |and second mortgages, Mortgages and | RA 5-7001 agreements of le purchased. Apply SERVICE Tuning, repairing, reconstr tion of Player pianos, reed gans. Custom-built PIANO and ORGAN uc- ore Clavic- hords, the world's earliest and smallest keyboard instrument. |M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary (22--Radio Repairs RA | Public, 26% King East, Oshawa {Ys radio, car 3-4697 : akrs. Thompson CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- | giliot Avenue. RA 3.9792 (Fred gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale] purchased. NHA mortgages aryanged. TELE ION, radio, Hi- Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. |Car radio sales and service. {doch. |Service Centre, 81 King Street radio repair TY Electronics, pain "Electronic West, All| 157 MONEY TO LOAN| $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, Agree | ments for Sale, on vacant and | improved property, residen- | tial and industrial, city, sub- urban and country, and sum- mer cottages, Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone: RA 5-3568. 40-ft. self supporting tow Hot dip galvanized, No pai all-channel antenna price, teed for | year, $59.95 253 Drew St. RA 3-3553 TV TOWERS er. nt. Complete with new Skychief Total installed and guaran- TV Enterprises OUR SERVICE CALL INCLUDES ALL THOSE EXTRAS « « Some day service MONEY TO LOAN Money for all types of mort gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real | + Tuner cleaned, estate including vacant lands; | needed short term mortgages for « » Complete set-up builders; first ond second 3 months guaran mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. Apply: M. Swartz, 26%2 King Street Eost, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3- 469 . "os oe if Improve Picture Qual MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida= tion of debts or purchases of any kind. No penalty for pre for T.R.1.0: TELEVISION RA 8-6781 171 BOND ST. EAST Call us | | --t | | | « All tubes checked « Picture tube cleaned tes DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home. ity HAVE A TOWER a free estimote payment, no bonus For fost, friendly service call {22--Radio Repairs SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 29Y2 Simcoe Street South RA 5-1121 (Formerly Bellvue) 18A--Mortgages T.V., HI-FI, 18 MONTH GUARANTEE NEW PICTURE TUBES T.V. Enterprise 253 Drew St. RA 5-2905 | EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE | RADIO, ETC. ON S FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. RA 3-3993 | | | | IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT CALL RA 8-5786 { 51 KING ST. E 123 -- Women' s Column L! Heat permane | Cold wave, $6.00. Page | 39 Pine Avenue, RA 5-5363. |19--Personal _ ELECTROLYSIS , $8. Hairdressing, Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, June 15th and 15th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, CAR leaving for Charlottetown, P.E.I June 10. Can accommodate two passen- gers. RA 5-8158 MINATURE poodles, champion | beautiful puppies and grown |Cedarview Kennels, RA 5-5062. |GEEMAN Shepherd puppies, | ed. Champion blood line. WH 1237 REGISTERED ¢ Collie (rough) pups sonable. Phone RA 5-5808. |25--Pets and Livestock sired, stock. register- itehall | ght - week - old Seotch sable and tri, rea- DRIVING to Toronto, arriving 8.30 a.m. Would like passenger. RA 5-8693 after 7 p.m BIRDS of beauty, six fancy pigeons, $3 pair and up. Six |ties of Bantams, $4 per trio an ONTARIO Automobile Association re] resentative for Oshawa and district, Art Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA 5-1497. SAVE money, no waiting, free park- ing at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, Maple Grove Inn, stationary. Open 8-7 daily except Wednesdays and Sundays HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid in plain sealed enve- lopes with price list. Six samples, 25 cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91 Hamilton, Ont and up. Bantam chicks 25c eacl 5-2330 PHEASANTS, eggs, chicks, grown, live or dressed, custom ing 5 cents per egg. YUkon Port Perry. "Larocque's Pheasa; BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, r training, talking strain Broad, 114 Elgin Street Apply East ing. Waubena Kennels. = varieties of varie- d up. Setting eggs from same $2 per setting h and up. E. Thompson, Port Perry, YUkon ully hatch- 5-7716, ntry"., ready for Mrs. [BOARDING trimming, bathing, deflea- RA 5-6321 20--Ca rtage STAKE truck for hire, Basements, gar- |ages cleaned. Rubbish removed, ete y twenty |Smav moving jobs. Anything hauled | cattle phon 54773 [locally, RA 8-8535 YEARLING registered Shorthorn | PICKUP truck with hitch, will move [datk req with roan tinge, from furniture, appliances, trailérs, boats |Milk cow |etc., to 'cottages or lacal, Reasonable [ShiP Sixth Irates. RA 80818. OL 5-3093 |GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- | [ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully |y ong, co tect Farm: Troma {insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498 3 Jione. | WANTED {two - row corn planter attachments, any make (21--Persanal Services cash p Phone OL 5-3019 |SPENCER foundation garments, indi- hath vidnually designed. Reg. Corsetier, Mrs. PASTURE for horses or cattle John Hendershot, 308 Park Road North. of water, COMax Fase, : 26--Farmer' s Column AVE he. pasture for Telephone OL Morley Gilroy immediately, good with fer ice Will pay ad of bull, good sired from Beathon Battle. Brooklin, |DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. 3-2721 - | used tilizer top plenty | 129--Summer Properties rent, near Bewdley, July or August, three bedrooms, hydro, R. LeGresley Newcastle, phone 3656. TWO and 'three bedroom cottages, elec- ricity, excellent fishing, pike, pickerel and bass. $30 - $40 weekly. RA 5-4328. LONE Maple Camp, housekeepink cot- tages, vacancies, Box 28 or Phone 45 R 22, Bobcaygeon, Ont. FOR RE} 0 - bedroom -- Two - bedroom furnish- ed cottage at Rockside beach, on Canal Lake, hydro, good fishing, swimming. Call MO 8-3473 00 MO 8-2982. MODERN five - room summer cottage, all conveniences, sandy beach, Lake Dalrymple, Foxe's Point. By the week, moniis Or season. Apply 65 Harris Ave- nue. Phone RA 5-7147 after 6. ARDEN housekeeping cottages on Ken- WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE OF TOOLS excellent, promising career. This is full or part-time and involves city and rural selling. If you are honest, ambitious, in cupboards and sink, heavy o rivate parking. Vacant July Mv A 163 Banting Avenue. ONF-HALF duplex, six rooms, moders Phone } 2376. and drive a car, come in and see Mr. Cougtrey, Genosha Hotel, Tuesday, June 7th from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction Equipment. B-H Paint UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER -- VAC nebec Lake, two and three bedrooms, hydro, good fishing, swimming. RA [rite POW - WOW Come and enjoy the fun at Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Huntsville All Summer sports, delicious mea Is. American Plan, $39-$58 weekly. Wrtie direct or call Huntsville 8443. ATRO resort ~ HOUS EKEEPING CABINS on Lake Huron. Furnished $20 couple weekly, Families $32 up. Sandy beach, good swim= ming, ideal for children. Golf, dancing, amusements close by. Write: G. Hazelwood, R Bayfield, Ont. "LEN-DAVE LODGE _ BALA, MUSKOKA (Children Free) Main lodge, { | | sleeping cabins, safe sandy beach, home- cooked meals, dancing and all water sports, hot and cold running water with showers. For the time of your life -- To Restore original beauty te your furniture end rugs. 282 KING ST. W. OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, sink ir kitchen, private bath, parking, heat, water, ole. Jocluded, $65 mon! Phone RA 8-47. thy. OPENING FOR TWO GENTLEMEN SIX-room Pa month. 89 Nassau Street. Apply M. Col- lis Furniture Co., 78 King Street West. RA 5-0332 or RA 3-9210. no furnace, $50 a apard experienced in the selling field FU room in ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. for established Real Estate Office. Remuneration with new, high commissions, bonus TWO - vate entrance, parking space, central. Apply 43 Nassau Street. room furnished apartment, pri and profit-sharing system. All enquiries will be kept THREE - room apartment, one child welcomed, available June 24, RA 5-8439. upstairs, close to SGM, strictly confidential. Write: BOX 631, OSHAWA TIMES SUBLET two-bedroom apartment for June and July. Call RA 35-2161 or RA 5-5787. WANTED 32--Articles Wanted ing table, chairs, cots, etc., reasonable. RA 3-2675 CLEAN used camping equipment, fold- sleeping bags, YOUNG OSHAWA MAN TO START IN PIANOS, upright or apartment size. Write Box 839, Oshawa Times. repair. RA 8-0194 size. Phone RA 3-4674. silver dollars, also certain type 53-5227. Will pay cash. State make and price. ELECTRIC hedge clipper, even # to WANTED --- One lawn roller, large WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian '47. RA THE ADVERTISING DEPT. OF THE TIMES 16 to 17 oge group. Must be good speller, with high school education. Here is an opportunity for you to learn FOUR - room unfurnished spartment, centrally located, five minutes from downtown, available July 1. RA 3-4181 evenings. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- business. Re- SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wercking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday ell ply by letter giving full de- toils or come in and fill out on application. Ask for Mrs. Kennedy. DRAFTSMAN day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. Write or Phone LEN-DAVE LODGE BALA, ONTARIO PHONE BALA 397 PINE TREE LODGE AND CABINS Aiso housekeeping cottages on Pigeon Lake. Excellent fishing: pickerel, bass and muskie. Good boating ond swimming Boats, motors, groceries, etc Contact Gord Brown-- PINE TREE LODGE R.R. 1 Peterborough, Ont. Phone OL 7-8541 28A--Trailers FOR RENT -- tent trailer by week, $25, accommodates six people. Phone Fy ome, 35' by 8', sleeps seven comfortably, completely furnished and equipped, with Propane stove, space heater, hot water heater, twin sinks, refrigerator, tub and shower. Price $3495. Terms or what have you to trade? RA 8-1296 after 6 p.m CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METAL PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) JUNIOR, Experienced in electrical loy- out work and art drawing cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 preferred, but not essential. Group benefits, etc. Apply STARK ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS Ajax, Ont. MECHANIC FOR HEAVY TRUCKS Top wages. Company bene- fits. Clean working condi- tions. Steady work. Phone RA 5-3516 | | !! CASH FOR SCRAP ! ! WE 38---Male or Female Help Wanted BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, etc MULTILITH or Davidson press opera- tor. Apply G. Dowling, General Print- ers, Ltd., 75 Richmond Street West. Open All Day Saturday M. GREENBURG & SONS LTD. 41--Room & Board ROOM and board in nice home, cldse to everything, parking, MO 8-2978. RA 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E. aad 35--Employment Wanted ROOM and board for gentlemen to share, close to north plant, lunch pack- ed, RA 5-6727. For Sale or W FRENCHMAN'S Bay lakefront year round or sumer home, six-room insul brick, all modern conveniences. Asking balance one mortgage. OX 2195, 15° cedar boat. Phone J. Stock, JUY a new waterfront cottage or lot { Willow Glen. Write C. H. Brown, Sickness forces sale. Blackstock 24-22, Lindsay, or phone FA 4.4012, | TURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES A new, modem registered subdivision designed in the Fiorida motif. The most un- usual and beautiful in the Kawartha Lakes. Clean, safe, sand beach. Large beautiful CEMENT work, done by gentleman with own mixer. Telephone RA 35-7966. UNIVERSITY student is looking for ROOM and board for gentlemen, single beds, good home cooked meals, close TIRED OF HIGH RENTS OR ALL THE CHORES AROUND THE HOUSE IF SO INVESTIGATE CO-OP APARTMENTS DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $3,900 All carrying Shanes and run ning expenses os $73.80 wii 25-year NHA mortgage. AT ONLY 5% Modern, centrally located in Whitby. Why pay rent, when you can own your own apart ment for much. less. Co-op living the carefree way of living. This is a sound investment, that will stand the most ex- haustive investigation. FOR DETAILS WRITE: BOX 746 OSHAWA TIMES to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritson Road South. summer employment, anything consid- ered. Has chauffeur's licence. Phone MO 8-4062. DAY-CARE for children. Excellent location, Division St., fenced in back yard. $10 weekly. Phone RA 3-3623. CARPENTER -- first class, evenings, and board, pleasant day work- ROOM or room room in private home, er only. RA 5-3808. ACCOMMODATION for gentleman, room and board, or room, laundry dene if desired, 160 Park Road North, RA 3-9541. 20 years' Pow tools, any type carpentry. Stairs, on boards, rafters, alterations. Contract or hourly. Pickering, WH 32-6143. ACCOUNTANT, office credit manager, RIA degrees, nine years' experience, desires change. Whitby, Ajax or Osh- awa districts. MO 8-5123 or EMpire 6-8756. YOUNG girl would like to take care of children and light household duties. Good references. Phone MO 8-4182, LADY will mind child in own home while mother works, large fenced in back yard. Near North GM. Dial RA 8-8310. shade trees. Canals 40-ft. wide with sheltered docks for your boat. New . nine-hole golf course, three minutes walking distance New, 'quality-built summer homes open for your inspec- tion, electric wiring connected to hydro, three bedrooms, bathroom with plumbing, kit= chen with stainless steel sink, in arborite cabinet top, large living-dining room finished in genuine knotty pine. Your choice of exteriors log= siding, pine lap siding -- all finished in delightful paint 4 ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street East Telephone 3-7814. BUCKINGHAM MANOR - APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments, electrically equipped, best location. $85 and up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, con- tinuous hot water, home privileges. 241 Ritson Road South. ROOM and board, good meals, very central. Apply 180 Bruce Street after 5 p.m. ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown and North GM. RA 8-3643, or 29 Elgin Street East. CHEERY room, new house, near South Motors. Good meals, lunches packed, home privileges. Telephone RA 5-5087. 36--Female Help W BOOKKEEPER-typist, experienced on LARGE room with board, single or Jo two friends to share, near. SGM RA 5.9559, full set of records, salary $50 per week. RA 5-1621. SALESLADY Full or part time for high class ladies' specialty shop. Highest salary if you are ex- perienced and can produce results. Must have neat ap- pearance and pleasing per- sonality. References required. Write Box 834, Oshawe Times, and stain colors Prices from $5,950, including level lot, terms at current $5,750 to large, rates of interest. Location 4 miles t of Bobcageon on he Fenelon Falls highway-- arge signs at ance, Ow- ner on property every after- noon, end over week-ends. i | | entr "Mrs. Avon Customer' You have used Avon Cos- ATTENTION Cookware," vacuum cleaner OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT In new office building, mod- erate rent, centrally located. TELEPHONE RA 5-5132 route, real estate salesmen. New product. First time in Canada. Excellent commis sion. Car essential. FULL TIME ONLY FOR APPOINTMENT RA 5-0641 metics. You know their qual-| ity and guarantee. There is a big demand for Avon Service among families near your nome. If you need money 43--Wanted to Rent YOUNG couple with baby looking for unfurnished three - room apartment, self-contained, for June 9. RA 81748, after 6.30 call at once for more informa tion. No obligation. Call LE 6-0627, collect, Classified Ads moves them them. Fast, low-cost! Sell any a estate by dialing RA 33492. STARTING AT $85 MODERN SUITES BALCONIES A building you would be proud to live in, paved, park- ing, fully equipped, laundry room, building hos just been apinted inside and out. At- tractively landscaped, will de- corate to suit new tenant. Close to shopping, you should see to full yapreciate the ex- tars in this apartment. MO 8-4347, Whitby,