HE OSHaWA TIMES, Mendey, June §, 1960 13 Quebec Election Becoming Heated . 35 165 Trans-Mt QUEBEC CB) Quebee ¢ Svs real gas-distribution system of | 0 165 165 n Ga y tion campaign grew 18 provincially - owned Quebec Hy- INDUSTRIALS Net i % bh om $7 7 7 C Tung HE» 4 Y 3 : the weekend as Premier Antonio gy y Hy soni onan de. 81 Ha 25 ed dn fed ye resid] The statements were ue i ® ® uk and Mr. Lesage charged the gov-|attributed, but if Mr. Lesage 255 19% 19% - ernment with misuse and waste Wanted to take responsibility "I 7 Wh 3 of public funds. am going to bring Lesage before charged the courts 4d 3% NN Premier Barrefte, speaking in re 13% 00 - n Today's Stock Market Listings Net on Toronto Exchange N Net Sales High Low 11 s.m. Ch'ge Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 25 865% 65% 65% + W Gat 3%pe pr z5 $101% 101% 10% GM zl] $43% 4% 0% GS Wares 1 11 TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press ioronto Stock Exchange--June 6 Quotations in cents unless marked 3---0dd jot, xd Ex-dividend, xr rights, xw--Ex-warrants Sloek Sales Aumaque Barnat Bary Expl Bouzap High Low a.m, Ch'ge ---W Sales 500 2225 1100 Sales High Liw 11 135 $75% $185 $52% Stock Spartan Steel Can Steinbg A Tor-lom Bk Tr Can PL Stock Ford U, s, : 141 Ex- Bralorne Buffac Stock Abitin Alta Dis wits Alta Gar Algoma Alumini Alum 2 pr Analos Anthes A Argus 2.50pr Bank Mont Bank NS Bell Phone © = Zentih Curb Ang Cdn Hur rie Angio-Nfla Imp Of 1 CD Sug Imp Tob e C Paper Ind Accep D Glass Inglis Dupont Inter PL Price Br Inv Syn A "a 1% Jamaica PS 380 +5 Jefferson 3 Jockey C 4% Lakeland 51 Laura Sec 1215 + 1 2% + 105 131% 1814 Horne Pi " H Smith Susus-. a > 15% -- % 5114 + 4 62% + 5% -- CLAIMS $98 LOSS He said he actually lost $08 in the share transaction. He re- minded his audience that libel suits in connection with the gas- system sale are before the courts also said and said less than one-tenth of ister J. D, Begin bought seeds one per cent of the corporation's|for the colonization department 6,000 publicly-offered shares had|from his friends, at high prices. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA Opemiska Orchan Ositko Paramaq Patino wis Pato Pick Crow Placer Portage Preston Que Ascot Q Meta Quemont Realm Rio Rup Rix Athab Roche Rowan Cons 1000 Sherritt 1800 Bailey S pr Bail § 3% pr Cal Ed € oil Lds C Oil L wits /MB 'asd PR rans M Leaf Mill 3 C Super . uperior Mass-F < a. . C Mic Mac Mes LP Cree wis 38 Moco Dome Pete Moore v the Quebec Natural Gas Corpora- tion. EYE IEE 3 TW SS The leaflet, Mr. Barrette said, claims Mr, Barrette made a $7,- 875 profit on shares of the cor- poration, which bought the Mont- - Ee 2% 10% 13% cavdBafasdzsh Brockville Burns Cal Pow CI Fndry Can Malt C Pack B Can Perm C Bank Com Cdn Brew Nor Star A CBAL A wis North Star pr Cdn Celan 3 195, f N Star wits7 C Chem b 9 NO N Gas C Dredge Nor Fhone C Fairbks A A Cdn Ind Gas CPR Col Cell Con Gar Con Gas B Crain RI Creative Tel Dis Seay D Bridge D Fndry Dom Slores 455 Dom Text 250 Fam Play z50 Additional Se ™ = 8% EP PITY IR BEES PT » 2 Frob debs Giant YK Glacier GF Mining Gunnar Gunnar wis 9 Ste Sylvanite Taurcanis Tech-H Men Wented To Train As DRAFTSMEN! Top pay, unlimited opportunity. We want men and women to train at home in their spare time for good paying jobs. In a few months you can be cash- ing big pay cheques. All books and instructions for as little as $6 a month. We are one of the largest training institutions in the world. AMERICAN SCHOOL 100 DUNDAS ST, DESERONTO, ONT. Send without obligation, infor- mation on training checked and 156-page booklet showing over 50 good-paying opportunities for men and women DRAFTING -- AUTO MECHAN. ICS -- ELECTRICIAN -- MACHINIST -- S| PRIVATE SECRETARY, HIGH SCHOOL. Balas $13% $014 395 Pa S254 5Y 25 a 120 Pembina pr $38% Pow Corp $103 QN Gas un $20% Roe AV Can $1044 Royal Bank $291% Royal rte $187 StL, Corp $443 Sualada-S $49 49 Ss sons $94 9% SKD Mfg $18) 18% Southam 838.8005. Gwillim Hard Rock H ou Lakes Headway Hoyle I Nick n xd Irish Cop J Waite Jacuvbus Jonsmith Kerr Add Lake Cin Latin Am Leitch g228.8as5.280. ¥ 205 117 Submarine 90 Triad Oil 250 Un Olls 117 116 W Cdn OG 120 120 MINES 100 $10% 1500 50 10% Zrnmac 2500 A Am Nephe 50 ---- 115 Sales to 11 a.m.: 361,000. 11s --§ 151 --1 British Columbia and Alberta have repealed all poll taxes. In Saskatchewan only two cities and seven towns used it, and none in Manitoba. In Ontario, 20 of 30 cit ies in 1958 levied a poll tax, but men and $12 for women. The New Brunswick Municipal Tax J allowed poll taxes ranging from poll tax was most productive in owed» Ss ranging hom New Brunswick and in Charlotte-|$3 to $10 for all persons aged 2 own, P.E.L, where it was levied|to 60, exempting only paupers. charters for some municipal allow a higher rate. In the Atlantic provinces, the EL ALSO on all residents regardless whether or not they paid real es-|charging $20 of | Exceptions were Saint John, and Fredericton, Revenue Sources Seen ih SEL tion. Quebec legislation limited|iate taxes. the rate to $2 a year, though spe-| Charlottetown charged $25 forireal estate tax. OTTAWA (CP)--Municipalities with their burden of real estate taxes, may be missing a good bet by not developing two other po- tential revenue sources: The old- fashioned poll tax and road-use taxes on motorists who benefit from the streets That's the suggestion of the Canadian Tax Foundation, which in a current bulletin on local fi- nances says that additional rev-| enue sources open to municipal- ities are too often ignored The poll tax, whose history goes back to a 1377 English law, now is almost an oddity through out Central and Western Canada, the foundation says But its use in New Brunswick where it accounts for 8.6 per cent of all local taxation, and in Nova Scotia where it brings in 3.4 per cent of the total, "would hardly seem to justify the neglect of the poll tax in the Central and Western Provinces." As for road-use taxes, the foun dation says vehicle users pay fo a large proportion of provincial road expenditures but their tribution to municipal roads through provincial grants, was much smaller. ALL RESPONSIBLE It concedes that municipal streets benefit everyone and, to some extent,. should be the re- sponsibility of all. But it suggests that the prov- inces could well make more gen- erous contributions toward local road expenditures even at the risk of increasing provincial gas- oline taxes, vehicle licence fees or other road-user taxes. There could be "considerable interest" in a poll tax being lev- ied by a city on non-residents from neighboring suburbs who work in the city and require mu- nicipal services without contribut- ing directly to them. In 1956, the foundation say's, {the some 301,000 persons worked in| |charging $15 for men not paying Name Address | cenrial downtown area of Toronto when the city's total pop- ulation was only 644,000. A tax of $25 a year on all persons em- ployed in the central area would have provided that year some $7,500,000 or over eight per cent of the city's revenues There were objections to a poll tax: it was regressive, taking no account of ability to pay; it was difficult to collect, and also un- productive, But there were ways of over- coming these criticisms. The re- gressive feature of a uniform tax would hardly be a factor if a comparatively small $25 a year were charged and if only em- ployed persons were taxed. Collection problems could be overcome by payroll deductions by employers, and productivity of the tax could be increased by raising the amount 'to a reason- able level." SIDEWALK SLABS FROM Brooklin Concrete Products Lid. dae] 3 'OLIVER BONUS FANCY QUALITY SLICED BEEF LIVER or WIEN ERS Golden Ripe No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2:2 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. BUYS presents the first 100 OCTANE alkyl in Canada FINA SUPER 100 ALKYL The finest motor fuel ever made here's why - gre 200 ALKYL is the senior 's great new motor fuel team. It's Canada's first and only 100 octane alkyl and the cleanest-burning, most gasoline ever made. A Many of today's cars have the highest In automobile history, and Super 100 Alkyl power-charged horsepower and compression ratios was specially developed to meet the demand for new and better fuels to power them. By any standards, it's the fmest gasoline in Canada today. Super 100 Alkyl contains alkylate -- Alkylate is a pure high octane, sulphur- free fuel, normally reserved for the but utilized by Fina as a major production of high performance aircraft fuel; component in the final blending of this great new gasoline. hindered by The extreme purity of Alkylate keeps your engine clean -- un- harmful deposits -- and produces the highest road octane. Super 100 Alkyl has more useable energy than gasoline without alkylate. K releases potential. more concentrated power to your engine and helps it deliver its full You'll notice the difference right away -- especially in extra mileage -- through greatly improved performance gasolines. HERE'S WHAT EXTRA MILEAGE MEANS TO YOU 1 ExtraMie -- 202 saved Extra Miles -- Si by aut. dared 2 Extra Miles -- 410 B¢ per gal saved which you cannot get with ordinary Based on an average range of 16-20 mes per gation. you will discover the with this revolutionary save safely with = Also at Fina Dealers FINA PREMIUM wite ALKYLATE Designed to replace Fina Premi gives pi ordinary "regulor" gasolines, ium perf at regul grade price. It also contains alkylate and hes a higher road octane than any of the regulars. gasolines a Finest In Norte Ancrica