The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1960, p. 13

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THE FOURTH ANNUAL spring musicale got underway at Central Collegiate Institute Wednesday night with the rous- ing notes of the All Stars March, Above Eldred Winkler, director of music at the school, | ME BE a BL a a a a dt - junior band in the | left to right are: Pat Hraynyk, opening number, Below, are | Irene Thaczuk and Val Kotele- the girls in the Ukrainian | wetz and behind, left to right dancing troupe who brought | are: Elizabeth Krawetz, variety to the musical pro- | Natalie Rudy, Eugenia Yourke- gram with their lively dancing | vich and Maria Chromej. and colorful dress. In front, --Oshawa Times Photos | conducts the RIR CADET NEWS Flying Awards Are Announced By WINGLESS WILLIE Fifty-one cadets were on pa- rade at the Oshawa Armories Tuesday evening for, the second practice for the Annual Inspec- tion During the first period the junior cadets received squad drill under the watchful eye of FL Gilbank and the NCO's talk- ed over the new NCO Code which was drawn up recently. During the second period the squadron formed up into two flights and began to practice the ceremonial march - past from the stari to the finish ATTENDANCE ESSENTIAL We are pleased to say that only four cadets were absent and next week we must, if at all possible, have every cadet out on parade for the final practice If one cadet is absent he will not know what to do and there fore he might foul things up at the inspection Next week the parade will be held at the Airport Recreation Hall. If you cannot get a ride directly to the airport come to the cadet hall by 7.10 and we'll see that you get transportation SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED The RCAF has just announced that two Oshawa cadets, WO2 Larry Gallagher and FS Greg Bohaker, have won air force scholarships for this coming sum- mer. These two cadets will com- mence their flying training around the first week of July and, when they have completed their training, will hold private pilot's licences, Congratulations to both On the matter of this mer's flying, if anyone knows of where out - of . town cadets, who are taking the flying course, can board this summer, they are ask ed to phone George Slocombe at the Ontario County Flying Club ANNUALS GIVEN OUT F-L. Gilbank gave out Air sum {bers CELEBRATING | BIRTHDAYS | Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Garry Ogden, Courtice; Roger Wood, 70 McMillan drive; Barbara Wodnisky, 379 Ritson road south; Albert Martin, 894 Colborne street east; Lynne Lunney, 24 Pros- pect street, Bowmanville; Paul Scattergood, Farewell avenue; Mrs. T. Melnichuk, 256 Wilson road south; Bill Hastie, 887 Robson street; Melanie Fraser, 513 Miller avenue; Lydia Ciglan, 829 Ritson road south; Mrs, Shir- ley McGarry, 131 Elgin street east; John Todd, 120 Burk street; Deanna Repa, 498 Sterling avenue; Mrs. Wil- liam Faries, 288 Arthur street; Mrs, Mary Nichols, 227 Cordova road The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent . Theatre, good for a four - week period. The cur rent attraction is "Wake Me When It's Over." Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. working at RCAT" Station Tren- ton, this summer as an air cadet officer. Invitations for the annual in- spection should be mailed shortly but if for some reason you don't get one come anyway. We are glad to see that the classrooms at the hall are look- ing much better but there is still a great deal of work to be done. The NCO's are reminded that their lounges have to be clean before the inspection so you had better get hopping. CLEANUPS Again for the second year we have placed third in the All- Ontario Rifle Competition which took place last month. Congratu- lations to all the team mem- Also we were pleased to see FO Tricker from Toronto Tues-| day evening. FO Tricker is the squadron liaison officer A group of our Senior NCO's thought that it would be appropri-| ate to dedicate a column to one of | our most ardent (probably the only) reader. Therefore we would like to dedicate this week's column to Cathy | Brakes Big Factor In Safe Driving "Your brakes are perhaps the) The speaker pointed out that most important part of the auto- there are dozens of brands of mobile you' drive, certainly the brake fluids on the market today condition of your brakes is the|and thousands of gallons of brake most important factor in terms fivid are being sold and used, of safety," declared C. W. a quality that is far from ade- Barney'" Barnes, guest speaker quate. at the Tuesday meeting of Osh- ets awa Kiwanis Club. FACTOR IN SAFETY Mr. Barnes was introduced by | Explaining the almost immed- Club President Ken Jackson, who iate loss of brake power and ef- pointed out that Mr. Barnes had |fectiveness caused when contam-| been with the R. M. Hollingshead |ination of any sort, moisture, Co. for almost 32 years, 30 of | poor fluid, etc., results in destroy-| f of ats dena The Oshavon Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN | is a 1 256 Ritson JOHN J. FOX Grand Knight |P, {| Fuller Confectionery North Oshawa | Hospital Building Fund Total Now $674,737.65 Contributions to the Oshawa General Hospital Building Fund up to Wednesday afternoon, to- talled $674,737.65 it was reported this morning. The previous total was $663,195.65. The list of contributions not previously acknowledged follows: Mr, and Mrs. U. Jones 100.00 John G, Wright 24.00 Mr. and Mrs, John J. Burns 150.00 Mrs. W. W. Park .00 Polish Women's Auxiliary, Branch 21 G. L. Andrews John Thexton Malcolm Smith Russell McNeil Dorothy E. James Eleanor McEve; Joycelyn Loveless Bill Howie Nora Smith Leon Davi Mr. L. C1 S. Finestein Cecil J. Flett Bruce R. Dalton McCordick's Pharmacy Joe Drapak Mr. Walter Bilsky Mrs. M. Keetch Mr. Alex Bardy Alexander Air John Koropatwa Ralph Day Jim Hurvid Mr, Paul Butka Bates Market Mrs. Kemp 3 Armstrong Electric Dora Geurick Mr. §. Babarik Mrs. Lopak Wm. Czerwaty Jean's Grocery Mr. Fred Yuskow Mrs. Leonard Czer Mrs, W. Kostashuk H. Little . Puckett Janick: BESZaea BENNER 2833333338883 S888 3888 Lloyd's Barber Shop Paul's Sporting Goods . Bilenduke Oke Produce G. M. Evans Hallida Grocery Wm, and Mike Kuzenko Jordan Florist Miss Isla Barker Mrs. A. Kinsman Mr, and Mrs, W. S. Mr. and Mrs, E. Marks E. Hawkins Mrs. Jos. Boza Fred's Drive-In H. W, Gourley Ltd., Minnie Nicholson Lula Christie Mr. Gordon Houlden Norm Wetherup Cecil Elliott R. Howell Miss Blanche Wotten Stan's Shoe Repair Patte's Paint and Wallpaper Lid. Anonymous Anonymous . H. West Al's Bi-Rite Stores V. Hagerty Mitchell's Oshawa Ltd, Cadillac Hotel Ltd. Kingsway Motel Cloverleaf Motel Central Hotel, McCrohans at a banquet held recently by the] as Grand Knight. warehouse in a commercial zone, On Solo Flights unit wabl ight The boys were divided into 50|,." ,™ 0 dation, poured with n 0 0 to the troop from Albert Street Lazin's request for a car port Last Sunday, Laurel Gates, of| E. H. Walker ever, the car port now extends soloed on May 11. The members of the North Osh-| North Oshawa Neighborhood As- sociation, Among those at the head table Ewart, Earl Moore, Robert An-| drews, Fred Etcher and M. Sib- {lock. cher, who played for Whitby Dun- ops this year. He, also, was a| 1:ember of the Kitchener-Waterloo jada at Squaw Valley in the Olym- * » |pics this year. His films and {commentary of his trip to Squaw Tal i ermis S101 Valley delighted the young hock- |ey pla J. Ewart and E. Moore present- |ed the hockey team with tie-pins| and team pictures on behalf of| The Oshawa Committee of Ad- and the City of Oshawa, were Robert _ Stroud au Dennis justment decided Wednesday to granted the right to extend the Ewart made a ProseIal on th grant part of a request made by industrial use of land to permit their coach on beha e Tuesday night. The members of age on residential land, between J. Ewart thanked the Ladies the committee could reach no Ritson road north and Oshawa Auxiliary for the turkey dinner. | agreement at the Tuesday night boulevard north. This was grant |-- | Mr. Mosier asked for permission trance from the Oshawa blvd. to have a workshop in excess of north side of the property. 20 per cent of his selling price. A request by R. Longo, 50 Wil- law for his area. Protests were phocause he had insufficient voiced by residents and busi- sketches, He was asking to ve- nesses in the area. place a verandah by two rooms, The committee granted per- GRANTED RELIEF mission for him to use 250 square J McQuade, 444 Jarvis street, feet of his present building for a was granted relief from Clause off from the rest of the building. extension to the rear of his house. | He also required to build H Kassinger, appearing for retail store area of at least 1000 pr. Gardiner, 134 Briar Court,| %i make his work shop space 25 per port leaving inadequate rear { cent of the . yard . sier asking 750 oh Mr. Mosier was asking for 750 yo), yee 35 Elena street, was 1200 square foot accessory build- H or on manic age to leave 'inadequate side- ing. He had been given perm yard. The sideyard, 18 feet from Sion 10-bittl). is -2CCESSOTY : DULG. 1), ppp yard, lies 24 feet from Oshawa City Council. Council 3 . limited him to 60 square feet Surrotnd the house. (¢ feet by 10 feet) for his work-| Mrs. M. Jakacki, taken this seriously. sion to build with inadequate The main complaint, from peo- frontage and area. She will be al- pic in the area, concerned de- lowed a 37 foot six inch lot in- They claimed it would be situat-. J. Marzec, Pt. Lot 1, BF Conc., ea between two expensive com- was given permission to build mercial areas. with inadequate frontage but not ' bad requested. St. Gregory's Council, No. 2671, 8. Morey, 185 Verdun road, was|" 3 WoFREC lof the Knights of Columbus, last given permission to extend his| °° build with" inad to| Sunday re-elected John J. Fox non-conforming greenhouse, de. $0 to Dbulld With Inadequate the area. His son claimed it was Sidevard, as he had Toque. The following executive w a's only a hobby, not a money mak-|cAN ERECT HOUSE elected: Deputy Grand Knight, ing project. He was asking J. Mellema, 241 Seneca, was Ed. Power; Chancellor, Tony feet to allow entry by a man. |yith inadequate front yard depth. row; treasurer, Frank Brynes, McLellan, Gaynor, - Wokral|g yyichings, 245 Seneca, was advocate, Harry McGuire; war- given permission for the same den, Alex McNeil; trustee, Len 24 Scouts Troops H MacDonald, represented by Gilewski and Lovie Baudregi; Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and giizide guds, Douglas Hughes |Murdoch, was granted permis. and D. Sawyer. More than 300 Oshawa Boy at the north-east corner of Prince Scouts participated in a two-day and William streets. ".camporee" under canvas atl. x Siblock, 800 Dean avenue patrols representing 24 troops|; 4 ny | from this area. During the camp | nadequate front yard depth, and| Several student members of the [the boys competed in camping side-yard. Ontario County Flying Club The committee have advanced to solo flights| United Church. with inadequate side-yards at 308 The scouts were visited twice Jackson avenue. Last September |Simcoe street north, flew a cross| by Col. R. S. McLaughlin, Chief the committee approved a minor country solo and Bill Fertile, 1249 Valley drive, flew his first solo Scouters Alan Dickson and Ted beyond the limit granted at that Maidman were in charge of the time. The committee decided to, W. E. (Bill) Bridgeman, of | weekend stick by the original decision. |Ajax has recently joined the club. awa Pee Wee hockey were guests| were Ralph Gulliver, James] The guest speaker was Fred Et- Dutchmen who represnteed Can- ayers. For Workshop {the Neighborhood Park. H. Mosier, 202 King street west, auto truck and other vehicle stor- hockey players. meeting ed providing there was no en- | This would violate the zoning by- |iam street east, was postponed" MUST BE WALLED OFF with inadequate front yard depth, workshop, providing he walled it|16B of the zoning bylaw, to make feet, within a year. This would wus given permission for a car " | square feet of workshop in his granted zn extension of his gar.| ing, before his main building, by the front yard. All three yards, shop. Mr. Mosier said he hadn't ®v0ad south, was given permis- preciation of property value, stead of a. 40-foot one. CAN EXTEND GREENHOUSE with inadequate sideyard, as he spite protests from residents in frontage but not with inadequate by acclamation to another term reise it to six feet from three iuan approval to erect a house| Merringer; recorder, Phillip Mor- violation. Weeks; inside guards, George In Camporee Ision to extend a non-conforming . Students Fliers | Camp Samac last weekend. was granted permission to build skills with the honor shield 2oing refused N. within the past few days. | Scout of the Oshawa Camps, and variation in the side-yards. How- flight. Philip Baldwin of Toronto| and Co. L Genosha Hotel (Ont) Ltd, | Hotel Lancaster 5333383233833: RCAF Assn., 420 Oshawa Wing, Ladies Auxiliary RCAF Assn., 420 Oshawa Wing additional Oshawa NUPSE, Local Miss Ruth Higgins City of Oshawa Employees Additional sen avn Fred Fountain Mr F. 18 Be ger G. Mackie (Mrs) Kearns Forrester McMillan Baker Wingrove Collins Stacey . Hoddenbagh Mrs. M. Hendrie G. Jackman B. Mazurk Mrs. J. Hay L. MacKinnon G sh F. Crome G. Fisher R. Richardson A. Alexander "rUasETHAND = SaNSNENINN NENIERNESes 2333333382332223323523323323323323332383332828222822:32283285888832 W. Moring J. Foreman C. Laughren B. Snowden J. Masiewich E. Mayne D. Cox C. R. Hiltz A. Lavender D. Garrow W. Tane J. Hobbs G. Patton K. Ostler M. Baker N. Attersley W. Dillabough D. Foreman ASAD it ht ps SESE RRERERR RES Rauraun |8RSs 5 Chief R. Hobbs G. Elmhurst W. J. Wilson L. Little L. Boudreau J. Little © SpuuSuuldan oe J. Sobanskl Lyon D. Layng P. Knight K. Courtney N. Rooke R. Sledziewski J. Gangemi G. Arkwright E. MacKenzie R. Ti w. R. R. Hood J. Martin L. Smith E. Jeffrey R. Murray Wood Oshawa Artists 'Feature Concert Janice Faint and Sharon Dale, of Oshawa, two solo pianists and the St. Andrew's Public School choir, of Ajax, were among the 19 top contestants who took part in the concert Tuesday night, in St. Peter's Auditorium, Peterbor- ough, which climaxed the Kiwa- nis Music Festival. Miss Faint was the winner of the Mortlock Prize. "The performers selected for the final concert were not neces- sarily award winners," said fes- tival secretary Pat Vaisey, "but in the opinion of the adjudica- tors they provide a comprehen- sive picture of the scope and ability of the festival entrants." PIANO HIGHLIGHT One of the highlights of the closing concert was a perform- ance of a Bach prelude and fugue by Sharon Dale of Oshawa. She gave an pe 1 perform- ance technically and the phras- ing and interpretation of the work was just as good as the day she earned 90 points for the same piece. Janice Faint of Oshawa, who won the nine years and under piano solo class, proved very Cadet Annuals to a goodly num- which he was their western man- ing the incompressible qualities playing of 'Jack Tar". After her performance, Master of Ceremonies and chairman of the festival committee Doug Me- Gregor announced she had won the Mortlock award for piano the Canadian Bank of Commerce tray. Stuart L. Guy, of Oshawa, placed third Tuesday, with 84 marks, in the piano solo class for contestants 10 years and under. There were 30 contestants in the class. Stuart is in his second year of study with Mrs. J. A. Kerr, The Bowmanville Choral Soci- ety Tuesday placed second in {the class for mixed-voice choirs. Richard Starzynski, of Oshawa, placed third, with 81 marks, in the class for piano accordion solo- lists 12 years and under. Commissioner popular with the audience for her ber of cadets Tuesday. The an- nuals were given on the basis of attendance through the year Last Sunday afternoon, F-L Gilbank and a group NCO's went to Toronto to see a drill competition . between three To ronto Air Cadet squadrons Although the program was joyable it would have been more enjoyable if we had been in it f of en Well! next year if all goes well,| we shall GRADUATES Congratulations order for our Commanding Officer, F-L Gilbank, who two weeks ago graduated from Ryerson Insti tute of Technology with ma in Mechanic Engineering Technology. F-L Gilbank will be are n ager, | Last year he was appointed sales |Stressed diplo-| 1 Edmonton, [of the brake fluid, the speaker that the question of brakes, good brakes that will rently residing in Bowmanville. [really work the moment they are The speaker entitled his ad-|needed, constitutes one of the dress "Are your brakes safe" major items in today's crusade and his informative talk, sup-|for safe driving. ported by years of automotive ex-. In conclusion, the speaker perience, demanded the interest pointed out that almost half of and attention of his audience the states in the U.S.A. today PRINCIPLE EXPLAINED have laws governing the sale of Briefly erplaining the funda-|brake fluid, to assure that a vental principle of hydraulic|brake fluid has the proper qual brakes in an automobile, C. W.|ities, that it is properly labelled Barnes declared that despite the|and correctly advertised. He tremendous other changes in(Pointed out that such legislation style, design, even in engines and|is now in effect in Canada, with other features, basically the auto-|the "policing" of the law being mobile is using the same brake the responsibility of the trade ystem today, as it has for years Kiwanian Oliver Baird voiced I'he power brakes are a mere re- thanks and appreciation to Mr cent innovation, he added | Barnes stationed at manager for Canada and is cur- | COMMERCIAL STUDENTS GET WORK EXPERIENCE During the next week 54 com- | The | the Na- As- Mrs explaining Oshawa firms project sponsored by Lakeland Chapte: of the tute and the Oshawa Business | tional Office Management Ccllege will secure work ex- | sociation. Seen here perience by working in the of- | Tom Wilson (left) of is fices mercial | Collegiate students from O'Neill A Times office and Vocational Insti- Moss, 17 and Emily Pasuik, 18, both OCVI students. ~Oshawa Times Photo | awa is |Embiance and nursing division of | Brigade (Oshawa) takes place at 8 p.m. today in St. Auditorium, Simcoe street north, commissioner from Toronto head- quarters, will review the division. the filing system in The Osh- \strations in bandaging, to Gloria [respiration and stretcher drill. home |care of the injured. Will Inspect St. John Groups The annual inspection of the the St. John Ambulance Gregory's Col. 1. M. R. Sinclair, provincial The brigade will give demon- artificial show and The ladies' division will nursing techniques The public is invited Bub RaBalltSaSRabu as sSoGt 83883 C. Cousins F. Moss E. Kerr B. Cairney H. Abraham Miss K. Hamilton G. Meredith J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Barrand E. McNeely R. Bint (Miss) Miss W. Zielinski Miss A. Goyne Miss B. Fellows R. Whynot Mrs. N. McKnight | Algoma Mfg. Tool and Die Ltd, Employees: i Basilius Hirth Santo Constantino George Wodnisky Killian Kimmel Pietro Albis Karl Kreis Leroy Tryon John Krhyla Lydia Lajoie Alfons Kimmel William Shewchuck Cole of California, Employees: | U. Allison L. Bagshaw W. Bakalar Batcheler Bottomley . Black Boulet . Butt | . Casey . Deleenheer Devlin . Dickson | Dunn | M. Clarke Gibson . Graham .. Greco J. Evans 5. Fields Herstead . Huggins .. Jalasjaa 3. Jansen . Klimezak Lewis Lownie . Mepstead . Montagna /. B. McCullough McClure McKnight Przplata Raynor Roberts Robinson Rzepkowska 3. V. Saunders 100 Stasko Tosti Walker Waszezuk White . Woytowych Zanoskar SutuSuan 33838333 Be 5 1 Te K muna a~Na 2 =e NARS LUNAR NNN DS NINE N w sooasbo2a 888883888 2 3 2 2 semprgmmzEzze 5.00 ama 3.00 4.00 7.00 Bridge Club High Scores The high scores for games played by the members of the Woodview Park Clubhouse, Tues- day night, were: North and South -- Dr. Mrs, S. Kandel, 119% points; Mrs. N. Daniel and Mrs. F. J. Rundle, 110; J. Coles and Mrs. H. Cruwys, 103; Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. M. R. Clarke, 103; Mrs. E. Chant and Mrs. E, Stewart, 92. East and West -- Mrs. J. Kit- chen and Mrs, E. H. Webster, 105'2 points; Mrs. R. Harper and Mr. R. Morris, 105; Mrs. E. M. Culp'and Mrs. G. A. Rundle, 103'%2; Mrs. W. Doe and Mrs. R. Mar J. Kitchen and R. Drew, 96. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. E. Wadsworth. and Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club, at| 882283833 1.00 1.00 1.00 Keith Whitney 1.00 1.00 833888233333333 333338 EEE] £2333233 00 2.00 1.00 5.00 7.00 Coulier Mfg. Co. Ltd. Employees: Doris Brown Theresa Quirk Dorothy Mankowski Eva O'Connor Barbara Harrison M Sylvia Kellet Anne Kennedy Patricia Norton Florence Drummond Elizabeth Jacklin Kay Pistol Cecil Ne! m Simon Harabulya Albert Cockerton Stuart Kellar Bertha Welbourne Doris Cherry Mary Hubbard Elizabeth Davis Florence Breau Dorothy Derzbach Jean Robinson Eleanor King Doreen Cryderman Muriel Mosuk Marilyn Snowden Lesley Williams Betty Clarke Dawn Nelson Pearl Keenan Tilley Mclnnes Alexina Watson George Keenan Alfred Norton Frank Gravelle Robert Small Donald Hubbard Dieter Bartholomae William Allen Joseph Magda Howard Hughes Wayne Layton Eddie Horky Francis Taylor Andrew Bellak Robert Gordon Douglas Wilson Charles Rout Garfield McKnight Kenneth Crawford Russell Keeler Leo Ocenas William Pike George Simmons Karl Mertens George Willoughby Charlotte Tilk Fihal Mala Helen Cummings Ouve S.ewart Nina Wilson Mike Adam Grace James Arthur Jeffery Mike Kettella Beatrice Winacott Fred Lauchlan Raymond Hughes Russell Hughes Russell Davis Harris Michael Robert Brown Charles Taylor Robert McDonald John Roome Gunter Weissbach Albert Turpin Nick Laval William Lee Dan Mowchan Jack Lee Andrew Jancik Amon Toms William Richardson Betty Kemp Mary Paraskarakos John Fice 8. Czop G. Alexander Bino 3S 2,00 00.00 Employees: Coleman's Moving and Storage . J. Coleman R. Coleman Gauthier Ross Westlake Central Hotel, Employees: Nick Frederick Jack Sagriff Geo. Moss Dick De Wolfe James Hickey Lottie Cummings Mary Yesenok James Fitzpatrick J. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ming Genosha Hotel, Employees: Catherine Lettham Shirley White John Hodgson Edward Jones David Smith Diana Scholes Russell Howard Gerald Young Melfody Melnikow Garry Gwillian William Goodwin Lorne Graham Cecil Gray Mildred Fowler Marie Macdonald Marie Peron Lucy Harding Bessie Maule Edna Strutt Walter Buzminski Harry Sloboda Cyril Hobbs John Gazdik David Owen John Henricksen Mary Hyntka Mary Wilgocz Guisseppe Saverino Josephine Smith Lorna Turner Della: Hughes Florence Wilson Delcia Gallant Ann Martin Vidlet Bowers Robert Campbell Donald Ellis Julia Pidwerbecki Filomena Sirrizzotti Marrianne Hudsonroder Kathleen Briggs Veronica Latursky Jean Bons Paige Estabrooks Janine Luck Emily Siwik Anna Wojnar Bernice Goodes Vera Motum Janet Fligler Constance Roy Mary Anonichuck Edythe Thompson Shirley Cunningham Norma Huffman Gina Sirrizzotti Anna Fedoriuk Vera Horner Tina Andrey Elsie McKinley Margaret Rodd Lancaster Hotel Employees: Ben Nussbaumer Joseph Gurak Don Fitzgerald Albert Levesque Leo Goody George Jacubec Harry Ilott Mrs. Wynn Gray Mrs. Edna Fitzgerald . Maude Mackay . Ethe. Burke s. Elizabeth Kay rs. Klara Szonbat . Ann Gallagher Thos. Gilbert Michael Szurgot Michael Colavecchia Wm. Bryan Steve Boshkovich Mrs. Helen Smith Mrs. E. Therrien Mrs. Sarah White Jack Leonard R. Mather Geo. Chow Total to Date SuwpeSSSunee 8333383 BeBe --- - fo pEnnnanSenruSannsSun a me --- 2333232333223323223232223228333332333232333332333288383383 3 8888338: 8 383 @ BebluopSurmlSrnvunnvunSunasdiotuunsanslonSanans 8333333 b 8833888833333 BronBpwnle pes 3 prppdenee g3338883833 RRae, 3333888 BL Bene gaa Bhd 3388383 Gh 83 OTETeTer- 53322358% 833333353283 525333 NANNNBEN DNN CEEEEEE ULL 3383888 22 3

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