DIL SE Ey 3 roves SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.|August, in St. Matthew's Angli ] |Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary| The next meeting will be held or § |was GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES subjects pertaining to govern. {ments and their work. Mrs. Victor Pratt thanked the |speaker and presented her with The April 72nd|can Church on Hoskin avenue. meeting of the | Mat-|May 17 and a pot luck lunch will Ar-|be served. held rece S Mrs. 'will be Mr, |a memento from the Jayceltes, A letter from the Ontario liai- |son officer, Mrs. C, Collins, was {read by Mrs. Donald Lowe. The meeting was then turned Representatives to annual OARC conference in Hamilton Robert Shorten, Mr Richard Doyle, Mrs. Douglas| Harman, Mrs. Wa vision, Miss Grace Kennedy showea station situated near the Belgian Congo in Africa, Miss Kennedy also stated that. Miss Ruby Wal. ker, regional secretary for the synod of Toronto and Kingston youd meet with the group on May slides on the Mutanda missionary! ---- Nickerson Britton, Mrs, Gerald Barrow, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1960 © and Mrs Jiesd Refreshments were served by| Fred Garrard and Mrs, RUNDLE PARK AUX, CRUSTY BREAD When you take freshly baked {bread or rolls from the oven, take {them out of the pans at once, This. keeps moisture from con- |densing and spoiling the erisp- i |thew's Ang Hoy Church. | mover to the entertainment chair- |thur Davey, vice-president, pre- Refreshments were served by Mrs. George Wilson, man, Mrs, Grant Reeve, who The closing prayer was offered | The Rundle Park Ladies' Aux-{ness of the erust. Set loaves of by Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Re-|jliary held its regular meeting in bread on cooling rack or across "TO LIVE IN BROOKLIN Pictured after their wedding | of Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton of recently at Brooklin United | Brooklin and the bridegroom Church are Mr. and Mrs, Nor- | is the son of Mrs, Norman Gam- man Ronald Gambell. The | bell of Brooklin and the late bride, the former Miss Loreen | Mr. Gambell. Isobel Stanton, is the daughter | --Photo by Ireland | SOCIAL NOTICES | Ontario Council Guides Association SE Mr. and Mrs David P Reviews and Plans cucon 'of oshawa announce {engagement of thei r only ul gh- Mrs. E. A. Collins, Central ter, Shirley Ann, to Mr. Edwa d Area Commissioner attended the Harry Gilroy of Sprinhill, Nov annual meeting of the Ontario|Scotia. The marriag Council Girl Guides Association in St. George's 8 Ang zlican in St. Catharines on Thursday Church on Saturday, Ma 28, and Friday and the Provincia) 1960, at 2.30 p.m Executive meeting on Saturday. Cs agamiis The meeting was held' in St. Cal ENGAGEMENT tharines to celebrate the 50th an-| Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Allin niversary of Canadian Girl Guides| RR 4 Oshawa, announce the en- which had its birthplace in St. |Ehsement of tier Qakighter, Shir. ey ra 0 I. wy OG nl Cathannes, NoVemipks wil in re] son of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer a ith Welland Hotel came a movement | wih Sarnia, Tie mar 2a ge wil take that now includes over 200,000 Pract b girls all across Canada. The firs Lda Saturday, May 14, at company was formed and re-| ARSE ceived the first charter to be is-| sued to a Canadian company by| COLOR GUIDE Lady Agnes Baden-Powell. Mow quality Sauned szmol, s were given the the sockeye variety, has a ric Poin IR a oe deep red color. of departments. Mrs, Collins re- ported for Central Area which is composed of nine divisions -- Osh- awa, Durham, Ganaraska, Hali- burton, Scugog, Shoreline, Vic. toria, York Central and York North. Central Area is In the process of acquiring a new camp site of approximately 280 acres in] Haliburton. Mrs. Charles Sissons, public re- lations commissioner for the province stated that the training of leaders is the most important phase of guiding. She sald, "We | are hoping to turn Doe Lake, the| provincial camp, more and more| into a camp for training, keeping the area camps for the guides At the annual dinner, Mrs. | Keith Clydsdale, provincial com- missioner, was presented with the Beaver award, one the | highest awards possible for the | guider. Hut- DIFFERENCE A new picture tube would make . . . PUDDING 'N' PIE Starting with instant pudding | mixes, any number of delectable desserts can be prepared. Pud-| ding mixes can be used as pie fillings, fillings for cakes or com- bined with cookies, lady fingers and shortcakes. Pretty parfaits, sauces or ice cream are quick to make, and the choice of fla- vors offers interesting variety. | Further variations on the des<ert theme are wrought when instant! For price, etc. consult our service department. MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. WEST RA 3-3425 the virgin 'lits independe | missionaries United sided. {Mrs, Davey and Mrs. 8. Para- The minutes were read by Mr.|dise, Roland Kinton, and the treasur-| er's report by Mrs. William Craw-| ASSOC. FOR RETARDED ford. | The April meeting of Associa- Members were informed that|tion for Retarded Children was the president, Mrs. T. R. Crim. {held at Glenholme School, 135€ mings, had tendered her resigna- fSimive street south, on Monday : A evening jou, effecrive ApH . We A President Mrs. William Wilson president and Mrs. C. McDonald opened the meeting with a prayer offered to act a for retarded children. The min- s were read by Mrs, Gordor ' Plane were Giscussed Jor hel Osborne and treasurer's report ea ana saie of W K J in St. Matthew' 8 Anglican Church yp W Msi. Bais pg Wiig fon October 15 and Mrs. Gordonias. "yp Gohmitz, administrator Varnum has consented to offici- of Oshawa Shopping Centre ate at the opening of the tea |granting permission to tag in Mrs. Davey introduced Mrs. (that area on May 7 and that a Gordon Varnum, president of the|window would he made available executive board of the. Scoutto this association for a suitable Mother's Auxiliaries who kcldisplay in this connection of the various phases of auxiliary] Mr, Arthur Holdsworth, pro- work and of the duties of those gram director for the school's of- who hold office. ficial opening June 18, announc- The meetings of the 22nd Scout/e! that Mr, T. D. Thomas MPP {Mother's Auxiliary are held on|will preside and Mr. W. R. Kirk, ft e third Tuesday of each month|OARC director, will be guest lat 8.00 excepting June, July and!speaker. vice-preside Faith of Santo Domingo Subject Of Talk to St. Gertrude"s CWL remained. Father Fullerton saw evidence of this in the homes of the people. Even the most humble hut had its altar and vigil light in honor of Mary. In 1943 Father Fullerton, along with other priests of the Scar- boro Foreign Mission Society, was asked by the Archbishop of Santo Domingo to establish a mission in the country. At first, as y| Father Fullerton said that he did and his address on the snot have any marked success in |of the church in that West Indian reviving religious practice jeuatis was most enlightening. |among the people. However, Fa- The people of Santo Domingo ther Patrick Moore, also a mis- lo? Jie from the time of Columbus sionary priest, made a trip to been Catholic and have had the United States to raise funds great devotion to the Blessed and while there received a gift When one of early of a statue of Our Lady of Fati- Spanish settlement tacked ma. After having this blessed by by hostile Indians Ma appear- 8led as Our Lady of Mercy and break- Catholic The annual communion fast of 'St. Gertr (Wome n's Le: a k place Sun- lay, April 24, in new parish I all, w th Mi illiam Clancy as convener. e Rev. John |Myers 'introduced the guest speaker, the Rev. John Fullerton, Vicar General of Scarboro Foreign Mission Sc Father | Fullerton ha p! years | de Santo Domingc the carried the statue in procession 1e atta vere frightened throughout Santo Domingo and Fre m that time the Cath-|attracted thousands of people ol faith flourished in Santo wherever he went. Many of the {Domingo une direction of assembled received the |Spanish m nari some for the first | When Sa Domingo ime in their lives. Once again rom Spain Our Lady had revitalized the ak faith of Santo Domingo. Father Moore afterwards carried atue of Our Lady of Fatima countries around the away people acraments, zained and Dominican pub a the Spaniards, including sent back to st their own country. The lack of|to other pr sls during the following 100 world. idual deteri-| At the conclusion of his sious practice but dress, Father Fullerton was| Blessed Virgin|thanked by Mrs. John Pollman. the formed, were [oration of reli {devotion to the [ony 3 pars Lem: 1 TWICE AS MUCH FOR ONLY A PENNY MORE REXALL FIRSTAID GAUZE BANDAGE Sterilized, interwoven, strong cote ton gauze. A medicine chest must, 17 x 10 yds. Reg. 20¢..2 for 30¢ 53¢..2 for 54¢ A-SA-REX TABLETS Quickly relieve headache pain and . od apap po Tin of 24, Reg. » Bottle of 1000] Reg. Bottle of 200, Reg. ais , 2 for Bottle of 300. Reg. $1.79, 2 for 10-ORAIN TABLETS Bottle of 100. Reg. $1.39, 2 for $%.80 oy ie, 4 fab dt pant Reg REXALL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SOLUTION (U.s.p.) ALL OCCASION GREETING CARDS Box of 14 amorted cards and tatching envelopes. Regular $1.00 2 boxes for $1.08 fa | | \ Disinfects and 4 ounce Regular 30¢..2 for 3% 16 ounce Regular 75¢. . 2 for 76¢ DT ---- puddings are served with fresh, frozen or canned fruit. LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED makes it easy for you to have a BRAND NEW 0] ] § FURNACE Whatever yeur recson for wonfing « brond new off fumoce, i's a step towords improving the valee of your home. NO MUSS...NO FUSS NO INCONVENIENCE «..and 5 years fo pay! ® smell down payment and as Bitte ou por month will install @ brand new fully guaranteed OH Furnace in your home. Lat ws do the job for you... . offidently, economically he leost wpret to your doily routine. smoothly, ond with So, if you're thinking . . . decide new ond lot B "poy for inelf" in economy ond safer heating in low monthly pay- mands over the next § yeor There's no need to woit--only a smo down payment is required ond your mew furnace will be guaranteed for @ oll yeor, with parts ond adjustments completely free. oft service calls ond ony Why not let =n give you en estimate, LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED 43 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA . PH. RA 5-3589 TIFFANY DEODORANT CREAM Anti-perspirant and deodorant. Plea scented, long la all day protect 1 ounce, regular 7 CARA NOME AMERICAN BEAUTY lv Delightful and easy to we. 3 oz. Reg. 075210 $3.76 Wa WOR STN LAVENDER AEROSOL § SHAVE CREAM :.57% 2~1.50 Ne Yih REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA (Plain) ue ,,; 276° REXALL REXADENT TOOTH PASTE wT 2=70¢ REXALL KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES .:2wro5™ 2 51¢ REXALL Mi 31 SOLUTION te; soss mitten 9, Qt antiseptic. 16 ownces, regular 984 Rexall Bismo-Rex Gel. Soothing for acid 2 $1.36 stomach. 8 oz, reg. $1.35 Rexell Medicated Skin Cream Rexall Cod Liver Co pound ¥ tor kin irritations. 100, regular $113. ono TE or TN TS Ladies' and Men's E-Z.Cie Green lenses, Reg 3.08. x Hc 9 Rexall Baby Ol. Reg. 75¢........2 for 76¢ Bachelor , Shaving Cream. tube, Regu Tor for a5 Eikay's Aerosol odours 1 onert hi oe fe S08 Helen Cornell Bobby Br r70¢ bLiack, rubber-tipped, Son Bins o on hr, Regular 25¢ rds for 26¢ Rexel Bive Lined didn Repalue 2 for Voe e, reg Rexall Curl Comb. B-inch, sssorted colours, Rag, 154. Rexall Adhuive Tops. Water 0 yds. Reg. 59¢ Adrienne Cold Croam. Cleanses, lubiicates. 2 for $1.11 Rexall Liquid Saccharin Drops, ¥ oz Mueeze contain € 2 for 90¢ Rexall Mi n Tooth bots For » 'ean tee Is 21 Sachelor Deodorant Cream 2 for 70¢ 2 ounce jar, re J8¢ er: 200r 99¢ 154 pl THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST -- OVER 300 ITEMS IN ALL STOCK UP AND SAVE ON the Holy Father, Father Moore liam Wilson as iT hg x with her committee of perform- Region 9 Council. |ers entertained with a humorous Mrs. W. Wilson announced on|gkit entitled "Hedda Hatter's behalf of the recreational com-|House Party." mittee that there will be a sum-| Refreshments were served fol mer playground for the childrer {lowing the entertainment, Door this summer, prizes were won by Mrs, Thomas Refreshments were served by|Henderson, Mrs. William Girling, Mrs, William Swinson and com-|{Mrs. Donald Olynyk. Mite, ARVILLA McGREGOR AUX. OSHAWA JAYCETTES The regular meeting of the Ar- The regular dinner meeting of|villa McGregor Missionary Aux- the Oshawa Jaycettes was held| iliary was held at Knox Presby- recently in the Fleet room of the/terian Church on Tuesday even- Hotel Genosha. ing, April 26, with Mrs, George freshments were served by Mrs,| Soanes, FIRST BAPTIST WA The WA of First Baptist Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Harold Aud- ley, Gladstone avenue, The pres: ident, Mrs, Walter Nickerson opened the meeting with prayer. The devotional period was led by Mrs, Harry Audley, the topic "The Value of the Bible." The business period followed This meeting was the Jay- |Hamilton, cetbes' 'Friends Night," with sev-|!D2. eral former Jaycettes and other| The devotional period was guests taking part, by Mrs. James Thom assisted led Mrs. Donald Brown, president,[Mrs. A. J. McDonald and Mrs, gave a short speech of welcome|J. W. Heath, to the guests, Mrs. Carll Letters were read from guest speaker, Mrs. Lymand Gif-|galore, India, the Reverend Don- ford. |ald Powell of Osaka, Japan and Mrs. Gifford related some of from the Reverend Walter H. the highlights of being a major's| Welsh, Toronto, telling of the wife and also touched on various! good work being done at Armagh. vice-president, dis mis-| Deiderichsen introduced the sionary Mr. Peter Brown of Ban-| with treasurer and secretary giv- ing reports. The flower convener read letters of thanks from sick George Fogal and Mrs, Stewart |present. e clubhouse with ten members|the edges of the baking pans to cool, Be careful not to place them The president, Mrs, James {ir a cold draft. Cold air blowing Hanson, presided. The secre- lover hot loaves causes the crust tary's report was read by Mrs, |to crack. If you like, brush the Albert Crowells, and the teas. tops of the loaves and rolls with urer's report by Mrs, Willlam|butter or margarine to help keep Parker, them from becoming dry. A donation of $25 is to be sen! to the Oshawa General Hospital, Father and Son Hockey Banquet is to be held in the clubhouse, Tuesday, May 17, at 6 p.m, Fam- ily Pot Luck supper, Saturday, April 30 at 6 p.m. The Neighbo hood Association meeting in the clubhouse, Monday night, May 2, at 8 p.m, A Selection of WATER COLOR PAINTINGS by M. Greene Mitchell and shut-ins and reported a very !busy month, Final plans were made for [future | The meeting next month will be at the home of Mrs, Herbert Weir, 25 Drew street, and tea] hostesses will be Mrs, catering to a wedding in the sally 30 p.m, Walterin London dates back to 1250. will be on display in our window until Monday, May 1, Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. EAST Tea was served by Mrs, Den- nis Linton, The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 30 at HISTORIC STONES [ The tile pavement of the chap-| ter house of Westminster Abbey THE VALUE STORE FOR FAMILY SHOPPING 1S THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? . . . Then be sure to shop Zeller's for all those important items which Baby needs for com fort and well-being ! And, Mother . . . when you're shopping for Baby "Buys", remem- ber . .. © OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. | the | ad- | "BOUNCING BABY" is Zeller's newest brand line of quality undies, sleep- wear, nursery needs, etc. and to introduce "Bouncing Baby", here are Special Values for the Nursery Set, priced for Extra Savings ! CHOOSE NOW & SAVE! "BOUNCING BABY" PLASTIC PANTIES -- White pink, pastel blue, yellow. S-M-L-XL. "BOUNCING BABY" QUILTED PADS--'"'Saonitized". lop or mattress. White cotton backed with white plastic. "BOUNCING BABY' STRETCHEE ANKLETS--They stretch to fit Nylon. White; pastel shades, "BOUNCING BABY" SLEEP-&-PLAY SET--Sizes 3 to 9 months. ' shades. Trimmed with ribbon ond shell stitching. SPECIAL, set . "BOUNCING BABY" TRAINING PANTIES -- Cotton-knit White; pastels, Sizes 2 to 6. 27° terry in "nursery" thickness, SPECIAL . prints. SPECIAL .. sSOuNCING SH ig Contour-ed for neat fit, White, pink, pastel blue; nursery THRIFT-WISE be buying a Summer's supply, for assortment is attractive, the quality excellent , , SPECIAL . SPECIAL . .. BABY" CRIB White percale - type 99° SPECIAL! SIZES | fo 6! $1.00 VALUE! YOU SAVE 33%! CREW - NECK & BUTTON. SHOULDER STYLES COMBED COTTON YARNS MOTHERS will their Littlefolk . sO the colorfully sess res 17 by 18 ins, SPECIAL "BOUNCING BABY" --Flannelette and featured. 26 x 26 ins SPECIAL, dox. + and the price so low! a TINY- PRICED "ZEL-VAL" HOSE Bs eS avr for 2 for sr 2" 81 Of knitted 1.21 Double 41:00 DIAPERS PAIR "Bird's-Eye" 2 47 FIRST QUALITY! Service 1) Sheer Nylons, 30-denier, in lovely Summer shades. Sizes 9 to 11 in proportioned lengths Exceptional value! cesses fg! 5 4) ¢ dob ud 2.98 VALUE you save 33% SUMMER CASUALS REXALL REMEDIES + VITAMINS « ADRIENNE COSM| STATIONERY «+ DENTAL NEEDS « BACHELOR FOR MEN BABY NEEDS + COMBS & BRUSHES + SUMMER ITEMS BEAUTY BUYS « HOUSEHOLD NEEDS « FIRST AID ITEMS PRESCRIPTION (Rexall LINN OLR "41 ) 8 2 4 = 2 0 HW AVA 0 "A 4 KING ST. 1 ¢ 530 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA | "shone ras-3536 TORES IN : BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA 1.98 Children's Sondols. White ond Panama. Sizes 6 to Middie Black Pumps. Red, Navy ond Tur- quoise. Sizes 4 to 8. Bareback Pumps. Black, White and Beige. Sizes 42 to 8 SPECIAL! WHITE HALF SLIPS SIZES S-M.L -- Style as sketched, of cool-for-summer cotton, trimmed with eyelet embroidery. Shadow-panel in front. Priced for Extra Savings! COTTON ""CRISKAY" DUSTER --Smart, practical, and priced for Extra Saving Flower. patterned on. white Style as sketched; size S-M-L Crisp and cool for Summer and easy to launder Grand Gift Mother's Day! for DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 TELLERS L SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3.2209 IMITED J there are grand assortments for 5 4 RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS ; (oo, ot Zeller's! TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA