The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1960, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 25, bud _ | Fined $75 Hol a Mu si Cc 2, 0 i On Charge Demonstration Ee as WY i Dennis A. Boniga, he" of a . / PORT PERRY -- Approximate-| Rh; by hopping, skipping street was Tuesda, Of Impaired |, omar me iy Tore ti Perry Public School's Music| The second class of Sram 3 2 $21, or 10 days, when he BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|Demonstration and open house/gave a splendid before Magistrate Stenley Martin, 27, of Nash road, recently. Following last year'sistration and also a el gntrul Tuesday was fined $75 and costs, ful plan of holding three|folk dance. or 10 days, when he pleaded different demonstrations, owing guilty before Magistrate R. B.|to the large enrolment of over/BOUNCING BALLS Baxter to a charge of having care|400 students, the entertainment of Grades 3's demonstrated the and control of a motor vehicle|Thythm, singing and dramatics|art of bouncing balls to music as while his ability was impaired by/was well received. well as their singing accomplish- alcohol. The Kindergarten, Grades 1, 11,{ments and folk dancing. Grade 4 It was Martin's second convie- and III gp held in fhe after. | demansizated Juytheale SS drunkennes ion/noon and the senior grades hel ropes tion of 8 in connection| NOOR BIL AM 1h the evening, |along with vocal and dance selec- { with a motor vehicle. He was, ' liiiiorium of the school was|tions. ving. JC" "8 liilied to capacity with interested| The evening session comprie- OPP Constable Jim McDonald|Parents, relatives and friends. |ed the students from Grades 4 to told the court he went to Virtue's| Under the direction of M¥s. G.§. The choral work was really Service Station on King street, Hastings. the students prepared a|outstandi and the May 19, after information was fine program, After the musical hoys and girls triple trio which received about a car parked demonstration the guests were in-|was presented at the Musical there Vitd 10 Mss the Sasstqoms to Festival. The seniors gave 2 PC McDonald said on his ar-|See the notebooks, artwork, maps splendid display of physical train- ound and crafts which were on dis-|ing and the evening was brough 1t Fival Joe & Be scovsed sing play. to a close with the senior desided § belied Ye Stecring Who The students put on an ambi-|choir singing Dear Land of Home. motor running n of i STAFF OF AJAX AND PICKERING HOSPITAL een ask lo wep fram the were, tarred ot lina dn bob of he. Madan PICTURED ARE SOME OF | pital Day at the hospital. From | Gerrow, Reg. N,, Director of | head nurse and Mrs. E. Lengen, |complete circle and had to use|Perfect showmanship. One of the|called Mrs. Hastings to the plat- FAST DOGS pl, Freethy ' the mbers of the was "quite talkative" when be fit] is SRgHE hk the staff of the Ajax and Pick- | the left, Mrs. M. Hewson, Reg. | Nurses; Mrs. M. Brown, Reg. | Re¢, N. The reception was @ [his car for support." He smelled Outstanding features of the even-\form and members ering General Hospital who | N.; Mrs. P. Laming, Reg. N.; | N. medical and surgical super- | colorful affair and was well al- |glightly of alcohol and "was un-|ing was the numbers rendered bY|choir which won the award at/lated to the greyhound species, was arrested and lodged in pol | the special choir which recently| Ajax presented her with a beau-|but is stronger and heavier, leells, -- thcught for more than a couple . | » of minutes at a time," PC Mec- Music held ir Mz The Master their appreciation for her untir- Donald said. of Ceremonies for Sessions|;; ¢ efforts in training them to e arge n OS1S ivian rine Lu addition fo the fine, Mar-|%as the principal, Mr. Roy H'lys, ihe highest honors in their : { tin's licence was suspended for : class at the Fourth Annual On- Rhythm Band was quite unique ots, with Vicky Short and Patti Leay He proseation "* a Sif to Ms. Now Serving-- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- found the accused lying untongal. Against Two: Whitby man, Lloyd A.|lous across the front se: ot lis|Bertie. Dele Hftwest, nan TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario starring Debbie deirey. Diane sacking Brolaeion a rt |Cameron, 21, of 300 High street, car. department i 3 Neon Re 3 CURRAN BRIGGS He said Cameron yh $100 and assessed court of reform Institutions (Tl No ihe students formed tation was made by Mr. Cornish & blasting two area teen-agers and less driving to which he pleaded(cult to wake up. After he man- fail when their actions es those guilty May 17 before Magistrate|aged to rouse him and take him Mégisiratz R. B. Baxter om algae. About 40 inmates of pe on a splendid showing of play wee adie lo bt SE mnastic " Magistrate R. B. Baxter Tuesday dditi ed staggered on the way into a, dismissed a charge of stealing a J Gamers wis Sites "additional the. station. y m Constable Tracey Davis training in forestry and dam-|Ruythm Band Instruments. Mrs. G. Hastings, Miss Joblin, quart of oil from a service sta- five days on a charge of driving| Police Chief Bernard R. Kitney said he rece buildi Grade 2 demonstrated Childhood! Mrs. E. Bailey, Mrs. H. Bailey, 3, Bowmanville and Kenneth Pen-(nencion He pleaded guilty to|conce issued to "Anthony Cam-|on Liberty street morth Sunday wright, RR 1, Oshawa. this charge Tuesday. |eron" but he knew him as Dennis| night John Gibbs, an employee at his| Town Constable Louis Phillips|Anthony Cameron. A check with; Ascarding to PC Davis, the street, told the court the pair, .. co ihhound on Liberty street vealed his licence was under sus- and in the process had caused Bes pulled into his place of business) |south and had attempted to turn pension for financial responsibil- slight damage id ; L] / ~~ Saturday night and asked for &| i; ono Simpson avenue. ty reasons At 523 am. Monday PC Les y ] > quart, of = hi ofl io Hie cor. According to PC Phillips, the Cameron told. the Sout he Ricard advised PC Davis he had ' . ' as g fast yi thoug s licen Be. # % the rior ill rursing, with Nea | laccused was going too fast to|thought his licence was only 8us- stopped the vehicle he was look oo A : -@ el erg \ } (J joined in the reception on Hos- | in 'charge of OBS; Maunsell J. visor; Mrs. E. Steer, Reg. N. | tended. --Photo by John Mills |aple to keep a steady trend of a won awards at the Festival of, basket of flowers to show| EE a what His Worship sald would The Kindergarten presented| on; County Music Festival. Dismissed In Driving Case [$100, Costs [ime Hn int ie BE Hime, Sk mac piconets sul | OUR NEW. PLANT AT AJAX hip. Grad BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| REFORMATORY CAMP |'Kn8 the lender or piaviet|tion of 25 years of service in the(l AJAX wee PICKERING -- HIGHLAND CREEK' was Tuesday fined $25 and costs, thi BOWMANVILLE (Stat) --After| d tf. [costs totalling $9 or one month in|will operate a summer camp this| yo" choir guards, cooks, sweep-|08 behalf of the chairman of the ) or five days on a charge of care-|strongly of alcohol and was diffi Y appeared before|yesr in the Midhurst area Doar ors 'on %. iy (Cooks, sweep- |G enool Board, Mr. 8. Bruton, who READY I] LTD deploring a of "smart alec youn, ks", IR . charge of illegal possession of # ¥ i 3 & Toes B. Sunes. io Jolice. Nesdcuaieers, the 2 Guelph Reformatory will undergo note and rest values using the formances were Music Director PHONE: 'OSHAWA, RA 5-3516-7 tion against Monty Neal, 16, RR |wpile his licence was under sus-|sa'd the accused produced a li-ia car was being hot alot Vout father's service station on KIng|i 14 the court the accused had|the Department of Transport re-|vehicle had cut another car off complete the turn and went into pended for a month and at the ing for, On returning to the sta- driving, Sen Weil Lack. paused the ditch on Simpson avenue end of a month he took a driver's tjo;, PC Davis noticed the ac- ' = Sle his money On | his arrival at the scene, he test in Oshawa. |cused smelled quite strongly of al- . ; 3 il em-- etl]. He idl MENT | Looking th i : : can ---- NO PAY ooking through his ranch i ADA'S GRADE "A" He said when. neither offered Mad Cc Driver wagon, PC Davis found a full payment, he thought the wind- [bottle of Mquor behind the seat. ' RED BRAND BEEF CARBFULLY SELECTED FOR SUPERS EATING! shield must have been dirty, so |The seal on the bottle had not he Rehited. the pumps wil Ge S 7 D S |been broken wv i SHORT CUT ¢ romamaeor (Got ay | fumen sens mvs | PRIME RIB ROAST -59 clean the windshield bottle s in his vehicle and said As he started back towards the he did not know who was in his : oe Bee) Lod wey from BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| OPP Constable Pat Harte ca: who coud have left the Ring Se pumps a K gh 4 piivaie Roy Earl Rose, 3, of Madoc, Maxwell told the court he in-|liquor there, He said he was at RD -l Ls. ¢ ani veway onto was Tuesday sentenced to seven|formed Rose at the scene he a Steelworkers' Banquet in Osh- " Co days in the United Counties Jail at would be charged with drunk awa Friday night, but he did not 7% . Both Neal and Penwright testi- Cohourg when found guilty by driving and asked him if he would know anyone who would have . d SWEET PICKLED CRY-O.VAC Lb. GRADE "A" OVEN READY Sed Hey Jever ought about Magistrate R, B. Baxter to a submit to a blood test. left the liquor im his ear, ' . 4 COTTAGE ROLLS 49% pay ing fo 8 es Ne -- & in- | {charge of drunk' driving lrounn BEER po ME Br Br og hs hd 8 'secon Gan ge, having] arte Motwell suid 'he ater. the accident, td the court BOLOGNA + =. reo. ee 39¢ 4 2 I f ow . PKO. bad their pay in their pockets." |, i50000" Rose was fined $10 and |found a six pint ease of beer in ive Hes eff onghon were pha His Worship refused to believe PeSid or an additional three days. | the truck with two full pints of) thew were ot acti "ice omens Witness Ronald Sweeney, Wil: beer in swveral em ST as cd and he ree Se Adonis Sve ig Sticks "20 alec young punks", He threaten.|lowdale, told the court he was Hood Su bottle with the fop|held it about 15. minutes. Both ; : |tires on the right side were jo- g SCHNEIDER Nl } ed Neal that any re-occarrence proceeding north on Highway 115 ill on it. such cenduct would mean he|April 20 when the accused, driv-|® flat rly, he shid. " uo' wu write the Miter of High-|ing a pick-up truck, attempted to| Rose said he only had three i Harry R. Dey- SANDWICH ROLLS i res > ness Sle ways recommending he be forbid- |pass him on the right [pints of beer prior to the acci-| 00 said the results from ¥ fu. i BACON & LIVER, SANDWICH SPREAD den from driving a car. The witness stated Rose tried dent and these he drank along the ipo blood test taken about two i or BRAUNSCHWEIGER Both eccused wore duckail to cut in front of him from the| |roadway after purchasing the SiX | ours after the accident showed haircuts and His Worship noted [shoulder of the road, the rear end pint case in Toronto. He stated | |Rose to have as much as 18 YOUR CHOICE > this type of grooming certainly of his truck hit the front of his/he drank emother bottle while cco of beer in his system at 4 OZ. PKG. did not place any confidence in|car, then the truck rolled over w aiting for the police to arrive at| (the time of the accident. the younger generation as far a8 and landed on its wheels in the/the scene "to try and straighten). ol imie------ berg' the older people were concerned. |ditch. himself out" after the shaking-up ein However, after a proper| |, Sweeney's opinion, the ac-/he got when his truck flipped, LONG PRESERVED tongue-lashing, the magistrate cused was intoxicated; however, He blamed the accident on a] Remains of ancient plants and] | A n told the pair he would, because |}, did admit in cross examina. |tire on the right front side which animals have been recovered | * --y of the seriousness of a eonvic- ion the accused was injured blew and said he jerked the wheel |froi: the La Brea tar pits near tion, daira the Sage against slightly and some of his actions|in order to avoid an accident, Leos Angeles, Calif. Eo OR 2 fics be e v Gibbs he Soc brads T|after the accident could be attrib-| Sidney Barregal, operator of| MARTIN'S 48 OL. ot for the J to pay his $6 wit- AD ted to the shaking up he got jue service station on Highway| / nN _ pess fee. i |atter the truck rolied. 115 where the Rose car was taken iy TO MAT Q JUICE \ : "They left» a I am a ---- CAMFORNIA, NO. VY hindi - . a v @ ' GARMENT MAKERS | » f oy 3 ; he RI | 3 NATURAL GAS SUMMER PRIDE , CREAM STYLE DEVON ASSTD. STANDARD YORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 20 OZ. TINS STRAWBERRIES : NG RONG AP) - ; . : ono moe Kom ane SAS J CORN =. rw 11¢ | PEAS oz. me 11¢|BEANS"~PORK 2/27¢ exports from Hong Kong were \ " ORIGINAL worth $120,000,000 in 1959, one- es 0 | ! i$ YOUR PINT CONT. ¢ third of all exports from this void % BE 3 WNCHEON MEAT crown colony. ARE Lia i BEST BUY : > 12 OZ. TIN § »*aacune i] = 2 ' HOUSE MIRACLE WHIP 2a 33 GREEN BEANS i HEATING Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 5 49¢ [Spaghetti Sauce 2/49 19:. TOMATO SOUP-- --- Tk Jl icin INSTANT COFFEE 806 | SPEBIAL K +» ox. reo. 25¢| MARGARINE: w. eos. 4/89 25. FRESHPAK FROZEN CONC. ORANGE JUICE 2 1% 92. Vn BO. SWEET, JUICY, FLORIDA Anniver sary Gift i Ri : { TIP TOP FROZEN g RIG. OR PINK SR DELICIOUS RED CUTTERS re IRAN | NL coum WATERMELONS 13 REE NTs Sun 13 oe LEMONADE 10 w QQ: uit . [2 PLASTIC : on gas lite Until September !! TUMBLERS sr SALMON % or we 49: PRAT ll Colemore f "BvEARS 6°20 Y= CUTGREENBEANS ~ccme 2/25 JM ~~ Unti®em . on month bills ; NDA! F or (H ed A ir $14.60 | 3 30a D7 "ne PLASTIC i= Peng uin 'DELICIOUS - 20 02. INL Ny "re WHITBY forced air fornses, In. TG cluding labour and Gas Furnace ER TUMBLERS | BE GINGER ALE 10M = ajax ns mr | bg for ordering Coleman ) 3500 most furnaces. | 6 10.02. 49+ reel, ASSTO. FLAVOURS urnaces during Coleman's 8 ia ; : | CHANGE-OVER CAN BE | 2 Sth aiwiversary calebuation. DONE IN A FEW HOURS | ALUMINUM CHAISE ol ul Sleinber 9» - | 3 Units for all types of home heating | v Coleman: heating means sot oral pes of hore hatin) LOUNGES clip these Coupons and get EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps! here's 2 $500 Wamanty Bond uy det. | STRONG SARAN EE SES aa \ i iva nator | & WRAPPING EXTRA EXTRA 2 EXTRA 2 EXTRA EXTRA Only with Coleman can you get Ontario Fuel Board to sell and Install natural i" 3 ] " each$ 88 ae ll Vly Sow Vid" Sung; Tab Seen ~ Tow ; Build up your home team with the delicious nutrition of Blue Bonnet oll vege table Margarine. Ms sunny- sweet flavour scores high with the whole family. Buy ® in the handy Yellow Quik packoge. this bonded guarantee. gi Sapna oul & wn a, Sie SHORGAS LTD yp, J ; pis ahd gy SrActute- Jot Ore A 23° tou Of ROVAL INSTANT ----y - 25¢ OFF DEAL # MR o JY LANNIRY;: or 33 SARAN 3% i ron wo 1 po SALES and SERVICE ON PROPANE end | RA 3-3468 / gr WRAP z. Yy ~ RL A mw 10 SAT. JUNE 4,000 use SAT. Pho 4,1960 VAUD 10 SAT LE 4,000 2 SATJUNE 4,190 x 10 541 JUNE 4.1080 NATURAL GAS EQUIPMENT VICTORIA & GALT STS.-WHITBY SUPPORT THE 3 MO 8-3328-9 ($ HOSPITAL DRIVE! ¢ MARGARINE

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