+ FOOTBALL TACTICS AID Oshawa Walker WINS 00771 couRT CHARGE Olympic Trial Race Alex Oakley, of this city, who|35 minutes, so it is hoped that the|of the race was provided by Kevin| nr fessionally - prepared de- | ciple that the man ahead is wears the colors of the Gladstone|Olympic Committee will select| McManus, of Bowmanville, who| fence to score an upset victory | blocking you, then he'll be' A.C. of Toronto when in compe-|Oakley to compete for Canada at|turned in a superb effort to take| vor municipal police here. tition, took first-class honors in|this year's Olympic Games in the 20-Killo Olympic trial walking| Rome. ; race, held at the CNE track, To-| Having already this season won ronto, on Saturday. three "walks" in the United|from Newfoundland and one Oakley's time of 1 hour, 40 min-| States, where he defeated some of utes and seven seconds, was just|the top U.S. "walkers", Oakley seven seconds over the establish-\was favored to win Saturday's ualifying requirements for|event. George Parsons from St.[Gladstone A.C. Grandy was dis-| i } top] is (2i-mile oie Since he|John's, Newfoundland, finished in |oualified after four miles for) Plises car in front starling up, | put probably didn't stop. walked the 20 Killo in 1 hour and|runner-up spot but the big upset WEST VANCOUVER (CP)--| vey Sedgwick about movement Herb Capozzi, general mana- | and density of traffic at the ger of the Western Interprovin- | ye Capogzi didn't lose stride. cial Football Union's B.C. Li- py : | ons, went on the offence with a If you use the football prin- ird-plac 4 i watching out for oncoming traf- thir id attracted a| , Capozzi was ' chatged with | fic. I followed the other vehicle i i o| failing to come to halt at a stop | into the intersection," he ex- strong field of entrants, with two Sian. Re from Montreal while also included| He told the court it was all a Magistrate Alfred Watts, who were such top performers as John| question of relative motion. The | was as unbiased as a referee, Rowe and Vladmir Grandy of] appearance that he didn't stop | said he thought Capozzi/ went . | was probably created by an- | through the stopping motions "improper walking." argued. However, according to . the Gertrude Colpus School Field Day The second annual field day Junior Girls -- Ball Throw -- 1] was held by the Gertrude Colpus/ Vera Sokoljuk; 2. Bonnie Mac-| School on Wednesday. On hand to|Donald; 3. Jackie MacDonald. | assist the teachers in the various| junior Boys -- Ball Throw --| events were some members of|y Eliott Beharrell; 2. Gary Car- the Home and School Associa-yoll; 3. Alex Tarasewicz. tion. Intermediate Girls -- Ballippigay that would limit the un- Following are the results: Throw -- 1. Catherine Ayers; 2. TRACK EVENTS {Dayle Clarke; 3. Honey Snider- Novice Girls (6 and 7 yrs.) 50 man. yd. -- 1. Nancy Lupel; 2. Irene} Intermediate Boys -- Ball Charawicz; 3. Jane Russell. Throw -- 1. Larry Corneal; 2. Novice Boys (6 and 7 yrs.) 50/Ron Lupel; 3. Bob Mitchell. yd -- 1. Wayne Sudsbury; 2./ Senior Girls -- Ball Throw David Bathe; 3. Daryl Brown. |[1, Judythe Waddell; 2. Beatrice Bantam Girls (8 and 9 yrs.) 60|Febbrini; 3. Pat Pawlow yde. -- 1. Susan Carroll; 2. Bar-| Senior Boys -- Ball Throw - bie Tilling; 3. Margaret Michael.|l. Morley Norton; 2. Wayne Hen- Bantam Boys (8 and 9 yrs.) 60|derson; 3. Don Adams. { ds. -- 1. Larry Lupel; 2. Dennis| __ . a | matt; 3. 4 fri, Norton. JUMPING EVENTS Junior Girls (10 and 11 yrs.) 75| Novice Girls -- Broad Jump --| yds. -- 1. Patti Jeffs; 2. Linda|l. Jane Russell; 2. Nancy Lupel; Cotton; 3. Vick: Bathe. 3. Frances Stacey. Junior Boys (10 and 11 yrs.) 75| Novice Boys -- Broad Jump -- yds. -- 1. Garry MacDonald: 2.|1. Wayne Sudsbury; 2. Neil Shep- Garry Carroll; 3. Thor Fil. |pard: 3. Leslie Kiraly. Intermediate Girls (12 and 13| Bantam Girls -- Broad Jump-- 1. Dayle Clarke: |l. Lehbie Michael; 2. Kathie 5) 85 yds. | b 3 sar Franklin: 3. Donna|Morris; 3. Valentina Misch: 20 ald, schenko gg oe Boys (12 and 13| Bantam Boys -- Broad Jump-- yrs.) 85 yds. 1. Joe Lipiec;|1. Dennis Abramoff; 2. Raymond 2..Ron Lupel; 3. Bobby Michael. Prachun; 3. Tommy Gierman. Senior Girls (14 and over) 100, Junior Girls Broad Jump -- yds. -- 1. Mary Fiala; 2. Sharon|l. Patti Jeffs; 2. Karen Ed- Davey: 3. Renata Startek. munds, 3. Rosemary Marlyn Senior Boys (14 and over) 100 Junior Boys -- Broad Jump - yds. -- 1. David Rooke; 2. Peter|l. Elliott Beharrell; 2 Bob Kre- Svzdlowski asul; 3. Thor Fil. 5 Intermediate Girls Broad FIELD EVENTS Jump 1. Donna MacDonald Novice Girls -- Ball Throw --|and Cheryl Hudson; 2. Mela Pus- 1. Judy Sutherland; 2. Ruth, Anne|czynski; 3. Marilyn Howe Malarczuk; 3. Janis Calford. Intermediate Boys -- High Novice Boys -- Ball Throw --|Jump -- 1. Ron Lupel; 2. Joe ~--|isfactory to the Continental | Tackled by prosecutor Har- | legal rule book, he said he had to give Capozzi the benefit of the doubt and dismiss the Propose New Lady Lawn Bowlers fy +11 Hold First' Session Baseball Bill Members of the ladies' section MOST - of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Compromise (i'w fui. HOT WATER {president Mrs. O. R. Robson in- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen troducing the new members,| at oy Sr lafter which, Mrs. R. J, McCon- tor Philip A. Hart (Dem. Mich.) | ii" pead of this year's "games LOWEST COST offered a compromise proposal mittee' explained the new point system to be used this sea- with a son, The point system does away with playoffs 4 4 | Tuesday evening the ladies will Senator Estes Kefauver (Dem.|puq another practice game, with| Tenn.), author of the sports bill, tne schedule games beginning on| said Hart's amendment was ac- ; | on Thursday afternoon at 2.15 restricted baseball player draft originally proposed by the pro- fessional sports bill \ "| ceptable to him. Kefauver said it o'clock reasonably met objections of big x Rr E N | A L Following their first game, the ladies enjoyed refreshments, | League, the third major loop be- served by the members of the WAT BE R ing organized : P club's social committee, under] ; the convenership of Mrs. C. De-| IK EAT [3 = One of the key provisions in the Kefauver bill would make embeck, subject to an unrestricted draft) all baseball players over a limit of 40 to each major league club. Hart's amendment prov ides| that this shall not apply to any TRANSMISSION player now under contract until] he has completed four years in . organized baseball But piayers signed up after passage of the legislation would be subject to draft if not on the 40-piaver roster of a major league team. Game Called Due W= | Fully Guaranteed Fistic Squabble . 3 We Specialize FREE Oshawa Merchants defeated y i SERVICE, MAINTENANCE Pickering 87 in a South Ontariol] In all types, automatic and INSTALLATION Softball League schedule fixture | d at Alexandra Park on Friday and standard. se league club owners and was sat- ONLY $1 75 MONTHLY | (gas extra) # charge for sxtra piping. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 6, 1960 11 REAL CIGARETTE TASTES I. Walter Tarasewicz; 2. Richard Lipiec; 3. Larry Corneal night, a game that the umpires Snow; 3. Clancy Lavender Senior Girls -- High Jump -- called off in the last of the 7th, ALSO Bantam Girls -- Ball Throw --(1. Donna MacDonald; 2. Judy when a fistic episode occurred. 1. Barbara Chiplick; 2. Debbie Blencowe and Sharon Franklin;| Pickering scored three runs in Michael: 3. Susan Carroll. 3. Janice Wilson a the first inning and four in the or exchange of all do loner ct ilopone Cae. Fr Bantam Boys -- Ball Throw --| Senior Boys -- High Jump -- fifth and were leading 7-5 going makes of cars. informa alers licen: 1. Charles Rout; 2. Roger Nor-|l. Andy Glecoff; 2. Peter Syzd-|into the bottom of the 7th. With a pair Yu asl aad, Inayal watural ton; 3. Tommy Gierman. |lowski; 3. David Rooke. two men out, Elliott drew a walk, | FOR Bebartment of | McGee was hit by a pitched bail : Consumers tas and so was Courtney. Cirka belt- | " ed a bases - loaded double to] EXPERT WORK score three runs. f O'Connor was also hit by Tu la 's G If To e 2 Dictied ball, the third for lie SEE RA 3-3468 ' urn 'The Oshawa batter let his bat go | y y in the general direction of the| JOHN'S GARAGE (Oshawa Invitation Meet and |H. A. Brokenshire, Ladies' Gout Mound = and the squabble erupt. 226 CELINA ST. SUPPORT THE Test Match) (16). » Wi ral players of each v 1ST FLIGHT Wi --~ Miss P. McCowan, team involved in the skirmish. | RA 3-4233 b HOSPITAL DRIVE! (Handicap 1-13) Scarboro (17); Miss E. Whittak-| At this point, the umpires call. ~ ® am --Miss Lou Evans, York|er P (17) and Miss|®d off the game, | Downs (2); Miss Gail Marg. MacPherson, Napanee| = Scarboro (3) and Mes. H. R.[(18). ' v Napanee! | Armstrong, Weston (3). 10.51 -- Mrs. F. Forbes, New, 9.07--Miss Kay Helleur, Wood-|ys1,n4¢ (17); Miss Ruth McKee, | bridge (3); Mrs. J. H. McCarter, Kawartha (19) and Mrs. D. (3) and Miss Bary opi Oshawa (18). ,| 1058 -- Mrs. Allen Manus, | Northwood (19); Mrs. D. M. Yeats, Summit (19) and Mrs. Woodley, Ladies' Golf (4). |8. J. Boudreau, Oshawa (19) | 9.21 -- Miss Roma Neundorf,| 11.05 -- Mrs. Jack Mitchell, | Ladies' Golf (4); Mrs. E. Creed, | Port Hope (19); Mrs. R. Mauds- | Oakdale (4) and Miss Dorothy | ley, Summit (19) and Mrs. G.| Time for a change? oF The smart choice is Dart} Hinton, Scarboro (4). | Taylor, Oshawa (19) 9.28 -- Mrs. N. McKay, Mis-| 11.12 -- Mrs. D. Jackson, Sum-| It's winning the value vote! sissauga (4); Mrs. F. Seawright, mit (18); Mrs. Harvey Fenton, | 7 7 Gi ; A Scarboro (5) and Mrs, L. Ross, Whitevale (20) and Mrs. Doris| § 4 #2 Cobourg (5). { Ingram, Port Hope (19). g : | it 5 9.35 -- Mrs, S.J. Williamson, |3RD FLIGHT Peterborough (5); Miss Handicap 21 - 36. Morris, Oakdale (6) and Mrs.| 11.30 am -- Mrs A Harvey, J. A. Godson, St. George's (6 |Scarboro (21); Mrs. A. H. Phil-| 9.42 -- Miss M. Hunter, Ladies' lips, Ladies' Golf (21) and Mrs. Golf (8); Miss Jean Castle, Peter-|F. Fordham, Oshawa (21). borough (6) and Miss Ada Mac-| 11.37 -- Miss A, Burns, Scar- Kenzie, Rosedale (7) {boro (21); Mrs. J. Shaughnessy, 9.47 -- Mrs. A. B. Reid, Mis- Kawartha (21) and Mrs. S. Bals-| sissauga (7); Miss Shiela Collins,|don, Oshawa (21). Dundas (7) and Mrs. H. S. Irwin, 11.44 -- Mrs. Roma Brindle, St. George's (8). | Kawartha (21); Miss J. Graham, 9.54 -- Mrs, J. Stubbs, Forest Aurora (21) and Mrs. L. W. Mec-| Hill (8); Mrs. J. J Carlson, Conkey, Oshawa (24). | Rosedale (9) and Miss Doreen 11.51 -- Mrs. G Greig, Scar-| Dobbie, Oshawa (9). boro (22); Mrs. F. R. Daven-| 10.01 -- Miss B. Gilbert, Isling- port, Ladies' Golf (22) and Mrs. ton (9); Mrs. M. H. Currer, St.|0. Crawford, Oshawa (22). George's (9) and Miss Jean Don-| "11.58 -- Mrs. C. V. Hoar, Scar- aldson, Thornhill (10). |boro (22); Mrs. J. West, White-| 1008 -- Mrs. E. J. Johnson, vale (22) and Miss H. Ethering-| Islington (10); Mrs, A. C. Haight, | ton," Kawartha (24). Jr., St. George's (11) and Mrs.| 12.05 -- Miss D. Hedley, Scar-| D. Scott, Scarboro (12). boro (24); Mrs. Roy White, 10.15 -- Mrs. C. McKenzi€, La-| Whitevale (25) and Miss M. Vice, dies' Golf (12); Miss Lesley Bull, (Oshawa (24). Oakville (12) and Mrs. W. H.| 12.12 -- Mrs. H. Holt, Isling- Whitebread, Lakeview (12). {ton (26); Mrs. H Smart, Forest 10.22 -- Mrs. C. H. Henderson, Hill (26) and Mrs. J. H. Kessler, Summitt (12); Miss H. Beatty, Oshawa (26). New Uplands (11) and Mrs. J. C.| 1219 -- Mrs. R. Broadbent, Eb Whitelaw, Mississauga (10). {Aurora (28); Mrs, E. Midgely, Phoenix 2-Door Hardtop 2ND FLIGHT | Islington (29) and Mrs. J. Bren-| (Handicap 14-20) {nan, Oshawa (26) | 10.30 am. -- Mrs, J. McMillan, 12.26 -- Mrs. T. Whitehorn, | : i Forst Hill (14); Miss Edna Korke, | Forest Hill (34) and Mrs D. | L8 ® 4 x i, : Bay of Quinte (15) and Miss D. Henry, Oshawa (28). | 4 EY A Troy | Dennel, Scarboro (15). | 12.33 -- Mrs E Bonetta, White- | § ) V2 . 10.37 -- Mrs. W Carson, Scar-|vale 36; Mrs. L. Currell, White-) Nat i x id BAL h boro (16); Miss Betty Ingram, vale (36) and Miss C. Moore, Osh- IN 3 DASHING NEW SERIES -- SENECA - PIONEER * PHOENIX Water heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! Your Gas company does not employ door-te- | door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For Complete Overhauls »| All over Canada Cb buyers are Jumping on the Dart bandwagon. Dart's platform: id low price and high economy--and a Fe @av in every garage! = i =e a quality product of Chrysler Corporation Engineering Bay of Quinte (16) and Mrs. awa (36). WRESTLING Team Bout KINSMEN STADIUM Vint Tuesday June 7th, 8:45 p.m. KAROL The Bravo Bros. v. The Kalmikoff Bros. Fred Atkins vs. Johnny Pye Pat Flanagan vs. Mike Valentino Tickets for these exhibitions 1.25 1.00 end 75¢ at Casino Resto. ant PAT MILOSH -- Promoter It's not surprising that buyers by the thousand are casting their ballot for the new Dodge Dart. It has all the qualifica- tions they want. A price down with the lowest. Exceptional gas mileage. Plenty of room and comfort. Good looking styling and interiors. The solid strength of one- piece Unibody construction. Check these qualifications yourself--soon. | | | : The new Dodge | Six-Cylinder engine is slanted a full 30° to @ | 1f you're not completely satisfied with | rauceze extra | the cigarette you are now smoking -- [| © | ) miles.out of every . . . gallon of gs ry mild good tasting Buckinghams -- | get the real taste of a real cigarette. SEE YOUR LOCAL DODGE-DE SOTO DEALER TODAY ROBINSON MOTORS (OSHAWA) LTD. Bu cking 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 916 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY, ONTARIO ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE CERTIFIED CAR CARE PLAN Available. in 20's and 25's