Fhe Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 86 King St. E., Oshawa; Ont. Page 6 Saturday, June 4 io 960 Profession Of Nursing Calls For Dedication Graduation exercises at the Oshawa General and other hospitals provide a reminder both of the continuing need for nurses and of the increasingly im- portant role of the nurse in medical care Because of the spectacular advance in medicine in recent years and the ex- tension of hospital care, the opportuni- ties for the trained nurse have become greater and more diversified; greater, too, is the demand upon .her skill and intelligence. For the trained nurse this is coming to mean increasingly a role of greater responsibility and respect which adds dignity and status to her position. To a greater extent the routine and more menial tasks that were once an accepted part of a nurses' job is being transferred to others, while the trained nurse is be- itions are calling for nurses in factories, military posts, offices, ships, clinics and schools. These activities cover the field of public health, visiting nursing ser- vices, occupational health in industry or where ever occupational therapy is re- quired as a means to rehabilitate a patient. They are to be found in crowd- ed cities and in distant outposts, in doc- tor's offices or in research laboratories. In fact they are to be found wherever there are people and in whatever type of activity which might attract differing personalities. More frequently, too, because of the press of business and the development of more nursing skills, doctors are now turning over some of the duties formerly done exclusively by them to nurses. This not only is an indication in the changing status of the nursing profession itself. REPORT FROM U.K. Inquiry Started On New Jail Plan By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON The government is conducting an inquiry to help the Home Secretary to decide whether to approve Prison Com- mission plans to spend over £1,000,000 on a new prison at Dartmoor, near the present site, or whether to build it else- where. The Prison Officers' ciation wants it removed entire- ly from the Dartmoor site, which has become somewhat historic as te location of the famous prison "long-term cx iminais. READERS' VIEWS When the inquiry was opened t Tavistock, Devon, in the Dart- moor area, there was strong sup- port from people of the district for the views of the Prison Offi- cers Association BROODING MOOD OF EVIL Giving evidence, Rev. Cyril Cashmore, chaplain at Dammoor for the last three years, referred to "'the brooding mood of Dart- moor a feeling thal there is something evil, something wrong." He added quietly "Two hundred years of tragedy and suffering have done some- thing to create thal mood. The Visitors Given Fine Reception Dear Sir On Monday, May 23, 1960, this wriier accompanied by two other Sault Ste. Marie Kinsmen ar- rived in your fair city to obtain hand all the information pertaining to senior citi- low rental housing. The smen Club of Sault Ste. Marie by the co-operation of the Press, and I want to add a' personal word of gratitude to this official statement of our satisfaction. H. J. McAVOY, Press Representative Kingston only way to get away from it is to wipe out the whole site." Mr. Cashmore saidth at apart from the atmosphere of evil, the conditions and climate were un- satisfactory for prison . officers' families. The warders were tough, he said.but their families suffered "Time and again you will find that it is the wives who break down," he said. "The men get browned off, and it must affect the children. It is a mental re- action from Dartmoor. People at first may think it not so bad, but afiier six months or so they are talking about this Dartmoor mood COUNCH. WANTS IT The village council of Tavi- stock, however. wants the new prison to be built at Dartmoor. it believes the village of Princeton would die, and become a ghost community. if it lost the prison, which provide for the livelihood of mos. of its people, William Rawlings, chairman of the council, painted a picture of calm and contented people living outside the great jail. The jail's location, in the middle of the rugged bleakness of Dartmoor, he cliamed, was ideal 10 secure criminals. "When residents of the district know that a convict has escaped, they do not get jittery," he said. "By long experience they know that the rugged moor can be re- lied on to defeat any aftempt to cross it by a man on foot without map or compass." Of the 4700 members of the Prison Officers' Association, 73 percent signed a petition against keeping a prison on the gloomy Moor. About 800 of them had served there for v. ying periods. ing released for work that makes the One of the problems that has accomp en he mia sates! wie. QUEEN'S PARK g a similar project and hav- Merit Of County been informed of the excel lent units constructed in Oshawa S Di Hospitals are increasing the number of ay Aca foe ystem iscussed beds and there 1s a need for greater GALLUP POLL BY-GONE DAYS certainly commend the people re . br DON OEARN maximum use of her skill and training. anied the rapid advance in medicine and This is as it should be The work of the modern trained nurse tion in Canada is to train sufficient the introduction of universal hospitaliza- 1s no longer confined to a traditional people to take over the .increased res- hospital or bedside routine. The modern felt that a visit would be of more value than correspondence, we THE THREE MUSKETEERS took both still and moving pic ponsibility of the nursing profession 5 . __ tures of your project, which will concept of nursing, we are told. consid- ers the hospital as only one of the many sponsible for making this fine * . * » ee 4 . accommodation available to the 10 YEARS AGO senior citizens of Oshawa the county system is perhaps not tically built. Il 1S 1 V 1 & General Motors of Canada pre- Rea! zing that we had arrived SO strong as was indicated a few He was the original director of sented the Henry farm consisting a filled days ago the br: x . Toronto: Opinion here against back to head a branch he prac- health agencies in the eommunity or training facilities for those who seek the nation to be nurses. be shown by our local television 4 cn a holiday, and with branch when it was started 60 acres at the lake, to the 4...¢ apout heing able to con Officials in Municipal Affairs shortly after the war and he . of 1t | Town 1OF, pars purposes 2 32000 tact anyone who could give us are against it guided it through its formative to spend on improvements on the ond of information we re They believe it mainly repre- Years 0) : , ' 3 20. 3 Oi: ) : addition of 220 beds, as planned. will oper.) and an Sdditional $500 quired. we were pleasantly sur- sents a luxury and a waste One of his greatest contribu. N a T + AEN 0 I used for the purpose o Vas I . By BRITISH INSTITUTE LRE WHEN THIEY SAY THEY 10 a po B slay. Prised to I such was not the at joast one other department, tions was the organization of the OF PUBLIC OPINION WANT TO REDUCF VORLD Prev ong anc equippl g a I r ase. When we phoned and stated. j,yeover, would see it strength- "egional development asso- 1 Jround in the south-eas ard in at vin » were i x i ¥ re PENSION rounc 3 the south-east ward In yw, what and why we "ened ciations whick now are so active al GSU Oshawa s person gave us di This is the Department of Wel- through the province Halliday M ; rections to the Hallidz anor, fare ser was appoint ous to the Ha ord iis he jare In recent years Mr. Lyle has ser was appoi and » to his wor joined ne been practically 2 Jer a delegate by the Provin: tyor¢ in a few minute BETTER LARGER heey, Tattically Bi) over He 3 " he ar of the ference. the Board of Health to attend the After spending most of his holi The heads here believe that he x rs far-seeing administrator and in other communities go, with our. break-up of the conference an Medical Convention in i} A ; countries or advising the federal British Gallup Poll gave the pub \ anadian ica ! sad of his family, the larger unit represented by a government as a counsel Outside the hospital. responsible pos- good wishes, our respect. lic a chance to sav which of the p his vea n a Mar undreds of questions, county make for easier and bet- bes ! with copies of ter administration. at least so It is reassuring to see him \ countries 5 1 {. the Po sked | ach I 0 county I nnear and Sons. whole- nt, far as its affairs are concerned. back and to know that this im- b'ame for the ( Result DO YOU THINK THAT RUS : i Toront "chas. |01Ms necessary to management ene Me! a S that America SIA DOES OR DOES NOT WANT a 5 Of 1oronto, purchas- .,;,,¢ advising of pitfalls to watch As one point, they contend that Porta a of government, Obsolescence In Id as suffered considerably Alm st THE SUMMIT MEETING TO Iding site from R. W. gp we have formed the follow- it is more fair to spread welfare W teh 3h ne ods much mare sup. e n three British citizens - believe SUCCEED ; n, proprietor of the Oshawa jn. opinions (1° this dedicated Costs over a broad base rather post Sing Sevelopment, 1s aga both countries are equall Sl Dw 3. com: nto the welfare of others, than tie them to a small munici- 10 able hands principals and the ability to apply them fault. An analysis of the nation's Doe arehouse branch here s the greatest good-will ambas- Pal unit perhaps with little or no grpoNG ARM 4 nood shows that 89 per cent Locs n Teg sador we have ever met 2) industrial assessment Transport Minister John Yar- ee f Corners Soccer an, e VIP invited to 1 8 TK \ ave: the Sik he McLaughlin' > VohE I Sa a LYLE BACK 2 emko must have the strongest | {he opening siine oi open in Bu Sie Nan ' F.. "Pat Lyle is coming right arm in the government. At 'know-why' pei cent piace at least some of 0 at ary High Scbood MUL be is same erbert back to the government service. least in the opinion of Premier * the blame on the U.S.A Pnroughout the crisis Mr, Mae. Playec ugh 1 Chesebrough ; _.... And he.is. welcome. Frost. Moreover almost. as large a Millan has retained a high de. 3V¢unds LEE RODGERS Mr. Lyle is taking over the di- Mr. Yaremko has been chosen segment say that as a result. of grec of popularity with the pub sidewalks were heing laid on . JOE GUGUL rectorship of the Trade and In- by the premier io take over the ecent events they are inclined 'ic. Today 79 per cent say they & pmcoe street north as far as Ar- FRED WREGGI dustry branch of Planning and provincial secretary's portfolio Sault Ste. Marie Development--the post that was in a caretaker capacity. THANKS vacated recently by Alex V This means Mr. Yaremko will pian Crate in most unhappy circum- have to sign thousands of docu- Dear Si stances ments 'The Business and Professional The e¢ircumstance finds Mi But nobody expects: he will Pet. William Oke won first prize Women's Club of Oshawa and pyle now a man of 63, coming have to do it too long. I ' 1 strict wish to thank y f chinery, equipment and plants. But he world of the future will demand from Mor Nita to tr iat ther 8 and D. Stewari, sevond prize. al District wish to thank you for c PARAGRAPHICAL tic oshava Gun Club Prize Shoot "1" Regional Conference. held "hange 48 vent here May 7th W ISDOM A S Made G. Kelly are great. What we cannot afford, and in perspective, a greater ability to ana- 100 Miiss A. Henderson assumed her Oshawa Sadgling GE PW( 1 "we " a. RUSSIANS duties as matron of the Chil -- what the educational system can help lyze and to exercise creative imagina- A orc Morgna has been getting quite dren's Shelte THANKS As Miss Louise Jamieson. nursing The new. addition to the Oshawa eonsultant to the Ontario Hospital General Hospital will permit enlarge- Services Commission, told a graduating ment of training facilities. Indeed. the class of nurses recently: "The graduate nurse can no longer carry out herself require considerable enlargement of the all the nursing tasks. She tends to be nurding staff itself I'ne British people place blame What it all adds up to, is that more for the Summ failure fairl Pet evenly, between Russia ar the \ 1 .e 23 LE} nited States Iu a.national study r os PR 30) » a nurse-teacher and a competent and of professions. To the graduates here .(niucted immediately afte come the keystone of those services She is expected to be a skilled technician than ever nursing is one of the noblest A penetrating analysis of our rapidly changing society and the implications in new situations may be more valu- : : k : ace ast some of the blame ont such change has for the individual was able than specific skills. At every level on Russia. On the other hanc given by Ronald 8. Ritchie. employee of the productive chain relations manager of Imperial Oil. Ltd. may be much more of an asset than in a recent address. 'know-how." He said the astounding pace in the Mr. Ritchie pointed out that auto- wo trust the Americans less, as are satisfied with his record as jnsion avenue and Greta street nis for Russia. Almost half Prime Minist 16 per cent ar nation's view-point is un- dissatisfied. The balance, 5 per Norman Goebel was appointed beginning to do some jobs formerly (hanged cent, are. undecided assistant town engineer World Copyright Reserved growth of knowledge and of the change mation and similar developments were in technology today has led inevitably to a high rate of obsolescence in ma- done by people and he added that "the AMERICANS added this very pertinent comment: almost everyone more intellectual skills Less inclined to trust them, 44 "We can afford this because the gains a greater ability to see things wholly and Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO inclined to trust them, 4 ed to trust them. 47 . Xercise sin nd Site h Dear Sir LICENSED TRUSTE i YC 4 ¢ been taking a tonic and following Public Health Committee of the behalf » B \ . ENS TRUSTEES o . os y Because this has been neglected so 1 19 deer 1 N On behalf of the Bay of Quinte . Yet because of the breath-taking t 2 z er interpretation of instruc- Local Council of Women had se- Conference of the United Church e PARTNERS e o TELEPHONE and other much in recent years in the persuit of 90 tion on the label 'Sh: ike well cured the Mission House on Al- of Canada I should like to thank HON. J JVALDO MonTETH Oshawa RA 5-3527 Al the same me that the before taking seri street for the purpose of you for using the material car- = A. BROCK MONTEITH AJAX WH 2-08%90 people blame both countries to holamg weekly clinics for child ried by CP reporting the ' pro B.Comm. CA note that some employers of engineers 1 (he same degree for the That ti has been flving weifare ceedings of the recent meeting of GORDON Ww. RIEHL ! Bowmanville ROBERT F. LIGHTFOOT, C.A. GEORGE E. TRETHE\EY, C.A. ZENITH 45750 'splonage planes ove the Conference. The people of the C.A., R.A, Res. Partner G. W. RIEHL -- RA 5-4478 us avoid. is obsolete people." tion." t 1 speed of modern change. circumstances. there has been a tendency the physical sciences. it is interesting to on the part of many educationists. are urging universities to broaden the Summit fa there a wide 3 spread disbelief in ian sin a er » t \ tchekahs held a euchre party United Church in your an methods of schooling in favor of new Scope of engmering courses to COVer ,..i. In the same study inter- Americans who d K 1 icc 400 guests attended. Pro- most appreciative of been Some aspects of the humanities and ewers asked in their dealings with one another cecds was sent to the Old People's formed of the affairs of ino od 'DO YOU THINK THE RUS. .ations do not implicitly believe Home and Children's Orphanage Church spend a little less time on specialize SIANS ARE OR ARE NOT SIN- that honesty is the best policy maintained by the Oddfellows My work has been made easy techniques. -- lish As Mr. Ritchie pointed out, business many notable scholars, but it is felt ent pl the big to think and. dink that some students succeed not because well of the system but in spite of it. This i is how Mr. Ritchie put it : . ' . : Other Editor's Views on this continent at least, to scrap old theories, often before they have tried and tested As a result, some streamlined methods in education have inclined to over emphasize the practical approach and the specific skill rather than develop the ability of a person's mind to adjust to change and. above all. to think on a broader base, the Port Arthur News- detailed training required for their par- ticular needs if the people who come to them have first been given a good foundation training at school. New techniques and modern equip- Chronicle comments. ment are needed in am educational program but they should be used as a means to one basic end -- the develop- Like everything else, education must change with the times. It has produced firms can fairly quickly provide the 'In North America we have tended to give a great deal of the credit for our high standards of living to some- CORN AHEAD OF PEAS thing we call 'know-how' . In a world (Windsor Daily Star) of rapid change, understanding the For a hurry-up meal, housewives usually toss in a can of peas. Peas also POST TIME 25 PM show up a good deal on restaurant Tye Oshawa Times To L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manager But peas are losing out in favor of 3 GWYN KINSEY, Editor eorn. Last year, 3,289.568 cases of hi a ang €ream and kernel corn were canned, i 1863) 3: Di shed daily ~, Are: age 37 rao. & Dubis compared to 3,036,290 cases of peas, papers Pub the former leader. NOTE CHANGE OF TIME SPECIAL BUS SERVICE Leaves Oshawa Terminal 11:30 A.M.' returns This might be a sign of a slight revolution in the kitchen. . nd also the loca soecial despat Bible Thoughts SUBSCRIPTION. RATES Hear. my son, your father's instrue- carriers in Ost Vhitp A tion, and rejtct not your mother's teach- immediately after last race. Fare $2.65 includ- ing Proverbs 1:8 ing admission to track. Many. a life has been shipwrecked be- General Admission 1.00 (inc. tax) Clubhouse 2.50 (incl tax) Free Parking Reserved Seats Phone BU 6-2111. Ask for Admissions Office cause of disregard for this great' admo- de corners MNition to all young people C e livery areas pwher ) per year. Average Daily Net Paid Go to the ant, O sluggard: eonsider os of April 30, 1960 her ways, and be wise.--Proverbs 6:6. It is simply amazing to watch the activities of the ants. If vou have such an opportunity, by all means, take it. You will depart wiser than before.