The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT With narrow-souled people as § i with narrow-necked bottles, the Mainly Sandy tonight, Thre. less they have in them the more Say cloudy with occasional rain, noise they make in pouring it ge Shange in temperature, _ 8 out. rd VOL. 89--NO. 120 wow OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1960 Pont Gite" Deparment. Ottawa TWENTY PAGES Spy Satellite 8 mi Death Toll Fired By US. 74 In Chile = 'Round Globe J¥4 Hits 2000 ? SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)~Death/down in mountainous seas off|mous. He ordered every available and devastation mounted in south-| Puerto Corral. All aboard were festuees thrown into relief opers ations, .- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) bit from this missile base. Air differentiate between rockets and «An experimental Americanforce officials Tepoiten Xe path Gthes fica producing sources on , ; "spy" satellite whirled about the through space rang rom an| e earth. % 4% ? i ¢ 9, inutes today, apogee of 322 miles to a perigee i / ; u ern Chile today following con- believed lost. A Tt minutes ota: of 29.1 miles. They said its Togo NOT CROSSING RUSSIA bai tinued earthquakes and tidal| Continuing earth tremors Fleets of military and civilian uipment on giant flares and and sensors were functioning per-| The satellite is following a = 7g a f waves. Erupting volcanoes added spread terror, rocking the moun- Planes rushed doctors, nurses and friendly rockets : fectly and that it performed as course that covers all terriiory 28 >. 4 ® to the horror. |tainous southern provinces. Land.|emergericy supplies southward. i reighing 2% Iplanned so that its instrument. degrees north and south of the CE -- Authorities put the toll at nearly|slides crashed into the Pacific at| They were joined by planes and es, ng soi laden nose always is pointed at|equator. Thus. it does not pass - / 2,000 dead or missing and per-|Maullin, a town of 1,500 about 600(helicopters from the United Ae ermine He eam ter] the. earth |over Russia. However, by the end RE hi : hs haps 2,000,000 without homes. Of- miles south of Santiago |States, Argentina and Peru. Pope using a series of such sateles rhe mammoth satellite, 22 feet|0f the year, an advanced Midas : Se : i: : ficial sources predicted the total] At least five d : John directed that funds be dis- » patra a i long and five feet in diameter, |and the His Samos Pecopuals , . ts 7 ; / ; 7 would rise considerably when full {were Drouat to te By Tl catoes tributed by his nuncio in San- . od i wh ri st i i sance satellite are expected to ; 0% 5 Ph 2% ree |tiago. Hadont vii wired sop, vil tou cent 2 cr ent MR Ft ho Ee aThim: ¢ "tes serve of 1 hostile issil the instant it|f'ares to be ignited in California, take them over the Soviet Union. iu "i 4 / breakdown. | i PACIFIC SWEPT a 4 The first flare will be fired] By 1962, networks of six or CC , VOLCANOES ACTIVE | Tidal waves set off by the 1 ' 6 The government has not even |quakes sept to all corners of the is fired. : rig within a few days, at a time when eight of these "spies in the sky" : Four volcanoes, Osorno, Caulle, : : : begun reckoning the propertyl.,, ol 0" Casablanca, - 'were .2L Pacific, taking their greatest The test vehicle was launched hy > a : : + the satellite passes overhead. |are slated to provide complete ; Tuesday into a near-circular or- i . \ i 5 we damage caused by the earth con. ro 3 toll in Japan. Th Midas, also Wil 4 lo pick Ai sud Soustamt geanbing Mi THE LOCKHEED Missiles | Coasting phase of the Agena | a nose-down position and goes |vulsions, but the interior Ministry |eTUPting in Osorno province about) "my 0 "iis "state of Hawaii has rocket launchings from Floridale ss 2 p | satellite during which it posi- | into orbit. Satellite is forerun- |saig the figure will be in hundreds 500 miles south of Santiago, offi-|, n declared a disastér al i i i its h t installation | and Space division says this | 4 4 2 a h e : 5 " . - 1 te eS yon Jovan op a atiene 2d artist's drawing shows the steps | tioned itself horizontally to the | ner oy series gibere Which Will lof millions, and reconstruction tials, said Tuesday High Som lowing it to apply to the federal dazl Ild four weeks. It probably will re- land missile bases. | which orbited the Agena sate- | earth. C and -D:_ Satellites in- ay ae ens ag cee |will take many years. TGs 0 |government in Washington for | | tegral engine fired, to power | in their noses to provide almosi Tidal waves spawned by thel y aid. A similar declaration was main in orbit about three years.| | Nite fired at Cape Canaveral to- | Agena to necessary 18,000 miles | instant warning of hostile mis- quakes: have Askew 'the heaviest, A pilot reported that 7,330-f00t made for the Los Angeles-Long Purehue, near Osorno, also was Beach harbor area on the Cali- The sensors will be able to . | ale Fh : : ; day. A: Missile fired, using | per hour and attitude change. | sile attack. : { é | In Israel (General Will Atlas ICBM as booster. B: | The Agena is then stabilized in | --AP Wirephoto wi. one Jirging puvall of Water!) elching fire. In Cautin province fornia_coast, where d High CAR INDUSTRY Quelen to their death Sunday, the|t® the north a new volcano began heavy but no lives were lost. | RYH interd ini i |spitting flame and smoke. New Zealand's South Island was Visit Oshawa | : 'Shi C d interior ministry said. Another 7 B Jide | i President Jor g e Alexxandri, reported to have suffered a quake Due Soon BRIEF PREPARED | OTTAWA (CP) -- Maj. - Gen. Immigrant ac et 1pS TOW kilisy, Ivars han 10 = Aleta) ny the pad AS area, Ee but there hob no JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli Mayors of Ontario's four (R. t 3. ant of | | |scribed the destruction as 'enor- reports of damage. , 4 y R. H. Hewetson, command of | - survivors of Nazi death camps auto - producing centres met |the British Army Staff College at | | VILLAGES SWEPT AWAY are still excitedly discussing the Tuesday in Toronto to approve |Camberley, England, will visit For ave a or Il e oun ol ool. Gest role Ne re AT UNI { ED NATIONS news that Adolf Eichmann, 4 brief asking. federal aid for [Canadian defence establishments " drowning 120 persons. Other re- blamed for the death of 6.000,000| the industiy by changes in tax |and industrial plants in Ontario 5d oO) ! Jews, has been captured and ang duties on imported cars. |May 29 to June 6 army head-| OTTAWA (CP)--A sordid im- bear, Commissioner Harvison etroit ort ports told of whole villages swept bought to Israel for trial. Mayors M. J. Patrick of [quarters announced Tuesday, migrant racket involving black- said. away by waves up to 24 feet high, : ' The former Hitler official's trial windsor, W. R. Bald of St. Cath- | The chief purpose of Gen. He.|mail, extortion, forged docu-| Many of the illegal immigrants At least 500 persons are missing is expected to take place in sev-| arines Lyman A. Gifford of | wetson's visit is to study instruc-/menis and slave Chinese labor paid off by working for low! DETROIT (AP)--Cargoes andiin three southern provinces, re arges | eral months in Jerusalem. Oshawa and Willian Anderson |tion methods at -the Canadian|has lined the pockets of opera-|wages for a specific employer in ships, including a Dutch ocean feared victims of the invading {Army Staff College, Kingston, [tors with an estimated $44,000,-|Canada. Others who had retired liner, crowded the port of Detroit |yaters, The Israeli government is ex-| oo Goyoime will present the [Canada ¢ pected to ask the death penalty) prio to Prime Minister Diefen |and the army's combat develop- 000. |their indebtedness were black- | today in a Great Latkes langstore. Two Chilean freighters, the ' for the war criminal who eluded] py 0. in the first week of June, | ment. . | More than 30 raids were car-|Mailed for additional sums on pve ae 8 against the Team. Santiago and EI Camelo, went 263 I 1 00 1 ¥ LE eapture lor ee stances of The brief does not recom- | Arriving at Toronto's Malton ried out in nine Canadian cities Penalty SAP Chinese |sters Union S i i i - | Ai i isit| Tuesday morning to gather evi-| "In cases e Chinese |" 4 . 3 Eokh his arrest are being kept secret Tino MENT Hanis On TROT | ARON 8 a "the "following dence against promoters of. the could not go to anyone for help," | 'A strike of 2,000 American stev- . UNITED NATIONS (CP) --|tery Christian Herter, in defend- day and then proceed to the staff operation, described by Immigra-|the commissioner said. "They edores st foreign p Western opposition in the United|ing the U-2 flight, had enunciated coilege for a two-day visit. He(tion Minister Fairclough as knew this would mean deporta- Which started a week ago, has de- Nations Security Council today a "Herter doctrine" that the U.S. will tour the-A. V. Roe plant at|"large-scale." tion so became pawns in a layed or otherwise hampered ves- doomed in advance a Soviet reso- hed the right to send spy planes June" 2, Camp Tn the last 10 years about 21;- Slave peration." sel movements on al the en- . lution asking for condemnation of over the Soviet Union for security Borden 3 . s June F before Senving | am helt them, : son ih A Favoacts io he " I ; oA Ca Nocls bn . two . e By and: or abirter ore illegally: grants, or had . Longshoremen na- avial entions, _ both . for England from Montreal the ge efi packer caid CMP have their entry into Canada|dian ports are not involved in the counel, Ceylon and Tunisia, oviation conventions, both, rath same evening. {Commissioner C. W. Harvison. legalized. contract dispute. : TOKYO (CP)--Japan today be. Majority pt op merely abstain|authorized flights "over foreign [WILL GIVE AID A break in. te. strike front gan cleaning up ap destruction the vote expected Thursday, |conntries. Unemployment A L1it oc come ty, Moi ? J riot ; ; | "In cases where Chinese come! )uesday night, wever, gave ., b: : tid. Both Ceylon and Tunisia were GARCIA BEATS Commissioner Harvison said n0|, 0 q™0 0" 20" for our help| hopes for an early settlement. Saused i sefies of the Pacific (2 speak this afternoon along with T 0 ow wo shawa are planned until the "oa To Lob oh to assist| Strikers at Toledo, Ohio, ac frém quake-hit Chile and slam.|U S-allied Ecuador in the third al Ss Re 11 At 517 000 THREE BANDITS 7 ph a pio d: them," the minister said. | cepted New. Suiaes se De-Imed into the eastern coast of|Session of the council debate on ; . tails were announc un- : the Soviet charges. (iw | a ad might for knaves when | The chiet objective of Tuer" GREEN MONTH ion representatives said the terms "528 1500 1. yore hit among], Even before council began ae : DAWA (Cp ch aller than. pie contisued slackness in louse-| Peto Garcia started swinging (985s taids, captied ot io MOL: | mens at other ports "luoera" Pcie nas btiered toe sbeevers bre vere cern. 1} @SCl@NIES ployment bet : y ero | Graadeerd. . 2, Br : SCORE BOARD | To Detroit River docks, ex- philippines, New: Zealand." Ha|Set the seven votes necessary for| Joyment between mid-March and offs in manufacturing were re- i ni |nia, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, i" | . Mid-Apri left the country's job-'ported, and forestry operations) ia a lg he Edmonton and Vancouver, was '|pandedithis year to handle news; New Guinea and the Solo-|2doption. Tuesday session bore 4 less rolls at 517,000 on April 23,|declined seasonally. | snoozing early Tuesday when |t0 Obtain evidence 'against the Tocsdar M | Shipping volume from the sea-| nc [this out. : | n awal the government estimated today. Here is the Ontario employment| three mer unhinged the front |"acketeers, believed to include Accidents di : if' Pre tila vou i fi 4 The death toll in Japan 'was poLAND BACKS RUSSIA [ The decline of 49,000 from the Picture: | door and entered. {both Chinese and whites. 1| Injuries 0 2 reer ng id the| counted in scores. Though still un-|" Only Communist Poland and| TWO daughters of an Oshawa March 19 total of 566,000 -- the Bic Srployment fee by 20,-{ pSaneia awakened, grabbed a tne i We Sov: Montreal Fatalities 0 1 |bulkof the Soma on otled 2 Lr sele Workers 418 the Soviet Union were committed Pesident, holidaying in Hawaii, winter's peak -- left the unem-| in the month to 2,212,000 at| broadsword from among the 4 i | © 3 . i) 3 el |through debris, one unofficial re- |were scheduled to be in disaster pe | 2 agents obtained special warranis| Charges laid for verted from strikebound Ports pry Put the deaths as high as to vote for the proposal. Argen-| Hilo from May 22 to May ployment figure 72,000 higher than mid-April. However, farm em.| antique wall decorations, and (gFCS CO safety deposit boxes| traffic offenses 20 298 lelsewhere on the lakes. ¢ ; tina and Nationalist China said| its level of 445,000 in mid-April ployment rose by 24,000, and ind charged, crying "cuidabo!"-- and other documents of tose be- 0. Police said at least 150,000 they would vote no. France said| e a esg, |she could not give her assent to| No word has been heard from last year. wk : Pi in that field and other| which . Fajslates roughly | ved implicated Th lice Tisted: 95 dead. 5 The report by the bureau of outdoor activities were partly off-| "'watch out!" re ; " \ T The police lis 5 dead, 85 i itai Roberta Loretta statistics said the month's rediic- set by layoffs in manufaéturing,| The 26-year-old porter laid lonle ee re Canada, Ike (0) Re ort missing and 854 injured, 3.621 gio oseiution, Srilain B00 NY amas a and 2 oe, tion in unemployment was/ln the first four months of the| about among the varlets until |ihey bought in Hong Kong or in| Supe sunk or washed out to sea, |nositions, but were known to be Gates, 798.Simcoe St. N., since a smaller than the seasonal im- year employment was almost four| he broke the sword's dull blade |portuguese Macao, on the China 079 homes destroyed, 41,800 niarning to cast negative votes. |mile-long area in the heart of provements that occurred in cor- per cent above last year but ma-| UPon one man's backside. The | mainland about 80 miles from the | flooded, dykes broken at 80 places|" The resolution was pr d|Hilo was pounded four mass. responding periods in 1958 and nufacturing employment showed | trio, beaten fuil sore, fled. |erown colony. 0 | he eo le and 251 bridges wrecked. [by the downing of the American|ive tidal waves. 1959. Last year an 80,000 Srop in little change from last year. | The average price was about The Japanese press sharply yj. photo - reconnaissance plane| The waves struck other isl: unemployment took place between ----------__" ---- 184,000 but some immigrants paid | jSatkictied the Japan Meteorolog-|May 1 pear Sverdlovsk, deep in- as well, but. da andy mid-March 204 Ini po mths as much as $8,000. The racket-| WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-jas the free people of the world ea oar for 0 flashing 21 side the Soviet Union, and subse-|compared to os, Hilo, : The Sept, ase ola mo rid Govern |eers took what the traffic would dent Eisenhower makes a public/ have a right to hear it." 2 1 d 3 ee e first 0 the| quent information from Wash- Thirty-three persons were ki ahiot lore. su Yr oy I Tose men oan [report tonight on the collapse of The president's address, from SoVEM Votes h gan to batter|ingion that the U.S. had been dead. 23 poll and 53 mown number of persons with jobs ros |the summit conference and its ef-'the White House at 8 p.m. EDT, [gor ri ons ro and Hokkaido, making such spy flights over in the oe Island Jnjured [fect on the policies of 'the free|will be carried live by CBS and| "07 Whee warnings wer ri Viel territory for four years. disaster since 1946, Damage was by 74,000 in the month to 5,742, | 000 on April 23. This compared N ' Earthquake Rocks | world. [ABC television networks and the|.. Tidal wave warnings were lifted The Ruscians called. on'. the ter Oo ar or Oo 1€8S throughout the islands early 10 coum' to condemn "ine rsion ottciglly estimated at up to with a 112,000 increase in the cor- 1 { eds : ot , . h NSPOMG. SOE on: ost New Zealand Brea fc sweats iu is "aid legisla: Canada en or radio net. 023 and survivors returned to|by' United States aircrait into the | 00000: i i i |F- ' | ' - : : of Gis year a as In 1a} OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal ig a ome | WELLINGTON, N.Z. (Reuters) tive repercussions over the use of works. It will be rebroadcast at Se oi aside Tomes after fleeing|iorritory of other states" and to| Mr. Gates has attempted "to The. government also reporied SOvernment stands ready to con- 3 40.00 earthuate Sollowed a United Sates spy plane brought 10 p.m. by NBC-TV. The Voice| "qpe construction ministry esti-| 2X, the U.S. government to. ie eiepinte his daughters, but was today 787.225 persons were regis- ler making loans to local harbor by earth remors lasting an hour/dcwn in Russia Just before t. eof America arranged to broadcast! oi a Brill ent their recurrence. unable to get through. He has tered for jobs at National Em- commissions lacking funds to shook New Zealand's south island [summit blowup. {the message overseas in English alone "throughout: th tl Jerzy Michalowski of Poland now sent a telegram and is wait ploy ment Service offices on improve port facilities, Transport teday, but no damage or loss of The Kremlin was urged by the and 38 other languages, including age 700.000 8 p Mea country at cad Tuesday that State Secre-'ing for a reply. March 17. This was 43,436 less Minister Hees said Tuesday. ie Was reported, _|Wnite House to let the Russian Rrssian. 936,700,000 yen (about $2,750,000). | than a month earlier but 53,526 Mr. Hees made the remark in : A Feovhysicist warned that it people listen fo broadeasts on the| the Senate foreign: relations bigher than a year earlier. announcing a new split-the-cost : Sou % A oreTaner u a big-|president's 30-minute talk, James' committee, meanwhile, has called The registrations figure is not policy for improving local harbor | ' ak Y= the most severe (. Hagerty, making the appeal Siate Secretary Christian: Herter considered an accurate gauge of commission ports, i ik es 30) New Sea'ang Jur many [tie igh Toportets Juesday night, for closed-door testimony Friday, unemployment since it includes Sparked partly by the St. Law- fot j Eu Sa ussian people, as well starting a major inquiry into the FB |downing of the U-2 plane over So- an unknown number of persons rence Seaway, the mew policy is 5 seeking to change jobs and others aimed at getting local harbor jv § viet Russia and the chain of who have found work on their own commissions to put up some of the ; S FLASHES events which followed it. since registering. cash for building port facilities. = = a | The hearings are to continue The estimated 517,000 unem- There are about 2,300 public : Hiato next Jrock, ¥ith Jestimony by | wyed at mid-April constituted 8.3 harbors in Canada, but 2,000 of 3 : ja 1 W, es ofthe] I tes oor (hor are woo acs: but, 2.%0 ot Charges Raised Over Arrow Cost Central Intelligence Agency, De-| force of 6,259,000. This compared harbor master or full-time man- " OTTAWA (CP) «Paul Hellyer accused the government fence tink Thomas Gates, with the April, 1959, figure of 7.3 agement. Eight Bigger ports-- today of grossly misleading the public on estimated cost of the | i the io" coining, chairman per cent, when the labor force such as Montreal, Vancouver, ay Arrow interceptor program, The Liberal MP for Toronto 0c, Ont chiefs of staff, and stood at 6,109,000. In April' 1958-- Halifax, Saint John, N.B. and : 5 Trinity said in the Commons defence committee that 200 joiticiale " He ational. Meru. a year of record post-war unem- Quebec--are administered by the Arrows could have been procured for about $1.200,000.000 or |"71CS 20d Space Agency. ployment--the comparable figure National Harbors Board. ; | $1,000,000,000 less than the figure given by Defence Minister Fa ner Sohal Plobes ry was 8.6 per cent. Ni f-- 2 Pearkes. : 4 i pe Nine other harbors Port Al earkes |a special committee which keeps DIRE |berni, North Fraser, New West. GEORGE HEES su IN QUEBEC ni 1 v V . {regular check on the Central In- rN ue statement. ac: ister, AL in Bc, Winmipes, | Mp eis spelled outa. fia Polio Case Increase In B.C. Alberta |tclligence Agency and the other! comganying the figures said that Akehead, ie" ilon, | Bled: Lines OTTAWA (CP) -- A sharp but relati increase jn (bY 2 subcommittee studying gov- r {Teron Belov point prerequisite 1 7 W sharp but relatively small increase in | 3 ¢ almost hal the drop in unemploy-| TOON 0 , ellevillerape run_by Poin Jrerey Se lob estabiisiing poliomyelitis cases in British Columbia and Alberta has ac- |6¥#ment policy machinery, | | counted for more than half of Canadian polio cases so far | POLITICAL SQUABBLING ment during the month up to mid- $40 3 ; Two more are expected to be|local initiative to promote the i A took place in Quebec. 4 | i i -v| this year, the hi A i i Ti coir Be mie of eorponted auou-ote st Ra- Ui f Serums, when ui. he te, fo SHS Sip ES} npveed Vay pn Siu te Se id-April, ther 34,-23'mo, b.L,, -1 i 3 : . artisan ued. | Ee awa. Bills to create them were development exist and when the Red Cross Donation To Chile ear uier, Deamostatie nant 4 Jayolr. 12.000 more than last vear approved by the Commons com. Bort revenue is sufficient fo sup- TORONTO (CP) -- The Canadian Red Cross Society has Nhl chairman, told a press con- | Non - farm employment in. Mittee Tuesday. The bills, al: Post a separate administration. cabled $10,000 to assist victims of the recent earthquakes and |. ence in New York that the Re- sed by 22.000 ts 5.101.000 be. "¢ady passed by the Senate, are 8 activity in the harbor| tidal waves in Chile, D. Bruce Shaw, chairman of the national |FUC.ic#n administration pursued tween mid-March and mid-April, 1 80 to the Commons soon. grows, and revenues cover appre- . executive, said today. ioe Jou 2 bdlicy toward Russia The report said there was a sea- MORE COMMISSIONS Ln. CUCIating Shell Li May B i Jie said the administration vas sonal inerease in SOEUCH on €m-| Other communities -- particu- pected to participate in the tate tquor ay Je Election Issue taken in by Premier Khrushchev ployment during the month des- 1511y ome hopefully ambitious ital and maintenance costs of TORONTO (CP) -- Alderman Mary Temple predicted to- and let its defences down. ones on the seaway route--are works--initially in the cost of 9aY that liquor may be an issue in the 1960 civic electio Senator Thruston B. Morton of said churches are angry with Mayor Nathan Phillips for he Kentucky, Republican national § CITY EMERGENCY likely ie emerge as commission- sheds and equipment on basis | porting a liq li i chai fired back at é run ports. structures and later in whar Orting uor licence for 'a restaurant in Canadi i (chairman, fired back at a préss in wharves| i n Canadian National |. (eince' in Washington that e| PHONE NUMBERS The policy statement, replacing and other works," said Mr. Hees, | | a rather piecemeal practice of the | Informants said the government A t Shi ed oped Butler, 'Adlai E. Ste. | a POLICE RA 53-1133 past, Ri out he Around Tules hopes small municipalities win uto ipments Down From 1959 ison an¢ 2 tow eer Sritient| é o oe or up-and-coming ports seeking create t rel - " y ) : As it-) #8 " AD 24 commission administration vs i Bg gl 11 = TAWA (CP Canadian automobile plants shipped ted the president to report to the| na , . : FIRE DEPT. RA 35-6574 RE on Hoh i Des I Fase able Sam dais In April, Youn from 5.50 0m the same month last '2ation in an atmosphere of open-| A FAMILY in Concepcion, avoid getting caught under | waves and landslides has HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 for some of the necessary pori their ability to share the toial] ments in the January-April peril rose to 163 However, ship: [mindedness on the gravest prob | Chile, huddies under umbrellas | possible crumbling roof of | caused widespread disaster is facilities | T ,336 units from [lem of our age: How best to deal home duri rthquake S S i y | A iAconts 156,110 'in the corresponding 1950 period. with the Soviet Union," | and blankets in a city park to | day. Series of quakes . tidal | Sou Amgricen "AP Viagohote 4 J | . 3 » ------

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