PAGE SIXTonld | Mary Sue Miller's Tips For: ONTARIO TODAY A Lovelier You »" Is 'you figure problem a pudgy, bulgy knee? If so, give attention to it at once. Because skirts hide the trouble, most women with it put off all thought of trimming until the day before they in- tend to wear shorts or a swimsuit. And that is the worst kind of folly. It often takes longer to slim the knees than other areas. At least two months are, required, and sometimes many more. When you stick with it, this routine is guaranteed to give good results: 1. Stand erect with knees touching.. Raise left foot backward so as to clear floor. 2. Very slowly bend right knee .until thigh is parallel to floor, and then 'straighten up quickly -- very quickly. 3. Transfer weight to right foot and similarly bend left knee. 4. Alternating, irepeat ten to twenty times. 5 Keeping 'feet and knees together, bend both 'knees. Repeat ten times. To hasten results, check the action of your knees when you stand and walk. You should always keep your knees flexed, or slightly bent, When they are Jo lim, allowed to stiffen up, there is so much pull on the muscles that they develop cushions of fat to relieve the strain. Consequently, the flexed-knee pose is' a reducing exercise of itself, Thisi 1S le Coifee for You! Focaud® You CHOOSE FROM 3 BLENDS..NOT 1 SATURDAY, APRIL 30 Potato Magic BY MARY ATWATER ARTOONISTS seem to believe that a picture of a poor soldier forced to peel a huge mound of pota- toes is always good for a laugh, Husbands may chuckle, but their wives can rarely appreciate the humor of the situation, After all, a woman cooking for an average sized family manages to peel and scrub several hundred pounds of potatoes each year, Potatoes appear on most tables at least once a day, and at another meal they may be served'in a_ salad, in soups or in casseroles, An excellent way to stretch the expensive new peas is to cook potatoes as usual in salted water, then add rich milk, the peas and some flour and butter to thicken the mixture slightly. Scalloped potatoes can be prepared in endless ways. Topping with bacon makes a hearty luncheon dish. Omit the onion, add green pepper, grated cheese. and a dash of catsup, or use celery instead of onion and garnish with hard cooked eggs. French fries are always popular, The secret of making good French fried potatoes is to slice and then soak the chips in very cold water for at least 'half an hour before frying. Bacon drippings for the frying and a dash of powdered garlic in the fat add *to the flavor. Potato puffs add a party look to the dinner. To hot, mashed potatoes add milk, seasoning, egg yolk and finally beaten egg white, Bake in greased muffin tins for about twenty minutes, These can be -sprinkled with grated cheese or parsley. Mashed potatoes blended with an egg, mashed carrots or, other cooked vegetables, seasoned to taste and then baked for fifteen minutes in a casserole help to use up leftovers. The powdered and dehydrated potatoes now be, ing sold are of excellent quality and are invaluable when a meal must be prepared in a hurry. The tiny, tinned potatoes are also delicious and, while ex« pensive, add a special touch to a special occasion, : Confident Living BY DR. NORMAN VINCENT PEALE Were lunching with friends in Chicago I heard a significant experience related by an executive of one of America's large food-processing companies. Most coffees offer just one take-it-ore leave-it blend. But A & P believes you should have a choice of blends -- in: order to suit your taste exactly. That's why A & P Coffee is blended mild, medium ond strong. More people are suited by these three A & P Coffee _blends than by any other coffee, Some years previously this man realized he was be- coming more and more a victim of anxieties and fears. They made life miserable for him both at work and at home. He would talk about them at the dinner 'table and worry his wife and children. His fears: haunted him in the night and disturbed his sleep. Then a man whom he knew well said to him, "Jim, the trouble with you is you are too grown up. You must become as a child of God. You have let things £omplicgss your faith. You had better get 'simple' again." This man's words impressed him and he began to think about them. He did some praying as sug gested, and soon an idea began to grow in his mind. It was one he once might have rejected as too simple. Instead he decided to act on it == and it had far reaching consequences. During the day, whenever he felt worried about anything, he would take a card and write a description of the thing he feared. (Just by doing that much, incidentally, he helped himself to some degree, for with any emotional problem it always helps to write CONTINUED ON PAGE 32 Coifee AT ALL A&P STORES MEDIUM MILLIONS OF CUPS of superb A & P Coffee are enjoyed EVERY DAY! Coffee from other coffees P ed '0 AS 10 1Qc A POUND ' INA: uP