The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1960, p. 16

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. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 25, 1960 Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 1--Accou ntants RONALD F. ». _ WILSON, TCRARTERED | COUNTANT, Oshawa, Ontario. RA AC! 33721 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Services offer complete services for small business. Street West, Room 1. Residence, RA 5. tS fied Public Accountants, Street East, Oshawa, §5-3509. 17 Ontario, YALE, FRIEDLANDER, BUNTE R/ and Co., Accountants and auditors, Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, | CA; F. Friedlander, B, Comm., CPA, BOOKKEEPING, Income 8-2466 MONTEITH MONTEITH RIEHL "and | Cu, Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, "CA Trethewey Hightiost, CA; RA 5-3527, 135 Street North, Oshawa. Ajax WH Libsiidd Accounting bookkeeping 184 Bond Office RA 5-0397 7. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- King RA | 64 tax service | for small firms. Days or evenings. MO| i rl Simcoe | 4 13--Gi GARDENS, |disced. T CEDAR d [36--Female Help Wanted YOUNG lady for counter work, days. Avply 87 Ritson Road South. ED lady as companion to eicerly bling lady, no housework re- 385 (28A--Trailers {| GOING CAMPING? SEE & 5 he plies cultivated and 5-325. |13--Gardening & Supplies | GARDENS roto-tilled, Free estimates, reasonable rates. RA 8-1388 | LAWNS rk for | the season. Free esti-| me NEW BUSINESS CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge CT iowed, a RA trees for hedges, guaranteed ROOM or room and board for gentle. ment Dachelor. Apply 15 Mage 1--Room & Board or two - room apart en, for RA to live. Any size -- delivered. Plant- ing done. Free estimate. MA 3.305. ANY kind of garden ork by "expert, RA 3-152 COOK'S TRAILER SALES And have the time of your life. See The 16' GLENETTES Makes travelling and camping fun. Every . trailer complete. Gas stove and oven, sink, TELEPHONE LISTINGS BARLOW HUNGRY ? MOTORS WE DELIVER 428 KING WEST Fish end Chips, Homburgers 5-97. SERRE evergreens, rose | 5 Cees. Times. Write a shrubs, paeonies, perennials, at reason- . able prices. Collected cedars for hedges , 35¢ and up. Orchard Nurseries, | Highway, two miles west of 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.12 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. 225 2.48 it) phi iS, aes Restaurant, 454 roe South between 10 a.m. 5.30 p.m. | "any work | s Free estimates. | Rrsoklin experienced, ' five-day $50. RA {POWER lawn mowers repaired and | | ypist. janarpesied. Free pick up and deliver: Ed's Automatic Car Wash on BOOKKEEPER - t 0! GARDENS and lawns rototilled, made | El asks 9 to 5. Starting ready for Joring planting and seeding. | | | | oO ary, 3--Wanted to Rent FIVE-, or six - room house by respon- sible adult family of four, central, for July Times. WANTED '@ vent -- garage. suitable I. Write Box 619, The Oshawa do body work inting, shawa and Whitby, uo 8-5170. Subsequent insertions ordered at @ later dote constitute a new original order. Professional and Business listings 31021 YOUNG woman for a light lunchroom and variety, meat and accurate, exper. Call RA Bond Street West. water tank, pump, 3 types w. lighting, sleeps 5. Location, Highway 2, Courtice. Open Milkshakes QUALITY USED CARS CHICKEN in the ROUGH BOUGHT AND SOLD LANDSCAPING ANTED -- Three or four-room apam- ment, near shopping centre. Phone A 8.6323. COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Garden ploughed, . disced, landscaped, wood cut, trees $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each odditional line $1.00 per month. Each initial letter, abbreviaiion $ and c sign, figure, count as € word. Box charge 5c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the doy of publication. Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12, REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- fenced, days. Apply Smith's Coffee Bar in per 317 Simcoe South. RELIABLE woman for household po- sition, live in, private room, must be mn, high wages, Dial RA | evenings ond weekends till 10 p.m. We buy, sell or trade. Low down payment. |29--Summer Prope | For Sale or Wanted {15 cedar boat. Sickness forces sale. | Phone J. Stock, Blackstock 24-22, NEW \ modern SERVICES Weed treated, field nursrey sod, top soil, gravel, sand fill. Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates. removed. ED KNOWLTON RA 8-1798 RA 5-6047 --------------|14--Household Repairs GERANIUM, FORGET - ME- |FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols-| | ENVOY FOOD SERVICE PHONE RA 5-8978 RA 8-6175 ILONA DRESSMAKING DUMONT To my SALON and ALUMINUM future ones top! We are RA 8-1651 moving to 1/ N 4472 SIMCOE ST.>N. for information or interview, oad 12 4 SALESLADIES, must be experienced in ladies' exclusive ready to wear shop, State experience to Box 614, Oshawa Times. WAITRESS, full or part time, Mr, Campbell, Genosha | Hotel. F cl ras Apply | | seven - room modern cottage, | furnished, on large lot, Sturgeon Lake. E 2---Barristers McCGIBBON ters, Solicitors. able for first Street North. RA Gibbon, QC: JOHN A. G. ter and Solicitor, 101 North. Phone RA 83-8511. BOWMAN, David L., Barrister tor, dence, RA 8-0264 Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, tor ele 13% Simcoe Street Office RA 741; JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, lients' funds mortgages. 20 Charles C. Me-| Edgar F. Bastedo, QC Soliei solici North. | East, RA 3.2269. NHA mortgages arranged GREER and Kelly, Barristers, tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones J. M. Gréer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Ter- ence V. Kelly, . RA 8.5832, Greer, Associate rristers Solicitors, 130 King Street East, $6246. Mortgage loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, ster, soli- citor and Notary Publi Street East. Phone RA JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, solicitor. Money to loan. King Street East, Oshawa, Residence, RA 5-3405. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Solicitor, 26}: King Street Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; dence 3 MAN 3 _ barrister, Office 26% RA 38-8232 Barrister East. Resi- NG ¥, SWARTZ, "Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. Asso' ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 26% King See past; RA 3-4697. Residence, dial RA 3-4 HUMPHREYS and i Barristers, Solicitors: R. D. réys, QC; G. E. Boychyn, BA;; Hillman, LLB, 6 King Street Phones: Office, RA 51177; Res 54604 or Whitby MO 8-2761. Money go an CREIGHTON _ FRASER, DRYNAN and | MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K Creighton, rat N. C, Fraser, QC; L. Murdoch, NHA d. "Hillman, Humph- WwW. A weal Pi risters, 'Solicitors nd 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. | 4--Dentists DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6 Open evenings by appointment. 259] Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5.2223. 6--Optometrists CH. TUCK, RO, pay accounts at Dominion Bank or 74 Phone RA 5-4587 ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom. | eiry, the examination of eyes, contact| lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), | evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. | "optometrist Please | downtown Toronto | Burk treet | 7--Surveyors &. T. HORTON and Associates, On tario Land Surveyors, Professional En-| gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whitby MO 8.5081, Aj 728 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On- tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5- 5632) DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontarie| Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Ave. E.| RA 5688! 8--Building Trades PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, fixtures new and used, changing from sepfic tank to sewer a specialty. In staliations at reasonable nes. hier. mation and estimates free an of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. dg HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 BUILDERS tiled bathroom sup- fixed, complete Ceramic plied and with four fittings color range 90c class tradesman enytime RA 8-1177 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St, S., Whitby PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 sq . Phone First and BASTEDO, Barris avail: Simcoe || MacDONALD, BA, Barris- | Simcoe Street 3% Simcoe South, RA 59592, Resi- Residence RA 5.5542. | solici- | tor and Notary Public 18% King Street | and private | Solici- | Thomas | and ROAD gr avel, RA (loads, Phon A 26% King | , ALL | lowest WOMAN for cleaning, (wo or three hours every morning. Must be honest, dependable, good cleaner. Apply Hotel Lancaster, Oshawa SUPERVISOR for previous experience in bindery, bikin ---- Murray Armstrong, Fenelon Falls, | Phone Burnt River 4R13. [$1900 -- LAKE front cottage, 35 miles from Oshawa, safe beach, hydro and water. Balance $2000. AMhurst 1-1447. type or address-o-graph work preferr- ed. Apply by letter to D. A. Holden, |30--Lost & Found ----|General Printers Ltd., Oshawa, stating === mem {LOST -- Child's glasses, not 'n case. 1 | RA 3.9111 or 166 Alma Street qualifications {LOST dog -- White Samoyed, answers| WAITRESSES with some [to name of Pulf vicinity |{Crildren's pet. Phone Whitehall 2-3064. {31--Articles For Rent CEMENT mixers, ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for 'more than one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification in the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce oll advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability if any inaccuracies any form of advertisement containec therein, | d. Si \{ Is fi NO BEET AMALIA [ina Bruce R. Daiton, 75 Chiries Street RA 3.7212 OF GOOD QUALITY. Soe. ENNISKILLEN EY GREENHOUSES {specialty! Phone RA 5-9674 A CLEAN home a happy home. | 8 Miles North of Bowmanville WHOLESALE RETAIL | (Upstairs) BELL DRAFTING | « From 38 BOND ST. E. RA 8-5771 DESIGNING PSERVICES House plans, shop drawings, alterations, additions and in- TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED terior,designs. For fast accur- ate service: CHICKEN Fish & Chips 35¢, 'Hamburg- | PHONE RA 3-2381 |25--Pets & Livestock | | | | | | i y { | is A Free consultation, work guaranteed, ino publicity. Reliable exterminators, WHITE and SON products and services for all needs 1300 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or RA 3-7922 OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11.| ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shokes. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- MANCHESTER terrier puppies, A 5 Ornamental evergreens, flow- ering shrubs, fertilizers and MODERN GRILL | covered like new. Get the best for less {at Modern Uphoistering, 926% Simcoe RA 5-3887 marked, b aaried, reasonable. barrels, well windless. Also for sale, PART - time dishwasher wanted, Must COPY GI (Pembroke Welsh), a weeks cement mixer, strawberry plants. RA speak English. Apply Mr. Campbell, Iv fencing, seeds and insecti- cides. Garden equipment |Street North. Call RA 8-6451 for a free We Deliver, estimate, rebuilt, recovered, 20--Cartage with hitch, will move cjg, spayed, distemper vaccinated. Dr. | Genosha Hotel. YA trailers, boats, Price, Port Perry. YUkon 5-2466 y © |YOUNG woman, "experienced in typing io Gravel, Sand end Fill CHESTERFIELDS like new. Why pay more? Our rates| oo to furniture, appliances J local. Reasonabl ocal. Reasonable | BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea: and general clerical work, required |p 5 1 fon temporary basis, for adminis. RENTAL SERVICE OF TOOLS HARDSAND are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed to cotlages or at {ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-632 furniture and appli- | tration office of LANDSCAPING | Mattresses cebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Co... 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA ©i¢. rates. RA 8-0818 CARTAGE, | ! b [BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Roving. Reasonable LI training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. | |of Education. Apply in wi fro ad, 114 Elgin Street East. | Business Administrator, re | Street South. And Other Construction B-H Paint Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Call day or night - month - old German Boxer, 667 WANTED Top Soil - Sod - Manure je Brindle Phone RA 8-54 | BLACK Labrador puppies, purebred. . Women not now. employed, who can work part-time. Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 | some Rood hunting stock, ready for fall -9949 | Earn $2.00 or more per hour Act mow. RA 5-1054 | shooting, RA 3 serving Avon customers, Start, |LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu- «now and get your customer list built ready for Christe Finest ality Reasonable Prices [cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- nest Quality: Regsonab Ces | chool acrobatic, character, Friday,| mas business. Call now-- LE 6-0627 (Collect) « PHONE MO 8- 3015! {Saturday Saturday. Masoni¢ Temple, RA 3-7 CROSS TOWN LEARN TO DRIVE $125 MONTHLY At the Oshawa Driving School SOD SUPPLY [Licensed by the Police Commission A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut For reliable girl or woman for domestic work in refined Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars fresh daily. Delivered or laid. Free estimates. Prompt deliv- Toronto home, 2 school- children, own room, liberal time off. Phone RUssell RA 8-0091 ery. Phone RA 5-8504. ; ER (Lem OSHAWA ACM 2-0553. PART TIME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM -- GRAVEL | GIFT SHOP ATTENDANT ul service FILL -- STONE Neat, Personable, Good IRA 57413. RA 3-3528 Appearance. Phone MA 3-3373 CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE for appointment ' FLYING DUTCHMAN Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA" 51497 GRAVEL---SAND--FIL! Also Back Filling MOTEL Lots Levelled SALESLADY RA 5-2156 Single or married, between axperience f rant, Dundas West, MO 8-4066. |E EXPERIENCED young woman for|q lunch counter, excellent wages, , wheelbarrows, _ sump shift only pumps, post hole digger, post drivers,| Road South at Hillside nicely 8--8 ng Trades |GRAVEL, sand and top soil, any work [for 3 ton dump truck. RA 5-6105 | PLASTERING. stucco and all repairs Cal. George Abramoff, RA 3-4871 $1.50 yard, 5.2231 IG | GAL {ance | insured CITY CARTAGE | RA 5-262] Furniture and Appliahce mov- ing, Light and heavy cartoge. You call, we'll haul. . Free esti: uaranteed. RA 37742 himney "cleaner, 0 him !neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti mates. RA 3-2997. PLASTERING -- - Roofing, "new and re | pairs, chimneys, cleaned and rad | {Phone Bob Taylor, RA 5.9168, Oshawa, or Ed Jones, MA 3:5244, Bowmanville CALD "Joe, RA 86-6444 for carpentry, decorating and handyman Work guaranteed R yard al g and heating supplies | Phone RA 15-3521, Harold R. Stark, teu Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer-| ling. 255 Simcoe Street South {HAVE it done the right way: | carpenter Feasonable rates, mates. Call' RA 5-8 BRICKLAYING, ~ blocklaying, © cement | |work. Chimmeys built and repaired, additions, verandahs, re-modelling of all kinds. RA 5-1953. EAVESTROUGHING and flashing, all work guaranteed, immediate attention, with reasonable rates. RA 83-5788. = ALL "types of carpentry 'work and con crete work. Free Satimates Phone after S$ p.m. RA 5-58 PLASTERING repairs, side stucco, imitation stone front |cialty. Call David RA 5-6430 A EAVESTROUGHING "and flashing, . all |work guapanteed, immediate attention, | with reasonable rates. RA 83-5788 CARPENTER work, framing, "trim ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All work _Ruaranteed RA 13-3579. PAINTING, decorating | by trades nterior or exterior, Foxatone anteed. Free estimates ALL plumb u |{26--Farmer's Column |WANTED -- immediately, good used {two - row corn planter with fertilizer | attachments, any m Will pay top {cash price. Phone OL 5-3019 | FURNACE SALES 21--Personal Services Loi hg pasture for three | AND SERVICE [SPENCER foundation garments, indi.| Ponies, Ca A 3-2186 after 5 vidnually designed.' Reg. Corsetier, Mis. | DEAD farm stock picked up prompily. M Ltd John Hendershot, 20 Park Road North, | Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721 H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. -- a | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Cleanit Service-- LAWNMOWER & ENGINE [25 Wood $7 labor plus parts 7 Genera free esti- Equipment. le UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER -- VAC SALES & SERVICE oi . {GRY "hardwood lumber ends, Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til: [for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for lers. - Used Engines Bought large load, delivered. Also enquire ahd Sold. Authorized. Clinton {about cottage deliveries. RA 8-0818. Lauson Power Products, Pin- |28. Summer Resorts dor Service, 81 Central Park PEW TowacE 3 R 3 EN ousekeeping cottages on en- | Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633 |nebec Lake, two and three bedrooms, |hydro, good fishing, swimming. RA |{22--Radio Repairs ™v RADIO s | Thompson E lectronics, Fred) suitable. To Restore original beauty to your furniture and rugs 282 KING ST. W.| OSHAWA---RA 3-4873 RENTALS We believe that you can ""do- it yourself" and save lots of time and money, but you cannot afford to own seldom used, and sometimes expen- sive items, Our aim is to have for you to rent, aot a reasonable rate, every kind of tool or equipment to de practically everything! DISTRIBUTORS FOR: SARNIA SAFWAY SCAFFOLDING in OSHAWA and DISTRICT WE RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING -- CALL STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Service 227 King St. W. RA 3-3224 Cor. King and Burke Sts |32--Articles Wanted WANTED -- One lawn roller, | size. Phone RA 3-4674. | WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 C silver dollars, also certain type 5.5227. PIANOS 0, any make or size. Will pay cash. State make and price. Write EM , Oshawa Times. "alterations, out- | we | 15--Instructions PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor] 16 years' experience, by interview only MODERN five - room summer cottage, | all conveniences, sandy beach, Lake] | Dalrymple, Foxe"s Point. By the week, [month or season. Apply 65 Harris Ave- nue. Phone RA 5-7147 after 6, |FOR RENT New lakefront three- {bedroom housekeeping cottages,' large {living room, kitchen with built-in cup-| | boards, double sink, new refrigerators {heavy duty range, hot and cold ru {ning water, four-piece bath, screened) in patio. Safe beach, 35 miles from] Oshawa. Apply Mr Robert J. Parkin. | Phone 26-14 Little Britain, Ont Maple Camp, housekeepink cot-| » vacancies, Box 28 or Phone 45) Bobcaygeon, Ont | | TWO and three bedroom cottages, elec- | tricity, sealant fishing, pike, pickerel| | and bass. $30 - $40 weekly. - RA 5-4328. | | COTTA wanted to rent, on Lake- | | shore, vicinity of Oshawa, suit family | of six, two to three months from July 1 | Write | Box 604, Oshawa Times [NEW cottage on Lake Ontario, 10 miles east of Oshawa, rent by season, commute, RA 3.4941 "All Makes, Elliott Av- service 157 KINDS of | building "and repairs, kitchen cupboards, recreation rooms, garages, concrete and block work. Free |estimates. RA 5-6937 {DO you need your home painted or re paired? First class work, guaranteed rates, free estimates. Phone RA 84311 DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates coll DAYS MO 8-523] EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. 5., Whitby W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECILIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-380%9 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. P.O. BOX 329 WELL DRILLING - GERALD FULTON Under contract we con guar- antee water PHONE RA 5-4067 10--Sharpening Service BY OSHAWA's la: gest, ll-time sharpening and rental service. Lawn mowers, saws, etc. Call Stan's, corner| {King and Burk. RA 33224 | LAWN mower and outboard motor re | pair and sharpening service. R 'ts Centre, 62 Rossland Road, West, 7462 AVOID the ru Have your lawn | mower precision sharpened. Free pick {up and delivery. Bgrt's and Glen's, {Texaco Station, 380 Simcoe Street |South RA 8-0142 FIRST class sharpening, mowers, saws, |and all tools. Work guaranteed. B { Mosier, 550 Wilson Rd. S. |HAVE your lawn mowers now, pick up and delivery 3.3266-RA 8-6906 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5786 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TOWERS, ANTENNAS INSTALLED Repaired and Moved "Save up For call Auto Insurance. six months to pay at your home, 18-28, for dress shop. Good salary, permanent position. Five-day week. RA 5-2722 | for appointment ise] FASHION VILLAGE { 26 SIMCOE S. "7. WA |37--Male Help Wanted sidential, tels and sub-division, ANTENNAS ARE OUR BUSINESS LEN AND LOU'S TV ANTENNAS RA 5.7844 T.V. SERVICE RA 8-5804 FAST TV SERVICE Pix Tubes $28 and up CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 TOWERS INSTALLED $42 ond up ennas Insured $10 per year CALL LEN--RA 5.7844 SPECIAL "LET GEORGE DO IT" Towers apartments, mo- etc. 17--Money to Loan TS' monies available for first cond mortgages. Mortgages and Bgretments of sale purchased. Apply F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary 26% Oshawa. RA| RICE LAKE Sandy Boy Camp -- 2- end 3-bedroom housekeeping cot- tages Inside conveniences, ahd boat. $40 to $60 weekly. Good fishing. Safe sandy beach. Write: R. M. Mc- Cracken, R.R. 4, Hastings, Ont., or phone 609r15 Public King East, mortgage, sale and sold. Hen 31 King FIRST and sec jagreements purchased nick and Hennick Sareisie, Street East, RA 3 CLIENTS' money fo loan on first "mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur doch WE HAVE clients' monies available for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages. and Azreements of Sale. Louis S. Hyman, Q.C. 37 King Street East Oshawa RA 3-4943 MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, Agree ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen~ tial and industrial, city, sub- urban and country, and sum mer cottages Oshowa Acceptonce Corpora tion Ltd, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone: RA 5-3568 MONEY TO LOAN Money for all types of mort gages; for first and second mortgages on all types | estate including vacant lands; short term mortgages SHOE repairer--first class only. to Box 918 Oshawa Times, perience and wages required DESK clerk for midnight Sit, Mr. Hodgson, Genosha Hotel FURNITURE _ salesman i | once for newest store in Oshawa, car |ing top lines. Write giving age. expe. |ience, marital status to Box 513 os HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on | Lake Huron. Furnished $20 couple weekly. Families $32 up. Sandy beach, good swim- ming, ideal for children. Golf, dancing, amusements close by Write: G. Hazelwood, R.R.]1, Bayfield, Ont. 28A--Trailers MW.FOOT cabin trailer, almost new, sleeps seven, completely furnished and equipped. 209 Simcoe Street South. RA B-1296 | APACHE ten trailer, first class condi tion. Apply 85 Churchill Avenue, eve- nings Apply FOR COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE CALL OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 Expert Garden Planning Free Estimates |S! 11 CASH FOR SCRAP !! WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, etc Open All Day Saturday GREENBURG & SONS LTD RA 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E, CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METAL PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Ar needed with novelty ice cream truck. prefer Ja college student with references. 5 M. =k 16, a « snack bar, at lake. Roo and board, plus wages. {East Beach, Bowmanville. {TWO men to work nine hours a day, |s90 per week: also two men to worl {5 to'9 p.m. daily, $50 per week. Box (© 3 |507 Oshawa Times. COUNTER boy wanted. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. JUNIOR CLERK Opportunity for aggressive young man. Must be neat of appearance and accurate with figures, typing an asset. 40 hr. week, full benefits, Apply in own writing BOX 601 Ih | F w s. a IT {ol |S and antennas specialty TOWERS $59.00 with con our Mae ER'S trailer accessories and serv- Apply Mr. fee. LP lamps, bottles, H air lifts, overloads, hitches, etc.. -| man international duo therm. WHitehall | 2.3491. Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants As low os crete base GEORGE'S T.V. SERVICE PHONE NOW RA 3-9525 Roses (40 varieties), Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Shade Trees (15 varieties 129--Summer Properties | For Sale or Wanted room summer cottage, all located at Whitby, avail: | Phone RA 8-1296. | immediate resort on Sturgeon | cottages and eabins. | RA 5.1412. |a v "sharpened Phone RA |E1GAT | conveniences, {able immediately ILLNESS forces | popular summer {Lake. Main lodge, May be seen this weekend. Evergreens (25 varieties) Vine Ground Covers, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 Miles East of Oshowa MA 3.5757 {11--Business Opportunities pear fa GROCERY and variety store for sale, | modern plaza, good potential, reason {ably priced. RA 5.2683 before 7 p.m of rea OUR SERVICE CALL INCLUDES ALL THOSE R for FIVE - THREE - room bright, floor apartment, heavy duty 'stove, oil heated, SEVE centrally located. Available June Telephone RA 5-5721 after 6 p.m, rooms boards and sink, heat, Ajax and 401.|required Call David's Drive-in Restau- one child welcome. dav | entrance, Apply Patio Barbecue Park|io jady or gentleman, Apply 202 Moh- |trave- Avenue, the ' Oshawa Board [BRAND riting to the with private entrance and bath, 179 Simcoe |bottom floor,of new split-level |5 |r | QNE furnished housekeepi gentleman or couple, one- block from Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clark Street. ONE {May 10 Suitable for lady or gentleman, close to hospital, bus and north GM. RA | built-in {Suit working lady. 478 Park Road South share, awa TWO, ness couple or men, also three - room apartment. One child welcome. TWO-room sink and cupboards, on the Down Line | South, Apply | TWO-room giving ex- heat, j22 McLaughlin Blvd. RA LADY reasonable. oom |, Apply Pavilion IRE apartment, water, GROUND floor, |tenants. |FOR RB Whitby, SELF - contained apartment, two rooms South, 1 C {South Oshawa. 44--Houses & Apts. For Rent "room furnished apartment, cen- ally located, to sub-et for July and August. Phone RA 5.7427 after 6 p.m. OUR - room upstairs apartment, very ean and new, large rooms, three clos. ets, three piece bath, private entrance, reasonable rent, dro, bargain. Must be seen. Apply 223 includes heat and hy. tna Street. an, ground + elderty couple vreferred. RA 2 8823. "room, two-storey brick house, 15, PARTMENT Two large, clean and Kitchenette, built-in cup- light and water, Apply 586 Bloor ast. NE large room in new home, private close to downtown; suitable room furnished apartment, pri. central, wo ate entrance, parking space, 43 Nassau Street wrecking. RA 5-8312 p.m three-room pply LD house for etween 6 and apartment on home, RA new easonable only. 5342. wo - ouple or rent, adults "foom apartment for "rent, suit two gentlemen, No children please, RA 5-6169. | THREE (unfurnished. Apply 491 Howard Stre | RA 5-225 5 room apartment, upsta | district, central location, working mother if desired. RA | FURNISHED two room apartment, entrally located. Apply 20 Elgin St, East or call RA 5-4150, ping 1 Toom, 1, for | ROOMS by the week, filed shower and {| bath, {osha Hotel, maid service. RA 34641 Gen. light housekeeping Toor room, 1 vacant 86387. TWO rooms, for gentlemen only, Phone RA Fini after 5 p.m, 467 Ritson Road 0] © vo private MODERN apartment, refrigerator and stove, four rooms and bath, suitable for teacher or nurse, private entrance, [close to hospital, high school. Vacant July M Street. FOU room rtment and private bath, TV outlet, close to bus and school, possession June 1. RA 5-5825. TWO rooms newly painted, suit clean ulet couple. Also for sale > Bas stove a after 8 pa. Ritson Road 'south TWO room apartment with bath, stove, ind ice refrigerator, water, hydro, heat ia. { cluded, $50 monthly. RA 8.0964. |cosy, home, three rooms, bath,- private en. trane stain ground floor apartment, adult refrigerator, stove,' central, ab- RA 5-567 NEAR OCVI, three r Tooms, s, tile bath, 9870. {private _entrance RA 54 TWO room A] furnished, light housekeeping. Suit two, willing te Jadies or gentlemen. Very cea- tral, 7113. NEW oni , self + ¢ pre tg 20 minutes from Oshawa on highway at Manchester. Private entrance, three rooms and bathroom. Box 708, Osh- Times. furnished apartments, suit busi single ladies or gentle 128 Elgin Street East. "insul brick cottage with Adults only. RA 8-6428. apartment with "kitchen, completely furnished, $65 per month. Apply 8-6332. contained apartment, three separate entrance, in home at hydro, available June 1. SF.LF ms, 100; | at|pickering Beach, ground floor, adults "| please. $45 monthly. h. ATTRACTIVE 'heavy fi driver's licence to possession, WH 2-5135. basement wiring, TV aerial, private entrance, $50 monthly RA 8.0963 to share sn RA 8- apartment, heated, tile immediate 129 Windsor oors, Street all furnished house, 11 after 4 p.m room newly decorated unfur- heat, lights and possession. RA REE - immediate 4311 "office space for rent 67 King Street East. Apply loldep, RA 5-3514 OUR - room, self-c ined apart. nent, choice location, modern, stove, ink, refrigerator. Occupancy June 1, 25 monthly. RA 5-4 HREE rooms plus private bath. suit Ider person or couple, near North imcoe School, low rent for suitable A 3-7156 NT -- One and partments, laundry ision antenna. 101 MO 8.4221. nd two bedroom facilities, _tele- Craydon Road, nd bath, vicinity of Athol and Simcoe immediate possession. Adults, Bradley Bros. 29% Simcoe RA 5.1543. Evenings ontact RA 3-2454 EXTRAS Same day service All tubes checked Picture tube cleaned Tuner cleaned, it needed Complete set-up o 3 months guarantee DO IT NOW SMALL business wanted by private party. Anywhere within ten miles of Oshawa. Snack bar, cabins, grocery, hot dog stand. summer business, etc Must have good turnover. Write de- tail to Box 548, Oshawa Times |SOD business. New sod cutter and equipment. Owner must sell due to ill. | health, Phone RA 5-8504 GA. pumps for lease on "Highway | 115, in front of Sid's restaurant, excellent opportunity. Apply at Sid's Restaurant or phone RA 35-8359 AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. OSHAWA TIMES 38--Male or Female Help Wanted ED hairdresser, Write Box 403, | STURGEON LAKE | | BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES A new, modern registered subdivision designed in. the Florida motif. The most un- usual and beautiful in the builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz, 26V; King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3-4697 Bowmanville (OPEN _EVENINGS) GARDEN SUPPLIES SO-GREEN . ol lientele | Oshawa | EXP preferably. Times. 41--Room & Board ROOM and board for two, willing to | | 18a--Mortgages FIRST, [second mortgages bought "and | arranged. Don Hill, 209 Brock Street] Upper Duplex, two bedrooms, large living room, continuous hot water, exhaust fan, bam- boo curtains etc. Newly de- corated, two blocks north of Power Store; immediate pos- session, RA 5-9661. Wants cars for wercking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all doy. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. |35--Employment Wanted {EXPERT ironer desires work in own {home or otherwise, also shirt collars {turned Telephone RA 3.3545. MOTHER will give day care for chil- dren. Monday to Friday. Phone MO |; |8-5491, Whitby | WILL mind children in my home while {mother works, fenced-in yard. MO 18-3148 | CEMENT work | with own mixe CARPENTER 'weekends, 20 ye 3 [tools, any type carpentry. {boards, rafters, alterations. or hourly. Pickering, WH 2-6143. Al UNIVERSITY student desires employ- ROOM and board for ZoRtiemen. oom | | ment evenings and weekends. 8 tinuous hot water, home privileges. 241 [to work, willing to learn, to [do anything legal. Possesses chauffour's | Kitson Road South ROOM and board for icence. Write Box 519, Oshawa Tim vate home. RA 8 ACCOUNTANT, office credit manager Avehue RIA degrees, nine vears' experience, VePUe |desires change. Whitby, Ajax or Osh-|KOOM and board, good meals. very Pe CL MO 85123 or EMpire Sentra). Apply 108 Bruce Street after 5 16-1 p.m. share, all conveniences, laundry done. 371 Olive Avenue or phone RA 8.8196. | ROOM and board. good home cooking, close to North GM and four corners, also garage for rent. 240 Division Street. ROOM and board for g Fontiomen, $13 weekly, (unches packed. Apply 137 Rose | hill Boulevard Accor IMODATION for gentleman, | md board, or room, laundry re. 160 Park Road North,/ South, Whitby. MO 8.3322. OLiver 5-4471| |STORE, suitable for plumber. electri cian. etc. RA 3-9248 after 6.30 p.m | OFFICES for rent, $35 a month, alll services, plus one car space for park- ing Apply | 50 30 Simcoe Street North BASEMENT -- 2000 sq. ft, | accessible from Main Street Simcoe Street North BEATTY salon, choice location, reason able rent. all new modern equipment | Rood clientelle. Owner out of city, Must { sacrifice, best offer accepted. Write 612, | Oshawa Times. STORE FOR RENT Heated apartment, upstairs, refrigerator and stove, can be seen anytime, ask for Mrs. Storks, 7 Bond St. E. RA 5-5214 106 HIGHLAND . AVE. Kawartha Lokes. Clean, safe, sand beach. Large beautiful shade trees. Canals 40-ft. wide with sheltered docks for your boat. New nine-hole golf course, three minutes walking . distance. New, , quality-built summer homes open for your inspec- tion, electric wiring connected to hydro, 'thrée bedrooms, bathroom with plumbing, kit- chen with stainless steel sink, in arborite cabinet top, large living-dining room finished in genuine knotty pine. Your choice of exteriors log- piding, pine lap siding -- all finished in delightful paint and stain colors Prices from $5750 te $5,950, including large, level lot, terms at current rates of interest. Location 4 miles west of Bobcageon on the Fenelon Falls highway-- large signs at entrance. Ow= ner on property every after- noon, end over week-ends. EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL MILORGANITE SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS 1 ROSE BUSHES SHRUBBERY LAWN SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS GARDEN TOOLS Beautify Your Home Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER Call for a T.R.1.O: TELEVISION RA 8-6781 BOND ST. EAST 23--Women's Column SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $8.50. Cold wave, $6.00. Page Hairdressing, | 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363 25--Pets & Livestock {PHEASANTS, eggs, |grown, live or dressed, {ing 5 cents per egg | Port Perry "Larocque's = BIRD! of beau fancy pigeons, §3 ties of F | 19--Personals GLADIOLUS bulbs varieties, hundred South TEANSPORTATION town Toronto. Phone OSHAWA 29, 6 p.m [three pas over 200 different | 50 cents per dozen, $4.00 per MO 3.2786. 1000 Byron Street free estimate central us Apply 50 wanted to down: RA 8.6149 Friday, April| Room for to Montreal, turning Monday rs. RA 5-4930 [save money, no waiting, ing at D Bruce' Mobile Barbershop Maple Grove Inn. stationary. Open 8.7 daily except Wednesdays and Sundays ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, June 15th and 15th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 20--Cartage TRUCK, with 16 ft part time work PICKUP truck with hitch. will furniture, appliances, trailers tc, to cottages or local. Reasonable | up "wigs. RA $0818. 15-28 free "park: | | -_ board for gentlemen, Fh beds TV privileges. Near Solith GM, 147 Mill Streef, RA 5.7754 ROOM and board for gentlemen, close to downtown; Apply 23 Elgin Street East Telephone 3-7814. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, all conveniences, RA 80283. 21 Glad stone Avenue. WANTED to rent three-room » fyrnished | _ apartment, central, by May 20. 8-5836 NO. 171 done by gontleman -- A 5-7966. evenings, e, power Stairs, cup- Contract chicks, fully custom hatch. YUkon 3 , Pheasantry". | ne roto-tilling done by gardener Reasonable MO 8.3870 GARDENS. lawns and boul vards, tilled Average garden enced operator. RA 5.7887. {414 Park Road South. ix varieties of | nd up. Six varie-| trio and up ove Setting eggs "from same S2 per setting | boats |and up. Bantam chicks 25¢ each and| E. Thompson, Port Perry, Yukon 30. {experienced rates. Dia' ladies, in 632 Crerar two 740, . platiorm, "and tarp, wanted. RA 8-8 roto- per a Experi ©. Monroe, | [ WILSON RD. NORTH AT LANSDOWNE One and two bedroom | apartments for rent, fully equipped. $75 and $105 in duplex with balcony and private garden, close to Power Store, bus and Coronation Public School. Immediate occupancy 549 Lansdowne Drive -- key at 551 Lansdowne Drive or call Frank Hazlett RU 3-1733 Toronto; or write 3005 Bathurst St., Toronto, -- Real ee BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments, electrically equipped, best location. $85 and up. Acaly 498 Simcoe St. North, . 8. RA 8-8676.

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