The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1960, p. 8

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S Levens-Whitely Nuptial Rites Solemnized | In All-Pink Setting In St. Andrew's Church In an all-pink setting in St.|a pattern over the bodice and drew's banquet room. Receiving, Andrew's United Church on Sat-|formed a wide, square neckline the bride's mother wore a pure urday afternoon, Doris Beverley|and short sleeves. Garlands of|silk organza dress in crystal Whitely and Peter Philip Levens|'ace were appliqued to the skirt blue, re-embroidered with Alen- of Toronto exchanged nuptial|which met the waistline in a deep|con lace, and matching acces- vows. The bride is the daughter(V. A headdress of tiny flowers|sories. She carried a spray of of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whitely,|and pearl leaves, fitting closely| crystal blue carnations on a white Oshawa, and the bridegroom is|to the head, held her fingertip|brocade handbag. Representing the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory| veil of pure silk tulle illusion and|the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Levens of Bebington, Cheshire,|she carried a bouquet of white Leonard Wakeford assisted Mrs. England | roses and stephanotis Whitely Mrs. Wakeford was in a The Reverend George Telford:| The matron of honor was Mrs. gold sheath-style dress of pure DD, performed the ceremony | Robert Scott of Norwich, Ontario silk with bla The soloist, Mrs. L. G. French,/and the other attendants were| corsage of Ta sang "Entreat Me Not to Leave|Mrs. Donald Chapman and Miss|anthemums Thee", "The Lord's Prayer" and|Lynne Whitely. They were gown-| Mrs. Fraser "0 Perfect Love accompanied | ed: alike .in silk organza and| oo ce Telford by the organist, Mr. E. Kelvin|Guipure lace in a soft shade of), o reception James, who played the Wedding|sunset pink. The lace bodices|™ : March from Lohengrin at the were fashioned with wide portrait bride's request necklines and short sleeves and|. vere 2 } 10 The bride was given in mar- the full skirts were topped with|noneymoon in Bermuda. As they riage by her father. She wore a pleated cummerbunds They left, the bride was wearing a billowing gown of white silk or-| wore headdresses of pink pearl slim dre s of pure silk violet pe- ganza with a full chapel train. [flowers and leaves and pink ac-|Sante with pleated magnum Hand-clipped Alencon lace traced |cessories and carried bouquets of Sleeves and a high, flowered hat -- ee | aarnations tinted to matct n harmonizing hues; a grey fur ac . . | Mr. Geoffrey Andrews was best stole and violet and grey Shirley G. Allin wos. sui the sper wore Bic faeries with a oriid eoncse Becomes Bride Of Roy G. Smith Robert Whitely. turn to reside in the Park Lane A reception followed in St. An-! Apartments The marriage of Shirley Grace Allin and Roy Gilbert Smith was solemnized on Saturday, May 14, at Albert Street United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn C. Allin of MR. AND MRS. PETER PHILIP LEVEN Studio) isman gold chrys- Smith and poured tea at Later the to New York City and ing on to Dorothy Morris Becomes Bride Of the Rev. Norman Schlarbaum Oshawa and the bridegroom is On Friday evening in King Marion Haggarty wearing pink the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Street Pentecostal Church, organza, bouffant sty accented Smith of Sarnia Dorothy May Morris became the with pink bows. A matct nylon The Reverend S. C. H. Atkinson bride of the Reverend Norman mesh picture hat and pink ac- officiated. The wedding music| Everett Schlarbaum of Peterbor- cessories completed her ensemble was played by Mrs. Bruce ough. The bride is the d: nd she carried a pink cascade Searle. of Mr. and Mrs. Hermar s|of carnations and rosettes Given in marriage by her fa- of Oshawa and the bric is] The Reverend Andrew Bradjar ther, the bride wore a full-|the son of Mr. and Mrs of Rodney was the best man and length gown of white brocaded |Schlarbaum of Galt the ushers were the Reverend satin styling a bateau neckline The Reverend Jame Mac-| Alex Hurn. Smith's Falls, and the and long pointed sleeves A |Knight officiated and the Rev- Reverend Donald Rogers of Ban- jewelled headdre Id herlerend Fred Parlee played the croft fingertip veil and she carried a|wedding music. The soloist, M » reception was held in the cascade of red roses Robert Dargan, sang "I'll Walk Masonic Temple where the The maid of-honor Miss | with God'. "A Wedding Prayer' ide's mother received in royal Phyllis. Arkle who wore a waltz- and 'Together' biue lace and organza, with pic- length of turquoise silk Tp. pride was given in mar- ture hat to match and a corsage organza matching accesso- nage by her father. She wore a Of red roses. Mrs. S. Scorgie of ries and ried a °'nosegay of fioor-length gown white -.|Toronto acted in the receiving White chr hemums and yel a. 'the bouffant accent. |line in the absence of the bride- Pipe Wright Th witl a tour ter bustle back.[groom's mother. Mrs.' Scorgi Dest man and Mr. Ivan The fitted bodice with short was dressed in navy blue tiea- ushered red sleeves extented beyond fina crepe with matching acces- A reception was held in Albert waist into a deep V front and the and a corsage of pink Street United Church parish hall. |S¢%0P neckline was bordered with|roses floral appliques that were repeat-| For honeymoon the For the occasion the bride's : mother wore navy blue with ed on the skirt. A crown, edged couple are on a tour of the New tip England States and the maritime beige accessories. The bride- with pearls, held her fir groom's mother was in navy |Vell and she carried a spray of provinces. As they left, the bride blue crepe and lace. Carnations red roses vas wearing a pure silk dress of comprised their corsages She was Miss beige and brown, beige topcoat, For the wedding trip to Fene- lon Falls the bride wore navy blue with light blue accessories and red rose corsage. The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa. room A ir was olf Kirt sKir or \ acted as > r- Allin is the Series their attended by a $130,000 IN PRIZES (including a trip to Paris!) Sloe d] All Coats and Suits NOW 1% Price Any Miss or Mrs. from 10 to 21 can be one of 5,000 WINNERS in the SINGER Young Stylemaker Contest Prizes include cash awards... a trip to Paris. . . world-famous' SLANT-O-MATIC* Sewing Machines. . . trips to New York Grand Finals. . . many other valuable awards. 3 Divisions -- You compete with girls your own age: SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 4 Prete RA 5-5443 / Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Vincent Massey Mrs. C. E. Twining was re- elected as president of the Vin- cent Massey H-S Association at its annual meeting. The other officers are: Vice - presidents, Mrs. Walter Libby and Mrs. Jack Dewell; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Lawrence McConkey; 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 19, 1960 corresp secretary, Mrs. A. R. Martin; treasurer» Mrs. Gordon Garrison; executive PERSO NALS members, Mrs. William Boyko, Mrs. Jack Risebrough, Mrs. N. V. Roe, Mrs. Michael Kashul and Mrs. W. A. Witham, Smith, Miss Shirley Grace Allin was honored at a miscellaneous |shower held at Thornton's Com- {munity Centre. The shower was |arranged by Mrs. William 'Stone- house, Mrs. Fred Cooper, Mrs. | Robert Ashmore and Miss Phyllis Arkle and there were 40 pfesent. Miss Allin was also honored at 2 miscellaneous shower given by {her fellow employees of the wire land harness department of Gen- leral Motors with Mrs. Marilyn |Rosseau as hostess. A banquet celebrating the 49th birthday of Queen Mary Lodge | held in the Orange Temple. Ars. Percy Hayes, Mrs. Percy| | Hopkins and their committee had of table arrangements. g the banquet a pro- |gram arranged by Mrs. Murray |Milgate included tap dancers, | singing, piano and guitar playing and a fashion show. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barbarik, |Reynolds street," Whitby, enter- tained at a dinner party prior to {the Hospital Auxiliary's Maytime |dance at the Jubilee Pavilion last night. Covers were laid for 18. Following the dance the mem- bers of the party were emtertain- ed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Rogers. Many guests from out of town attended the Schlarbaum-Morris wedding including the Reverend and Mrs. J. Stevenson, the Rev- erend and Mrs. C. B. Smith, the Reverend and Mrs. G. Griffen, the Reverend and Mrs. J. Brons- don, Miss Emma Hann, Mrs. Charles Ratz, the Reverend and Mr low the Trent Prior to her marriage on Satur- Mrs. G. Atter, all of Peterbor-| day, May 14, to Mr. Roy Gilbert ough; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Scorgie, the Reverend and Mrs. Fred Par- lee, all of Toronto; Mrs. ood, Belleville; the Revere and Mrs. D. Rogers, Bancroft; and Mrs. E. Brasowsk:, Kit- chener; Miss Gwen Allison, Wil- Miss Grace Owen, West] Lorne; the Reverend and Mrs. Alex Hur, Smith's Falls; Miss| oq the officers and members for Doreen Cox, Bowmanville dale; Out of town guests at Donald Ferguson, Mr. Simpson, and Mrs, Niaga Albert Hannz Bruce Hanna The Merry Mates Club Christ Memorial Church held its closing meeting for the season on Saturday, May 14, with a pot| luck supper. A film was shown entitled "Waterway Holiday" | 4 which covered the cruise through |convention held a system. Plans were|York, made for a congregational picnic at Cedar Park on Saturday, June 11 and the club is hoping for a|Roe. good attendance for a family day | of fun You are invited by the Soci Department to send in any little|ing to hel items of interest. News of teas, [tact Mrs. Peacock. The Grade 8 surprise parties, showers, anni-|graduating dinner will be held on versaries and comings and go-|June 22 at Harmony United ngs are always very acceptable| Church. an charge. Please write or telephone sale convener, would like to draw RA for which thers is 3-3574 local 18. the Smith - Allin wedding were Mr and Mrs. Elmer Smith, Sarnia Mrs. M. J. Cendese, Mrs, Falls, Ontario; Rodney Mr. and Mr, and Mrs Brooklin. Thorold; and Mr Enniskillen; Mrs. C. E. Twining, President Mrs. John Gaskell, president of Oshawa Home and School Coun- cil, installed the newly elected 1960-61 * executive. Mrs. Gaskell Flora po t 4 ' congratulated - the officers and Maleclm, Campbellford; the Rev-| onihers for a very successful erend and Mrs. W. B. Green- first year of their mew associa- nd| tion. Mrs. S. R. King presented a gift to Mrs, Gaskell and thank- ed her for her interest in Home and School. Mrs. Twining and Mr. E. Kel- vin James, principal. each thank. their enthusiastic support of the | association during the past year. The following annual reports | were given: Mrs. Lawrence Me- 'IConkey, recording secretary; Mrs. Gordon Garrison, treasur- er; Mrs. A. R. Martin, corre- * | sponding secretary; Mrs. William Boyko, health convener; Mrs. Gerald Hudson, citizenship; Mrs. Michael Kashul, parent educa- jon; Mrs. W. D. Major and Mrs. B. A. McCarl, social conveners. ra 8, an | n, of | Absent were Mrs. Douglas Skin- ner, religious convener, and Mrs. | Donald MacDonald, children's| reading. | Reports of the Home and School t the Royal Toronto, recently, were given by the delegates: Mrs {Michael Kashul and Mrs. N. V. Mrs. Robert Peacock and her committee will begin working on | the school uniforms, anyone with al| a knowledge of sewing and wish- p were asked to con- no| Mrs. Gordon Garrison, bake special attention to the bake sale being held on Saturday, May 21, GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES| in the afternoon at 35 King street east. An interesting attraction will be that each baked item will | have its own recipe attached. The Afternoon Guild of Christ of Memorial Church held Hall. The minutes were read by Mrs. H. Garrett, and the treas- urer's report by Mrs Elliott Parish Council report. | The president, Mrs. George ar | Fletcher, thanked the conveners work in connection with both the ¢ |sale of work whereby a substan- tial amount was added to the funds. Final plans were made fo w | the given annually to the boy most| proficient in the forthco Bible tions was di ed. Announcement was made that Fairview Lodge had been visited and tea served in April by Mrs. N. §. McFadyen, Mrs, Gordon Summers, Mrs. George Fletcher and Mrs. Avern Taylor. its|borough drive, Mrs. monthly meeting in the Parish/luncheon at ] p.m The Jack|Ca The and members for their splendid genie ces- hed rom recent daffodil night of cards and|y, accessories and a| CHRIST CHURCH AFT. GUILD invitation to meet at the home Mrs. Norman Millman for a pot CALVARY BWF regular meeting vary Business of Women's attendance of 29. guest speaker e¢ Lee, RN, a Liberia, West A ¢ been working there un orld evangelization was na ler and educational as well 25 native tribes and al Fina. plans were also made About 150 patients are treated street Bess- luck vho great work is car | the leper colony. The missionaries do crusade T which does a great deal of medi- ca re missionary work. |rummage sale, and the award,|ig ¢, y ag|the founder, It works among Studd, include The entertainment was sup- plied by Mr. James' Grade 6 and 7 class with the singing of the following selections: "Early One Morning," 'Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones." "Will Ye No Come Back Again," "Praise to Joy," or "Now is the Month of May." ol ; : lewship met on Monday evening, Mrs. Norman Millman gave the May 16, at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Messent, Taunton road, with Miss Judy Kashul played two numbers on her violin, 'Sailing and "Bless This House." Following the entertainment, Miss SIE: and a ry daily in the dispensary he ed on in the ot consider this a hardship, but ake as their motto the words of the Reverend G. T. who said "If Jesus Christ then no so be God and died for me, among Liberians who are de- sacrifice I can make can be too Ming scendants of colored Americans, great for Him." "|who returned to Africa over 100| Refreshments were served by years ago. The staple food rice but a great variety of fruits/by Mrs. Dean Bickell, are grown and meats crocodile, porcupine and water on June 6, 7.30 p.m. at the home is|Mrs. William Messent, assisted The next meeting will be held of Mrs. John Baxter, 34 Royal «Family Features FARM GIRLS QUEBEC (CP) -- Nine agri- cultural schools for girls will be operated for four months this summer in rural areas of Que- bec, it was announced by the provincial agriculture depart- ment. Courses include home eco- nomics, farm management, re- ligion and mathematics. COSTLY BITE { NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (CP)--The Royal Columbia Ju- bilee Hospital here must pay $1,570 damages in the case of a bittea baby. Court directed the payment to Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Krey, whose two-months- old daughter was bitten hy a four-year-old patient. H&S Re-Elects | Mr, James outlined briefly the| music program in the schools. Mrs, C. E. Twining, president, presided. The secretary's -report and the treasurer's report were read by Mrs. Lawrence McCon- key and Mrs. Gordon Garrison, respectively. Mr. James' -class- room won the parents' attendance banner. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the pupils in the kindergarten classes with grade mothers, Mrs. V. Ross Edwards and Mrs. Clifford Smith super- vising. All-Doubles Club Names Officers The regular meeting of St. George's All Doubles Club was | held in the Parish Hall The president. Mr. William Mur- ray, presided. After the secre- tary read the minutes and the treasurer's report was given the election of officers was held as follows: Presidents, Mr, and Mrs. | William Murray; first vice-presi- | dents, Mr. and Mrs. William | Dixon; second vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell; | secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chamberlain; treasurer's, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Parliament; so- cial conveners, Mr. and Mrs. | Lorne Nancekivell and Mr. and |§8 Mrs. Harold Davis; bulletin edi-| tors, Mr. and Mrs. Desmond | Lowry; membership, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roe; sunshine con- | veners, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffery; press reporters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hester. An evening of round and squar dancing was enjoyed by the mem bers and their guests, The music was supplied by Mr. Leo Curtain, guitar and Mr. Norman Graham, violin. The caller was Mr. Ralph Taylor. CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. NO EXTRA CHARGE OF ANY KIND THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Good Reading for the Whole Family * News « Facts CANADIAN CLIPPER. 49:50 Watch enlarged 10 show deteil For the active man with an for style » y jewels o Sol. winding « Anti-magnetic « fadium hands and dial « weep second hand The Christian Scierice Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass, Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 year $20 [J 6 months $10 OO 3 months $5 0 CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT Name Address City Zone State PB.16 for a June trousseau tea and a wedding reception luncheon in September. Mrs. James Me- Cansh volunteered to supervise the latter For the June 8 meeting, the members have been extended an brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses The Reverend and Mrs. Schilar- baum will' return to reside at 49 |Argyle street Peterborough where the bridegroom will re- sume his duties as dean of men at the Eastern Pentecostal Bible College. | | for travel, sift or sachet guest tablets of YARDLEY lavender soap Hard-milled, quality guest soap by Yardley of London, in individual tablets for personal use or thoughtful giving. Yardley Lavender Guest Soap, 3 tablets for $1.15. the luxury soap of the world Blacks. Separates Ft] getting to-gether for summer fun The best parts of Summer are fun-loving Separates! It's to get yours now time from our sparkling fresh collection, SLIMS All colors and sizes From 4.95 up SHORT SHORTS Striped, plain and prints All colors and size 2.95 up BERMUDAS Smartly styled. All colors 3.95 wp and sizes Hlustrated: MAGAZINE COVER BLOUSE In Scarf Print and colorful, to 18 So cool Sizes 10 12,95 MATCHING B"ACH COMBERS In Arnel 8 Blacks 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 12 SIMCOE ST. N. SHOP AND SAVE DURING THE MAY SALE AT THE METROPOLITAN 3 LADIES' WEAR LTD. RA 5-1912 Open Friday Until 9 o'clock WINDOW SCREENS ess orens JS orniain I 1.08 1.09 9x33 12 x 36 14 x 36 .. Parasteel, 10 x 33 . ASSORTMENT JUST WAITING TO BE FIRED. DROP IN AND CHOOSE TODAY PLASTIC CURTAINS and DRAPES Ideal for the cottage or many other uses. Pr. LADIES' BEDFORD SLIM JIMS wii 198 1.98 Manufacturer's Clearance of SUMMER JEWELLERY Sizes 14 to 164 1.87 Values up to 79¢ ....... 3 ORANGE and LEMON SLICES Ib. 29¢ Drop in anytime and enjoy a snack or full course meal at our modern lunch counter. METROPOLITAN STORES Sizes 10 -18 {J SKIRTS TO MATCH 83 Sizes 10-18 ....... MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 60 KING ST. EAST RA 3-3273

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