The Oshawa Times, 7 May 1960, p. 20

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TNE CONMAWA 11MEI, Boturesy, mey 7, 1700 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity ere eae TSW @ 0 Korrmemeen Stock High Low Close Change a Low 19 25 2 » Bond Market Moderately Improved By THE CAN..DIAN PRESS Market Sections In Deep Doldrums By WILLIAM P. SNEAD ing level of the U.S, Steel indus Research Director, try -- 75 pc of capacity -- tells J. H. Crang and Co. of continuing inventory Jiaida- The expected test of the March|tion as raw material supplies are lows of 599.10 and 138.18 in the|brought into alignment with ex- Dow Jones averages appeared pected sales, + The Canadian bad market re- last Monday, with the averages) The spring rise in retail andimaiged active th': week with closing only decimals above them automobile sales is encouraging/most prices showing moderate at 599.65 and 138.46. but there is no reflection as yet,|improvements, The announcement, Tuesday|ir basic production levels such as| Bank loans to the public in- morning, that the rate on U.S, |steel and coal -- Thus the indus-|creased Ly $68,00° 000 from April Treasury Bills had dropped from|tiral markets do not seem to have|20-27, reversing a trend from 3.317 pc to 3.003 per cent touched completed their adjustment to a|April 1. The Bank of Canada re- off a minor recovery that vay leased these figures Friday. halted at mid-day on Thursd Treasury bills tendered an av- Thé market drifted narro erage yield of 2.82 per cent, down from there to the close on ed from last week's 3.26 per cent. day. Demand was heavy il raging kin, lace around 2. r LACK LUSTRE taking p pe cent, This lack lustre performance Day-to - day money decrehséd in New York has been repeated ay y i . Motor Vehicle in Toronto, with news items pro- Make Down duriug Yh Wedk ui eas sie voking little interest by traders. : t, indicating a certain amount 1 tion] TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|®®n% eh ailing of ep ye Joy Mines Motor vehicle production this|0f ease in the banking system and a copper smelter brought|Week is estimated at 10,52 com-|cash position. ' only scattered interest to min pared, Jt. 1 11,013 last week, the ar Copel cet Conds po i ol ssues si : socks and the ming market Cir mercs reports te week, whe the 3 perem MeKen 3000 20 The lack of colume and the| Production consisted of 8,791|APril 1, 1963, issues were going McMar 00 7 8 8 5 ; i aizes 3 so|cars comparde with 9,173, anda' $1°2.50. MeWat 5333 42 narrow price changes in the base hid Recent provincial issues re- Mentor 7000 19 metal stocks gives a rather con.|1,735 trucks comparde with 1,840. pr hout the weéek Merrill 18400 77 vineing demonstration of the mar-| Production to date this year is|mained firm throughout the weel Meta Uran 13620 7% ket axiom "Cheap stock is never|estimated at 177,419 compared (with the Province of Ontario 5%- Midrim 13400 30 " i with 169,240 in the corresponding|per-cent May 1, 1980, issue sell- Milliken 10015 90 85 attractive", It also provides us 4 t $98.50. Minda with a picture of a market that is|Period last year--made up of|ing al Min Corp . 145,466 cars compared with 141. Interest in current -fferings of Min Ore very thoroughly sold out. 1193. and 31,953 trucks tures continued Moly Toronto, of course, is overshad-| an 7. ed the city of St Moneta owed by New York and a decisive| With 28,04 to lag. However, the city of Mt Wright trend there is needed 'before in-| Production of cars by compa-|Themas sold a small issue of six- i terest returns to the Canadian "ies this week and this year to|per . cent one-to-15 year deben- Murray ol Se ' date, with figures for last week|tures and the city of Waterloo markets. and the corresponding period last|c, $509,000 of 6% one-to-20 year NO CHANGE | year in brackets, was: |debentures. Both were re-offered Such a change of trend is not| Chrysler 1369 (1,325), 21,875, yield 5.875 per cent. immediately visible. The operat- gE (12.760) General. Motors 4318 STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS Nes Lab New Alger New Ath New Bid New Cal (4,800), 80,387 (75,850); Stude- N Dicken 4830 280 baker-Packard 129 (96), 1,938 (3,- N Goldvue 4500 5 539). N Harri 3000 9% Truck production: Chrysler 130 (130), 2,733 oa; Jo ry ; AN (562), 7,640 ( neral Mo- BE A Porno 4. tors 987 (881), 16.791 (13,631); In- British Columbia Forest Prod- ternational Harvester 285 (267), ucts Ltd. 6 mos, ended March|, 7s9 (4 879) 31: 1960, $2,007,523, 58 cents a|_' : y shar 10" '6.902, 45 cents. | Canadian Canners Ltd., year ended [eb. 2 1960, $705,224 $1.50 per class A share; 1959, 95,748, 84 cents New Hosco 237975 98 New Jason 5104 s N Kelore 9500 § pout Rew 20 Newlund 17155 15% Buffad 6000 8 7% Th % N Man 4750 39 Buff Ank N Mylam 99700 56 Buff RL Newnes Jon 3% Ne uyn Banker Fl Nick M § 3723 40 Nipissing 2800 83 Nisto 1000 5% Noranda 5134 $38% Norbeau 14500 48 Canadian 'Malartic Gold Mines Ltd., 3 mos. ended March 31: 1960, $40,964; 1959, $44,297. MacMillan, Bloedel and Powell River, 3 mos. ended March 31: 1960, $6,072,418, 29 cents a share No comparative figiftes for 1959, first vear in operation as single company, | Montreal Locomotive Works Ltd., "3 mos. ended March 31: 1070, $406,000, 5¢ cents a share; 1959, $428,000, 61 cents, mma TRAN Y @ R from---- Sales ie wy Clon Chatty me's Low 17820 40 50% 2% 3% 39% 6400 86 80 86 4 120 #0 3200 350 465 325 13800 10 23% 10 1 19 12 This Week mem High Low Close Change nL Low MW 8% "4 TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Press 1 by 374 to 257 om the Toronto Stock Eschange this week. Issues un- changed totalled Volume for the so was 6,534,000, down from the previous week's 6,827,000. Total sales for the year to date are 171,266,717. (Quotations In cents unless marked 3.) WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press Bales Kilem C wis 7700 32 Kirk Min 5000 34 Stock Sapphire Sapph debs Sarcee Stock Jock C B pr Jock C wt Kelly D A Kelly wis Labrador 3085 27% 20 L to Cin Labatt 1553 825% 24% 25% Lakeland 1750 220 210 215 Lambton L 100 $31 31 Laura Sec 1185 $28 26% 29 7250 Low te Change High y Leitch Lencourt Lexindin LL Lac Locana Lorado Lorado wis Lyndhst 9363 7500 Stock Sales 12500 13598 W Cdn OG w 300 Westates 1909 W Decalta 5584 W Naco 1000 Yan Can 25400 Curb Dalhousie 12000 5 1% 8% rer 0 18% 150 16963 BY 20/4 MB and PR 18165 Ht 16777 M Leaf Mill 815 $13 Tr Can PL 14823 19 Mass-F 11463 80% 9 Mass-F 3% p 340 ig 96 Maxwell 200 5 Mex LP 2 Hi 3 Mex LP pr 352 $12% 12% Midwest 600 160 155 1 Milt Brick Molson pr Mon Mort Mont Loco Moore new Ponder 446260 Dynamie 52750 Long Pt 46650 Daering j31 308! © Prajm Abacus Acad tan Advocal Agnico 7 72 3100 Akaitcho Alba Expl Algom Am Larder Amal Rare Am Nephe Anacon Anglo Hur Ang Rouyn Ansil Area 4 Arcadia wis Arjon 4 Atlas Yk Atlin-R{ A Arcadia Aumacho Aumaque Aunor Bankeno Barnat Bary Expl Base Mets Baska B Dug Beav Lod Belcher Bethim Bevcon Bibis Bicroft Bidcop Black Bay Bordulac Bouzan Boymar Bralorne N Hosco 237978 12% 11 8% 8 390200 89 83 13150 34 30 Matagami 1865 555 540 5 Matach 4500 Th % Maybrun 2600 8 McIntyre 996 $23% 30u 100 6000 7 6 4702 26% 25 3050 $11% 10% 425 315 310 5 5 800 $7% TA 100 $42 42 100 $28% 28% 28% 935 $46 44% 45 2750 320 310 310 100 285 285 285 1600 61 60 61 ~~ 4601 $13% 12% 12% --1% 634 $771 73% JT3% --3% 2590 450 390 ce mt baa EAR ae NE RE NESEE AN, Latin Am 206550 a4 Nat Drug Murray 50 60 Nat Drug pr 620 $14% 14 Tombill 59 Nat Groc pr 45 $26 26 N Mylama 5 N Hos B 825 210 210 . N St Car 9885 $18 15% at Trusf 50 $49% 49 Industrials Nor Star A od A dB North 3027 $38 37% 38 N St wis 57 4824 205 $87% 87% Rik NO NGas 2969 $12% 240 s Nor Phone 550 360 75 5 NW Util pr 1170 $70 180 180 35 21 b b Ont Loan 18 a 19% 17 Oshawa A 55 3 Overland 33 k : Page Hers 28% Parker 19% Pbina i Pembina pr Penmans " Pow Corp L +1 29 - P Pipe Mig -ls Premium 3% --1% 0 +1 180 1175 $23% 740 88% 100 $7% Ash Temple Atlas Steel Auto Elec Auto Fab A Bank Mont 4119 $50% Bank NS 2067 $62% Bath Pow A 325 $44 Bath Pow B 740 $31 Beatty 634 $6% Bell Phone 12855 $44% 25% -1% OUTDOOR COOKING ESTEVAN, Sask. (CP)--Popul- arity of backyard barbecues is paying off for the 40-year-old Dominion Briquette and Chemical Company here. It hired an addi- tional 15 men to help produce fally - treated br ttes' for use in the barbecues. Roe AV 5% Royal Bank 2924 $68% Royal Bk r 23700 269 705 $11 155 $11% 11% 4775 316% 16% 3800 80 7 3970 $9% 8% 370 505 460 175 $10 10 3435 827% 26% 25 $29% 294% 230 839 39 3» 1464 $10% 10% 10% + % 1391 $30% 20% 30% + % 1570 250 235 245 +5 110 847% 47% 47% -- % 240 $82%% 82 82 1% 400 140 135 740 450 445 5050 285 250 1010 $15% 15 360 $12 11 180 $8% 8% 515 $35 33% 35 + Wu . Cem A . Corp Maurice Salada § lada wis 2% + % h 20% Shawin A gr Silverwd A Simpsons SKD Mig hs Somville pr 2 Y 9 Southam 37% 3 i Spartan 38 3 Stafford ® 8 St Wire € 4% St Pay 49% § St Radio 12% St Brock A 30% Stedman 4 4344 Steel Can 4095 $74% 72% 74% +214 Candore 10% Steinberg A 1485 $19% 19% 19% -- 4 Can-Erin bs Steins pr 25 $95 95 95 in : UYU 2 Ster Tr 75 $55 53 53 44 C 2 5% 6 H S Propane 400 Sli 13% 14% + % 3 Camiar Nos A in = 3 SP a fin iw 3h + Cont Pat Norvalie 5600 10 9 S Prop wis 560 300 260 260 45 Cent Ps Notva Mn n Suptest ord 950 $15 143% 15 Cheskr ' 3 ; ow Switson 5 Chib Jue 4 Obaska 230 6% 6 CHib-Kay O'Brien 1950 56 55 10078 80 10500 5 3150 $12 26820 61 1500 270 -3" J. H. CRANG & CO. Members of the L.D.A. end All Leading Can. Stock Exchanges Research Studies Available On THE CANADIAN PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY ST. LAWRENCE CORP. CONSOLIDATED PAPER ABITIBI McMILLAN BLOEDEL & POWELL RIVER OSHAWA BRANCH 22 KING ST. E. RA 5-3501 A. R. GARRET, Manager W. J. PARKER, Asst. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TO 6 P.M. Cable Cadamet Camp Chib Camp RL C Tungsten Cdn Astoria C Dyno C Malart CN Inca C Nwest Cdn Thor 13% 6% $13% 36% 12% 100 6% ---3 C and D 7195 $19% 18% 60. $52 52 4300 827% 27 $24% 24% 24% -- % Norbeau 14500 48 + $3 Norgold 17700 6% 3 : Norlartie 7400 20 20 ~1 Normetal 2640 310 Norpax 6900 9 Norsyne 16750 8 Northgate 10911 45 N Coldstrm 18069 103 ombiyn ; O'Lear; 4100 14 12 Chib M v i 0; 19113 635 595 ! bid Otchan 66100 123 116 Upper Canada Mines Ltd., year Cach Will Ormsby 4660 30 2 ended Tc. 31: 1959, $132,860, four met kr 2030 & Hig - 57 cents a share; 1958, $115,823, 3% Coniagas Paramaq 4000 ™ 7 cents. Coniaurm Pardee 5000 16 14% 37% 32% C Belleken Patino M 4000 400 400 300 5 C Beta G Patino wis 450 34 30 C Callinan 2002 258 25 N Golderst 8566 28 N Rank 13900 82 y 3950 19 18 Ry 2000 12 12 Northsp 5353 82 Nors A wts 1500 340 souk) Pri u% - Mi Texaco C 1930 $513 47% 50 Thom Paper 200 325 310 325 ri Thorncliffe 85 $7 % Th + 200 $13% 12% 13% -- % Tor-Dom Bk 3333 $51 p 50 son + " 2505 $20% 20'%- 20% + % Tor Elv nw 1005 $10 9 10 130 $50 49% 50 y T Gen Tr 115 $40 40 0 4% 350 $44 " "4 1 Tor Iron A 200 $14 14 14 600 $44 43 44 + 2% T Fin A 2048 $35% 34% 35% -- % 483 $y 50% 50% + % 3 T Fin wits 56 245 130 130 130 --§ 135 $41 0% ws - YY 3 Tr Can PL 14823 $20% 19% 20 Can Wire B 1750 $74 7 - fag Trans Mt 7650 89% C Bank Com 2556 $50%% 49 50 + Trans PPL Dae 1 Mu Low Tw C Gas 630 14 13 10% 10% -- % Union Ace Jue. 13 1¢ 430 435 +5 Un Ace 2 pr 420 450 Un Gas 12% 12% Un Gas pr 16% U Corp B U Corp pr Un Steel Venez pr Viceroy A Vie G Tr Wainwr Walk GW Webb Knp 750 275 West C Brew 115 $3214 W Cop wis 100 70 West Groc A 200 $34 Weston A 2710 $34% Weston B 230 $345 Wstn 4%pr 100 $87 West 6pr 45 $105 West A wis 635 $123 White Pass 200 $7% Wood JA Ju $27 Woodwd A 182 Wdwd A wis wi Y Knit B Zenith Curb Andian Anglo Nfla Asbestos CD Sug ---1% C Ving 5 CG Inv 17% % C Ingersoll Cosmos 200 $12% 12% 1th A C Marconi 5 Ereatly Tel 29695 $10% 10 10% 4 C Paper 39) 405 $19 19 19 D Glass 0 Ne Pe be Bs wis 250 600 600 600 Dupont 2% UU -- Y Crow's N 130 $17% 17% Hayes 23% 2314 + Crush pr 80 $104 104 Int Pap 99% 100 Dist Seag 4265 $29% 28% MO Paper 2% D Bridge 2370 $19% 18 Ogilvie Dom Elec ny $M Price Br Dom Elect w 225 400 400 ry 3157 $44% 42% 2920 87 6% 110 $13 13 Dom Stores 2690 $51% 49% Tar 5365 S14% 13% Dom Tar pr 150 $19 19 Al G i he minex Gaitwin Dom Text 1045 89% Am Ledue ~ 13 g Geco Mines E to K 1 Gnt Masct $37% nt $20 $15 $40% $26% $10 Peerless Perron Pickl Crow Pitch Ore Placer Portage Pow Rou Preston Pronto Pros Air Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib C Fen Con Gillies CG_ Arrow C Haliwell 900 $13 Marbe! 200 $16% 152 $24 3080 $7 250 300 100 $6% 265 $36% 150 $10% 900 £8 890 $14% C Fairbks A 265 10% 14% We 14 95% 13% 10% 14% + % mn C Northld 4 C Persh Que Cop C Red Pop Que Lab 2 > Regcourt Que Lith 33% 33% -- 28 28 Que Man 33% M4 Q Metal Quenston Quemont Radiore Rainville Rayrock Realm Reeves Renabie Rexspar L 200 195 7763 $36% 270 1 94 + W 13% -- % 2415 $21% 20 21% + % 10 $140 140 140 +1 Cl 8797 $25% 25 25% Cdn Pet pr 405 $9% 9% 9% Cdn 20 $180 180 80 C Vickers 250 CWN Gas 5% 700 $18% C wi 86 -W 104% 108 Bensd 18% 26% 26% + % EH 170 The Ontario County Unit of the Ontario Cancer Society takes this opportunity to thank sincerely all those whose efforts and assistance contributed to the success of the 1960 Cancer Campaign. % 8% i wipes 164% 164% 250 8% Bh -- 3875 sn 7% 38 Y 75 $103 10144 101% --1% 370 $102% 100% 101 Copp Clark 140 $6 Corby vt 335 $17% 16% 100 ol Rockwin Rowan Cons Raynor San Ant Sand Riv Satallite Sherritt <SoaBobnl Slocan VR Stanleigh Stanigh wis Stanrck Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst Sylvanite In Part They Were: The Oshawa Kiwanis Club The Westmount Kiwanis Club The Canadian Order Of Foresters The Oshawa Dairy, Beaton's Dairy Seventh Day Adventists Oshawa & District Home & School Clubs Church Doubles Clubs of Oshawe The Oshawa Police Department Radio Station CKLB The Oshawa Times Women's Auxiliary of the Ukrainian Business Men's Association The Pedlar People Ltd. Genosha Hotel All Who Supported Our Promotional Campaign All Captains, Canvassers and others who contributed to the success of the "Blitz" Campaign. 38% Faraday Fwest Tung Fatima Francoeur Frobisher Frob debs 4 4 20216 925 875 3600 18 18 4000 7 2850 152 1600 10300 Acme Gas 6 Ajax 150 175 14200 1500 9545 Econ Inv Fam Play 1545 Fanny F 170 Fed Grain 50 Fed Grain pr 50 Fleetwd 500 Fleet Mig 5700 Ford US 1130 Ford com 150 Frodtn Fraser Frosst A Gatineau Gat 5 pe pr Taurcans Taurcan vt Teck-H Temag Territory Thom L Tiara Tombill Torbit Trans Res Trin Chib Ult-Shaw U Mining U Asbestos Un Keno Un Fort Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Violam Waite Am Weedon Werner W Surf In Willroy Will wis Wiltsey Winch Wr Harg Yale Lead Yellorex Yk Bear Young HG 3 1 56 Yukeno 4 5 3 kJ 20 Zenmac urb 495 3% as M0 REPRESENTATIVE Bailey S pr Bail S 5% p Ba . ero 55 $6544 $155 102575 + 18000 27% i EA 3000 15 1500 11 EH 5661 9 9 2800 18 18 4000 375 360 18205 630 610 7450 © 20 8200 110 102 2100 1 Ih 7219 S2% 13% 3825 147 143 3364 660 640 5 Cal Ed $10 Calvan Con $27 Calvert Gunnar wits sid 4 3 ] 3 C Oil Lds 9 5 Gwillim $35 } 3 C Oil L wt ; dHard Rock $93 3 CS Oil wt Har Min $100 CS Pete H of Lakes $7% C Chieftn Headway $15% Cdn Dev Heath Dev rts 21440 13 C Ex Gas High Bell Gen Dynam 40 $38 : 4 5 4 C High Cr Hollinger iC 4 5 C C « Gunnar 4300 17000 7850 10700 0 5200 597 $43 Homestd 2590 Howey Con 250 85 Husky 2926 Hoyle GP Drill A 1470 85 Husky wt 1090 Hud Bay GS Wares 740 811% C Superior Hydra Exp GS Wares pr 75 $87 Cent Del Inspiration Grafton A 105 513% Charter Oil Int Nickel GL Paper 2838 $384 Commotl Int Moly Power $24 ; 26 2 Com Pete Irish Cop . Pow w 650 ! 2 5 C Dragon Iron Bay \ Gas $6 6 " C East Cr 3025 Iso Gas 2.80pr 30 $404 4 2 Si C Mic Mac 5700 J Waite N Gas wis 1722 3 ! : 1 C West Pete 3050 Jacobus Gas B w 1350 Cree 58 wt 32585 Jellicoe GW Coal A 185 Dev Pal 20000 Joburke | B 400 Dome Pete 6700 Joliet Duvex Jonsmith Dynamic Joesey Kerr Add Kilembe : Good Week +) GP Dnill 35 2100 100 250 30522 4200 7000 2009 29 71610 $14% 2600 205 Great West 297 G Wpg Gas 1571 G Wpg G vt 1197 G Wpg S8w 140 Greyhd 9875 52750 xn 11% 11% 200 200 185 Fargo Pend 405 263 Fr Pete pr Guar Tr Gr Plains Gurney pr Home Oil A Hahn 10 a A Home Oil Hardee Jump Pnd Hardee pr Jupiter Hartz A Hee! 340 mn 1090 1375 1885 3414 B 2099 3000 800 capital, but even the present de- pression in-the stock market is not keeping investors aay. ADVISE SPLIT 1300 12% HH 1 Hig i 20 Longpoint 46650 1] Hendshot pr H Dauch Yamalca nt aise Jefferson lock © aio Maijtrans Marigold Medal Mideon Mill City Nat Pete N Concord N Cont N Davies N Superior Northeal NC Oils NCO wis 5500 9100 A784 25100 8071 100 4800 900 3000 4130 8250 75 5100 Okalta Pac Pete Pac Pete w Pamoil Permo pr Peruv Oils Petrol Phillips Place Ponder Prairie Oil Prove Gas Quonto Ranger 1200 Rocky Pete 11507 Royalite se 2950 6520 #30 26816 333 5% 244 oH m 6% a i On Market :. Industrials By JOHN PICTON Canadian Press Staff Writer By current standards, this was a good week on the Toronto stock market Industrials almost took brokers| by surprise with a gain of more than four points and base metals held their own with a one-point upward movement, 'he selling pressure was eased against golds and western oils, ough both a few decimal places, Bond issues continued to draw |age long-term attraction." sections were off | In fact, one investment house| advises clients to split their cap ital into two parts: "One portion should be used for the purchase of the many attractive, high- yielding bonds that are available. The second part can gradually be invested on a scale-down in se lected common stocks which ap- pear to offer greater-than-aver- An increase in pulp and paper production for the first quarter of the year, compared to las year, helped to put papers among the most active grorpings for the week. Minnesota and Ontario and Great Lakes Paper both showed {activity on the strength of quar- [ter ly statements and Brown Com pany hit a new high for the year. Banks and financial institutions! MUTUAL FUNDS All Canadian 6.87 7.47 American Growth Fd 7.35 8.01 Can Investmen Fd 8.38 9.19 Canafund 33.19 34.85 Corporate Investors 5.41 6.18 Group Accumulating 5.07 5.54 Investor Growth Investors Mutual Mutual Accumulating 6.87 7.51 North American 792 8.61 Supervised American 6.71 6.78 T.V. Elect 7.41 8.08 United Accum. 13.52 14.69 also featured strongly, while steel, . mines and western oils | were having a dull time. Pipe lines were ®asier, al | though some inventors see better times ahead fer the industry. The IF YOU WERE MISSED! You May Still Mail Your Donation To . . . Ontario Cancer Society 84 ATHOL STREET EAST, OSHAWA Your Help May. Enable Us to Reach our City Objective of Ontario Unit,

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