WW Peg wm ew Yew wr ww { { The program invoives setting [bait in certain areas Beaver, | spiked with alkaloid strychnine pellets, is used in most places | with mutton as second choice. One aim is to find out which GHANA -- A former British MADAGASCAR -- This former territory which is now self I colony became independ-| governing, Ghana has just held z ent on April 4 1960, but con- plebiscite on the question of be- a member of the coming a republic, and the voting French community. has given a large majority in| TANGANYIKA -- Tanganyika favor of this. The republic is due nas made substantial advances to. come into force on July 1,/(owards political maturity, and] 1960. will become independent under a Wind Of Change Across Africa | BE oN Tf Sn a forward in the first few months given its full independence, and of t ! i i t . ANOTHER CONFERENCE the presnet year will become an independent coun: At the present time the status a { July 30, 1960. ; RECORD OF CHANGE te 8 Duy -- A former British{of Sierra Leone, formerly called Here is the record of change i . . the "White Man's Grave" is be- i t protectorate, will become inde-|* 1 k which is going on this year: |pendent on July 1, 1960. ing considered by a conference in MALI -- A former French col-| SOMALILAND PROTECTORE London, under the chairmanship INE GINAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1960 J} Poison Bait For Wolves, Coyotes FORT ANCES, Ont. (CP)-- Wolves and coyotes in this North- western Ontario district are be- ing served mutton and beaver in an experiment to determine how poisoned meat the predators will eat most readily. Farmers in the area were asked to sign an agreement be- forehand releasing the depart went from liability for loss of [dogs or domestic stock from poi- soning. By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special {o The Oshawa Times LONDON The "wind of change™ is blowing across the African continent with even greater force than Prime Minis- ter Macmillan may have realized when he used that phrase in the speech he delivered to the parlia- ment of South Africa. The year 1960 is a fateful year and a year of decision for at least a dozen! countries which are former col- {onies or under United Nations! trusteeships. This is made clear in a pam- phlet, with an' accompanying] map, which has been printed in London, It tells the story of the Ti 78 BOND ST. OSHAWA 6--This Is Alice 5-2--Comedy Theatre 4--Serial Dramas | 4:30 P.M. 6---~Woofer | 5-2--Adventure Theatre | 4--Edge of Night FRIDAY EVENING |future status. 5:00 P.M, | 11--Family Theatre FRIDAY 7:00 AM. 5-2--To-day 8:00 AM. 7--Buffalo AM 4~News Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 AM. THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 1l--Family Theatre 6-This Living Wqrle 5-Playhouse 4--Learn About Science 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Cartoon 5:30 P.M. For... ind {of Iain' Macleod, Colonial Secre they can be most easily poisoned. jals, i ri degrees|ony, which is to become inde-__ his protectorate is demand-|¢ ain Macleod, onial Secre- 4 % ¢ Net a SE 1, SE hich|P dent in June of 1960, to re-jng Ne with Somalia: when that|tary. Sierra Leone has made good The first aim of the project | Thi 3 a is the conference are asking for|forests is to decide whether poi- ve already taken some step TOGOLAND --- This state is KENYA Kenya is bein r ashing RA x . have Y af his under United Nations trus-|gradually led towards independ-|complete independence within the soning is worth the expense as | Deo idehendent oe Te in London in February of minister, Sir Milton Marga. The experiments in a block of| i i lof isoned bait on fur-bear- United Nations trusteeship. It be- pendence. place by mutual agreement and of the poison 1 e : WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buftale WROC-TV Channel $--Rochester|comes independent on January FEDERATION OF RHODESIA consent, and without any dis-|ing animals and birds. The idea Call . VIG OR OIL has been under way in Africa|viding a type of bait most palat-| ; territory. It is to achieve its in-|is being held to review the con-|for the past few years, and they able to wolves and coyotes. ! { dependence on October 1, 1960. stitution of the Federation, and a reveal that the "wind of change This area was chosen because British trusteeship, are to hold|to act in an advisory capacity torights and privileges of all par-| ators and bounty records indicate | |plebiscites this year on their/the coming constitutional confer-|ties, can have a strong mellow- a uniform distribution of wolves And eo. are either awaiting agreed con-/main in confederation with the|¢erritory becomes independent in Progress towards self - govern-|being carried out by the On- r A ' |t to France, and has just/ence. A new constitution agree. Commonwealth on December 7,|compared with other measures T E L E Vv I S I Oo N L Oo G CAMEROON -- This is another|this year, and it is considered a| It is worth while to note that four agricultural townships are { {AND NYASSALAND -- This is|turbance. They have been partis to minimize the risk to other WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channe} 4--Buffale The trust territories of Southern/commission is now making in- when accompanied by reason-| within recent years a number of PHONE RA 5 1109 - -~ lence. ling influence, land coyotes, | stitutional changes in 1960, or|French community. July. ment and its representatives at|tario department of lands and | 11960, the birthday of the prime|such as trapping and bounties. I ment was reached at a confer- a at the most reasonable prices 3 . ' CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltor CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte| country formerly under French|step forward towards full inde-|all of these changes have taken also designed to show the effects , 1960. 4 i NIGERIA -- Nigeria was for- one of the possible trouble spots of the program of evolution which| mammals and birds while pro-| |merly a United Kingdom trust|in Africa. This fall, a conference) and Northern Cameroons, under | vestigations on the spot in order ableness and recognition of the|farmers have lost sheep to pred-| j--Rocky and Friends 6-~Roy Rogers 2-Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M. 1-6--Metro News 7--Early Show 4. Drama Series 2--77th Bengal Lancers 6:15 P.M. 6~--Bob Cummings 6:30 P.M 11--Family Theatre 7--Devotions 9:00 A.M. 11--Romper Room 7--Komedy Korner 5-Ding Dong School 4---Popeye's Playhouse 2--1 Led Three Lives 9:30 AM. | 11--Movie | 7--Romper Room | 5--~Burns and Allen | 6~Minnow on the Say | 5--Playhouse | 4--Learmn About | Yesterday | 2--Big Rascals | 5:15 P. | 6--Follow Me | 4-Big Mac Show | 5:30 P.M. 7--Rin Tis Tin 6_Fury A natural in 4--You and Your Family | 2---Helen Neville | 10:00 AM. | I--Ealy 5-2--Dough Re Mi | 11-6--News | 4--Red Rowe Show | 4--Feature Film 10:30 AM. | 6:15 P.M. 7--Morning_ Show | é--Rendezvous | 5-2--Play Your Hunch | 6:30 P. 4---State Trooper 4-On The Go | 11--Family Theatre 2--Shotgun Slade 11:00 AM. | 8-42--News; Sports :15 P.M 11--Jane Gray :45 P.M. 5-2--Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM. 11--Bob McLean Show 4--December Bride | 2--Concentration 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gun 4--News; Weather 2---Truth. or Consequences 12:15 P.M. 6--Matinee 9. 30 P.M. 11--News | 7--Love That Bob | 4--Search for Tomorrow 2-1 a Fh | 11-6--Four Just Men "4 F.M. | 7--Man From 11--=Movie Matinee | Blackhawk | 4--Guiding Light | 52--The Mikado P.M. | 4--Western Series 7---About Faces | 9:00 P.M. 5-4-2--News; Weather | 6:45 P.M. $--Huntley-Brinkley Report 6-4-2--- News 7:00 2---Roy Rogers 6:00 P. Show 6---Tabloid an SI ua 10 @ 5_.Law Day 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M. i i--Black Saddle 6--Provincial Affairs 5-DeGaulle's U.S. Tour 4 Panel Quiz 2-Journey To Understanding 7:45 P.M 11--The Nation's Business 8--Scar 3:00 P.M 1-6--Deputy 7--Donna Reed 5-2---Bat Masterson 4--Betty Hutton Show | 65-42--News 7:00 P.M 6--Tabloid 5-77 Sunset Stri 4--Dennis O'Keefe Show 2--Rescue 8 7:15 P.M. | 7--News; Weather 7:30 P.M, 6--Bachelor Father 7--Disney Presents t--Western | 5-2--Journey To Understanding 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Country Hoedown $-2--Trouble Shooters 8:30 P.M ab \T: Everybody's talking about ~ ENVOY... Just drive it "How about that? There's a job you can really park easily... and in a mighty small pace, too!" 11-6--Talent Caravan 7-5--The Real McCoys 4--Ringo 2--Producers' Choice 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Closeup 7--Pat Boove 3-2«Bachelor Father 4--Zane Gray Theatre 9:30 P.M. 11.6--Man From Blackhawk 7--Untouchables 5-2--Tennessee Ernie Ray Milland 10:00 P.M. Ll--Meet McGraw 6--Manh $-Not For Hire 3-~-Tombstone Territory M. 11:00 P. B1834 3, News: Sports | 11:15 7---Playhouse 8 Viewpoint 2--Sportsreel 11:30 P.M. 11-8--Late Show 5-2--Jack Paar | 4~Meet The Millers 2--Mid-day Matines | : 7--Shroud of Turin | ~The World Turns | 2:00 P.M. 7-Day in Court 6--Chez Helene 52--Queen For A Day | &--For Better Or Worse 2:15 P.M. 11-6--Nursery School 2:30 P Malone 3:30 PM, 11--Music_For You 7--Who Do You Trust 6--Herald Playhouse 85-2--From These Roots Dr. 4--The Verdict Is Yours | | > 4:00 P.M | 11--Popeye | 11-6--Flying Doctor 7-77 Sunset Strip | 4--Playhouse 90 | 9:30 P.M. | 11--Ontario This Week | 6--Tennessee Ernie | 5-2--Masquerade Party 10:00 P.M. 11-6--Sports 7--The Detectives 8-2--Cavalcade of Sports 4---Twilight Zone 10:30 P.M. 11-8-Jim Coleman Show $-2--Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P.M, fra ir Ei Sports 11:15 P.M. | 7--Playhouse | &--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M 11---Late Show 6--Showcase S-2--Jack Parr 4-~MGM Theatre :00 AM. 7--Confidential File Film Festival ' 7--American Bandstand | 2--The Unexpected Make Scarfs |S. J. Hillier, Mrs. Floyd Jones. | The Reliable Group will meet {on Tuesday evening, at the home "Hey, look at that Envoy go! I'll bet a wagon like that would be wonderful for running up.to the cottage." and you'll {of Mrs. Lloyd Prouse at 8 p.m Committee for worship and pro- For Scouts gram, Mr Douglas Jackson, Mrs. Lloyd Prouse. By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | BROOKLIN -- Mrs. R. L. God- frey, president of the 1st Brook- lin Scout Mothers Auxiliary, pre- sided for the April meeting at the home of Mrs. Bruce Miner. Ar- MOST Bp ir ens. HOT WATER 3 | Sewing convenel Mrs at chie Campbell, Ar- LOWEST COST supervised sew-| with a "Yes, ma'am . .. I'd say that's real high style. ., good looks when I see them." and I know ng of neckerchiefs for the scouts] and cubs Next meeting will be held May 19 at the home of Mrs. George MacKenzie SERVICE FOR WMS The service Sunday morning at Brooklin United Church was dedi- cated to the Woman's Missionary Society. Rev. S. J. Hillier, referred to the work of noted missionaries| stationed in Angola, such' as Dr.| Winifred Bryce and Millicent Howse. The senior choir musie, directed by E. A. Winkler of Ajax BIBLE STUDY SERVICE A Bible study service will be held in the Christian Education Building conducted by Rev. S. J. | Hillier Sunday | ART GUILD EXHIBIT | The Brooklin Art Guild, under] the direction of instructor Ray | Hall, will hold its annual exhibits of paintings Saturday afternoon, in the Township Hall, Brooklin. | ONLY $ EVENING AUX. MEETING The WMS Evening Auxiliary will meet Monday in the Chris-| tian Education building instead of | May 9 when the CGIT is holding] its annual mother and danghter | banquet. "Pardon me, sir! I've been intrigued by these Envoys ever since I first saw them. They're real NATURAL GAS beauties, aren't they? Do you mind if I take a picture--it won't take a moment." RENTAL WATER provided | organist, | "Your Envoy sure is giving you wonderful mileage! Seems like I never see you around here any more." ENVOY! Newest and most talked-about General Motors value! 1.7 50a Fully Guaranteed FREE SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION EUCHRE PARTY @n some cases, thers may be Spencer's Home and School As- a charge for extra piping.) sociation is sponsoring a euchre Water i party Saturday, at Spencer's heats 3 times faster School SS No. 6 BRIDGE CLUB Brooklin Bridge Club met Wed nesday in the Township hall when high scores were recorded as fol- lows: Consumers Tas Mrs. Cyril Davies, Mrs. Robert RA 3-3468 Heron, 65; Mr. and Mrs, W, A.| SUPPORT THE Herom, 62%; John Millar, Ted Heron, 61; Walter Wadell, Jack HOSPITAL DRIVE! v "Billy's been climbing in and ont of that Sherwood station wago: - n ' ha . all wookend . . . afl the kids Jove iI" Gee, I didn't realize there was this much Tyons in the Envoy trunk . . lots of space for SEE YOUR LOCAL ENVOY DEALER ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO WHITBY, ONTARIO Patterson, 50% WA GROUPS { The Lend-a-Hand Group of WA/| of Brooklin United Church will} meet on Tuesday evening, May 3, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. |¢ 4. I McBrien. Committee, Mrs.)