The Oshawa Times, 21 Apr 1960, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS London Truck Drivers Back WINDSOR (CP) Some 40|suburban North York tunnel pro- employees of Husband Transport|ject where five workers were Limited returned to their jobs/killed March 17 has been re- today, ending an area trucking| sumed with safety requirements strike that began a week ago doubled. Metropolitan Toronto of- Monday. The Husband workers|ficials said a team of staff engi- were the last of some 500 truck-|neers has been assigned to make ers here to return to their jobs.|at least two inspection trips a week through the tunnel. GETS REMAND | TORONTO (CP)--Calvin Pres-| RAILROAD WRANGLE ton, 35, charged with failing to] WASHINGTON (AP)--A strike- remain at the scene of an acci-| threatening wage wrangle be- dent after a 19-month-old boy|tween U.S. railroads and 11 was killed Saturday night, was unions was dropped in President remanded Wednesday until April [Eisenhowers lap today by the 22 on bail of $2,000 property or|national mediation board. The $1,000 cash. He was arrested next step is for Eisenhower to ap- after Chesley Bellar was killed point an emergency board to at Holland Landing, 30 miles consider the dispute. This would | north of here. postpone any walkout for 30 days, | ' while the board holds hearings) WONT ATTEND and drafts its recommendation, LONDON (Reuters) -- Group|and 30 days more while the Capt. Peter Townsend, rejected parties negotiate. suitor of Princess Margaret, said i Wednesday night that he and his HITS U.S. CHINA STAND Belgian - born wife, Marie-Luce,] NE! YORK (Reuters)--Walter will not attend Margaret's wed- Reuther declared Wednesday ding to Antony Armstrong-Jones. | night that the United States must | He declined to say if they had abandon its "negative approach" been invited to. and face the question of how| | Communist China could enter the APPEAL TO CNR |community of nations. Reuther, af LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Repre- vice-president of the AFL-CIO,| sentatives: of the newly-organized spoke at the closing session of a awa Coin Railroad Workers Council and two-day world affairs conference! mpeting, city council meeting here Wed-|of the labor body. | tive for THE MEMBERS OF the Osh- Club, at a recent elected their execu the ensuing year, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 21, 1960 3 WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy, Cooler Showers Friday showers today. Clear and cooler tonight. Friday cloudy with a few sunny intervals and a few widely scattered showers. Winds southerly 15 today light tonight southeast 15 Friday. Timmins, Kapuskasing: Cloudy with rain today clearing this eve- ning. Friday cloudy and mild with a few widely scattered show- ers. Winds southerly 15 today light tonight and Friday. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Friday Windsor .. was 40 Seven Members! Are Welcomed By Coin Club Seven new members were wel- comed by the Oshawa Coin Club) at its meeting Wednesday night. Mrs. Grace Steinfield, president, presided. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wil. «on, 852 Simcoe street north, were hosts to the members. An interesting talk on the orig in of coins dating back as far as 2000 B.C, was given by Rob- ert Pritchard, founder of the club An article was read from the Canadian coin press, a maga- zine published for members of 'he Canadi~n Numistic Associa- tion regarding the defacing of coins for profit, fooling even keen collectors. A surprising amount of corre- spondence was received regard- ing a number of coins. Coins ¢ were also exch d members 'of the club. f The next meeting is scheduled for May 18 at 8 p.m. It will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. £ R. Pritchard, 92 Burk street, i: Oshawa. 'Big Famil 3 . | are Art Joynt, director; Ron | the club, and Don Wilson, di- mmigrates Treleaven, publicity chairman; | rector. TORONTO (CP)--Ofificial fore- casts issued by the public weather office at 11 a.m. EST. Synopsis: A low pressure cen- tre moving across Northern On- tario today brought rain and over- cast skies to most of the north country. A band of showery weather extends to the south of this low as far as Kentucky. This unsettled weather will pass across the southern regions of the province today. Tonight will bring clearing skies and slightly cooler temperatures to all re- gions followed by increasing ec! and a few more show- ers on Friday. Regional forecasts midnight Friday. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Wind- sor, London: Cloudy with a few sunny intervals and a few show- ers today. Clearing tonight. Fri- day mainly cloudy with a few showers. Not much change in temperature, Winds south 25 shifting to west 15 this afternoon light tonight becoming southerly 15 Friday. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Georg- 1an Bay, Haliburton, Hamilton, Toronto: Cloudy with a few sun.) Did You Know see uy intervals and a few showers| In the main Dining Room of valid until ALWAYS GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER HOTEL LANCASTER i are Mrs presi_ ent, secretary- from left, wid | Seated, from left, | Edward Steinfield, | and Jack Bowgps, | treasurer. Standing, nesday agreed to appeal to the . | Fansdiay Nations) Raivays 9 WAS ES BEPORY ote. - » p its coach repair shop in| 3 \ } s Many Civic Leaders To Be Guests London. The shop is scheduled to United States defence depart- close July 1. A tentative meeting/ment said Wednesday it had His Worship Mayor Lyman A. ark Seventh-day Adventis leaders represent- iment | also be present on this | |also expected that a representa- tive from the international head- | A half-hour organ recital, be |ginning at 2:30 p.m., will pre cede the service of consecration s Parish | Which will get under way at 3 p.m. Professor Arni Asgeirsson, RUMMAGE sale, St. Andrew's Church|of Oshawa Missionary College, F! will preside at the organ. The TANNERY Ladies Auxiliary Bingo choir will be directed by Ralph at the Avalon, Thursday, 8 p.m. 6 jack-| Coupland and the youth choir pots _|under Mrs. A. Young. OBITUARIES Church, Friday, 1.30 p.m FUNERAL OF ERNEST HAWKE ORONO---The funeral Hawke CHILDREN'S dog training classes, 4 sponsored by Oshawa Obedience Asso- ciation, 10.30 a.m. Saturday, April 23, CRA Hall, 100 Gibb Street. Ages 9 to 12 years, 25 cents a week. For inform. ation eall Brooklin, OLiver 5-4871. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM. at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 ANN"S PANTRY ON WED., MAY 18 2:30 P.M. $t. George's Anglican Church Come, bring your friends Tea 25¢ SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING Northminister Church, West Door. Open Every Friday, 1 pm. BINGO AT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner of Bloor and Simcoe 20 games $6 cnd $8, five $40 jackpots, Friday, April 22, 8 p.m, will be sought with CNR officials | never heard of a revolutionary in Montreal April 27 or 28. |anti-missile radar device said to be under development in Britain, HUGE PROGRAM A London newspaper claimed NEW YORK (AP)--A five-year that the device could explode the medical, research and teaching | H-bomb warhead of a rocket war against cancer, expected to|injssile while it was still over the cost more than $126,000,000, was country which fired it, and it said announced Wednesday night by the United States was showing the Memorial Sloan - Kettering|-'eager interest' in the develop- Cancer Centre of New York ment. DIE BY THOUSANDS SAVE CARNEGIE HALL 5 VALPARAISO, Ind. (AP)--Un-| npw YORK (AP)--New York Pi counted thousands of dead Fl Md RR a Ney as. Church, tory birds were washed up Wed-|g,,; once that Carnegie Hall, re- 5 wa nesday on the south shore of | vently slated for demolition by, Rev. N. T. Holmes, ini Lake Michigan, disclosing what| mercial owners, will be pre- Harmony United Church an amateur ornithologist called| vod for concerts--under mu- President of the Oshawa "a natural disaster." Simo Segal, |; ial ownership. The board of|terial Association, is slated member of the South Bend Audu-|.otimate approved in principle|convey the greetings of the born Society, said the migrating]. acquisition of the structure. ligious community at the birds evidently were caught over | £ {marking the consecration of the the lake in a violent wind and SUGGESTS SUIT new rch. hail storm. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) Other civic y |Attorney General Macdonald ing led sik SALT PROGRAM o-lesition recommended Wednesday 0 gove Music appreciation telecasts for (that members of the Alabama Wy ®. & children introduced by the CBC board of education file a multi- Cas al Ww a f 4 ¢ wil | million-dollar libel suit against pletion of a $350,000 project. fis year as aj experimen oi the New York Times. He dis-| Denominational leaders from pe discontinued next year, CBC At : : cr nds) heed producer Alan Peers said Wed-| closed findings of a study of legal the provincial and national hea I- mesday. The programs have not |implications of a full-page adver- quarters of the church will par- received the favorable reaction |tisement, highly critical of Ala- ticipate in the hoped for. {bama, published {March 29. PLAN PROTEST MARCH | SPRINGHILL, NS. (CP-Yial lS RAZE CHORLEY _ lguariess of the women of this depressed coal TORONTO (CP) -- Mayor Na-|{wi Pp . gown plan a protest march to|than Phillips said today that, The church is reported to be Halifax April 28. They will seek Chorley Park, former home of|the largest Seventh-day new industry to prop up the Ontarios lleutenant . governors, iventist Church in Canada and towns economy--erippled by two|Will be demolished this year and|might well prove to be the larg- coal mine disasters since 1956, |not restored as a cultu®al centre. | est church building in Oshawa. Cost of minimum repairs to Chor-|Constructed of concrete, brick RESUME WORK ley Park has been estimated at|and laminated arches the build- TORONTO (CP)--Work om =&'$250,000. |ing is of eontemporary design and |provides seating facilities for more than 1000 people and class COMING EVENTS room space for several hundreds [of young people. EUCHRE -- Scout Hall corner of Gib- bons and Buena Vista, Friday, April 22, 8 p.m. 6 prizes, refreshments RUMMAGE Sale -- St. George" Hall, Centre Street, Tuesday 1:30. , April 22nd at 2 o'clock CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF CONSUMERS ANNUAL MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 25 8 PM E. A. LOVELL SCHOOL Speaker: Mrs. W. A, C. Shepherd, London, Provincial President of C.A.C. Subject: "Consumers Beware' BENEFIT BINGO at the Avalon Thursday, April 21st North Oshawa Park $6 and $10, seven $40 | jackpots. No children under | 16 allowed. | | of the {late Ernest |here Saturday from the Barlow Funeral Home. Mr. Hawke pas ed away in Bowmanville Memo ial Hospital" April 13 in his 90th |year after an illness lasting two months, He had resided for a iong time in Leskard. He is survived by his wife and cix sons, Clifford, Alfred, Ross, Wesley and Lloyd, of Toronto and Wilfred at home and four daughters, Mrs. Scott Wallace, {(Annie), and Mrs. R. Robertson, (Gertrude), both of Toronto; Mrs. |Fred Couch (Eva), of Newcas- ile and Mrs. Robertson (Noreen), of Ottawa. COST OF UNIFORMS PORT ALFRED, Que. (CP)-- Uniforms for the police and fire- {men of this Saguenay River point The Next Meeting of the SUNNYSIDE PARK ASSOCIATION will be held WEDNESDAY, April 27 at 7:30 p.m. at Sunnyside Park Club House. each by a local firm which sub {mitted the lowest of three bids Election of officers will be [Caps will be supplied for $6.50 held. Everybody welcome. |each ------------ NATURALLY ... We're price conscious at HOW ELSE COULD WE OFFER S0 MUCH FOR SO LITTLE Dream Homes from $15,950 up RISTOW & OLSEN, RA 5.516 DON HOWE, REALTOR RA 5.7732 HARRY MILLI RA 8 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC. RA 3.2265 . + + TODAY EN, REALTOR REALTORS -1679 5 Gifford will head the list of civic ; i : : officials who w il be oens when probably can pick holes in Wed- mature, it looks as if about 45 the newly constructed College/Desday night's ABC television's current night shows are headed on King street east, is Ninotchka. opened this Saturday afternoos. | minister of |? : : 4 p and fered with this viewer's enjoy Minis- : af : 4 « , to ited comedy. It is hard, if not im- Show, Be Our Guest, To Tell the re-|Possible, for a 1960 audience to Truth, Overland Trail, Sugarfoot rites ral and provincial levels and the commun- will mark the com- solemn services in The Times scheduled for this weekend. It is quarters of the Adventist Church d took place; |will be made at a cost of $79.50 Robert Pritchard, founder of | ~Oshawa Times Photo. T Rai o Canada CITY AND DISTRICT EIGHT GRASS FIRES Trucks from the Oshawa Fire Department were called to eight 'Ninotchka' Period Piece Hard To Understand [iez nice By CYNTHIA LOWRY [shows are already sold, in fact. answered five routine calls. NEW YORK (AP)--Garho fans/And if present programs plans pq HONOR HUMANTTARIANS | The John Howard Award for distinguished humanitarian serv- foday and Friday. Not much change in temperature. Winds|fthe GENOSHA HOTEL you con southerly 15 to 25 today and Fri-|§ nave a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95c.. celerating population will get a day light at night. shot in the arm Tuesday, May 3, Kirkland Lake, North Bay, with the arrival at Montreal of{Sudbury: Cloudy with a few the largest family to migrate to Canada in recent years. Fourteen members of the Sneek family--from Sybekarspal, Fries- land, in northern Holland--will step from a Royal Dutch (KLM) airliner to join a 15th member already in Canada. | Joannes A. Sneek, a farmer, |his wife, Neeltje, and their seven| > sons and five daughters, are be- lice will be presented to J. 5| 700s Ewin oy the family's [Edmison, QC, and Joseph Me-|aignin con, nig of St. Cath: infor tombs rE 3 Culley at the annual meeting of{, és inter-|tember are Markham M Squad, |... John 'Howard Society to be A JS bus iat ow in ou Mr. Lucky, Tightrope, Bourbon| ich § . Street Beat, The Kate Smith cd af Osgoode Hall Ma¥ 3. Whel.s employed as a machine opera- [zion kemund Davie rulton Wilt, hy W.S Tyler and Company [oe the speaker. His subject willly; ifeq 'lhe "The New Correctional Pro-| x 3 4 (gram" | The 15 members of this family | [top by two the family of Jo- {hannes and Lamberdina Mezen- berg, who arrived as immigrants from Holland earlier this month. The 13 Mezenbergs now are liv- ing in the Chatham district. Both Mr. Sneek and Mr. Mezen- berg are successful farmers and hope to buy or rent farms in Ontario. Most members of their families--both boys and girls-- are experienced farm workers. Mr. Sneek farmed in the West Friesland area for years. He is bringing $5,000 with him to Canada, the proceeds from the sale of his machinery and stock. MANY POSTCARDS MAILED IN US. Although there are three billion postcards mailed an- nually, they still constitute only 5 per cent of the total mail handled by the Post Office. If you are swamped by bills you can pick up month. ly rent checks by renting your vacant room through a Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial RA 3-3492 today to place your ad. 4 OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's ac- TV-RADIO COLUMN adaptation of the 1939 movie hit,|for the discard pile. Among the present stalwarts It of the/which have no spot open in Sep- great was not Greta memories Garbo that ment of the romantic, high-spir andy dashing swain. | Zsa Gabor added a proper note| Ghana Re of spice and sparkle as the other| woman. | | ABC, CBS and NBC TV net- | works are fairly well set on fall BRANDED BLADE AS TS BLADE ROASTS 45 ROASTS CROSS CUT SHORT RIB LAMB CHOPS . 65° FRESH SHANKLESS 5-6 LB. AVERAGE BACON BREAKFAST i" 49¢ ; CAULIFLOWER wv 29° worms 55° SHORT RIB ww. 95° SIRLOIN OR CHUMP FRESH SHOULDER PORK - 33° SNOW WHITE LARGE SIZE ORANGES BOYS ALWAYS NEED SOMETHING! Boys' Wash 'n Wear COTTON SLACKS Olive, antelope, Texas tan. Continental and regular styling 3.95 4.9% Boys' Hard Wearing WINDBREAKERS 6.95 8.95 Featuring olive and gold shades. b to 1Byedrs ..ovsvenvene: Boys' 1960 TEE SHIRTS NE Styled just like the men's. Small to extra large size Boys' Better Quality SPORT SHIRTS 810 18 youn sizes cvvvnrn.. eS 395 OHNSTON'S (OSHAWA) LTD. SINCE 1917 8 SIMCOE ST. NORTH »gard dedicated Communists as|Bronco, and People Are Funny. satire. Recommended tonight: STREETS CLOSED This carefree, pre-war attitude, Years Ago, CBS, 8-9:30 P.M. The following streets will be of the play. And the necessity for|tion of Ruth Gordon's play, with|jockin avenue closed from Bald- compressing a full-length motion|Sandra Church and Robert Pres-|win treet to Wilson road. When- also made Ninotchka's transition] Biography of a Cancer, CBS, be partially opened to permit irom stern commissar to sweet 19.11 p.m. -- Interview with Dr. movernent of local traffic. Ex- Her motive for changing seemed |qperation. {the closing of other streets. to have been that her lover fell - | BURNED BY FIRECRACKER Maria Schell in the title role V Ww t was lovely to look at and listen oters an Proskin, 1326 Cedar St., was burned by a firecracker thrown day. The cracker fell in the boy's shirt ACCRA, Ghana (Reuters)--Ac-|chest and shirt. The Oshawa Po lera and Northern Ghana Wednes-|lice Department investigated the Ghana becoming a republic with minister, as its president, unoffi- Port Dover Doctor G St di cial results showed. | oup u 1e5 |first part of the plebiscite, the P 11 ti I five constituencies of Accra and] PORT DOVER (CP) Dr. 0 u 0n ssue cies voted as follows: |widely-known Port Dover physi- Nkrumah for president: 56,339 cian, died Tuesday while visiting pointed by the federal govern-| Joseph Danquah for president: in Detroit. {ment and the province of Ontario|19,696 | Born in Peterborough, Dr. Wil- Great Lakes will begin hearings| Against republic: 20,365. {Brantford and at the University in London in June, it was an-| Joseph Danquah is leader off Western Ontario. | The group is headed by Pro- |for five years. | 3 The second stage of the pleb¥s-| fessor G. B. Langford of the de-| site. involving the Ashanti (Cen-| . Hinivaned 4 [tral University of Toronto. Prof. Ghana) regions, takes: place Sat-| Brantford Officer {man group appointed by the On- |tario department of energy re- | 3 | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- particularly in the Sarnia area. Sea Law Conference ei Nightingale of Brantford Meanwhile, the Ontario gov- Itario Welfare Officers Associa- eet today in Sarnia with mem- tion, Niagara district branch, at bers of the American committee] GENEVA (Reuters) -- The 83-| the annual conference here Wed- | nation sea law conference de-|nesday. | Prof. Langford said the meet- Rik 3 i ¥ ._|members include Mr. Nightin- preliminary discussions on pollu- meeting until next Tuesday In| sale; Don Cowan, Thorold ig | the Great Lakes. Saturday as agreed earlier. Port Colborne. . Regarding When Every Monday & Wednesday Afternoon at 1:15 p.m. Every Monday & i - very Monday & Wednesday Evening at 8:00 p.m. B - . eginning : MONDAY, APRIL 25th, 1960 ' } Where : ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM = YONE--Catholi i atholic or Non-Catholic who wishes to learn more about the Catholic Church. INSTRUCTOR: Rev. L. McGough--Phone RA 5-8444 The lectures are arranged for those who wish to learn more about the Questions and discussions are encouraged, and BOTH Catholic and Non- Catholics are invited to discuss any Religious question freely. There is no {figures of fup and subjects for almost made a period piece out|EST--Show of the month adapta-|joced for construction today: picture into a 50-minute TV show ton. ever possible these streets will girl in love extremely abrupt. Tcm Dooley, before and after his (treme heavy rains may result in lon his chair--hardly enough. A six-year-old boy, Brian to. Attractive Gig Young made a ublic »t him by an older boy Wednes- Pp burning his neck, |day voted heavily in favor of complaint. schedule plans now--most of the Kwame Nkrumah, now prime With voting complete in the Dies In Detroit eight northern region constituen-|Andrew E. Williamson, 55 TORONTO (CP)--A group ap- to study pollution problems in the| In favor of republic: 55989 |liamson received his education at |nounced Wednesday the opposition United party | He practiced in Grand Valley {partment of geological sciences, | Ghana) and Volta (Eastern | Langford also is head of a three- urday. . | Welfare President |sources to study water pollution, . . |was elected president of the On- ronment's group is scheduled toContinues Meetin on water pollution. p sonti New executive committee ling would be in the natue jcided Wednesday to continue the tion effects of off-shore drilling in Stead of ending it Friday or ship' and Dr. Kenneth Carroll, Time:1:15 8:00 'He p.m. or » p.m. ROOM 1, 194 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA AN For: \ History of the Catholic Church and its Doctrines, Beliefs and Ceremonies. charge or obligation

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