el rr rrr lg ey ry cefn CERT TR TE Ea Coes erg wh Sly : v vy oy at ¥ : WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY Mainly sunny with the chance One big trouble with the weath- of a few showers or afternoon er is that almest everything it thundershowers Sunday, econ. does, it overdoes. tinuing warm, winds southwest, uthorize nd Ciass Mail TWENTY PAGES VOL 89--No. 95 Pcs Not Over OSHAWA, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1960 Pout Office" Department, Ottawa Giant Drug [#8 - 2 Rhee Quits, Clean-Up |i" = = NE '" In Britain 5c Ei SE SE Ea Disbands LONDON (CP)--Police fanned the French Surete was called on out across British race courses|to assist inquiries about the run- ls ; 4 y r today in the biggest crackdown ning of continental race horses on y hy yy . yet on the doping conspiracy|British courses. Scotland Yard| ; 9 which has scandalized the British! believes there is no reason to ex-| " - vik, " turf clude imported runners from the! Teams of detectives mingled! widespread doping plot, exposed unobtrusively with racegoers as by the alleged suicide of 66-year- | . hee's hand- v vy e 2 1 ortie (Bandy Ar' 1 d ' T --- | Newly-elected Vice - President; Lee, who ran as Rhee's han 3 Bort = Yolfishire gn 2 Yolo pg . Bendy Ne oar fort : 7g A ~ Ri ear na Lee Ki Poong--who also left of- picked candidate, said he was giv- Gesp south coufity Of Sufrey ety a Mead mable boy. ] ; , 4 pr th Korea to as he gave fice -- announced Rhee's resigna-|ing up office because the new Whether arrests were.imminent| Drug samples taken from Rog-| . 1 3 a of ou Rey fa powers and|tion after a three-hour meeting. governmental system with a could not be ascertained, but the ers' premises in Berkshire have ' : A 4 i ig op. sD disb 1d his ruling Lib-|A caretaker cabinet, consisting of prime minister and cabinet made presence of big Jolie squads vir- heen undergoing police laboratory | 3 4 : planned 0 isha : conservative members headed by his post unnecessary. tually guaranfeed the suspension tests. . " pie rmed short! . ihm activities 2 1 ul The 85-year-old Rhee, bowing a premier, will be formed shortly T of 5) Under Hand 3 Holes. pn, Drug store tablets which help| ' { a % to rioting countrymen and strong to run the country, Lee said. WANT RE rite _ In the widening investigation, ,thmg, sufferers breathe may be ' : " 5 United States pressure, will re- Semanded that Ree the main ingredient used in the fo 4 { By i i resident in name only to RHEE VISITS WOUNDED party: Has 3 offi th doping plot | Hn 4 inain. pres; bolic head of state. Rhee ventured outside his pres-/not even hold office as the sym- " R PoLs 4 become symbolic read of -- idential palace today for the first bolic head of state. umors The tablets act as a stimulant, | time since April 19 to visit stu-| Opposition 1eader John M. can be hi and scaisered! T D Vi il dents wounded in violent rioting Chang, still wchnieally in office over horses feed or injected in g |against his government. as vice-president, also resign Be iu be NAVY USES OCEAN AS ROCKET LAUNCHING PAD wo- ay "His bullet - proof Cadillac was |today because he wished "to On Chan £ could not be detected in a saliva a ; : § h ; izpites { hicies have nothing to do with the Rhee v ; | strati revolution- | long--leaps from the ocean off | fuel. A Navy official said the | ing bases. The engine ignites [surrounded by police vehicles| 1 D w g ee Sher routine tests made on ig ng is pod Point ray Calif. today. The | technique, now in the 'Wright| under water. Polaris missiles t ac n S, land crowds, normally instructed| administration.' He Joeided Face Dorses. an ! | Brothers Stage" could eliminate | pop into the air, then ignite. to clap, stared stolidly as he Rhee of irregularities and police » missiles, small Navy device shot 70 feet into the air hers S r » g In A artheid GIANT BETTING COUPS rocket--150 pounds and six feet | on a half-second blast of solid | multi-million-dollar land launch- | --AP Wire Photo . N b T passed. brutality. HT YoRthi Giant betting coups have been oi olice a WO After Rhee's stepdown, it was| Rhee's downful Nas ] 0 gu reported by gambling syndicates] | : . announced that he will disband about by a combination of even : A two-day vigil near a shack pio 1iheral party. Deputy|starting with widespread rioting JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- over the last two years. Some big| N kk t {a i A i rica's acting rake-offs have bee p - ; in the south end of the City re-\nyijona~ Assembly Speaker Yilafter the election. leader, arrived here by air 100ay 1g he iret three weeks of the DeG au oo Ma y ewmar e sulted in the arrest Friday by|y,i'payx said his ee the| Strong American pressure came leader, ived here by air today ing ti irs reeks eader, arriv. e } r I the first three weeks of the ™ city police of two men who were way for formation of a unified|to bear when the U.S. expressed | rash ills charged with possession of stolen! con owas re I ened ep Jig 7 to Pretoria is bis current race season in Britain. ° Prime Minister Hendrik Ver-| mu. .roner at Friday's in i 1 3 quest oods. g 3 i res unsuited to a free woerd, who is in hospital there ROZers s a {8 Rhee, as head of state, will measures 1 , recovering from bullet wounds o Rogers 52d Rogers Dad Sper) I e a o 1111S [ . | The suspects are Cyril Wedon ave no political affiliation. For-|democracy' to deal with He suffered when a white farmer at- oo ont PUT Ho rd the 3 Ch Id Slaun, 30, of . Ozlod eee, mer premier Pyun Yung Tai gaiditiots. Tt said dhe sigpers ad "jus- SHASINS i sti ) . a 3 n Hunsdale, 23, i im. | ti 2 amples as the 93Y before he was found dead of | res asSsSin WASHINGTON (AP) -- French sion of the Berlin dispute with 1 ren ne, Hush oN West, at. Te EE cis and Hie cusiral first member of the cabinet to he 2 Sunshot wound. : President Charles de Gaulle is| Russia. ca s week, NEWMARKET, Ont. (CP) -- Det.-Sgt. Ken Young and Patrolimoves in a public statement to-|committee of his ruling Liberal permitted to see Verwoerd since Police questioned trainers, jock- expected to state at a press con-: In Canada earlier thi ek, ° Sgt. Jon Jenkins arrested the|morrow. [party resigned two days ago fol- the attempt on his life two weeks ¢¥5 and bookmakers in a try to RALEIGH, N.C. (AP)--A US ference foday his aims for the|de Gaulle suggested dropping Tiwee children--a brother and|Sgt Jon Jenkins artested Che ' {lowing violent riots in major cit= age today find out the big men behind the Supreme Court ruling that a side-|forth-coming East-West summit Berlin from the summit program sister and a neighbor -- were ral suspects were attempting to RIOT DEATH 100 lies Tuesday. Verwoerd last was reported to racket. walk--even on private property-- meeting in Paris in the hope o% Toucentrating on yilled Friday night when two ad oS ell More than 100 students "have | Today, tanks and barbed wire be progressing favorably and to A villager at Compton, where|is open to the public brought dis-| The 69-year-old French leader, subjacss ue Son Wg Ko cars collided north of this town|g ier" from the B. F. Goodrich|been killed this week in violent| i) guarded Rhee's residence, a have sat up in a chair. He still Rogers lived in the centre of the|missal of trespass charges here holding top policy talks with easing of tensions on Highway 11. Two other Per-|store, 88 King street west last rioting across South Korea to pro-/c point for some of the riots. y ) ; res i er |Western powers and Russia. 7 jured h test the March 15 elections which | i i has two bullets lodged in his English horse-training area, said|against 43 Negro students today. President Eisenhower, has an . : _|sons were Injured. |Wednesday might, into a car. | a Security police checked cars cularly to clar.| President Eisenhower, by con- "0 McLaughlin, 11, his sister, One of the suspects tried to|returned Rhee to a fourth term|,io in and out, head Friday night "this man died as a| . But the trespass convictions of {opportunity parti "i trast, feels committed to negoti- Ive : iio ua REAR ATR scapegoat for a gambling syndi-|two other Negro college students/ify his views on summit discus- ate on Berlin with Soviet Premier | Christine, 6, and their nearby escape hut was caught by Det.- 3S president and elected Lee as cot RYESY vis hat cate." stood | Khrushchev River Drive Park neighbor Basil/ got Young after a chase. Police|Y!ce-PTeside gi CHARGED der Li Sauer t orters here tk 51000 shchev. CE, : i i [pB. ® ; i siti pratic| Martial Law Commander Lt. vedas come rom Caregen oH 4, TA, tf be he ata tte tv p. STRIPPER SHEDS |, oe Sei fd het pute Sone, 1. very, Ed wis cn, fh rien pn Std, 8 Toe opr 133, Demin Maral Law Commands, Li, oe vis ya. picked up by a well-dressed man|godes said 8 i t Jud alks of his trip wi is | s Z| 9 : purely*a courtesy visit. He said( "0" po. Hen blonde in an ii Soctes wy Stberiop Const J Yige |at the White House late Friday. father was struck by another car|pepind R. B. Reed and Sons' protested that the elections were|that 43 demonstrators from three it had no political significance | Jacl ooks, is "tha p- REFUGEES ? 0 min. While making a left hand turn. ho Bloor street west. rigged. The disturbances brought|cities were under official arrest The minister said Tuesday henshe car and taken to outof-/pened on the sidewalk and the [utes 'alone. except for. interpret. In hospital in serious condition" x" Di ass watch was placed on a state of martial law to five cit-|charged with destroying govern: hare must be ah Zupopiant pty Mg it. SM wg iy the Sore vir) LONDON (Reuters) -- 4.1, > (are Mrs. Olive McLaughlin, 38,/the shed after the guns were ies. 'ment property, change in the practical applica- 2? : | He to e freed students, "if French stripper Friday auc- ca | wife of John McLaughlin, 37, and{found. Det.-Sgt. Young, Sgt. Jen-| on P he wees arrested oF F Ln %- considered it a "very good €on-' wpaurgeds condition 'Was de-|in shifts to keep the place under! sition Progr ; Hon i The 43 were arrested in Febru-| " H#h ated Clair Never |versation." He said it covered 8) corilod arly today as Wet nell p day night this speech by Sauer |ary on a sidewalk in the privately| raised £370--and a few eye- |wide range of subjects but did| . , | ; inuing telr io: worse n her mother's. Police are continuing LJ was an indication that there were illag i y VS i i hat th i ati § a 1 {owned Village Shopping Centre| brows-at the plush Grosvenor [not disclose wha ey were. | Th d the Nationalists (government part i : i of i ' ed| The driver of the other car, vestigation. ey said other party here. Two of them testified they| House Hotel during a society The two leaders exchang John Glueckler, 31, of Armitage, [charges may be laid. ) who i the old : p i i Meuihers alo Sealand the wy TORONTO (CP) -- 'Pelevision Were attempting to stage a lunch ball Sao {oasis Friday ght at a formal Ont., was not burt, He was alcne| The accused are being held ) artheid could not be Singer Tommy Common was ar- counter demonstration in a Wool-| The 24-year-old beauty per- . x ' ¢ x lin the morthbound ear. without bail. . : premacy {pars h Afr ni ed today and charged with Worth Store, but were foiled when| formed her charitable work in Without a direct reference to] -- es -- VANCOUVER (CP) -- Irene|certiorari until Monday, when Dr. COMINed In Soul africa, driving while his ability was in- the manager closed the store. | a side room well away from. [the Russians, Eisenhower said Rebrin's lawyer claimed Friday Shumiatcher will continue his SITUATION SAID TRAGIC paired and failing to remain at At the end of testimony in the| the glittering ballroom. Bid- many people ok fhout peace McDONALD DISAGREES she has been the victim of in- submission before the immigra- He told a meeting in Capetown the scene of an accident. trial of the first four of the 43,| ders were admitted to the who are Jot 25mg Dlies Vy 8%) justice and sinister innuendo. He tion department, represented by it was a tragedy that white men Common, 26, was arrested after| Negro lawyers cited a 1946 U.S.| room at 10 shillings a head. [cept as Joey concelye 2 peace | said Immigration Minister Fair- Harvey J. Grey, replies. in the past thought they could a car struck a parked car on mid-|Supreme Court decision and] The final item in the stip [a5 a A Mop i" on wo io i cloufiff ghd. Smmigration depari- TO RULE ON REQUEST have security by depriving non- fown Blgor Street and did not asked for dismissal. That de.| act brought the highest price, porien s In d Sn . nd li i el Men Qc ment officials are to blame. 3 vil whites of rights. stop. cision reversed the trespass con-| Her panties went for £117 privieges Ang Bey 5 an live In | Dr. M. C. Shumiatcher, 42, nid Aiisiice Norris 5 B50 ox It would take South Africa a Roberf\urcotte of Belleville, viction of Grace Marsh for dis-| (312) compared wil the next- ec -- prominent civil rights lawyer Miss gdh i generation to ¥ve down what had sitting § parked car, was tributing Jehovah's Witnesses re-| !o-last item, her brassiere from Regina, made the charges |, = "con oC oem oc nod doce . : a aut : pi d | ($251) and her evening dress itis i happened in the last few weeks, taken te with head injur-|ligious literature on the streets " 7 Ne Pa i ! |in British Colum bia Supreme a (5306). Y {0] 2353 ! WwW Tr r Court as he sought court orders Dents referred to by Mis, Fair i 7 i 2 ke up. stimulant| ; | € ii tion of the government's racial needed lo make |you had got in the store and car- A GOOD TALK (their daughter, Maureen, . Det-Sgt. John' Powell, Pe.| 4 though this would not Powders." he said. ried on. the same type of conduct| Hed "e% CONES on BY 0% |" white Fiouse press. secretary |vear-old twin sister, of Christine. [tive Geos A Band oil . - | would be}, 25 her coptri 0 World [james Hagerty said Eisenhower |They suffered head injuries. ®. ette worked W&- , p : Constable G. F.-Ouellette : j Stytler said in a reference to ies. He Wal #eported im eritical|of a company-owned town, Chick-| pr releasing her from immigration clough or a certificate from her bloody racial disturbances. condition, hast fect that th 2 -- ntti MONTREAL (CP)--The 80,000-[federal investigation of drugdepartment custody and bringing Is de ot as pe member Canadian wing of the|prices to a scathing denunciation deportation orders against her closed. | More Land {U ited Steelworkers of America of South Africa's racial policies. under Judicial Teiew. * "It may be impossible to dis- | |Friday thre its hefty weight be-| The delegates approved an Miss Rebrin attractive blonde close all the facts," Dr. Shumiat- i hind a move to form a new left- emergency resolution. condemn- lecturer in Slavonic studies at the cher told the court Friday, 'but | wing, political party in Canada-- |ing South Africa's apartheid prac-| University of B.C., was ordered if a woman or a man in this n eserve even though the union's interna-|tices and calling on the 1,150,000- deported Jam. 22, 1959, because country is to be charged--directly | tional , president warned against member CLC to set up a boycott she did not meet requirements or indirectly --with offences or | TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario the idea. of South African goods sent to for permanent residence in Can- conduct of the most serious char- |Hydro -Electric Power Commis-| Unanimously, some 300 dele- Canada. _.|ada. Her appeal against the order acter, then that person has a [sion still does not have title to|gates to the Steelworker policy They also urged Prime Minis- was dismissed this year. right to answer." all the land needed to build a pro-|conference here endorsed a reso-|!¢ Diefenbaker to advocate Mrs. Fairclough and Prime| "Where there are suggestions posci power transmission line lution urging all local unions to|SOuth African withdrawal from Minister Diefeénb ake r recently|and mere innuendos . . . I sug- even after spending $1,250,000 for|set up political action committees|the Commonwealth when he goes told the Houserof Commons there gest there is a denial of natural 176.4 acres of former Indian re-|to "foster understanding and sup-|!0 the forthcoming prime minis- are security reasons for the de- [justice." serve land at Sarnia. port of the new political party." | ters Sonlesetice in Lown, : poriation They Said ihe pertinent! He $24 here hy Lyi no true L : : . | Once again, the union delegates information is classifie reasons given for the deportation Harry Hustler, Sirector if Hy- uey Joved shor Several UMOD Isat parity with United States] Mr. Justice T. G. Norris ad- order, only "cloak - and - dagger dro's property division, told a members publicly blasted their gtoelworkers as their minimum journed Miss Rebrin's application statements which seek to raise ova Zmwisseh hearing pa ti Bn oe target in wage negotiations. for writs of habeas corpus and'sinister implications." still owned .3 acres not deeded to of labor getting directly involved| [FF PH sen mw mmmmm Ee ; the commission. in politics--a move which will v Dimensional Investments Lim-| come up next week at the Cana-| ited, which purchased 3,100 acres dian Labor Congress convention | of the reserve and sold land to here. Hydro, has an agreement with| Said Mr. McDonald at a press Chief Adams thal if the company conference: picks up the option on the .3| "I have never believed in the . [acres if must buy all the chief's|idea of having a party which is Hand en the reserve. a so-called labor party. I've seen| The small piece of land cuts Some unfortunate things; even in| the right-of way acreage pur- the United States where people-- chased by Hydro for a tower line. }2bor leaders--got too completely | 3 involved with a political party| MAY TRY EXPROPRIATE and as a result they found them- : crt " P nh "| Mr, Hustler said Hydro did not selves captives of the political | CANADIAN PRIME Minister | wiht Mexican President Adplfo | Minister Manuel Tello, left, | in Mexico Gifg##0r formal talks, ropes On buid Se Jie tor a party as such. o 2 i isi ia al Pa i vid 3 John Diefenbaker, right, sits | Mateos, centre, and Foreign | during visit to National Palace ~+AP Wirephoto | Investments fails to exercise its| "OUR BUSINESS' : option on the land by March 31,) 'Mr. McDonald should keep his| N MEXICO CITY ADDRESS 1961, all unsold land reverts to nose out of our business," pro- | I the Crown and Hydro may seek [tested Russell Jones, a Hamilton | . power from we federal Indian Steelworker delegate. affairs branch to expropriate the| Another Hamilton Steelworker, ® ® land. |Art Laverty, said the statement 1 on Ro es ds ay soo -- tht Conan y Moss : " p {moter William G. Clark said he Political action is "none of his |gave the Chippewa Indians a =, s i | | : ¢ : 4 Steelw ficer, . : : . ; : . choice of selling 3,100 acres of Pog Bg Bd saved MEXICO CITY (CP) Prime ination. He named no countries Ever since the South African President Lopez Mateos and For-| their land te private interests or| °° apind. ' Minister Diefenbaker, who has'but observers here generally con- government's apartheid (racial eign Minister Tello, 176.4 acres to Hydro. of lurver Siticism ot He La built a reputation in Canada as/sidered his remarks referred to segregation) policy brought on One thing already is definite: : boa |S Y Ss Mr. MeDon- a champion of human rights, hasthe South African situation, at|riots and bloodshed in that coun- This visit, and the one paid eI Ie td Ze a a id by telling the delegates 3 i come out with two impromptu at-{Jeast in part try, Mr. Diefenbaker has care- {pe president to Ottawa last Oec- participate in the land sale with waite th v oe st itleren tacks against racial discrimina-| pn an address fo Mexico's law fully refrained from saying any- tober, have brought the two coun-| Hydro views in he Uni States than| tion in his visit to the capital of fraternity. he said one of the ma- thing that would impair relations tries 'closer together. dias . {in Canada. : . : Mexico. jor reasons for the march of com- With a sister Commonwealth Both the president and ti Mr. Clark was: working for the "I don't think there's any basic The Canadian leader twice de-/munism in various parts of the country. He has reiterated his pri a Sn Re the Crown Trust Company of Tor-|difference of opinion," he said: parted from prepared texts at world is racial discrimination, long-standing opposition to racial advantage to' stress this ¢r¥ onto, agent for Dimensional In- MAJOR ISSUE [ public functions F y to speak' wo t_attor have i discrimination, though ale iid " vestments. Hydro got the land' SUE . i out strongly against such discrim We cannot a ford to have in- But Prider's statements. were At a state dinner tendered by|from: the company on March 11, The move into 'direct political a equality according to race or the strongest he has made for th President Friday night, Mr.|1959 ior roughly $7,000 an acre,|action through a Labor-CCF-farm color," he said. "Racial equality | ; ns. ng Diefenbaker told the Mexican while the company purchased 'he|alliance--long advocated by the lis the abiding principle of human|some time, leader that "you' 5. t : you've made us feel|property for about $2,200 an acre, {80,000-member Steelworker Union CITY EMERGENCY [is tre Today, the last full day of his/not only like neighbore but ales or ® in Canada--is one of the major PHONE NUMBERS rlier, at the University of Mexican visit, the prime minis:|intimate friends." REVOKED POWER I sones bo be: chndeel cy aor XH ; S B S L he for goes sight-sec ing witne Seer 8 For his part, President Lopez| It was Mr. Clark's meeting with|1,800 delegates at next week's MAGGIE E IBIT ER KIL a = a9 r human freedoms eXiean- ty ¢ rodeo SAged Spe Mateos said the thing that struck the Indian council on Aug. 27 and|CLC gathering. y Magda (Maggie) Lindahl | for a union card upon her ar- | good painter and can wrest] POLICE RA 5-1133 y d whenever Cit him and hold p m most or Ottawa visit was 28 195% that caused the council to] At the wind-up séssion of the| brushes paint on the side of a | rival from California 11 vears 60-foot ladder around ii FIRE DEPT. RA 5-657 A } by tyranny to 1s simplicity in the warm and revoke Hydro's power to negoti-(two-day Steelworker conference Detroit building as she prac- | ago. She proved to then she | best of them. She WAS Dull ih ' + : herd ne ma 10 ols for I'he pre con en i wrdial welcome with which the ate with individual Indian 'land |policies and practices for the next| tices her trade as a painter. was a journeyman - or J ey- | Germany and once worked for PIP 2.99 the state that practises that tyr- some indication of whal was ac-( inadian government and people|owners. The right was then Siveniyear were drafted and approved, Maggie flabbergasted painters | woman . and got her card. | Jack Deny as ost HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 anny but also for all mankind." complished in his talks bere with|had received him. lto the Crown Trust. ~--ranging from a demand for »'gunion officials when she applied | Her employer gs she is a | puey #5 Wiggphota,