IE RR aR Le i ll Ee Sat Sa Ain. #, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1960 13% Articles suitable for the CGIT Hubbard are sp a AT BLACKS 0 BURKETON le a iy with ig in on Besmosy a fone Justus isctive April L. R. Argue on Mrs. J. A. Turn- ne: Fa, 29, 30. We reserve the right bull. an | Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer 2 to limit quontities. C q By A. R. HUBBARD : u I Sund a1 Mrs, Harold Larmer visited/and girls oshawa, were guests Oo ple ete be a Mey 2. TY WC |Mr. and Mrs. Kenveth Larmer,|of Mrs. E. Bryan Sunday. Burketon WA will meet May|Peterborough. | : Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker, Skilled tecnmicians perform an hbors 12 at 220 p.m. in the Chureb. Janetville, were Sunday guests of average of 273 laboratory tests Y e1g help start a ball club, The Cancer Mr. and ME. Geurge Alsen, [each Say at the Oshawa Gener: P aba | Lynda Slinger! a en| Hospital. By MRS. R. C. HILL and chairs and miscellaneous Fund will receive $25. . R. C. BLACKSTOCK -- Friends and|gifts to the couple. oo ete made for ealising relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Fred! Dancing followed to the music| Jae Pol iio Mv ge Dayes gathered to help cele-|provided by the ABC boys, assist-| and Somes A brate the 25th anniversary ofled by Jimmy Hutchison, Roy spring their marriage in the Community| Ashton, Bryce and Blaine Adams. yp MEETING hall Friday. Friends were present from To-| The April meeting of 8t. John's Rev. P. Romeril acted a8|ronto, Orono, Oshawa, Bowman-WA was held in the parish hall chairman and paid tribute to the|y i1]le, Hampton, Enniskillen, | Thursday with Mrs. Scott con- oe crodkling ork fine influence of the Dayes fam- Lindsay and local communities. ducting devotions. Ing cnsp, fly on the community. It was reported that the work| featherlight and i and AUXILIARY MEETS the rectory bathroom is com-| flakier because Bryce and Blaine Adams and The Mothers' Auxiliary met rs ory Clifford Dayes presented must Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Scott was a they're P : ppointed dele- eal numbers, and Mrs. Marwood 4 When 1 was Te: Mrs, Sco d dele | " Mckee gave a readivg. ported that $36 was realized from |§5ie 10 the annual wweling AQUAFLAKED Mrs. Lorne Thompson Played the booth at the Institute bazaar.|" wc" Burnett of Toronto is to & baking proce a piano solo, and Mrs. Allan Final plans were made for the speak and show slides on Africa ind» Beacolk Save 8 Tending Sylvia father and son banquet. Next|at the next meeting, May 19. xclusive fo. . . Marilyn Stinson até oo fimeeting will be held at the home| Mabel Van Camp will be the Lawrescs gave a e i of Edith McLaughlin May 18. speaker and Mrs. Gilbert Mar. D 3 V i res a 3 a , pres. The ONO met at the home of|low will show pictu Paiva Dore made tie es Florence Collins Thursday when/to Bermuda at the May 14 meet- ag chair, a chrome table/it was decided to donate $25 to'ing. Home Delivery Readers of The TORONTO DAILY STAR con get "40,000.00 BRITISH PACIFIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACCIDENT INSURANCE This is the most outstanding insurance offer ever made by a time. .. at work, at home or at play. Take advantage of this daily newspaper to its readers. Accidents can happen at any amazing new insurance offer... mail your application today. 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