The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1960, p. 8

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RULES OF FORM [faire to wisely ehoose an in. up a national disaster fund. Un-| Dear F.C.: Rules of etiquette,/dependent course. M.H. |der the scheme immediate relief Like rules of guidance in other] Mary Haworth counsels could be given instead of having | |fields--the common law, for in- through her column, not by mail to set up public funds. ks |stance--are thoughtfully designed or personal interview. Write her to serve the greater good of the in care of this newspaper. greater number, no doubt. I R t Col Persons who are sensitive to| QUIET SNOOZE Xpresse n ecen umn the pressure of social opinion,| WESTCLIFFE, England (CP) pte oe soo, Tegarding the fin | Police cars raced to a house in Dear M Haworth: This is/her young children in her second duct, usually prefer lo stay within|thjs Essex resort after a father to beg or change your coun- wedding party. |the pattern of acknowledged good reported he feared his son had : sel to E.S., a' divorcee soon t0| you cite a rule of etiquette to|fOrm- : been kidnapped. On investigation 7 be married again, whose family (pe effect that children of di-| Those who venture outside the the infant was found asleep in frowns on her plan to include yorce may resent all the impli-|pattern for cogent reason needn't the bottom drawer of a chest-of- her four young children in her cations of a divorced parent's "cuss out" etiquette resistantly AVES: wedding party. Her prospective second marriage, hence should| _ |husband, "a very nice man Whom pe excluded, tactfully, from the Scther they should accent the ' |my children and 1 love very 8 The OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 16, 1960 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Readers Disagree With Views ALL THIS WEEK AND i NEXT | ceremony. {fact simply that they saw fit to SPEEDY AID much, wants us to have a real LONDON (CP) -- Representa- " : re Tp aR But in this case the children PYPass the rule. Sawer, it| tives of more than 2,000 women's ; / |W 8, " ... don't resent the marriage and takes inner strength and savoir asked to support a plan to set VA 4| Quoting a latterday autleriiy are eager to be part of it can't] o 7 |on etiquette, you say feel that traditional etiquette is| : as important in the situation as ; family has the weight of polite tradition on its side in this dis-' "yn cance of family unity; pute. and what better start towards a good relationship than to have FAMILY WARDROBE Featuring @ GIANT Variety of ; Phot: hic It f Ti di MCE ET Sp If Spring Showers . . . SAVI NGS! You cite the authority's state- the children attend the wedding? | . have taken the up 10 $50.00 # dren of a first marriage to even "attend the marriage of either par- 'lent the second time, if a divorce HOOVER | Gonstelbution Walks-on-air to elimin- ate tugging and lifting, Double-stretch hose... throw-away dirt bag... combination bare floor and rug nozzle, INLY 69.95 MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE N. # Iment: "It is poor taste for chil- It would seem to me potentially more damaging to exclude them] | has taken place. . . It is more from the wedding with the im- | tactful to be married without any plication: "This is between us i but the necessary legal witnesses (2dults); you (children) aren't than to have a small wedding| included, . . ." from which children must be €X- HOW EXPLAIN? cluded. . . Children of divorce in all prob- |WHY BE FURTIVE? | ability have been through enough | Surely E.S.'s instincts are more anguish without having further | constructive, more considerate of distinctions of divorce forced press and new look out tne children's future relationship upon them Can imagite ex- of your clothes bring with their stepfather, than this plainint to ages 4 to 8: "If your] oo eo 0 for quick, expert cleaning. Our experts have the know how to make your clothes look their best in a hurry, For that "like new' look bring your clothes to (Pickup and Delivery) 21 BOND STREET EAST rigid authoritarian rule. real father were dead, you could After the tensions and discord come to my second wedding; but leading up to divorce, and the ac he's alive, you can't?" loneliness and uncertainty of the Let's concern ourselves with post-divorce period, now both ihe feelings of the childrén and J HAPPY LITTLE SANDRA mother and children and Pros. o per and new father in- 11. She is the grandaughter of |pective husband need to face the volved here: not with the dict Raw a « future in a positive way. lve es Wi lo uns Mrs. Edward Stewart and Mrs, ; P of a self-styled etiquette author- ria In taking this big new step 3 1 ; William Scott, all of Oshawa, vhich adng | be shared by all ity, in resolving the question. . . . As you may suspect, I am a Ireland [the family joyously, it seems so divorcee, with three children Posing happily for her pic- ture is Sandra Dorothy, daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart, RR 2, Oshawa. San- dra was one year old on April | "Everything ~ BKING STE. _ RA.3-2245 --Photo by (O37 [ofo] S-0 B- OSHAWA | *°R25'5%%e STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA RA 3-7332 MARY ELLIOTT SMITH AUX. Mrs. Henry McGhee. Mrs. Grace The monthly meeting of the Moncur presided at the meeting. | Mary Elliot Smith Mission Circle of First Baptist Church was held p in the charge of Mrs. Harold P¢ring her in prayer. sue with your answer to the di- Parrott, who spoke on the| She said the work in Liberia & oq" woman about including "Founding of Angola Missions'. had gone on for 20 years but few drain : | Mrs, Walter Nickerson read a|really followed the Lord. In the portion of a letter from a mis-|churches they still kept heathen sionary in Ambrizete, Africa. |practices. There was a great Several offered prayers for the'need for Christian literature. missions. There was a good work being Mrs. Merrithew led in the de- done amongst the lepers. They votional period, reading several/had 275 patients and many of verses of scripture, and gave a TA A eo talk on Assets of Africa. It was decided to pack a White Cross box for India to be sent away next month. Mrs. Harold Parrott offered to take eharge of it them were led to The Lord. The witch doctors had great power over the people. The WMS presented Miss Lee | {with a quilt. Mrs, Otto Sharrard | closed the meeting with prayer. |furtive and clandestine to go off eager for me to re-marry; and the children excluded. al the wedding. . . . As children right from the start, set-| -- i p | ; is s | Ww % at the home of Mrs. John Mer-| >crnice Lee, Reg. N., who is soon|that they belong to the new fam-| Moon, presided. The topic was hiapked the women for remeus Dear Mary Haworth: 1 take is- | DE \ : 1 \ RY J : \ [ IT k 1 |alone to a courthouse or the like GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ts Sh 6 TR uh 4 : | sharing is the keystone of your fine eolumn, just the same.) ting the tone for the future, so rithew, "Sandalwood". Ito return to her missionary work|ily unit. . . . Sincerely, M.K. alo for just a legal ceremony, with if Cheers for| marriage, it should include the F.C. | The guest speaker was Miss|they will feel wanted, and feel The president, Mrs. Robert Liberia, North Africa. She VOTES. To INCLUDE THE "THREE DAY" DELIVERY TO YOUR "HOME" OF ------KARN'S edical Mirro M Juvenile Delinquency | [ | | [ The treasurer, Mrs. Sidney @anfield, and secretary, Mrs. Richard Britton, gave their re- ports, | Mrs, Walter Nickerson and Mrs. Ralph Hopson were appoint- ed as delegates to go to the ton-| vention in Sarnia next month, The meeting next month will be held at the home of Mrs. Sidney | LLL R lela dels Canfield. LOYAL WORKERS Sixteen members of the Loyal Workers Group of King Street United Church held the May meeting recently with Mrs. Bert Howlett presiding. For the open- ing, Mrs. Howlett read a poem entitled "The Set of the Sails". The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Theodore Wil kins. The theme of the devotion- al, presented by Mrs. Wilson, was Year", | For the program. Mrs. Samuel Jude read "The Unexpected" and "Worth Living". Miss Wright told George | "World Refugee! Effa| economic stability. the story of how |delinquent's outlook on life is BABY FOOD ® RECTAL FISTULA ® INGROWN HAIRS Q. €rime among youngsters is currently e major problem, Couldn't the whole thing be solvéd by punishing these psy- chopaths to the limit of the Iw A, The causes of juvenile de- linqueney are mony so there is no one "sure." Extensive studies have shown that most juvenile delinquents are not phychopaths or mental defectives. They are | potentially normal persons whose cultural aid The juvenile background lacks Joseph Henry Gilmore happened {molded in large measure by the to write the hymn "He Leadeth Me", 'then all joined in singing the hymn. Mrs. Earle Luke reported house calls and nine hospital ealls, Mrs. Edward Sills read the treasurer's report. The June meeting will be eon- vened by the executive. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The WMS of Calvary Baptist Church held its regular meeting recently. The meeting was open- ed with a singsong service lde by 23 DRAPERIES BROADLOOM "INTERIOR DECORATING SER- VICE" -- Ask to have a quali- fied representative call with a sample. FREE ESTIMATES, attitude of others toward him, He does not conform to ordi- nary standards of society from which he feels he has been ex- cluded. We shun the delinquent becouse it is much easier to help those who do eonform to our social standards. The delinquent deliberately provokes ond -ex- pects rejection and punishment, When he is punished his hos. tility increases and thus the v cious sycle is eomplete. The {problem nfinitely complex Q. At what age should e baby |be "offered solid food? {A. The averoge child does net willingly accept solid foods be- fore the oge of 2)2 months, The Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pedi- atrics hos eoncluded that ne specific benefits are derived from solid foods into the diet of infants prior to 27% to 3 months Q. | have had a rectal fistule introducing of aqe 73 a) for about five years. It doesn't give me much trouble but now I'm beginnnig to worry about cancer. Can cancer develop from a fistula or from hem- orrhoids? A. There is some question whether such conditions lead to eancer. Some doctors are of the opinion that trouble of this sort rarely if ever gives rise to can- ger. Since some risk may be in- volved it is logical to have rectal conditions treated and not coast along hoping that nothing more serious will develop Q. This may not be a proper medical question. but do doctors know how to prevent ingrown hairs of the beard? | have been troubled for years? A. This question is very much in order because dermatologists (skin specialists) are often called upon' to suggest @ remedy. A| Califernia doctor tells his men] patients with ingrown hairs to | brush the affected area briskly with @ stiff-bristled nail brush, They do this every night, brush. ing against the direction of beard growth (against the grain), This routine, according to the doctor; often solves the problem. Hair plucking is prohibited. The prescription a physician writes for you is your personal property and it is your right and privilege to have it filled ot a pharmacy of your own choosing. | THE FINEST OF DAIRY PRODUCTS ALL PRODUCTS IN THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED PURE-PAK THROW AWAY CONTAINER QUARTS, PINTS AND HALF PINTS ARE ALL BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME IN THIS NEW HIGHER COST THROW AWAY CONTAINER, FOR THE SAME STANDARD PRICE CHARGED FOR GLASS CONTAINERS. HALF GALLONS (THE BULK PACKAGE) OF SKIM- HOMOGENIZED -- GUERNSEY GOLD -- ARE ALSO BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR AT "REDUCED PRICES" Howard's DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-3144 DUE TO BULK PURCHASE 28 King St E RA 3-462) Oshowa IDEAL DAIRY SALESMEN AND MANAGEMENT ARE PLEASED TO BRING OSHAWA RESIDENTS THE NEW SERVICE AND THE OPTION OF CASH SAVINGS ON BULK PURCHASES JEANNE McCABE HUGHES announces The Official Opening of the BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS in the Moll Side, Oshawa Shopping Centre WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th--3 p.m. tn 6 n.m. Come and have tea and meet JILL SCOTT €ontinentol Hair Stylist CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMEN Phone RA 8-6241 FOR TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICE ------., RA 8.6722 RA 8-6722 a -- ti pisses oll

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