The Oshawa Times, 4 May 1960, p. 21

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440--Rooms For Rent (45--Recl Estate For Sole (45--Real Estate for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mey 4, 1960 21 Please Note IN MEMORIAM Vo furnished rooms, sult bachelor THREE lots on Farewell Avenue, Dial|106-ACRE A FT miles uy 45--Reel Estate for Sele 47 Automobiles For Sale r couple, also fwo boarders wanted, OLiver 5-3055, - Deadiings- naw tn afius Sou ay i hose RA 3180 oF apy 30 Pali Lloyd METCALF [owes sires, saarines aes Eousand dolar. write Box dh, Ou Skt, ROW, ar om. "Ry Stow a General dear father, Harold A. Lemon, who and Abbott, Bloor Btrest W Births, Memoriams, Cards of * Wianitred | pasved 'away, May 4 1090 SE hed iitin oom: house-| REAL ESTATE LIMITED out, andscaped CX $13,000, $1650 7100 FULL Bowmanville, de-| re os BOB - he = alist wt wean, 'Private home, h 40 KING ST. EAST full down payment. RA 3.3842, jaciing busfuaw, Aron ane ny Mary Bree locaton, two blocks from 9426, 9 AM. SAME DAY Pright tion at EN gs we TORE SRI Tg) DIALRAS4ETS | EONIE ies 3 What 11 AM. SAME DAY Guelph, behind. T even. ¢ 'Moore| Sadly missed by wife and family, [ings RA 81584. NEW DIAL RA 3.3492 FOUR sie clown rooms, Ta private REALTOR able a RA 397 NE wvall 1960 HOMES 204 KING ST. EAST TWO light housekeeping roo: 100 furslsh RA 5-236 i Sr %% $500.00 DOWN KELLY BOLAHOOD FURNISHED bedroom. Bot water year $12,600.00 RA 5-2363 a ad i TOTAL PRICE CENTRAL FURNISHED room for single | |stoking privileges. Apply 317 Gidaos| $756.00 WHEN YOU $3,000 Down---A very spe - cious 7-room brick home ANNIS -- In loving ONE very 8148 jist Zoom, Jeivate MOVE IN pi A condition, Living Alfred Annis, Passed to| pres £14 4 1956, hid like to express my | Pus suitable A, one or two 0 gisls, Apply] We have 20 lots available for room 14 x 20. Four bed- A Ever remembered by dsughter Bar-| sincere thanks to Dr. Rowsell and Dr. |? Park Road South, RA 5-07 these brick, 3 bedroom bun- rooms up with weli-to-wall guerits and family. ONE furnished housekeeping room #t| galows, which will feature rugs. On Kendal Ave. hone ANTHONY -- In Joving 8 memos Ganeres "Howpltal, Reverend Cro: 7 ae Street. ight hollywood kitchens, dinettes, g, to sehecis end emi wb, a dear daughter sister, his visits, and all my relatives and| oo "0 Tony ive in| ceramic tiled bathvaom walls Oy ner transferred. Op Anthony, who a away May 4, 0. friends for flowers and ecards, utes from Spa, 80 4 ol. fin RA 3.7287, panoramic sashless windows « When the days are sad end ~Mrs. Emma Kemp. | oy the week, fled shower and| With storms ond screens, forc- everything seems iy a : : : 000, We seem to hear you Siiapor dear] MARK -- We wish to express our|bath, maid service. ed air with oil heating, sodded Solan Mon "| "Cheer up and_eaity arly on Sincere thanks and op B for the osha' Hotel. . from lawns, etc, Close to 5035, ~Always remem sadiy cards, letters of sympathy, and 4yrRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail-| school---good residenticl areo Taunton ed by her mother. | Na. ay Mock, flowers, received in our recent sad be-| ype in private home, 82 Park Rosd| pear shopping, d Lot ane mile Saat of Rainn, 14 5 Foavament,, We would le Bo Fenton North, 8-7 p.m. RA 88671 speci ven rar Dr, aenoid oid Br. Hollows| ONE light housekeeping room, vacant AFTER 5:30 CALL: May 10. Suitable for lad, gentle ly : i Dien fr EiEREa ran see nine | Realtor Mrs, Cots. e are also . oe o ow a XA Ry m, Items Union dear mother, Louise Rundle, the kindness and thoughtfulness shown SINGLE room for gentieman, eentral,| Marion Drew ... RA 5-7610 i ed away May 4, 165, us in so many other ways. 38 Nassau Street. Everett Elliott .. RA 3-9290 OSHAWA SHOPPING Smith. Friend sted not to eall wife at the Chapel "until. Wednesday after. --Ever remembered by Ye, --Helen Mark and family. | oresor ive rooms, stove and wash.| Joe Maga .... RA 5.9191 HOUSE AND ACRE aa ing machine, Avvly | 813 Sylvia Street, Lloyd Metcalf RA 5-6983 Bi 44--Houses & Apts. VORNIzHz i set Gi RA 5-6588 STATION ROAD TOF far sale -- 75 5 300 botwewn WAIL | VOLKBWAGEN, L w- )| CRANDELL -- In loving memory of vin = Suddenly a we Sena a dear father, Robert Arthur Crandell, For Rent ment, all privileges. "Ra 5-9630; PICKERING bh F for sale -- 78 hit | VOLKSWAGEN. i 1960, Harold Lakin (166 Nassau who passed sway May 4, 1958, LARGE housekeeping room and pantry, IN TMENT 7982. $4 BUICK, mechanically good, good St), ane You're mot forgotten, father dear, [MODERN two-bedroom apartment,|, iin cupboards, private entrance, DOUGLAS i. IDEAL ' VES 4 4 | cash offer "ET TE! BUILDING lot, beautiful, 76 x 3200,|tires, paint job excellent, Te! ned us ' Nor ever shall y ou be, ory Tagt available June lst, $125 per month. RA [gui working lady. 478 Park Rord South GOWER | 15 acres of vacant land jus JAMES JILKS ESTA Ibickson's Road North, Low priced. |RA 5:3008 anytime, Roland (Ronnle), As loag as | Be Xi ory 8-0033. me FTO Trae or Sra dl | east of Oshawe vith 900 ue Contect W. G. Lawson, Anthur oheinberger Realtor, RA 8-5145, | 33 PLYMOUTH Piazs, futons MODERN three apartment, a of tage. n't wait en : Litany ' t 8 Intosh ¥ Ens maw Piylie, son-in oor Ped around fico, private bath, adults only. I Avely bit REALTOR | be ii en ot once to in- neal! 20483 27 4! SEVEN - room brick house, garage. Philip Rurray. Avenue, wikis od ntosh Funer: 0 Service in t Call RA 5-8352 | ldin oa y 4 r - . Ee cei Stace iene east --a----_ chapel on Tre Ma 5 at 2p. a. d south end, Call BA; ee [TW furnished rooms for two "wentle: | NHA building loons how spect this property. - a rons Contre, 4 also aH '55 MERCURY hardtop, automatic, cus Interment Union Cemetery. POIL -- In loving memory of Fred|A friendly, trained Ad-writer will help|men, close to Shopping Centre. Apply| available, just $1,000 down, ric y BA 21047, tom radio, many miles of ecarefres Pol, who died May 4, 1908. you prepare and place your Oshawd es Grenfel Sireet. BA 58721. $12,000 full price. Clay | $12,900 FULL PRICE | PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL |spariment 2A driving for some proud owner. Our Pp 0! 's mes a . oo LTT Te ----r omy veg é 3 7% y Dad's amile 1s gone o SELF-CONTAINED rooms, private bath) brick, choice of tiles, parti- Superb S-room brick bunga- HOGENBOOM $IX room, brick bungalow, decorated, Maviime special, #90. Seaway Motors, His hand we cannot touch, service, dial RA 33492. GERROW FUNERAL | Si 'weave 'ws, many memories (3356 room unhurmished_sparimet; so Apply 20 Harmony Road tioned for rec-room, large low with large living room CONSTRUCTION Apple |'56 FORD station wagon, fordor, futons Ide x t i ! = HH i 5 | i hi | i FREEY i i a FE tH i : § : : 0 ; i i : at s § : i i : i 4 « gs ie hi i ? | 3 ; : i : : HH : ; ol i 0 E g : | i s « > i 2 57 PONTIAC V4 station wagon, mileage, excellent condition, new tires, Of Dad we loved so much. South 3 i A , No agents. CHAPEL His memory is our keepsake, ground floor, cupboards and sink In| eer rr, | lots, 634% financing, forced overlooking your own private CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Hill, RA 88640. No ag blue, custom radio, , kitchen. RA '5-6457. 1, al door, loads k d. Mod kitchen, $800 DOWN, five bungalow, near|car, low down | With which 1! never part, pr -------- e lose to NGM, housekeeping privileges. air oil, gluminum r, back yar odern che 'e room bung A y Kindness beyond price | God has him in His keeping, UNFURNISHED basement pariment, RA 39576 of extras, Act fast to choose 4-pc. bath, 3 bedrooms, ful J ORYGAzE SRRANGED shopping ceaire, ol furnace, bath with Sesiyay Motors, Whit. yet within reach of all We have him in our heart sell-contained, attractive, ressonable, | ggeiyn sgn oom. furnished, cook-| your lot. Four plans from basement, All this for ay , Os y . 3 {nu Tindal" Ras _Sadly missed by daughter Marjory, abstainers only, near SGM. RA 5-1356, |ing_ privileges. 139 Albert 5 4 which fo choose. $69.00 monthly. Hurry end RA 8.6475 only J, low. hoi TL Re son-in-law Charles, grandchiliren id | ere rrr ed apartment, | y RA 8-6226 great grandehildren, sink, hot water, cupboards, clean, quiet, | |ONE nicely furnished Tousekeeping 10 acres of choice garden see this one today. FREE ESTIMATES BUILDER'S ova heme - 1] Mion 390 KING STREET WEST | central, Close to, hospital." Private en (00 Telephone RA S64. bus ®t! ond going for $4,500. Terms OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL 8 2 Dus 8 ANGELIA, six thousand POIL -- In memory of & good friend " 8-5 ) 8 gut : miles, guaranteed and neighbor, Fred Poll, who passed | To furaished Ronsekeeping ONY Iarge furnished room and kitchen, fo be arranged. Situated just DAY SATURDAY 15 YEARS entrance. Many extras, Pe So araniey Eo LOCKE'S FLORIST aay May 4 1080, dave gone by rooms, for gentlemen or business Suitable for couple. Apply 620 Simcoe| north of Maple Grove. Low iowa, ; L priced $1095. Seaway Motors, ity [a ee ql together, couple. Central. Apply 105 Court Street, | Street North. down payment, EXPERIENCE J I floral requirements for oll | A shadow o'er our lives ha way OE BUY baa Hy a after or Sentiemen en only. Phone INCOME LLOYD REALTY lot as trade in. RA 5-147, | friend h ne forever, NISHED th rin s : pie - occasions hh Ad aa go yb Dean FURNISHED ply om Apart, Sou Your choice of o lifetime, if IT LLOYD Is ot wour service. Wii with ge ened fu TL OSHAWA SHOPPING and family. tor, cupboards, automatir laundry, TV 5 R you have some cash. Lovely LIST WITH Tome: Whit Yd Odaws on 'main CENTRE HALEY -- In loving memory a a 3 Street re prefeired. | 4 eal Estate for Sale Sighip-rooms brick Seime vil THEN CALL YOUR MOVER REALTOR WILSON oad. Exoalant" church or schoo! ai te. pa a Maud Mary Haley, who passed away -- pT ive rooms rented, entrally Josep 900 Ty 24-HOUR SERVICE May 4, 1948 SR ew PE COMMERCIAL located, forced air oil, gar: 5-SUITE APARTMENT PRIVATE sale -- Six-room, two-storey RA 8-6555 Worthy of everlasting love and Te |, oople, §75 per month. RA 8.5123, age, hardwood all the way AND We hove buyers for thot [house, six years old, features 20 ff. | pmb ance, husband and family. [L240 Realty, Oshawa, Ltd., 101 Simcoe) ATHOL ST. E, -- Commercial through, Asking $12,500 2--3-SUITE APARTMENTS home of Yours now, For op living fireplace, wood | ; : ty roperty, one block from h terms d Owners will consider house praisal end courteous, effi- OSHAWA do El AY of a rhe ry. suas Simeoe, one block from King binds Moke for down payment en these cient service -- all this of- - . y 3 r MONUMENT COMPANY (dear lather, ar dese" "| iring, sink and cupboards, shower] situated suitably for o var- PHONE RA 8-465] apartments, Close to Shop- fice today. Bere, Nien landscabeds Clone oo|ulate S L NG IN |" Gone, dear father, gone forever, bath, semi-private entrance, close jety of business uses. Solid - ping Centre, all suites rented, SPECIALIZING phils 8 y ty Soli DE rorested, call Bill Millar WILSON REALTOR Must 'be seen to be appreciated. RA| Whitby, How we miss your smiling face, transportation, : . n 1 | i Monuments, Markers, | But you tft us to remember Also oné single room furnished on| brick construction. Main floor SALLY WALLACE : ks, RA 5-5890. CONVERTIBLE 195 C Cher. Tilly wi or Jim Cruikshan ped. Telephone Monday to day, ial round 1 light house-keeping privil-| 1,800 sq. ft. and 2 apart- Mapsrich, Comes, A happy Rome we once enjoyed ses, wit working lady. 116 Chadburn. ments above Con Aho JOHN ROWE 8.5123. Osave Naratt Coe 46--Real Estate Wanted Statutory of all types. How sweet the memory still-- A REN Ao Ton Tor TIES) EN Ey PAT PATTERSON WILL exchange two city lots 66 % 150 fF, 1435 KING ST. E. But death has left a loneliness rooms, tiled kitchen and bathroom,| oo coool John Wacke DOUG. GOWER i, wad), ACRES oh YL a IN an oi THE CORNER OF -room ho The world can never fill, Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 Lovingly remembered by family. [JBArate entrance, new wectrie PES! pealtor, RA 5-6569, 205 and Power store for summer cottage. . ) Townline North near Toun- Within 100 miles of Oshawa. Phone room, for couples only. Phone RA| Simcoe St. S. GLADSTONE AND BOND rd aR Ristow RA 6.0038 after 530 pm, 47--<Automobiles For Sale |iutone WHITBY CLASSIFIED [zie re == CUSTOM HOMES Ee pe etl 8 Olsen tes Funeral Arrangements and Close to downtown schools and bus. Two Iders te flat platform. RA living room, den, kitch poyment with builders terms, ; RIDE wanted, to Toronto, RE FOR RENT Apartment, bright wove, Yaundry facilities, by W. E. ROTH evoilable, For full particulers, 54 METEOR panel truck in good con: Teatler Camp. ? No. 2 Highway, 5.15| clean, 3 rooms and bath, hardwood parking, Call Bradley, Millen Real call RA 8-5123 ond ask for don A Nm ble accepted, am. - 5 owe, fable for cou pr het | Eb S308." morainia or evenings. Rh Modern 3-Bedroom Brick Homes Lioyd Corson. Co-op 544, REALTORS CHEV, [3 reason avail. body lke new. 85-0019, HODERN apartment, eonvement loca: | Lloyd Realty Ltd V, tudor, recently ble 5 hulle 1. Pl " "trig. supplied, $87.50 monthly. Call(ghte Ju hone. MO 8374 ser Apply 108 Craydon Road, Whitby. Check these Features Rea! » AGENTS FOR - CHEV. ei, motor body and Ford Te ; discuss the price of a 'Whi : after § p.m., MO 8-2625. 6.30 p.m. Sn, A : Ty, FOR WENT -- Furnished bed sifting. |YO® BENT -- Trcom house and gar-| all modern conven.| Built-in bookcase; mahogany kitchen cupboards; double stain- RA 8-5123 -- RA 8-5124 x BEAU VALLEY HOMES (price. Apply 348 King Street West. apartment, heated, TV TV outlet, stove, age, 125 Euclid Street, all conv : o. by TO ad ee i rar Son ais lences. Apply 117 Euclid Street. lances, central, RA 3-434. less steel sink; 4 pc. ceramic tile bath with mirror over venity; 107 a 8:5128 N, BY 57 DODGE for sale, take over pay. io ily ments, owner forced ae {90 iduts. an Dundas Wort. __ | FOR SALE _Hotivn manure or coin FWOROOM avariment, Newly Gtcort. natural trim; oak and vinyl tile floors; divided basement; wired f H. KASSINGER Romer RA 5.8130 after ¢ pil > wae rou samt aid gar, in 'show' voom. pd A RT ras enirance, privateer "shrubs, lawns, gardens. Lawn out: cupboards and sink. Phone RA 57644.| for dryer; sodded lawn; double sliding windows with storms end OSHAWAS BUSICS) REAL CONSTRUCTION LTD. [isi CREVROLET, excellent Cog Sep, $145. Seaway Movoek. Wisins ho '51 CHEVROLET, Je = for four, unit complete, $438, vy g. MO 8 THREE rocm basement apartment, screens; 2 aluminum storm doors. Choice of colour. Brick, roof, COTTAGE DELUXE e leeper Jour, \ 50 CHEVROLET, good condition; 98, 8-5046 p.m. Apply 1121 Dundas East, MO 8-3692. | MOTHER will Took afte privale. Siiirahce. Cen : ; Pp Socom: | while mother works. 'MO 54108, | fral Park Diva. 'North, RA 5480. paint, tile, arborite. OPEN EVENINGS AND 2 eivate TOTP Ge oare ol children I. COSY ground floor apartment, adult { SATURDAYS A professional mons retreat [RA 8 '4% DODGE Special deluxe toian. aod now. Phone MO 8-3800 from 58 p.m. |own home while ther oat 4 ome, Ses TOOmS AE A Ne DOWN PAYMENT--$1,500 | twenty miles from Oshawa on' (75g pec Savoy, two door, | condition. Apply 102 Chureh 5 ROOM available for one young gentle.| Phone MO 82481 anytime. plied, central, abstainers. RA 5.5676. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY | Leke gr Poued ed aylinder. eeat cover, heater, Bane BUICK, four door, man, packed Sunehied laundry included. |ROOM and board wanted # nine. most of way, od pave an h Fadlo, $1 Jam, packed Ju or TWO - room, furnished apartment, ' OF SERVICE hot 1d Ltd, 574 Ritson Road South. RA 5-6518. yet 3.3394 tlle. r 6 p.m. year-old Dov. near King Street school. |kitchen and bedroom, suit one or two, rooms, and cold 'water, 's7 DODGE Royal, four-door, ally $499 full down Ee six room, | Teleph 0 8-4340. (available now, 25 Quebec Street, near both, heavy wiring and tele. equipped, sme o Just. like solid brick bungalow and several two-|FOR RENT -- Two light Simcoe. D WwW WILSON LTD SC HOFIELD phone. Building sits on con- [Robinson Motors + (Oshaw) ua. i DE oy ar So evar, Sit iy lls Tous. 300 Syten TWO - roves furuished spurizaent wifi SHOPPI 0 crete pads and is in perfect = Cue Tuto. TAS $60.30 per month. Tul price trom |e a entral. avaiable Mas 5. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 | INSURANCE ASSOCIATES | condition. Suitebly fumished |' FORD Fairinne, automatic trass- $10,300 to $10,800, Call Ligyd Corson, | 110%, hn, WPA! New y decor. East | LTD. and aveilable immediately. WME, v8 brown, aly 33. 10 imeoe '1$65 monthly includes lights 2nd water. "housekeeping rooms, RA 3.2265 RA 8. 1624 Call Paul Ristow at RA Lid., 574 Ritson Road South, RA 5-8518.|'88 VOLRBWAGEN, Window van, Hood tet me TJ LAF foo Eric Johannson, MO 8-4494 Whit. bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, LLOYD REALTY | or 5.6165 or RA 5-8152 even. [ij GHEV, Biscayne, four-door, auto- Seadition, Fe Teasonable. Telephone RA - for couple, parking space, Apply 156 . $. matic transmission, low mileage. Rob. . Feniecaing x coun olotiling and | o¥o4illing done by Siperienced gor | Ane. Street a GRANDVIEW inson_Motors (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Rit-|'8 CHEVROLET sedan, radio ule Call MO 8.4880 or Mo |dener. Telephone MO 8- MODERN two - room apartment fo LIST WITH LLOYD, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER GARDENS RAVINE LOTS son Road South, RA 5-6518. oy aieetly Sreriatled, be oo small : ER Oe J om apartment io 4 ONEVROLET deluxe, clean and re. offer. Telephone RA | FOR SALE -- mixed, well rotted, shesp| dren. Call RA. 3.2239 from 9 to 5, afte: Fully serviced and suiteble |y Try Stew at Mike FOR RENY -- Tires room spariment and cow manure, 35° aload delivered. 5." RA 3.7506 i : $499 00 - 499 00 = 499 00 SPLIT LEVEL a Terme with exposed bases (ov 1, hp. 1 4 a | FIVE bedroom summer cottage, com . . . Beautiful split level, 14 ment, Creeks runs through ly, $65 monthly. MOhawk 8-487, 817/pRoOKLIN -- Three rooms for rent, pletely furnished. Available now . old. The living room is ! Brock Street South, Whitby, a | yrs. of 9 i. huis ee | Avallable immediately, Fiviie Bath, turouss surest, Dunlop Houds Whitby FULL DOWN PAYMENT Spacious with fireplace, Size Breperty WSS: aan Sores ANDY NAGY"S none MO Bas of "Brown- (TOR. RENT -- Small mB sorieieca FOUR unfurnished rooms, be, | NO HIDDEN COSTS | i Ai EY I Ps mony fine, new homes, Not BODY SHOP 0 NASH, (share, Jui. Can APARTMENT for rent, four hit adulta only, Telephone: HO Batvastlon DAT oii omy. 0 Ts Six room solid brick bungalows, now ready to start construction built-in stove and oven, 2 Jot but $ home site. Paul MERCEDES-BENZ Whitn: at rooms unfurnished, refrigerator ONE or two bedroom apartments, ail Street West, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m, Balance on one mortgage under N.H.A., $68.50 per month. Full plenty of cupboards, also the 5.8152 evenings. SALES & SERVICE . stove supplies. Private entrance. APPLY | ;n oniences, balcony, close fo KINGSCOURT apartments, Ajax, one-| price from $10,500 to $10,800. Call quickly, limited number most important, a large fom- 231 Palace Street. ShoP- | wo-bed ites, $70 - $75, $80-385. ' I d 2-pe. bath 408 KING W., OSHAWA POT Se ____|ping centre, 105 Craydon Road, Whitby, fvodedivem. duties 8 ed wh Hy room ian 2 ape a hi SMALL FARM BUYING OR SELLING SEE fences. MO 8.3763| FOR RENT --Furnished room, private 2.2001 and WH 2-6568 ¢ Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors | RA 3- Apartment, ail conveniences, MO 8.3763 entrance, in respectable home. MO aa Awe. RA 8.5123 -- RA 8-5124 -- RA 8-5125 3 beautiful bedrooms all with Thomton Rd. S., just off King TED CAMPIN ROTO-tilling done, reasonable rates. §-4257. LARGE, bright furnished room and 101 Si St. N large closets, 4-pc, bath, This St, six acres of good land Call J. Mulligan, OLiver 5-4659. modern kitchen, close to-shopping cen- imcoe St. N. lv dec ' ' MOTORS ofan dors ened 5a. |TOUSE and bungaiow wanted. Good|tre. Dial 8.0028 between § and 8 p.m. | | home is nicely decorated and small bam, garage. Nine- x Sing ble xaten. * A Eg By RA SE Realtor ONE large furnished room and kitchen, OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM hos imeny wires, Oil: hagte g jy two-storey house in ANY £07" KING ST. HAWA HO 3870 : sult couple. Also single furnished room | OPEN EVENINGS & SATURDAYS ing, attached garage. $19, good condition, large mod- Uust East of Wilson R LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. bi nin Mo" 2 for "tor ei allenitn, APPLY S30 S990 S88! wmmuonreren 70.00: Lg Hor futher a kien, Sarge hing RAS sass. Row sors E ed North; information, call Henry Stin- fo REASONABLE ~ 3. 9- Parier, MO bib Coleet, ae ge THREE Safuraiaied rome, pies ba 7 ASK THE FOLKS WHO son, evenings RA 5-0243, ip Pg TE a aned uilt- * 4 \ NEW office rpace fa Whitby. 800 a. i a new tanks installed, Water ard, Tire Blocks ete: Sho mmn Coltre x i KINGSDALE throughout, oil heated, Listed BETTER USED CARS Wy" Pal Bain MO. 8. | 108_Chestaut West, phone MO 8.3383. 3.6117. | ' ot only $15,900 with good BOUGHT AND SO 731; evenings. MO 8-4003 Feb 12| [Fox NENT -- ur ve rome con: | BED ED - siting room, well furnished, BOUGHT ONE | | id | A & ros brisk, gna eign. terms, Call Carl Olsen at RA WILL LD oT] Tele: trl tove, r 4 0 | ard, 2- , Sits - # . pes SION Radio repairs, a "work phone MO 8-276, alt cae "ae two. indies or| | uated in @ choice residential 5-6155 or RA 5-3412 even LL BE ACCEPTED Any Moke == Any Model rs ™v "Service, Bio (FOR WENT = Modern pisiment, & stesane Po a Lda ns LOCATED IN | district on a jeg Se shea - EASY TERMS Condition Guaranteed bry rd self contained, pa Colborne Street We: i double {with very little traffic. Goo LASALI E AVE aod parking, TV outlet, adults preferred !bedroom, furnished; al ingle; ivi ini - . on Baw Rel gk] pa [0g 84282. i 4 use of Kitchen. Young i gentle. sized living room, dining Two-bedroom brick bungalow LOW DOWN PAYMENTS $25 DOWN tet Tob. 'wasn ne dros | MEMBERSHIPS ing recived Jo; [lan puoterred. RA Jams. EXCLUSIVE NORTH END [ck yore 'ond decorative | With separate lo- | '58 AUSTIN. Cambridge Se EASY TERMS ; y club ~ varied activithes. Club | ONE " k ot Ama Dae Woy, lawn space available. or ion. and preferred, close to North GM, hospital shrubs in front, Carries at cated on LaSalle Ave, for dan, A- 0 84981 or MO 8-5740. write Box 608 Oshawa Times. RA 58879 before 2 p.m. 3278 Jarvis PRICE: $14 945 $85.00 per month, interest only $10,700. With $6,000 57 METEOR Sedan--Splen Expert Service ERE ar] land, ro. FOR RENT -- One or two bed: ; ' did condition, Like py Gl BEvOR YOU BUY * % IVE "STEW" A TRY Street, and principal. Reason for down the Solonce may be tary, reel type motors, motor and m ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, | | selling owner is leaving city, carr at 2 interest, ching repairs lo all makes of mowers. |{0, 428 $10. Adults preferred.' MO|diso one singe room second oar. Net) ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE: $12,000 For futher information, call | Monthly peyments $4433 | 157 MORRIS 1000 -- Sharp. AT MIKE STARR'S sharpening service, For pick-up and Bond Street East. | Wi eve, Svanings ORES ancluded, i '55 METEOR Niagara. 314 BLOOR ST. W, Jelivery. 10 io Bag RAG arpen- MODERN TWO furnished rooms for single gentle. DOWN PAYMENT: $2,945 54340 gtietively decorated iin '53 CHEV, Sedan « Bor RA 5 5 vent Jaclien | LAW STREET ly sn a aay gain. "Mechanically -5646 QUIET APARTMENT sau. ma siee. 70 mown mous CHECK THESE FEATURES CAREFULLY: | 1 year old, é-room brick by oppointment, so call Ray sound. Open Until @ o.m. HOME NT [vara ranch style bungalow with 2 ot RA 5-6165 now rer , a 3 q HN " '52 CHEV. Hardtop == A-1 THREE . ,_ welf-coni da SOLID BIRCH HANOVER KITCHEN! IMPROVEMENTS EXCELLENT LOCATION | ment com ieaiy Ey yl PREFORMED, ARBORITE. COUNTER: TOPS 55! SUDAN. JOY Light Yin ATTRACTIVE shape. 1953 PONTIAC - Remodeling = Additions APPLY centrally located, lau Gry avd parking COPPER TILE ON BACK SPLASH | 1 4pe. and | 2-pc. bath plus OLDER HOME 52 AUSTIN Half-ton Pick- Immaculate condition, must Summer Cottages, Rec. Rooms {p.m. SS ANDERSON WINDOWS, STORMS AND SCREENS | extra stool in bosement, bh : up. be seen to be appreciated. Tile; Hardwood Floors 105 Craydon Rd. Apt. 2 Gra cory Tarnished Rpartment, BIRCH YANITY wi FORMICA TOP Large completely finished In good residential wi -- . Apply: Cupboards, Garages, F. sult three girls, private bath, also fur. CERAMIC TILED BATH rec room with bar and built-in six rooms, modern kitchen MANY OTHERS TO u Firhnd Fo le FOR Cc. | L PAINT nished bedroom, in quiet PE PLATE MIRROR OVER VANITY sink. - Aluminum storms and and bath, nicely decorated, CHOOSE FROM a ST. JERRY BREAR net prefered. ENAMEL HOT WATER TANK screens, For further infor oil heating and garage. 5-2783 CALL SODDED FRONT LAWN mation, call Bill McFeeters, | Moderate down payment. For See Them Before You Buy ANYTIME MO 8-4007 D dd 8S OFFICE SPACE | CALIFORNIA REDWOOD oN FRONT evenings RA 5-1726. Justin information, call We need the space for new CLA RICK - E SILLS lewt Hodgson at RA '8-5107 FOR RENT 0 outer PARTITIONED BASEMENT FOR REC-ROOM MASSON STREET or evenings RA 8-6408. Austins CASH Paint & Wallpaper Store In new building, park- FRUIT CELLAR WITH LIGHT 7-room brick, 24 - storey A-55 Sedans Boots, motors ard trailers 107 Byron Street South | BI-FOLD MAHOGANY CLOSET DOORS home with 2-car garage, ESTATE SALE ; FOR YOUR CAR water skis, surf boards, MO 8-5231 ing, approximately 350 STAINED MAHOGANY TRIM Home consists of 3 rooms on On Athol St. E close to AA) Station Wagons canoes, box trailers, cabin |. PLASTERED-IN VALANCE BOXES Ist floor, 3 good size bed- downtown -- @ seven-room Sprite: VAN HEUSEN trailers, tents, coleman stoves square feet, RA 5-5132 | VERANDAH WITH IRON RAILING rooms on 2nd, and large com- two-storey brick home. Re- Rie MOTORS lanterns and coolers, sleeping STONE PLANTER F F pleted attic, 27 x 10. 4-pc. i bags, cots, garden tillers, FEMALE HELP IN FRONT OF HOUSE Bath on 2nd floor and Sxve pairs are necessary. Listed ot And the amazing new Austin | CHROME RODS IN CLOSETS 6,900 full 850's, selling for only UNFURNISHED BOOKCASE IN LIVING ROOM shower in basement. Home bid Yor - kc Pago $1,295.00, plus licence and 149 KING ST. W. post hole diggers, cement WANT : h i n has bee ently decorated : smo ony ED FOUR ROOM | JER EAR GUARANTEED Bumuace inside and_out." Close' to | {tapect and mole your offer. | "ao hedge clippers, chain and skill LADY FOR APARTMENT HOOD EXHAUST FAN public _scheels and on Ray'w-RA 85107. WILLIS MOTORS SPOT CASH Ea ari: | SENERALGRHICE WORK Uy HL adit GD sevice ME pp Se gon Cop ers, pipe dies, etc Typing necessary, permanent $70 MONTHLY FOUR DISTINCT MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM formation, call Don Strode, RA have AUTHORIZED or Sal id ot WILDE RENTALS position, full time, benefits, ONE BEDROOM : 209 Broek St. § Whitey AUSTIN DEALERS DODD MOTOR SALES stort immediately CENTRALLY LOCAT | LIST CO-OP THROUGH %: Sep oA WRITE BOX 904 PRIVATE ENTRANCE MILLEN REAL ESTATE THIS OFFICE MO 8-5823 TAUNTON RD. EAST NERY TLE MO 8.3226 | A 3-3332 or RA 5-1664 Member of Oshawe end Members of Oshawa ond osAWA TIES, whitey | AFTER & I 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 Distrist Real HEstote' Board | 'Dietriet Reci Estote Board. RA. 5-0331 Cutiaut * Tage 3

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