The Oshawa Times, 10 May 1960, p. 7

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| grandmother, Mrs. J. Collette. {Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ferries Jor. lentertained at a luncheon for (family and 'friends after the PERSONALS Observes 39th Anniversary [Jom swe a te Conde clon coos srg oe cremons LODGES AND were: Mr. and Mrs. George Nor- nard Wakeford and Mr, John : ton, Mrs. J. F. Norton, Mr. Clif- Burns of Oshawa Mi. James stitution of Sunshine Rebekah|troduced by PNG Sister Lena on Barton nis Miss Tore ini ps hd Noilowing Lodge, No. 222, was observed at|MacFarlane. Carr. : the coremohy Mr. and Mrs. Mc DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The Daughters of England, Lodge Empress of India No. 26, the recent meeting. Sister May vo minutes silence was ob- i f Skea was ip the Nobel Grand'siserved as a tribute to Sister Net- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Antro- Laughlin entertained at a family held its regular meeting recently with Worthy President, Sister chair and was assisted by vice-|tic Welsh, an officer of Sunshine bus of Trinidad are guests at the|'®@ Party. grand Sister Greta Drinkle. (Lodge, who died suddenly, re- home of Mrs. Antrobus' brother, e § 3 Special guests included a num- cently, Mr. Herbert King and Mrs. King, qlenibers of the Shoral group ber of Grand Lodge officers,| The service of re-dedication was Eastbourne avenue, their husbands and Ess, Riri who were escorted into the lodge|a feature of the evening -- which % an enjoyable evening at "Sprin, by a guard of honor of Sunshine|was presented by the past noble . At the Flower Fund Tea to be an njoy: lo Sve 2 x pring esi members wearing long gowns and|grand officers and convened by/held in the manse of St. An. thaw on Saturday The party|Mary Hurst presiding, assisted carrying spring flowers. PNG Sister Betty McColl drew's United Church Mrs. David|included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas hy Worthy Vice-President Sister Sister Isabel Carr, past presi-| gio Disney. Clark, Beatty 0%, Vill convene the Kitchen staff Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas|Edith Taylor. t. Rebekah Assembly was in| Sisters Disney, Clark, Beatty asigted by Mrs. Matthew Leyden|Anderson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R.| a i 1 read dent, Rebekah Assembly and * Pearce, in thanking the|and Mrs. H. D. Wils G. Beal, Mr. Arthur Bellingham e scripture. lesson was rea troduced by PN G Sister Beity|) i. (or the invitation. made 2d Mrs. H. D. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, G. K. Drynan. Miss|PY Worthy Chaplain Sister Edna [ McColl. Sister Mabel Disney also 5% il wor inci aall 3 oki os. br Be orynan, MISs| go bban. The minutes and cor i ! 4 special reference to the work ofl You are invited by the Social| Judith Drynan, Miss Margaret (a past president, was introduced |, "oo Coble rand officers Department to send in any little! Jones, Miss G de J Mr, |fespondence were read by |by PNG Sister Marie Elliott. Sis-{""® PA: ran 3 ep : any ones, ones tertruce Jones, Mr. wo hy Secretary Sister Doris {ter Vi A report was submitted by vice items of interest. News of teas, and Mrs. Gordon Ritter, Mr. and MeDonald ' Sister Sarah Waterhouse was reported ill. Donations to Simcoe Hall and the Oshawa General Hospital were approved. Lucky prizes were won by Sis- fie Violst Pearce, nasi assembly grand, Sister Greta Drinkle, con- surprise parties, showers, anniver- Mrs. G. A. Turton, Mr. Richard iis A Mor A by PNG Sister Florence John-|the annual Church parade at 2.30 Do Mrs. A. C. Ferries Jur., Hortop|iers Ada Morgan and Anne A I SLE - I 1 |by PNG Sister Victoria McGee. and Sister Louise Clark who is convened by Sister Estelle Sims, and Mrs. A. C. Ferries and Mr. venership of Sisters Kathryn ton of RMD, Goodwood, Ontario, | sold for 2.98. Broken sizes and wool in an azure blue shade, Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 The 39th anniversary of the in- (dent Rebekah Assembly, was in- TAE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 10, 1960 7 1 WCT U County Officers Installed At Convention In Newcastle The County Officers for Dur- ham and Ontario Women's Chris- ! [tian Temperance Union for 1960 '4 |are as follows: Zi [County president, Mrs. F. J. Wil- # |iams, Oshawa; first vice-pres- 4: of lident, Mrs. Charles Langfield, : |Oshawa; County corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ernest A. Henley, Oshawa; assistant corresponding | secretary, Mrs. LH. Muldrew, | |Oshawa; County recording secs |retary, Mrs. H. W. Quantrill, | Whitby: County treasurer, Mrs. Orlin A. Lint, Oshawa; assistant treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Mellow, Oshawa. At the county convention held in Newcastle recently the follow ing superintendent of depart- ments were appointed Evangelism and Christian Stew- "I'M A BIC BOY NOW" * |ardship, Mrs. R. J. Fursey, 126 Fernhill blvd, Oshawa Flower Mission, Mrs. H. A. old on March 18. He is the Gray, 108 Division street, Osh- § grandson of Mrs. B. E. Mont- gomery, Rosedale avenue, Osh- awa, --Photo by Sneyd 7 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watt, Osh- SALE In keeping with our policy, GLAZIER'S clear the balance of each season's stock at a fraction of their cost. All Spring merchandise will be cleared. You will SAVE and SAVE PLENTY! Come and bring your neighbours, leave the dishes in the sink, but HURRY--get your share of the bargains. SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY -9 A.M. LADIES' SPRING COATS GIRLS' 'SPRING COATS i i | h smart styles and colors. All this season's stock. In a smart group of fabrics and shades, in styles beg pi 1 8) R110. vo io Tx Toon so new this season. REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Values to 29.98 Values to 59.98 ay 19.98 CLEARING CLEARING 17.98 Values to 24.98 Values to 49.98 13.98 4 4 Vin a -- Bubbling over with joy is | Danny Cleophas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Short, Tecumseh avenue. Danny was one year awa. Little White Ribboners, Murs, SOCIAL NOTICE | ENGAGEMENT W. H The engagement is announced) tario. of Katherine Elga Thornback, ofl Medal eontests -- Ontario Coun- Oshawa, daughter of Mr. Lloyd ty, Mrs. Charles Langfield, 287 Thornback of Stoney Creek, for-| Athol street east; Durham coun- merly of Ajax, and the late Mrs.|ty, Mrs. R. J. Best, RR North, Thornback, to Mr. Augustus|Orono. Steven Smelko, of Oshawa, son| peace and International ; of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smelko, tions, og L. Muldrew. 201 Fort Erie, Ontario. The Marriage| jarvis street, Oshawa will take place in Holy Cross Posters and Scrap Books, Mrs. Roman Catholic Church on Sat- | A y tolock Charles Langfield, 287 Athol] dz 1 urday, May 14, at 11 o'clock straet east Oohone. MRS. F. J. WILLIAMS (County President) Westmount H&S Assn. Re-Elects Mrs. Graydon Gutsole, President Mrs. Harold Donald "'Area C"| Mrs. James Anderson and Mrs. Organizer for Home and School Bryant were named chairman! Federation installed the follow- and assistant for the bazaar to be ing officers at the regular meet- held in the fall. Mrs Anderson | g held recently: President, Mrs.| asked for assistance the vice-president, shorts for the school field day Mrs. James Anderson; treasurer Announced were Laccutive Mrs. Ronald Thomas; recording meeting at the school at 2 o'clock! secretary, Mrs. H. R. DeMille; Monday, May 9; Saturday, May ENGAGEMENT Press, Mrs. A. M. Hartman, 335| corresponding secretary, Mrs.|28, a Workshop at Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. James Eggert Athol street east, Oshawa. Stanley Gomme; executive mem- School, sponsored by Home and|wish to announce the engagement Publicity and Social, Mrs. W H bers, Mrs. John Black, Mrs. Mel- School Council. Anyone wishing to|of their youngest daughter, Don- poo RE 1, Orono. Ont. ville Coolidge, Mrs. Reginald|go were asked to contact Mrs.|na Elaine, to Mr. William Rock Teroperanc Are & ; Bryant, Mrs. Ernest Hale, Mrs. Gutsole by May 21, Home and|brune, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- re orance in Sunday Schools, Gaston Plancke School Council meeting Tuesday, ert Rockbrune, all "of Oshawa. Mrs. Fred J. Williams. 801 Rit- Mrs. Donald congratulated the May 24 at E. A. Lovell School in|The marriage: will take place in' SOD road south, Oshawa Association on its fine reports St. Andrew's Church on Saturday World's and Canadian Mission- She stressed the importance of the June 18,.at 4.30 p.m ary Work, Mrs. Harold F. Parrott |aiar for Buffalo, N.Y., where program chairman's job in pro MARRIAGE 141 Alma street, Oshawa. the honeymoon is being spent and viding good topics for the pro- The marriage of Yoon Del Scientific Temperance Instruc- on their return will live in grams and hoped that at least two Gimblett. daughter of Mrs. Harry tion in Day Schools, Mrs. W. H. Whitby. : meetings would deal with parent! Gimblett of Oshawa and the late Rowe, RR 1, Orono, Ontario Guests were present from Osh- education Mr. Gimblett, to Mr. Philip Ross Non-Alcoholic Fruit Products, awa, Brooklin, Newcastle, Ux- Mrs. Ronald Thomas thanked Boynton. son of Mrs. George Les-| Mrs. Glenn A. Henry, 73 Centre bridge, Sunderland and Maple, Mrs, Donald and presented her lie Boynton of Oshawa and the|Street, Oshawa. Ontario. with a small gift. late Mr. Boynton, took place in| . I. Dr. 'W. G. McKay brought a the chapel of St. George's Memo- short message on the Hospital| rial Anglican Church on Tuesday, | 7| June Michell, district deputy Invitations were received for for which there is no charge. 'lag the "mother" of Sunshine| Following the closing of lodge christened at Si. George's Me- Church with the Reverend H. A,[0ual church parade on May 29 to Warner Lynde SPECIAL Rowe lin was solemnized recently at ecretary was introduced by PNG stant her work among the sick saries and comings and goings/ Walker and Mr. Larry Lemon. De er Clays Stonohoock and|the birthday parties of lodges in| Please write or telephone RA awa, were named godparents at district deputy "president sis.|the district. 3-3474 local 18. the baptism of Alexander ter Eva McMurter was introduced| Special mention was.made off, o,, McLaughlin, infant Ghigries, nant son of Mr. 4 ston p.m. May 15 to Simcoe Street/Son of Mr. and Mrs S. street. The ceremony took place Mitchell. a ial Anglican Church on Sun- yp. fficiati ssisted by |Albert Street United Church. as o J py to t t hall/moria 3 8 Mellow officiating assis y | |Site ho geen, by Rud A hday an ue The 08 afternoon with the Reverend ny. 5, G. Saywell. Four genera-| In place of the regular meet- Louise Clark, vice-president, Re-|three-tiered birthday cake was| 3 ~ tions were repfesented: the baby, ing on May 17 a euchre og be bekah Assembly, was introduced cut by Sister Christine Roberts/sembly. The refreshments were his parents, grandparents, Mr. held at 8.15 sharp under the con- |Sister Clara Beatty, past presi- vice-president of the Rebekah asgisted by the lodge members. and Mrs. S. C. Rundle, and great!/Glover and Ethel Cochrane. inti rind, sind, oil) Wo vsmisanive Bis tos ion Td ------ia---- am Wed In Altona FEA URE! I ) The marriage of Nelda Mae Norton of Oshawa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alvin Nor-| LADIES' NIGNTGOWNS and Warner Lynde, son of Mr. | AND PYJAMAS RR 1, Orovo,: On Clearance of styles thet normally Altona, Ontario, with the Rev- styles in Cotton, Plissé, Rayon and erend Donald Sargant officiating. | 4 For the ceremony the bride] wore a stroller suit of fine French | Ser une, Coakwell, id Br of Sunshine Lodge. are always very acceptable and Sister Christine Roberts. known United Church. McLaughlin, Masson street, was|,n Sunday in St. Stephen's United| Plans were made for the an- | z Y= | Nelda M. Norton BUDGET TERMS and Mrs. Keith Lynde of Brook-| Flannelette, in the lot | with a white lace straw hat, | white accessories and a corsage] of pink and white carnations The matron of honor was Mrs Keith McKool of Brooklin who| wore a beige tweed .suit with a sink feathered hat, and a cor- sage of pink chrysanthemums. Mr. Gene Lynde of Brpoklin was best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents in| Goodwood, where the bride's mother received, assisted by the bridegroom's mother. 4 The newly wedded couple left to sew the form of a pot luck supper. | Mr. A. S. Winter, principal of Duke of Edinburgh School, will speak on the importance of junior high schools Mrs, Gutsole presented a gift to Mrs. James Follest, retirin? secretary, with two year service Mrs. William Cook in the ab sence of the leader, Mrs. James Wagg, led the school choir ir three numbers, "When at Night | Values to 19.98 CLEARING CLEARING CLEARING campaign and asked for support 1960, with the Reverend in this important project. Reports of the Home School convention held at the Royal York, Toronto, were given by the delegates Mrs. Rob- ert Bryant, Mrs. Gaston Plancke, Mrs. Graydon Gutsole and Mrs. and I Go To Sleep", 'One Morning in the Meadow" and "The 42nd Psalm" Mrs. Mrs Harry Bennett thanked Cook and the children fo May 3, Clinton Cross officiating, their fine performance and wish- |i ed them success in the school » a BBIGRRRRG PEL, Mrs. Marion. Budner % SPECIAL Values to 39.98 CLEARING Values to 34.98 CLEARING Values to 16.98 CLEARING Values to 15.98 CLEARING ... 198 9.98 Victor Kwaites competition on Tuesday, May 10. | Mr. Kenneth Logan on behalf A Festival of Music for all choir: of the Home and School express- at OCVI. { ed his congratulations to the Mr Wagg's clan won the .room |} principal, Mr. Srank Wilkinson, prize and the mothers of the who had received his certificate nupils in the classes of Mrs to qualify for the position of in Murray Hinze and Mrs. Grace spector of public schools IMacDougall served refreshments. OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL COTTON PRINT Seeing is believing, such lovely prints and patterns in shades galore. Reg. sold for 59¢ a yd. 3 Yds. 1.00 SPECIAL LADIES' BUDGET DRESSES Washable and colorfast. Cruise Cottons, French Crepe, Balli, Plissé and Check Gingham, Size 10 to 52, also half sizes. 3.98, 4.98, 5.98 CONSULTANT She will be in our % i Ld £37 Cosmetic Department to tell you how to care for your complexion « «. will plan a personal make-up chart N 3 2 i) | for you . . . and will show you how "PARANETTES" 9 1 BH is [| ~r , &. | "PARAMETTE" 2 to look your very best with #2 SYRUP |g o St. Mary Of The People CWL Holds Communion Breakfast St. Mary of the People council Grace was said by Mrs of the Catholic Women's Lea ue|DeGray held its annual Communion| Foliowing the breakfast the breakfast recently. The mem "'*|president introduced the gues t attended the nine o'clock Mass|speaker, Mr. Exalt J. Pinto Mr and received Communion after Pinto was born in Goa, Portu- witich Hey rr seeded to thelguese, India, and was educated in Hote! Dy : - reakfas Sombay, India and attended In S aniel Shutka, convener, gore State College in Central was congratulated for the M¢ India, graduatin n Art 1 8 ; , gr gi t ' and Sto She Spegt In maicing gave a very vivid and interesting |! ine. ar nis rE ii on life in India and told espe: : Severs \ s , cially about the beautifui handi- Dresent from St. Gregory's aris made in the villages. Hel : then showed two films, one show. | Seated at the head table was|ing how these handicrafts are the president, Mrs. Walter Ather- made and the other, women's fold, Mrs. Kenneth McRac. Mrs. fashions in India. He also had a Datie] hua, id Ty hh display of several types of handi- nto, guest speaker: Mrs. KellVierafts showing wood carving DeGray, Regional President of brass work and needle ot the Catholic Women's League; Mrs. Albert Love, president of/ Mrs. Shutka thanked Mr. Pinto| St. Gregory's Council and Mr. and presented him with a cheque' to be sent to "Prime Minister Michael MacAllister who assist- ed Mr. Pinto in showing films. _ : Showing IMS. | Nehru's Fund for Poor Children in India." H a Supplement the Family Diet wit I Kelly | fe 2 HE 3 "PARAMETTES JUNIO 1 DuBarry Beauty | ' % Preparations. ®3 By Richard Hudnut \ SAVINGS! LADIES' SLIMS, SLAX, JEANS Broken sizes and colors of better lines that normally sold up to 4.98. SPECIAL LADIES' 1, SLIPS WITH PANTIES to match. In White, Pink, or Blue. Size Smell, Medium, Large. Reg. 2.49. SPECIAL, set GIRLS' JEANS & SLIMS "| LADIES' FULL LENGTH | SLIPS learance of style and pat- c P 89 Mostly Wash & Wear Cotton Slips with Ll MAY 11-14 Ha, . BEEBE Te IBGE PR 99. Spm * 21 Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements | 28 KING STREET EAST RA 3-4621 City-Wide Deliveries terns that normally sold up / i i front panel, lace top and bottom. Pink i to 2 98 pair, Sanforized. or Blue, also some Crepe. White. Size Mostly size 10 and 12. 32 to 42. Values to 2.98, D BK § é & SPECIAL 28 KING ST. E. RA 3-4 PILLOW CASES Good sturdy quality, Full size. Plain hem. Normally sold for 79¢ each. 29 SPECIAL, each .. Regular CHILDREN'S SLIMS & JEANS For Boys and Girls, many styles end colors. Sanforized, Size 3 to 6x. Happy Doubles' Annual Banquet The centennial hall of King Street United Church was the set- ting for the annual May banquet of the Happy Doubles' Club. Mr Russell Crossley, assistant minis ter, said Grace. Mr. Irvin Har. rell thanked the members of the Friendship Group of the WA who prepared the banquet Mr. Frank Burrows presented the "'Burrow's Trophy" to the winning bowling team. Members on the team were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lean, Mr. and Mrs Glynn Pearse, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pearse, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hawker, Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholson Mr. Vernon Osborne introduc- ed the chorus of the Motor City -Chapter of the SPEBSQSA with their leader, Mr. Charles Murray, who entertained with several barbershop numbers and two members led in a sing song Members were reminded of the Doubles' Weekend at Torpit Lodge, June 10, 11, 12 and family picnic, June 22 ; Mr. Bryce Brown the Reverend Clinton guest speaker. Mr Eric Booth thanked Mr. Cross for his mes. sage which was mixed with wit and bumor, Mr. Booth also thank. ed Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and their group for 'the success ful banquet. The Reverend Mervin A. Bury closed with the benediction. MEN'S COTTON DRILL PANTS For work or casual wear. In Black, Tan or Grey. ' Sizes 28 to 40. 2.99 Reg. Value 4.50. SPECIAL ..... MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS In many prints and patterns. Mostly woven fabrics in popu- For teenage and problem skin... MEN'S TROUSERS Clearance of better ranges. Sizes 28 to 44. Some with self' 0 . Sizes Leother soles. Black belt. Reg. sold up to 12.98. lar colors. Long sleeves and Brown. Values t Special, pair 2 10.95 3.99 y di 10.00 i, i Tg 1.99 Values to 4.98. OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY -- -- OPEN EVERY FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. 3-WAY MEDICATED TREATMENT New hypo-allergenic treatment "to help clear blemishes, blackheads. MEN'S SHOES In broken sizes SPECIAL ... Medicated Face Wash, scientific formula for corrective cleansing. . $1.50 Cleansing Grains for blackheads, blemishes, ..................... $1.50 All Clear Medicated Lotion, the creamy liquid that conceals blemishes and speeds up healing introduced Cross as DEPARTMENT STORE RA 5-3417 (ACROSS FROM SOUTH SIMCOE SCHOOL) RA 5-431 498 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH RA 3-4621 Oshawa

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