4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 10, 1960 ry AT QUEEN SCOUT ceremonies at Pickering high school. Three of its memhers re- ceived Queen's scout certificates The 1st Claremont Troop of Boy Scouts was honored at the recognition of Queen Scout's Councillo -- Councillor relative." (Mrs. Spang is sister- William|in-law to the Councillor.) Fairgrieve, a Pickering Township. Reeve Scott said that no rea taxpayer, in a criticism of Town- sons for leaving had been given ship Office Manager R. G Turk, in the resignations, and asked a meeting of Council last Mr. Spang: what they were night, Mr. Spang asserting that "Personal trickery," said the this Office Manager is nothing Councillor. "The resignation has a scandal". been prompted." Fairgrieve asked Counci "You and Mi Baker about a Sunday hight meeting, never been on the best of terms,' lled by Mr. E. G. Baker, Tax the Councillor went on address Collector, prior to his and Mrs ing the Reeve, 'mor has Mr Mildred Spang"s resignation two|Hawthorne Mr. Fairgrieve said! The Councillor turned to Mr meeting was called 10 Turk, in attendance at the meel- discuss the 1960 tax bills, Ing, "This has been done by you, h said, made Mr. Turk," he admonished, 'and wut with a lot.of mistakes", and don't tell me different tfemanded to know who was Why have you personal griev- nonsible ances against the Tax Depart- e J Sherman Scott ment? Mr. Spang asked Mr that the error Mr. Fair Turk. He said that the manager referred. to was one o . had never spoken to Mrs. Spang 'It was an office since he had been there, alleging } Ip that communication was by notes "handed between you and Mr Baker.' Mr. Turk spoke quietly, saying that he had done his best to avoid disharmony in the office, Mr. Fairgrieve made a num ad that tie Sores Were de bap 0 i suai . partmental memoranda stan- a Somplaints Soest od dard procedure in business." He cial auditor for the. road de. said that if Mr. Baker and Mrs. ie a ¢ " : Spang claimed he had not spoken partment had difficulties with the 2" old to. them since he came audit, and stating that Mr. Turk|iyere they were mistaken apened all office mail, no matter Mr. Spang wanted to know n whom it was addressed. Mr. why the Office Manager had not airgrieve turned his back to the talked things over with the Tax Reeve and Council and ad- Department. He said that he had dressed an assembly of rate- known Mr. Baker for 11 years. Office hours are from 8.30 to FORCED TO QUIT? What do you think of an em- He forced who comes in at 9.00 declared with o'clock?" whip over his he ad." Mr. Fairgrieve, you a \. Mr. Spang insisted that Mr i ol 4 you are ad- pager and Mrs. Spang be called dressing me!" the Reeve said. (, the meeting to give .the rea- It sons for their resignation, and me," said Mr. Fairgrieve, and asked Mrs. Jean McPherson, a added to council, "I think you all former Councillor, to telephone should quit." them. Mrs. McPherson did so and Mr. Fairgrieve demanded an reported that they did not wish a inquiry between the differences appear before an open meeting, of opinion between the staff and but would be pleased to meet the office manager, and the Council and Mr. Turk in commit- Reeve replied that Council was tee. Mr Baker told Mrs. McPher- satisfied with the department at son that he had called the meet- moment ing Sunday night to discuss ad- ministration, and was left with Fairgrieve turned upon Deputy-|pno choice but to resign Reeve Ross Hawthrone, asking| i neillor Spang accused him about a telephone call to Mr. pyr of getting his instructions Baker following his resignation.|grom the Reeve. "Mr. Turk's in- Mr. Hawthorne told the ratepay-| struction should come from seven er that he had telephoned the| embers of council," he said collector to hear his side of the|"not one." SNOEY, Because Jou ben x Reeve Scot! assured Mr. Spang 4 . V 8 that he had not interfered with You said nothing else to Mr. the office manager in any way Baker?" asked Mr. Fairgrieve. He was asked by the councillor Mr. Hawthorne did not recall that why he "met with two or three he had, and the ratepayer said other people on Monday after threateningly, "That's all I want. noons to discuss what was on ed to know." the agenda for Monday nights 'Is that going to continue?" he BERATES MANAGER asked Harvey Spang,. councillor lor Ward 1, told Council that it had yes," replied the Reeve, who ex- never been proved why the resig- plained that he had met with nation of the tax collector and his members of the staff to become sistant had been handed in acquainfea with and have knowl- If the edge of matters on the agenda. backbone BROUGHAM Harvey Spang joined but ii have days later this A he vere re ai Ree ained assessment roll said he office to rectify." This a council declared the Reeve, stating that he error in an assessment rate vas not a council matter erro « meeting payers he the to quit, holding was of you your privilege to eject the rest of you have not enough to find out INQUIRES ABOUT ERROR why," said Mr. Spang, "I intend Mrs. Jean McPherson asked to. I want Mrs. Spang to be ahout tax bills which she said heard whether or not she is a she had learned had been sent to OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS are having their OPEN HOUSE this weekend Watch tomorrow's paper for full details. You might be *he LUCKY WINNER OF A VACATION IN NEW YORK CITY or ONE OF THE MANY PRIZES to be given r, Taxpayer Rap Township Office Manager Mr. | "If it serves a useful purpos-= 1 season on May 2. Mrs. W. officiated and welcomed al Parkside H-S Meets By GRACE MILLS Correspondent Parkside Home and Association held its last meeting of the curren' Bosch 1 those present. After the reading of the trea- |surer's report, the teachers were invited to suggest some ways in which the balance could be to advantage Ralph Webster, president of the Ajax Kinsmen Club was called upon to outline a project the club had discussed, to build a swim- | ming pool in Ajax. Mr. Webster stated that the total cost of such| la pool, approximately $65,000, | was beyond the finances of such la small group, and announced that fleet available to speed men to 5 | ming Pool Committee a meeting wonld be held on May 15 to organize an Ajax Swim- It is the| {hope of the Kinsmen's Club that |al! organizations in Ajax will be represented at this meeting the major CEREMONIES from Hon. J. Keiller Mackay lieutenant governor of On- tario. Pictured from the left are: scoutmaster D. W. San- derson, William Keevil, Ronald Death and Raymond Ward 'H-S Group Holds Meet By GRACE MILLS Correspondent the CNR, with erroneous tax rate, Ajax The annual meeting of on them. She said that she under- (he Lord Elgin Home and School stood that 60 per cent of the tax sgsociation was held at the school bills did woe jneiude one of the ,, Monday evening, May 2nd assess: Ss. p roe gatheri areonts Mr. Scott replied that the CNR W ire large Gatne Hog Wf Dare Bi had requested advance tax bills an Riends wi 0 oni fe Sing- on properties abutting the rail- ne oe ed « io o pupils way that had been purchased by at ending the school. During the them, and that a few had been Meeting, the performers were en sent them. He explained that the tertained with films in their class- error was on the Assessment I00mS then served sandwiches rolls, not the tax bills, but that | cookies, and milk by some of he believed the few sent the rail-|the ladies and teachers way omitted one of the rates. He| Mrs. Frances Curwood, the re said that no doubt the CNR will tiring president, presented the he supplied with supplementary school, through bills Mr. Graham Pinkney, with a 20 Mr. Turk said that the error volume set of the Book of Know- had been rectified, and the tax|ledge, in memory of the late Miss bills were under normal prepara- Grace O'Connor. tion. Mr G. Cumming. Mrs. McPherson als . Ox 5 Ir er Ierson also of the Oshawa Home and School about the last instalment I a falling due on a Sunday, and the|-0Un¢! installed the new. offic- Reeve said that the taxes could ®'s: easily be paid on the Friday or The guest speaker of the even- Saturday. He referred to the/ing was Miss Bernice Lee date set by the Department of Reg. N., who has spent the last Revenue for final payment --|five years in a 'leper colony in April 30 -- whether or not it falls| Liberia, Africa. Miss Lee spoke on a Sunday. on the missionary, medical "I suppose the township could educational work being carr do the same as the Federaligyt in Liberia. After showing government," he said. 3 |colored slides to illustrate her aR i talk on the people, the country and the centres set up to educate the natives, Miss Lee stressed {the need for evangelism as well las medical help for {these people, who are willing to help them- asked date Expense Account Inquiry Adjourn TORONTO (CP) An inquiry AP ad nl which opened Monday into [selves if given the opportunity. dent Kinsmen Club will make contribution to this project and will take the leader- ship in forming this committee. The support of all is needed at! this meeting. The new executive pointed by' acclamation W. Waywell of the Army officiated at the tion service, when the \ificers were installed: President, Don Kemp: 1st vice-president, Mrs. D. Shewan: 2nd vice-presi- Mrs. M. Cain recording secretary, Mrs. W. P. Campkin; o responding secretary, Mrs. V Wheeler; treasurer Mrs G Jones The was ap- Envoy Salvation installa following HOLD SOCIAL Mr. Don Kemp introduced the guest speaker, Dr. D'Arcy Mac Donald, who spoke on ye Care and problems of children's eyes Dr. MacDonald outlined the many different reasons that chil- dren are brought in for eye at- tention and correction, and stressed the importance of hav- ing children's eyes examined be- fore they start He explain- ed that the earlier defects are treated. the sooner improvement hegins, and said that it was important to know that many ail school the principal, ments of the eyes such as turning | etc., must be treated hefore the child is seven years old, if it is to be helped. Dr. MacDonald con tinued by outlining some of the dren, and assured the group that most of these infections are rare ly contagious. In discussing eye injuries, the doctor stated that even the most minor injury should be looked after immediately, and in most cases, the best treat- pense accounts of the Toronto Mrs. B. J Severs, the new transit commissioners was ad- president, thanked Miss Lee for a journed indefinitely on a legal very interesting evening, and ex | technicality raised by the TTC's|pressed the good wishes of the| counsel i Association to her, on her return| J. J. 'Robinette, TTC counsel, [to her work in Africa next said that Metropolitan Toronto month council, which requested the jn-| Refreshments were served by quiry, had no power to pass a Mrs. J. Jamieson and her com- resolution asking for it. mittee. Says: H E MEYERS HEAR BETTER or pay nothing! For the first time ever ACOUSTICON ' cordless hearing . ..no ear button only *98°° See this modern, low price, hearing aid with all the features of the more expensive aids. ® 10 Day Home Trial Low Time.Payments If Desired No Receiver Button In The Ear--Colourless Sound Tube Is Practically Invisible No Headband, Pressure or Clothing Noises The World's Greatest Choice of Modern Aids Eyeglass, Barette, Mild Losses, Cordless Low Price HEARING GLASSES In Colour, Too World's First & Oldest Hearing Aid Manufacturer ® Factories In Crawley, England. and Jamaica, N.Y. Prove to yourself, without cost or obligation, how you, too, can hear again with clarity and comfort. Come in today or mail coupon. 67 Richmond St. W, Just West Of Bay St. INTERNATIONAL © EMpire 4.2264 ACOUSTICON -67 Richmond St. W., Toronto ut Please send me FREE informatic "Cordless Hearing. Without obligation | would like a « nEE home demonstration. The best time to see me is-- hour ( ) day of week ( Name Address City ON VACATION IN YOUR CAR Exclusive offer to home ment was for the child to be put in the hospital and kept perfect ly quiet. Dr. MacDonald warned that bows and arrows and air! rifles were the greatest offend- ers in eye injury. In conclusion a PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- At. question period was held and | torney-General Roberts and the many questions concerning o ther Ontario fire marshal were asked factors in this field were asked. {Monday to order a thorough in- Robert Russell thanked Dr. Ma Peterborough Fire To Be Investigated (fire at Civic Hospital here last|construction, and how a similar | Phursday. outbreak can be prevented." Max J. Swanston, chairman of The fire caused an estimated e hospital's board of governors, $60,000 damage, destroying the | staff cafeteria. More than 175 pa- itients were carried fo safety from smoke-filled wards after a spark set a wall |ablaze. ls 'said: | "We want to know if proper iprecautions were taken to guard against fire, especially during | vestigation into the cause of the Donald and expressed the ap- preciation of the audience. Mr. Kemp read a list of the new executive members for the 1960-61 season as follows: Mrs. I. Peters, Mrs. D. Croft, Mrs. P. Andrews, Mrs. G. Kemp and Mrs. W. Jones. Following the meeting a social time was held in the auditorium, and lunch was served. Transport Fleet Inadequate In War WASHINGTON (AP)--The air battlefields would be shown up as seriously inadequate within the first 20 days of a war, a sub- committee of the House of Rep- resentatives said Monday. Airlift capacity is below the; needs either for general or lim- | ited war, it said. | It recommended modernizing and building up airlift capability One requisite, the subcommittee said, is a new cargo-type plane efficient in both civilian and mili- tary services and 'capable of quick integration into the mili- tary airlift in case of emergency. The committee recommended increasing President FEisenhow er's budget by $250,000,000 for the military air transport service. It also approved a $50,000,000 re-: quest for funds to carry out re- search on a better cargo plane. | WOOL Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only on properly graded wools Secure ;the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks ond twine without charge from BOYD AYRE Hampton RALPH HEPBURN R.R. No.2, Oshawa a | | secretary eye infections common to chil-| William Foster Snowden R.R. No. 2, Oshawa or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL . GROWERS . LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronte, Canada| a wise old merchant in ancient Baghdad --once said: "A part of everything you earn is yours to keep!" He insisted that his sons and grandsons save one shekel out of each ten they received in wages or trade. He knew through experience that a man who permanently puts away ten percent of all he earns, never needs to throw himself upon charity ea and can spend the remaining 909, as he pleases. Today many men "compel" themselves to salt away about 109%, of all they earn for their old age, the emergencies of life and the replacement of family income if death strikes unexpectedly, by investing in long-term permanent personal policies of life insurance EXCELSIOR LIFE Shue Company 70 years of service to Canadians J. A. NICHOLSON, Branch Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa, Ont. 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