The Oshawa Times, 7 May 1960, p. 9

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'The Peacemakers ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 5 Aires J. Busse THE GOLDEN TEXT XS GOIAYA TINS, Jownitn: Mer. 3; 3900. 9 i " , 5: 26: : :35-45, |14, contracts for the Canadian Scripture--~Matthew 5:9, 21 20: B48; Mark 10:35-45 Tenders Call river ae on Raiad " : 4, (span are to be opened June 15, ; |and contracts for the Ontario On Toll Bridg e Jan span are to be opened June TORONTO (CP)~The Interna- tional Bridge Authority of Michi- POLITICAL ART gan and the Ontario government] VICTORIAVILLE, Que. (CP) agreed Touraday to cal for tend-| 3 Emilien Lafrance, Liberal ers next week for the construc. tion of the $18,500,000 St. Mary's enue of the Quebec loglslature River toll bridge ting the| for R d, gave his definition Sault Ste. Marie cities of Ontario|of politics at a party gathering and Michigan. here. "It is the art of making the .James Brophy of Detroit, greatest possible number of | chairman of the bridge authority,| people happy," he sald. sald tenders will be opened June \ 4 - ny n "- , : sg ett ' 14, 15 and 22 in the Soo, Mich, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for Ye have heard Thou shalt not "Love vour enemies r Be ye therefore perfect, even as your ; ; 4 : " \ : Fein 3 Construgt. f ti " - they "shall be called the children of kill But I say unto you, that who- love them which love you, what re an Father which is in heaven Is perfect, pm ; : fi i ] Soumrustion. oe a WESTMOUNT God," sald Jesus to His disciples and soever is angry with his brother with. have ve? . . . And If ye salute your said Christ in His Sermon on the A with completion scheduled in two p F Se out cause shall be .in danger of the brethren only, what do ye more than Mount, --Matthew 5:48 nia ' : the " "on the MouniMatinew 5 . Judgment.--Matthew 5:21.22 others?" Matthew 5 5 5: 44- 47 ME MORY VERSE ~Maithew Ra A . Be Eg) Te for the United States UNITED CHURCH - - m---- _- % ' | river span are to be opened Junel| ~ FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 2 mt: tr ter te ced EEE Lighting Candle foes AEE 40 0 So, at little candle HARMONY Striving For P eace In Dark World re le his om | UNITED CHURCH | damage to others, selling modes: So shines a good deed in a R NT THE CHALLENGE OF CHRIST ov Haims, BA. BD. Hl +E SKCHAMENTS OF BAPTISM TAY W N ; 2s: that ty in the striptease, adultery, naughty world," By R. BARCLAY WARREN jigs id Sivwungs, hat ye may theft of public. money, deceit] Wwe mus achiowiede the ross minis A Paul was writing from prison, Y¢ ame 08 a 32 or bake etc. Human nature is the same. |g, yu darkne 88 that engulfs our| _ Organist and Choirmaster JUNIOR 10 "SENIORS As Jesus, because of the hostility dd x 2 | What are we to do about IL?|world today. Bu ere are man | i I I l 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 'THE SERMON SUBJECT" and per- / ji his own country the midst of a erooliey and Per*|p is better to light a candle than|jights. too, If we gaze continuous: 10 A SUNDAY SCHOOL By NEWMAN CAMPBELL him that asketh thee, and from goed, and sendeth rain on the just rested by the "Romans so also *' # "lis hi in re orld: hold. 10 curse the darkness, We areljy anq stupidly irto the dark + SUNDAY x: HOOL Péacemakers; how badly we him that would borrow of (hee and on the unjust, For if ve love was Paul, Bu! he | 3 sei the word of life." (2:14-1'® shine as lights in the world. [will hecome very gloomy. See the! 1h} need more of them in our dis-/turn not thou away."--Matthew them which love ey hat re |pondent, His lees to ihe PAD 8) We left Winnipeg by plane in|lights! They cheer the spirit and | KIN IOERGARTEN CLASS cordant world, Christ © blessed |5: 38-42 ward have ye? atthew 5: |)iang sparkles with such wor . br ; hd J he ant base 1 wel : AFT \ 11 3 p { ight hile over the|® f » such, saying that "they shall be we must strive to be as gener. 43-49 us "joy" and "re jolce He is-| We are still living in a "warp bright sunlight, W y . 1 we come to Jesus Christ, the MORNING Y/ORSHIP i) the chivren of God ous as possible to those in need Very briefly we can mention Sues a chialicinge wd and diseased world I ef closec Ligh he 1 ( ht & Pp Mathew 5:9 It 'Do all things ti murmur. ip it. 1 have jus ¢, As 1 looked out the window alll y shine a5 Hehts. Wt | AH ART WEL OME wy "ALL "Ye have heard that it was 2:00 P.M, NURSERY TO PRIMARY SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:30 PM. YOUNG PEOPLES UNION n ; A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL ot! Ss JE es an oi wi be smitten by some one and not the brothers James anc Jolin Who hen 1 saw a ligh a priviie e! We shine, not to nd said by them of old lime, Thou eisiiate, especially for young. asked the Lord if when (hey died Bi from a boat more than four draw mion to o fves : hu |S m------ sialf, not kill; and whosoever gap. If we do control our tem. they might sit one on H right nl T " avay, H it'te Him by whom our lives have judgment: but 1 say unto you, ine Lord Je Jesus rebnked this selfish re- / 3 a . J 0 are V t our command whosoever is angry with his is a pretty. difficult thing to 1 are - OE ite od 0% buked this selfish request, say lon ant of Venice, Portia says|Word of Ie L, Curia Je Living Albert Street United Church a » the bet 0 p aol"? 1 rissa , and th ) . ritt rause shall ing Ye know not what ye ask I CHURCH Lo Nerissa J H vitout a Sause sh a LOVE [HY NEIGHBOR They fold Him 'that they were PENTECOSTA od ; "That light we see is burning! Word REV. 5. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister whotoever shall say to his brother Ye have heard that it hath willing to suffer a He was to do : Nig . ts - - MRS BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader Rach, shall be in danger of the neen said, Thou shalt love thy but He said "To sit on My right C. MORGAN DIAL RA 5-1318 coupell; but whospever shall say! aiohbor. and hate thy enemy, hand and on My a i is bi -- - > 1 00 AM --MORNING WORSHIP Jon foul, shall n ange of hell gyi 1 say unto you Love your ie 0 4 e bu Li al iE 7 00 P.M FAREWELL SERVICE IK 4 F | R ST SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM enemies, bless them tha ] h the J i» io He ty ah ta TT ly i Hy Li nd 6 wine) 10,00" _sunaY schoo iA BAPTIST || /® "" wiEsuNoay Senne now 1 worliiess a uw Oli you, and pray for them at ot L! hh | A 1S ik inte amor t an-| ; ' use Vo and De A tw a 1 od, they became \A NY 5c clot Ton He om a Ron I Epil Olly se § 2 Tp : children d pe AS vith hem. Serving 11:00 AM- MORNING WORSHIF hep 1 hild | 001 that ve Ina De ers If, was wha d a Wii CHURCH THE HOME GOD MEANT whdn was a child hearing my or vou Father which pr n others, ne If fs wha Wed ( PM aver and Bible Stu f ky wo, brothers quarreling; when jeaven: for he maketh H mn Jesus demar \ded of His follower Aone ier, Sot J D145. AN aPrimory 15 Senior $5. onelcalied the other a fool, my i, rise on the evil and on the all of u WANN . ) 11:00 AM. --Nursery, Kindergarten-Beginnern mother quoted what Jesus sa ! hy {OR TOP AT GLENWOOD congerning that word, and v : Rarsh words stopped In Peloubet's Select Note 16 . | N45 COf TREET Rey, Wilbur M. Smith writes In »IMCOF EET 4 =\ TN AM St A d / U it d Ch h the yerses signed for our lesson ! - ' y we 'have both an affirmative ap- - ontocostal hunrch Xie B A Service ou Po ental . 1 rew S ni $ urc plication of the ide a of i ving - x psonsibility MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TEL D MA. DD. for 'peace, concluding with the . 1 A ; FOR move power for such action. Our REV. JAS. § F M A: dd 7PM Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES A.T.CM Lord begins His application, not wi . ; Facing, Lite and Death | by referring to the relationship of | . - ) § ELL'S STRUCTION 1 natfons one to another, but of in Ak NDAY (O ; A A 10:00 / y : 9:4 11 00 AM. --"FAMILY DAY" dividuals, and not so much as re- A NHN W 4 y . gards actual physical blows or in - = X Our Family Bible Schoo 9:50 A.M.~Senior, Intermediat J sults but with the condition of ) E FAM f oUF UNDAY SCHOOL - e end Junior Classes mide and the heart a. Y R Transportation Number R 4558 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners end Primary € | Director Ye have heard tha hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say fon Eve Se ! 2 - o - 11:00 AM. -- *NO EVENING SERVICE aN MORNING WORSHIP Carvary BarrisT the" other also." . . . "Give '| i | CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS THE Chris an and Missionary Alliance | 7:00 P.M. -- Affilioted Be the Folia NIVEN AITKEN -- RA $4135 in Canada | p, 4 bi | EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Se oo WF ATA wl | Southminster United Church House Loans | Draw Queries MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min 11:00 AM THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE istet Fleming said Thursday tha CRADL efforts toward urging Canadian i lending institutions to Increase 0 P.M "CANADA'S GREATEST NEED We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Worship With U | BIBLE SCHOOL -- 9:45 AM, -- ALL AGES 1109 CEDAR STREET 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP "THE PRIESTHOOD OF BELIEVERS" | com -- = | FAMILY SERVICES 7.00 PM. --""POWER FOR THE NEW LIFE R King Street Pentecostal r= | weo, 745 »m--missionaRy wig A rs Am. He gave this Commons reply to Dea Fhaher Ch port REY. J. M. McKNIGHY =REY. ROSS ALLOWAY.KENYA Ist ANNIVERSARY SERVICE g F ethe "CALVARY ECHOES" SAT. 8 PM, : i tara eel hi -- i" CKLE, SUN. 9 AM PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 PM--Guest Minister: REV. W. 6. DICKSON Mr. Fleming's parlia- | thelr housing loans have been "attended with success." J------ -- pa Fully R Co-ordinated Youth Programme secretary § el Be irleton), to si ~ H MILY side the ivi To Ag THE SALVATION ARMY Il SPECIAL SPEAKER THE CHURCH FOR THE FAMIL vei) THE SAL io um se = -- J CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH | Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister Bell "made the temen 1 ANGLICAN CHURCH 0 A Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster 1% it while answering \ 7 A ' YAY ERVICE Gen Supt of the Pentecostal ! = --e -- tiols at a party me f 11:00 AM MOT Ht D/A Ct a Vos "of Cone F CAN DA 11:00 AM.--MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE gwa-area constituency he ey 7.00 PM --MOTHER'S DAY SERVIC embli -anad SUNDAY SERVICES Theme: "The Family as a Christian Community" M1 : Be : vas au f : aM SUNDAY. SCHOO! . An address will be given by the Sunday Scheel ¢ . Superintendent, Mrs, A, Elliott, on "God Setteth pulilic question | Hall y - ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH the Solitary in Families" Asked 1 R. Gara | bo : 700 PM Evangelistic Service Centre and Bagot Street The Sunday School will combine with Church Congregation Nipissing) whethe I CAE AT) ras Rev. Clinton O. Cross. BA. L.Th 2 , MANY INFANTS WILL BE DEDICATED TO GOD IN HOLY greed y h his pa nentary i EVERYONE WELCOME 4 i BAPTISM DURING THIS 'SERVICE. secretary 1 minister plied | | NE Baa DR AYERS 4 MEE | EASTER 11) that Works Minister Walke A y 4 : - -- --- aa 7:00 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLES UNION stated the situation . = - 9:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION EVERYBODY WELCOME clegriy n a Uommons eect a 11:00 AM, MORNING PRAYER----Rey. C. Cross Tugsday nigh ---------------------------- 7:00 P.M,--EVENING PRAYER--Rev. P. Trant a, wl pp BAHAT WORLD FAITH | CHRIST MEORAL CHURE py Do You Know? NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH thefe are ndications that ap projed lenders are nereasing Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector: The Ven. H. D. Cleverdori -- Phone 5 5795 | SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD thei ans under the National 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 PM MINISTER «== REY H. A. MELLOW, B.A Housing Act, GAME PRESERVE THAT A ee ---- ORGANIST = J. R. ROBERTSON | | Riding Mountain National Park just north of Brandon, Man., shel ters deer, elk, moose and bear Be v . A 9:30 and 11:00 AM. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ST. LUKE' HOLY TRINITY CHURCH EE as 3 5 Comer Court and Barrie Streets, and Block Eos of Alben 11:00 AM --"THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE" | 1s meeting eac h Sunday REV. H. G. D. RICHEY, SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Te in Adelaide McLoughlin School 11:00 AM 7:00 P.M Baby-sitting by the Come Double Club | Al | : 7:00 P.M.--~HYMN-SING AND FORUM IN THE Christadelphians I OSHAWA BAHA J ( OMM INITY That ST. LUKE'S Welcomes everyone $1 MATTHEW'S CHURCH 4 "CADIES PARLOR { h who feel y church ciation is important to their WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE 9:50 P.M FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLE invite seekers after Truth | as T = ar i ent: The Rev, R. A 5 RA 5:7064 . | | | | | MATT EW 46 family life hare to apply for Free Bible 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM literature ING \ ERT 47} NO OBLIGA Write [CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | wr wap Us HE SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 64 COLE ATE | GHRISTADELPHIAN v Church. Tre -Firs rir ' ENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING: Ave The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart ECCLESIA re eo Banton, Massachuse col FINLEY REV KENNE MEW HE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN. § Th MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A eCLLE -- ze es mnairman orl at Monaser ' | 4/6 Beurling Ave Priest in Charge Director of Music: Mr. - R G. Geen, LT.CM . Sox SUNDAY SCHOOL 4- 1100 AM 8:00 AM.--11:00 AM etree er UNDAY SERVICT 11 AM SUBJECT 11 AM MOTHER'S DAY AND CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY Sermon Subject: "HOME-MADE RELIGION" SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM SUNDAY SCHOOL GRACE EADING ROOM. HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFIC THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 9:45 a.m--Junior, Intermediate, Young People ) LUTHERAN | b and Thurs 2:0 £ | 11:00 am.--Infants Cared For in the Hall EXCEPTING HOLII < | y 11:00 a.m.--~Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary CHURCH ~f - eNox ST. PAUL'S ST. LUKE i tour blocks trom ) KING ST & and WILSON Congreg ee!ing e Adeloide s-------------- h . Re: Bered Allen, BA 1.CD. Minister Mclau choc - 8 ' 6 Milroy MA 145" Bavaries RA 8-6014 Stephenson N. Rossland West CISL EAL | TEE hadi ee | ON RV | 0 NASSA . 9:45 9:30 AM | 9:45 AM A | SAU CHUR S ) 30 AM i. MON J i HURCH SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL CHURCH SCHCOL It AM REV MERVIN A BURY MA. BD. Ministe H Rhyddid - Willems' Choir Director and Organist ):45 AM CLIN ' i1:00 AM al | Me. Riedie Willen Slight Lussier ane © oh UNDAY SCHOO { SUNDAY WHAT WE SEE MORNING WORSHIP 0:00 AM 0:00 AM 'REMEMBERING THE LORI -- MAKES US" MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE 1LOOAM uth Department Nursery end Church School eran Hour: CFRE 2:00 NOON--Sunday Sch dA Bible 7 PM : "THE FAMILY" 'REBECCA 10:00 am. Baby Creche, 11:00 AM THIS 1S THE : : IS APPLAUSE QUR Nursery "and Chirran's Classe THE SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM adi 00 P.M. --GOSPEL SERV! HYPODERMIC?" Bible Cle A MOTHER FROM THE BIBLE* | 1:00 AM =="THE HEART OF NONE ie | A ¢ | AA A + ead cts 4 | ; imothy I. 1- i : . ' Junior Chair: "To Qur Mothers' (Tillotson ME ( OUNG PEOPLE'S a Sabie. + Anthem: "On Mother's Day Mende ssohn) : dns { FOR ALL A1 THE FRIENDLY PAMILY LHURCH ADAM AND FALLEN MAN ,_ -. : e----,

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