'Continental Men Want Unrestricted Draft NEW YOR K (AP)--The Con-| tinental League Tuesday recom- mended that the Kefauver bill substitute an unrestricted player draft for a clause that would limit control to 100 players by each major league baseball team. Bill Shea, founder of the pro- posed third major league, an- d the r dation at a press conference. He said com- missioner Ford Frick and minor- league head George Traufman testified last week before the Senate anti - monopoly sub-com- mittee that an unlimited draft would be acceptable to the major leagues. Under the restricted draft, all players except the 40 men on each major-league roster could be drafted at a set price. Cur- rently the major-league draft is limited fo first-year men and those with four years' experience in organized baseball. | Frick vehemently denied that either he or Trautman testified that an unrestricted draft would be acceptable. DOESN'T WANT EITHER "I said I didn't want either the player-control clause or the un- restricted draft," said Frick. "I told the committee I was against apy sort of legislation by the | government. 1 don't think the government has any business stepping into the picture at all. All legislation should be left up to baseball itself. I'll continue to fight against government legisla- tion as vigorously as I can. "] was asked which would be more acceptable te baseball player control or unrestricted draft. 1 said neither would be acceptable but if baseball had to have one or the other, we prob- ably could live better with the un- restricted draft. That would be the lesser of two evils." Shea also proposed an arbitra- the commissioner to settle differ- ences between the Continental League and the American Asso- ciation and International League regarding indemnity. The International League is de- manding $850,000 each for the franchises of the Toronto and Buffalo clubs. The American as- sociation, which at first asked for $1,000,000 for each of its four clubs--Houston, Denver, Dallas- Ft Worth and Minneapolis - St. Paul--recently said it won't dis- cuss indemnity until after the end of the season. The Continental has offered what amounts to $125,000 tion committee be appointed by for each club. ASAP GH THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 25, 1960 1] Senate Body Fails Agree On Ball Bill WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate anti-monopoly subcommit- tee deadlocked Tuesday over terms of a bill to clamp tough new federal controls on profes. sional baseball. It sent the issue to its parent body, the Senate judiciary com- mittee, without recommendations. Chairman Estes Kefauver (Dem. Tenn.) the bill's author, confirmed that the action was taken at a secret session but gave no reasons for the secrecy. Kefauver said he had offered an unrestricted-draft amendment to the e in an effort to SCISSORED SPORT | NEW YORK (AP)--Rear Ad- miral John J. Bergen, chairman Garden, Tuesday was ¥ | John Reed Kilpatrick. MSG Chairman Is Named |B; President N.Y. Rangers | | Hockey deferred decision Tues-|the manner of selecting players |day on a resolution that would for strengthening Canadian : . MONTREAL (CP) -- Three in- prevent Canadian teams from teams, of the board of Madison Square|ternationai sports car races will entering named be held this summer St. Eugene, |tin, president of New York Rangers. gue., 40 miles west of here, it| He succeeds the late General was announced Tuesday. More the Ottawa and District Hockey |late Goerge Dudley, than 100 Canadian, European and|Association, was sidelined in the retary-mamnager, on PLAN THREE RACES CAHA Sidesteps g Resolution SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) -- The ruling body of Canadian Amateur international competi- sending a team to the competi- tions, who will pay the shot and settle the dispute over his orig- inal proposal to forbid any ma- jor league club to own or control the contracts of more than 100 players. ] His original version would have required that 60 of the 100 be made available at least once a year for draft by any other club. Kefauver said the amendment he proposed Tuesday would drop the 100 limit, but would require that all players in excess of 40 The CAHA's resolution com- mittee will meet today to con- The resolution, introduced by!sider a proposal made by the| former sec- how players At the same time, Murray United States drivers are sched-|committee stage of the Canadian should be selected. | (Muzz) Patrick was appointed |yled to enter the races, planned Amateur Hockey Association's an- |vice - president of the National for the weekends June 4-5, June|nual meeting. Hockey League club. Patrick, for-|9596 and Sept. 17-18. The first] The resolution also asked that _ |mer Rangers defericeman, is also|meeting will feature both motor-|.he CAHA divorce itself from the |{the team's general manager. | Admiral Bergen, a native of Fottsville, Pa., also succeeds Gen- era' Kilpatrick as the Rangers' cycle and sports car racing ARGOS SIGN 22nd TORONTO (CP)--Toronto' Ar- International Ice Hockey Federa- tion in the "interest of Canadian hockey and the association." When it is discussed sometime | | |SPOILING PLAYOFFS | Many delegates contend that Canadian World and Olympic rep- rseentatives are spoiling Allan Cup playoffs by borrowing top players from other teams. The question of international "untouchables" be offered annu- ally for unrestricted draft. Nellie Fox Plays His 700th Game If This Ad Looks plculog, So Are These Prices! 'S1 CHEVY, -- $ Automatic Deluxe 299 '47 CHEV. Sodom ry Includ- ing 19 plates . . 39.99 OLDS. Sedan -- Auto- matic $ transmission . . . 199 OLDS. Hardtop 5 Auto- matic, radio, needs body work 349 PONTIAC Deluxe -- 2- dr., new plates ae '50 PONTIAC 50 Deluxe Sedan | . ' TIAC -- 2-dr., 95 '52 '51 '52 running condition . BUICK Sedan -- Radio, hain... $199 '129 'ST FORD -- Runs very well iti ; tent- competition has been a content-| CHICAGO (AP)--You can have ion i wed + ri lious one since the reinforced| { = expected 30 provide hot | itchener-Waterioo Dutchmen of your flag-pole perchers, but for| '52 HUDSON -- 4-dr. § It drove in .. . 19 |representative on the NHL board |gonauts Tuesday night an- later in the meeting the resolu- |of governors. |nounced the signing of the Big > all. club' ' SUSPEND TRAINER Four football club's 22nd new '49 '51 Oshawa Dairy, Harman TORONTO (CP)--Toronto city All games to be seven innings| council Tuesday unanimously ap- znd to commence at 6.30 p.m. proved a decision by board of MIDGET May 26 -- x. Park. Victor's : ONSHIP FORM | Reva series fai + I Fox. | WORLD S CHAMPI CAMDEN, NJ. (AP)--Trainer|1g9-pound. six-foot 1% quarter. | Telary-manager Tuesday, said he Senior A series failed to win the| Good top, 129 issi P i i o_ |He favored a stronger develop- NS ] | feet 1% inches. The 19-year-old | formances are eligible for |Commissior Tuesday pending an|ang signed with Argos after fail-| 8 P |that * rates for televising Allan Tuesday night against Baltimore 107 50 car |] CP Wirephoto | 1.0 Oh: Shee] ba a t P : first t iTephets, Gay, Charles Sheehan, secretary passes, completing 24. {man of the CAHA minor hockey| The Manitoba branch gained League, has missed only two y : y 2 - PONTIAC -- [five lengths. Ridden by jockey|score 197 runs in 170 minutes t0|pelition will come about slowly. could carry games for the same | oo "with Fox when he was WE WILL STAND BEHIND sake," recalled Richard. "The | |Jarvis Tuesday purchased Mrs. contain, constantly had South Af-| HARRY DONALD BANTAM Wed., July 20 -- Oshawa Dairy pefore the big race. The an-\gniy deliveries and took three for practice. Finally, I got him to the| SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--Memor-|114 in gate receipts were re- May 30 -- Ajax vs Osh-|and Lovell, Alex. Park and Whit-| bench was a hot seat. One game Mok, May > nits by APPROVE HOCKEY HALL 4 Wednesday, June 1--Jury and Lovell vs Oshawa . Dairy, Alex.|Sports vs Ajax, Ajax. i Ajax Jury and Lovell, Alex. Park. Beaton's Dairy, Alex. Park. Park. sports vs Ajax, Ajax. Beaton's Mon., June 20 -- Ajax vs Osh-|Daiiy vs Ajax, Ajax. 4 " | i sation raw endurance, give us Nellie| ' 5 import -- John Henry Jackson, Gordon Juckes, appointed sec-|the Ontario Hockey Association] g 49 MORRIS Convertible -- : 2 s | cessful in three fries at 7-2%. hy t o ashe A 7 ag o ) i .|1960 Winter Olympics crown at| The peanut-sized second base-| oJ Thomae Jesiony His | gesshi} i ot I J. F, Soatie was pele x back from Indiana University. He|ekpects Sauadian YO i Squaw Valley, Calif. |mar, for Chicago White Sox : maroon finish sailing over the bar at seven | doors but only outdoor per- {the New Jersey played one season with Indiana "| The CAHA decided Tuesday |played in his 700th straight game 53 YauxnaL -- Good 1: 3 : : ; i § t y ; |investigatior into the alleged dop-|ing his year. Described as a na-|ment of international hockey. - |; ; vill lod or Boston University sophomore | global acceptance. He is shown |; 0" 4" "horse in the first race at|iyral pas i he Br, sate het en GY Be i |and Memorial Cup Playotte will (Orioles. cleared the record height on his | above, in action. Garden State Park last Wednes- Pt 4 at Indiana and threw 25| SEES SLOW CHANGE a come icles he i iction Off Fox, last season's most valu- CHEV. Panel Dri first try. He was then unsuc- | | 3 4 | Jack Christie of Toronto, chair- the CA president. ahle player in the American by bY -- $ riven AALS lof the state racing commission, : h ; ey SR i an ; 149 TAM-MIDGET caid a stimulant was given the| CRICKET MATCH DRAWN [Week commices, Jd 8 a 3-Spoval of & tend uit 08 0g games since 1961. | teacher ens BAN - horse, Tingaling Jim, who won by| LONDON (Reuters) -- Set 0|ada's status in international com-|Previously, television stations me JONTIAE wee 79 - . | Bill Hartack, Tingaling Jim paid|peat MCC, South Africa could not| Major issues are the cost of'rate as radio stations. loting the Sox in 1951 | soa Oshawa egion viimor "°C fou). up Wi Souk pesos P Nebie necded a rest and 1 or- | Buys DERBY MORSE [some excellent bowing Tuesday M . 1 c S . dered him benched for his own| ANY SF THESE CARS AND LONDON (AP) -- Sir Adrian I ima 2 h d ] |draw. Bob Barber, Lancashire's emoria up eries at 'thing Ek Tey ase d Cc e u es |Suzy Volterra's Epsom Derby | rican batsmen in trouble during) dashing around the outfield under | ope Chrysler ITI--just. eight days|tneir second innings with his leg 0 t d All a Cu ers fly balls during pre-game batting Wednesday, May 25 -- Oshawa|vs Ajax, Ajax and Whitby Vs|pouncement said the horse would|33 in 15 overs. Top scorer of the| u Trew 1] Pp dugout. I hid his glove. { LTD Dairy vs Jury and Lovell, Alex. uy and Lovell, Alex. Parks carry Jarvis's colors n the day was South African opener _ During the Sas, Nellie was 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY i Whitby vs Ajax, Ajax. Mon., y 25 -- Ajax vs Jury| | i 4 um up an own e Park and Whitby vs Ajax, Ajax on., July 25 jax v TY Derby. Trevor Goddard, who hit 56. fil Cup playoffs in issg outdrew coded, giving the CAHA a $20.) ping up e Ph. MO 8-3304 ? a ark an Thit- bv vs llan Cup playoffs by $47,633, it{954 surplus. of this bench-jockeyi re awa Dairy, Alex. Park and Whit-/by vs Al ] $ : is bench-jockeying stuff was by vs Jury and Lovell, Harman Park. |was disclosed Tuesday in the an-| Best-drawing Allan Cup serise|enough--Fox wasn't getting any| Park. Lovell vs Ajax, Ajax and Osh-|/sharp! awa Dairy vs Whitby, Whitby. , June 6 -- Jury and| Thurs, vs Whitby, ey. Full Drs L] ii 'Oshawa Dairy|vs Beaton's Dairy, Pi vs Ajax, Ajax and Whitby vs| Thurs., June 2 -- Ajax vs Mon. June 13 -- Ajax vs Jury| Tues., June 7 -- Beaton's Dairy and Lovell, Alex. Park and Whit-|vs Victor's Sports, Ale: by vs Oshawa Dairy, Harman| Thurs, June 9 --- Wed., June 15'-- Oshawa Dairy| Tues., June 14 -- Ajax vs Vic. vs Jury and Lovell, Alex. Parkitor's Sports, Alex. Park. and Whitby vs Ajax, Ajax. Thurs., June 16 -- awa Dairy, Alex. Park and Whit-| Tues,, June 21--Victor's Sports by vs Jury and Lovell, Harman vs Beaton's Dairy, Alex. Park. Par} Thurs., June 23 -- Ajax vs Bea- Wed., June 22--Jury and Lovell ton's Dairy, Alex. Park. vs Ajax, Ajax and Oshawa Dairy| Tues., June 28 -- Ajax vs Vic- ve Whitby, Whitby tor's Sports, Alex. Park. Mon., June 27 Jury and| Thurs;, June 30 -- Beaton's Lovell vs Oshawa Dairy, Alex.|Dairy vs Victor's Sports, Alex. Park and Ajax vs Whitby, Whitby Fark. Wed., June 29 -- Oshawa Dairy ve Ajax, Ajax and Whitby vs|vs Ajax, Ajax Jury and Lovell, Alex, Park. Thurs., July 7-- Ajax Mon., July 4 Ajax vs Jury|tor's Sports, Alex. Park Victors| Whitby| Tues May 30 -- Victor's Sports|the National Leag' Alex. Park. |control to build a hockey hall of| [fame on the Canadian National | Exhibition grounds. The city will | raise $300,000 for the b'7'ng and i pay back the sum in eight instal ments. | Canadian Entries For International Pacing Series NEW YORK (CP) -- Champ Volo and Mighty Dudley were the | pacers selected Tuesday to rep-| resent Canada in the $150,000 three-race international pacing| |series at Yonkers Raceway June {2, 9 and 23. | | SPECIAL PENCILS FOR MINOR HOCKEY SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--Jack Christie of Toronto, general chairman of the Canadian Am Hockey Associa- tio inor Hockey Week commilitee, Tuesday pre sented 10-inch-long pencils to reporters covering the CAHA's annual meeting here. The pencils bore the in- scription "Not to be used to shorten minor hockey copy." Canadian Amateur Hockey Asso- ciation. W. A. Hewitt of Toronto, regis- trar-treasurer, told the annual eting that the nati times as much operating profit from junior compeittion as it did from senior compefiton during 1959. In 33 Memorial Cup games, the CAHA recorded a $45,487 surplus as compared to $10,494 for 29 Allan Cup tests, Gate receipts Files Suit To Attach Purse Tonight's Bout INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Phil for the junior games, before ex- penses, were $86,529 while Allan Cup gate receipts were $39,896. In the seven-game 1959 Memor- ial Cup finals between Peterbor- ough and Winnipeg Braves $28,- Boat Hits Carp And Misses Out Tues., July 5 -- Beaton's Dairy vs Vie- Racing secretary Ted Gibbons|Valley of Milwaukee filed suit made the selection after con-|Tuesday to attach the purse of sidering the results of three trials{former German heavyweight at Montreal's Blue Bonnets Race.|champion Willi Besmanoff from | way. | his fight tonight with world light- and Lovell, Alex. Park and Whit- by vs Ajax, Ajax. Wed., Julv 6--Oshawa Dairy vs Jury and Lovell, Alex. Park, and Whitby vs Ajax, Ajax. Mon., July 11 Ajax vs Osh- awa Dairy, Alex, Park and Whit- by vs Jury and Lovell, Harman Park Wed., July 13--Jury and Lovell vs Ajax, Ajax and Oshawa Dairy vs Whitby, Whitby Mon., July 18 Jury and Lovell vs Oshawa Dairy, Alex. Park and Ajax vs Whitby, Whitby Soccer Teams In New York For Tourney NEW YORK (AP)--Four of the five European teams which will compete in the International Soc- cer League's first section start- ing Wednesday at the Polo Grounds arrived here Monday, with the fifth due June 2, Glenavon, Irish League cham. pions: Bayern-Munchen of West Germany and Kilmarnock of Scotland arrived by chartered plane, and Burnley, clinched the English champion- ship in the final game, came via which pi EIR, | Tues., July 12 -- Victor's | Sports vs Beaton's Dairy, Alex. July 14 Ajax ie. Dairy, Alex. Park. « Avelino Gomez | Tues., July 19 -- Victor's Sports| Has 3 Winners vs Ajax, Ajax July 21 Thurs., Beaton's | Victor's Sports, vex Then Gets Left Dairy Park pate Jy 38 ~~ Beatwr'sl TORONTO. (CP) -- Avelino BMY VS Slax, Aja Gomez rode three consecutive All games to be seven innings| winners in the third, fourth and and to commence at 6.30 p.m. fifth races at old Woodbine. Sharp. Tuesday and then was left TA clinging the sides he Bill Collins New | foie i Hot Springs Golf | Tourney Champion | HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (CP)--Bill| Collins, vlo thought that 36 holes | of tournament golf in one day would be tiring, showed enough stamina Sunday to win the Hot Springs open golf tourna- ment with a 72-hole total of 275.| Collins entered the double round tied with Lionel Hebert at 138. He fired a 68 on the first 18 and a 69 on the final 18 to take first ize money of $2,800 in the $20, 000 tourney in the sixth race. His riderless mount, Gar, mus! have thought Gomez was still aboard as she ran the seven furlongs and finished a length ahead of her nearest ri- vals. Unfortunately for her back- ers, she was listed as an also- ran race. Gréy Gar dropped her head just as the starter pressed the button to open the gates. Think- ing that the mare had stum- bled, Gomez grabbed the frame of the starting gate and clung | starting gate as the field broke | Grey | Gomez came back to ride his | fourth winner of the afternoon | on Prince V. J. in the eighth | heavyweight bo x i n g champion Archie Moore, The action alleged Besmanoff owed $6,000 on a house being pur- chased under contract. Besman- off threatened to withdraw from the fight but later said he would be in the ring for the 10-round bout The Indiana State Athletic Commission already has agreed to hold up 40 per cent of Besman- off's purse for Ed Metrie, the Milwaukee manager he is trying to discard. PETERBOROUGH (CP) -A power - boat driven by Edwin (Bud) Schroeder of Niagara Falls, N.Y., was knocked out of a race on nearby Little Lake Mon- day when it hit a three-foot carp, at high speed and was holed in the bottom. Although the boat was leaking fast Schroeder brought it to shore, while two crash tenders stood by. The race program was spon- sored by the Peterborough Hydro- plane Club and the Independent Ordér of Oddfellows in aid of the order's polio, cancer and tuber- culosis committee. The A and U stock and 36 cubic inch combined was won by Keith Cavanagh of Perth. nual financial statement of the jin 1059 was the final between Whitby Dunlops and Vernon Canadians which had $11,584 in gate receipts. The CAHA had a $3,568 profit on the five - game 1 organ-|series, played in smaller rinks ization received more than four than the Memorial Cup final. The CAHA lost $1,676 on the Hull Legion-Miramichi Beavers eastern Allan Cup quarterfinals in 1959. In the Memorial Cup eastern Canadian quarter-finals belween Campbellton, N.B., Tigers and Pembroke Little Lumber Kings, the CAHA recorded a $645 profit. YUGOSLAV PRODUCTS of consumer goods from Yugo- slavia opening here May 26 will feature books, magazines, and products of the electrical, wood- working, food, metals and chem- ica! industries. It is the first show organized here by the Yugoslav chamber of foreign trade. MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with e NATURAL GAS TAUNTON | LUCKY Oshawa Motor Raceways TONITE ONLY 8:15 P.M. AUTO THRILL SHOW ROAD EAST THE ORIGINAL RENTAL WATER HEATER HELL DRIVERS Hebert finished well back. Pete Cooper was second with 278. The to his perch as the field dis- | appeared in the distance. the challenge to death | MOSCOW (AP)--An exhibition | rest and he was driving the rest of us crazy. I put him back in| the lineup the next day." i Fox was given another rest by ther Sox skipper Marty Marion |on Aug. 5, 1955. ONLY 1.7 5 MONTHLY 6.70 x 16 or 6.00 x 16 tube-type : plus recappable tire The lowest price you'll get anywhere on a tire of this quality--all the needed features including durable 4 ply cord body and famous Goodyear p. Nice, of France: has an exhibi- next three finishers, includ- tion game scheduled in Montreal ing Al Balding of Toronto, were June 1 and will come here the (gas extra) The crowd gave the jockey a | tread design. And remember, the Goodyear name ribald reception as he trudged following day In an exhibition game Sunday, Manchester United of England's First Division defeated Hearts of Midlothian, Scottish League champions, 3-0 The match gave Manchester three wins in four starts during its present 10-game North Ameri- can tour LIGHT FIRE IN THEIR DUGOUT! RENO (AP)--It was so cold during Monday night's Reno- Bakersfield baseball game in the Class C California League that Bakerssiele players lit a bonfire in the dugout. Ten minutes after the game ended and the 115 frozen fans left the park, # began to snow. The temperature was in the 30s. tied with final totals of 279. Each picked up $1,233. Balding shot rounds of 71 and 68 Sunday after two 70s. through the mud to the finish | line but, with Latin gallantry he | bowed to them repeatedly and | doffed his cap. ROY DUNCAN wishes to announce the opening of DUNCAN'S TEXACO STATION | (formerly East End Texaco) RR 4, KINGSTON RD. EAST (V2 mile east of Town Line) OPEN: Sunday to Thursday--7 e.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday--7 a.m. to 1 a.m. PHONE RA 8-2021 Two wheel ramp racing High speed roll- gh speed roll-oven | Information about dealers licensed by the Motorcycle maniacs -- cars gone crazy 27 daring events -- Two thrill-packed hours the atomic cannon space car A JR. THUNDERBIRD given away at each performance FREE! | RS | | lpment call = $uipmen o Fully Guaranteed FREE SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION On some cases, thers be a charge for extra piping.) Water heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! Your Gas company does not emplo; door salesmen nor telephone pri Rig A Ontarlo Fuel Board to sell and Install natural write the Consumers (tas RA 3-3468 FREE! in, SUPPORT THE § HOSPITAL DRIVE! § S$ is your guarantee of quality and service! Drive in today! £ SEINE aw 6 2k!) RESALE La SAI. Ta RN R. J. TUMEY SHELL SERVICE OSHAWA LEN WALL WHITE ROSE OSHAWA BEARE MOTORS, LTD. PORT PERRY AL PRESTON SUNOCO Service OSHAWA DOVE'S FINA STATION OSHAWA ALEX NATHAN SUNOCO Service OSHAWA