The Oshawa Times, 13 May 1960, p. 8

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¢ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 13, 1960 * |Mrs. Dick Watson GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES| of the Lenore Group ST. GEORGE'S AFT. W.A, St. George's Anglican Church oon Branch of the W.A. its monthly meeting on Tues- parlors of Simcoe Street Church on Tuesday decided t 10. ec! 0 have a meet- It was id Vi I day, May 10. The roll call was in the form of a pot al It answered by 23 members. The president, Mrs. John Saw- yer, opened the meeting with a ing in June t the home luck supper Lee Rolson, It was also decided that a meeting should be held in Duncan A. Brodie Lois Z. Mathews Wed In Toronto At Armour Heights Presbyter- fan Church, Toronto, on Satur- day, May 7, Duncan Alexander, Brodie, son of Mr. and Mrs. took as his bride, Lois Zena Mathews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mathews of To- ronto. The Reverend Scott Duncan of- ficiated, The wedding music was played by Mr. Arthur Middleton Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of hand-embroider- ed white silk organza styling elbow-length puff sleeves. A tiara held her short veil and she car- ried yellow carnations with white bridal flowers. The bridal attendants were as matron-of- % |honor and the bride's two sisters, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Bobier, Oshawa, and great Mervyn Bobier, Gladstone ave- | granddaughter of Mrs. John nue, is Wendy Dianne. Eight- | Johnson, Picton, Ontario. Wen- year-old Wendy is the grand- | dy is a pupil in Grade 3 at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | E A. Lovell School. Frank Freuts and Mr. George -Photo by Hornsby Grace Marilyn Dowe Is Wed To Kerry Emest Willoughby Grace Marilyn, daughter of|crowned organza picture hats Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowe, and|Their dresses were styled with | Kerry Ernest Willoughby, son of|round necklines, short sleeves Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Willough-|land gathered skirts. The matron by, all of Oshawa, were united|of honor held a crescent cascade Mrs. John Cawthorne and Mrs. Ian Howard. All wore moss green : |silk honan sheath dresses with white hats and gloves and car- ried yellow and peach carnations. Mr. Donald B. Hart acted as i best man and the ushers were 4 Messrs. Winston Bradley and Thomas D. Graham. A reception was held at the Regency Towers, Toronto, where the bride's mother received wear- ing a beige lace over coral silk Alexander Brodie of Oshawa, |. hymn, s' prayer and the litany. Mrs. William Collins read the scripture lesson. Minutes were read by the secretary. Treasur- er's report was read by Mrs. E. A. Seeley. September in order to get organ-| ized for the fall projects, includ- ing a bazaar on October 26. The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. John Wannop. The treasurer, Mrs. William But- Marilyn Scott played two accor dion solos, "The Carnival of Ven- ice" and "The Laughling Polka." Mrs. John Stone sang two solos, "The Voice in the Old Village Choir' and "How Great Thou .|Art."" Miss Joanne Mosienko ac- companied Mrs. Stone on the THEATRE GUIDE Plaza--"The Glenn Miller Story" starring James Stewart and June Allyson. Starting times 1.18, 3.21, 5.24, 7.27, 9.35 p.m, Last lete show at 9.27 piano, and later in the i contributed a piano solo. Thanks to those taking part were expressed by Mrs, Harry Kerr whose group was respon- sible for the meeting. p.m. Regent -- "Tarzan the Apeman, shown daily at 1.30, 4.25, 7.25, House of ler, gave a report on the dessert luncheon, bake sale, and rum- mage sale held recently indicat- ey Mrs. Charles Gibbs read prayer partners' prayer. A letter from Miss Connie Colpus was read by y Mre. Charles Gibbs, Miss C. E.|ing handsome sums realized. Wesson read correspond The highlight of the meeting Mrs. John Beamish gave Dorcas|was a musical program. Miss A DRAMA OF TEEN-AGE port. | Members will send quilts and blankets to Diocesan Centre, To- ronto, on May 19. Mrs, Wilbert Hall reported on cards. The May sale was a great suc- cess. The African table is send- ing a cheque. to the University of Africa Missions in Central Af- rica, Miss Betty Gulliver reported on Junior WA activities. Next business meeting will be held on June 14. Refreshments were served by Mrs, Bert Morgan, Mrs. Charles | Dolley Sr., Mrs. G. A, Dart and |Mrs. William Chaplin. ONT. REGT. ASSN. AUX. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ontario Regiment Association was held at the Armories with the presi. dent, Mrs, Henry Davies, presid- ing. Mrs. Betty Sheridan, secretary, read the minutes and Mrs, Wil- liam McNeill read the treasur- er"s report. | It was announced that the re- |sponse for new members had | been satisfactory / SUR) A alte 9 DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE and His Orchestre EJ 2 07 <5 5 f PAVILION ns) PERSONS INTERESTE EMPLOYMENT A Swimming Instructors AND/OR Supervisors 10.30 p.m. "The e ¥. td MILLIONS OF b8 NEw FANS FOR Rd) ELVIS PRESLEY ADDED SATURDAY MATINEE: "GYPSY COLT" in COLOR! BILTMOR 3 STARTS TOMORROW § {LAST 4 | DAY: Hypnotic Eye" & "Affair In Havana" BOTH ADULT with beige accessories and a cor-| The annual inspection is to be sage of pink carnations. The held this month with the Auxil- bridegroom's mother assisting|iary serving refreshments. was in green silk and lace with| Captain John Kane thanked the matching accessories. Gardenias members of the Auxiliary on be- comprised her corsage, half of the cadets for refresh- are asked to contact Mr. Gerry Gelette for further information, MR. G. K. GELETTE C.R.A,, 100 GIBB ST, RA 5-111 | | Later the couple left for a ments served following their re- honeymoon at the Belmont|cent inspection. To the Music of Manor Hotel, Bermuda. For trav- WCTU elling the bride wore a hounds-| pp, regular meeting of the tooth suit with a white cloche hat| women's Christian Temperance and gloves and an orchid cor-| Union was held at Simcoe Street sage. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie will United Church. Mrs. Charles live in the Park Lane Apart-|Langficld presided. Mrs. H. A. in marriage last Saturday after-lof white carnations surrounded noon. |by mauve gladiolus florets and| The ceremony took place inthe bridesmaids' cascades were! Northminster United Church, The|all white. ireport of the April meeting. It In VON Service | Evangelical and Christian stew ments, Oshawa. | Mellow led in the worship serv- |was announced that the spring |tea had been postponed to a later Mr. E. A. Collins, president of | ardship, Mrs. Charles Brant; the local branch of the Victorian/cards, Mrs. H. A. Gray; medal |i Comfort For Aged date Order of Nurses, presided at the contest, Mrs. Charles Langfield; May Dance || SAT. MAY 14, DUPLATE SOCIAL AND SPORTS CLUB to the music of DAVE DAWSON and the | WILDWOODS Bowmanville Lions Centre | Saturday, May 14th 8:30 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME | | | I Ontario Regiment Association DANCE ... Bryce Brown DANCING 9 - 1 Oshawa Armouries ® PUBLIC WELCOME eo ADMISSION 2.00 PER COUPLE May 14th at the U.AW.A. HALL Len Clapp's Band No Stags--Dancing 9-12 p.m. TA FINDS FORGOTTEN WORLDS Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated ce. | Mrs. Harold Parrott gave a Increasing Demand The heads of departments are: Mr. Robert Clayton Jr., Toron- May meeting. He presented a at the double ring ceremony, while Mr. John Robertson played the wedding music. Mrs. Doug- las Williams of Whitby was the soloist, | Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a bouffant gown of faille taffeta inset with lace. The scalloped neckline of the lace bodice was scattered with iridescent sequins. Finger- tip sleeves and a semi-train com- pleted the gown. A juliet cap of lace and seed pearls held her vell and she carried a crescent eascade of deep pink roses, to, was best man and ushering were Mr, Gregory Vanson, Mr. Laurace Hobbs and Mr. Stanley Dowe, all of Oshawa. The reception and wedding din- ner was held in the UAW hall The bride's mother received in a sheath dress of dusty rose lace and taffeta with accessories in a slightly deeper shade. The bride- groom's mother wore a silk Surah print shading from beige to brown with a beige hat and green suede accessories. Each had a white orchid corsage. The couple motored to New York City for their honeymoon. As they left, the bride was wear- ing a suit and jacket of avocado green, white hat and white gar- denia corsage. Mr, and Mrs. Willoughby will return to reside in the Jackson Apartments, Oshawa. {full and comprehensive report on the 62nd annual convention held {recently in Oftawa. Mr, Collins |felt the meetings were most suc- cessful and he derived a great deal of help and information, which resulted in a deeper ap- preciation of the work and pur- pose of the Order. The Honorable H. B. Dymond was one of the speakers and he Because of changing patterns of living Dr. Dymond said "Canada today has a large number of aged--some ill and infirm--oth- ers moderately active and others very active both mentally and| physically. Great numbers ol them are lonely, forgotten and rejected." The Health Minister had statistics to show the grow- ing need for rehabilitation of the| aged. | Dr. Alexander Laidlaw, nation al secretary of the Co-Operative Union of Canada, was also a guest speaker. He dealt with the| history of the VON which des-| pite its sixty-two years was still| young and vigorous. He spoke| about the necessity of leadership and that too many were satisfied with mediocre or average effort He said "Greatness is not in our! possessions but in our work." Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse-in.| charge, reported 292 visits were made during the past month, with 23 health instruction visits, Miss Helen Boddy, secretary, read the minutes of the April meeting. Mr. Collins urged all members of the VON board to attend the Ontario Provincial annual meet- ing at the King Edward Hotel Toronto, on May 27, commenc- ing at 10 am. stressed the problem of aging. | temperance in Sunday schools, |Mrs. F. J. Williams; world and Canadian missions, Mrs. Harold |Parrott; publicity and social, Mrs. Glen Henry and Mrs. H. A. | Mellow; peace and international irelations, Mrs. -E. A. Henley; {posters and scrap books, Mrs. |Charles Langfield; press secre- tary, Mrs. A. M. Hariman. Mrs. Charles Langfield gave a | reading, "The Story of Fireman | Jim", Tribute was paid to Miss | Edna Grant and her assistant {who did .so much to make the| | county convention a success. LENORE GROUP Mrs. Frank Black, president, |presided at the regular meeting LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES DANCE FRIDAY TO THE Lincolnaires Admission 1.00 RED BARN OSHAWA'S (o of ADVENTURE! "tring DENNY MILLER as the NEW Tarzan CESARE DANOVA- JOANNA BARNES RZAN vi Chow's... C SPECIAL ON © DINNERS © BANQUETS ® LUNCHEONS @ CHINESE FOODS Canadian Exotic and Oriental Dishes TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 H 0) P S U E Y 19 KING ST. W. OSHAWA HO ROBERT DOUGLAS gan MAYER OBERT TAYLOR NICOLE MAIoEY CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1:30 P.M. | HOUSE or m= SEVE Qk . b FANOUS PLAYERS THEATRE The regular meeting was held in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Betty McKinstry, worthy matron, presided, assisted by Mr. Frank Train, worthy patron. Mrs. Ann Creighton and Mrs. Meta Moore, both PDDGM's, were given a warm welcome by the worthy matron and Mrs. May- |belle Brown, presiding matron, from Canada Chapter, Toronto, was also welcomed with Mrs. | Eleanor Train, past matron from| |{Bowmanville, Sunbeam past ma- trons and patrons were: Mrs. Martha Dunlop, Mrs. Laura Ste- wart, Mrs. May Lang, Mrs, Meta |Moore, Miss Flora Purdie, Mrs. Nance McLeese, Mrs. Dorothy Haley, Mr. Harry Shelley, |Frank Train and Mr. William | Henderson. | | Refreshments were served by| Mrs. Cora Lyons and her com-| mittee. FAVORITE FUN SPOT | BASEBALL'S BIGGEST MOMENT! CHANNEL - . TONIGHT WROC-TV o 10:3( MICKEY ERNIE also staring GRARION | sy iow. ESTON pees Hascon a J THR 75 APare= sunt Picture WHERE JUNGLE LAW RULES! Tropic Zone rn starring MANTLE BREN BANKS Sponsored by LABATT'S a wt Write today for your free record courtesy of Meagher's Record Bar THE STORY OF A LOVE THAT MADE ' WONDERFUL Music! JUNE ALLYSON BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK ALL COLOR SHOW ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST CINEMASCOPE SCREEN 2 13% Wg * PRODUCTION OF couon by ewe CINEMAS COPE EL 2 PLUS ADDED ACTION! THE HELL HORDE «=< a + xf ~ STEVE a LEO GORDON - GALE ROBBING COLOR] A LIMITED SUPPLY OF BUMPER CLUB MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE « » «+ BUY YOURS TONIGHT! Membership admits Cor and Driver free every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday end Thursday (with the exception of holidays) A $40.00 value for only $1.00. CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON MILLER STORY" souwn(ay CHARLES DRAKE + GEORGE TOBIAS « HENRY MORGAN 'and these Musicol "Grech" os Guest Stors! i ESTELTA WILSON & LEE LIMITED £2 3 STOOGES COMEDY HIT! irepresenting a teen-age girl's |group in Africa, "The Firefight ers", was enacted by the Inter- {mediate CGIT group. The leader, Mrs. Harold Hawkshaw, told an interesting African story. The Senior CGIT group, with Mrs. Samuel Keane as leader, led in a worship service after which everyone joined in a friend- ship circle for the Mission band closing prayer and taps. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Humphreys and Mrs. Robert Nicholls, assisted by members of both anxiliaries and the Senior CGIT, GREAT ACTRESS Sara Bernhardt, {ie actress who dicd in {brought up in a convent sc.uu Paris. The matron of honor was Mrs and the other attendants were Mrs. Laurace Hobbs, Mrs. Don- ald Ellison and Miss Donna How- and lace over taffeta with match- ing accessories and white, open- Isabel Russell, Robert Eagleson The marriage of Isabel Janelboucle stroller suit with white Russell, daughter of Mr. and|and red accessories and a cor- Mrs. George Russell, and Robert|sage of white carnations. The Mrs. William Leslie Eagleson, all|Oshawa. a Oshawa, was solemnized on|-- turday afternoon, May 7, in N . | Northminster WM The Reverend H. A. Mellow of-| § ficiated. The wedding music was played by Mr. John Robertson ist, sang "A Wedding Prayer" And Family Party and "I'll Walk Beside You". | Palm trees, African huts and Given in marriage by her|animals, multi - colored costumes tional gown of candlelight de- craftwork made the setting for lustered satin. The tightly fitted) Northminster United Church bodice, which was fashioned on|WMS African Festival and family appliqued _with heavy imported| Mrs. Thomas Moorcroft, miis- Alencon lace tinted to match the| tress of ceremonies, welcomed all dress and featured a high por.|Present on behalf of the WMS lily-point |$, sleeves, The skirt billowing out] 1aries, and gave the mothers of from the tiny waistline, and members of "Younger Groups 3 tings. large cabbage roses, fell into igs i issi bi : | Mrs. Iain MacDonald, mission softly draped chapel train. Alband superintendent, with her as- au she carried a cascade of Mrs, Blake Branton, led the white roses, stephanotis and ivy. group as they recited their Pur- Miss Sandra Clark, the maid-|pose and sang three African styling a silk organza overdress| "Before Dinner," and "Congo and a full skirt. She wore match-| Lullaby". Mrs. Rundle accom- of silk net and organza with an/boys and girls beat the rhytnm open crown encircled with lilacs. on drums that they had made. The bridesmaids, Miss Margaret| Mrs. MacDonald also led in an Miss. Carole Robinson were iden-| Thumb." i tically gowned to the maid-of-| The Explorer girls and their the Misses Janice and Candace| Mrs. Harold Cornish and Mrs. Eagleson, twin cousins of the| Robert Kelly, recited their Pur- bridegroom, were dressed in pink| Pose and presented in pantomime All earri ; |Slessor, first woman missionary 1 hs fiiey wiegans ol ink 26dlse Africa. Mrs. Westcott was the with pink roses. narraior best man. Ushering were Messrs. Brent Oldfield, Dick Snowden and Donald Thompson. banquet hall at Northminster United Church. To receive, the bride's mother wore a sheath of lace: with a hat of blue, pink and champagne petals, champagne accessories and a corsage of pink groom's mother assisting was in dusty pink lace and organza with matching accessories. Green tint- Robert Clayton Jr., of Toronto ard. They wore lilac silk organza Are Married At Northminster James Eagleson, son of Mr. and|newly wedded pair will live in Northminster United Church, | African Festival and Mrs. Walter Bestwick, solo- father, the bride chose a tradi-|and African maps, pictures and softly flowing princess lines, was|Party recently. wal: neckline and {afternoon and evening auxil- caught up in the back with two|2® invitation to join the monthly pearl tiara held her fingertip veil sistants, Mrs. J. C. Rundle and of-honor wore a lilac lace sheath|songs, "The Magic Tom-tom," ing accessories and a picture hat!panied on the piano, while the Russell, cousin of the bride, and|action song "One Finger, One honor. The junior bridesmaids,|leaders, Mrs. Robert Westcott, similar to the senior attendants.|? Scene from the life of Mary Mr. Edward Eagleson acted a: A 'reception was held in the blue silk shantung and guipure aristocrat roses. The bride- ed carnations comprised her cor- sage. As the couple left for a wed ding trip to Atlanta, Georgia, and the southern United States, the bridle was wearing a black An African campfire scene, GIRLS! . . . Looking for a night out on Friday? COME TO THE DANCE TO-NIGHT AT THE "Y" The Woodcock Trio will be playing 9 TO 12 P.M. -- EVERYBODY WELCOME 199 Centre St. MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO LJ ® ® ® ® ® TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that home for practice. Dine at the RESTAURANT 142 King St. East (Upstairs) OSHAWA, ONTARIO ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR ® TROMBONE ® VIOLA eo CELLO period which is taken ON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 THE FAMILY FOR DINNER Families feel right at home here. The very best of food with all the fixings, Quiet at- mosphere with faint music, WE feel sure the whole family will be deilghted with this ex- perience. Come in this week-end. HOME DELIVERY FREE for orders over $5.00 in City Limits PICK-UP ORDERS 10% OFF specialize in Chinese Food. DIAL RA 8-4666 for take-out orders

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