The Oshawa Times, 9 May 1960, p. 3

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OSHAWA JAYCEE WINS EASTERN ONTARIO Fred Upshaw, right, repre- | Contest sponsored by the Na- afternoon. This is the second senting the Oshawa Junior | tional Junior Chambers of Com- | contest won by Mr. Upshaw. Chamber of Commerce, won | merce. The contest was held | He will compete May 22, at the Eastern Ontario Oratorial | at the Hotel Genosha, Sunday Liar? are: Toronto. From left to right | Chamber of Commerce; Ken ORATORICAL CONTEST Jules Huet, Ottawa; Don Lowe, | president of the Oshawa Junior WEATHER FORECAST THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Map 9, 1960 3 TORONTO (CP) -- Official weather forecasts issued at 11 am.: Synopsis: For Southern Ontario this is the third consecutive day with almost continuous rain. From early Saturday until early Monday rainfalls have averaged from 1% to 2% inches. The cause of all this wet weather is an extensive area of low pressure which has been sit- ting across the Great Lakes for the past few days and which is being fed by minor centres mov- ing into it from the south. One such rain-laden centre is moving towards it now from a po- | sition near the coast of Delaware, | Little change from this wet pic- | ture appears likely for Tuesday. | Regional forecasts valid until | midnight Tuesday: | Lake Erie, Windsor: Overcast with rain today. Tuesday cloudy | with a few showers and continu- |ing cool. Winds north 15 today northwest 15 Tuesday. Keyes, Kingston, Ontario vice- v president of Junior Chamber of |agara, London, Toronto, Hamil- | Commerce; Bill McCarthy, [ton: Overcast with rain today and Richmond Hill, and Fred Up- |Tuesday. Rain becoming intermit- shaw, Oshawa Times Photo [tent Tuesday afternoon. Continu- Polish Concert Brilliant Event The enthusiastic spirit of the|tributed to the program as vocal audience contributed greatly to! soloists, the success of the "Third of May| _ 2 | Polish National Celebrations," |CHOIR MEMBERS | | OSHAWA go | held at the Polish Hall, 168 Bant-| Members of the choir were: ing avenue, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Helen Wolek, Miss The celebrations were organ Wolek, Miss W. Bakalarz, | ized by Jan Drygala, MM, of |. Kupnicka, Miss M. Kocan,| RR 3. Oshawa. Eddie Zalewski Miss T. Michno, Miss M. Rejczak, | | chairman for the event, intro- Miss K. Rzepkowska, Miss W. duced the special guests Orlowska, Miss J. Dyl, Miss W.| |Zielinska, Miss Z. Deparasinka, DISTINGUISHED GUESTS Mrs. Helen Demczak, Z. Dran- The guests were: Rev Felix|ski, H. Socha, P. Gazda, R.| J Kwiatowski, of St. Hedwig's; Romanczyk, J. Dobranowski, J. HE Michael Starr; minister of labor, |Lipie J. Kolbue, A. Androloic with Mrs. Starr; Mayor Lyman Z. Uszyj, J. Goralezyk, J. Jor- A. Gifford, and Mrs. Gifford in, S. Fita and P. Adamowicz T. D. Thomas, MLA, and Mrs. The accompaniment was by Thomas; Donald Iveson. presi-|Miss J. Wolek dent, Branch 43, Canadian Le-| The girls in the dance group gion; Frank Davies, past presi- were: Chris Boron, Helen Mal- dent, Canadian Corps Assoc.; sku, Joan Anczarski, Chris Mar- E. H. Adams. of the Canadian zec, Teresa Stalis, Teresa Szvsz-| Naval Veterans' Assoc.; Peter ka, Irene Klimczak, Irene and Syperek, from the Boyal Cana- Helen Ochez, Irene Wawzyn ak, dian Air Force Association; Wil-|Stella and Chris Paterek, Hed-| liam Marchand, vice - president, |wig Grabowska, Diane Stefaniak CKLB (radio station), and Mrs. and Jean Pyra. J. A. Aldwinckle, women's editor, | ------------ The Oshawa Times, Each of the guests, spoke brief- ly, bringing greetings and con- gratulations. L Mies! Pioneer Sends | NAVAL VETERANS HONOR FALLEN COMRADES : | 2 4 1 # | dg The main speaker was Julian Dobranowski, who outlined the struggles of Poland, through the| Back Data ages prior to 1791, when a "'blood-| OBITUARIES | JODRELL BANK England Lots Of Rain, Cool Tuesday ing cool. Winds northwest 15 to-| day west 15 Tuesday. Haliburton: Overcast today and Tuesday with frequent periods of rain. Cooler Tuesday. Winds east- erly 15 to 20. Georgian Bay, North Bay: Ov- ercast with rain today and Tues- day. Cooler Tuesday. Winds east- erly 15 to 20. Kirkland Lake, eastern Tim- mins - Kapuskasing, Sudbury: Overcast and cool with periods of rain today and Tuesday. Winds northeast 20 to 30. White River: Overcast and cool with periods of rain and freezing rain today. Overcast and cool with a few periods of snow Tues- day. Winds northeast 20. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Tuesday Windsor ......... vo. 38 Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Ni-| | [closed for g Olive avenue to Shakespeare av- St. Thomas {London . | Wingham . Toronto .. | Trenton * |St. Catharines .... | Hamilton ... Muskoka . Killaloe .. |Earlton .. Sudbury .. North Bay . Kapuskasing . { White River .. Moosonee CITY AND E555522582585388 Western Timmins-Kapuskasing, | § £7 INVESTIGATION IS CONTINUING Whitby Detachment Provincial|Caldwell, Simcoe street north. Police, led by Inspector Don Two other women, Mrs. Caldwell Nicol of the CIB, today continued and Helen Smith of 353 Leslie their investigation into what ap- street, were taken to Oshawa Gen- pears to have been a murder| eral Hospital with gunshot wounds and suicide early Saturday in| following the shooting. Mrs. Cald- North Oshawa, Pictured above at|/well was permitted to go home their wedding are Albert Bell, 28, Sunday. Miss Smith is reported and his wife, Violet, 23, both of in good condition, and will prob- whom were found dead from shot-| ably be released from hospital gun wounds at the home of Paul soon. | DISTRICT AUTO RECOVERED | Oshawa detectives recovered a stolen car 'early today. It was | abandoned at the corner of Col- |lege and Cubert streets The car was stolen late Sunday night | from a garage at 449 Ritson road | south. 19 AMBULANCE CALLS The ambulances of the Oshawa Fire Department answered 19 calls over the weekend. STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be construction today: Wilson road south, closed from enue, Whenever possible, these streets will be partially opened to | CAPSULE NEWS 'Hit-And-Run Sticker Plan TORONTO (CP)--A scheme to|nearly seven per cent above the cut down the number of hit-and- previous record set in the cor- run drivers was advocated by responding period of 1958, and Mayor Nathan Phillips in his more than 26 per cent ahead of weekly radio report to Toronto|the corresponding period last voters. Under the scheme, po-|year, says Hugh C. MacLean licemen called to an accident Building Reports. Heavy grains would paste a sticker to the|in the industrial, engineering and | permit movement of local traffic. COMPLETES YEAR Ralph Honey, of Seagrave, was |one of the 64 students who were | successful in completing the first year tests at the Ontario Agricul- {tural College at Guelph, | FIRMS INCORPORATED The current issue of The On-| |tario Gazette carries the infor- mation that letters patnt of in- corporation have been granted to four Oshawa and district firms. They are: "Big K" Drive-Inns ments Limited, Oshawa; Tuck Limitd, Oshawa; Ronsol Invest-| windshields of each cars in- business categories buoyed up the volved. Service stations would|over-all total, despite a large have to report all damaged cars drop in residential. without stickers. REBEL MOVE ALGIERS (AP) -- The French army announced Sunday it has smashed a major rebel effort to penetrate into Algeria from Mo- rocco. An army spokesman said 120 Algerian nationalist guerillas were killed or captured on the border of the Sahara when they attempted to force the French de- POLICE TAKE LESSONS HAMILTON (CP) -- Detectives from Ontario police departments dropped their guns and picked up| pens Sunday night to begin a [seminar at McMaster University. | The 91 policemen will study sub- jects ranging from safe cracking to bomb disposal. CONSTRUCTION RECORD construction awards in the first/dred others apparently TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|fence line Saturday. Sevetal hun less coup" for the rights of man) (AP)--The American Pioneer V| took place, He said a constitu-|space rocket sent scientific data tion was formed, at that time,|to earth Sunday from 8,000,000 modelled after the French. {miles out in space. Mr. Dobranowski sald, "the! It was the longest-ranging con- Polish people, wherever they may versation in history. be, throughout the world, willl # | Turkey Ranch, Limited, Uxbridge and Whitby Cherhicals Limited, Whitby. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Ability to resist and overcome temptation is available to all mankind today. This was the MRS. MARY OSMOK Walter Sciban, a niece, Mrs. | Mrs. Mary Osmok, of 158 Bloor Jenny Mazarabicz, of Niagara |street east, died at the Oshawa Falls, Ont,, and three grandchil- General Hospital, Sunday, May 8. dren. |She had been seriously ill for the The deceased, while living in {past month, Oshawa, was employed at Fit. g Pioneer's transmitter was trig-| The former Mary Elizabeth tings Ltd. He retired Jan. 24, oom mg z 2 y A four months of this year reached ward Morocco under a new high of $1,016,902,300, French artillery and rocket always respond to the 'Third of g ered by a signal from the giant|Zarichna, she was born July 15,1955, after 38 years service. He May' celebrations." was a member of St George's theme of the Lesson - Sermon en- titled 'Adam and Fallen Man" READ ALL | British radio telescope at Jodrell| 1887, in the Ukraine. She has re- Bank. . Ninety seconds later the|sided in Canada for 51 years and| Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. COLORFUL ENTERTAINMENT The program was opened and closed with the "march on" the colors. Whitby Brass Band played the accompanying music directed by Russell Entwistle. Colorful entertainment was pro vided by a choir, dancers, solo- ists, duets and recitations St. Hedwig's Choir sang, direct- ed by Mrs. W. Grabarska. Groups of dancers, directed hy Mrs. Ste- fan Labus and Mr. Romanczyk. performed national dances; the Krakowiak and the Mazur. BRILLIANT RENDITION | James Mayhew, pianist, gave a brilliant rendition of "Ballade in| A-flat" and "Study in C-sharp minor", by Chopin. Mrs. Elsie Drygala, soprano, sang an Eng-| lish adaptation of two Polish folk songs, "Little Butterfly" and) "Mother Dear" Lucia Dobranowska, Jozef Rat- czak, Maria Drygala and Theresa Stalis all gave recitations. Maria Drygala performed a short bal- let solo. The brothers Kolodziejczak, Eddi and Henry, played a medley of Polish melodies as a piano- accordion duet. Miss Barbara Karowlak and Joseph Lipiec con- of satellite's reply started coming |in Oshawa for 32 years. She was in, It included data on cosmic ra-i predeceased by her husband, the diation, charged particle ner- late Andrew Osmok, May 5, gles, magnetic field phenomena 1952 > and solar flares, The deceased is survived by| The information was relayed to one daughter, Miss Ann Osmok, Los Angeles, three sons, Steve, Paul and Wal- The radio signal froi: <carth ter, all of Oshawa and five grand- switched on a 150-watt transmit- |children. She was a member of ter which had been silent since st John's Ukrainian Orthodox Pioneer's March 11 launching! Church. from Cape Canaveral, Fla. The body is at the Armstrong Until Sunday, a five-watt trans- Funeral Home for mass at St mitter had been sending back a John's Ukrainian Ort hodox wealth of detail on cosmic radi | Church, Tuesday May 10, at ation, charged particle energies | 39 am conducted by Rev. D and magnetic phenomena. More Luchak. Interment will be. at than 109 hours of broadcast data Oshawa Union Cemetery had been received. ii ? one As distance increased, the, MRS. R. NEWTON JOHNS smaller radio's signals became, The death occurred this morn- harder and harder to pick up, ing at the Marnwoid Nursing and the long-planned change-over |Home, Bowmanville, of Gertrude was made as Pioneer reached a Thomas, widow of R. Newton point 8,001,000 miles from the|Johns. Mrs. Johns, who was in earth. her 84th year, had not been in The U.S. Aeronautics and Space good health for several years. Administration said the new radio we mgr of the late Ma, 2d la : _ Mrs. John Thomas, the decease provided a good, clear trans- was born in Oshawa. A lifelong mission, lasting about a minute resident of the district, she lived and a half." But because it drains at 86 Brock street east, Oshawa, the space sphere's batteries so until she went to the nursing | COMING RUMMAGE Sale, Sithcoe Hall, Wed nesday, May 11, 1.30 p.m. under the auspices of the Sunset Heights Group and WA OSHAWA Camera Club is holding Hs] annual Spring Salon at McLaughlin Li brary, Wednesday, May 11, 1960. | CRA Hall, 100 Gibb Street. Ages 9 to 13 years, 2 'cents a week. For inform. | ation call Brooklin, OLiver 5.4871 | ™ Oshawa Scout and Cub Auxil- | tary, Tea and Bake Sale. Simcoe Street | Church Memorial Hall, May 11, 230 pam. Admission 35 cents "NIGHT OF CARDS" on Tuesday, May 10th at 8 p.m. Legion Hall, Centre St. Under auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, Branch 43. Tickets at door 50¢ == Lunch included. DESSERT TEA NORTHMINSTER CHURCH Sth Scout Mothers' Auxiliary WED. MAY 11th, 1960 2:30 P.M, Guest Speaker: Mrs. Dora Matthews, Eaton's Fashion Co-ordinator Home Baking Sole Admission 50s Jackpot Nos. 57 and 56 MAY FAIR BAZAAR ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH --ON-- WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th ot 2.30 Mrs. L. F. Richardson of Whitby, President of the Osh- awa Presbytery, will open the Sale and Tea Room sponsored by the W.A, KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, MAY 10 FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES much faster, it will be used only home. | sparingly. Mrs. Johns was a member of| Simcoe Street United Church and | also of the women's missionary EVENTS {society and woman's association {of the church. She was also a charter member of the Oshawa SPRING Tea and Bake Sale, Grace Lu- branch of the Women's Christian | hg By Busch 150 Albert Street West, Temperance. Union and of the -- -- Mary Street Home and School! |'Association | Predeceased by her husband in March, 1958, Mrs. Johns leaves| |a niece, Mrs. L. W. Parrott and| {both of Oshawa. The funeral service will be {held at the McIntosh Funeral | Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 11. Rev. John K. Moffat, minister {of Simcoe Street United Church, will conduct the services. En- tombment will be in Oshawa {Union Cemetery Mausoleum. BASYL SCIBAN Basy] Sciban, formerly of Olive Ave., Oshawa, died at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Michael Zacharkiw, 110 Playfair Ave. Toronto, Saturday, May 7. Ee ad been seriously ill for the past five weeks, Mr. Sciban was born Feb. 8, 1887, in Davydkiwei, Czortkow, Ukraine. He married in June, 1914, in Ottawa. He has been living in Toronto since last Sep- tember. Prior to that, he. lived 47 years in Oshawa. He was predeceased by his wife, the former Maria Kowal- | chuk, Sept. 20, 1959. He is sur- vived by- two daughters: Mrs. | Michael Zacharkiw (Sophia), of | Toronto, and Mrs. Thomas Twine (Olga), of Oshawa, and a son, Kasmyl, in Toronto. | Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. M. Danchuk (Ann), of Fort | William; as well as a nephew, | WOODVIEW PARK MONSTR BINGO $1,300 PRIZES $100 DOOR PRIZE JACKPOT NOS. (52-56) TONIGHT RED BARN a nephew, Ronald D. Thomas, | The remains are at the Arm- strong Funeral Home for Mass at St. George's church, Tuesday, | May 10, at 10 a.m., sung by J. C. Pereyma. Interment will be at St. Gregory's Cemetery. Brampton Fugitive Captured In Bush DWIGHT (CP)--Robert Delor- anzi, 18-year-old Brampton Re-| formatory fugitive, was captured Sunday by provincial police in the bush near this community 50 miles northeast of Orillia Gary Russell, 18, who escaped| with Deloranzi April 29 is still be-!| ing sought, Police have been searching the area for four days after following a trail of stolen cars. Russell comes from nearby Dorset. PENSIONS STILL FOR 1848 WAR | Sunday morning a goodly num- awa Naval Veterans' Associa- tion attended the annual me- morial service at the Garden of the Unforgotten in Memorial DESPITE A HEAVY rain | who gave their lives during the | ber of the members of the Osh. | The Golden Text was from Mat- that ye enter not into tempta- tion." 'Reeve's Removal Asked By CCF Man TORONTO (CP)--Ontario CCF Leader Donald MacDonald said Sunday the provincial govern- ment should exercise its powers to remove from office Reeve Chris Tonks of York Township. Mr. Tonks was. named in a royal commission report last week in connection with his pur- chase of township land. The re- port, by Judge Joseph Sweet of Hamilton, said the reeve had bought the land through an agent and "there appears to have been an attempt to avoid the law." Judge Sweet's report followed a four-month inquiry into the township's affairs. £5 i | which was heard on Sunday, May i |8, at Christian Science services. thew (26:41): "Watch and pray, 4 Battle of the Atlantic. In the upper picture the colors are lowered as two minutes of silence was observed. In the lower picture E. H. Adams lays a wreath on the Cenotaph. --Oshawa Times Photos "Rp, Although all of the Civil War veterans are gone, pen- | sions are still paid to five | widows of Mexican War sol- diers. The Mexican War end- ed in 1848, 13 years before the Civil War started! If you are making ends meet on a small income or pension you can make extra dollars by renting your spare room through an Oshawa Times Want Ad. Just dial RA 3-3492 now to place your ad. SPY ACT AMENDED MOSCOW (Reuters)--The Su- |preme Soviet has approved a de- |cree amending the criminal re {sponsibility of Soviet citizens re- | cruited for spying against the So- viet Union. Under the amend- ment, a Soviet citizen recruited to spy against his. homeland escapes criminal responsibility if {he has not carried out any hostile activities and has voluntarily re- |ported his connections to authori- ties. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WARDROBE 1 with REGULAR DRY CLEA Look Your Best . . . at extra good savings. It costs no more for that "like new" look you get when you bring your clothes to us. lf Our modern plant and skilled staff offer every advantage . . . at no extra cost. GOLD MEDAL CLEANERS (Pickup and Delivery) Sk BOND ST. EAST RA 3-7332 Park to honor their comrades ' "1936, and independent TV pro-|gaid, ibility for the shocking conditions which have grown up in York Township must be shared in good part by the provincial government," Mr. MacDonald "The municipalities are creatures of the province." PIONEER TV Television service in Britain was inaugurated by the BBC in grams started there in 1955. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. Do You Really Want Service? We Have It BECAUSE: We are available 24 hours a day. We work hard to service our clients and new accounts. We follow through on every claim. We have a personal interest in each client by name and not by number. We represent the best companies with the best rates. You may budget your premiums over 3, 6 or 9 months if desired. FOR SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT, CALL Schofield Insurance Associates Lid. 6 Simcoe North RA 3-2265 DON ELLISON REG AKER JACK MOORE ABOUT IT... Wednesday's Paper « « « the big Open House 8 \ Celebration at... | Oshawa Wood Produds LIMITED | GLECOFT | | SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Open Daily to 10 p.m. Fine Foods For Less! Specials for Tues. and Wed. CHRISTIE BREAD BROOKSIDE 2 FOR 33° BUTTER (FIRST GRADE) 6 4+ EGGS "wo oz 29° SMALL FRESH, GREEN Onions or Radishes 3 ... 25° ONIONS "™* 2... 49° BACON SLICED BREAKFAST 2 "bs. 69* CABBAGE uw 8° CIGARETTES ... 3.05 Shop and Save at GLECOFF"S Open Every Night Until 10

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