The Oshawa Times, 7 May 1960, p. 11

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A 7 g v WEDDING PRINCIPALS Podmilsak of late Mr. Podmilsak and bridegroom is the son of Joseph Anzlin of and the late Mr Veronica Podmilsak and Jo- seph Anzlia, both of Oshawa exchanged nuptial vows recent- ly'at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Victor Anzlin Leader in Industrial Engineering To Address B&PW Conference Alter dinner speaker the conference of B and P W Clubs| of Region No, 5 this evening will p be Elle Gregory MacGill, a sec-|? ond generation B and PW mem ry daughter of Judge Helen MacGill, founder mem her of the Vancouver Club In.Ontario Miss MacGill served the provincial organiza tion as chairman of the jury serv- ice committee 1951 and 1952, and of the penal reform committee for '1955 and 1956. She was chair- map of the federation' standing committee on survey and re search from 1952 to 1956 and pres ident of the B and PW Clubs of Ontario for 1956-1958. Currently, she is chairman of the committee on revision of the federation by laws Elsie Gregory MacGill was the fighter aircraft first woman to graduate in elec- States Navy trical engineering at the Univer sity of Toronto in 1927, and the As professional recognitign s first to take a Master's degree rec eived the Gzowski in aeronautical engineering at the! (1941) from the Engineering University of Michigan in 1929 stitute of Canada, the For several years she at has ELSIE MacGILL P. ENG. for the Unit worked! Award (1953) from the and went to Fairchild Aircraft her photograph is included in t Company Ltd. as Assistant En- gineer of Canadian Car and Foun-|*'a (tribute dry Limited in which capacity responsible to the for this Toronto and the the Mrs Yugoslavia Photo by Mary's Studio Medal In Annual American in the States on aircraft design. Society of Women Engineers, and Gavaert Gallery (1953) at Ottawa 50 Canadians Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Women Dial RA 3-3474 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 7, 1960 11 Mrs. D. K Stiles Re-Elected President, North Simcoe Mrs. D. K. Stiles was re-elect ed as president of North Simcoe Home and School Association at its regular meeting held receni- v The 'other officers are: Vice- presidents, Mrs, Malcolm Adam |and Mrs. Jeffrey Andrews; re cording secretary, Mrs. M. P York; corresponding secretary Mrs. Blake Branton; (reasurer, {Mrs. Claude Vipond (re-elected); executive men=ers: Mrs R. A Wilson, Mrs, Fred Bidgood, Mrs H G. Chesebrough, Mrs. Ber nard Crozier, Mrs. J. E. Rupert Mrs. Jack Thaler. Attendance prize for the night was won by Miss Dorothy Smith's Ogden's shieid dollar and Miss Ruth class won the attendance and accompanying five - treat for the year. The annual report was read by Mrs. D. H. Rice reports were given by Mrs colm Adam and Mrs. R. A son The class wil- rest of the evening con sisted of an interesting program #5 presented by some of the students ( Choral (of North Simcoe school work, square dancing and letic skills were displayed A boys' quartet consisting "Jim Clapp, Tom Reed ath enjoyed, after which a girls trio, Candace Campbell; Nancy Russel, Judy Goodchild and Jac Pretty Wedding At St. Hedwig's The marriage of Helen Maslo wicz and Martin Malski was emnized recently at St Roman Catholic Church The bride the daughter Mrs and Mr bridegroom is the son of Mr Mrs, Eugene Malski of Oshawa The Reverend Felix Kwiatkow ski. officiated was played by Miss Irene Wolek Given in marriage by Mr ward Rezka, the bride was gown ed in floor-length nylon chiffon over satin featuring a scooped appliqued neckline and short gathered sleeves with mittens sol 1s ol ed he he she was responsible for the de- great industrial development dur-'and white carnations. sign, testing and certification of ing the past 15 years a special duty training aircraft, Miss Veronica Orloska in eonnection with the production! 1955 by Ryerson Press Limited. cally styled with large portrait of Hawker Hurricane fighter air- eraft for the United Kingdom, servers and Curtis-Wright SB2C Helldiver dynamic and humorous talk. Says Men Have Failed, Sees Women As True Peace Makers By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK (AP)--You put down your lantern I've finally met up with an honest ture man 'But He is Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, ficial duty for the average Dhilippine ambassador to the|ican woman going abroad nited States, who admits that so| puts her mind to it, she far men have made a mess of more good for her country orld, and women probably! can be accomplished in a doz ould do better summit conferences. Mind yc The small, smiling general, a I'm speaking just o popular figure at home and woman, but the combined abroad, has been bombarded of all the thousands who will ome charming and able can ambassadors in the past, and If s can of not Conference delegates and ob-|packlines and flared skirts womer Diogenes. doubt will have more in the fu I have in mind a less of- Amer than mpact egg for veils. They wore short gloves and carried pink carnations and Mr. Ray Romanczyk usher A reception was held at Club 401. For the occasion the bride's , mother wore beige with match ing accessories The bride- groom's mother was in navy ue vith beige accessories. Both wore corsages of carnations. The new lly wedded pair will live in Osh he|@wa do, no HOUSEHOLD HINT en/ Next time you are making egg yu, salad sandwiches, try placing ne thin slices avocado over the interesting new flavor of be with applications from ambitious| touring Europe and the Orient women since a recent magazine|this summer' article in which he recommended| General Romulo has women peace envoys to represent' that women of different countri the United States abroad always find something to BETTER DIPLOMATS about, even they don't "I'm serious about this mat- the same lz 1age There's ter," he says. "I have watched genuine interest in how oth women in action, and I'm con. women live, how they raise the vinged they are naturally far bet- children, how they cook ter . diplomats than men. Of meals, what are their course the United States has had fashions and so on if talk speak their native observed This amazing es DR. LOCKE 3BX Last is designed to Banish a er "nr HOW MUCH WOULD YOU Tens of millions of dollars are spent each year in discovering, perfecting and producing new and more miraculous drugs to save lives . . . relieve pain . . . shorten the duration of illness, What is one of these "miracle drugs" worth to you? Measured in terms of health benefits, it is priceless--yet enough to cure you quickly costs only a few dollars. The miracle of miracle drugs is the low price you pay for them through our prescription service. I ve) i Rnd "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Jury & Jowell | | LIMITED | OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE-- WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe | tage Free' | {MIRACLE Hl | | ] Bunion Pain! The secret of this wonderful Dr. Locke Shoe is the invis- ible pocket that hides the bunion and helps to reduce the pain-producing shoe pres- sure. For blessed relief, eome I in and try it on! | | | DANCEY'S | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Ee § Ee f 18 SIMCOE S. RA 5-1833 and convention Mal- of from Grades Scott ter Waldie, and Dieter Wilhelm was North Simcoe school on May 10, Hedwig's Edward Reszka of Oshawa rolls Felix Maslowicz and the and cluded I'he wedding music Ed-{skills matching ervision of Mr A rhinestone and pearl| studded crown held her short veil some of the finer points of boys country's| and she carried a cascade of pink|tumbling trated {REL ant bb ¥ . 1954 was Stroud, Tom | en she broke a leg in 1954) maid.of-honor and the brides- phenson, Russell Porter, Larry " 4 § 1 the' Maple Leal Trainer lI, and she wrote a biography of herimaid was Miss Wanda Bakalasz. |Gannon, Ross Taylor, Jim Todd of Mary Kathleen Kervin of Moh later on during World War IT was mother entitled "My Mother, the Their short dresses of pink nylon! Richard in charge of all engineering work|Judge", which was published in| ehiffon over taffeta were identi-| Flintoff H&S Da Yi MRS. WALTER JOHNSON ' 1 Oshawa CAC Re-Elects President Mrs. Walter Johnson was re- / elected president of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Associa {tion of Consumers at the annual ~ Imeeting this week . Mrs. Uriah Jones presided for {the election of officers, who are as follows: p-president Mrs. G. C nd vice president, Mrs. ge Glass ford; recording secretary, Mrs R. A. Wallace;. corresponding |secretary, Mrs. Rex Harper treasurer, Mrs. J. Bruce Mc | Gregor; publications, Mrs. R. Galbraith: press and publicity, Mrs. C. H. Vipond Executive members: Mrs Uriah Jones, Mrs. Kenneth Broadbent, Miss E. M. Holmes, Mrs. J. H. Lyons, Mrs. Roy Mc Connell and Mrs. Robert Pres- ton The annual meeting of the pro vincial branch will take place at Wymilwood, Toronto, May 10 and 11 SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Smith Hastie of Toronto announce the engagement of their daughter, Arlene Sylvia, to Mr. Kenneth Reid Kent, son of Mr, and Mrs James Ken! of Oshawa. The marriage wil! take place on Sat- urday, June 4, at 3 o'clock in Fairlawn United Church, Toron- fo % 9 MRS. D. K. STILES Both Mr entertained directed by queline Moody groups were 'arl Ritchey A euphonium solo by Larry Gannon was much appreciated, and choral work by 50 students 5 and 6. These lat- students will be representing vhen they will be competing for the J »onard Richer Shield. This choir is directed by Miss Dorothy Smith, An Mi Hubert the fitness program at North Simcoe School was illus. trated by Grade 8 students Linda McQuade, Jim Famme, Christy Irwin and Judy Moffatt Girl by Archie tumblers, under the direc- Miss Fave Walling, pre- hackward and forward headstands, neck springs cartwheels. This group in- Ann Stiles, Jean Fraser, Carolyn MacDonald, Judy Mac Donald, Barbara Holland and Barbara Kirkpatrick, Nancy Rus sell and Marilyn Konkle. The of basketball and footbal were presented by Douglas Flin- toff. Norman Boothe, Reg Perry, Ross Gavel, Bob Hayes and Richard Dawson, under the sup- tion of sented and ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Albert James Parkhill announce the engage ment of thier youngest daughter Eleanor Tilley, to Mr. Michael William Laskowski, son of Mr and Mrs. Michael William Las Kellington kowski, aq of Ospava The RR: Ap, riage is to take place at St Heron explained Andrew's United Church on Sat- urday, June 11, at 3 o'clock ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced Mr. Jack these points being illus- Terry McQuade, Boh Reed, Robert Ste- by Daws +[treal, formenty of Oshawa dawson, and Douglas qaughter of the late Mr. and A square dance was under the| Mrs. James J. Kervin, to Mr 5 A Pink!direction of Mr. William Kelling. Joseph Bertram Davidson, son of may look forward to a|nyion net crowns held their short|ton, and included Cathy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Davidson white Mary Versluis, white and |Carolyn Jim Famme | Mr. Peter Gazda was best man and Mike Johns Nancy Russell 9 MacDonald, Tom Reed, | Montreal Reginald Perry, The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 28, 1960, at eleven o'clock in St Refreshments were served by Andrew's Roman Catholic Church the mothers of the pupils in Miss ()akville. Ontario. jisatinene Stephenson's room GLAZIER'S PR NEW revolutionary PHONE RA 5-3411 19.v4 DEPARTMENT STORE 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (Across from SOUTH |Ag | Schuerman reported for cards -|May meeting at the home of Mrs. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES [CAC Acts as Women's Watchdog | Against Unfair Business Deals boxes and customers could THORNTON'S CORNERS WA | The Thornton's Corners Wom- en's Association held its May meeting in the Sunday School |with 15 present. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs, Walter Buss, Mrs. Charles White: presided Mrs, Wilfred Harris led in the devotional using as her theme "Peace 1 leave with you," assist- ed by Mrs. Charles White and Mrs. Douglas Lander at the piano. Mrs, Leonard Brash read a poem, "A Package of Seeds,' and 'That Thing Called Middle- Final plans were made for mother and daughter banquet at Guide House, May 6 at 6.30 p.m. Mrs. Elliott's, home is to be| the cookie depot for Brownie's jon Saturday, May 7, and Mrs Blanchard's home the depot for Guides. Darlene Stezik was the Brownie who sold the most cook- Addressing the annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the/compare prices by weight. Canadian Association of " Con] Much work was still being sumers, Mrs. W. A. C. Shepherd,|done in labelling and poison con- Ontario provincial president, urg-itrol labelling. Many h hold ed a membership drive |cleaners contained drugs danger- "The responsibility of the or-(ous to children, and CAC was ies and will go the camp. |ganization has increased out of Working for distinct labelling of Mrs. Elliott gave a report on|all Proportion to its member-|such. the St. Catherine's convention Ship," she said. "The average "CAC is alerting consumers to which she and Mrs. Leonard Jack-| Woman in her lifetime spends|the complications of credit buy- son attended $05,000 to $150,000, for this rea-/ing,"" Mrs. Shepherd continued. The June meeting will be a|%0n CAC feels women must be|"Read the fine print in any con- social night and members were kept informed on spending wise: tract," she warned. "There have asked to meet at the bowling alley! \been times when the number of at 7.30 p.m. on the first Monday' The voice of the consumer was/payments has not been mention- in June effective through CAC, she said, ed. Usually there is no mention Mrs. Elmer Lesenko thanked and pointed out the results of|of the exact amount of interest Mrs. Elliott for opening her studies made on merchandise and/to be paid. The buyer should home to the group. Inerchandising. The minister of know the total Sost. rate of in- Oi . . _., health was given a report show- terest, amount ai number of SECOND SHOU COMMITIEE ing that bacteria that could|payments. It would limit (he Mrs. William Gardoer, Ade- cause illness were present in un-|amount of over-buying if the Bide district commissioner, spoke sanitized wadding in children's customer saw the exact amount if He memners of ie 2nd Group|toys and clothing. Articles madelol interest." this is Mrs, Pugh, Mrs. Brash| a EL ineel nia Ontario were now obliged to. Consumers could influence the and Mrs. Matthews. The nomi-| vo iner noke f th mg. ih TS. use new material in wadding. dational economy, the speaker nating committee is Mrs. Gordon." Adelz She Di o ot k oh som) Consumers complained about|concluded, citing the case of the Reeson and Mrs: Herbert Schuer- a ae is i Hid al (the discrepancy in prices ofl/demand for European aufo- man. A donation was voted to the problems a it rs hi A boxes of soaps and detergents. mobiles which forced Canadian buy Howers to be planted in TT: the Theme | Through the efforts of CAC, manufacturers to produce a fron of the Sunday school build bers of the Group Committee Weights were now printed on'small car. * Mrs. Schuerman invited the {Might help 2 his remett, WA to hold its June meeting at % o ; ak her home. The worship centre for Rese hit we o president. | th the meeting was an open Bible, ners ---- gg f white tapers and a beautiful ar- thank . p rte led t oe o rangement of red carnations hah . was = sare 0 Town Mrs. Harris, Mrs. William Lee wl, Mrs F. M. Jamieson, for Mrs. Wilfred Stephenson and the Brownie Night meeting held | Mrs. Schuerman served refresh in March and_to the banquet committee for their efforts in| ments making our Mother and Daugh- OSHAWA WELSH SOCIETY Aux. ter banquet such a successful Members of the Ladies Auxil-levening. Mrs William Arnold iary of the Welsh Society met was welcomed back to the group for their regular meeting at the following her recent illness. home of Mrs. Stanley Simpson, The secretary's report was Burk street, on Monday, May 2./given by Mrs. C. E. Cornelius Mrs. Thomas Roche, president, and the treasurer, Mrs. Doug- presided, and welcomed the |las Kirkland, gave the financial members present and reportsireport. from the various officers were' A further supply of the "Brow- submitted nie Handbook" and copies of the A lengthy discussion on the an- po and R will be purchased by sual picnic to be held at Lake: the committee for use in the| view Park, on Sunday, June 26, Brownie Pack and payment of finalizing the various activities.|expenses for a Guide and Brownie Refreshments were served bY|io attend the May 28 weekend at | hostess. Camp Samac was approved. The CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. group committee will also share| Comma ar? Latin Nik 1,13, ADCS I it, Mele iary met in the clubhouse 3 y g 4 | BUTTER" "** 64° Ls. GRADE "A" ¢ . ~~ groups involved. Films and flash- recently with the president, Mrs. |p, "ware also presented to the poz. Herbert Braiden, presiding | SMALL seo elary's and card re; company for use by the leaders | FRESH, GREEN ports were given and correspon- at Weir special méetiage sik as 0 - di 3 25° dence read nions or Ra ishes FOR ONIONS *"™* 2. 49° Les. nominating chairman, assisted by It. was decided to resume the year which begins in September, | house |sale will be held at CRA on May BACON SLICED BREAKFAST 2 69 supper and social evening The LES. There was a penny sale and away all saleable articles for this mas Le Faive. will be a pot luck supper and| | The 9th Group Committee of ------r----m--reee. oe Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S prick holes in shell before fill- Mrs. C. E. Cornelius and the bingos, beginning on Wednesday, will be presented at the June| The next meeting will be elec- 19 and the blitz pickup will again| lucky draw was win by Mrs CABBAGE ™* 8° refreshments were served by sale. LB. {the program will be on flower ar- 9TH GROUP COMMITTEE the Girl Guide Association held | HOUSEHOLD HINT . . |ing. Holes will fill up during Open Every Night Until 10 Roy Lick gave the secre report; Mrs. Leonard| a the treasurer's report; Mrs. William Matthews, the flow ler report and Mrs. Herbert Mrs Mrs. David Pugh, Jr., attended the community meeting to plan for the park opening and the WA is to look after the home baking sale. The committee for GLECOKF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Open Daily to 10 p.m. Fine Foods For Less! was Mrs, Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. BREAD 2.33 CHRISTIE BROOKSIDE the ers are urgently requested to put Alyn Elliott, Whiting avenue. Mrs. Harry Blanchard, presid- ed. Thirteen members were present, The minutes of were read by Mrs, Gordon- McQuaid and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Adrian Hill. { | Those who are to serve at the |16th Oshawa Girl Guide Ban- quet were reminded that it is on Monday, May 9 at St. Mat. thew's Church at 6.30 p.m. ESENT slate of officers for the ensuing May 11, at 1.45 p.m. in the club- | meeting. The spring rummage tion of officers with a pot luck be used. Guide and Brownie moth- Peter Grice Mrs. Harry Poloz and Mrs, Her-| The closing meeting in June, ALL POPULAR BRANDS ranging | CIGARETTES .. 3.05 When baking a shell, |baking and help keep pasiry from shrinking. Time NOW! To Store Those "Out-of-Season" Garments Play it safe with all your winter wearables, protect them from Moths, Fire and Theft from now until next fall. It costs so little and means so much . . . Remember our small cost can prevent a LARGE LOSS. Phone YOUR Dry Cleaner listed below for FREE Pickup and Delivery ! Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 92 WOLFE STREET PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 ATHOL STREET EAST OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS, LTD. 84 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE HARWOOD CLEANERS HARWOOD NORTH OSHAWA OSHAWA SIMC JE SCHOOL) AJAX

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