fl SS SENT i wp Se RR AT LEVEL CROSSING City Asks urb Shuntin City il gave un support Tuesday night to two re- commendations, both involving letters, trains and traffic. Traffic Committee chairman Al- bert V. Walker said today: "The ittee recom that a letter be forwarded to the divisional superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway en-§3 closing a copy of the Railway § Act, section 429, which covers the FA A matter referred to in the com- 3 : plaint from the citizens. TO SEND PETITION (The citizens' complaint was in the form of a petition to the com- mittee from persons who are often held up by shunting trains at the Ritson road south cross- ing). "During rush hours approxi- mately 1400 cars per hour are crossing the intersection and shunting operations are causing serious traffic tieups. "Section 429 of the Railway Act, permits a time limit of five min- utes during which a level cross- ing may be blocked, and out- lines penalties which may be in- voked against the railway if any ypACKS REMOVED? infractions of the Act occur. "Many complaints (Here follows section 429 of the received by the traffic commit Act, subsections one and two: (1) Whenever at any high- ded ALD. WALKER sired effect and no further ac tion will be necessary. item. the area of King and Mary ducted the services. Interment have been tee on this matter from citizens ar i ~ OBITUARIES ADELINE MACKIE Funeral services were held for Adeline Mackie, who died at the Scarboro General Hospital on April 24, in her 74th year, at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Wed- nesday, April 27 at 2 p.m. Rev. George Telford conducted| the services, interment was at Mount Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Merle Mackie, Donald Black, Herb 2 p.m, Wednesday, April 27, Rev. Alexander McDowell conducted the services. Interment was in Belleville Cemetery. Mackie, Steve Backwell, Jack Mackie, Dan Clancy. FUNERAL OF NORMAN E. CHESEBORO Funeral services were held for Norman Edward Cheseboro, who died at Oshawa, Sunday, April 24 in his 45th year, at the Armsiiong funeral home, Wednesday, Apri 27, at 3.15 p.m. ' Reverend George Telford con- who regularly use this heavily travelled traffic artery. "The traffic committee further recommended that a second let- ter be sent to the local superin- tendent of the Canadian National Railway requesting co-operation in regard to local shunting oper- ations on our main traffic arter- jes during rush hours "During the discussion on this "Teen" Dances Discontinued AJAX (Staff) --Hi-Teen dances will not continue to be held on Sunday evenings in Ajax, This decision was a voluntary one by the members of the club. The as well as Ritson road,!was in Union Cemetery. was mentioned. The matter of Pallbearers were: George Ball, railway tracks on our main Douglas McMullen, Jack Darling- streets again 'reared ifs ugly|ton, Frank Watson, Art Peeling, head' when the traffic chairmaniSam Nicholson. entioned that it was unfortun- a we still had tracks. | MRS. CHARLES W. YOUNG "Mayor Gifford quipped, 'What! BELLEVILLE ~-- Mrs. Helen are you going to do about them?' Elizabeth Young of 21 Crestview. to which the chairman quickly re- avenue, died on Monday, April 25, lied: |in the Belleville General Hospital Pe : following an illness of eight "That is your special proje ft, months in her 40th year. Mr, Mayor; you are the man wl Born in Newcastle, New Bruns- was going to have them remove |wick, the daughter of Mrs, Mary street, cil meeting by Patrick Sheehan in his report on recreation. activities. announcement was made at coun- The subject of dancing on Sun- day evenings has brought forth two petitions to council from the Ajax Baptist Church, private citi- zens and a request from the ministerial association that activ- ities at the Community Centre on Sundays would not conflict with church services and other church Further to the cessation of By WINGLESS WILLIE Fifty cadets were on parade t| Tuesday evening. During the first part of the parade FO Beaton in- spected the cadets to check on uniforms because of the upcom- ing annual inspection. Because of the inspection and the sharp eyes of FO Beaton, many new articles of clothing were issued to the cadets to replace old worn ones. Don't forget fellas, if you don't get what you need when you first try, keep trying because the uni- forms have to be ordered from Toronto. RCAFA VISITOR During the parade the squad: shaw of the 420 Wing, RCAFA. Force Association Ball. retired, [ball CLASSES and we are all anxiously wallingl nq the late Pharez Jonah, she for it to be done!" lived in this city for the past 12 = |years, previously residing in recreation taking Montreal and New Brunswick. lawn She was married to Charles|there is any contravention of t (william Young, who survives.'Lord's Day Alliance Act. Industrials Sunday dancing a special com- mittee will study other forms of T place in the/and the seniors had theory of t. During the second period he|the juniors received aircraft iden- tification, intermediates had civil n Su.day to ascertain if)! iors and intermediates had drill tg New Clothing Is Issued To Cadets defence and the seniors had the- ron was visited by Mr. Hawk- who came to thank the cadets for their help in last Friday's Air One interesting point of the Ball was that the guest of honor was Air Marshal W. Curtis, RCAF, Thanks goes out to FS '"Razzle- dazzle" Smith for taking charge the cadets who helped at the During the first period the jun- a a a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1960 § ory of flight. AUXILIARY MEETING I have been asked to announce that the Air Cadet Ladies Aux- Jiary will hold its next meeting on May 9. The meeting begins at 8 p.m. at the Rotary Hall and any cadet mothers or relatives are cordially invited to attend, Last Sunday afternoon a group of NCO's went to Toronto to gc for a swim in the indoor pool at RCAF Station Toronto. Thanks goes to Sgt. Brennen for taking us up. NCO MEETING After our swim in Toronto we had to rush back to be in time for' the NCO meeting at Mr. Houston's house. During the meeting the new constitution was approved. It is now in effect. Many matters were discussed. One item of in- terest was who is to be chosen the top non-NCO of the year. You'll find out at the annual in- spection. After the business meeting re- freshments were served by Mrs. Houston, We would like to ex- tend our thanks for them and a special thanks from WO2 Galla- gher and Sgt. Seeley. LAST WEEK FOR CLASSES WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-| casts issued by the public weather office at 11 a.m.: Synopsis: Sunny weather is ex-| pected today over most of south- ern Ontario while increasing cloudiness is expected in North- Colder, Showers Friday Sunny today. Increasing cloud ness tonight with a few showers or snowlfurries early Friday morning clearing in the after noon. Not much change in tem- perature. . Winds light. Kirkland Lake, North Bay, Sunny with a few ah of a weak disturbance from the north. | Regional forecasts valid until| midnight Friday. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake| Ontario, Niagara, Windsor, Lon- don, Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny) today. Cloudy Friday morning be- coming sunny in the afternoon. Not much change in temperature. Winds light. Georgian Bay, Haliburton: ern Ontario due to the approach|S y: cloudy intervals today. Cloudy Friday morning with a few widely scattered snowflur- ries clearing in the afternoon. Not much change in temperature. Winds southwest 20 in the day- time light at night. White River, Timmins, Kapu- uskasing: Increasing cloudiness today followed by snowflurries tonight. Friday cloudy with snow- flurries clearing around mid-day. Not much change in temperature. hall. From then on we will be practicing our ceremonial dril! for the annual inspection at the airport. Attendance from now to the an- nual inspection is very importan so please make an effort to be present each week. As far as we know the inspec- *n will be held May 29 at the Oshawa airport. After the inspec- Next week will be the last week for regular classes at the cade. ion the ¢ vear is over unfi next September, Winds southwest 15 today light tonight northwest 15 Friday. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Friday Win St. {London ... Wingham . Toronto ... | Trenton |St. Catharines {Muskoka .... {Killaloe ... {Earlton BEER uBRES HEE RS8LBEE Index Drops way crossing at rail level any engine, tender or car, or any part thereof, is wilfully al- lowed by the company, its of- CITY AND DISTRICT On Market | TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials lost their grip on the stock mar- ficers, agents or employees to stand on any part of such high- way for a longer period than five minutes at one time, or in shunting, to obstruct public traf: fic for a longer period than five |by a car at the corner of Simco minuts at one time, every and Bruce street at 5.10 p.m officer, agent or employee of (Wednesday. The autmobile the company who has directly |driven by Richard Bradimore under or subject to his control, |263 Haig street, Oshawa. management or direction any such engine, tender or car, is | LADIES' NIGHT liable on summary 'conviction | The Christian Business Men' FRACTURED KNEE | street to a penalty not exceeding $50, (Committee of Oshawa and dis- their annual the fence is in the opinion of the [Masonic Temple, Saturday at 6 are holding and the company is also liable |trict night banquet, to like penalty; but, if the of- |ladies' at court excusable, the prosecution p.m. Guest speaker will be for the penalty may be dismiss- Barnes, from Detroit, Michigan Miss Ruby Johnston, 70 Burk suffered a fractured le't| knee cap when she was struck 82 41 Vas I ket Wednesday On index, they 488.23, with base 157.01. Golds and western ahead .13 at 90.92 : Final volur compared with 1 General lost 17 at 39 dropped metals off gained .20 at pi oils moved| #3 was 1,271,000 000 Tuesday. at 38%, with srprovineial off aj 29. Auto| Bathurst A de- clined 3% at 7% and ., while Consumers' Gas slipped % at 37% and Ogilvie Flour fell % at 401 Pipe «point at 49% "Fabrics A and Power B and Eddy ed with two-point and 65, with Do- Bathurst Paper A pac 291 ed and the costs are in the dis- eretion of the court. (2) No employee is liable to such penalty if he proves that the carrying out or observing of the rules of the company was the cause of such obstruction, and in such case the company and its superintendent or other officer in charge of the opera- | tion of the railway, or of the di- | vision thereof upon which such | obstruction occurs, are each ty of the offence mentioned FIRE CALL The Oshawa fire department minion Stores up 1% at 51 and responded to a call at the Eas! Loblaw B and Asbestos Corpora- -/tion up % at 263 Whitby township garage in Col umbus at 7.50 a.m. today. A trac tor was being filled with gas b; Milton Brown of North Oshawa was not available. The Oshawa General Hospital y were off 3% at 12% and 44%, .| Kerr |when it ignited. Part of the front nickel off % |of the garage was damaged. An Dome mov immediate estimate of damage and Hollinge gains at and 26 Cassiar and Hudson Bay both with Addison and International at 13% and 50%. ed ahead % at 18% r gained % at 24%. Gunnar dropped 15 cents at $8.40, Algom lost % at 10% and Deni- son slipped 1 cent at $9.50. Hudson's Bay moved ahead % See these All Wool Tweed and Saxony Sport Coats, including Harris Tweeds- - - and All Wool Pants - - -both tailored fo fit with the casual comfort | The BIG BARGAIN for Spring '60! Own an ALL WOOL SPORT COAT with PANTS For a Mere *35 . . . It's Distinguished, Yet Informal of your finest suit! penalty not RS. c .170, 5. 422). awa and surrounding communi- is hoped that the letters|ties, Directors are elceted at an this section and liable to a _lat 10%, Central del Rio gained exceeding is owned by the people of Osh-|a mtral del o gain 20 cents at $4.95 and Royalite im- | proved 15 cents at $4.90, but Bai- | ley Selburn and Home Oil A both "nt from the city will have the de-'annual open meeting. dropped 50 cents at $6 and $9. Older Adopted Children Seen Aid To New Parents Don Henshaw, a senior execu-|things they will do to upset the him one night. The worker said, tive of McLaren Advertising house, but think of the home it|she thought they had a child Agency: Toronto, hi "an Sige will he, a home rich with laugh-| suitable for him. adop child wi 0 more for|ter, sad with tears, an ou! " tht" id "'w the adopted parents than the par-|in triumphs." orion Ll nigh Je said ae SRW ents can ever do for the child", | |rascal. 13 on he ow paded during a talk to the annual geper- SUITABLE CHILD we became acqua 2A; tat mht al meeting of the Children's Aid| The speaker told of the adop-|future danahioes Hoon our Society of Ontario County and tion of his two children which the gc; time 2a gi id e told of the the City of Oshawa. Children's Aid Society term older |poma she w o en ame 30 his Mr. Henshaw, the father of two children, ; > ed her fists and eno iil adopted children, speaking om, cpiigian paar ATCT 12 years of clothing tight and sat by herself "The Adventure of Adoption", wife went to the Children's Aid| jw moments later neighbor- said any one taking on the adop- Society in Toronto. He said at Bone S hildren came b ursting tion of an older child "'take upon |that time he thought you picked hrough the door with a ney themselves the greatest peacelout children like you would pick Duppy fe Show lo him. The child, and happiness they can find, they out groceries at the supermarket; eo ou. the yaa, played with may gel a few grey hairs and but found out differently. After| c.PuPPY. later taking off her have a few sleepless nights" and,|two years of waiting and several | oor" clothing and making her- JACK FRASER'S SALE of SPORT COAT with PANTS Two-Piece Sef - - - Only - - W. Probably the BIGGEST and BEST SELECTION OF SPORT COATS IN CANADA TODAY ---and he continued "think of all the' conferences the society contacted self at home. Soon she stopped playing, looked at him for a few minutes; he continued, "if ever a definitely THE FINEST COMING EVENTS man needs to have his soul ex-|{ amined, let him sit in front of such a' child", FINAL Euchre, Scout Hall, Gibbons at| RUMMAGE sale - Six prizes. Refreshments. Admission p.m 50¢. RUMMAGE sale and children's cloth- the Avalon, Thursday 8 p.m. Six jack ing, West Group Centre Street Church, | pots Friday, April 29 at 12 noon RUMMAGE sale, Friday, April 29, RUMMAGE sale St. Andrew's Church, P-m. St. Andrew's United Church, Friday, April 29 at 1 p.m Simcoe Street South, Oshawa SALE Good Used Clothing: Dresses and Coats, $1.00 each, NORTHMINSTER CHURCH West Door FRIDAY, APRIL.29, 1 P.M. RUMMAGE SAL Margaret Hart Group | ST. GECRGF'S CHURCH CENTRE ST., FRIDAY, APRIL 29th 1 PM. CRA Hall, 100 Gibb Street. Ages 9 to 12 years, 2 cents a week. For inform-| ation call Brooklin, OLiver 35-4871 RUMMAGE sale, Golden Jubilee Chap- | ter, IODE, at Simcoe Hall, Friday, April 29, 1.15 p.m. Be Sure to Attend the "Hydro Showtime '60' in the UAW. Auditorium Tonight and Tomorrow Night Doors Open At 7:30 | Show Starts At 8:00 { SALE Good Used Clothing, Attrac- tive Spring and Summer Hats. Hart Group, St George's Church, Centre St., Friday, April 29, 1 p.m. Margaret Valuable * prizes, free gifts excellent demonstrations and appliance displays HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe ame $6 ond $10. the Wealth, 5- $40 Jackpots. Admission 25c¢ Tickets on sale at the door Jnder the auspice: Oshawa Jaycettes, s S by the Public Utilities Com mission of the City of Osh- 20 Share E . 1 Group Six Simcoe Buena Vista. Friday, April 29, 8 p.m. |Street Church, Friday, April 29 at 1.30 TANNERY Ladies' Auxiliary, Bingo at |]ater WILL DO MORE i The speaker told of the adoption and Scottish Sraftemen his second child four years a boy eight and a half years old. He had been adopted then rejected, and had lived in four foster homes. He said the boy, never had a chance to swim now he 'is a crac swimmer at | his swimming club. "The boy only had one new thing in al] his life, |a wagon that someone had given | him Everything else was second- (hand, stained or tarnished. The boy was rather bewildered .at the time of adoption." The speaker continued, "He has come a long way in eight years in our house as he would in any home that has love and understanding. | Mr. Henshaw told the assembly beye any of them know a couple who have arrived in point of years |of not having children, and if {they are foind in the dilemma of |not being able to adopt a new {born child, and are appalled at {the idea of adopting a grown ichild; talk to them, earnestly about older child adoption. He said there just aren't enough new {born children for adoption, but jLiere are many older children who need parents | He concluded by saying, "An older adopted child will do more {for the adopted parents than the |parents can ever do for the child." MOST SCIENTISTS ARE STILL ALIVE Unbelievable as it sounds 90 per cent of all the scien- | tists who ever lived are alive of 1 7 and $35.00 . . . NOW ONLY . . and the Pants? PANTS . . . NOW ONLY awa. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert ond Jackson Sts.) { Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled 130 J I Annual Hadassah Bazaar and Tearoom 144 KING ST. E Tuesday Afternoon MAY 3RD -- 2 P.M. Door Prize $15 ACKPOT INCLUDED right now! The answer is that until recently there wére hard- lv any scientists, and now there are millions It's almost unbelievable easy it is to get the workers vou want. Just dial RA 3-3492 to place an ad in the Oshawa Times Classified section Atlantic and tailored to Canadian tastes. inspired shades--in fashionable neat checks, modern designs bold overchecks, stripes. All tailored for casual comfort 'with 2 or 3 buttons, firm inner construction, PATCH POCKETS. Sizes 35 to 46 in small medium and tall models. SPORT COATS . . . PREVIOUSLY $29.50 VALUE! EN I Rr SY (Buy @ sport coat with pants, $35) ALL WOOL e000 resccvssnses Sook 7: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE These Sport Coats are in the Championship Class! Theyre fine- looking all-wool Tweeds and Saxonies mostly loomed by English . and specially flown over the Revel 'in heather- 3 99 This all wool worsted flannel is specially loomed in England. Will retain its creases and shed its wrinkles. The tailoring is superb . . . double pleats, four pockets, shirt-retaining pads inside waist- band, harmonizing trim. Sizes 29" to 44", Colours include new olive green, burnished brown, blue-grey light grey, medium grey, charcoal. J 1 99 ctorge - - - do you prefer a BLAZER? Substitute a navy blue blazer for a sport coat. - Only $35 for blazer with pants. Blazers are all-wool flannel in single-breasted or double-breasted styles, patch pockets. Most sizes. Only.... 3 99 TL A Ao, ts So nid nt eo A, ts J Ao tm Se 355 A