THOUGHT FOR Almost everybody w. person for being discriminating --and condemn him for practis- ing discrimination. TODAY ill praise a dhe Oshawa Fumes WEATHER REPORT Turning colder Friday with showers during the day espec- fally cool during the evening, winds light. THIRTY-TWO PAGES VOL. 89--NO. 99 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960 Authorized Post Office @s Second Cass Mail Department, Ottawa New Issues Face Quebec Voter June 22 QUEBEC (CP)--This election, say Quebec's political observers, will be different. Quebec voters on June 22 will choose between old parties with new leaders and new issues. Premier Antonio Barrette heads the mighty Union Natipn- ale party machine that, under its founder the late Maurice Duples- sis, rolled to victories in five of the last six elections. His main opposition is expected to come from the lately-resurg- ent Liberal party under its new leader Jean Lesage, who Wednes- day welcomed the coming elec- tion as "the time for a change" and "the hour of liberation." Premier Barrette followed closely in the tradition of Mr. Duplessis by announcing the elec- tion on a Wednesday and setting it for 2 Wednesday. $1. JOSEPH'S DAY Mr. Duplessis, who made it a point to schedule his important business for Wednesdays, was particularly attached to St. Jo- seph. Wednesday is the day set|jiversary of the death of Mr. |inet minister, who has been pre- aside in the Roman Catholic Church calendar for special de- votion to the saint. Mr. Barrette told a press con-| ference of the election with a simple vacant, The 1956 election had re- turned 72 UN members, 20 Lib- MASS RIOTS IN TURKEY MARTIAL LAW IMPOSED erals and one Independent. For the first time in Quebec's history, the vacant seats were 'those of two premiers -- Mr. ." Dupl and his Paul| Sauve, premier for only four months before he died Jan. 2. FOR FIRST TIME The strong figure of Mr. Du- plessis, who was premier of Que- « bec for a record number of years, i will be absent for the first time : since 1936 as a party leader. In Premier Barrette the Union Nationale party--founded by Mr, Duplessis with Conservative, Na- tionalist and dissenting Liberal elements--has a leader who was one of the party's earliest sup- porters. Premier Barrette, a tall, silver- haired man of 61, rose from the | | PREMIER BARRETTE Teamsters' Suspension Imminent MONTREAL .(CP) IL. M (Casey) Dodds, Canadian director of the Teamsters Union, said to- day it "appears imminent" that his union will face suspension or expulsion from the Canadian La- bor Congress. Mr. Dodds called a press con- ference to break silence on the Teamsters' jurisdictional dispute with the 1,150,000-member Con- ranks of the working class and|gress and the Brotherhood of ture has been dissolved. The elec-|a portfolio he retained. tion will be held June 22." He set Sept. 7, the first an- Duplessis, as the date of ope. ng ailway Clerks. "If such comes to pass it will be with sincere regret that we leave .the family of labor as we {feel that any division is regret- itable and foolish and will only |became Quebec's labor minister, |R | | Mr. Lesage, husky 47-year-old lawyer and former federal cab- paring for the election since 1958 serve to give aid and comfort to) sparked when the Menderes gov- "+ |university and headed for the : (centre of the city. Forty students : land police were injured in fierce ; (fights, government proclaimed martial law today following an outbreak of student rioting against Premier Adnan Menderes. ported killed as th dents broke through police lines around the University of Istanbul and swarmed through the city demanding Menderes' resig- nation. ban on all political activities. Students Demand Gov't Resignation ing the opposition Republican party of ex-president Ismet Inonu. Established by parliament April 1, the committee is controlled by Menderes' Democrat party. All political activity has been ded during the investiga- tion. Under Turkey's strict press laws that have already resulted in the imprisonment of scores of journalists, publication of any thing about the investigation is banned. ISTANBUL (AP)--The Turkish At least four persons were re- ds of stu- The demonstrations were ernment ordered a three-month About 5,000 students rushed through police cordons around the Witnesses said they saw three of the new legislature, but this is when he was elected to succeed | considered a pro forma date that/Georges Lapalme. could be changed later. | Mr. Lapalme, well - known to At dissolution of the 93-seat | Quebecers as a result of his cam- legislative assembly, the UN held|paigns in 1952 and 1956 provin- the enemies of labor," Dodds in a prepared statement. He revealed the details of pro- proposals : : i p 4 : ssed back and forth as top "Gentlemen, we no longer are|71 seats, the Liberals 17, Inde-cial elections, is still active in/cLC officers sought to keep the posals and counter - said Mr. | [students and one policeman killed : |in the crush in front of the uni- versity. Police said they could not confirm these reports. CANCELS TRIP TO IRAN |Durham district |board has turned back plans for In view of the developing situ-|its new high school in Courtice Board Turns Back Plans New School BOWMANVILLE (Staff) w= high school legislature members. The legisla-/pendents 3, and two seats were politics and will participate in the|gg go0-member Teamster Union in : ; rr ra eo | PTESENL campaign. the Congress. QUEBEC CCF LEADER { r - | rary: Heavy Fish Kill ! lation Menderes earlier had called|to architects Barnet and Rieder off a flight to Iran to attend a|of Port Hope, Tenders were open~ meeting of the Central Treaty ed at the board meeting last night Organizations. when it was stated that lowest About 800 refused to to prices were well above the esti classes at Istanbul University. /mated figure of $675,000. The Social Democratic Quebec's CCF, also has "| leadership. Mrs. Therese Casgrain, white-| "i | haired pioneer of women's rights "#|in Quebec, has been replaced by Michel Chartrand, fiery labor In Lake Scugog TORONTO (CP)--The heaviest winter kill of fish in more than 50 years has been reported at Lake Scugog, the department of lands and forests said Wednes- day. leader. The UN will also have new cabinet members in action -- men who have come up, | a H Maurice Custeau, 43, Montreal It estimated that more 2,000 muskellunge, 1,000 mouth bass, 30,000 earp, perch and lesser ya of other ies have The Take is a large but fairly shallow body of water 30 miles northwest of here. The department blamed the kill on unusually deep winter snow od Daniel Johnson, 45, are A a "of Petes eaten: Jean-Jacques Bertrand, 43, youth nd social welfare minister; businessman and minister with- out portfolio; Armand Maltais, 46, Quebec City lawyer aie min- ister without portfolio, Maur ; jce Bellemare, 47, Cap-de-la-|which prevented light from Madeleine resident, minister|reaching underwater vegetation. without portfolio. | Rotting of the vegetation lowered For the first time, the UN|the oxygen content of the faces an election with a politic-|and the fish suffocated. ally friendly government is in THE FOUR members of the family of Lee Ki-Poong, vice- president-elect of the Republic of Korea, who died yesterday Disc Jockey Dick Clark Got Payola WASHINGTON (AP)--House of Representatives payola investi- gators Wednesday unfolded a story of television disc jockey Dick Clark getting $31,575 for ad- in Seoul, in a quadruple sui- cide pact. 2nd from left is 2nd Lt. Lee Kan Suk, adopted son President Lee; Lee Kang-Uh, | second son, and Mrs. Lee (for- mer Marie Park). They marched down the streets singing the Turkish independence| The architects were asked to re-submit plans which might meet Ajax Man Received Citation AJAX (Staff)--An Ajax resi- dent has the honor of being the| first Canadian to receive a cita-| tion and award of the President's Medal of the United States Na- power in Ottawa, a government n which the Union Nationale has many friends and supporters. Mr. Duplessis fully exploited the situation of the Quebec Lib- erals as a party which had offi-| cial links with the federal Liber- als then in power. He aroused fear in many voters that Quebec Liberals would give in to Ottawa Liberals on taxation and provincial rights issues. ROONEY --Photo John Mills Hearing TORONTO (CP)--One of On- tario's major public controversies of the last decade will reach a peak Monday when a govern. ment-appointed committee © tional Safety Council. Albert Rooney, of 9 Cedar street, Ajax, was presented with hearings to climax its year-long investigation into fluoridation. The three - person committee On Fluoridation Starts 42 years. Brantford has been add- ing sodium fluoride to its water in the proportion of one part per million for the last 14 years and Sarnia has negligible amounts of fluoride in its water. STUDIED EFFECTS Federal scientists | completed vising a Philadelphia record firm on what tunes would sell well. Furthermore, it was testified that Clark was allowed to buy a one-fourth interest in the firm for $125--an interest he was able to sell last year for about $15,000. Harry Finfer, manager of Uni- versal Record Distributing Com- pany and part owner of the Jamie Record Company of Phila- delphia testified before the House subcommittee on legislature over- sight in its inquiry into payola, the passing of secret payments to get certain records plugged on TV and radio shows. Clark, who conducts the Ameri- can Bandstand show for the American Broadcasting Company from station WFIL in Philadel of Syngman Rhee, on left Vice- --AP Wirephoto Family Suicide 3 ind 4 anthem and shouting slogans with the estimated price. shots into the i Tenders may be recalled on the praising the Koreas 'youth. who new plans shortly in time to sub» mit a price for debentures at the June meeting of the United Coun ties council. brought down the government of Syngman Rhee this week. Police reinforcements fired air, and several SEOUL, Korea (AP)--Lee Ki- d six to His committed suicide today in Ori-|ment to nine members. All polit- Lee's election as South Korea's| noted surgeon, am educationist vice-president touched off. |and two bankers. Ten hours after Lee and his| Still vacant is the key post of family died in a cottage on the|minister of defence, as well as grounds of the presidential man-|the agriculture and communica. sion, the chief casualty of the re-|tion; ministries. volt, ex-president Syngman Rhee, lefl the president's house Yoo), Four more members of Be Na poong, his wife and two sons| cabinet, bringing the new govern- ental atonement for the revolt|ically independent, they include a parliamentary mittee that has been investigat- C2 PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP) Flood levels in the Peterborough 'DeGAULLE GREETS HOTEL DOORMAN SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-- The first person Charles de Gaulle saw when he de- h ith y, all Jards away and yas given Nin Rio's Liberal party, resigned to- est hillside villa where they fook|%>Y: e assembly had de | A \ ut life as private citizens. manded that they quit, charging Sentimental, friendly crowds [fey Were involved in rigging the 1 o along Rhee's route applauded| Hy 3 Sections which mand him and women wept, in sharp; Doong 10 the Vice-presidenc contrast to the bloody rioting : 3 P ye which forced the 85 - year - old| Earlier Huh's government is- tather of modern Korea to end his 12-year rule over South Ko- former home minister Choi In. rea. i; yu and six others charged with bility for the voting sued warrants for the arrest of|' ded from his automobile in the court of the Mark Hopkins Hotel Wednesday was a tall, dignified man in a red uniform with golden epaulets, The French president greeted him with a hand- shake. "General, I'm not in com- mand here," stammered Jack O'Neill, who has been door- man at the hotel for 15 years. area are continuing te drop, Emergency Measures Co - ordi nator James McGrath said today. "The picture is much brighter --we have definitely passed the peak," he said. The main reservoir system of Buckhorn, Chemong and Pigeon Lakes, to the north, were down three inches from their weekend peak. The level of Lock 19, lowest in the city and controlling the level of Rice Lake 10 miles to the north, was down four inches from its peak of last week. Mr. McGrath said the reduc- tion in levels provides a margin of safety in the event of further flooding. It would take more than a half inch of rain to raise the "Long live Dr. Syngman Rhee|éSponsi --grandfather. Be a friend of the|frauds. waters to peak levels again. pecple forever," said a hastily| painted sign put up outside] ' Rhee's new home. { The old man waved and smiled occasionally at the crowds. 5 Rhee's or, Acting Presi- phia, may testify Friday. dent Huh Chung, meanwhile * 'CRUCIAL PLUNGE' was appointed March 17, 1959, by (basic work in a 11-year study of Labor Backs he medal 2 Bg Shatin wep Premier Frost shortly after the Safety A elation of Ontario at government refused to let Ot- DO ntly in Toronto {tawa, Owen Sound and Teck Mr. Rooney is employed by the Township fluoridate municipal McNamara Construction Co. Ltd. [Vater supplies. as road superintendent. On Aug.| Committee chairman is Mr. ust 14, 1960, Gerald Ballantyne,|Justice G. Morden of the Ontario 5) a feliow employee on a job at/ Supreme Court. Other m m Hamilton, Ontario, was leaning|are Dr. G. E. Hall, president of against a crane, The cable of the University of Western Ou- the crane slapped back against tario, and Mrs. Cameron McKen- a high tension wire carrying 2800, Ze, former reeve of Beaverton. volts. Ballantyne was knocked They will hold public hearings at out by the shock and was near/Queen's Park for most of next death when Mr. Rooney promptly Week. started resuscitation by the| Supporters of fluoridation con- Schafer prone pressure method. |tend the addition of sodium fluor- He was assisted by crane oper-|ide to drinking water sharply re- ator, Gerald Clark. duces the incidence of tooth de- It is due to Mr. Rooney's/cay among children. Opponents prompt action and knowledge that|say fluoridation is injurious to| Ballantyne survived. His citation health and constitutes public reads in part, "for the saving of medication. human life from death by sus- pension of normal breathing." [STIR AT NORTH BAY Mr, Rooney served in the army| The issue has caused many and was employed for a time by|harsh arguments throughout Can- Ontario Hydro. In both services|ada and raised a stir at North he learned how to apply artificial Bay in 1955. A fluoridation vote respiration methods, was taken by residents of that To use his own words, "We|City and was approved by a ma- used to take training periods|nOrity. and think it a lot of fun, but this| Faces were red and remarks time, it was no fun, but very flew when it was later learned useful. [the government had refused per- Mr. Rooney is married and|mission. has four children. The youngest] Mr. Frost gave the committee is four weeks old. pewer of a royal commission to inouire fully into fluoridation. He CITY EMERGENCY said he was anxious to find an an- PHONE NUMBERS swer to the problem but "to little is known of the long-term ef- fects." POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 "When all the evidence is in, the neople in their wisdom can make their choice," the premier |sa Stratford has been using natur- ally fuoridated water for Rell |children's teeth in these three On- |tario cities last year. They con- cluded that in the nine-to-14 age group fluoridation undoubtedly brought reductions in tooth decay. No injury to adult health oc- curred, the report said. | The study began in 1948 and in- volved more than 50,000 dental examinations of children. LATE NEWS FLASHES (Provincial Secretary Fined $200 TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, Ontario pro- vincial secretary, today was fined $200 with the option of 30 days in jail on a plea of guilty to failing to remain at the scene of an accident. The plea was entered before Magis- trate L. L. Prentice by lawyer Philip Isbister in the absence of Dr. Phillips, holidaying in Europe with his family. The minister's car struck one driven by Mrs. Bernard Swenzer at an intersection on downtown Yonge Street Jan. 27. Credit Squeeze Imposed In Britain LONDON (AP) -- The government imposed a long-ex- pected "credit squeeze on Britain's booming economy today. It restricted bank loans and the terms for instalment pur- chases. A minimum down payment of 20 per cent was im- posed on the purchase of goods such as cars, radios, televi- sion sets and kitchen equipment. Royal Dressmaker Insured LONDON (Reuters) -- Royal dressmaker Norman Hart- nell, busy designing the gown Princess Margaret will wear at her wedding, has secretly taken out an insurance policy for £2,000 in the event her marriage May 6 to Antony Armstrong- Jones is cancelled, it was reported today. Private TV Licences Approved OTTAWA (CP) Recommendations of the Board of Broadcest Governors for new private television station licences NEW PRESIDENT Jacques Simard of Preville, Que., has been elected presi- dent of the Community Plan- ning Association of Canada, it was announced today. --CP Wirephoto MONTREAL (CP)--In a bed- lam of boisterous zeal, Canada's labor movement has solidly sanc- tioned the creation of a new left- of-centre political party. With hardly a handful of oppon- ents, some 1,600 trade union offi- cials from across the country voted overwhelmingly Wednes- day night to give the Canadian Labor Congress a mandate to work with the CCF party toward the new party. The CCF is expected to add its formal support to labor's crucial plunge into direct political action when it meets later this summer in Regina, After that, a fi Third Party strike in West Virginia -- pro- claims with defiant fervor "for the union makes us strong." The halls were filled with al- most every kind of worker in Canada--hard-rock miners, fac- tory hands, railway men, bar tenders, airline stewardesses, truck drivers, lumberjacks, mill workers and others. ' About 25 delegates opposed the CLC move to create the new party and another 40 unionists-- all members of 30,000-member International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers--walked out of the debate. They contended the new party would be "detri- mental" to the advancement and tion of all interested parties--La- bor, CCF, farmers and othe "liberally-minded" people--is to be called, probably for early in 1961 in Ottawa, in time to get into the next federal election. Shouting, singing and cheering, the delegates to the week-long CLC national conference broke up their political action debate after a 3%-hour discussion. SENSE OF HISTORY There was a sense of history in the air, as they flung thou- sands of pieces of torn paper over their heads when the re- sults of the vote were evident. Delegates thumped each other's backs and broke into the anthem of the North American union movement Solidarity Forever. The militant tune -- written| in Montreal and Toronto have been approved by cabinet, Revenue Minister Nowlan announced today. of their union. They adopted a "position of neutrality" concerning the forma- tion of the new party and op- posed the use of their CLC dues to help any political group. MOST FAVOR Of the 36 speakers heard dur- ing the debate, 33 favored the new party, three opposed it and one did not take a stand. Some of the speakers waited more than half an hour in queues behind each of the six micro- phones scattered throughout the crowded hall before they got a turn to speak. Some spoke quietly, but most of them pierced the tense atmos- phere with loud, impassioned pleas on behalf of labor's right to enter politics, Many of the speakers blasted the present fed- Doorman Jack O'Neill stood | with hand on his hip and ap- | peared unconcerned as French President Charles deGaulle during a bitter 2315 coal mineleral government and its policies.) waved to crowd before step- OUTRANKED ping into limousine at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francis- co. The French leader received an enthusiastic welcome on his arrival and throughout the day Wa uled to fly for a visit Orleans, during the many activities plan- ned for him. After a visit in Palo Alto today he is sched- in New P Wirept