EE 3 i 4 £ 3 [ -~l Ajax Youth Held on Hit Run Charge AJAX (Staff) -- An Ajax youth has been eharged by Ajax police with auto theft, and by Toronto Metro police on a hit-and-run charge. Raymond Foster, 17, of Tulloch drive, Ajax, will appear in a Toronto court today on a charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident. Ajax police said a car was stol- en from the Ajax shopping cen- tre Wednesday afternoon. The li- cence number was circulated and Pickering police spotted the car at approximately 5 p.m, with of- ficers of the OPP. They arrested Foster, and later said notice was received from Metro police, ask- ing them to hold the car and driver as a hit-and-run suspect. Police said a pedestrian had been struck at West Hill and the driver had sped away. It was re- ported that the pedestrian was not seriously injured, according to hospital reports, but stitches in a recent operation wound were torn loose. tal board; and Harry Smith, manager of the campaign. In picture right is a partial view of the spacious banquet room. ~GM Photos | in the Hotel Genosha. At his left is William Holland, super- ! intendent of the hospital and secretary of the campaign; on Mr. Walker's left is Mr. T. L. | Wilson, chairman of the hospi- MR. E. H. WALKER, chair- man of the management com- mittee of the Oshawa General Hospital Campaign, is shown top left, as he addresses cam- | paign workers at a dinner held ~ The Osho Times "Varieties" Revue Set [SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960 PAGE SEVENTEEN Hydro Show | At URW Hall | Objective Set At 3 3 Oo 0 ' 0 0 0 Rew gone Sot More than 500 campaign work- balance sheet because of Mr. Wal-|tries were being canvassed by Showtime '60" in the UAW Audi:| ers for the Oshawa General Hos- ker and General Motors. the Ladies Auxiliary of Local| torjum last night, to share in the pital building fund are ready to| Terry Moore, campaign chair-|222 through their president, Mrs. | most recent ideas and imforma- 20. man for Whitby, made a special Alice Reardon, Mr. Branch said [tion regarding electrical living. | Wednesday night they had din-| point of thanking Mr, Walker for| The quota for the payroll de-|The final show will be presented ner in the Hotel Genosha, heard providing Wednesday's campaign duction campaign was $200,000. tonight. up to the minute reports from dinner. lhe said, It would be reached if 'Oshawa dealers had arranged | their campaign chairmen and re-| Nine campaign chairmen gave|each employee contributed $7 a|displays of the most modern ap-| ceived last minute briefing for the reports on the work of their com-|year or $21 over three years, | Pliances. Ontario Hydro and the campaign which starts Monday. mittees. amounting to a few cents a|Oshawa Public Utilities Commis-| Campaign chairman E, H, Wal-| Gwyn Kinsey. chairman of the month, sion arranged an enlightening| ker, said he had no doubt that| publicity committee, said that the| yo 0.0 tho Ochawa General [demonstration of the efficient use by'the end of the campaign|/work of his committee started Hospital have. already bible 12 which all the many electrical which must be raised by public |last September od Tiore than 60 ver: cent of. thelr helpers can be put. subscription the $850,000 for the, He reported that 25,000 bro objective Harry Smith manager | The sounds from dryers and| new addition will be obtained. |chures had gone to households in| =*p campaign reported 3 {mixers combined with the tangy T. L. Wilson, chairman of the|Oshawa and the district and as ©. _|aromas from the food demonstra-| board, said he had never before 45,000 small questionnaires and Mrs S. J. Nobbin, campaign tions by Miss Gwen Reed, en-| been associated with such effi- answers would be distributed. chairman _for the Women's Hos thused the large crowd. | cient campaign organization. The| . [pital Auxiliary, plédged the sum Members of the Oshawa Jay- board's luckiest day was when GOOD START of $25,000 on behalf of the aux- cettes, serving as hostesses, dis-| they approached Mr, Walker to Six stores, three downtown and iliary over the next three years. |: ibuted electrical-living pam-| be campaign chairman and he ac- three in the shopping centre, were She said that $5000 had been|phiets, and cook books to every- cepted Mi. Wilson said, displaying equipment needed by given already for the furnishing one in attendance. Through Mr. Walker, Mr, Wil. the Yospiisl for the addition, he|of the new hospital chapel. Winners of the numerous door son also thanked General Motors 52! of PRESENT REPORTS [rises provided by tie parlicival. Wendell Brewster, ) imi Walter Branch, chairman of Canada Limited. the payroll deduction told the nde e chairman|Jaycettes, included Mr Albert SPECIAL POINT campaign workers that he has associations' committee; John G.|Kinsman, Miss Carol Cameron, The hospital had not paid one discovered that he TERRY M. MOORE --Whitby Campaign Chairman has a $50 Geikie, industrial canvass com-|Mrg, Stella Hawkins, Miss Doreen dime for any of the meals, in-|smile. On the strength of his.pic-| mittee; E. Marks, professional Kennedy, Mrs. Christine White, cluding the 7.30 o'clock breakfasts|ture in the newspaper, a man groups; H. F. Millen, retail can-|Mrs. Sherkett; Mrs. Pellow, Miss when the board bers and|telephoned him and donated .$50./vass committee; Graham Coul-|Linda Mills, Mrs. Audrey Tuck- campaign workers had got to-| Thirty-five industries were re-|ter, special names committee; er, Mrs. Tindall. gether, he said. The campaign presented in the payroll dedue- all presented reports of their was able to start with a clean/tion committee. Smaller indus-|committees work to date. CELEBRATING | D. D. 0. Bell Confer Degrees Congratulations and best . . wishes to the following resi- | resi ent At Port Perry dents of Oshawa and district Of CAS PORT PERRY Blue Ray |bers were present to witness De- who are celebrating birth- days today: Alma Druean, General De- |Chapter, No. 238, OES, held its grees conferred on two candi- Jwery, bi vid _ [meeting in the Masonic Temple, dates. The work was carried out LOWE 4 South Myrtle; Anh D. D. 0. Bell, of Oshawa, was Queen street, with Associate Ma-|by the officers in charge. ward Johnson, Townline elected president o Je, oh: tron Adelia White, presiding in, Worthy Patron Leonard Col- dren's Aid Society o ae ounty the absence of Worthy Matron|bear gave a report on his visit to of Ontario and the City of Osh-| = ©"° An a Gr ia o : |awa at its annual meeting in St. Margaret Carnegie, reported in-ithe Grand Chapter held in the WALTER BRANCH ~Payroll Deductions Committee Chairman South; A. D. McGillivray, 217 Albert street; Frank Bray, RR Oshawa; Dorothy Andrew's United Church Wednes- disposed. She was assisted by the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, in| [Fay night. He succeeds J. v. | Worthy Patron Leonard Colbear. March | Several officers were absept Among many past matrons and Sykes, 695 Glengrove avenue; Mary Bajorek, 210 Highland Saunders, of Oshawa. ! | Other officers of the society owing to ill health and their sta- patrons of Blue Ray welcomed hon- [tions were filled by Past Ma-|were Myrtle Palmer, Helen Col- avenue; Tommy Parker, RR 3, Oshawa; Joan Taylor, 71 | Arlington avenue; Carol Jen- are: H. P. Schell, Oshawa, ) nings, RR 3, Oshawa; Deb- lorary president; Mrs. T. H. trons Ethel Nottingham and Mar- bear, Mabel Chapman, Jessiel pia Mark. 315 Highland ave- | Everson, Oshawa, honorary vice- garet Jeffrey, Minnie Brignall,|Espie, Margaret Cornish, Ethel nue; Irene Brabin, 639 Taylor | president; N. S. McFadyen, Osh- Doreen Butson and Past Patron Nottingham, Margaret Jeffrey, y awa, honorary treasurer; Neil James Sandison. Marion Sandison, Margaret Hood, MRS. S. J. NOBBIN |C. Fraser, QC, Oshawa, honorary 'It was announced that a draw Elgin Hutchinson, James Sandi- son and Leonard Colbear --Women's Hospital Auxiliary Chairman For Donevan Students at the Dr. F. J. Done- van Collegiate will produce their annual show Friday night. Titled "Varieties of 1960"', the show should have something to please everyone. The curtains of the auditorium stage of the school will go up at 8.30. "Varieties of 1960" get their theme, for most part, from the 'twenties, The producer of the show is J. Kraemer, one of the teachers. There will be one short play "The Happy Journey" produced by E. F. Donald, one of the staff members. The setting: an auto- | mobile trip in the 'twenties. | The variety acts follow the |play. Background for them: the 13 Applications Are Examined Committee of Adjustment ex- the board from handing down de- amined 13 applications Wednes-| cisions in some cases and pointed day night, granting six-and hold-|up the urgency of having a five- ing over four until the May meet- man bocrd, from which three ing. Three cases were previously| men can always be obtained for approved at public hearings. the hearings. Committee chairman Louis| (Two extra men have been ap- Hyman and member F. M. Mc- pointed to the committee but Lellan heard the cases, Absence|sanction has yet to come from of the third member prevented, the minister of planning and de- Welfare Bo ard ans Items In Brief Five area homeowners appear-|«wenties, or to be more exact, a ed in opposition to Mrs. R. Jay's| speakeasy in the 'twenties, application to finish a partially There will be a line of Charle- completed basement in her home, | 0 girls, the dancer Jeannie Kel- for the purpose of renting it. ler, who recently won the solo Gross costs of relief in Oshawa| This would make her home ajo dni" at the inter-school talent in March were $16,963.46 as com- pared with $15,703.37 for March 1959. Net costs to the city were expenses shareable by city, prov- ince and federal government. one and one-half storey dwelling| isnt held at the O'Neill Colleg- which requires five foot side-|jate and Vocational Institute, will yards. Mrs. Jay's property is 11l4q, a gypsy dance. There will be inches short of the required|, group of singers as well as a width on one side of her house. | soloist, and a piano solo by Mar- Those opposing the application garet Dominik, a student who acknowledged that the lansdowne |has given several performances |drive area, being gis R2B, al-|in public. lows multi-family dwellings, bul| the Donevan band will provide they wanted the bylaw held to|myusic and a drill team gd the letter in the area. in an at-|giers reminiscent of the First W. J. Naylor and Miss L.|tempt to keep popuation down|World War will do a marching |Wighton will represent the Osh-|and reduce traffic. demonstration. . lawa Welfare Board at the On.| (Anything up to five-plexes are| Aq the 'show will be on Friday |tario Welfare Convention in To-|allowed in the area if frontage|pnight only, the public is advised {ronto, May 17 to 19 inclusive, (and area requirements are met.) so be early. Te application yas Bllowed, elfar dministrator H.| Glecoff Ltd, 260 Eulalie ave-| . . escbrough wil attend War-Time Officer | Dies At Sunnybrook Unemployables and employ- lables on welfare durine March |totalled 546. March, 1959, totals |were 61 lower at 485. |tario Welfare Officers gathering |to use two adjacent lots for store at Hamilton on June 13 to 15.|parking lots, This involves an ex- |tension of commercial use of land The Board agreed to accept/info a residential zone. 4 anti assur Warren Buckeley ork from the Federal govern- wanting to assure themselves Douglas Tent. The pork will be distributed that the only use allowed for the| Walker, 72, commander of the {to needy families by H. W. Mc-|lots would be parking. 64th Battery, Royal Canadian Neil, Simcoe Hall director, and| A suggestion from the loca!|Artillery during the First World {owner erect a cement block brook Hospital. The board unanimously agreed building (on part of the proposed| Born in Guelph, Col. Walker to send two resolutions to the On-| Parking lot) for garbage storage graduated from Kingston's Royal tario Welfare Officers meeting Was not opposed by those pres-|Military College in 1909. He re- |resolutions would go to the On-| The committee gave its approv-| Guelph, took his men overseas, |tario Mayors and Reeves Con-|al, subject to regulations set by | Was wounded and awarded the |ference; if adopted there, they the health board. Croix de Guerre. He had lived in Toronto for the |vincial government. One urges west, was granted permission to | |the Ontario Hospital Services build a house with inadequate department of highways. |Commission to amend its Act so|frontage and area. | His survivors include three sis- that all employers with five or] M. Gordanier, Bruce street, ters, among them Agnes Walker |ed to insure their workers. {ond dwelling unit on a lot with|cluding Kenneth of Guelph. The other recommends that the inadequate frontage and area. |-- | Ontario department of public wel.| An application by E. and L.| » |fare institute a means test so that Perry, Grierson street, to erect] Plan Fun Fair |scription medicines without cost. side lot, was granted. prs D | At Dunbarton Chesebrough will attend the On-|nue, was granted an application 100 cases of free Canadian canned| Nearby residents appeared, "TORONTO (CP) -- It. - Col. Mr. Chesebrough. |board of health that the store|War, died Wednesday at Sunny- in Hamilton. If adopted there, the|ent. lcruited the 64th Battery in would be presented to the pro-| Mrs. M. Christy, Rossland road last 20 years, employed by the more employees will be compell-| will be able to complete a sec-(of Guelph and three brothers in- those on welfare may receive pre-|a garage, leaving an inadequate Declines in the number of chil dren number through ing the year Barnard Lewis, annual meeting Aid Society 1 County and the Cily of Osi a in St Andrew's United Church Wednes day night Mr. Le commun that in take 96 c the societ children own parents fifty-two families children, were assist troubles Increasin were heing by munity and ciety to help ties, affectin 155 IN It wa children in be end of the 170 at the sz year. In under the ca Eight children ing home; 85 93 n hoa : home of families protection service were reported director, at » Children's vis commented that the be concerned was necessary to of time 43 1ed to their hundred and uding 777 vith their demands the com on the ) amily difficul ty d 59 1 t n into the the care Gordon s t; Mary Ann Mitchell, Oxford street; Dr. I. J Metcalfe, Oshawa; ling by the Ways and Means Com-| Cyril Morley, Pickering and Mrs. mittee, A report was also made | Farewell was given by Past Ma-| Vista. Marion Sandison, after The first five persons to in- [} |dents; Fewer ( hildren secretary; F. A. Melivean, og It was agreed to cater to a|refreshment committee convened Bays od au By wedding in May and plans were|by Ethel Nottingham, PM. The| receive double tickets to The ByDe, Usiawd, Divs D 0 Regent Theatre, good for a Board In Homes |Mrs. David Donaldson and David Donaldson, Plckering Township: erved over the age of 18 vears son, Whitby; Mrs, J. E. Harris, | dur-. The report showed that the Oshawa; Gordon D. Hepditch,| hundred and fifty - four unmar-'A. C. McKenzie, Beaverton; ried mothers were assisted last Frank Meagher, Oshawa; Dr. had 160 such cases open at the ering; Mrs. C. C. Murty, Osh- end of the year awa; W. Noble, Oshawa; H. Peel, cases, 57 divorces as well as 124 awa; Mrs, R. E. Sims, Whitby, ther instances during the year; and T. D. Thomas, 80 Harris avenue; Peter Hrehoruk, 808 solicitor, {will be made at the June meet- George Mitchell, 565 Oxford At the close of the meeting the| street: Fred Jones, 208 Beuna (€ Lee, Oshawa, vice presi-ion the Easter cheer distributed|tron Stanley Mason, Oshawa, py the benevolent committee. |which lunch was served by the| form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will discussed for a bowling party, door prize was won by Alice The directors are: D. Thomas. |{Bell, H. M. Cranfield, Oshawa; wardships were terminated and Rev. Paul Dwyer, Oshawa: Neil and the four wardships were extended Fraser, QC, Oshawa; Lloyd Gib- by problem of unmarried parents Pickering; C. S. Lee, Oshawa; the is becoming more serious. One F. A. Mcllveen, Oshawa; Mrs. veai. This compared with 140 in IL J. Metcalfe, Oshawa; John 1958 and 136 in 1957. The society Mills, Ajax; Cyril Morley, Pick- The society also gave its ser- Port Perry; George L. Roberts, vice in three family allowance Oshawa; J. V. Saunders, Osh- street, Oshawa, . FINANCIAL REPORT County council representatives: ame The report of the treasurer Wiliam A. Heron, Brooklin; showed revenue during the year G. W. Everett Qunatrill, Whitby amounted to $176,688.85. Expen- and W. G. Manning, Whitby. ditures totalled $173,087.99 to City council representatives eave an operating surplus of Alderman Christine Thomas,| $3600.86 A. H. Murdoch and Gordon Atter Revenue included $68,308 41 sley. from the County of Ontario: $51,-| Ministerial made ents f par with dre shy en Association BOARDING HOMES shown there were | cei wage homes ba mes tion ) n n and institu- of the Mot of Mar yildre e laced in adoption during the vea compared with 69 dur vious 3 and 49 in 1 four ren vately GUARDIANSHIPS Nineteen new permar dianships were anted courts during t tion 18 ary Forty ships were rene ships were terminated 546.42 from other municipal- Oshawa. : ties; $10,489 from other so-| Auditors -- Britnell and Moore, cieties; $116 in respect of Chartered Accountants, Oshawa. the previous wards over 18 years and $148.23 i children were for detention services. the society Grants for services to families Veteran GM were i le Te- and children in their own homes 2 free and and to unmarried parents in- hod adaont cluded $5400 from the county: | Ww k R t 12 in $4400 from Oshawa: $5308.45 i orkers neur the Greater Oshawa Community| Six veteran employees Chest arid $400 from the Depart- Oshawa plant of General "ment of Indian Affairs of Canada, with a total Expenditures for children in vears' service, retired on _|care totalled $145,621.17 amount $59,564.71 was for board; |leisure are: $16,644.31 for clothing: $1 84 for residence costs; $7504.27 for maintenance, 34 years: William -/medical and dental care; $3170.31 {, Campbell, office building ser-| the for sundry expenses and $41,303.- vices, 34 vears: In addi- for administration. brini, north plant tempor-| A total of $27,466.82 was also "3 vears:; James A, McNab ranted. spent for services to families and finish, chassis plant, 32 years; / ) en in r own homes; un- bert E. Reid, materia' h: > year Ls permane om guardianships 1 ed. Thirts V - married parents, divorce and 33 years and Frank Sturch, and four family allowance reports. [sul ors|' 206 : : liers Of this|1, The men now enjoying their Hooves Charles Baker, south plant, Giuseppe Feb-| hy maintenance, | England, under the convenership of Mar- garet Jeffrey, PM, to be held in the near future The annual church service will be held in the Metropolitan Unit ed Church, Toronto, May 15. A donation was received by the Chapter from Nance Moore, PD-|" DGM, one of the honorary mem- bers of Blue Ray, and a donation was made to the local hospital auxiliary. DEGREES CONFERRED A large representation of mem- Plan Recital Choir, Organ Selections The choir and organist of St.| Andrew's United Church will pre next Monday. The organ selections to be play- ed by Kelvin James will include | Fletcher; Suite in E flat Harmonies du by Sigrid Karg-Elert and The choir selections include {God Save the Queen, arranged by Sir Ernest MacMillan; Flocks in Pastures Green Abiding by J. Bach; the Crimond arrange- Stanford; arranged A La Claire Fontaine, City The Galway Piper, Fletcher; The Edward arranged Yeomen of German ;| Lord Has n {May 4, at 8 p.m. in the Union| | Hall (mM 'Businessman . ment of the 23rd Psalm; Te] TORONTO (CP) -- Deum Laudamus by Charles Vil- businessman warned Wednesday|Who heads a Progressive Con- Called that "Canada is going to be in|Servative administration, said in Several members attended the special event held at West Hill Chapter and a carload went to the luncheon and demonstration held at Markham Chapter re- four-week period. The current attraction is "The Gazebo'. Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. By IVY THOMPSON DUNBARTON -- Vaughan Wil- lard Home and School Associa- tion will play host to the area residents Saturday next, at a fun fare. There will be home baking | cently 3 Oshawa Svmpho 'Plans Concert The Oshawa Symphony Orch- estra will present its second con- cert of the season Wednesday, | ny Auditorium, Bond street east. | The concert will be assisted by! Elsie Drygala, soprano, who will sing two groups of songs. She will be accompanied by James ayhew, The symphony's conductor, J. Francis, has chosen the fol lowing interesting numbers \ |B F lel ly for|* repre- sent a recital of choral and organ'the concert: : music in the church a 15 179.08 from the Cily of Oshawa: sentative: Rev. John K. Moffat, | sic in the church at 8:15 p.m. Overture, The Mery Wives of Q | Windsor, Nicolal; variations, Folk| Union Tunes and Fiddle Dance by| | Mendelssohn; and symphon Londo 7 of! tio Gives Warning to by Burleigh:|trouble during the next 10 years|Fredericton arranged if we continue to have guaran-|of that province "won't have long y Saar, with Joan Claus as|teed annual increases in wages/to wait" to find out the date of soloist, | and salaries along with shorter th work weeks." M. O. Simpson Jr., president of |year ; .d Limited, |Canada's only CCF Seventy-six Trombones from the was reporting to the annual meet-|is Music Man and O Rejoice That ing on the voluntary liquidation the Combined Enterprises Gutta Rubber Limited. and th wi Percha centred on June Joy Mas last Thursday of the company's|as likely dates. The election i In-\cagno, with Belty Storie as sol- subsidiary, spection, north plant, 40 years. oist. -- 2 Provinces This Summer By THE CANADIAN PRESS General elections are this summer, government, that ritish Columbia, also may se ectoral approval before ek ear is out. Premier Barrette announced in|le uebec City Wednesday that hi Nationale y|June 22, te from "The Music: for the Holst; The Wedding March by | Royal Fireworks; - Soir Variations de Concert by Joseph Bonnet. Premier Stanfield of Nova Sco- y, The|tia announced Tuesday that his| n, No. 104 IND, by Haydn. Progressive Conservative gov- " ernment will go to the polls June looking for a second term in fice after 23 years in opposi- on. New Brunswick also is expected have a general election during | A Toronto |the summer. Premier Flemming, Wednesday citizens e next provincial election. An election is expected . this in Saskatchewan, where government Speculation has 15 or June 22 in at province must be held on a ednesday. in power. sched-| strycture--from radio. Its mater- uled for two of Canada's 10 prov-|; inces in June and two others are |expected ctec A fifth|tjon pictures. Its great stars, ifjand even good produc provincial of | they didn't come into TV with big the had their basic training there. administration |samer product ) will seek another term in office/and attuned to the times that a TV-RADIO COLUMN Little Creativity Shown es ah p2hroB In TV Entertainment wisi ws | The Home and School Asso- . : |ciation is sponsoring the event to on Comedy, with Herb raise funds for school projects. s--i---- AUXILIARY MEETS It was an enchanting idea: Set| The On-We-Go Auxiliary held talented French entertainers in|its April meeting at the church the. middle of Paris-in-the-spring Tuesday. The Pickering Senior |scenes and let them perform for{and Junior Women's Associa- [American television. That was tion and the Dunbarton WA were | Wednesday night's ABC Invita- among the guests. [tion to Paris special, but it| Mrs, Melba McKay was speak- missed the mark. The rather dis- er and showed the book which she jointed show lacked gloss, gaiety has been preparing in connection tion in with the new museum for the {spite of Maurice Chevalier and Pickering Township Historical So- France. ciety. {PERSONALS J. Cropley and son, Jon, spent part of the Easter holiday visite ing Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Annis. (Great Lakes - Oil R g Mr and Mes E |0il Reserves | pickers Fortec Sc: ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.' (AP)--|the home of Mr and Mrs. Ger- y Ponan of Clarkson. Bld Cowan, Rosebank, Tuesday. PRD lel 0 it tom . .» consultant in offshore oil" Christine Thompson - returned ne ot "he "hig driliing_ operations, told a meet- home Saturday after spending the lones have retired--or been re- IN8 Of 2,500 scientists Wednesday holidays in Gananoque with her Fruity . offshore drilling in the Great|grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. J. ed--victims of over-exposure or yo» 0 ares oo Tot | Pay {tired material. L area may yield great/Payton. : quantities of oil and gas, | Mrs, Albert Harris drove E. G. Dorothy Loudon, one of the sea-| "Donnan told a joint meeting of|Code and Mrs. Etta Stewart home son's few bright, funny finds, sus. the American Association of|from London Sunday. ects she kiows the reason for petroleum Geologists and the So-| Margaret Harris of Long |the sad plight. : ciety of Economic Paleontologists|Branch spent the Easter holidays "The main trouble is in pro- and Mineralogists that all of the|with her grandmother, Mrs. Har- duction and direction," she in- Great Lakes with the excention|riet Harris of Sprucehill road, sists. "Everybody is so nervous|of Lake Superior are potentiall Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis and they never want to give you sources of new oil reserves. visited Doug Willis in Toronto enough time to set anything up| Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair Saturday. properly. Even in a night club have so far been the centre ofl Mr. and Mrs. George Watson you have 30 or 35 minutes. You|offshore 'drilling activity, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Cameron can start slowly and build, carry- Lake Huron will be explored Watson Sunday. ing the audience along with you. soon. | Marylyn Ravey left for Halifax In television they give you three Other experts said gas in mno- last week minutes or five minutes and ex- table although not vet com=--~.| Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Ot- pect you to have everybody cial quantities has been found in tawa visited their son, George screaming." several wells drilled in the St.|Lawrence and family Wednes- Dorothy stars tonight in CBS' Lawrence lowlands, ¢gion, day. By CYNTHIA LOWRY | Accent NEW YORK (AP)--One of the Shriner. curious aspects of television: Al- though it is basically concerned with entertainment, it has shown |little creativity in the theatrical areas. TV borrowed the form -- the time schedules and commercial ial and dramatic forms come |largely from Broadway and mo- stage or movie names, at least | Perhaps one of the big prob- ms of the medium is the de- of a comedy, a gos- often so topical velopment | month-old . quip is as dated as | yesterday's newspaper. | TV eats up comedians almost |