22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 21, 1960 MecIntyre-Porcupine moved ahead|western oils, off 70 cents at 5.19. nvestments Y at 25%. | Pacific Petroleum moved up % at : 110%. Denison saw the only chan h y ge Index losses: Industrials 3.86 at Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange |g, Market [55s = = fei fi sats Royalite took a beating among|oils 1.09 at 92.39. TORONTO 11 AM, SYOCKS Net MINES Net By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Orne Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock . Bales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge Toronto Stock Exchange--April 21 Frosst A 10 $14% 14% 14% Un Gas A pr 50 50% 50% -- % Net Lake Cin 500 82 82 83 --1 - (Quotations in cents unless marked §. $93 931 93% --1 20% 201 -- 4 SUK Zales High Low 11 a Ch'4y letinam Uw» t ower 31% -- ¥% | --0dd lot; xd -- Ex-dividend; xr--Ex- Va / EB vara ded; = jie fe Sh. SiC 3 au Acad Uran 500 7 7 Lorado wis 450 3 3 Goodyear pr 5 I 2 24% Anson Jo Sy EE ai COMI N 0 ! INDUSTRIALS GL Paper 38% 1 1 n A Arcadia 1500 a 43 42 Marcon 3000 9% 9% TORONTO (CP) -- Trading| 9 2% Base Metals 3000 13. 1 Martin 600 dropped lower Wednesday as in- Net Bidet 15 Swek Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 25 Asbestos Me 2% ian bod 4 Vekew 3000 vestors ignored the stock market, MecMar 1000 Volume was 1,352,000 shares com- Abitibi 425 3 38% -- W Imp Oil % 32 + % CD Sug 7 Imp Tob y C Paper z10 40 Bralorne 725 Mentor a » Din wt 1 2% = *s nd. Accep 0 $35% 35 4 Dupont 400 $24 24 Bulf Ank 5100 Merrill pared to Tuesday's 1,259,000. Served B 43 I Ac 450 pr 5 Dupont pr z10 Cadamet 500 Milliken 7 JS. F x A $91 Inglis 2 % 5% 5% Camp RL 100 § 1 Min-Ore U.S. Ford led the depression Bank Mont 303 50 50 Inland Gas 100 460 4 Cdn NW Moneta among industrials with a drop of Un ointed Bank NS 420 4 In Uiiites 0 : AP C Coeslat 3% a1 EL 20 3% at 67%. International Paper Bath Pow A 200 5% 41 $ ons ester y 1, r} Bath Pow B 9 h "Sy Alminex 200 24 Chrom 1 N Dicken 290 was off 1% at 105%. Canadian Bel' Phone 579 $443 4 448 215 Anchor Coin_Lake 3 Mylama 10 5! Vinegars gained 13% at 31. 5 , Bata 2000 4% 4% Key 0 Senator Falconbridge and Labrado Brazii 52 0 ! 3 0 , 2 tab : ; 298 Lakeland 20 2 Cal Ed 405 k Y Fe i . were off % at 30% among mines. insb G B pr 5 % 9 C Chieftn 1000 0! 0: < di 1 3 Ni a 88 88 3 Lob Co A $ Vy Cdn Dev 105 22 3 "on Howey 25! 2 255 oranda ee ET 4 ni § 8.4, ak THIZKEN we ROUGH 20 2 " $ 1 Lob Co B C Ex Gas C Husky 400 67% C Mosher 14 Norlartie OPYRIGHT 1937 BY BEVERLY OSBORN C Husky wis 200 00 < Northid y Normetal C Sup Oil 150 "on Su N Coldstrm " ' . Ri Crec_wis § 1380 Coprand 2 Nerthsp The World Dev-Pal 3125 Crestaur 9 9 9 Oka Rare s Most Famous Chick Dish 1 Duvex 2000 6 Deer Horn 26 5 50 5 p 5 5 Dynamic Denison M | 1 T 0 % 3 Q P V. Home Oil A Dome Y y 1 P Y ¥ | 2 C. Collieries 725 $93 1 4 k 3 Home on 8 aw i. Denajta 9 6 61 6 C Coll 7 5 $27 B oil uvan ronto 3 + C Dredge. 4 1 9% 1% 7% Medal 89 East Mal Rad ore ; FRIDAY ® Shoestring Potatoes ® Jug of Honey @ Hot Rolls Cdn Oil 4 4 20% 54 Midcon : East Sull ; Rayrock Every Bite a Tender Delight" D Fndry 35 4 a Shawin B pr Ranger H of Lakes 7 1 Tombill Bh 1 oh Eis», Ror | "Envoy" Restaurant. Dom Scot 5 $3 Simpsons is Ve Secur Free is nh ! Teane Res 522 RITSON RD. S. RA 5-8978 Dom Scot pr ' Southam uth ollinger - | | 97 I 1 Stores Va e 4 Sted 3 k¥ i 1 Hud Bay i 5 4 Ven 704 3 27 : . + We Dor fires . an Seaman Se Saw 74 ) A Int Nickel 108 83 ooo it Admission 1.00 v Ti Eddy 5 5 Tor-Dom Bk 3 y Ja i Iron Bay 850 29 Jacobus 700 0 oy 8 125 Fibre pr 5 Y T Fin A $ 343% > y Fleetwood 0 $1 0% 10% Tr Can PL 3 W Decalta 100 11 Joliet 1000 23 23 Wr Harg Ford Com 25 $155 5 Trans-Mt ol vy -- % Curb Keri Add 925 $21% 21% --r Fndtn 9.9 Trans PPL 25 $124 Dalhousie 1500 17% 17% 17% -- % Kilembe 1000 210 210 Sales to 11 a.m.: 251,000, 3 em OSHAWA'S $76,000,000 in sales revenues for| child, said they read about a new FAVORITE FUN f | | Gas Oil Fill the year ending March 31, 1956, Drug Bppeal Russian drug, called galanta-| sro \ had gradually sunk to $53,600,00 min, in a Toronto Italian-lan- for the fiscal year ending March guage newspaper. They asked |-- Mia 31, 1959. E the Soviet Embassy for help in | 2]:3)\"4 * | Treasury The fiscal year ending March Just ITor obtaining a supply of the drug to TO NI GC HT - ; | | | f CPR 5 1% 1 NCO -wts Elde 6 Rexspar | Chat-Gal 5 1 2 1 Okalta 0 128 12: 122 Fac Y Sherritt | Cor. Gas 4 4 Pac Pete 3 43 4 Siscoe 9 9 9 TO THE | Stanigh wits 0 7 Y | Creative Tel 100. 5% Russell s % 10% : 600 7: ; $ Crush Int 3 1X y Ya Ya ¥ 28 3 £ 5 0 3 rairi Giant YK 4 . 3 Sullivan D:st a 3 2 5 ) ' ) 1 € i Dem Yh 3 Provo Gas Gulch Temag inco ne r Gunnar 5 'Thom L 31, 1957, was second most pro-| 5 [treat their daughter, Sonia, who| ductive in revenues, bringing the OTTAWA (CP)--An Italian im- 'y suffering from muscular dys-| t Alberta government some $132,- migrant family's appeal to the trophy. er a 160,000. Russian government for a drug| Two Toronto hospitals told the 1:45 P M . " . to treat a seven-month-old girl|parents that no known treatment EDMONTON (CP) -- The Al-/BREAK-DOWN GIVEN suffering from an incurable vi could save the child. The parents |berta government has collected] A break-down of revenue fig-loase appears to be the result of|said they would permit the use STATION CBLT {almost $1,000,000,000 in revenue ures for the 12-year period shows, misunderstanding, a Russian|oi the Russian drug even if it [from oil and gas since the 1947|the following: Embassy official said Wednes-/has not been perfected. CHANNEL 6 Leduc discovery. In 1948-49, revenues were $13,- day. However, the Russian Embassy Deputy Provincial Treasurer| 089,000; in 1949-50, $33,604,000; in| Evano Stocco, 28, and his wife,|official said the drug is for the TCINEMASCOPE rE berth, BE EE BL EE hain) us niu oc" * OPE HE AR] mimes ary, 1960, total revenues were i shod) | 3 in i B00 Te! TWIN FIRST-RUN ACTION-MUSIC SHOW ! | His figures show the govern-| : ment received more than het 105 = is, a some $528,100,000 -- of this total] 1960, $134,041,000. from sales of crown leases dur-|29, | ; ling the 12-year period. The other "Figures show an annual reve FRANIOE HT CL a] 3 nue increase of some $121,000,000 j [tye general Teyemue BofTCes pid from 1948 to the latest figures AVALON TIMBERLAND' x | ; ; UN IN [AY] |alties and rentals, make u, e / (\ {| remaining $459,800,000. D [avaisnit for He ime ig Peseied ty WARNER BROS. TECHNICOLOR , c Rentals represented some $236 {ahuiated. of 4 assume LYLE BETTGER-NOAH BEERY / 3 INEMAS COPE cra : i |65¢,000 in revenues, royal BITMORE oe {| some $223,150,000. 24H] NOW PLAYING | 'STOCK MARKET | (CHILO fsIE : CL tt \0 SPECIAL PURPOSE A | i : "An ALLIED ARTISTS Picture | Mr. Stewart says these reve- [ nues are not earmarked for any| NET EARNINGS | |particular purpose, but are gen- By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hon. FREE Some les FOR THE K!'DS -- erally poured into capital works and reduction of provincial i Johns - Manville Corporation, 3| 4 A total of approximately $21, MOS. ended March 31: 1960, $4, lub Howard Green 000,000 was given to Albertans|652,000, 56 cents a share on 8.478.- Jo SECRETARY OF STATE SHOW STARTS AT 7.13 1G 065 outstanding common shares; | in two years in the form of oil 050. $4,646,000, 56 cents on $8. FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS ulin dug fbn royalties. Persons 21 years and w the tek gider asd luififing corisin res) Be ners) Inc., year The Rap ie CHILDREN under 12 . ificat: : ey | | HP) 2 " 1] 8 ) A dence aualifeat ons, were given) Aired LB ID © so, S353 900 INVITES YOU TO DANCE AT THE "The Nation's Business under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON 1957 and $10,000,000 in a $17.50 $2.30 a share; 1958, $266,453, $1.71. The Progressive Conservative Party : 158. DETROIT (AP) -- Ford Motor dividend in 1958. | 2 . [Co. today reported first- quarter | LI LE BUCKAROO ores or he fest 1 mont] caning of $145.10 01, wp more I record for the 12-year period, a tan [BUA Io te fm total of $134,000,000 in sales of Juarer © |were equivalent to $2.61 a share, PROFESSOR G. TOWNS crown leases, royalties and fees| , mpared with $134,800,000 or 'SHOT IN THE DARK' ee , A SABER Dairy Queen Ty TN turday, April 23 a ' Royal Jelly Tested RTT ov A As Cancer Cure PLAZAS ibid The "BERLIN BEARS" GUELPH, Ont. (CP)--Professor sign, although *'many poisons do YUL BRYNNER- Y KENDALL ill pl f i 1 = wi Gordon Townsend is working with|the same thing." play for your entertainment a colony of honey bees at the| «The jelly has not worked when| i ; : | Ontario Agricultural College hereliy has been injected into a|| | SHEE Hilarious 2 y | ® EVERYONE WELCOME eo trying to find a cure for cancer.imouse," he said. "No i ve 2a In || The 44-year-old scientist is ex-|been cured this way." The injec- 4 H 0 srimenting h royal jelly, a tions have not been tried on hu- Ga Technicolor v Thursday and Friday nly! secretion fed to queen mans. | by Jonny bees. He| His .research assistants are| ere is a link be ween the brother and sister immigrants] and a ) method of killing can- from Yugoslavia, Ivan Kukov ca, and Mrs. Mary Kress. The, tab in the dark, any-|; profe sssor -him:elf is only able to devote 20 per cent of his time in s i : experiments his research laboratory, tucked starring ee oh Sy away between the discreet lawns BRILLIANT VERSION OF THE BROADWAY HIT > den BETTY HUTTON on leukemia in mice, send has found that when can-|and trees at the college. Most of A -orous cell are removed from nis time is taken up with EEL aA a AAC ACACN 4 i HOWARD KEEL ne mouse and mixed with the lectures. do not spread when Prof. Townsend began his ex- € ferred to another mouse periments with royal jelly in 1939 this a promising when he was wo at the > Y side; fe: cunmidery Banting Institute in Toronto. Lyw ! Work stopped during the war oll 00 EST EMAC MANA GER jad began again only six yours GETS GRANTS Since then Prof. Townsend has 2 |been awarded grants totalling] "7 1$14,000 a year from the Ontario government and the department lof na ional health and welfare in 4 2 Ottawa Gi ; Ph : ) D is . Are om that 'sam be 5 tomel vo , ™, g elicious Banana Splits at these super duper sav- {to f'nd the missing medical link| i s i % ings! Offer good for limi i urry ?/that still eludes researchers the| / ; 7 5 0 ; 8 hed dus only, so b ! : world over. "lI must stress that we have ; not cuted cancer here," says ; {7 A 2 : ah oS a Sr. ; f BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE amiggrogitos Biogen » : : : Ys hopes Eri : - A : A A % é ¥ Sey Ra 'i GET THE SECOND ONE FOR Education Board bn | : Br: Send Delegation TORONTO (CP)--A delegation from Trenton Board of education | : fr Ld i was told by Education Minister i " flame- Robarts of Ontario Wednesday thrower! that he would do what he could * ADDED HIT o GEORGE B. LOVEDAY to help settle a dispute between RICHARD. WIDMARK on : M:G-M xem General Motors Acceptance Cor- the board and Trenton high 'THE LAST WAGON' 9 '17's A DOG'S LIFE' a. er your favorite sundaes, oration of Canada, Limited, has|school teachers. ; pora Based on the famed RICHARD HARDING malts, shakes and splits taste better oppointed George B. Loveday| The m'nister said he expected IN _TECHNICOLOR os manager of the GMAC branchito be able to make a statement CiINEMAScOPE Le x DAVIS story "The Bar Sinister"! made with Dairy Queen That's office. in Oshawa, it has been about the dis thi : po ht a Sp) LL ggg Poor O oS oe JE GHACS. AANA LEWES SMD GAN Years Dalry Oren fe served fradh 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. ated wit since | The board claimed it was pink CinemaScoPE . from the freezer at the very peak of (AT TAUNTON RD.) when he joined the Toronto listed by the Ontario Secondar; and COLOR oranch. In 1954 he was trans-|School Teachers' Federation fol fi 1 avor perfection! ferred to Montreal aos senior|lowing a dispute with high schoo! JERRY "VISIT TO A ' zredit supervisor and was ap-|Principal E. S. McIlwain, who re . pons ) ©1960 Dairy Queen National Devel t Co. 235 SIMCOE ST. S. pointed branch manager in King- (signed abouts a month ago to- DAY" LEWIS SMALL PLANET" ™ | § YT y ston, Ont., the following year. |gether with 11 of his staff of 27.| | a SON