The Oshawa Times, 7 May 1960, p. 15

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a a Gp Re Sa PRR TIRE RR RRS v MONTREAL (CP)--Ray Cicia,| NEW YORK (AP) -- Feature 'SPORT FROM BRITAIN | CIA TOAD Mos. || $i YOR RINGSIDE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 7, 1960 }§ after the kickoff, Tottenham Hot- somersault and tipped the ball safely over the top bar light of the spectacular German player's 10th season of first-class soccer in which he showed he is |still Britain's most consistent more valuable than in the last L t 3 il goalkeeper, despite several seri- (wo seasons, in which the club J p er a lous injuries that might have fin- has hit a bad patch. In game trai er after game his stubborn defiance! The most severe of these in- has saved his teammates from handle your boat LEN J | ished his career | juries was a broken neck in the ESR & 1056 Football Association Cup Final. The break missed his ispinal cord, and Trautmann fin- ished the game, his team beating Birmingham City 3-1. HIGH AWARD For his performances that sea son, and the courage displayed in the Cup Final, Trautmann was awarded the 1956 Footballer of POLAR BEARS -- Two polar | low over Norwegian Bay, west | mos in the far north and Cana- [the Year trophy bears emerge from the water | of Ellesmere Island in the | dian wildlife officials are con- | Trautmann in 1941 was a para and scurry across Arctic ice Northwest Territories. Polar | cerned that their numbers may [trooper in the . German army pans as the aircraft from which | bears remain an important = be dwindling. corps that overran Holland After this photo was taken swoops in | source of meat for some Eski- | --CP Photo only one operational jump he was 4 ettes, was named to the clubs|nesday tickets for the Ingemar er rau mann 1 |coaching staff Wednesday as an|Joh Floyd Patterson world . | General manager - head coach|gc on sale Monday, May 9. They| = Rated As To Goalie Perry Moss said Cicia "will give|will range in price from $100 P us a great deal of help with hisiringside to $10. All seats will be By PAUL WESTBROOK captured by a British patrol and Canadian Press Staff Writer sent to a prisoner-of-war camp in LONDON (CP) -- Two minutes Lancashire. 3 spur wing half Dave Mackay signed by St. Helens Town, al fired a blazing drive at the Man- non-League side. In 1949 Man- | chester City net. The goalkeeper, |chester City, looking for an un-| on his knees after stopping alderstudy to England goalkeeper shot, launched himself into the Frank Swift, spotted Trautmann lair in a desperate backward and added his name to their That phenomenal save by Bert cer, the German took over as 5 Trautmann gave Manchester City first-choice goalkeeper when : a 1-0 victory. It was one high-|Swift retired 1 " ! RELAX! {former guard with Montreal Alou- Sports, Incorporated, said Wed- (assistant coach, heavyweight boxing title bout will knowledge of Canadian football." reserved. While still a prisoner, he was books After two years in reserve soc- ALWAYS RELIABLE His services have never been humiliation. A single point saved the Man- : cunians fromrelegation last d 1 d year. And the memorable somer- m ° * t C a n \ I a n % 0 ! i sault at White Hart Lane in the bo home stretch of the current cam- Most of the features, now token for granted, on a moder} peign earned them another re- boat trailer have been pioneered by TEE-NEE during 20 prie years of progress, TEE-NEE for 1960 brings you 13 model The same afternoon brought | | -- for boats from 400 to 3400 Ibs. " convincing evidence that Traut- : - 3 "The new Tipper Tongue design, (standard on A-Frame" mann's talents are appreciated : models, optional on T-Frame models), permits lounching® outside Lancashire. As the goal- i ! keeper emerged from his dress- of boat without unhooking trailer coupler from car bumper. ng room at the start of the This week, by mail, you'll be receiving | | Rubber covered nylon rollers in grooved tongue on T-Frafie match, the partisan North Lon- models, adjustable centre rollers and roller cradles on A. don crowd gave him an unprece- a colorful 4 page flyer announcing our Frame models, ensure effortless launching and loading -- dented ovation, " "" complete support for boat. Micro adjustment of running. Annual May SPECTACULAR" . . . || gear to frome ensures a balanced load for maximum . Read it carefully -- it offers more ex- on the highway. CANADA OUTDOORS SPORTS IN BRIEF citing valves than ever before on TIRES, |{ 775 os spice on ntti sosogyny Cope ou BREAKS OWN RECORD 4 y LJ TORONTO (CP)--Bruce Kidd Nanoo S ecoming 16 - year - old Malvern Collegiate honors student. cracked his own world three-mile record for boys Ld under 17 at a meet sponsored by s |East York Track Club Wednes eC onceri dav na : Kidd closed a time of 14:07.6 to take His previous mark. set during the Ontario championships at London st June, was 14:34.0 OTTAWA (CP)--Federal wild-! By next year the service hopes tic, especially Americans life officials are . becoming in- to have a biologist employed full- home a polar bear skin. Several creasingly concerned over time on problems associated with years ago an Eskimo could sell la i Go whether the polar bear population/the conservation of the polar a bear skin for between $12 and The time was less tom a min is being reduced excessively by bear, known to Eskimos as "na- $15 but today he is able to gel ute behind the open world eam over-hunting nook." His job will be to esti- anywhere from $50 to $200 of 13:10.8, set by Australia s Alby Aside from preventing this mate the population and deter Wildlife officials say this has Thomas in Ireland in 1958 : The magnificent animal from becom- mine an annual kill limit which given added incentive to the Es- performance also won the Cana- ing extinct, the government's will perpetuate the species for the kimo dian junior record, withheld f om wildlife service wants to con- benefit of the Eskimo Ii studies show that an exces-|Kidd last June because he was serve it because of the role it! There is no sport-hunting of sive number of bears are being running against seniors plays in the Eskimo economy the polar bear in Canada. Only Killed. steps will be taken by the 2.480 ENTER OPEN The "ice king" of the Arctic Eskimos and Indians are 1- wildlife service to reduce the an ESA > af i is important to the Eskimo for|lowed to hunt them and the kill nual kill NEW YORK {ar )--A toumna its meat, which is consumed by'is limited to single aduil bears _ ; y ment record of 2,480 entries, in both humans and dogs. Although and female adults without cubs EXPORT BAN , |cluding 11 past winners, will shoot rather stringy, the meat is quite The open season in Lhe North T wo alternatives are being con-|for the 60th United States open palatable and is a welcome west Territories is from Oct 1 sidered. One would be prohibi- | golf championship this year. The change from a seal and walrus to May 31 ion by an act of _parliament of tournament will be played June diet wildlife officials say the cur- the export of skins from the|16, 17, 18 at the Cherry Hills] Eskimos formerly used the rent estimated Kill of 500 a year Northwest 'Territories; the other Country Club in Denver. But only, bear's hide to make waterproof does not include bears taken off would be the establishment of|150 of the original entries will go pants, robes for bedding and sled the Arctic coast beyond the Sanctuaries where large numbers to the tee after a double round of | covers. Less use is made today three-mile limit. Other bears of of females live with their cubs. eliminations. of the hide for clothing but there Canadian origin also are shot off Wildlife officials say a ban on INJURY MUST HEAL is a growing demand for skins by!the coast of Alaska in the Beau- exports from the territories| gigi ar white men working in the Arctic. |fort Sea. would not create any real hard-| SALT LAKE CITY (AP)--The | ship for the Eskimos. They would |speed with which an eye cut CENSUS NEEDED AMERICAN HUNTERS still be able to take bear for heals will decide whether NBA | The big - problem facing the Many of these bears afe shot their own use. middleweight boxing champ Gene wildlife service is that it has no by wealthy American hunters op- "It must always be femem- Fullmer defends his title again idea of the polar bear population. erating from Alaska. Wildlife of-/bered that in their present econ- Or one of three dates in June. However, many officials feel that ficials say representations have omy based on hunting and trap-| Manager Marv Jenson said an annual kill of 500 or more been made to United States au-|ping the meat of the polar bear Fullmer has been offered three may be excessive and that the thorities in the interests of con-|is of more importance to the Es- Wednesdays--June 15, 22 or 29-- time has arrived to take a census servation kimos than the money they might|for a defence. Although no con- and determine a harvest that willl Another problem is the desire receive from the sale of skins," tracts haye been signed, it ap-| safeguard the species, of white men working in the Arc- one official said. pears forther titleholder Carmen | -- EE ER EE ------ in EN _ | Basilio of Syracuse will be the | challenger. SPORT SNAPSHOTS Learn and import tackle Bill pyjimer was cut above one eye SPD (April 20 when he retained his From the figures Moss says he orown in Bozeman, Mont., by has gleaned a good indication of|grawing in 15 rounds with Joey Alouette Mentor Uses each man's value to the team as Giardello. a supplement to visual appraisal, Football fans no doubt will de- SIGN MANAGER . . bate the pros and cons of the BRANTFORD (CP) -- George gures or atings |system, considering the vast Carruth, 32-year-old former out- amount of time consumed by fielder from Hamilton, has been MONTREAL (CP) Football pass interception, a clutch re. €Omputations and charting. signed by Brantford Red Sox as breaks down to a numerical covery of a fumble or the like- But for Montreal's front office player - manager for the Inter mumbo-jumbo for Perry Moss, gets a bonus, W points the charts undoubtedly could County Baseball League season new coach and general manager A team whose players aver-|l.o cid boon when contract-talk-/ge succeeds Bob Salvisburg who of Montreal Alouettes of the Big spe three points or more in any ing time rolls around. recently signed to manage Ham- Four. given ball 'game is almost a sure : iiton Cardinals. Carruth joined In the final analysis. it's only winner," Moss says RECORD WINNINGS the Red Sox in 1948 and went to the figures on the scoreboard that With four men it takes up to SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) the Guelph Maple Leafs in 1951 count. But, with the calculating seven hours to go through a 120-| --A retired army veteran with 13 He returned to Brantford in 1954 approach of a business account-/play film of a football game, children loaded the family's $4 his last season as an active ant, the 33-year-old Moss employs running and reversing the reel to pool ticket with longshots alt El viayer ies to grade his play-|deter! oe - plfertVeness Commandante Race Track Sun- us dws La mathematic gra Pia) Leier We oe I day and went home with record MAKE OLYMPIC SOCCER Films of the team in action But Moss considers the projec. Ww nnings of $42,994. Luis Rivera] LIMA, Peru (AP)--Argentina, give Moss and a three-man staff tion room time well spent. Rodriguez, 56, his wife and an Brazil and Peru have qualified) a rundown on each player's per- older son and daughter chipped |for the Olympic soccer cham- formance. 4 1959 BOOK in $1 each and picked six winners pionship tournament in Rome The system works this way: Since joining the Alouettes 0 SIX races. {this summer. The teams took the Five points are awarded a from Florida State University me player who carries out an as- last winter, the coach and his have processed all 14 of signment properly--a per fe ct staff v A block, a good run by a ball; Montreal's scheduled 1959 games carrier or a sharp tackle, for and the unsuccessful playoff ap- example. pearance against Ottawa Rough A failure is assessed downward Riders. according to degree--four points, His statistics, he said, bear out three and so on. For a goof such the club's third-place perform- as a missed tackle or block ance. There were only two regu- there's a fat zero lars who averaged more than} But a player who comes up three points for the year--home- with the spectacular--a brilliant bred defensive halfback Eddie 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 Pp m ------------------------------ -- - a---- n-------- . . . ------------ DRUG STORES || "smo. iugm smn HOUSTON"S TEXACO STATION OPEN THIS SUNDAY 67 KING ST. W. Pleasure Valley White Rose Station SIMCOE ST. N. (at limits) 12:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. ANDY NAGY'S TEXACO STATION 408 KING ST. W. ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION et Heal 89 SIMCOE ST. S. FOOTE'S SHELL STATION 97 KING ST. E. TAMBLYN DRUG STORE WHITEFIELD'S SUNOCO STATION 531 RITSON RD. §. i KING ST. EAST RA 3-3143 CRANFIELD'S B.A. STATION McCORDICK DRUGS [| ces. surserssy mam 128 WILSON RD. SOUTH RA 5.8711 | VIVIAN'S Ea, STATION JURY & LOVE ITD. | or wer immmeres 530 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-3546 GANGEM)S SERVICE STATION Tov Ure paces Whe letin POWER LAWN MOWERS, BOATS, || franchised TEE-NEE dealer for a free Catalogue today. Alvezean Jialiving lourvamen. MTD Ran ADIs : LAWN || TEE-NEE trailers are manufactured in Canada by Canasos. TICATS SIGN LINEMAN EARLY Y C di . d ith HAMILTON (CP)--Bill Havens «+ + Your Credit is good with us. a candidate for both a guard and CANASCO PRODUCTS LIMITED tackle position, has been signed by Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the 121 HOWDEN ROAD, SCARBOROUGH: ONL. 3ig Four Football League. The gy VINNY 240-pound tackle was a regular with Baldwin Wallace College for CHURCH and two years, graduating in 1959. His os home is in Kenton, Ohio. BOND STS | . GOOD RECORD SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Com- RA 5 6511 DISTRIEUTORS pulsory wearing of mouth guards - 353 KING STREET WEST and helmets in contact sports has taken 750 district high school 5 boys through a whole season Store Hours: without a tooth injury or brain Open Daily 8 a.m. te 6 p.m. concussion, a Concord, Calif., , 0 i : en Frida am. 9 pm. » dentist reported Tuesday. The pen Friday 3 am. vo pm HANNAN MA : orotective requirement probably > 3 has prevented 15 to 20 mouth or tooth injuries and one or more ' i 20 RAY STREET RA 8-8853 concussions, Dr. Lee Roy C Winters told the Dental Associa- DOMINION TIRE STORES o.-.... ~ DOMINION RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED | Fa tion. RA 3.9311 You're the driver in SONNE Plymouth's unique new ------ gas economy test get 10 a gallon of gas. You psowe gas economy for youssell. You'll discover great gas mileage in a PLYMOUTH PROVE-IT-YOURSELF ECONOMY DRIVE. Takes only minutes, lets you prove for yourself the economy of Plymouth's new 30-D Economy Six. No special test conditions here-- just you at the and just watch how slowly the gas level goes wheel of a regular 1960 Plymouth. A full-size down. Compare the tiny amount of gas used Plymouth, with all its comfort, all its perform- with the mileage figures on the speedometer. ance. Here's how to take this convincing test: In this way, you see for yourself exactly how Go to your dealer's and slip behind the wheel many miles you gol on just a small amount of a Plymouth. You'll see Plymouth's special of fuel! Economy METER mounted on one side. A flick You do the driving. You check the mileage. ofa control powers the Solid Plymouth with the You prove Plymouth's economy yourself. What _--_- gas in the jar could be more fair? New Plymouth 30-D Economy Drive this roomy Plymouth in your usual way Try it at your Plymouth dealer's! Six is inclined 30 degrees... delivers top performance on less gas. Prove it yourself today! A quality product of Chrysler Corporation engineering > 1957-1958- 1959-1960 MOBILGAS ECONOMY RUN CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH -- OSHAWA PHONE RA 3-2284 Ask Your Dealer About The Certified Car Care Plan

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