The Oshawa Times, 7 May 1960, p. 4

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ES {were announced at a meeting in| (onto Telegram was elected treas- News; Oakley Dalgleish, Toronto John Lecky, Vancouver Sun; W.a= THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 7, 1960 : : . C di D il N [urer. Globe and Mail; Arthur L. Da-|/A. MacDonald, Edmonton J 4 -- ---- -- the township hall Thursday. Elsie| dana 1an al Y ewspaper The following were elected to|Vies, Kingston Whig - Standard; nal; G. D. Masgiliivray, io ALONG THE LAKESHORE |Werry of Oshawa took first the 1960-1961 board of directors: ors M. Dingman, St Thomas Nias Times Jounal, B.S Mas : journal; T. |prize. with Freda Draper "Publishers Choose Officers Tred S. Auger, Vancouver (Saint John a Clair McCabe, the Thomson Co. . Claremont and Evelyn Dunkeld Prov ipce; St. Clair Balfour, the| Aurele Gratton, Ottawa Le Limited; C. J. McTavish, Owen sie : Southam Company, Toronto; W.|Droit; R. A. Graybiel, Windsor | Sound Sun-Times; ar 1 on ed oC of Claremont runners up. Other] TORONTO (CP) -- R. W.| J. R. H. Sutherland of the New|J, Blackburn, London Free Press, |Star; Margaret Hamilton, Prince| Clifford Sifton, Regina Leaders u prizewinners were Je an nin e| Southam, publisher of the Ottawa Glasgow News was elected we L Birgovoe, Si. Catharines Alben Horan; 3 Pal vue, (Best; Mz, Sousa; i B. Stark, H =| 1 e ram; Tr. * Werry of Oshawa, Helen Dryden) Citizen, was elected president of vice-president and Stuart Keate, andard: Campbell, Tor-\mes, Galt Reporter; Mr. Keate; land; K, R. Thomson, the Thom. Ld hd lot Brooklin, Gaile Hitchens, Ose the Canadian Daily Newspaper publisher of the Victoria Times, | Sian Daily ha R. L. Curran, (P. B. Keffer, Regina Leader- son Company Ltd.; T. L. Wilson, ° 1C1A . al l ava and Carol Nesbitt of Brook-| | Publishers Association at the an- was elected second vice - presi-| Sault Ste. Marie Star. Post; |Oshawa Times; E. 'c Whiteheadd ' 'nual meeting | Frida D8 . Perigoe, of the Tor- L. Chancey Currie, St. John's! L.A. Lalonde, Ottawa Journal; Brandon Sun. By ANGUS GORDON panel discussion on Darlington's|ot municipal affairs controls the "District Editor domestic problems. However, we|purse in the final analysis, and ope that any views he may ex-|that the Ontario Municipal Board 5 : We read Willi SoBe ope on such problems will beland the department of planning : forest ¥ ions Research|t treated with the deference they and development are very real ' Male ita fo Institute and secretary of the deserve curbs to Limit gutions of wounsls, Great OMA will be the speaker at a| It will be interesting to know Per gps hs 2 nd Seay the public meeting in Darlington| what subjects he will deal with ar ey 0 IW Jie Soe ( township hall in Hampton Wed-|in his talk cli to bre: nesday. . Perhaps he might be able to ORONO Fam INITIATIVE ik Mr. Hardy, a long time student convince some of the doubters C Tone pale Beat % nye i ' of municipal affairs, possibly one|that all municipal administration|ing for new a Be rg ets "year " ¢ 7 PD ii. Wy 4 of the best informed men in the|is controlled by- the Ontario Mu. 'ure two iavovalios: th A ye 4 41) ! i a e er ut field, will also take part in a 'nicipal Act That the department Dane Found report at he ha i A 4 Sh |contacted tobacco growers in the ' Z ; "i eR ie |area, and most were favorable : . . Ito putting on a display. The di- f Vv S rectors are now considering the 9 / i 1 0 inner ee e extension of the prize list to in- : . 5 | '§ pr clude tobacco exhibits. i In addition, it is hoped to get ; ; / i on 0 rea 1e some of the tobacco manufactur- ] . 4 ing firme to put on a display. ; ] i, : . There's no doubt that such a FI _----- . JA, % ih HAMPTON (Staff) -- Becausecil woud have to start over jipay would prove a drawing i 3 i i i A un ay, ay t of a split vole on an amendment| again wit h a new board, and start oq "and would swell the entry to the proposed official plan, it working on a new plan list at the fair considerably Darlington township council He warned time is running out It is also suggested that a calf| TT " ' wo wound up its Thursday afternoon |counc! will have to move in one .... hile be featured as part of] ; : Yes, treat Mother to a delic- meeting no further sliead in getairection or another . . |the junior farmer section of the 5 ; ; ious dinner graciously served in ting the plan into operation Councillor Cornish was about to/y 0" phic" event provides al : 7 is Reeve Garnet B. Rickard de- second Mr. Smith's motion but great deal of hilarity, and is al 5 6 i ol the pleasant atmosphere of our clared a motion by Councillor|withdrew his support when he|ST88 TEE, RG RL om atl : : ; modern dinette. Dinner will be Fred Smith, seconded by Deputy- said * net-put a different light oo chows in other parts of On-| is ps A - served from 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 reeve A. L. Blanchard to amend on the thing tario. : # ee] p.m. a' section of the bylaw lost due Reeve Rickard said before Before we forget. It is suggest-| Ra ] MO HER'S to a tie vote council voted he wanted to make| that as part of the tobacco : 4 Hk He refused to break the tie byit clear that the amendment itl 40" "3° Tobacco Queen be DAY Make your reservations Now . . . Phone RA 3-4641 : 3 icone. Was voting on is an amendment to ; himself, therefore discius- "as VOURE chosen voLing the official plan of the township i i was auto : i : z dion OB ie Siction He stated it was in order to ap- OSHAWA FAIR PLA ° y E 7% 5 boy " malice oy C. Muir Prove the amendment if counci Apropos of the jaiee, "re a SUNDAY Councillor Harold wants to put the official oH Fair Board is expected to meet charged the same thing happened "0.05, Tuesday evening when e when council was voting on The pected that some kind of a report T k M h (0) T (0) pure hase of a road grader JUGGLED AROUND will be made about new sites ake ot er ut [] ne that time you broke the tie his S| Councillar Muri commended the, The committee set up to look is the same thing," Councillor| amendment was a min a into the matter has not had much} . Muir argued and would not make mu -lof a chance to look over sites Of These Fine Restaurants Reeve Rickard argued thelference. He said he agreed with|during the winter, but mav have grader motion was a differentthe official plan policy, but helviewed some of the suggested matter and had he not voted for can't see how he can vote for|sites in the past few weel the grader, council could not have something which "is continually] The a tivities of the other local ° . . perchased the machine being juggled around j d fair boards perha Ss Council was discussing a pro- around to suit a few people he nw ine on the Oshawa scene li y That We will NOT Have Any posed change in the wording of charged STYL AN ISSUE Paragraph 2, section "F". on At this point 3, Budai + would yea? + Dg J ; ¢ % 44 ; Th page 12 of the official plan of Darlington atepavers ssocia : owneh oun till un z - : ; J 4 IN THE ROUSE 1 hip. The change|tion secretary d cour hy! N A i 5.3 STE IT FEIN By SES% LTT Darlington township. a . make everyone was suggested by Derek Little of jt couldn't br: t 1ggestion Yon t Reeve G : ner 1 ) 1+ - | ront n nat { : 1 i Municipa Consultants Ass0-|in fron of t ) : dicka revealed this week. t . In Time ciation nesda 2 ide : till a contentious v PROPOSED CHANGE * by sSousel kati totocted it. oh much so. that the p : This Sunday To The Cr for "MOTHER'S DAY" The section reads: "The pian- appears ready entire 1a is suitable for agricultur- i . Nh 'nk p land Lng fi | you ave 10 lake| ue reeve did lay it on the tures attractive for low density | Councillor Smith, obviously get- wile plan. He warned that the mother "out of the kitchen' and treat her to the finest of Mother's Day dinners ot the ment would mbt adversely affect/DY 2 malority of the ratepa Pers off the debate by the simple ex- Lu ratepayers' association is "tion ar) < SY. . . . Mr. Little suggested council = fig action sparked some ur Chilled Tomato. Apple or Grapefruit Juice TO -- sirable for agricultural produc-|cia] plan isn't worth the paper it Der . . . a curious phenomenon F ' a" "" tion" nstead of leaving it to read |is printed on f council meetings at Hampton Selections ! Discussing the change, Coun-|re appointment, counc never| Meanwhile, unless the official PHONE RA 5-8978 WE DELIVER ermitted to start, the plan was! ; yard PLANS FOR VISITORS B ' os ng 0A Alexander Braid, the Scottish ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF AU Jus eouncil did go ahead and ap-igaig could bring in ter plan, an ow in the towel unless 4 designate other limited areas =.= 0 coo Ah ae ttle more support $7 ps > But within the township for rural resi-| 0 BYent.y Ine reeve -tanno oT ber' dential uses by plan of sub-|" po TUE 4 the. af 8. 3 ming teth \' g wad You Can Make Mother and The vig ' t to the fol- change: sted | 3 4 - iy ime That the|P20 i cou ) : cin sult an MOTOR HOT Whole Family Happy Every Day win cipl nat 0 ka \ av this i OL A = . lowing p pes C. The Okay, vou say this is coun Association, original architect En i A 0 al production: B. That the land iy ¢ ices," threatened 1:0 to his council either Yes! Mother and for that matter the whole family will really enjoy o delicious Mother's Day IT y possesses particular physical ™ {Mrs. Bud: : y Dinner especiolly prepared to honor Mother on her day. Why not decide right now te toke THE WORLD S MOST nd is not uired as a future] blie Fri area: D. This| ting angry pounded the table and, anning hoard might quit if the| FLYING DUTCHMAN. " land is not within an area in 52 d he would refresh her mem- iter conrse was adopted. Coun- PY DI H traffic movement or main traffic » Darlington and not by a ma-|sedient of refusing to cast a de hange the wording in part "A" «y y ANYTHING" ious opposition from the spe hy : ae . NOT WORTH ANYTH (1. tator section of the council cham- SALAD -- Tossed Crisp Green Salad, Chef's Dressing Suusijiahie for agricultural pro-| She said when two members of Vere apparently anvone can U i of these to aint Plan is approved, nothing. can be \ eillor Muir said if many S€ asked the associatior appo! GRILLED HONEY-CURED HAM STEAK, PINEAPPLE RING defeating its own purpose "Council was elected to make rove the official plan and sub That's ' voll Vi weeks in the eounty, first as the DE € ore permitted opera- hat I orth or Dave 2 guest of Norm Meek at Sandford, ROAST ONT. TURKEY, STUFFING AND CRANBERRY SAUCE 1 Na ¥ re , y ait * 00 tions, sewers should be installed p,qa; protested from May 10 to 17, and then with : / ning hoard and council may| differe Yesidervis developmen business t if you adopt this|the plan would be of any use -- By Ordering -- make the change or scrap the ry bout the last electi He ' 14 + which future urban development TY #09 he iast elechion ci! split evenly on the issue, and ir eds E. The ee said council was put into office the worthy reeve decided to close Lo] ers ay en u inner . * S \ ¥ Deriigios : Comin oon. routes." jority of the members of tie ciging vote, Cream of Chicken Soup -- Beef ond Tomato Boullion 4 to read "the land is not as de- Nps Budai replied "The duct the planning board came up for 10in the debate PANNED LAKE ERIE WHITEFISH FILLET 522 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA fringe area developments are g,meone to work with the plan done to amend the zoning bylaw Councillor Sid Cornish said if appointments." Reeve Rickard Sinior oS oarmer aor 10 oy SOUTHERN FRIED HALF CHICKEN Grant Carson at Claremont from From Our Broiler irst n ) is vanted t " PY f Councillor Cornish wanted to nao 17 to May 23 : : SENS know then s council go ng to . the' r farmer cal- SITUATION WORSENS, 03 (00, Cel, 50, up LaBPL: he funior farmer ca FILLET MIGNON, T-BONE STEAK, SIRLOIN STEAK it seems the more council does 2nd if not he is going to object Wg] and the Scots visitor will the ul the plan be abl t the v | for the plan, the worse it gets Rickard be able to meet most of the egetab ey INVITES YOUR Reeve once again |; . . " i He stated there are two avenues juniors in the county association which council can follow porien ou } the plan was put 10], He will also be able to see a Green Peas Belle-Mere, Glazed Carrots, Whipped or French Fried Potatoes, It could approve the plan with| Work and the committee of ad-\fair portion of the county as a adjustments. put it to work and irregularities regarding lot Sizes | tour has been organized for May Candied Yams get the Committee of Adjust. Justment sel up. some of these 15 to farms in the Uxbridge and a ' ment into operation and house sizes could be straight-| Beaverton areas, with a picnic Desserts Or, if council feels the progosed ened out. Then people would be €|and ball game to follow plan is not what it wants. i n|8ranted some of their request May 21 there will & party and ask to have the plan ° n|2nd could go ahead with their r get together at the Brooklin town and start over again {buildings, he said ship hall, which is expected to After Councillor Cornish with-|bring out the majority of the FREE BOARD MIGHT QUIT drew his support to the motion, clubs If this happened, he pointed|Deputy-reeve Blanchard .second- WINNERS ANNOUNCED ROSE out, the planning board would ed it. Councillors Cornish and Winners of the smocking proj would probably all quit and coun- Muir voted against it ect for Brooklin Junior Institute to Frais d J mT - em m----ee ruire elio Every Pumpkin Pie PRICE ! Reservations . . . i : Mother ! Old Canadian Cheese and Crackers : . California Grapes ie BEVERAGES: Tea, Coffee, Milk, Chocolate Milk {jt PHONE RA 5-9111 1626 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA BUYERS A SO (du pr. : 2 BUILDERS < : ANNA BR 4 dan J tytirg a wled inant MOTOR HOTELS oe. awd Mee Merrithew (Props.) Frozen Chocolate Ice Cream Puff . Chocolate Fudge Sauce Chil ' Apple Pie Do dren's Day Cocoanut Cream Pie ortions Rice Pudding HALF 4 a OWNERS : n 48. NN % Highway 401 at Bowmanville Cloverleaf -- For Reservations Phone MA 3.3373 Investigate the world's most revolutionary ultra-modern : h 4 a" = ' y if "A 1 includ Motel Units ! | : yore Suite 5 3 0 f COR" . / ng carport and patio, ' Lr A for the cost of o cc 4 ® Iressa snins sentional ne - room PRE nit . . . Give Her a Treat! : 0 ASME oy 0 3 FULLY RES ery 3 eb. sion "SPECIAL DINNER MENU" Bring Mother . . . and the Family loss. A beautifui, combinetion snack end liquor ber @ Less expensive and a for superior. unit then present featuring @ built-in refrigerator, electre stove with ) ¢ Children are very Welcome day constructed units. oven and pop-up toaster i id i i ® NOT @« prefebricated building. These units, due to 24-hour self-serve food dispensing "automatic Children s Portion Available the steel framework, can be moved any number cafeterio" with each court | and enjoy the finest cuisine; of times and. any distances without dismentling or Television, radio, sir-conditioning, hot water tank 4 {> 1 2 bie J and indi #5.i3 heating system included in avery unit Di NE 1 1 AM. TO 8 P.M. plus--"A SMALL GIFT i just 9 nancial fos high- Completely furnished with the latest designs in ; ay comberition turn e bed : : : for Mother. ithows loss keep field (with ewn mattress) in living room For Reservations your court modern and up-to. bathrooms in shades. o Satna ot tn hr puction of 'tw +18 Welch with match PHONE RA 5-0748 a The motel bui and ot oo i ; . y j : u Sl ELE RE | pee wens wwe ess | SOUTH END RESTAURANT : PAVIDS SAVE RESTAURANT without this y unit Wrte in today. No obligation for full informe- . sauve ¢ ' ith The Cg Dan arn Nau & Club-401 y " Phone MO 8-4066 for Reservations PYRAMID MOTELS LIMITED » ADDRESS . . sessniaane a) ¢ 701 {HE QUEENSWAY cL 9-698) SIMCOE AND BLOOR OSHAWA < AMPLE PARKING ORONTO, 13, ONTARIO CITY or TOWN i a------------------------------------" IR ho Ai - ---------------- SE ---- --

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