The Oshawa Times, 3 May 1960, p. 17

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 3, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) Orchestra's Fate Stays Uncertain By IRA DRYSDALE | Maritime schools with the or- Canadian Press Staff Writer |chestra that students in schools HALIFAX (CP) -- Fate of the where music is taught showed a Halifax Symphony orchestra is definite music appreciation that uncertain, musical sources here wasn't apparent in other areas. The orchestra now gets $42,200 each season from concerts, radio broadcasts and program adver- Port Of Toronto Sees Great Future By ROBERT RICE Many left empty and deluded. 1958. i Wri Seaw. tatistics. sho Canadian Press Staff Writer away statistics. show Ocean be LOW FORECAST H y .|ships made 230 trips up the sea- ONE Frigid rectric stove. four |18, new condition, $10. Apply 200 Bond] MONTREAL (CP) Uncer-|S1IPS ry ' Der 15 ood condition, Ot (Biceet West, tainty marks the over-all out-| Way » ballast, vit» down! The Se lian ol] 12 | say. Too Ins problem is money.) | | , , | nd y ' ' | | Apply 152 Brock East, |HAND lawn mower, used one season.llook for St. Lawrence Seawa Y1000 tons in 1959, up from 21.274. The 11 - year-old orchestra now |and ear radio, reconditioned, to fit '5i " i {others are believed to have car-| ONE bed chieaterfieifl ib 00d Condition Pontiac, RA T41i4 Es yraitie aug for ports in the Great| td only light cargoes, which|000 tons in the previous pre-sea- has 53 members and operates 21 VR RY TE, pn si . pl A pig HH | weeks a year with concerts both|tising; $25,000 from the city, mr ovi3bE, EY a or Ra sos | Shipping observers expect Wouldn't show as Soballast trips. ety oon ton the fore-| Ce alifax and other centres in|Province and Canada Council, EIN Ge condition, from $25| WEDDING dress and _bridesmaid's Cargo tonnage fo increase slightly, = eF that 80 per ng of the] Twenty - mith 1. the Atlantic Provinces. Many|and $4,000 from its women's aux- up. RA 5.2591 | dress, size 14, for sale. Telephone RA through the seaway this year. POT] 1281 p ) e| Twenty - two months ago, 2-00 for other cities to perform! iliary. A SH | 3.9878 But how heft nerease isn't Ships in ballast were inland lake most a full year before the sea- WINE and cider barrels, sizes, 300 y an increase isn't © C. pe la . . +1 | between seasons. | ie oak lowest prices Oshawa Hard.|SPACE heater for sale, also tank and clear yet. carriers, sleek, efficient vessels way started, seaway toll officials 7 BIG DEFICIT ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. can. Apply 531 Nipigon Street. | Nor is it evident which ports able to handle large quantities of predicted 1960 tonnage on the 143 chances will be good 3 the Salaries take $71,000 of the to- EERO ir, bor gs REPRIGERATOR, ioe fo will boos thei share of whatever PUK SR0OL, Lon eRe 00% Fines show enough interest." expenges Intade gu ¢ 31 ari average winfow 9 ef « csi hein ich TAI new business is created by the In the St. Lawrence section ol Wella O00, ons. ; 4 ; Si artis 57405. |TLOYD baby carriage for sale, like deep - water ocean route a the seaway, 645 lakers went up To hit these targets, seaway|Says conductor Leo Mueller, Aus. fees, $1,500; travel expenses $7.- % FEET Beatty "steel Tor siock pen: new, $15. Phone BA 4992. i|agt year. jempty, passing 661 lakers com-|traffic would have to jump 36 trian-born pianist who conducted|000; auditorium rental $2,500; two 3 ratty steel single vse stalls. TWIN carriage, A-1 condition. Phone ling down empty. per cent this year. Welland traf- oi BR at the music $1,500; printing of pro- ITBCTRORONE mate Baie BEA 10. SU. ___________|INDISTINCT PATTERN ; ; fic 58 per cent. 4 ' gram and promotional material Ei cIEONOME mole! T'S wide [FOR sale -- Scoit Attwater 36 out-| Seaway traffic patterns are BELOW EXPECTATIONS Few marine observers expect He emphasizes that it is im-|$2,000, and administrative salar- re 515%, Terms. Meagher's, board motor. Phone RA 3957. | 4)| unclear. The results of the| Mainreason was the fact inst great an increase in seaway | possible for an orchestra to stand|ies and advertising $6,700. bring- 8 King Street West. | BABY budgies, ideal gift for mother first year of seaway operation--that two-way bulk trade did not yysiness this year. [still. "It must go forward or|ing the total to $92,200--leaving a| AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. | On Mothers Day. hs. Broad, 114 Eigin| 30 ter than normally expected, | materialize as expected. The | back." gross deficit of about $20,000. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order ciuttered with costly ship jams, hope that lakers capable of haul- FULL USE OF SHIPS A campaign now is under way | TP Sarly ¥ [TWO Mary Maxim onfused by a world shipping de.|in8 20,000 to 25,000 tons of cargo| "When our domestic trade can ONG 14pSES 'i aD {to raise more money and the ? would carry grain from the lakes be handled in our lake vessels| e says interest is arous y|symphony society is anxiously fo ocean terminals on the St. loaded in both directions we can|the orchestra's annual concert| awaiting results with the future Lawrence, then return with iron look forward to a much more ef- tours but that there is little last-lof the orchestra hanging on the S0--Articles for Sale |S0--Articles For Sale TELEVISION sets for rent; also radios, ONE Bean orchard sprayer, in good sun lamps and record players. Meagh-| condition. Phone RA 3-9996 er's, 5 King West. RA 3-425. _ |WHITE sports coat, black fleck, size sweate! rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. | one lady's, size 18, 8: one. gent's, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- | size 42, 30. Two gras rugs Must be nression, distorted by the United plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent|seen to be appreciated, x A A Si s st p . ' down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond |3-3231 . an States edt strike aren't of Street West. RA 565) ______|THREE,- piece chesterfield red, one ; used. Complete selection. We finance our own accounts. Terms to suit your See Dominion Tire Store, Bond cleaner, repairs, all makes, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8.0591 anytime BABYLAND Bargains! New style * | body carriages, converts many colors, lowest price Large full panel Roxatone $19.88. Spring - filled erib mattresses, $9.88. Playpens, $8.88 chair, $7.88. Strollers, $5.88. Wil Furniture, 20 Church Street. a ed in town, $37 crib, half price, giv uy 8:15 AM. 6--Film Playhouse 4--Captain Kangaroe 8:30 A.M. 7--Devotions P. 2---Today 6-~Friendly Giant 9:00 AM 4--Edge of Night n Rong iid 5-2--Adventure Theatre -- Tr 7--Komedy Korner WEDNESDAY EVE, 5--Ding Dong School 5:00 P.M. 4--Popeye's Playhouse U--Family Theatre 2--African Patrol 6--Royal Winnipeg 9:30 A.M. Ballet 11%=-Movie 5--Playhouse 7--Romper Room 4--Childhood Literature THEEE Blvd Phone 108 to 5--Burns and Alles 2-The Big Rascals 4--Life of Riley 5:15 P.M. 2--Helen Neville Big Mac Show 10.00 A.M. ; 4--Red Rowe Show v ty ea i . 5:2 h Re Mi --My cka Doogh Be mn é-- Huckleberry Hound Sales Al 10:30 A.M. 7--~Morning Show 3-Gene Autzy | 52--Play Your Hunch 00 P.M. | 4--On The Go 11-6--News 11:00 AM. 7--Early Show 11----Jane Gray Show | 4--Western 5-2--Price Is Right | : 4--1 Love Lucy 6 ay PM, 11:30 A.M | 11 gl 6:30 P.M. 11---Bob McLean Show | \i--Family Theatre | 2 trati December Bride 5-4-2News; Weather 12:00 NOON | 6:45 'P.M, 11--Cartoons $--Huntley-Brinkley 7--Restless Gus Report §-2--Truth or | 11-6-4-2--~News Consequences " 4~News and Weather 8-~Tabloid 12:15 P.M. 6---Matinee 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M 11--News . 7--Love That Bob 6--Leave It To Beaver | | | ture Com Street Sr tac cer, contract on my behalf Signed, Gilles M. Mercier, Whitby. plete with accessories, 30 HP Johnson motor with controls, OB40 Tee Nee er with He ; ¥ .| whatsoever sr with lcence, price $1000. HAD: 33)" goppale Drive, waht tte WE CU LEAR | FOR 'SALE -- Gendron convertible baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also combination portahle radio-phonograph, three-speed, nearly new, $50. Phone MO 8-407 ! USED parts and repairs for all makes | of wringer type washers, % HP motors| % to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, 3-2241 NTE ookcases, only 99c. with chase of one piece of unpainted ». Chest of drawers, $17 :desks,| ; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, record cabinet, $18; room divider, okcase headboard, $15. Wilson re, 20 Church Street THREE rooms of furniture only $299. ¢This includes chesterfield and chair, E e bedroom suite, mattress, and coffee table, boudoir| ps. pillows, etc, $25 down| aranteed Best Simeoe| tr Australian Rain Making Success By HAROLD TILLEY Canadian Press Correspondent The broad range .of hos- pitals and university medical faculties in Montreal gives the city excellent facilities for the specialized study of many ailments, This story discusses work being done on muscular dystrophy, heart disease and cancer. By GERALD FREEMAN Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL (CP) A young medical scientist at the Univer- sity of Montreal has gone gun ning for muscular dystrophy, and he thinks the ailment's days as an invincible crippler and killer may be numbered Dr. Gaetan Jasmin, 35-year-o assistant professor of experimen- tal pathology, believes enzymes hold the key to beating the dis ease Muscular dystrophy is heredi- tary and results in a gradual | muscle breakdown that can cause death when it reaches the respi ratory system. It attacks chil dren, mainly, and there no HEAD OFFICE FOR THE OSHAWA BOARD OF PARK MANAGEMENT Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the City Clerk, Osh- awa, until 2 p.m. Wednes day, May 11th 11-6--Startime i Colt 43 7--Divorce Hearing 9:00 P.M. 4--~The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 11:6-5--Perry Como Show [ m I 7--The Hawaiian Eye IDay I Sount 4--The Millionaire 4--Better or Worse 2--Perry Como 4 2--Queen For A Dar 9:30 P.M. 52 Souad 2:15 P.M. | 41 Got a Secret 7c PM 11-6--Nursery Schoo | 10:00 P.M. - 5--Black Saddle 2:30 P.M. js One Step Beyo 5-2--Arthur Murray ! 4~Red Skelton 10:00 P.M. | 7--Alcoa Presents 4--~Garry Moore |iodide from an aircraft. Spegifications from Wil 53 upon Drawings and may be obtained liam R. Milne, Architect Albert Street, Oshawa, * Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| deposit of $25 4 South BEDDING bargains. Real Jow prices! Spring filled mattresses, guaranteed ction, Reg. $29.95 Wilson's| $16.88. Smooth top high qual-| attresses, discontinued ticking of a kind, Serta, Restonic Marshall, Simmons, reduced sale from $22. Continental | ng - filled sturdy construction, | d tickings, single sizes, Reg. | price, $24.50. Bunk] Eset So - | Desoite this vortal the OTe: didn't come through in the ficient use of the seaway . to-| ing effect because the season is|success or failure of the drive BT ane Va bi wi Bn used, App 23 Kal p gg gy eral a he first year: gether with a decrease in the 00 Naor and the Petiods between Sir Bernard Heinze, Australian . Bey e port s enthusiastic ; ton? eal visits J A + who i i electric Tazors. Trade in Your old razor! se --coo niger hut 'the futn | Part of the reason for the fail- cost of transportation," said Jean "(0.0 § COMBI 100. OUE, [Conductor whe. Js. travelling on a new model. Meagher's, 5 King B- F. GOODRICH Boe re tele. | Wore. ure of a grain-ore shuttle service Lessard, vice - president of Can-| AS! rom direct financial across the country examining or-| Street West |teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- Toronto now is an ocean =" a : 4 ' 2 " _|support, Mr. Mueller sees two|chestras for the Canada C il | vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543 " gai developing was the fear by many ada's St. Lawrence Seaway Au A s for the Canada Council, | 772 % : A 54543. port," said E.B. Griffith, general F Seid 4 Woritv and ber of the U.|other ways of keeping a full-|says that the orchestra here has p " | USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. |;nanoer of Toronto Harbor Com- Shipowners of missing schedules thority and a member of the U.j. symphony operating here: |a f ; ed S. F. Goodrich Stores, RA' 5-4543 an, mn because of delays i loadi S.Canada team that made the , °° C07 P B e:|a future and could make the city A ALL PE TAT R mn sioners. "It is going to EN ause of delays in unloading or The CBC could ke great d TWO wheel trailer with racks, $50; 2130/11 oi. er 3 going '0 Zrow loading grain. New, fast facilities traffic forecasts. > could make greater use famous if properly supported. | studio couch wanted, must be clean. ID relative imnortance for grain Te seninment un the Only nine per cent of the tral of the orchestra's musicians or! He emphasized that Halifax Bahy boys are blessed with a | little lad gets a friendly" assist ONE velrigerator_ wood condition, yes.| Last year. 862 foreign freight. , wrence river af . i " ral the province could - expand its problems are no different than pound ossly inquisitive nature = from an RCAF policeman for a aT ad mares Enns jors made the 1,500-mile inland SL. Lawrence river are expectéd fic in the new seaway between school music program to broaden! others, ""There's not a symphony I y quis e fleeting glimpse at the inside Apartment 6 : voyage up the St Lawrence, © ease t e fear. : i Montreal and Lake Ontario was musical interest. in the world, to my knowledge, that develops more and more | of 4 jet engine during a visit IFT. Cedar strip boat, 10 horse power through the seaway's seven locks Some ocean freighters skipped general cargo. The rest --a that supports itself entirely." as the youngster grows. This | to an Air Force base. Ce aril rauer, first class con. and across Lake Ontario to call Montreal and headed through the whopping 91 per cent--was bulki -- | re dition. Phone RA 5-8127. at Toronto. They handled 713,186 Seaway to Great Lakes ports--| cargo, 6,400,000 tons of grain, 6, . HOUSE (o be torn down, ideal lumber|tone of cargo--a massive jump only to find themselves caught in|200,000 tons of iron ore, 1,200,000 for new house, $15,000 cash. Phone CO| 'ng 768" tons in 1958 before canal congestion at the Welland tons of coal and coke, 1,200,000 aris I d A) d er | i SOSA : the seaway opened. detour around Niagara Falls. If{tons of fuel oil and gasoline. I PAINT sprayer, Jag engine, colpIer ' they abandon the seaway route! Much of the bulk cargo goes . o's Furniture, 20 Church Street. | 70% Bt: LOR Sank, MILLION TONS and unload at Montreal, they'll between specialized ports. For . . NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle | yg Ny Hammond Spinet organ, will This year, says Mr. Griffith,/give more business to Montreal example, Hamilton heads the list ay Il ute 0 dala 1d |CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltoy CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte roof. "'Tempgard" colored aluminum | =". 1 i 4. p land less C ; | . Sen. paint, by' Benjamin Moore, wil refs: sacrifice, AL" conditon. Telephone RA) ASN STUY 08 Nt ror fo Nem 0 SMA puis jor hashers which hawlied ses WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester ish your present asphalt shingles, to) <7 A So 5, P a ea TAN A " ay = e them additional years of wear,| HIGGINS camper trailer, like new, one Toronto. More and bigger ships CANAL DELAY COSTLY of general cargo but because of By Paquerette Villeneuve | Borduas was a promoter of "free wep yy Channel 2--Buffal WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale in new colors. See Edgar's Paint year old. Can be seen at 207 Church|gre expected. The delays at the Welland were (he steel industry there and its Canadian Press Correspondent |painting." ¢ nme oh 4 1nd Wallgaper, 34 Jim Street West Street. RA 57616, : But what -about Montreal, costly for Canadian lake ships. crying need for ore and coal. PARIS (CP) -- A Paris art "He revived artistic creation," re oi Verb LLOYD carriage; 1 white bath; 1 rib, where grain is king? Grain de- Canada Steamship Lines, by far, Ag a result, Hamilton handled | gallery and a magazine have|said Mr. Fontene. "His influence| TUESDAY EVE. ne RA 3-4010 A) oy" ndition one Whitby liveries last year amounted to 'he biggest operator on the sea-i 676,00 tons of seaway traffic.| paid tribute to Paul - Emile Bor-| was, remains and will become| 5:00 Poa. NEODE olor 5% Tree Power [FoR ood 37 TI ster consoles ana) 101/034: 126 bushels, . a big drop way, found it took about 21 hours y 3 " |duas, Canadian - born artist who| important." : 6--Sportstime ; INR DO Tn sas. | TOUR used 21 TV sets, mores TRIO from 125,614,527 bushels in 1958, on the average to pass through MONTREAL SECOND __|was gaining widespread acclaim | Borduas died in his sleep last| s_piayhouse SPECIAL. Rox paint, five-year all sur. Television, 17] Bond Street East The port handled 17,720,481 tons the Welland last year, compared Behind it was Montreal, with|in France when he fell victim of | Feb. 22. On the eve of his death | 4--Learn About Things ace, interior or exterior, gallon $6.35.| WE pay highest prices in the city for 0 Cargo hardly any change With an average of 10 hours, 45/5.581,000 tons. Then came Sept- a fatal heart attack last Febru-|he had felt unwell and had asked| , 10 D9 gto Phone RA 8-1611. i used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni-|from 17,755,024 tons in 1958 minutes in the four-year period Iles, Que., an iron ore terminal, ary, | his landlady to summon a doctor| = 5:15 PM FPEWRITER, ike new, $40; fen key ture Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South| "ot "denends on the world before the seaway opened with 4,857,000 tons, followed by Borduas, 55 - year - old native|because his right hand appeared| g children's Newsreel electric aqding IAcWUS, Swap: Pay |LARGE selection of reconditioned |no0d for grain -- in Canadian With about 700 passages during|Ashtabula, Ohio, with 3,877,000 | of the little town of St. Hilaire, |to be paralyzed. The doctor came| 4--Big Mac Show r iter, e TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim: | 0 "od that Montreal 1959, CSL vessels added 7,000/tons, then Toronto, with a total| Que., about 25 miles east of Mon-| and gave Borduas a sedative. He 5:30 P.M. ECIAL 21° cabin cruiser, 100 HP| SG Hop EPOWER Johnson good marine sources are reluctant extra hours because of delays, tonnage--bulk and cargo -- of trea], Was recognized among telephoned friends, told them he l-News and His EL at an! wh lion:| If HORSEPOY ER ous vi 3 800d peer into the future the equivalent of 300 working|3,240,000 tons. Paris artists as a leader in the | was feeling better and that he Friends condition. Apply George A. Loring, (pote "0 2" Amey, Ontario Motor The same uncertainty to some days. Put another way, it meant| With doubts and uncertainty |field of surrealistic art. But it was going to bed, | 6--Sky King Told BIR1S: sen ) i RA 5.6501 - 7 extent affects traffic prospects the loss of 1% ships for a 240-day| clouding the prospects, there is/was only shortly before his death| ASSURED BY DOCTOR Rei NT, interior, exterior, $295 Wallon. LLOYD baby carriage, good condition. for lakehead grain clevators at SeAWay Season. It meant a rev-ino simple way of forecasting that he wou general retogWilon "ie hed lained for Ney PN A Tin ee wad Enettile, SBA S133. 66 Switzer Drive Port Arthur and Fort William, [enue loss of about $848,000. traffic for ports ringing the Great for his work. disse ti gr H or Gali Se hw h Street. RA 37624 51--Swop ond Borter | All these factors most of Lakes. But as Canada and the| At @ spring exhibition, the Pa- 1] 2 h oe re e 5 Sve Ivan Hoe 195% JOHNSON motor, used one i p and Barter 100 MANY. SHIPS them still big question marks for United States grow, so will the| rls museum of modern art se-| he t pear Tou Ne But the | 3 willie Wondertw son, excellent condition, $380 or best | BATH sels, sump pumps. Pressure There is a world shipping over- 1960 affect the prospects for port facilities and the harbor lected him as one of the dead ar-| oo to ae Is heari was in 6:15 P.M. Ajax Woltehall 23000 oo em reel ine ly cabinets. fur |0ad--too' many ships competing|ship activity and port business !facilities and the harbor busi-|tists to whom it wished to pay periect condition. 6--Lawrence Welk nace, boiler and rads, electric pop t > a . . tribute. Four of his paintings It is the abuse of coffee' and| 6:30 P.M, --- Bunting sup. | cooler, serv-all grill, piping ana fit. for available traffic. Last year, throughout the inland sea. ness 4 3 metuded s isi {civarets thats aki " | 12-Family. Theatre On A a 10 per cent |tings (all kinds) H. Chinn RA 37088. this forced many independent or Last year, the seaway handled] "The seaway," says Mr. Les- WorG a u Is in an exhibition. ES EE ing YOU 80 Res: Weather do Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond 52 ry 1 Noti "tramp" ships into the Great 21,300,000 tons of cargo, less than sard, "is basically attuned to our| , Ne vas paid him by The rorning to Or doc 6:45 P.M. Street West. RA 56511. | 92--kegal Notices =~ i1.akes --partly out of curiosity the 25,000,000 tons forecast by cconomic life and it should pro-| {HOH u, oe o Hie Sams tor's visit Be 1s e 6-4-2--News HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- RL not be responsible for any about costs and other factors but seaway economists but far more gress on a par with the growth i Hs in fiekd roe knocked at Tis: door to oi wed S--fluntley.Brinkley also sell and exchange. ontact debts contracted in my name by my a , i t 6 C J i i i v] " Fn i > | rare Staves 19 Prince | wife on of after this date, May 3, 1960, largely in hope of picking up than the 11,760,000 tons c arried of the two nations w hich created was stressed |he was feeling. When she got no . | ; Phone RA 8-131 without my written consent profitable business. through the old canal system in'it and are now operating it |answer from the usually light| 8--Tabloid CTH TR Robert Udall -- ---- STU J . 5--The Rifleman s We'll buy It, STUDIED IN PARIS sleeper, she called her husband - y EY TT PE TF -- ee A a he $8 4--Burns and Allen frigerators, TV's, washers, planos,|I, Arthur Henry Nelson, will not be Borduas studied and painted in|and asked him to break in the| 2--s stoves, etc. For fop cash offer, con-|responsible for any debts contracted 'in i i E ergeatt Bills 3. sis. Foi 0p uit uiits, won res onsible for 4 y debts contrac roa Paris from 1928 until 1932. Then| door. They found Borduas dead | 7:15 P.M. FAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. 30: 1960 Signed, Arthur Henry Nelson, uscu ar & IO he Jeruned to - Montreal and in bed. oa | News: Weathes ALL colors, Guaranteed. Fiat, gloss,|12! Brock Street Sout itby. spent several years there and in| The paintings Borduas had| : + V. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 87 to notify that no longer | New York befor e returning to|completed at the time of his| 7=pronc® Church Street. RA 3.7624 | cept any responsib any debts Paris to tak up permanent resi- death are still under seal in his S2-TLaramie ' PETERBOROUGH boat, om-| contracted by, my. wie oS ohirude Mef. dence in 1955, Paris room. There they will re-| 4--Whirlybirds in any manner| eseqarc n on Ted R. Fontene, an Hist and rec-|main until an executor has been! 3:00 ry. ognized expert judge of abstract inted by his i ig. | 11-6--Chevy Show iy los bb Nie ttm Shthers Siow | Soi Cele Be You LR | : 1 . . hi i : : M. 4--Search for Tomoriow of agon Tr: huge Ste. Justine Hospital for project for him, hope to use this = RY 7--Wyatt Earp 12:45 P.M. 4--Musical Hour Children, a U. of M. teaching/as a diagnostic key | 52--Ford Startime 11--Movie Matinee 8:00 P.M. hospital, and Dr. Jasmin says Dr. Arthur Vineberg, famed 4--Dobie Pi 4--Guiding Light 11 S_RCMP hia they are "definitely. improving." heart surgeon of the Royal Vic- {18.Front Page" 1:00 P.M. pity P.M He hopes to see the develop- toria Hospital, takes a more di- Challenge ya] ym 116--Live A Borrowed ment of medical treatments that rect approach. He cuts daringly 7--Rifleman S--Feature Movie Life will carry children past a sus-|/into ailing, hungry hearts to 4--Tightrope 4--Mect the Millers 7Ozzie and Harriet pected critical period until their|patch them up. 9:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. i Is Right jeneymes pegic {suctioning prop- Dr. Viveners developed the rad- i 50 le erly again on their own. ical and still controversial in- Like all pathologists, Dr. Jas- ternal mammary artery implant min watches from the corner of|in 1953 for hearts starving be- It had taken work of between his eye for tissue changes that cause of congestion in the artery . a : ree and five years to convince may throw light on cancer. But that brings in fresh, oxygen- SYDNEY (CP) -- Australian goientists of the success of the| most work on his field in Mont- charged blood from the lungs. scientists, after 13 years of €X- experiments, Dr. Bowen said.| real falls under the supervision Basically, the operation .con-| periments, have Succeeded in in-igyer a long period, it was pos-| of Dr. J. H. Quastel sists of transplanting one of the ducing rain to fall where andgjpje to i Ve $ { He g |S see that the rainfall was 11-6---Open House Dr. Quastel, director of the great chest. arteries into the when it is most needed--provided actually increasing. 2 a 7--Gale Storm | 5-2--This Is Your Life McGill-Montreal General Hospital heart. The heart adapts readily rain clouds are in the vicinity. | 'Methods now used were not|i17-6.5.42--News: S3-Home Cooking gi BM. Research Institute, feels that to this new source of blood and| Dr. F. W. G. White, chairman |adaptable to all areas. Experi-| Weather: Sports 3-House party ¥ > ris 4 ASH CH 2d , A | al Pp Pr 2-Loretta Young 11-6--Exploration more : eseare rs ate nee led Li the artery becomes part of it. of the Commonwealth Scientific/ments north of Adelaide in South| , iL P.M. Theatre | 7--Interpol Calling he body of knowledge is to . land Industrial Research Organi-|Australia had failed and those| g viewnoint 3:00 P.M. | 6--Farm Program spread out and destroy cancer. HEART NOT DELICATE ati > i bei i : 8----Viewpoint 1.6-PM Party 3-Man Hunt Dr. Vineberg says this is an zation, announced that rainmak-|being conducted in Queensland 11:30 P.M. Lowest or. any tender may not be accepted City Clerk, | Oshawa. i OLUT I ing experiments over the Snowy had not been going long enough |ti--Late Sh 7 Bsat The Glock igh 0 vg SOLUTION IN. DECADE illustration of the toughness and.' a" add enoug rLate Show 5-2--Doctor Malone "If the present potential in adaptability of the ay a con Mountains area in the Australian/to show whether they were suc- ST Duck iy ae cancer research is kept up and|cept rapidly replacing the notion Alps had been highly successful | cessful. | 4--Theatre TW materially increased, especially of the heart as a delicate and and that the scientists had a sure i VE 11:45 P.M, | 7--wi v : ) method of increasin infall HALF-HOUR PROCESS i Who Do You Trust by the provision of secure, at- untouchable organ in the wake of of increasing rainfa!., | Th ould. wass.. D 6--Boxing 6--Top Plays tractive posts for the most able work at the Institute of Cardiol-| All associated with the experi-| BIE ou Je SURES, WEDNESDAY 33-.From These Roots of our young investigators, I am ogy, the Montreal General, Notre| ments emphasized that rain can- Bowen said, in areas where 8:00 A.M. 4~Yerdict 13 Yours | convinced that a solution will be|Dame and other hospitals not be produced at will in any|there was often build-up of clouds| 7--Buffalo A.M. 4:00 P.M. i 4 : lace but that rai be trig-| without rain 2--Today 11--Popeye fodnd to certain important as- pr Vineberg and Dr. James|P.2€S Dut inal rain can trig nlc : 7--A pects of the cancer problem walker of West Virginia have gered from clouds if men and In 3 sisgle pain making project, ne scade." J 3 , one plane coul of within the next decade. performed the operation on 98 machines are on hand when the Pp! set rain going ican "Only through much more in- patients, 73 per cent of them to-|"®" clouds gather. over an area of 4,000 square CROSSWORD PUZZLE o 10 Kk p " y miles. tensive work BY Mish Ud Women|i)y dissoled, CLOUDS SEEDED Given right conditions, the rain ill. Sxporience an mag nation) Despite the poor condition off pr. White said long-term exper- would begin falling within half wer quickly." 2 tie patients only id pe? Sent died ;ments had proved that in somelan hour of the first seeding and| Dr. Quastel says future: ad- ho te areas rainfall can be increased would continue until conditions| vances will come on three fronts: work. |substantially. 2 |changed. improved methods of surgery and "During the last two years Dr. aaiott (5 BNC CCI Rl can a ormendous. lot to the cer-killing viruses; and produc- Yiebetg and bis colleagues have said present figures indicated a|fringe areas of Australia's settled tion of Si bstances hich Starve extreme type of heart operation | \2-Per-cent iri in te Showy ands he said. es cancer cells while leaving good for patients with blood-starved wot, [IL he TRuiCl THE ES ETE (CTY ceed In his institute Dr. Quastel is heatss bev other medical or New South Wales was eveMling clouds with dry ice from an| preparing the young men and ¥ igher aircraft but by 1951 scientists had women who will fight cancer STRIPS SEWN IN Success had come from the successfully substituted silver io- across the world: in one room| Inside the lining of the heart|seeding of clouds with silveridide for dry ice. research is done by students from|they sew thin strips of synthetic| Pakistan, Nigeria, Latvia, Aus-|sponge material called ivalon.| tralia, Japan and Canada. |The surgeons themselves are not| . . Lux HEART DISEAS |sure how but the heart, with its| ury Fishing E! SEASE tremendous will to live, draws la fish in through the window, re- "ggw The battle against heart disease pjgod through the sponge from From Sitting Room 4 , aits the line, and continues fish- produces skirmishes in institutes, it own chambers and from sur- AyCKLAND (CP)--H. J. Lee, ing. The system has worked with laboratories and hospitals across|.oundin; " Bid ding tissue. : \ . : Montreal The heart of primitive mam- wo J} ? ye = Ie Bay out a hitch for 13 months, Three men represent three ap-|;mals was nourished in this fash- proaches: i ? i nS 18% Zealand, has devised the ulti- in : . I n, and Dr. Vineberg thinks the wh tu C0 Fe ching. British Mechanic Finds Canada Cold io | TMEN! Dr. Hans Selye in the Institute p " . IMPROVEMENT NOTED heart of man must somehow re The finest fishing in the district BRISTOL, England (CP)--What An approach ' based on pre: Of Experimental Medicine at the memper, aired ip e I University of Montreak is seek- py Vineberg has performed|'S S0™me distance out to sea from| |e ht i this house, which is at the top of | annoyed Douglas Martin during His hook and line are sus- his five years in Calgary was BOARD OF PARK MANAGEMENT a rl city OF OSHAWA | known treatment price complete, $38 | "But just because it is heredi- u complete wii TENDERS {tary we should not say it cannot 50 ' Ibe treated," says Dr. Jasmin, FOR PAINTING |who shares the optimistic view BAND SHELL IN of modern doctors that, given MEMORIAL PARK enough knowledge, man can lick Tenders for painting the band any disease. : MUST KNOW ADVERSARY shell in Memorial Park will be received by "You can fight heredity, long as you know what you are signed until 4 P.M fighting." Wednesday, 11th May, He has tackled the discase on Paint will be supplied by the |the level of tiny chemical reac: Board tions that take place each time a Particulars as to work to be muscle is used. Enzymes, the done may _be obtained from |Pody's catalysts, trigger the com- the Superintendent; 110 Park bination of oxygen with body Road North, telephone RA chemicals to produce energy. 3.9298 | In muscular dystrophy, he en i o the enzymes fail down on the The lowest SF Qn ender M9 iob. The chain reaction necessary L. R. BARRAND, Secretary, City Hall, 50 Centre Street 7=Playhouse 8--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11---Late Show 6----Stage Sevem 5-2--Jack Parr 4--Theatre is ay t $16.9: 20/ 4--News Church Street SALE Products of the ot the best guaranteed windows only Auminum quality price fully Double hung $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8-5385 _ M[U ILIEMLIOISIS] ACROSS JFIE] LIERNLIOIS] 1. A fit of petulance 5. Redden 10. Variety of willow 12. Heart artery 13. The sesame 14. Hard resin 15. Coin (Swed.) 16. Symbol for titanium 18. Sweet. smelling plant 19. Whitens 21. Stone imprints 24. Sheltered side 27, Benefit 28. Abounds 30. Knock 31, Develops 33. To grate 34. Fly aloft 37. Sloth 38. Pen point 41. Iroquoians 3. Ablaze 7. Major or Minor (astron.} 8. Mix 9. Bananas bunch 11. Not a wholesaler 17. Sick 19. Greek letter 20. Native of a Baltic as [LISISIVIE] JAISITIOJUINID) [DIAWINICIOC (ONIOBNAIR] [TIRE HAIL) ESS) INTRODUCTORY OFFER: EXTERIOR RAILINGS, $2.50 per lin. ft. and up (installed); TV TOWERS, 30-ft. Tower from $30 up (install it your- self and save); manufactured near Oshawa METAL VENTURES RA 8-0909 to muscle functioning is broken, and the muscle becomes useless. "This enzyme question is def- - initely a fundamental aspect of the disease," Dr. Jasmin says. "There may be other approaches, but not many. If we can prove lit's an enzyme abnormality we may be able to help to supply what is lacking." Lee sits with his rod in his| favorite armchair listening to the| |radio. From time to time he reels| 22, Eggs (biol.) 23. Weaken 24. Bulgarian coin 25. An uncle (dial) NOTICE TO CREDITORS { AND OTHERS | In the Estate of JOHN STONE, Retired Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of .lohn Stone, late of the Township of East Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or SEE HOME APPLIANCES | about the 11th day of April, | g OSHAWA LTD | 1960, are hereby notified to LAWN CRUISER POWER MOWERS OR BUCCANEER OUTBOARD MOTORS The price murderer at the Hilltop will not be undersold See him today RA 8-6891 |"'supplying what nature failed to ing in a simple salt pill a Solu: | pig operation on 14 patients|his ; | provide" "has been used on mus- tion to heart attacks caused) yithin the last two years and in(a 100-foot cliff and some distance lular dystrophy victims at the chemically by the combination of sayen other cases has combined inland. But Lee fishes from his - ee rh --'salts in the diet with hormones|i;s sponge and the artery trans sitting room. produced by bodies under stress. | ! Dr. Kenneth Melville of plant. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 R.C.A. Victor, The and Electrohome, Admiral, Westinghouse finest in T.V Hi-Fi service PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 to ths undersigned Representative of the said deceased on or be- fore the 24th day of May, 1960, full particulars of their claims. . Immediately after the said date the Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only te claims of which he shall then have notice Dated at Oshawa day of April, 1960 RAY MEDD By his solicitors McGIBBON & BASTEDO, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont, send Personal in this 22nd NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of S8rah Craig, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Administrator on .or before 12th day of May, 1960, after which date the estate's assets will be distrib- uted having regard only to claipns that have then been recived JONES & GREER, 130 King Street East, , Ontario, One patient died. Most of the others are back at work. French Actress pended from a post driven into when Canadians asked him he seabed at the favorite feed- hE te ---- ling ground for local fish. When whether England had television) lone gets on the hook it is reeled|yet. |ashore along a wire which then| "I was arguing all the time," Jims Hhiobgh doves: aNd Setub UP|said Martin, a motor mechanic : (who has returned to his native . Liked Canada o has. is PARIS. (CP) -- French aciress| "Its tervitic, Canada .. ,. . J|Bristol. "We need a ministry of Simone Signoret says Canada Is like Canadian culture, the Cana-|information to tell "the world "chouette' --terrific. dian spirit; it's somethin g| about our success in science and} Back in Paris after a trium- stronger than me, I adore Can- industry." phant North American four In ada." 3 But it wasn't the arguments he which she collected an Oscar for| The actress was accompanied|that drove Martin and his family says, healthy and ailing hearts her performance in Room at the tp Canada and the United States of five back across the Atlantic. |produce red blood at different Top, Simone told interviewer hy her singer husband Yves|His concise explanation for re- [Sates He and Dr. Daya Ram|Jean Cau of the Paris newspaper Montand, whom she calls Le|turning was "the bitter cold and Varma, following through ¢he'L"Express: Pere Montand. the seven-month winter." McGill's pharmacology depart: ment says the answer lies in di- agnosis. Premier Paul Sauve of Quebec died early in January of a heart attack soon after a phys- {ical checkup. Dr. Melville says {heart ailments in such cases |could be helped if diagnosed. | And diagnosis could result from more effective use of electrocar- diogram readings BLOOD MAY BE KEY When deprived of oxygen, 5. Missile weapon Mother-of- pearl 47. Bottom of a room 48. A headland DOWN 1. Wandering workman . "mployer Delicate . Bog . Obstacle 6. Aquatie birds 46 2 3 1 5

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