The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, April 22, 1960 [=--Avtomabiles for Sale $05 YOUR 'choice, Mercury sedan, Ply- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) mouth sedan, or '52 Meteor, $145. All really good mechanically, '60 plates, King West Motors, opposite Shoppi Centre, '53 FORD coach, $345 down or cash, 45--Real Estate for Sale 47 --Automobiles for Sale balance $295, excellent running condi- tion. King West Motors, opposite Shop- ping Centre. for sale, 75 x 200. Thickson Road Noah. Call Whitby, MO 8-4505. black with whitewalls, RA 8-6279, nights RA 3-4992. ng | "56 CADILLAC, Fleetwood, all electric, Telephone days|'56 FORD -- private, one owner, excel- lent condition. Telephone RA 5-2802. BUSINESS opportunity -- Nearly new modern service station and 40-seat restaurant, complete with all equip- ment on one of Ontario's busiest high- ways. Sold as a going concern with early possession arranged. $60,000 with|s| $18,000 down. Call Lloyd Metcalf, Realls Estate, for further information at RA|o: 3-9329 or RA 5-6551. PICTURESQUE treed lot, in city withjc seven-room, split level especially de-|3- signed for the lot, attached garage finished rec-room, decorated, and other extras. Truly an executive type home $18,900. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-8870. a FOUR room house, garage, near SGM, extra large lot. 784 Oxford Street, RA| 3-3529. : LOT for sale, 50 x 120, 2, Dieppe Avenue | off Wilson Road South. Price $2200 fully serviced. RA 5-2193 after 4. Ta TWO lots Rit: oad South. RA 8-6397. I3 SIX - room h e, central location, $100) down with monthly payments ci R "3? CHEVROLET Whitby. 56 DeSOTO -- Fireflite hardtop, power with black tops Phone | "60 PONTIAC Parisienne V8, } hardtop, frame and belts. Two wheel car trailer, | funy equipped, must be seen, private, |'51 MONARCH, "partly sedan, good clean, le ar, A-l transportation, $325. MO 8.4517 aolaiely oes iodide in good, $395. King West Ry ale oaopping Centre. 51 BUICK, excellent motor, transmis- sion and rear end, $95 or best offer. power brakes, radio, back peaker, whitewalls, snow tires, one wner car, will take trade. RA 3-2647. Telephone RA 5-5469, "59 VAUXHALL Victor Super, , oridition, radio, $1475. Telephone RA|'S5 METEOR coach, five tires, 2 snow 3030. tires, excellent condition. One Farmall _-A rid ractor, medi i cultivatol SPORTS car, Austin SPIE, 108 stra mcd, r rs tone sot of or 10,000 miles, $1325. throw disc harrows, three-section level. |ling harrows. Large table saw, steel teering, RA 3.9. box and racks. Some small tools and |articles, Apply Mrs. R. C. Moon, Rag- lan, Ontario. |MUST sell, *57 Meteor Rideau 500 con- vertible continental and fender skirt. dillac South, Oshawa. A 3-9161 after 5 p.m. hape, $175 cash. Phone RA 80837, FORD Fairlane, V-8 automatic, | adio, immaculate condition, 3 moet ew tires, blue and white, $1595, 436 Bowmanville, after 6. FORD standard, perfect shape, worth $425. Private. Call RA 3.235 Apply 234 Ca Price. $995 cash. iG SPORTS car with new 1500 CC motor, new side curtains, new red 0. | paint, heater, Many extras, $950. Apply E Olive before 8 p.m, only $65. For information c all i Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123 or RA 8-5205 Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd. NINE - room income "home, ve tral location. Four-room self-contai apartment on first floor and-five-room self-contained apartment on secon floor Reasonable down payment. Ca Irwin Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123 or RA/| -52 Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd NEW six-room ranch bungalo double attached garage, two , divided basement with finis room, terms arrang ~= SABYAN MOTOR |'56 NASH Statesman deluxe, excellent condition, overdrive, reclining seats, private, $995. Terms. RA 3 | IMISCELLANEOUS items kly when you place a Classified ad in "Atucies tor sale" It's where buyers Dial RA 3-3492 now to start SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 '52 Pontiac, '49 Pontiac, "51 Pontiac. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's, RA 5-5646. 53 PONTIAC sedan delivery, RA 5-9415 er, 238 Kaiser Cres. CUSTOM built, for spotless, six-room ranch tastefully dec ted and full scaped, aluminum storms and scre $80 monthly includes taxes. SI Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870 FIVE room conveniences, ideal for motors south plant Box 297 Pickering; 75-ACRE bank mana ager | bun handyman Vrit or TEmjle 9 farm, hou a $10,000, Terms. W. Mc Realtor 26 Prince Street, RA 3.2 or MO phone | hy dro. | ht 4 p.m. |"49 CHEVROLET (tion, $95 sedan, good condi- Apply 297 Geneva Avenue. | '51 CHEV. hardtop, radio, red bottom, [black top, immaculate condition, rea- |sonably priced. Phone OL 5-3211 Brook- ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 9 CHEVROLET, standard, low mile- excellent condition. Will take rade. Dial Colfax 3-2159. | FOR SALE -- Motor and radiator for 48 Pontiac. Call RA 5-7890. |MAKE money. save money with Osh- 8-5765 [ 200 ACRES bush land, old highway, south of Lindsay, full price quick sale. W. McAuley Realtor, Prince Street. RA 3-2512 or MO 8 $2300 DOWN, fam room, 2% stor dition, 2 5765 ily or income home, 7 new forced area, close Selling ande Tier Real residential schools, early possession price only $14,000. Contact Ro ney RA 55207 or Don Howe Estate, ROSSMERE Street, delightfully ent, three bedroom 1 natural stained mah tiled bath, divided baseme St. Christopher School, $ Bosco Realtor, RA 5-987 5 TWO - bedroom bungalow, residential district, $12,000, $500 Consider lot as trade in RA 5 ; BUILDING lot, 45° x 120, water. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 100 ACRES good crop or pasture trout pond, half-mile from Lake BOE, Cartwrig pa Township, Port Perry, differ Joseph sewer RA 5-9 "on Apple Hill "feet, near Lake coe district 'RA 3:7132 |awa Times Classified Ads, Whether BUYING OR SELLING SEE | you want to buy or sell, place your |Ad by calling RA 3.3492. TED CAMP N FORD two door. Apply 274 Malaga |Road MOTORS | 56 CHEVROLET half- i" up, $800, 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA good condition. RA 5-01 (Just East of Wilson Road) |ONE RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 '56 Ford Apply es Station, 1955 BUICK |'47 FORD "Convertible 3 partly c custom- lized; also '53 Meteor in A-1 condition, Turquoise and white, radio, whitewalls mechanically and body wise. RA 043 condition EASY TERMS TRY (STEW) MIKE STARR'S RA 5- 5646 117 TO '54 CAR, Chevrolet preferred consider others. Phone RA 3-9911 after custom Excellent | | IE i EOR sedan. Will sell or take I ade on pick-up truck. Apply 248 To ronto Avenue, "CHEVROLET sed matic, recently overhauled, |best offer. Telephone | RA 18-0558. I to 0. En sedan, radio auto- $650 or 58 VAUXHALL, black, privately own- ed. excellent condition. RA 5-1332 after 5.30 '49 AUSTIN, mechanically good, four |new tires, body fair, $85. Apply 208 | Centre Street | 55 BUICK, two door hardtop, in excel: le condition, custom radio, white- GE Jackson's Pol n Telephone RA BUNGAL ow 5-2608 six dscaped tely, owner Whitby BOWMANVILLE NEW THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW Attached garoge, bath, hardwood natural stone fireplace, built- rooms, attached decorat Must transferred tiled 4-pc. throughout, in china cabinet. For Ir MA 3-2970 OPEN HOUSE EVERY 'EVENING 4 P.M. to 8PM, DONEVAN HEIGHTS CORNER OF TAYLOR AND FAREWELL AVENUE $12,900 FULL PRICE NEW N.HA. 63% $75 MONTHLY HOMES ARE AVAILABLE NOW INFORMATION CONTACT HOWARD McCABE AT RA 5-9934 RA 5-6544 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS I RANCE 46--Real Estate Wanted WE NEED homes to sell No charge unless we Mille Real RA 5-2993 or RA 3-3240. Open eve 47--Automobiles For Sale 55 B.S.A 650 CC $250 RA 57233 "KAISER coach, price $100, black. 167 Nassau Street or phone 28-1881 after 5. CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS = 149 KING ST. Ww. ormation Phone List tod: motorcycle '52 color RA BETTER USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD | Any Moke -- Any Mc | Condition Guaranteed $25 DOWN EASY TERMS Expert Service BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE STEW" A TRY AT MIKE STARR'S 314 BLOOR ST. W, RA 5-5646 Open Until 9 p.m. REAL BARGAINS walls, two tone. Will accept trade. Can finance. Reasonable, private. RA 3- 7197 | CUSTOM built car radios, complete with aerial and installation, transistor models from $49.95. Terms $5 down Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Stree! West. RA 5-6511 . ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to |20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. '56 THREE and half ton International 15-ft. stake body, 6 ft. solid racks, with tarpaulin, excellent condition, MArket 3-3821. "59 PONTIAC Laurentian fordor V8, automatic, radio, tutone, whitewall tires, low mileage, excellent condition. RA 8-8592 '53 BUICK, $475 or btst offer. Cai seen at 520 Creighton Avenue. 8-0190 "51 BUICK, good running condition, for sale or trade for anything. Phone RA 3-9491 1956 METEOW sedan, two tone, in good tion. Phone RA 5-4429, PONTIAC four-door deluxe, 50 Chevrolet, can be seen at 172 Hib. bert Street after 6 p.m. RA 5-7817 '3 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, four- door, low mileage, A-1 condition. Orono 1569. PRIVATE party has Cadillac coupe de Ville, two tone, Goddis gold and black top, fully equipped. This car is in im- macu condition, being sold by own- . Apply 342 Frontenac Avenue N, good condition, $195. '55 E coupe, excellent new paint, CADILLAC sedan perfect condition wer equip ped, 0 and whitewalls $1295, FORD radio, sedan, two tone custom heater, sedan, radio, good condition, '50 MERCURY coach 53 motor cust- and '50 CHEV. coach BUCKS BODY SHOP 361 BLOOR ST EAST RA 5-4513 I OR oa Sas '60 Buick 2-dr Pontice ¢~lu $75. {b al RA 3- TRIUMPH TR3. sports car, y low mileage, extras. Can finance with $300 down. Private. MO 8-5152, MORRIS Minor convertible, spot- *ss little car in A-1 mechanical condi- tion. 14 Buckingham Avenue. hardtop; xe automatic; '60 Meteor Montcalm hardtop; '59 '59 Chevrolet 4-dr, deluxe; '58 Pon- '57 Meteor 2-dr.; '56 Chevrolet top; '52 Ford 2-dr.; '50 Monarch 4-dr. BEST CARS -- LOWEST PRICES WILL TRADE AND FINANCE MARION AUTO LTD. 25 GRENFELL ST. - RA 8-5179 SEE BERT BLOUIN OR LARRY BEAUPRE YOUR AUSTIN DEALER IS OFFERING FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS ONLY EASTER HOLIDAY SPECIALS DOWN ON USED CARS -- ALL PRE-SERVICED all deluxe; hardt 10% ardtop -- Automatic transmission, radio, wind- Full price $500.00 with $50 00 down. -- Radio, automatic transmission. $545.00 $55.00 down, agara -- Duo-tone, 0 down. sher. price, ETEOR MN EOR radio. OR Only $1,045.00 $150 AUSTIN Sedan -- One owner car (name on re- Full price $1,395.00. Your old car as down Full price $845.00, OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK PONTIAC -- Mechanically 0.K,, 1000 -- One owner car. $99.50. to test drive these beauties. We r the new cars -- Austin A.55s, A.40's, the AMAZING NEW 850s SELLING good tires, t hesitate n f -- MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Willis Motors Taunton Road East, V4 mile east of Ritson Rd. 5 Points. Phone RA 5-0331 47--Automobiles for Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles for Sale S0--Articles for Sale Hilltop Motors RA 8-6891 HOME OF THE USED CAR PRICE MURDERER WE 'WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD bs We have slashed all of our Used Car Prices to the Bone for this once-in-a-season sale: Never before have prices been lower. Lowest down payments and the best terms in town through LA.C. Merit. Plan Financing. '59 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4- door, complete with power- glide transmission, whitewall tires and 'positraction rear end. A spotless one-owner car. The Murderer's Price only $2,095. '57 MONARCH Richelieu Se- dan -- All power equipment, push-button drive. An im- maculate one - owner car. Anywhere else $2,195. The Murderer's Price $1,795. Only $295.00 down and $78.00 per month, '57 FORD Custom 2-dr., per- fect condition, V/8 engine, whitewalls, A very snappy performer. The Murderers Price only $1,395. '57 PONTIAC Deluxe 2-dr., radio, whitewalls and gleam- ing two-tone paint. Compare this for value: The Murder~ er's Price only $1,495, '56 OLDSMOBILE Holiday 4- dr: Hardtop, full power equip- ment, Tremendous value, only $1,495, '56 PONTIAC Deluxe 4-dr,, beautiful condition, two-tone paint, whitewall tires -- This one won't last. The Mur- derer's Price only $1,295, '56 BUICK Special 2-dr., outomatic, whitewalls and two-tone paint, This beauty is spotless from bumper to bumper ond The Murderer has chopped his price to only 1,195, '56 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 dr., all power-equipped radio, front and rear speaker, white= walls, jet black in color. The Murderer's Price only $1,495. '56 DODGE Regent 2-dr, new motor, push-button drive, radio, whitewalls, perfect con dition. The Murderers Price only $995. '55 MERCURY 9-passenger Station Wagon, excellent con- dition, radio. very rare wagon. The Murderer's Price only $1,295. '55 -BUICK 4-dr. Hardtop: Two-tone turquoise and white, automatic transmission. Spe- cial for this weekend, $1,095. '55 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2- dr. Hardtop, radio, whitewalls, two-tone The Mur.derer's Price only $1,195. '54 MONARCH 4-dr., new automatic, radio. and full power equipment, Special Price $595. '54 PONTIAC Deluxe 4-dr., clean as a pin, radio, sig- nals, excellent tires. Without a doubt the finest in Oshawa. The Murderer's Price only $695. *53 DODGE Sedan, complete- ly overhauled. The Murder- er's Price only $395. '53 CHEVROLET = Bel Air Hardtop, yellow and white. The Murderer's Price only $595. '51 PONTIAC, rebuilt motor, fair body. A steal ot only $49 '50 CHEVROLET 2-dr., per- fect mechanically, The Mur- derer's Price only $49. LAWN MOWERS HERE IS THE SPOT -- List prices mean nothing to the Murderer, New mowers as low as $36.95. This Week's Special -- 1960 Models, 18" Deluxe Lawn Cruiser, regular $80.00, FOR ONLY $64.95, OUTBOARD MOTORS We're practically giving them away. Imagine a new 3 h.p. motor for as low os $119.50 One year warranty. Huge selection of New and Used Motors at Low, Low Prices. Hilltop Motors RA 8-6891 RA 5-1161 or RA 5-182, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want REFRIGERATOR, cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, a condition. RA 5-497 BOY'S brown tweed coat set, size 6x; large crib. RA 5-0276, TWO medium size tricycles, kiddie car, fase. years old, Quiet-; gat YPewEiter, HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR ~ TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 $100 or best offer, RA 5-0719 15% FOOT family for skiing, $495. MO 8-4604. ONE full length wedding gown with ey Ty BR 4 girl's biaycle, electric steel guitar ns. RA 5-2425, 92 Elgin East, A WEDDING dress for sale, size 12, headdress and veil, only worn once. Call RA 5-2179. ONE F refr RA 5-3117, SPECIAL. Plastic wall tile, a colors, Phone .|in 4% x 4% sqares, 20c #q. late Mr, and Mrs, Charles a radiord of pe! RA 8-0013 after 5 p.m, QUANTITY of plywood cement forms, reasonable, Telephone RA 5-7081. LIMITED quantity of plywood hela Suitable for Fit} Sarage or cot A 5 electric stove, Coldwall washer, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] TWO boys' bicycles, one racer, one junior size. Apply Texaco Station, 380 Simcoe Street South or call RA 5-4360. SONY transistor radio, $49.95, with one year guarantee. Free leather case with this model. Meagher's, 5 King Street West, RA 3-3425. NEW boats for sale, suitable for row- ing or outboard, also lawn chairs, rea- sonable. Phone RA 8-6327 TWO rugs, oriental esis, new, 9 x 12 o Lpriy ate. 32 2000. B. F, cul re -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5-4543. USED parts and repairs for all makes washers and stoves. Hampton, CO 3-2241. FLOOR coverings at tremendous sav- ings, clearance of last year's t Many cheerful designs for home and cottage, reduced for quick sal Paddy's Market, CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. RA 5-5743 CHIP wagon nin Rood condition, all| per foot. Ends mats while they last $1.49. fui heavy quality a $1600. Apply back and moth proof, 6 decorative col- ors, large 9 x 12 size very special price $79.50 Ends of wall coverings Clear Albert Street. HEAVY duty ran range: cleaner. Phone RA 5-8084. also vacuum Volume Of Cattle Heavy. 'Trading Dull, Listless TORONTO (CP) Butcher| Slaughter cattle: Choice steers cattle sold at barely steady t0|23-23.50 with sales to 24; good as much as 50 cents per hundred-|22- 23; medium 19-21.50; common weight lower amid dull trading 1C-19; this week at the Ontario public|sales to 21.50 and an odd choice good heifers 20-21 with stockyards. ito 22; medium 17-19.50; common The volume on catlfe was the 14-17; choice fed yearlings 23-24; heaviest it has been all year but! good -21-23; good cows 17-17.50; the action after Monday ap- and odd tops to 18; medium 15. peared to be dull and listless. 50-16-50; common 14.50-15.50; Cows sold actively at prices canners and cutters 12-14; good fully 50 cents to as much as $1 heavy bologna bulls 18-18.50; per hundredweight higher while common and medium light bulls replacement cattle were in nar-|14-17.50. row demand at barely steady) Replacement cattle: good han- prices. Veal calf prices were $1| dyweight stockers mostly 23-24 higher and hog prices steady. |with sales to. 25 and one last at alive feed - Tot Jame were 26; common and medium 18.22, steady, spring lambs sharply Calves: good vealers 29-34; lower and sheep prices generally {with odd sales to 35 and a single lat 26.50; medium 24-28; common out price 37¢ per foot. Wilson F' 20 Church Street, : NEW furniture bargains: 2-piece ches- terfields (airfoam), reduced to 2189; 5. piece bedroom suite, only $129.50; 36" continental beds complete, only $32.50; BABY buggy, six-way Lloyd, in 00d $25, yellow and white, con- verts to car bed, stroller, ete. Call RA 5-6118 after 6 p.m. Ths chesterfield, $29; machines, $19.50; 'Norge 50--Articles for Sale any size beds, smooth tops, |r, $49.50; bunk beds with spring mat ress, $58, arborite step tables, $5.95 and up; $! almost new 'frig, $119; id ob desk, $18; dining room suite 35 HP Gale electric, nue, Verdun Road. '59 model, A-1 con- dition, Cy Preece Garage, Glidden Ave- $59; 30" HD stove, $129; bed ends and springs, $9; four el'ciric shavers. $0 TV, $89. Phone RA 8-1131 or come in TV, $80. Phone RA 8 '131 or come in S-plece chrome sets, only $45: 2-piece bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs $5.95 each; chest drawers, unfinished, 5;11959 Receipts from western Can-|15; Cattle receipts were some 2,000, head mote than last week and| 18:23; boners 12-13. about the same as this week in| Hogs: Grade A 21; heavy sows lights 17; stags 10 on a ada totalled 268 head plus 106 dressed weight basis. head of western stock calves, a| Shee; and lambs: Good native decrease of +157 head under last feed-lot lamb sold at 23-24.50; week. Shipments to eastern Cana-/common and medium lambs 16- dian slaughterers were five and 23; sheep 4-10 according to quale there were no exports to the ity, spring lambs sold at 30 per $16.95 and ap. Try Community Furni- at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince _|RA 5.2239. GIRL'S suit, size 12; boy's blazer, both in excellent condition, cheap. Phone ture at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince Street, RA 81131. Cash or Street. Community Furniture Siwore. GURNEY combination coal and gas terms range with shelf, ivory, $15. RA 5- 1882. SPECIAL spring sale," 1960 new Gale outboard, 3 to 60 HP from $120 up. Cy Preece Garage, Glidden Avenue, Ver-| dun GIRL'S bicycle, Coleman camp stove, power mower, bedspread and drapes| to match. All in good condition, rea sonable. RA 5-2577. TYPEWRITER, like new, $4 electric adding machine, snap; master Checkwriter, never used. 3-4434. ONE acetylene welding outfit, complete | with hose, cutting torch and two sthge gauges, Telephone RA 5-7081. CHROME kitchen suite, Thor electric | ironer, drapes, other household articles, 14 Oshawa Blvd. South TWO-piece "chesterfield set, rose nylon, airfoam cushions, new condition, will sacrifice for $75. Large Quebec heater, $10. RA B-5398. CHESTERFIELD, wine red, good con- dition. Phone RA 8-8277. LLOYD baby carriage, very good con. dition, $20. Also boy's three-speed CCM bicycle, less than half price. RA 3 Toi, WEDDING dress, pink satin, floor length; lady's brown suit, both size 16, also 40 ft. 1% inch hose for pumping, etc. MOhawk 8-2262. FOUR used 21" table models, Television, 171 ONE plywood flat bottom boat; 30 ume Americana Encyclopaedia; seven volume "Land and Pepe and 10 vol- umes 'Popular Science". RA 5-9130. WINE and cider rey all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- ware, 8 Church RA 3-7624, LADY'S suit, medium biae,- size 16, Lady coat, beige, fitted, size 16,| ondition RA 5-5676 "girl's and boy' A Tacer, eT, also ah lat , phone RA 5-4 BOY'S racer bicycle, in P. condition, $20 Telephone RA 54129, UNPAINTED bookcases, "only 9c. 'with the purchase of one piece of unpainted | furniture, Chest of drawers, $17 ;desks, $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanily dressers, $26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, $22; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ALUMINUM doors, average window $19.95 5-7405. BOAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, 8 ft to 22 ft. cruisers. Car top special pasily bled $49; 15 ft ided any runabout, complete with indshiond | and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1959 Gale Buchaneer motor, new warranty $329. Barons', 426 Simcoe Street South. ten key Pay RA TV sets, consoles and $79 each. Hurry TRIO| Bond Street East. windows, awnings, | installed, RA I.| RA | USED tires, most all sizes, 3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stor RA 5-4543. FUR coat or what have you will sell like hot-cakes right mow in a low-cost United States, hundredw eight. THE LIBRARY WORLD 11 FT. car top boats, 12 foot plycraft boat, gears, controls, and steering wheel separate. Coleman lante - 239 or par Road, RA } Jans mm, APPLY | aBY carriage, continental | style, "and - Ruki --.|car bed for sale. Good condition, rea- VACUU "clo aner, repairs, all makes, | sonable. Phone RA 3-4842. parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. |teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free, "| HoUsEHOLD furniture, stove e. refrig; [Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. erator, stereophonic combination, 21" ice, RA 8.0591 anytime. |TV, radio, record-player, Excellent con- pe __|dition. Owner leaving country. THREE hp | garden tractor plough. a and | {3:3347. iv Ford o jcuavator. RA $9208. USTOM car radio for 1957 Ford or REGISTERED ST TLVY ITH 'plants, | Meteor, push button. Phone RA 5-1214 | Phone RA 5-6071. lor call at 819 Rowepa Street. | WE pay highest prices in the for|ONE Lloyd baby carriage, white, with |used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni-|mattress, $20; one playpen, $5; all in ure Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South good condition. Appy 297 Geneva Ave ING stripes, | "uC: Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Dial RA 3.3492 now. A "colors or g Adventure Books For Children The following reviews were written by a member of the staff of the McLaughlin Pub- «lic Library, Boys' and Girls' Department. | Prompt e. Free estimates, Order | GARAGE doors, 76" x 3 x 10 each, {now for early delivery. Chair and table with hardware. Appy 144 Prince Street. |rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. _|paTNT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. 52--Legal Notices [IBM electric | typewriter, good "snap; |All colors. Guaranteed. Flat, gloss. also adding machine, reasonable, Apply Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 215 Gibbon Street, | Church Street. RA 3-7624. HON or, 6% HP with all type, 12 cu. ft., hold approximately 500 |attachments; also GMC tank truck Ibs, Call MO 8-5152. Private. |with 4" diaphragm pump, 2" centri 13 FOOT moulded Plywood b | fugal pump, with hose, reasonable. MA * E freezer, good condition, chest|'s? GARDEN trac |shield, lights and steering. RA 5-2020 Li an TR 8 De TWO burner rangette for sale, ONE double bed, "spring and mattress: |condition. 329 Albert or phone single bed; steel cot; buffet; kite hen|5.9135 Sy dav. {able and chairs; small round table -- 3.9420. lov TBOARD motor, new, $95; ; Coleman FIVE hundred nearly sew Gusher Bas [lantern $12.95; small oi space hese TR Fi an in. kets or hampers, with lids, reasonable, | Glecoff Supermarket, 174 Ritson Road |utomatic. new, $13 Wtiehal 33s South, Tacks, $50; also must be clean. REX Air canister type vacuum, four dinette chairs, white' leather seats; Telephone RA_3-0180. small kitchen table; other articles suit-| RADIO, console, "superheterodyme with able for cottage; hall carpet. RA 5.3169, standard and four short-wave bands, i! 10; NEW 146" Paceship molded plywood RA" S015. alter food, Soni on. Phone hoat, re- steering, lights, windshield, . mote control, OBS50 trailer, 35 HP RCA Vietor Hi A] radio ph phonograph, Johnston motor plus other extras. $1095. [cabinet model, mahogany finish, in |Call RA 3-3052, [ost class condition, only two Jears old, cost $320, will sell for $139. Telephone | maT -RieH, vino, 4157 "igh, 00d pt' 0341 after 6 pom. i Emple 9-2345 or |. rg ---- RA 5-2236. 74 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, 1940 , good RA w studio couch wanted, HEAD OFFICE FOR THE OSHAWA BOARD OF PARK MANAGEMENT Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the City Clerk, Osh- awa, until 2 p.m. Wednes- day, May 11th, Drawings ond Specifications moy be obtained from il- liam R. Milne, Architect, 53 Albert Street, Oshawa, upon deposit of $25. Lowest or any tender may not be accepted. City Clerk, Oshawa. model, asking $45; 3-speed racer bi- |CHESTE CRFIELD bed, "good condition. |eycle. Apply 41 Sandra Street. D> bo soi |T WO arm chairs, four dining room ir ¥ o Iwoed ton boat, $4" | (yi "small tables, lamps, double bed, [s- 1905. Ts E000 28 EW, | rugs, drapes, china. 10 a.m. to 12 a.m, -- land 6 to 8 p.m. 11 "The Edward", BABY carriage, Lloyd deluxe, yellow | Quebec Street. and grey, like new, converts to bassin.| " IDINING room s ite, 7p pieces; 3 Kitchen ette, car bed, or stroller. OLiver 5-3033. suite; coal and wood stove; refrigera- |LOVE seat with chair to match, drapes |tor; all in good condition. 448 Dunkirk "| for barge window, rug 6 10" x 9, RA |Avenue, RA 5-0445. 328 7 HP garden tractor, ME tiller, in good [Frenio AMAT camera, enlarger, speed condition. Telephone COlfax 3-2152. light, tripod, dark room equipment, A 1|FuRS AND Bargains! N style RA rriages, converts FOR SALE Gendron convertible baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also i jon portable radio-ph raph, $50. Phone | three- speed, nearly new, MO 8-4407 GENDRON baby carriage, je, blue and white, converts to, car bed and stroller Excellent condition, 294 Burk Street RA 8-0810. ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, Street West. RA 5-6511. HIGHEST | prices "paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture, Share, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1 LARGE selection of re-conditioned TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle roof, "Tempgard" colored aluminum paint, by Benjamin Moore, will refin- ish your present asphalt shingles, to give them additional years of wear, and in new colors. See Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King Street West (opposit Dominion Store). GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. 26 FEET Beatty steel for stock pen, two Beatty steel single horse stalls. Phone YUkon 5-2605. rooms of furniture only $209 ncludes chesterfield and chair, chome set, bedroom suite, spring, step and coffee table, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $23 down delivers! "Guaranteed Best Value!" Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. TRUCK tires with tubes and wheels, size 7.50-20, heavy duty, 10 ply rayon, like new, all four $280. Portable air compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hp Wisconsin, $65 Six air compressor units, stationary and one portable, from $139 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23. A-C Volt Ammeter GE, $45. Extension cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in- clude Ukrainian, electric fans, pipe threading dies, floor lamp, electric heaters, GM car radio, office cabinet, welding rods cast iron, portable mantel radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth and discs, electric fuel pump 6 volts and windshield wiper, punches, gaskets and many others, to be sold regardless of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street South RA 5-9216, at any time. mattress, | -- 8-6702. i large 'baby crib. Phoue smart metal ly e . to car bed, many colors, lowest price OUTBOARD Motor an dtank, 12 HP,,|in town, $37. Large full panel Roxatone 1956 Xl, used three seasons $175. RA | crib, half price, $19.88. Spring - filled | 3263 lerib mattresses, $9.88. Playpens, $8.88. High shalt; $7.88, Strollers, $5.88. Wil- Jortable, rniture, 20 Church Street. "bargains. | Real low Prices} Spring - filled Inatiesses, guaranteed Hol water fank and (coro, iio. Reg, $29.95 -- Wilson's {low price, $16.88, Smooth ; high qual. ; good condi-|ity mattresses, discontinued _tickings size 28", Dialland one of a kind, Serta, Restonic, | Beverly, Marshall, Sunnens, feduced {for quick sale from . Continental conten stove, a eds, spring - filled sturdy construction, {TV, chesterfield, bedroom _suite, kit. mismatched tickings, single sizes, Reg. y i 1 y $44.50, clearance price, Hen, chairs, table etc, 121 Pine Street, beds, complete with ribbon springs, bi SR mattresses, guard rail and ladder, THOR washer, apartment size Astral Maple or Walnut, price complete, $38. fridge, both in very good 1l-a-way cots with mat- Phone RA 5-9796. tress, $16.9! Wilson's 20 PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, [Church § All colors. Guaranteed flat, gloss. | NOR! Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Reasonable. Telephon Church Street. RA 3-764 BOATS, motors and trailers, new "Lucky dollar SAVE your dollars at' used. Complete selection. We finance store, fresh vegetables daily, Phone our own accounts. Terms to suit your your orders in. RA 50432 frée deliv. (budget. See Dominion Tire Store, ery. Church and Bond. $10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, range, washer or TV. 25 per cent off on small GE appliances. Barons', 426 Sim- coe Street South. ROOM Dividers that are really different and smart. $10 down delivers. Several exciting models to choose from, Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe Street South, NU-WAY Rug Co., has been appointed distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum RA 5.1202 or RA 5.0433 SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, i machine, § excellent Singer, po el condition, 91. | JACKET heater, [pipes. RA 3-396. || PHILLIPS racer in very a S150 boy's CCM, 698. ENTS of four Furniture, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 INTRODUCTORY OFF ER: EXTERIOR RAILINGS, $2.50 per lin, ft. and up (installed); TV TOWERS, 30-ft. Tower from $30 up (install it your- Sheep dippink tank, Kiltox TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON Tender for Township Garage SEALED tenders plainly marked "Tender for Garage' will be received by the Under- signed until 500 o'clock p.m, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1960, for the construc- tion of a reinforced concrete .ond concrete block garage. The garage is 44-0" x 90-10", It will be located ot Lot 18, Con. V, Township of Darlington being at Hamp- ton. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be ob- tained from the road super- intendent on and after April 18, 1960. A deposit of ten dollars is required for each set of plans and specifica- tions. This deposit will be re- funded upon return of the plans and specifications in good condition within thirty days of the closing of tenders. Each tender must be accom- panied by a marked cheque for 10% of the amount of the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. E. RUNDLE, Township Clerk, Darlington Township, Hampton, Ontario. R. M. SHORT, Road Supt., Darlington Township, Hampton, Ontario. "BURMA BOY" by Willis Lindquist, This is the story of Haji - and his love for Majda Koom, the mighty elephant. Even whole villages feared the wild Majda Koom. Two years before, Majda Koom had rum away and now he must be in the jungle with a herd of elephants, whb destroyed everything in their way. It was told, that this wild ele- phant hated all men, and that he would kill all who tried to cap- ture him. Haji was not afraid, though he was only a boy. Hija's father had trained Majda Koom and Haji had grown up with him. Haji alone would dare to bring him back, His search for the elephant is a real story of courage. (Nicholas Mordvinoff Caldecott Award winner illustrated the story very skillfully). Every young boy will enjoy this book. "DOGSLED DANGER" by West Lathrop. This adventure story goes back to the days of the Yukon Gold Rush. The American boy Cleeve Britton, just two years in Alaska, with his dog Jet, a borrowed dog team and dog- sled, had made a long trip to complete an errand for his mother's store. Now he was on his way home. Strangers (outlaws) forced him to a cabin. These men were hunte ed by the Canadian Mounties. Desperate for food and supplies, their own dog gone, they needed Cleeve's dog team. Cleeve es- caped with his own dog Jet, the true dog of the north, A thrilling story with lots of adventure. This is an unforget- table tale of a boy's love for his dog: "DAUGHTER OF THE MOUN. TAINS" by Louis Rankin. Momo prayed for a long time for a special kind of a dog, a red one from Lhasa, One day she be- came the owner of one and named him Pempa. A wool trader travelling through her village stole the dog. He was on his way to Calcutta. The story tells how Momo made her long journey from her mountain home to the steaming coast of India all alone, in search of Pempa. The small Tibetan girl travelled the difficult mountain road a- mong people who did not speak her language. Girls are especial- ly interested in this book. LIBRARY BRIEFS The Little People's Film Hour Saturday 2:30 p.m. presents: "Heart 1s Highland" "Wonders of the Desert" "Sing a little" 'Stanley takes a trip" MOBILE POST OFFICE HONG KONG (Reuters)--Hong Kong has put its first mobile post office in operation, equipped to handle all classes of postal buse iness for villagers living in out lying areas. fluid, Phenothiazine, Burdizzo pincers, seed drill, wagon, sleighs, log drog, machine stand, harness, hay rake, harrows, water trough, feed bins, chains, long cable, stoves, pig trough, dust blow= ers, spray powder, rotary mower, roto-spader, baskets, garden planter. E. M, FREEK OL 5-3006. self ond save); manufactured near Oshawa: METAL VENTURES RA 8-0909 LAWN CRUISER POWER MOWERS OR BUCCANEER OUTBOARD SALL Auminum Products best quality at prices, fully Double hung windows $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 of the the best guaranteed. only FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES Complete lines of meats, fish, poultry and groceries. Gov- ernment inspected. Blue and Red Brand beef. FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY $12.89 A WEEK. FAIRBANK-MORSE FREEZERS $199 UP Phone Now RA 8-1128 Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping MOTORS The price murderer at the Hilltop will not be undersold. See him today RA 8-6891 51--Swap and Barter BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur- nace, boiler and rads, electric pop cooler, serv-all grill, piping and fit tings (all kinds). H. Chinn RA 3-7088. 52--Legal Notices RE: "TENDERS FOR WINDOW CLEANING" Tenders, addressed to the undersigned, will be received until 5:00 p.m. May 2, 1960, for the cleaning of the windows of Halliday Manor, 620° Richmond St. East, OSHAWA, Ontario. R.C.A. Victor, The and Electrohome, Admiral, Westinghouse. finest in T.V., Hi-Fi service. PARKWAY T.V, 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats. 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- dion Explorer trailer, com- pletely equipped, $895. 13' moulded plywood boat, 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all controls and equipment, $995. While they last. Canadian Explorer camp trailers, com- plete, Reg. $405 - $319. Trades accepted. Terms ar- ranged. should Care- Block Prospective tenderers contact Mr. H. Boris, toker of Apartment "B"", Halliday Manor, to ascertain the amount of work to be done, before sub- mitting a tender. The lowest or any tender not ncessarily accepted. TRIPP, Treasurer, CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1.---- of the ball 6. Impetuous 10. Astir 11. To (poet.) 12. Mongrel dog 13. Loop on a collar 15. Siberiar gulf 16. Mixes + 17. Girl's name 20. Piece out 21. Leander"s 3. Fate 4. Behold! 6. Moral principles 6. Ladder bar 7. To fish 12. Variety of coffee 14. Near (poet.) 16. Music note 18. Land measures 19. Highway 24. Attempt 23. Haul 26. Monetary unit (U.S.8.R.), 30. Performed 32. Burden 33, Tree 36. Soon 38. Cracked, as nuts 40. Tellurium (sym.) 41. Summer dishes 42. Land contract 44. Samuel's teacher (poss.) 45. Cook, as eggs 47. Theme 48. Arabian country DOWN AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX Ph. WH 2-4080 Oshawa Housing Co, Ltd., 50 Centre St. OSHAWA, Ont 1. Gewgaws 2 Newt 25. Give in 27. Ex- clama- tion to frighten %8. Raile road- man's light 29. Bor. dered 31. Stylish (colloq.) 33. Thing of value 34. Kind of 39. Final rock 42. Obscure 35. Spiral orna. 43. Before ment (arch.) 46. Pronoun HL 6TH] ICIAIRIAIFIE hc lENA 3 MIL IN] [E[SINJE] EDIE RIETIE] Yesterday's Answep 37. Man's nickname

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