A cm A = = at mbps 9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 26, 1960 President Charles deGaulle of France presented these 4 DE GAULLE DUR | studies during an address to- | day before a joint session of » » "id i yp IL pists py . i -- ING ADDRESS the U.S. Congress. Behind the | visiting French dignitary Is By JACK BEST Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--Unless some- thing unforeseen happens, some 300 divorce cases from Quebec and Newfoundland appear des- tined to remain bottled up in the Commons for the rest of the ses- sion. The CCF party, determined to force the House out of the di- vorce-granting business, filibus- tered Monday for 4% hours and all but two of 328 cases pending. Even the two did not finally escape the merry-go-round. They were given second reading when the two CCF speakers, Frank Howard and Arnold Peters, ran out of ddbating points, but third and final reading will have to wait for a subsequent sitting. In previous sessions, the Com- mons has passed divorce bills en bloc after they had received de- tailed consideration in Senate and Commons committees. Only cases from Quebec and New- foundland, which have no divorce courts, are considered by Parlia- ment. Monday was the session's sixth and final full private members' |day, on which divorce and simi- {lar private bills have precedence. {From now till the House is pro- Vice-President Richard Nixon, [rogued, such bills can be con- ~AP Wirephoto |sidered only for an hour on Tues STRATEGY FOR SUMMIT DeGaulle Urges Harmony Between East And West to end the Algerian war and ex-|cating he won't let the Berlin is-, C. Douglas Dillon, the No. 2 By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer There are strong indications that in the wake of private talks between French President de Gaulle and U.S, President Eisen- hower, the Western powers now will be able to go to the summit meeting in Paris in May united on basic strategy in dealing with Soviet Premier Khrushchev. That is not to say that alll pand her industrial base through the six-country Common Market. and for all the world if the atten- tion of the world's two foremost |powers---Russia and the U.S.--- would be diverted from Berlin into the fields of human improve- ment, such as eradication of tu- major differences inside the|berculosis in Asia and develop-| Western camp have been re- ment of the Nile Valley. solved. Spokesmen made clear| De Gaulle keeps urging the | that while the two leaders agreed | West to leave the Berlin issue as) on summit strategy, there were il areas of disagreement outside the tions immediately at the summit. | summit sphere Eisenhower is reported to have In any event, de Gaulle is agreed with him that the West gaining high respect and atten- need not take the initiative on tion during his visit to the U.S. Berlin; that it is Khrushchev In preaching harmony between who should throw the first ball. | East and West, de Gaulle prob-| De Gaulle has even indicated | ably has the destiny of France his belief that Khrushchey won't | foremost in mind, Though he has make any challenge on the Ber-| done wonders in restoring French lin issue. sonomic and itical rength,| 4% nay te . the country still is besieged by KHRUSHCHEV SPEEC H ove 165107. No sooner had de Gaulle made ee his prediction Saturday than NEEDS TIME France needs time, much time, threats in a Russian speech, indi- TORONTO (CP)--The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, a regi ment whose first battle casualties came in the Fenian Raids of 1866 and whose men have won five Victoria Crosses, observes its 100th anniversary today Senior line regiment in Can- Queen's Rifles Hold Anniversary School of Infantry, Camp Borden, Ont, The QOR contributed officers and men to Canadian contingents in the Boer War in South Africa at the beginning of the century. In the First World War six bat- talions were mobilized for serv- ada's reserve army, the Queen's|ice overseas and 47 officers and Own came into being April 2,|1,207 other ranks lost their lives. 1860, when six companies of vol-| Four VCs were among 374 dec- unteer rifleman at Toronto, Bar. orations awarded to QOR men. rle and Whitby in Ontario were, The regiment added te its hon- incorporated into a battalion of|ors in the Second World War, infantry as the 2nd Battalion Vol- landing in Normandy on D-Day unteer Militia Rifles of Canada.|as part of the 3rd Division and Their name was changed to| fighting to final victory in Ger- Queen's Own Rifles of Toronto|many. Its dead numbered 29 of- |sue alone. Khrushchev wants to eject Time, in peace, is what de Gaulle Western occupation forces from Ment, has said the West will not apparently is striving to obtain.|West Berlin. He has renewed a|give up its rights in West Berlin It would be good for France threat to sign a separate peaceland has labelled Communist East treaty with Communist East Ger- Germany as powers standing myths in a vast many if the Western !days and an hour on Fridays. ONLY 25 OF 350 The prospect is that all or ' nearly all the bills pending will| remain bottled up. Of about 350 | divorce bills which have come| from the Senate this session, only | 25 have been approved by the Commons as Mr. Howard, mem- ber for Skeena, and Mr, Peters, MP for Timiskaming, take turns debating the merits of each one. About the only ways in which the logjam might be broken would for the government to introduce legislation providing an alternative method of granting divorces In Quebec and New- foundland, or for the CCF to call off its filibuster. Neither develop- ment appears likely. The CCF contends that either the two provinces should estab. man in the U.S. state depart. 'one of the out Com. | "ignore the issue contrary to com- munist web of prodigious my-|lish their own divorce courts or |mon sense." |thology-"" |the responsibility should be trans. is and not try to seek solu-|} Khrushchev started raising new | § ORDINARY CLOCKS are not accurate enough for University of British Columbia physicist Dr. Bruce White (right) and PROVE EINSTEIN RIGHT succeeded in blocking action on| 300 Divorce Cases Bottled Up In House ferred to some other federal body such as the Exchequer Court. ANGER FLARES Tension that had been building filibuster flared into angry words Moiday night as Mr. elke away on one of the divorce bills. "A shocking farce," shouted Richard A. Bell (PC--Carleton) across the floor of the House, He was evidently referring to the CCF members' delaying tactics. Answering the interjection, Mr. Peters sald the Conservative member could have the floor if he wisned to speak. Mr. Bell said he was not then prepared to | speak. | "You are not prepared to say anything at any time," Mr. How- {ard shouted back. "So keep your | mou now." A few minutes later another |flareup occurred when Robert up through nearly four hours of| (ilton of uttering 'nin Peters| nonsense," and charged hm wi . Club Vandalism | TORONTO (CP)--Police Mon- day charged four juveniles and| Freeze Plan Golf Club in suburban Rexdale. | could mot keep all the cases in About $15,000 damage was pd flooring. Federation of Agriculture's views Four hea fnaphed Fostmaster:| The club owner is applying for ion transportation -- including a property into a housing area but years--were outlined | the move is being opposed by athe royal commission on trans- [incompetent e in running the |office department. Peters, Ham The juveniles have been granting of general rate increases a el Hd charged with malicious damage for a period of years," sad the ts involved "because of| If freight rates are pegged in- order by Deputy Speaker Jae. a invsetigation." definitely, said CPR counsel Ian two adults in connection with| . Bis head, caused by intruders who smashed | Outlined |" Mr. Peters accused Mr. Ham- permission to turn the 131-acre freight-rate freeze for a period of rou which calls itself the Save portation. the House who joined in the|and the adults are charged with |federation brief, which comes un- ques Flynn. Sinclair, then surely rail costs Negro Strike 6 Charged In | Freight-Rate weekend vandalism at the Elms) "You mever keep anything in/}ipdows and doors and tore up| OTTAWA (CP)---The Canadian { Monday to ms Committee. "A halt should be called to the noisy exchange were called to| theft. Police declined to name the der cross-examination later. DRAW REPRIMANDS should be held at -existing levels, David Kirk, federation witness, pl Ste Jolin Jmday, born Mr. sald he doesn't favor the freez- s drew ing of labor costs. --_----__ i i ml ------------------ SA mild reprimands from Commons committee chairman Charles E. Rae (PC--Toronto Spadina) when they made some uncompliment. ary observations on the work of the Senate divorce committee. Mr, Peters said some of the bills from the Senate contain un- substantiated and undocumented Teen-Ager Organized Agriculture has borne a dis-, proportionately great share of freight - rate costs, he said in estimating that 40 per cent of such costs in 1958 were carried by farmers and their families. Greater rail productivity and efficiency should be used to meet (McCleave (PC--Halifax), chair {man of the House committee {which hears divorce cases, asked {Mr. Peters to name 'one in- |stance" where a private investi. | gator had proved an unreliable | witness. is... We're not stamp their incom Mr, Howard said the Mr. Peters had questioned the reliability of some investigators. | The Halifax member accused him |of smear tactics. Mr, Peters replied that he looked into e on adultery and "I don't care how Sry Sten or in. competent the Senate committee y id N i g years ago a seven-year-o e- committee was taking Senate boys I» Gredagoors, N.C. ce [QUESTIONS RELIABILITY = .|from private detectives who "just| ! don't care whether their evidence(® teen-age leader in the first ig" rqways, is accurate or not" and he sug.(fouthern lunch counter sitdown ge, "he desirable for farmers ih a re Svorse months since that action in " severe competition while the low Crowsnest Pass rates on western grain--fixed by statute -- should be left alone. Mr. Sinclair questioned the re- solution passed earlier this year i] She Sderation of Agriculture which asl the government to Ezell Blair grew up {0 become inquire carefully into natfonaliz- ould this same By PERRY MULLEN ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- Ten| gro news was the victim, he says, of abuse by some white demonstration. In the three |themselves, banks or western Greensboro, the idea spread {| srai-handiing Jaciifien? many parts of the southern states as Negroes sought to end segre- Canadian-Design gation in variety stores and other establishments. Blair, now 17, whose parents are college graduates and teach- |, Buses On The Go (*i&tumm «nu. separate section of a public ' : |place. Older Negroes have al- MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada's door eliminated and luggage ways put up wit first native-designed buses are to|space--will be introduced later. |th, frai i i roll from the production line this| Buses produced in Canada up to . Were aia of loowmg. foes summer for service in Winnipeg, now were of foreign design built|no jobs to lose. Calgary, Regina and London, Ont, under licence. The Montreal firm! The city transit vehicles--worth started work on' the Canadian RECALLS INCIDENT $30,000 or so apiece--are being Project two years ago, ni tegting 1 have begay built by Ci di Car Comp | e engi more powerful and ing up a long e ago. with features for passenger com.|lighter than in previous models--| bad a newspaper route in Greens. fort in the Canadian weather ex- has been moved to the rear of the boro. Some white boys grabbed tremes. vehicle from an underfloor loca- my Papers. 1 en is the home A. E. Jennings of Montreal, the|tion. It's a diesel. ol one Al 3 is mother to company's bus sales manager, erg are Window eh | it the Papers DASE for ue. Pie said Canada's wide temperature ho! TY a " range was a special project for Rearly al materials inside the ve me put in jail." the men at the drawing boards. yworks require no painting! In a discussion with fellow that because gan cursing and threatened to More than $1,000,000 was pent! for "stepwells, piece, slidin design that provides three heat: fi ing and defrosting systems in ve buses in early June. |The doors are g students at North Carolina Agri- cultural and Technical College, on testing. They came up with a| Calgary is to receive the first he said, Joseph McNeil, also 17,| first suggested they try to obtain each vehicle. ' One is at floor level, another |along the roof and the third in |the driver's area. There is a ther: mostat, a blower system and a reserve heating capacity for fast [temperature recovery after the doors have been opened in winter. Winnipeg has ordered 26 ve-| a hicles, Calgary 10, Regina six and fail Judge Ready For TTC Probe TORONTO (CP)=York Count « soale inqu {43 and_Bl-passenger models. A 46 passenger model -- with centre counts. PMs Won't pected to be challenged |Judge Robert Forsyth said Mon- he is ready to conduct a ry in to Toro London five. The buses come in\Tr a nsit Commission entertain, ¢ "iment and travel expense ac: He will meet lawyers appointed by the TTC and the Metropolitan Toronto corporation Wednesday. The legality of the inquiry is ex- y a cup of coffee at the F.W. Wool- worth store in Greensboro, They and two others did try on We Invite 500 Men and Women Whe Suffer Loss of Hair, Dandruff and Itchy Scalp to Try New %-200', Doctors' Scientific Formula Development Helps to Stimulate HAIR GROWTH 2.DAY TEST SEND TODAY! by Toronto: Developed new formul Feb. 1. They were refused serv- ite though the manager was po- ite. The students sought help from y Dr. George Simkins, Negro den |tist and head of the Greensboro branch of the National Associa- tion for the Advancement of olored People. He promised them backing, but warned |against violence, "I wrote to CORE (Congress of to put pressure on Woolworth in New York," Simkins Racial Equality) and asked them || | said. || law: |"CORE sent representatives to 'Put Africa technician Dave Lindquaest. Two nuclear clocks, employing steel rods tipped with radio- active isotopes of iron and so accurate they won't gain or lose a years, are shown in centre of photo. three years later and to Queen's Own Rifles of Canada in 1883. Ceremonies in Toronto, Cal gary, Germany and England will mark the anniversary this week, Highlight will be a reunion din ger here next Saturday night, April 30, at which Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery will guest of honor. NATO UNIT In Germany the anniversary will be observed by the regi |ficers and 420 other ranks. VC WINNER | Among the dead was Sgt. Au- |brey Cosens, killed by a sniper's 2 Nuclear Clocks be killing at least 20 himself, Sgt. | bullet in the Rhineland fighting in February, 1945, after clearing {three buildings of. Germans and {Cosens was awarded the VC. The Queen's Own contributed men to Canada's United Nations (force | though Operate In B.C. VANCOUVER (CP)--Two nu-| This means the atoms in a|It depends on where you stand. scarcity of subjects for the prime On Agenda By STEWART MacLEOD Canadian Press Staff Writer prime ministers conference, a day. But he predicted that South Eric Louw will return home countries. i The reason South Africa apart- held won't be discussed openly, said the source, is because eve one of the 10 Commonwealt countries must agree on the sub- jects--and it just won't happen in this case. "But it's certain to come up in informal chats," he said. "Every prime minister will no doubt tell Mr. Louw how he feels about events in South Africa." LONDON (CP)--South Africa's racial troubles will never reach the agenda of the Commonwealth well-informed source said Mon- African External Affairs Minister yer John J. Robinette, the TTC see me. In the meantime, the eolinsel, Reilock. # {movement had spread." oy L. Kellock, former justice of the Supreme Court of ice START UNCERTAIN is expected to represent Metro.| Not:everyone believes the politan Tetonto. ] : Since last December the Metro|Said Alabania's Assistant Attor- executive has demanded infor- ney-General Edwin Strickland: {mation concerning the expendi |tures of the five transit commis- sioners in the period 1984-59. The commission has refused His theory is that CORE was | giving the information Lhree behind this and other sitdowns. times on grounds that it is &n| Clarence Mitchell, Washington independent body. bureau director of the NAACP, Tr Bs ~-- | said of the student sitdown move- ment: sitdown was spontaneous is a lot | of stuff." movement began in Greensboro. || "The claim that the Greensboro|' y 'pretty well versed" on the feels second in 300,000,000 lings of other Commonwealth Committee To Start Hearings KITCHENER (CP) -- The On. tario legislature's select commi- tee on government boards and commission will open hearings at "Part of it 'was due to activity by CORE. The other is that at our national convention in New York in 1959 we had a fine re- pore from young people in Okla- oma about orderly sitdowns opening restaurants to colored poeple . it spread almost help ofl te | mew wa alse been stop excessive loss of Bal poor sealp condition. Prove It to Yourself | With Just 2 Applications! | "R400 works fast withowl nas f Hi tos hale growth A | og Tl lh free trom | ruff! Help your Hhalr to grow | thicker, stronger, more handsonse, MAIL COUPON TODAY DERMAL RESEARCH iL 1881 Noire Dame East Montreal, Que. Yes, 1 really need the doctors' . Please " x also literature prepared L] ted medical authority TELL ING HOW TO HELP STIMU. obligation.) I enclose 10c (coins or stamps) fo help for mailing and handling. ted | to one trial-supply per person. NAME ADDRESS cry PROVINCE --- --e-- In Toronte PHONE EMpire 47580 - HOUR SERVICE Tell your friends or rela- tives who have hair and scalp trouble te send for spontaneously." free trial of this wonderful new discovery! Queen's Park May 9, Attorney- General Roberts said Monday. He told the Kitchener-Waterloo Rotary Club the 11-member com- mittee of which he is chairman FOOD will examine all administrative clear clocks so accurate they persop's body would vibrate more If his theory is proved correct, it in 4 |won't gain or lose a second in slowly, and even a clock would will mean n the Korean war, al-|300000,000 years are being used |tick more slowly, the closer to|event happened at a given time, not as a unit, and has|py 'University of British Columbia |the centre of the earth. that when you say an you will also have to say at what ment's 2nd Battalion, stationed at had men In Germany since the|gcientists to test a basic premise| It also means a person living altitude it happened because two Fort McLeod near Iserlohn and first Canadians joined the NATO of Albert Einstein's general the-|in a basement would theoretically seconds at sea level are longer due to be replaced in the fall by the 1st Battalion from Calgary. It is one of the units of the Ca- nadian brigade in the NATO ground force. In England a regimental drum emblazoned with the regiment's battle honors will be hung in the Warrior's Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral. Through its first century the regiment, which still looks upon Toronto as home although its of- ficial headquarters has been Cur. rie Barracks in Calgary since 1955, has served with distinction in many war theatres. Its first engagement, in which nine men died, was on June 2, 1866, at Lime Ridge, or Ridge- way, in the Niagara Peninsula, during the Fenian Raids when Irishmen from the United States struck at Canada in support of Ireland's fight for independence. RIEL REBELLION The 's Own saw action again during the Nrthwest Re- bellion of 1885--the second Riel rebellion, One of the famous marches of that campalgn-175 miles from Swift Current, Sask. to the relief of Battleford--will be re-enacted in July by four offic. ers and 14 men from the lst Battalion at Calgary as part of the centennial program. The 1885 fighting ended with the capture of Louis Riel, one of whose descendants, Sgt. Ignace J. Riel, today wears the Queen's Own uniform although at present serving at the Royal Canadian {force there in 1951. Commanding officers of the {three battalions today are: Lt. {Col. C. H. Lithgow, 1st Battalion, invention of a German scientist. more than a Before the nuclear timepiece was developed, scientists had to ure the tiny difference in beats at take Einstein's word for his the- eriments |Calgary; Lt.-Col. R. J. Wilkinson, |2nd Battalion, Germany, and Lt.- |Col. R. L. Bickford, 3rd Battalion, | Toronto. Maj. D. M. Creighton commands the depot at Calgary. Colonel-in-chief is Princess Al- exandra whose grandmother, Queen Mary, held the appoint. ment from 1928 until her death| in 1958. Judge Scraps Jury, | Orders Retrial gangland murder and discharged the jury amid rumors that jurors protection, A key woman witness in the case has been missing for more than six weeks and other wit nesses have been brought to the trial under police protection. The three accused are steeple jack James Lawrence Nash, 25; | John Alexander Read, 28, unem- | ployed; and street vendor Joseph enry Pyle, 25. All have pleaded not guilty to murdering Selwyn | Keith. Cooney, 31, at a tavern club | iE London's east end Stepney istriet. Nash is alleged to have fired the shot which killed Cooney, owner of ancther drinking elub. [ory of relativity. lory. Now, besides exp here, the theory is being tested at Harwell in England, Harvard University and in the Soviet Un- fon. Harwell scientists were in such a rush to get their tests going that they made mistakes nullify- ing their results, sald Dr. Bruce White who, with Dr. John War- ren, is carrying out the UBC ex- periments. |ATOM VIBRATION The late Dr. Einstein concluded LONDON (Reuters)--A judge that in a gravitational field, such they hope to be able to determine Monday ordered a retrial of three ag the earth's, atoms beat or vi- whether the ticking of one clock men charged with a London brate more slowly the closer they|is affected by gravity. are to the centre of the field. The clocks, employing radio- lactive isotopes of iron, are the probably would amount to no everyday life but it will be im- longer than a penthouse|than two seconds at 100,000 feet. {live | The theory may mean little in dweller although the difference second. portant to know what happens to The. problem was how to meas-|time as men fly into space. BEES IN DEMAND various altitudes, BERLIN (AP) -- Twenty mil. |SPINNING WHEEL |lion bees kept by 700 West Ber- | The UBC phycisists will set up|liners await their annual 175-mile |a wheel in the laboratory capable|ride to fruit orchards near Ham- of spinning 3,600 times a second. burg. The fruit-growers pay' Ber- One nuclear clock will be placed|lin amateur bee-keepers about {in the middle of the wheel where|$2.40 for pollination services of |it will be unaffected by the spin-|each swarm--and also hand over ning. The other will be on the|the bees' summer honey produc- edge, caught in a man-made|tion. The bee shipments have safe and executive problems of the | government, The committee also would study the Gordon report on the organization of government in Ontario, published last January. Other committee members are Provincial Treasurer James Al- lan, Education Minister Robarts, William Davis (PC--Peel), Fern- and Guindon (PC -- GI Ty), Irwin Haskett (PC Ottawa South), Allan Lawrence (PC-- Toronto St. George), W. Bev. Lewis (PC--Toronto York-Hum- ber), CCF Leader MacDonald, | Farquhar Oliver (L--Grey South) PLENTY TO TALK ABOUT Apart from South Africa, |sources say there will be no ministers to thrash out in the |plenary sessions. | British Prime Minister Macmil- lan is expected to give his fellow |prime ministers a complete runs down or events leading to the Paris summit talks--while gath- ering opinions from his audinece. Disarmament and the proposed {nuclear test ban also will be con- sidered. Prime Minister Nash of New Zealand will report on his recent talks with Soviet Premier For Information call CHAMBERS 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. CLUB (0) GRA RET: FREEZERS FROM . .. $239 RA 8-5358 THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF and Elmer Sopha (L--8 p Khrushchev and Prime Minister Top adbury) Nehru of India probably will dis- cuss his border dispute with Red China. Economic problems also are ex- pected to get a thorough going over. One source described this as a "high-powered follow-up to the Montreal economic confer- round outstanding houses built in 1959. gravitational field equal to 300,-|conduct across East Germany. ence." 000 times the pull of the earth. ™ | This is intended to simulate dif-| ference in altitude. By plicated ements, | Annual Meeting is your guarantee that you cannot buy anywhere than in... Time, sald Einstein, is relative. FUR STORAGE BE SURE YOUR FURS ARE SAFE CALL RA 5-2722 Ontario Liberal Association KASSINGER'S FOR FINEST COLD STORAGE FREE Pick-Up WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 8 P.M. In February, 1960, one of H. Kassinger Construction's Dream Homes in Beau Valley was acclaimed by a building magazine to be one of the all This tribute to the design, the quality, the workmanship and the value given . + . a better hous Reoau Valley and you can do this for as little as $3,150 down. BEE... RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS 26 Simcoe St. South Fashion Uillage RA 5-2722 WHITBY ARENA RA/ 5-6165 DON HOWE, REALTOR RA 5.7732 HARRY MILLEN, REALTOR RA 8-1679 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC. RA 3.2265 « +» « TODAY pn