The Oshawa Times, 2 May 1960, p. 3

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CATHOLIC YOUNG PEOPLE ELECT NEW EXECUTIVE The new executive for St. | Front row, from left to right, | Gregory's Catholic Young Peo- | are: Rev. Father F. Skumave, | ple's Club was elected Sunday | spiritual director; Daniel Rior- ! at St. Gregory's Parish Hall. { dan, president; Robert MacDon- | ald, past president. Standing, | left to right, are: Jim Gorman, first vice-president; Gloria Arych, corresponding | secre- | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Moy 2, 1960 3 Dr. Dymond Asks Understanding Much is still to be done to over,/in need of patient understand- come the age-old stigma which ing, the warmth of human contact is attached to mental illness, Dr. --contact with those who are not M. B. Dymond, the provincial afflicted. minister of health said in a letter| 'We need to stop talking about)? to the secretary of the Oshawa the "need to bridge the gap" be- and Ontario County branch of the tween the mentally ill patient, the Canadian Mental Health -Asso- home, the family, the community. ciation, Miss Irene Cdrbyn. |Society, by a changed attitude % . Dymond's letter was writ- must see to it no such gap occurs, | § ten to the local branch of the that there will never be any need CMHA expressing his regretsifor a bridge." that he would be unable to bel 5 ,eminder that mental illness, present at a meeting arranged] 4 for May 3 as part of Mental emotional disturbance or mental Health Week. At a meeting a retardation may affect anybody, panel will discuss the subject Dr, Dymond feels should do some- *'Mental Health is our Concern" nino to combat the lethargy so in St. Gregory's auditorium at many people feel al them, p.m. The minister of health writes that his department is grateful for the work done by CMHA groups and others to stimulate the - interest of society in the problem of mental health. RSM BILL MILNE Transport Drivers SERGEANTS ENTERTAIN 1|City Hall Staff |Get Pay Boost i|Union of Public Service Em- ployees, received a straight 6 per cent raise as of May 1, according gto Dan Fleming, city nt, officer. A two-year working agreeme! Yeachey in 1959, provides for the raise. Mr. Fleming emphasized that {only Local 51, NUPSE, employees | get the raise. Parks and board of | works employees and others are not included in this agr Deanna Buldyke Chosen As Queen Teenage Roadeo Deanna Buldyke, 20, a Grade 13 student at OCCI, was chosen Miss Teen-Age Roadeo at a Get- Woz J. R. HOMES o End Walkout We cannot emphasize 00 much the great need--so often 1| TORONTO (CP) -- Drivers of have said this appears to be one Husband Transport Limited here of the greatest challenges facing ended a two-day walkout when medical science and society alike, they reported for their regular because the social implications shifts Sunday night. in mental illness are so much| But 35 company truckers re- more extensive than in most mained off the job at Windsor to physical illnesses. |support dmeands that they be Much is still to be done to stir Paid once a week instead of every preat segments of society out of two weeks. their lethargy about mental] The workers are members of health, Dr. Dymond says. the International Brotherhood of| tary; Jeannette Zambonelli, | "To combat stigma, we need Teamsters (CLC). They voted to| secretary; Jeannette Kelly, [to remind ourselves and al intain strike action in Wind-|the Ontario Regiment (RCAC). treasurer; and Vince Busuttil, around us that the mentally jij main ain. S'n Splio . . second vice-president. are sick people in need of care Sor, but to submit to arbitration --Oshawa Times Photo |and, of much greater importance, |in Toronto. Terence Is Mess Col. Morley Finley, officer com-| Major James Warnica; | ment; OBITUARIES EDWARD KEEBLE (TED) OUTWIN Edward Keeble (Ted) Outwin G of 307 Perry street, Whitby, died bide bid y A in the Oshawa Genera! Hospital|, George Edward Merrick, of 605 + 4 Byron south, Whitby, died sud- Saturday, April 30, after a short denly in the Oshawa General Hos illness. He was in his 74th year He was born in Kimberworth, Yorkshire, England, a son of the| "po wad horn in Scott township, | late William and Annie Outwin. |, sop of Nicholas and Annie Sh He came to Montreal 53 years| ick and was married in 1936 to ago and, in 1908, was married 0| Dorothy Moran at Uxbridge. Florence Jillott, at Montreal. Liv He lived in the Uxbridge area] ing in Montreal for 21 years, he and for the past 16 years has| came to Whitby 32 years lived in Whitby. He has been an He was a contractor in cement attendant at the Ontario Hospital, work Whitby, since moving to that com- The deceased was a member of | munity | Saints, Anglican Church, Whitby The deceased was a member of! Surviving are his wife, daugh- St. John the Evangelist Roman| ter, and three sons: Mrs. J. ( | evening. EORGE EDWARD MERRICK | 51st year ago Catholic Church and a member| (Edith), William and Douglas, all of the civil service association. | of Whitby, and Ernest of Co- He is survived by his wife, five bourg. Also two grandchildren, daughters and two sons: Mrs. R. and a sister, Mrs. Edith Thomp-|Skinner (Veronica); Mrs. P. son of England. Jimmo (Monica), Margaret, , is resting at W. C. Marie and Bernadette, George Tor Joy 55 Chapel Whitby, and Ralph and one grandchild, all for service in the Chapel Tues. of Whitby. Also three sisters and day, May 3, at 2 p.m. Interment [One brother: Mrs. .W Gerbig p : s (Annie); Mrs. M. Campbell will be in St. John's Cemetery, EA ia ( | Port Whitby. (Marie); Mrs. J. McNeil vn the funeral home until Tuesday i = pital on Friday, April 29, in his; Be an. 4 res # ao One of the highlights of the visit to Oshawa during the week- end of members of the 152nd | and 252nd Boy Scout Troops, of | Rochester, N.Y., was the bowl- | ing competition at the Motor | geants' Mess; More than 250 guests attended tario government on a conviction the annual Sergeants' Mess din- of impaired driving an aecued ner in the Armories Saturday|lost the maximum of 12 points| Ww night, the hosts being the mem- and automatic suspension but for | FoF next Saturday afternoon with bers of the Sergeants' Mess ofa conviction of *'Failing to re- main" the loss was only nine Head table guests were Lt.-|points. manding of the Ontario Regi- JURY SYSTEM DESCRIBED Major W. C. Paynter; RSM (WO1) tail the function and working o W. J. Milne, CD; WO 2, J. R.|the jury system in the province Homes, CD, president of the Ser-|in relation to the Criminal Law WO 2 W. Aland though his experience had Together dance at OCVI Saturday night. The runners-up were Sharon Johansen and Sally James. Deanna, as Miss Teen-age Roadeo, will officially open the Teen-age safe driving roadeo, Thursday, at the shopping centre, at 5.30 p.m. She will also appear in the motor cavalcade being planned Kelly Speaker the safe driving contestants. Miss Teen-age Roadeo will also present the prize to the winning driver, at the Get-Together dance at OCVI next Saturday evening. Miss Buldyke was chosen Mi OCCI last year, and was a run ner up in the Miss Red Feathe§l contest, Mr. Kelly also described in de- Evans, CD, vice - president; Sgt.| een thar most people called to 1: D. Hodges, secretary of 'he|jury duty hesitantly served they Sergeants' Mess; SS T. J.\found on completing the duty tha Temple, treasurer; and Sgt. E. D.|ije experience was wonderful and Williams, sgt. - at - arms; Rev.|\orthwhile and they came away R. A. Sharp of Oshawa and Ter-| vip 2 petter knowledge of the {ence V. Kelly of Oshawa. work of justice. TALK ON LAW The speaker concluded his ad- The guest speaker was Mr. dress with an observation that he Kelly, an Oshawa lawyer who favored the. retention of capital discussed 'facets of the Crimi- punishment in its present form nal Law of interest to the public with the right of parliament to at large." He was introduced by|grant clemency where a recom. {Sergeant James Newlel. {mendation for mercy had been | Guests were also present from made hy the jury. | various Oshawa and district vet-| |erans' organizations, including] |Branch 43, Canadian Legion; [Unit 42, Canadian Corps Associ- Canadian Press Promotions For Inco Executives WINNIPEG (CP) -- Ralph H. Waddington, James C. Parlee, Richard A. Cabell and Albert P. Gagnebin were elected vice-presi- dents of International Nickel Company of Canada Ltd. at a meeting over the week-end of the board of directors. { |ation; RCAFA and the Polish {War Veterans' Association. | RSM Milne welcomed the | guests and gave a brief resume {of the aims and objectives of John A. Marsh, vice-president of International Nickel Co. Inc. --the American subsidiary--was elected to the further office of Meet Scheduled | Blyth, Howard Davis, Mat Ko- telko, manager of the Motor City Bowling Lanes, who pre- sented the bowling trophies; Tom Villnow, of the 152nd Roch- ester Troop; Don Hogan, of City Bowling Lanes Saturday morning. The winners of tro- phies, donated by M. Kotelko, with their leaders, from left, are Chuck Collard, scoutmaster | of the 7th Oshawa Troop; Ron Rochester, and Ogden Smith, Troop Leader of the Rochester troop. The picture was taken during a banquet at the Hotel Genosha. ~Oshawa Times Photo A { brother, Ambrose, Rev. 2 rector| 5371) and a the: . Stanley all of Toronto. | of All Saints' Anglican Church! The body is resting at the Town) will conduct the service. Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for re- The pallbearers will be Thomas quiem mass on Tuesday, May 3, the Sergeants' Mess. STRESS ARMY'S ROLE Lt.-Col. Finley reminded the guests that the army had a real role to perform as far as national defence was concerned. He said there were four im- portant institutions in the army, as follows: the parade square, the officers' mess, the sergeants mess and the men's mess. CITY AND "They are the institutions that mark protocol, rank and respect. You are all part of the spirit | TORONTO (CP) -- Newspaper |executives from across Canada {are gathering here for the yearly | series of meetings at which new. |and business problems are dis-!| | cussed. | Annual meetings of The cased |dian Press and the Canadian| Daily Newspapers Publishers As- sociation are on , 88 well as directors' and committee | meetings, | Directors of CP, the national {news co - operative owned and president of its Huntington, .WVa. alloy products division, Paul Queneau has been elected chnical assistant to the presi- ent of International Nickel Company of Canada. Mr. Waddington has been as- sistant vice-president and gene |eral manager of Inco's Ontario division; Mr. Parlee assistant vice-president and ager of the Manitoba divi " |Mr. Cabell assistant vice-presi- ident of Inco and vice-president | International Nickel Co. Inc.; and \ | Church Holds WEATHER FORECAST that keeps a regiment alive." operated by the country's dailies, Mr. Gagnebin vice-president and Beer, John Borchuk, Donald Stur- at 9 a.m. in St. John the Evan- gess, Aime Rousseau, Robert zelist Church, Whites Contucied nd Dennis Connor. e service w 0 Kiage a - IN by Reverend A. G. Quesnelle. HAROLD LAKI! Interment will be at Sacred Suffering a heart attack, while Heart Cemetery, Uxbridge. at his summer cottage in the i a Trenton district, Harold Lakin, MRS. WILLIAM DENNIS 1686 Nassau street, died at Tren- d ton General Hospital Sunday, May bank Convalescent Home, Satur. | 1. He was in his 49th year. day, April 30, of Mrs. William | Born in Derbyshire, England,| Dennis, of 45 John street. The de-| the deceased was a son of the| ceased, who was in her 80th year, late. Mark and Eva Lakin. A had been ill since last. December. | resident of the community for 45| The former Lena G. Hartman, | years he was married here in Mrs. Dennis was born at Odessa, 1930. ne i a A group leader at General Mo-| gh og Bag previously tors, Mr. Lakin was a adherent' The decézsed was a member of First Baptist Church. He was, Alhgrt Street United Church a member of Local 222, UAW and| 5,4 of the Oshawa Golden Age chowsky, Mrs. John Stezik and|or thundershowers. Northern On- was an ardent fisherman. | Club He is survivied by his wife, the| "pt q. eased by her first hus- former Pearl Bulpit; a daughter, p,q" sidney G. Clark, in 1941, Mrs. Norman James (Sheila), of | xyre Dennis is survived by her | Oshawa and two sons, Stanley ofl se.ond husband, William Dennis; Toronto and Roland (Ronnie) of| two" daughters. Mrs. Gertrude Oshawa: | willis, of Rei Also surviving are a Mrs. Eva Kay, of Cannington; a sons, Arthur, Ross and Percy brother, Theo, of Oshawa and|Clark, of Oshawa and Gordon fine showing of Ukrainian embro-|'0d2Y seven grandchildren Clark. of Kitchener, and a step- The funeral service will be held|son, William Dennis, of Los at the McIntosh Funeral Home| Vegas. at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 5, fol-| Also surviving are a sister, lowed by interment in Oshawa Mrs. Lottie Leonard, of Verona Union Cemetery. Rev. Thomas|t{wo brothers, Elton Hartman, of| Webb, assistant minister of First| Brampton and Fred Hartman, of| Baptist Church, will conduct the St. Catharines; 15 grandchildren services, |and 18 great - grandchildren. : all at! The funeral service will be held| Friends are asked not to call at at the McIntosh Funeral Home at 110 am. Tuesday, May 3. Rev. | conduct the services. CPT Bingo tonight, 20 games, 36 and | Will be in Wilton Cemetery. S.C H $8; five games $25; $150 Special; Share the Wealth, Corner of Albert and Jack-| THOMAS LYLE BURDEN | | AJAX (Staff) -- Thomas Lyle son. RUMMAGE Sale at Simcoe Hall on Burden, a retired General Motors| Tuesday, May 3, at 1.30, sponsored b; | Mary Street School. Po ¥ lemployee, passed away at the ents and friends open house, The death occurred at the Rose-| jonn's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox various Open House A good representation of par-| attended the| sponsored by St Church, on Sunday. | Displays, prepared by the Young People's Craft group head-| ed by Rev. Dmytro Luchak, han-| roaone moving across the diwork by the ODYM youth or- ganization, and exhibits by the Ont.. and had lived in Oshawa | St John's Sunday School classes, northern half of the province to-| ve were attractively arranged for the guests to examine, | Present were the Sunday School teachers Mrs. Michael Syma- Miss Anne Sabat, who welcomed the parents and discussed the pro- gress of the students with them. Attendance charts ang class note| books were displayed The ODYM group, which is Renfrew and Mrs. {under the leadership of Leonid|Onta sister, | Ruby O'Brady, of Windsor: four|Pawliuk, Mrs. Michael Sirko and|5°": Mrs. Michael Petrowsky, had al dery and model airplanes, Under the guidance of Rev. Lu- chak, the crafts group was able to prepare many beautiful pieces of copper tooling, among them several ikons. They also showed| a number of well-finished drift-| wood wall and centre pieces, as|f€W showers well as aluminum etched trays of sizes. | This was the first such open Atkinson. minister of house sponsored by St. John's| A | Albert Street United Church, will Church, and its success is cer- burton regions: Interment (tain to merit its establishment as! '€W an annual affair. Mrs. Dmytro Luchak was in charge of the guest book. | [=% northeast 15 Tuesday. showers, Variable cloudiness and DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today: Farewell street, closed from Taylor avenue to Olive avenue. Whenever possible, these streets {will be partially opened to per- mit movement of local traffic. Extremely heavy rains may re- sult in the closing of other streets. DEADLINE EXTENDED Officials of the Oshawa Civitan |Club said this morning that the {number of entries received for {its bicycle roadeo has been dis- {appointing. For that reason the |deadline for entries has been ex- {tended to Tuesday night, May 3. {Entry forms, which were distrib- uted to schools, should be mailed {to post office box 254 and ad- {dressed to "Civitan Bicycle Roadeo™, 17 AMBULANCE CALLS 'The ambulances of the Oshawa Fire Department answered 17 Anglican Bishop Dies In England [cals sure one of te buses WELLS, England (AP) -- The partment also "extinguished -two |Anglican bishop of Bath and grace fires during that period. Southern Georgian Bay, Hali- Wells, Dr. Harold Bradfield, died burton regions: Sunny with a|here Sunday night two days after| CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT and chance of a|visiting Venice to confer Easter| God's infinite mercy and good- thundershower. Cooler Tuesday. blessings on the English commu-iness was brought out at Chris- Winds southwest 15 to 20 today, |nity there. He was 62. | tian Science services on Sunday, northeast 15 Tuesday. Dr Bradned re had a heart lay 1, Joe Bolden Tout was i ._|attack earlier this year, was one| slams 5): "Thou, Southern Georgian Bay. Bap of the bishops who officiated at| Lord, art good, and ready to for- cloudy periods A and the Coronation of Queen Eliza- 8Ve; and plenteous in mercy warmer. Becoming mostly cloudy beth seven years ago. junto all them that call upon Chance Of Rain Cooler Tuesday TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-|today, north 15 tonight and Tues- casts issued at 5 a.m.: |day. Synopsis: A weak weather dis-| Forecast Tempreatures Low tonight, High Tuesday w- | Windsor .... 60 | St. Thoma upper lakes will give a few sho ers or periods of snow to_the day. will toward Southern Ontario bring with it a few showers move the cooler air back and Toronto Namilton rt inly Muskoka . tario will be mainly sunny but Killaloe cool Tuesday. Earlton Regional forecasts valid untillgudhury midnight Tuesday: | North Bay . Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Kapuskasing . rio, Niagara regions, Wind-| White River London, Toronto, Hamilton: | Sunny with a few cloudy period and warmer. Variable cloudiness tonight and Tuesday | with a few showers and chance 0. a thundershower. Cooler Tues- day. Winds southwest 15 to 20 to- BREESE LLL LLY meet Tuesday. CP's annual meet- HUMOROUS INCIDENTS |ing of members is Wednesday. Mr. Kelly opened his address] CDNPA directors meet Thurs- by citing many of the humorou: day and Saturday. The CDNPA incidents that he had encounter-|annual meeting is Thursday and led in the magistrate's courts and Friday, manager of the primary nickel department of Internation al Nickel Co. Inc. Mr. Queneau has been assist- ant vice-president of the parent company. He, Mr. Cadell and Mr. G bin continue also as vices |he added that in the unusual sur- roundings accused often said things quite unintentionally which led to acquittal, or conviction. COLLECTIONS UP Collections of customs and ex- Referring to the relevant sec-|Cise duties for the Port of Osh- tion of the Criminal Code, Mr. awa during April totalled $10,441, Kelly reminded his audience tha |641.24 compared with $9,352,081.52 where a person is charged with|during the same month of 1959. drunk driving he is not required Collections last month were made give a sample of blood for(dP 2% follows: import duties, chemical analysis. Where a per- §350,5%.45; sales taxes, $6,400, [son is so charged the arresting|S/>-34; excise taxes, $3,188, 197.97; sundry collections, $1526; |officer indicates that a blood test| cic duty, $445.50, presidents of the American sub- sidiary. RELAX FROM THE PRESSURES IN THE COMFORT OF THE TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER | may be taken only on the consent lof the accused. "NAIL IN COFFIN" It was the opinion of most de- fence counsel, Mr. Kelly contin- ued, that blood test results were] generally *'just another nail in| the coffin" and, in the defence of these cases, counsel preferred that a blood test had not been |taken. This was due to the fact he said that different people have different tolerances. to liquor and a high percentage of alcohol in the blood was not always the de- ciding factor in determining whe- ther a person was fit to drive a motor vehicle. Mr. Kelly also cited the mini- mum suspensions levied in charges of impaired driving and failing to remain at the scene of an accident. | Since the introduction of the |demerit point system by the On- Doctors' -- Fees tection against the cost with a few showers or thunder- late this afternoon and tonight {ise JAPANESE WOMEN HIGHLIGHTS | Surgeons' - Osteopaths' Angesthetists' "The Ontario Hospital Insurance plan offers pro- care. IT DOES NOT cover medical or surgical fees." The Transportation Insurance Company now offers to the residents of Ontario a Physician and Surgeon coverage that pays doctors' bills; AT Home - IN HOSPITAL - IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE Specialists' Paid of essential HOSPITAL |cooler Tuesday. Winds southwest FIRMS INCORPORATED |15 to 20 today, north 15 Tuesday. SHOW CHIVALRY CRA Hall, 100 Gibb Street. Ages 9 fo 12 years, 2° cents a week. For inform ation call Brooklin, OLiver 35-4871. KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUSEDAY, MAY 3rd FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Ajax and Pickering General Hos! .|pital Saturday, April 30, |70th year. he deceased was Bowmanville, and Mary Burden. He was edu- | |cated in Bowmanville and Buf- |falo, N.Y | In 1913 he married Lottie Thick- | ison, The family had lived in Osh- born awa for 32 years and Mr. Thick- Growe Whitby. |son was an employee of General | Motors in the body shop for 31 years. He retired in 1959. in his tario Gazette carries the informa. | poration have been granted the son of Charles|the following Oshawa and district noon and evening. Mainly sunny companies. Arjay Printers Lim-| and cooler Tuesday. Winds south- The current issue of The On-| tion that letters patent of incor-| to ited, Oshawa; Commercial Hold-| |ings (Oshawa) Limited) Lloyd-|15 tonight. sea Investments Limited, Osh- awa; Northumberland Publishers| Mostly cloudy today with a few Limited, Oshawa and Specialized| rs Association Limited, Tuesday sunny with little change Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk- land Lake regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Increasing cloud today with a few showers in the after- The Japanese Tourist Asso- ciation claims that in the sub- ways of Tokyo one often sees a woman rise to offer her seat to a man. You can offer your services easily and inexpensively through the Oshawa Times Want Ads. Go right out after more business by dialing RA 3-3492 to place your ad. west 20 today, shifting to north Timmins-Kapuskasing region: periods of snow. Clear tonight. in temperature. Winds south 15 Surviving are two daughters, | WOODVIEW PARK Mildred (Mrs. Robert Burnside) | MONSTER BINGO Whitby and Marguerite (Mrs. | $1,300 PRIZES [Foomas Miller) of Ajax. $100 DOOR PRIZE JACKPOT NOS. (51-55) TONIGHT RED BARN MAY SALE AND TEA CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (comer of Hillcroft ond | Mary Streets) | [new William Sherrin Funeral | Home, Highway 2, just east of Harwood avenue, Ajax. i Funeral services will be held | on Tuesday at 4 pm. in the chapel. Rev. T. Rex Norman pastor of St, Paul's United | Church will officiate. Interment | will be in the Union Cemetery, ! Oshawa. The pallbearers will be Robert Burnside, Robert St. Martin. | Thos. Miller, William Burnside, Jack Dodds and William Duncan. | SCOTTISH COUNTY Britain's smallest county, WED., MAY 4th 2:30 |Clackmannanshire, covers only The remains are resting at al In order to elim The Original BOLDUC This change Home Baking -- Aprons 155 square miles in central Scet- Novelties |1an r-- SCHOFIELD ASSOCIATES LTD. 2--Family coverage. 5--A special plan citizens WITH NO INSURANCE 1--Individual Coverage 3--One adult family coverage. 4--No Medical examinations required. now available for senior AGE LIMIT. Want Service? Do You Really We Have It BECAUSE: We are available 24 hours a day. are unable to work illness. Also--New Lost Wages Plan Up to $300. a month, even for life, if you due to an accident or Notice Re Change of Name has Changed Trade Name to same Phone Number on Private Line OLIVER 5-3181 We work hard to service our clients and new accounts. We follow through on personal interest in e not by number. We represent the best rates. You may budget your months if desired. FOR SERVICE DAY inate confusion of Local Service Station using similar name LJ 6 Simcoe North RAGLAN WELDING WORKS | WELDING WORKS JACK | | of name is listed in new phone directory JOE BOLDUC, Welder Schofield Insurance Associates Lid, every claim. We have a to your Oshawa representati ach client by name and companies with the best Name remiums over 3, 6 or 9 P 4 Address. OR NIGHT, CALL Occupation. Doctor's Plan ...eeees..[d Lost Wages Plan % RA 3-2265 MOORE REG AKER seesens For further information, please fill out coupon and mail OSHAWA TIMES, BOX 123. EE ER ive, MR. G. CAINES, c/o MARRIED eueesessnss.[ Mr. Caines will a in this area un SINGLE ....00ss0ssees.] WIDOWED 0 ccept enrolment til May 13th. A. ----"

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