DCR AND OR TERA TR mie i | Thursdey, April 28, 1960 | (on foam rubber in the winter nor|through, Most foam rubber mat- COSTLY BANANAS een | FOS BRU er attresses t heat in the summer, If a sleeper|tresses on the market have an| MONTREAL (CP) -- A banana found it unduly warm in the sum- area of more concentrated rubber|tree grown at the botany depart. ' mer a quilted pad under the bot- iu the centre where there is the/ment of McGill University has] Man lL nawuniil S MAIL As Lon As Hi h-Price S rin a tom sheet would in most cases ofl- greatest concentration of body produced a bunch of the fruit, A) g g P g set this effect, weight, with sections of more/spokesman said "our bananas op ' . Foam rubber mattresses do not open foam at either end, [taste very good," but cost was Left Out Of Husband S Will | Spring mattresses come In a(port, plus the limited tests made need to be turned to distribute wee | estimated at up to $3 per banana. |wide range of prices, since they|by a large independent American|the wear, and for consumers who CHILDREN'S POSTERS -- meena me -- |are of a rather complicated con-|consumer testing laboratory, in- are willing to give up this chore, sein . | we I H t : k struction, and many "short cuts" |dicate that the wear life of a|there are non-reversible slabs MONTREAL (CP) -- A poster| TORT or ENCE, y er Y atron S ear SIC can be taken to cheapen thel/foam rubber mattress is at least| made, It is possible to get various contest sponsored by the SPCA tear iNT0 Baviovie svi J lower priced lines, In the case of as long as a good spring one and degrees of firmness in a foam among Montreal schoolchildren prised when a woman handed| For the rest. 1 can't imagine|foam rubber only a reduction in probably longer, When the cover-|rubber mattress. The firmest one grey 1511 entri I encod 'ak the amount of Rubber Sold be Uf $00" on 8 WDFng mative s 20 Que 0.6m 48 Hs OUD. es "very "sess ese um hee 8, payment fo refund on her 1959 income tax. Dear Mary Haworth: My hus band and | are in our 60s We|what legal steps married less than 10 years ago|to cancel the will during your used as a cheapening device: (about 20 years), even If nothing terpart in a spring mattress, but main winoers and this is second marriage for|hushand's life, Action of that sort Canada has standards for else has given before this, thelcan be made firmer by using 8 -- both of us {has to wait until the will is be-|foams, and any mattress sold springs can come loose and it isboard under it. George has children by his|ing probated must conform to them, This nearly Impossible to repair. | In fact, as an economy tip, | first wife, who are grown and| But one thing sure: any good means that there is very little Whereas with foam rubber, the|yoy like a firm mattress you can | married and financially able to wife would feel cut to the heart|price range in foam rubber andislab can be recovered and the| use a foam rubber one set on a one («| ] ks be self-supporting. But dad 8|by such a document; and George|that it is in line with the most| rubber is apparently not deterior-|non.resilient base, like plywood, ® such a comfortable convenient|ought to know how he has hurt|expensive spring mattresses. ated, rather than on an expensive box i " prop that they lean heavily; tolyou--quite aside from the money| Use experience in some private, Most users report that there is zpring. You should drill holes in Count your savings in CASH and 'NOT in Stamps or the gutent hat | am shilged to angle ob i Suoutd homes, and in ope hospital re-'no unpleasant feeling of coldnessithe wood, to allow air to pass| dust collecting premiums most of which you never use wash, mend clean a speal --- | rer n-------------------------- w-- ---- nm -- ot ------ ------------------ 4 $ | { meals at any hour, to keep dad ea and no more--about the 50-| itd dow t ohier trinkets or MIRRORS, BUT SAVINGS i in shape to help them |clal and sentimental injustice IMPORTED LADIES' MIG-FAB work as a wage earner, and €on-| sary Haworth onl ' I | tinued for a time after we mar: gy ough her column, not by mail 1 | ried; until in my absence things | op personal interview, Write Ber ; " | here at home got ahead of me, |jn care of this newspaper. | and 1 wag obliged to retire to wn ao------] ' LA | BUY MOTHER'S DAY CARDS BETTER BE NICE nis mond on't have a roof over my and one tablespoon p'ckle relis al % A Re afer oh : LADIES' PANTIES who di up the will (who is|fashion, Secure the rolls gith V4 the ni things and keen q y \ There are aland social tech- ® WM BB EB BBE B® J MIRACLE WHIP ne §7¢ | PANTIES 1 pa ers with another . Month-End Clearance REG. 75¢ 32.03 juopardised, eves wien MAZOLA OIL sonte 09° ) tee mn ele bh clients who retain his g PRICED COMPLETE das oa ? ; > { trust his characte ha F i b REG. 45¢ 64.0z. ret : s JAVEX BLEACH or 38° I am not complaining. George Here is a recipe for miniature PER RK NOW ON SALE RL I wo EE I I Ree ole --- 7 9 95 | Burns SHORTENING ih. Ale 49+ pair nicalities and sentimental factor g -- n " | that play an important part ir y | Jor | 1H. Shop CHERNEY"S | NEW "CONSTELLATION FRESH CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE ose rights supposedly fii? NG ~-- 4 gon WA | GEM MARGARINE : A WITH y & J Pre-shrunk, fine colors. 16 a grand man to mes but his pinwheel hors d'oeuvres that can and now he has made a will Inyo 0iables, juice, salads or cock "The Family Food Market" head if e die betore me 1|Spread this mixture on the bread astiamed of it before my friends, | Just before serving, cut the ro ¥ Z = NEW 1960 MODEL justice But which should Special wt Mga de, and decline to} gy and agn I >, . loreovi m nderstand 4 ATTACHMENTS 4 ! t timate widow ean- a . . y ( , y | lisinh d of her do Y 3 bili 4 4 Sil # i "A" LARGE Cc rig ne-third share, ap- You Save $30! w g : 1 49 h proximately) in her hushand's in | ------ DOZEN § eac Always 1 have been able to|done you children come first in every way; be made In minutes to serve with 4 ; ¢ |% / zo heir iy FOF Dy 1 i y kept atier tails, Trim the crusts from 12 AL > I gue. 1 soon can draw a social slices of bread, - then combine « , . LACE EDGE security pension and won't need six slices of liverwurst with a h 3 NR 174 Ritson Road S. ---- Oshawa 4 four oz, package cream cheese . h MA a OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10:00 P.M I FANCY PRINTS Me " ; En H M. I vo tt nte ti but the lawyer slices and roll-up, J ibl . I onverfible Look At These Food Bargains many of whom think I have done into one-half inch slices, You will = ml than my share have about three dozen, = INTRODUCTORY PRICE FIRST What do you think of all this? | - GRADE Should I take legal steps? Or do ' 0 } stress? 1 feel defrauded PR.» y | Model 861 Des ?, R.: sn' stomary | I ri " } i ar TOMORROW | A 2.01. White eng Coens Es a nis ANDSAT, | [CS | wavs 4 fOr 9 $C confidentia ie I | p) bef 7 I 4 - oe | \ 3) 3 97+ [ 8 ¢ opardized, even when m ¢ ry Ends Soturday! | ; pair } } | 0 ; oa leg Jy hu: i rl | 7% \ tate ss of technical at artes [0 enero ur on hie SO Ao he , BALL POINT PENS *"™ , 9¢| partie SCOre sibly there are 100% WOOL nuance 0 law nd loophole 5 " This is a new model at a big $30 saving. y i n { having | vith so - called : i { ; is powerful and efficient and actually / ely f Breakfast Club | "real" as ersu personal loats on air--no tugging, no lifting » Frosh | property, ete., that might be in ™ comes complete with a set of cleaning oy i 1.00 Weekly J Wie 'Groura B BY BOOTIE rug and bare floor . ! LB. A voked to leave her out in the tools, combination ' nozzle and is equipped with a big dispos- We BEST TO AIR GRIEVANCE able dirt bag and double stretch hose. PORK SIDE SPARERIBS . Since the picture you paint go Why not order yours today and be pree : 79+ pair seems to be out of line with o . Help him grow tall as | pared for spring cleaning, | New dinars | : J os honorable a his Dad with Blue Bonnet | Brunswick exact information, from disin Margarine. Good for | 305. { terested irces, about inherit. ® y growth betaine is ol | LIBBY'S FROZEN -- REG. 39¢ ance provisions in your jurisdic. g . tion vegetable. Famous for Ih ¢ j Fy pees th ), o 0.4 STRAWBERRIES | NS country-fresh, sunny-sweet Beautiful assortment. Manufacturer's Clearance. there is one in your town. Or the office of the judge of the pro . flavor. Buy It in the handy [7 . , q 3 4 1 00 bate court: or the office of t e cour . pkgs. or i. 2,00 and 3.00 Values judge of the county common g Yellow Quik package. A . 3 : ol ROSEDALE 14.0Z, TINS pleas court. Here, either the judge or the clerk of courts (in ® p 4 each case) should be able and w ue Corn Whole Kernel ¢ villing to give a clarifying state. . v eac ment concerning the usual! find B t 4 Gerben, ae regards w AD OTAINE 8 tins for 1.00 widow' nheritance status y whether she has certain basic ® MARGARINE \ : hts; or is CIGARETTES Popular Brands c.....3.05 | FOR BOYS OR GIRLS -- NEW UNBREAKABLE nal [i subject ® to the w ihthey pumananS FOIL WRAP OR ha. ce - ere ion ' -- " : _._ - WAX PAPER 4 vo «1.00 GOLF CLUB AND BALL SET COTTAGE : Th : | | TOILET TISSUE 8 un 49c¢ Large 4" Dia. Ball. Non Slip Handle.' DR RET SUE a Canada's Best Red & 98° sel DHAT C° | [2S Blue Brand Beet PHOLSTERING SPECIAL! RCH coc oasts 6o- GOLF SET LIMITED OFFER i BACK BACON » 39¢ © 3 STEEL SHAFT CLUBS TO EVERY CUSTOMER Have your suite covered later if you wish but order now ® 2 BALLS and be assured of he HI] EXTRA LEAN, SLICED THIN A 5 Piece Cooey Metal A Handsome 5 Piece Metal : ; COOKED HAM 1-18, 79 ® 1 PLAST!" CARRYING CASE BRIDGE SET BRIDGE SET i hs SLICED BREAKFAST LEAN ho 3 95 sel FR E E i OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31st ity BACON 2 « 69° : " . a | nds of chance LEAN -- MINCED EVERY HOUR For a limited time only, Oshawa Upholstering Co. are Beef HAMBURG STEAK 3 Ibs. 1.00 mre gc Ne os | rom Ulsi 3-PC | PORK SPARERIBS 3.25) at Our ] COST you receive a beautiful S-piece folding metal BRIDGE SET in your choice of color, Take advantoge f this great offer. Order now . , . have your suite \ Th FRESH overed later if you wish, S i PORK HOCKS 5 Ibs. 1.00 \ See our 72 Food display of self-serve meats DELICATESSEN PE ? ; SUITE om Choice Fruits & Vegetables LUNCHEONETTE || White MUSHROOMS » 49° Payment : 8 ES Pr RECOVERED pa ly hs a i 3 " | Until em." 4 dy Tad TOMATOES ™**"™™ be 106 BUTTER PEC AN Duich Set ONIONS , 29¢ 2, 55° o ey OSHAWA [wi iivsms 12, 10 CAKE FRESH IN . .. ROSE BUSHES AND SHRUBS ! NEW SPRING wins WL FABRICS bkige ERR GER UPHOLSTERING CO. Baby O-TIPS "© ** .. 20¢ WITH BUTTER PECAN cing i. our omilion i fg 10 BOND ST. W. RA 5-0311 | ALKA SELTZER %% 29¢ %:.50¢| New = you must try this call and give you @ / \ : " I free estimate | . FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY . Epping £6. 76 hoe adi Tp Mg 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE [IV BABY POWDER *™ ™ rie 60° | 99c each Free Delivery on Orders of 10.00 and over SHOP & SAVE AT GLECOFF'S || open FriDay mGHT TILL 9 P.M. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 P.M.