The Oshawa Times, 30 Apr 1960, p. 9

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CARDINAL TO OPEN NEW ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH THE INTERIOR OF the new St. Gertrude's Church, King street east, is shown above, while the main altar is below. This is now the largest Roman Catholic Church in Oshawa. The official opening, for the new edifice will be held tomor- row morning at 11.30 o'clock with His Eminence James Car- dinal McGuigan on hand to offi- ciate. The church opening rep- resents the culmination of an eight-year period during which services were held in the base- ment of what is now the present structure and, before that, in a wooden frame building 50 feet i long by 18 feet wide. church was built under the guidance and direction of the parish's first pastor, Rev. Fran- cis S. Mahoney, who died last February 26. The new pastor is Rev. John B. Myers, formerly | nf © Datrick's parish, Stay- ner, Ont. --Oshawa Times Photo The | Many Projects Planned uring Safety Month Fhe Oshawa Times month of May has been SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1960 The PAGE NINE set aside in Oshawa as safety month. The month will be mark- _-- | Club To Hear Talk About | Price Spreads For their last dinner meeting of the season, at Hotel Genosha next Wednesday night, the mem- bers of the Canadian Club of Ontario County have been for- tunate in securing Mrs. W. R. Walton, Jr., a past national presi- dent of the Canadian Association of Consumers, as their speaker. The present executive is anxious to have a large attend- ance of the members as this is the annual meeting. The election of officers for the ensuing year will be held | Mrs. Walton is well known for| her charitable activities. She is also one of Canada's outstanding |athletes, having for many years been one of the top ranking nis players in Canada. She was dian Badminton Singles Cham- pionship and a holder of the| World Singles title in badminton. | In 1940 she was awarded the Rose Bowl as Canada's outstand- ing woman athlete and in 1950 was selected as one of the six {outstanding athletes of Canada during the half century. Mrs. Walton was the only woman member of the Royal Commission on Price Spreads of Food Products and it is on the will speak to the club. Mrs. Walton was honorary na-| | Of SERGEANT H. KING (left), f the Oshawa Police Depart- to { ment, explains the operation of €0-| 4 headlight testing machine to den 0 Tess ant # er ss. chai evices used to test autos an four times the holder of the Cana- Jed Middlemass, chairman ol " Most of the residents of On-|problem of mental health are |subject of price spreads that she tario County the On-|Canada's mental wh Mental Health Week, Points Up Big Problem ) visit ed by many events and activities designed to impress citizens with the need for safety. The official opening of the Osh. awa Police Department Safety Lane at 2:30 p.m. next Monday by T. D. Thomas, MPP, will initiate the safety activities. Citi- zens are encouraged to bring their vehicles to the lane, near the Oshawa City Hall, for a free check. After the official opening it will be open during May from noon to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. MANY ACTIVITIES Among the many activities will be a Teen-age Roadeo; a Bicycle Roadeo; a series of safety ad- | vertisements in The Oshawa Times, a motorcade, a downtown safety day, a safety clinic and| a safe-driving school. The Shell Oil Company of Can- ada has chosen The Oshawa Times and the Kingston Whig- Standard to publish a series of traffic safety quiz advertise- ments during the safety month. During May The Oshawa Times will run a box score on the front page of the second edition every Drivers Urged To Check Cars examined last year. About 40 per cent of the cars examined the first time were rejected. Two- thirds of these were re-checked and passed. Sgt, King said his men will be able to check four cars at a time and the whole process only takes about «10 minutes. He stressed there would be no waiting. Mr. Middl urged Osh car owners to take advantage of the opportunity to find out about hidden troubles. "Even though the average driver may think his car is in first-class shape, a regular check will reassure the driver of the condition of his car and help to avoid accidents," he said. JAYCEE ACTIVITIES The Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce is starting its Safety Month activities by choosing "Miss Tennage Roadeo™ at the Get Together Club dance at OCVI tonight. The Jaycees are sponsoring a '""Teen-age Roadeo'" open to any teenager in Oshawa who can prove that they will not reach the age of 20 by July 1, and prove that they have a clean driving record or no traffic vio- lations within the past six day indicating the number of traffic accidents, injuries and deaths as well as the number of charges laid for violations of the Highway Traffic Act. Oshawa -car owners will be given the opportunity to have their vehicles given a thorough 20-point inspection at the Osh- awa Police Department Safety Lane during May with absolutely no charge or obligation attached, Jointly sponsored by the Osh- awa Safety League, the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce and the police department, the safety lane is equipped with mod- ern apparatus to accurately check essential car eqquipment, Motorists 'are invited to have their cars checked before the summer months when the great- est amount of driving is done in order to find hidden troubles now which left uncorrected may trucks while the safety lane is in operation on the parking lot adjacent to the Oshawa Police Building during May. --Oshawa Times Photo the safety month committee of the Oshawa Safety League. The machine will be one of several accidents, break -downs way Traffic Act. TO CHECK BRAKES and help the patients to keep in hospitals and touch with life outside through check the individual cause grief later in the form of or charges under the Ontario High-| Workmen have completed in- stalling equipment in the lane to braking tario Hospital in Whitby during|th men, women and children--| reading; to take the patients en- Mental Health Week, May 1 to|one' in every 12 Canadians--in tertainment and particularly mus- efficiency of each wheel, candle months. The Oshawa competition will be held at the Oshawa Shopping Centre, May 5, 6, and 7. Winners will be the recipient of trophies, and national winners will also receive cash scholar- ships of $250, $750 and $500. BICYCLE ROADEO A Bicycle Roadeo for all child- ren, between the age of eight and 13 years, will be sponsored by the Oshawa Civitan Club dur- ing May. Applications for the roadeo have been distributed to school children. The completed applications must be returned by Monday, May 2 at midnight. Three prizes will be awarded to the winners of each of the four preliminary trials, The tests include skill in handling a bicycle as well as a safety check of the bicycle. The preliminary tests will be held on the following dates and locations. May 9, at the Power Store, corner of King and Wilson, at 630 p.m.; May 10, at the Shopping Centre behind the ser- vice station on the north-west corner at 6.30 p.m.! May 17 at the Houdaille Industries parking lot, at 6.30 p.m. The finals will be held June power and alignment of lights, and front and rear wheel align:|5, a 2 p.m. on the City Hall ment, parking lot, y Steering, hand brake, all] Members of the Civitan club tional treasurer of the IODE for/May 7, will be making their first| them. ical programs; to organize bus seven years and a national vice-|contact with a mental hospital] Great changes have taken trips and outings and in time to president for nine, retiring in|On two afternoons, May 4 and place in the treatment and Care start a gift shop similar to the 1959 as first national vice-presi-|May 6, the hospital will be open|of mental patients; too often one jn the Oshawa General Hospit- deni. Ske has been on the board|to visitors from 2 to 3.30 p.m. gOmmuiey attitudes have not|, lights, horn, vision ang wvaitions will officiate, at all the Bicycle ol directors of the Canadian Asso-| They will be shocked and they kept pace. Dedicated, well- is . | will be included in the check by|Roadeo events. ciation of Coster pg will be encouraged. |qualified staff work in the On- A visit to a restaurant for which| competent policemen and assis-| At 3 p.m. Saturday, May 7, a ception in 1947 and was national| 2.000 PATIENTS [tario Hospital in Whitby and|2 mental patient has to take altants. If a car is passed, a motorcade will travel through president for three years. In 1953] Shocked to see the effect of others in the country, but in. 'i!tle trouble with her appearance| sticker, issued by Chief Con-|the streets of Oshawa in connec. she was presented With the Cor- mental illness, more so if they stead of being a subdivision of ¥neans far more than any outing to|stable Herbert Flintoff, will be|tion with the 'Teenage Roadeo" onation Medal by HM Queen|stop fo think that the 2000 pati- the community they are oftena healthy person. It may be the|placed on the windshield signi-|and the safety lane program. 8 YEARS' WORK St. Gertrude's Church Had Humble Start When His Eminence Jam esjthe Gate property. A| Father Mahoney turned the Cardinal McGuigan dedicates St.|house on the site became the rec-|first sod on Sept. 26, 1954. Three Gertrude's Roman Catholic|tory. A wooden frame building|months later, the blessing of the church tomorrow, a flood of|was converted to a temporary church completed, he sang Mid- memories will come back as par-|church. inight Mass in the completed ishioners recall the past eight| With chairs and kneelers from building. years and the humble beginning.|Holy Cross, and altar linens and Located on King street east,|vestments from St. Gregory's | CORNERSTONE LAID sisted the modern yet traditional edifice Mass was celebrated for the first b a ri on Wigan. assis od is the largest Catholic church in|time on Sunday, Sept. 9 ,1951. | 3¥ C% PEESE © OTE aC) Oshawa. Father Mahoney told the CON-pety 6. 1955. The Cardinal con- FACILITIES TAXED gregation that only a united, (000 the priest and the The post war boom brought effort would accomplish the build- congregation on their hard work, Riis . = ling of a new parish. The task]|. many new families to this city. Toad, he sald, Ww t for th all the more remarkable be-| With the arrival of the 1950's,/2"€ad, he Said, was nol 107 M€ 5,56 of the small number of] Dean Paul Dwyer and Father Priest alone; and he requested families in the parish." Philip Coffey, pastors of St. REX co-operation and help. A gradual growth in parish | Gregory's and Holy Cross, re- Ro gat ing 5) the temporary | tamilies took place in the next| spectively, found their facilities 2 ; ras fot Tos ne four years. Parish financing was| being taxed to the utmost asses na a consolidated through several They agreed that an additional 7 a oe 9% and 98 at the 11|., 0 h0igng. church was necessary and urged In the weeks that followed. With the success of these drives Cardinal McGuigan to establish . . .'lcame a desire to complete the " parishioners began to show their # y " . a new parish. auarness to help vut the parish church by adding a "superstruc- Father Francis Mahoney, then|SA8ET0ESS 10 NEP Dut the PaTShityre" to the waiting basement assistant pastor of Our Lady of on is . | building. Victory church in Mount Dennis, MANY PROJECTS With Cardinal McGuigan's per-| Ontario, was instructed to take Draws, home baking and rum- mission, plans were drawn for charge of St. Gertrude's Parish mage sales and other promotionsithe church, a late 14th centur Y; on Sept. 8, 1951 such as the 50 - 50 club helped design. And this is the church (At first, the parish was named build up parish finances. "ich will be dedicated tomor-! 'St. George' but later changed In the fall of 1952, just one year row, because the Ukrainian Gre ek after inauguration, the temporary, fhe new church will Catholic parish in Oshawa had church was enlarged to accom- new pastor. On the death of the same patron.) modate 185 people. This extension Father Mahoney, on Feb. 27 | TEMPORARY CHURCH proved adequate until 1954 when 1960, a new priest was assigned] No site had been chosen for Cardinal McGuigan gave his per- to the parish. He is Father John the new parish. Fathers Dwyer mission to build a basement Myers, who came from St. Pat- and Coffey obtained the Sign of church. rick's parish, Stayner. { have a 382 headed 85.4 --Carol Phipps, 82.4 flizabe Re , .|ents in the Whitby Ontario Hos-|isolated by a rift of ignorance turning point in an illness. fying it has been approved. | The Downtown Business Men's Slisabets 1 tor he ? Work on be al ore oily 8 small fraction of| outside where some people are vor ALL VIOLENT The lane will be operated un-| Association in conjunction with From 1956 to 1959 she held the|the 75,000 Canadians in mental|still afraid to even enter the] ] der the joint supervision of Ted|the Oshawa Junior Chamber of office of national vice-president|hospitals across the country; en-| Brounds of a mental hospital. | The idea that all mental pat-| Middlemass, chairman of the Commerce will sponsor a down- of the Canadian Association for| couraged because they will see NEED FRIENDS : i lients are violent or dangerous|Safety Month committee for the town safety day, near the end Adult Education and in 1957 was| that mental hospitals are not the| _ More than any physically ill pa-|could not be more mistaken. Oshawa Safety League, and Sgt. of the month. 2 co-chairman of the residential| squalid, walled - in institutions tient, mental patients need visit- There is as much difference injHarry King, of the Oshawa| The Oshawa Kinsman Club will division of Metro Toronto's Uni.|they once were and even now|ors and friendly people aroundimental illness as there is in phys-(Police Department. The check- supplement its "Elmer, The ed Appeal. } are believed to be. them. People are ood medi-jical illness, but generally mental|ing will be done by police offi- Safely a ephanty Zroatam Yun Currently she is a director of| Mental Health Week is organ-|cine for anybody who is ill but|patients tend to be shy and with-|cers with the assistance of Jay- he Sa ey Mont lid bli TI Wing Canadian Scene, a member of the|ized by the Canadian Mental it would be flo exagheration to|drawn and need very much to be| *¢8 ey a tud pence oD PS on rv national executive committee of Health Association as a special| Say that only the smallest trickle drawn out. . Sgt. King stres at motor- students, mm Graces Des i by tema 0. effor ke Canadians more of Visitors finds its way into the| 3 i ists were under no obligation tojand Three. Each pencil wi the IODE, on the advisory board|effort to make Canadians morej ~~ "0% ohio) hospitals com-| Among the people in the County| have any faults corrected and no/have one of the safety rules of the Toronto Junior League and sware of Jie comnry s greatest pared with the crowds who visit| Who visit the hospital during Men-| charges will be laid. printed on it. 2 member of the Canadian Li- FIRST BE ORTUNITY general hospitals. tal Health Week, the local branch| "This is an excellent oppor-| The higher grade. will receive rary Council 'his vear for the first time| The mental patient's return to of the CMHA hopes it will have| tunity to determine the safety|the safety rules printed on blot- thors ie err Be Associa. | normal life can often be speeded |Some potential members. Its need|of your vehicle by a thoroughters. This will be in addition rrp tion in Oshawa and Ontario|by contacts with healthy, non-|for volunteer helpers and well-| check completely free. Drivers(to the regular program executed CELEBRATING Con its : of the any across| Professional and friendly people informed members who will putiare not obligated to do anything, throughout the school year. Son, one trving to improve| While they are still being treated, (people right about the problem |ne said, "but we will just tell] The Kinsman Club has supplied BIRTHDAYS le COUNTY I Lava. MANY MISCONCEPTIONS of mental health is endless, fthem exactly what is wrong and|green pennants, embossed with Then vo Ta tal their door.| One of the many misconcep- {make out a detailed report that|'"Elmer" the safety elephant, Congratulations and best Hental op! i on TL tions about mental hospitals is |may be used as a guide for|which are distributed to all Osh- wishes to the following resi- Sieps as Sawa Loos mn ih that patients remain in them repairment. {awa public schools, A school dents of Oshawa and district |2M¢. fan 2 Ter hers In Ss indefinitely. In fact more people| e orts "We will also be glad to re-|loses the pennant for a month who are celebrating birth |° ne ' - ve Dar a Ie are leaving them than entering| check a car to ensure the faults|if any student of that school days this weekend wo! ng or oe es a hea ¢| them and in the Ontario Hospital | have been corrected", he added.| gets struck going to or from Those who celeb nl hetier undepsan Ds m Whitby the average stay is no| "More than 3,000 cars werelschool. are: Louis Pleau, 1 ori Bp Tl lin more than two months, 00 ear | street south; Alvin Spencer, | pyuring Mental Health Week|, i malty ago lonkiuets aud . . RR 1, Columbus; Merv lithe "Branch Will éxamine a11lack of friends have made pat- da D B 11 | N d t Howard, 51" rote Sree [1 tronch, ih, examine metal nls * witarawn ana com The aust? report for 100, JIVOFC@ DIL | JNeed rea Herbert Hutton, {panel discussion, 'Mental Health|buted to their illness. . S d . Oshawa; Susan Sawyer, 25 gi ng arranged for| One of the immediate aims of | Oshawa oF oe Ysdimee Sone Effort Fails Annis street: Mike Childer- [the evening of May [the local branch of the CMHA ight. showed ne urs WA | or 0 hose, 746 Philip Murray ave- The panel will discuss the re.|under their chairman, Paul hight, Show e water . i ! nue; Russell Korbak, 126 |sults Xe poor mental health in|Baberik is to organize their(and electric departments had a| OTTAWA (CP)--Without utter- A) ¥izoid: breaking demand for Banting avenue; Mrs. Harry |schools. homes, work and - the volunteer members to visit the| most sieges] year, t had ing a word, Bob McCleave ex- meted Blip 5 mame hi Lemere, 248 Arthur street: | more extreme cases resulting in forgotten patients in the Ontario I i YATE Fa ud Press! his near despair Friday Osha gg 1 Hospit a Doris Sleeman, 69 Fernhill |crime and alcoholism Hospital in Whitby. surplus of $122,641.58 while the|in attempts to manoeuvre di-/Oshawa General Hospital Cl ing Vards Aor : Me & . ; . d lib. | electric department had a sur-/vorce bills through the CCF|the month of April. According to boulevard; April Louisa An- [ONE IN 12 The branch plans to expan i 1 f $322 824.03 Fe de Th theo de IT ph derson, 680 Wilson road Indisputable evidence of the(rary facilities, collect magazines pus of 1924.00, ockade in the Commons. yRobert, H, Stroud, y south; Faye Stewart, 228 |- - im ce em | The report shows the water| The Progressive Conservative|the Red Cross Blood Donor Clin- UE -- -- UBT ------------ | Johnson "avenue: Bonnie department has total assets of member for Halifax, sponsor of|i¢ Committee, "the need for ifa | Kirkland, 390 Humewood Ave $4,215,187.27 which includes capi-|divorce bills coming from the blood has broken all previous 1 rary ta Those who will celebrate oe 10- ont er tal assets totalling $6,338,228.39. | Senate, proposed that the CCF, ~vels and we find ourselves 100k- onor 0 Si a No elope on m [Total revenue during the year|allow passage of a large group ing at the coming May Clinic G Sr., 309 Muriel avenue; Glenn . amounted to. $803,741.91. of the 350 divorce bills because| = © 2s an emergency measure ° uests 0 oar Millson, Enniskillen: Pauline It is of interest that the com-|the socialist MPs probably rather than a routine monthly : | Bligdon, 250 Baldwin street: or tea 11 l ars |mission serves 14,873 water cus-| wouldn't be able to find much in even! or 1n er xam a Snesday svenng Apri 7 Andrew Plishka, 293 Ritson | tomers Sag Lip Tiles or the bite to uehise: The Cor pen Dsiswa hes Staged a rea) l nd members of} 5,4 south: Lore: Tov i : i | mains. Seven hundred an irty-|could concentrate on other bills comebac uring e curren The staff of the Oshawa Cen-|Lawrence Plancke, Betty Poloz Je Oshawa Public Lineary Boskd| RR 3, Os rin adh Nichols Mogisuate C. W. Quast depos, gens, have hs ig his Jock 0 he six hydrants Provide fire pro-| they thought objectionable. year in contrast to a dismal year wal Colleziste Institute Friday re-\Donald Potter. Marit Rot Si yete osts to the members of the| pi" A 10 rt: Marion [ed the recent rash of car thefts courts to stamp this thing out," tection. The total consumption of] But the CCF principals in the experienced in 1959 when almost 8 LoLegia'e Ing ricay re-| Donald Potter, Martin Rohn, Said|staff and their guests at ther an- . ; in the Oshawa area Friday when|added the Magistrate. |water during the year was|p] Pr A ; nonthly clinic failed to leased its honor roll for the winter Secerbegoyic, Valentina Sidorow, nual dinner. Buchanan, Humewood 2 The court was told Smith was : ockade Frank Howard, hy io examinations: which were recent-|Carol Stork. abe Ful ronius of the chill 2velve ne sentenced Joseph Eugene Fd-| he coll ind 0 n Te 9h '4512,004,718,000 gallons. eena, and Arnold Peters, Tem- reach the minimum objective. So ly completed. GRADE 10 dren's department De out The first five persons to in | Yard Smith, 16 of 312 French fon Sch, te oo we i fein The electrical department had|iskaming -- almost immediately) = this year four out of five The following pupils Leona Cheski, Paul Dorko,|onto the flagstoned garden, pro-| [orm The Oshawa Times of |St., to 10 months in jail for steal- a 4 og. Wi ot e was 11 Years y,iq) assets of $8,776,668.47 of|scuttled the idea. They had been|clinics have topped the 300 pint their grades: Heather Durno, Sally Gutsole,|vided a pleasant and informal| their birthdays each day will |'"% joven. cars : Did Derause 6: Was. unmanage which $4,464,666.93 represented| given no advance notice of the|mark regarded by Red Cross of- Grade 9 -- Betty McEachern, William Huzar, Peter Krawetz, setting for the occasion receive double tickets to The | Smith, in statements to police, ¥ ® of ad no previous Crimin-| capital assets. Total revenue suggestion. they said, and would|ficials as the break even point. #4 per cent. "Peter Moffat, Keitha Mosier. | Rev. Dr. George Telford, as| Rezent Theatre, good for a fold of a five-day streak of steal- a Mani Raskin. of 'the Sal uring the year amounted to|like some time to think it over.| 1 the growth of the city and Grade 10 -- Peter Moffat, tynda Panter, Norman Powers, chairman of the board. introduced| four-week period. The current |W% Cars and driving them around do . 216i of 3G a re) $2,674,102.12. Wherewith. Mr. Mc Cle av e surrounding areas results in an cent. Robert Rankin, Leita Smith new members of the staff and| attraction is "The Gazebo [the area until they ran out AO or to the Army's - slumped 'to his seat and, with a '-easing drain upon blood Grade 11 -- Judith Broad, 87.9 Carol Sorochan, Carol Stalling-| paid tribute to two former mem- Reports on birthdays will [18s or became stuck: The steal training school, The House of . rapid series of gestures, depicted bank reserves then *'we will be per cent. brass, Rainier Stimming, An-|/bers who were present, Mrs. Cy-| be received only between the |'i8 Spree was brought to an Cercord. at Thornhill i Trace Hi t the slipping of a noose over a d with even larger quotas in Grade 12 -- Eileen Medd, 91.8 thony Stones, Anthony Zarowny. [il Schofield and Mrs. A. W. Brad-| hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. {abrupt end last Thursday after-|loncord, at . fe S S ory hanging victim's head and thelorder to maintain our margin of per cent. GRADE 11 4 (ford. Soon, Then Be was 2tresied 3 yanking of the rope |safety that is seni if lives Grade 13 Rober E. J. Clarke thanked the ladies . | om Holmes while driving Of M And the debate continued. |are to be saved," Mr. Stroud per cent. Kenmeth Dope: Judith Broad, | of ghe Kindred Group of the WMS| Flowering Treas 175 Sovemh stolen wr Arrest Oshawa Men asonry The CCF. allowed only two di-| Warned. The following students obtain- Patricia Fidioy. mas "Baan | St. Andrew's United Church| S | This type of helt is happening . wich vorce bills to pass in the hour.| Volunteer Red Cross workers ed first class honor standing! Gle Sonny for providing a truly magnificent . o ofien In Oshawa', sald ihe | The history of masonry in early| Tj aised to three the number|have been busy during the last | (75 per cent or more). lene Wi Joseph Jack-| dinner. Mrs. Rosalie Hill express- Threaten Cherries magistrate after he had been ula FOF Toronto Police [Canada was traced in an address bp oils as by th Com | week in an all out drive to re- GRADE 9 Connie Joh NO . ed the thanks of the staff to the KELOWN : . that approximately 75 cars had] Hours after a theft from a To-|to the Scottish Rite Club of Osh-|mons since March 31. cruit donors for the May Clinic Penny Bigelow, Dorise Bilen-|senko Diane Tate Dag DO el d called hard a AA 3 ut been stolen Suring tye past free tonic motor film two Oshawa awa, at Hotel Genosha Friday| -- [slated for next Thursday at Saint duke, Ludmilla Bolotenko, Al-|Meiring sslov Misi . ord ca upon Mayor| =~ Cp nid e months, men were arrested Friday night|night, by Rev, George Thompson, |Gregory's Auditorium, Simcoe bert Bremner, Sandra Butler, kg o siaguek, Lyman A. Gitford, Wh, with his £11 ula May tear out/ Alex C. Hall, crown attorney, hy the Oshawa Police Depart. | rector of the Church of the As-Rev. M. A. Bury, minister ofjstreet north. -Clinic hours are William Corby, Lynn Cuthbert, Jean Tuso y J endy Stewart,|wife, was an honored guest, to|!!0S€ riental flowering told Magistrate Guest that even'ment for Metropolitan Toronto|cension. Don Mills. King Street United Church. Affrom 1:30 to 4 and from 6 to 9 Lois Delaney, Shen Elliott. rh Sols Zubkavich, | speak. Mayor Gifford, always an cherry frees presented two years! Judge J. E. Pritchard's car had pgjice / "Throughout the years, the de-|vote of thanks was tendered by|p.m, Mara Gaumers, Elsie George | GRADE 12 interesting and forthrigh t/280 by the Japanese Canadian so-|heen stolen. It was: taken from Geno Umberto Gatto, 161 King|velopment of Canada and the|Harry Gay, vice-president of the| Any adult, between the ages of Gloria Gulenchyn, Carole Ann William Dorko, Eileen Medd (speaker, delighted his _listeners| ay 55 : Tiere of good will. near the Oshawa General Hos- street east and Ronald Frauts,|spread of masonic ideals have|club. |18 and 65, in good health, who Haber, Verna Heholt Suzanne Parkin, Heidi Semin ris a detailed Picture of Deneve) an Srier Shuila; Lo pital Wednesiay afternoon, Boe 233 Oshawa boulevard north, are grown together for the cause of| A toast to the visitors, pro-|has not suffered recently from ny £2lasias Dig Kozyria: John Zedic : and as he hoped it would oon Skanagart Valley's I line ee Khe a ye i hed yr Toronto ona charge|good, he said. Members in at- posed by Douglas M. Storie, a malaria recently or from jaun. J, Linda Linton, Margaret GRADE I» Hei gtreased tie nocd Aor oe dollar swel thorty © Tan ry Soe f theit that 1s of the theft of tires, hub caps and|tendance said his outstanding ad-|past president, was replied to by|dice, can telephone the Red Cross McDiarmid, Betty McEachern, Douglas Edwards, Carollostimen ond oie La greate: gulls: SW cherry industry an This is a ype Ba ot that = batteries from Paul Willison|dress made the meeting one of|Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, rec-|offices at RAndolph 3-2033 and Mowat, William Patterson, Phipps, Daniel Wyrozub. its eitizens. ok weed to dest DS are|too prevalent to be dea bi by| Motors, 920 O'Connor drive, To-/the best of the past season. tor of Christ Memorial Anglican|arrange for an appointment for 8 estroy them. a suspended sentence. The eiti-'ronto, committed earlier Friddy.| The speaker was introduced by| Church. this Thursday's elinie.

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